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Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________


1 Rewrite these sentences using passive verb forms.

0 They show a new film every week.

A new film is shown every week.

1 The police haven’t found the missing child.

The missing child ................................................................................ .

2 They should nominate him for an Oscar.

He ................................................................................ .

3 I’d like people to remember my achievements.

I’d like my ................................................................................ .

4 He can’t stand it when people laugh at him.

He can’t stand ................................................................................ .

5 They’ll present the awards on Saturday.

The awards ................................................................................ .

6 They had to cancel the match because of rain.

The match ................................................................................ .

7 They were taking the tiger to the zoo when it escaped.

The tiger escaped when ................................................................................ .

8 My mum used to give me sweets if I was good.

I used ................................................................................ .

9 He’d love someone to give him a role in a film.

He dreams of ................................................................................ .

10 No British skier had been awarded a medal before.

He was the first ................................................................................ .

11 They’re showing the cup final live on TV.

The cup final ................................................................................ .

___/22 marks

face2face Upper Intermediate© Cambridge University Press 2013 (PHOTOCOPIABLE)

Page 1

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

Fill in the gaps with the correct active or passive form of the verbs in
brackets. There is sometimes more than one possible answer.

The History of Film

The first ever film (0) was made (make) in 1895 and the first commercially successful movie
(1) ........................................ (release) was The Great Train Robbery in 1903. The end of the age of silent
films (2) ........................................ (mark) by the success of the first ‘talkie’, The Jazz Singer, in 1927, and
the arrival of colour (3) ........................................ (add) to the popularity of the cinema. Between 1930 and
1945 the cinema industry in the USA (4) ........................................ (become) an entertainment factory which
(5) ........................................ (control) by Hollywood studios. But since the 1940s the most significant
advances in cinema (6) ........................................ (achieve) elsewhere. The British film industry
(7) ........................................ (expand) after the war, but fewer films (8) ........................................ (make) in
the UK today, mainly because the money that (9) ........................................ (need) to finance them can’t (10)
........................................ (find) easily. In the 1980s the home video recorder (11) ........................................
(invent) and many people (12) ........................................ (predict) the death of the cinema. For a few years
audiences (13) ........................................ (decrease) alarmingly and dozens of cinemas
(14) ........................................ (go) out of business, but recently more people (15) ........................................
(attract) back to the cinema. It (16) ........................................ (hope) that this growth will
(17) ........................................ (continue) and cinema can return to its golden age.

___/17 marks

3 Complete the sentences with these words/phrases.

such as like so (x2) so much so many as (x2) such

0 I love sci-films such as The Matrix.

1 That book has ......................... an exciting story.

2 I can see why ......................... people admire him.

3 The play was ......................... good I saw it twice.

4 Daniel Craig is amazing ......................... James Bond.

5 Why do some film stars make ......................... money?

6 He looked ......................... he’d run a marathon.

7 Let’s use this box ......................... a table.

8 It was ......................... good to meet you again.

___/8 marks

face2face Upper Intermediate © Cambridge University Press 2013 (PHOTOCOPIABLE)

Page 2

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

4 Put a ‘Y’ for the correct sentences. Change the incorrect ones.

0 This film is set on Istanbul.

This film is set in Istanbul.

0 I’m not aware of any problems.

1 I wish the train had been on time yesterday.
2 Can I borrow £10? I’ll pay you off tomorrow.

3 The play is based on a story by Kate Atkinson.

4 I wish he doesn’t leave his clothes on the floor!
5 It’s time we try a different restaurant.

6 This is the worst film I ever see in my life.

7 I’ve been trying to call you all day.
8 If only I would be ten years younger.
9 How long have you been having your car?

10 You’re breaking up. I can’t hear you.

11 My current account’s hardly ever on credit.

___/11 marks

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Page 3

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of have or get and the correct form of
5 the verb in brackets. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer. In
one gap, you don’t need have or get.

When I was a child, my family lived in an old house which always needed work, but we never (0) got anyone
to fix (fix) things. My dad liked doing everything himself, but he always (1) .............................. me and my
brothers .............................. (help). I hated it, so now I always try to (2) ..............................
things .............................. (do) by professionals who know what they’re doing! Anyway, my husband Bill and
I moved into this old cottage two months ago and we’ve already (3) .............................. a lot of
work .............................. (do). Last month we (4) .............................. the roof .............................. (repair)
and next week we’re (5) .............................. a new kitchen .............................. (put in). Unfortunately, the
boiler broke down this morning, so we haven’t got any hot water at the moment! It’s probably not possible to
(6) .............................. it .............................. (fix) so we need to (7) .............................. it ..............................
(replace) as soon as possible, which won’t be cheap. Then there’s all the decorating to be done. We were
thinking of (8) .............................. the house .............................. (decorate) professionally, but it would have
cost a fortune. I hate painting so I’ll try (9) .............................. my husband .............................. (do) that.
There’s the garden to sort out too, but I love gardening so we’re (10) .............................. (do) that ourselves.
Actually, I’m (11) .............................. some friends .............................. (come) and help, then we can have a
party afterwards to celebrate all our hard work!

___/22 marks

face2face Upper Intermediate © Cambridge University Press 2013 (PHOTOCOPIABLE)

Page 4

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

6 Underline the correct words.

0 There’s no / none milk in the fridge, I’m afraid.

1 I have two sisters and either of / both of them work as doctors.

2 Both dogs is / are taken for walks regularly.

3 I love food and I’ll eat all / anything.

4 I haven’t seen neither / either of my nieces for over a year.

5 Every house / houses in the street had a green door.

6 All of the teachers is / are women.

7 Each student get / gets a coursebook.

8 There were two different desserts and both of / both them tasted delicious.

9 All / Every member of the family was there.

10 She had six grandchildren and all of / each them went to university.

11 Every hat I try on is / are too small.

12 I haven’t got nothing / anything to do tomorrow.

13 Everyone love / loves my mother’s cooking.

14 None of / Neither of my parents smoke.

15 All of the / Every people in the room were shocked by what they heard.

___/15 marks

face2face Upper Intermediate © Cambridge University Press 2013 (PHOTOCOPIABLE)

Page 5

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

7 Put a ‘Y’ for the correct sentences. Change the incorrect ones.

0 The whole thing was as a bad dream.

The whole thing was like a bad dream.
0 I’ve been sitting here for over an hour.
1 It was such a boring film that I fell asleep.
2 My cat enjoys looked after by my neighbours.

3 We redesigned the garden ourselves.

4 I’d like to invest some money on property.
5 I wish he wouldn’t shout at me all the time.

6 You shouldn’t have tell him about it.

7 I like watching award ceremonies such the Oscars.
8 The meeting had to cancel because of a strike.
9 I’ve been saving up for a new computer.

10 I wish I don’t have to go back to college next week.


11 If only I went to bed earlier last night.


12 My aunt used to work like a nurse.

13 Have you read the critic of that new play in The Times?
14 What are you up to on Sunday?

___/14 marks

face2face Upper Intermediate © Cambridge University Press 2013 (PHOTOCOPIABLE)

Page 6

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________


8 Write these words connected to the cinema.

0 a short extract from a film or TV programme, which is used as an advert a trailer

1 a set of clothes worn by an actor in a film, play, TV drama, etc. a c.........................

2 all the actors in a film, play, TV programme, etc. the c.........................

3 the recorded music from a film which you can buy on CD a s.........................

4 a film that has the same story as one that was made earlier a r.........................

5 a type of journalist who gives his/her opinion about films, plays, etc. a c.........................

6 a film, book, etc. that continues the story of an earlier one a s.........................

7 when a film has a printed translation at the bottom of the screen s.........................

8 pieces of action in a film that are created on a computer s.........................


9 an article in a newspaper giving an opinion about a new film a r.........................

___/9 marks

9 Fill in the gaps with these adjectives.

memorable believable gripping predictable

moving overrated scary hilarious

0 I think that Titanic was a very memorable film.

1 Horror films are far too ......................... for me. I can’t get to sleep if I watch one.

2 A lot of people really admire Brad Pitt as an actor, but I think he’s ......................... .

3 That film was too ......................... . It was obvious that he would end up marrying her!

4 I found that book absolutely ......................... . I just couldn’t put it down.

5 I only like realistic films. I think the plot should always be ......................... .

6 That new comedy programme on TV is ......................... . We couldn’t stop laughing.

7 The final scene of the movie was so ......................... it made me cry.

___/7 marks

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Page 7

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

10 Fill in the gaps with these homonyms. Use each word twice.

point sense handle mind state case

0 You made a very good point at the meeting.

1 I don’t .................... answering some more questions.

2 Sarah’s got a bad .................... of food poisoning.

3 Which is the largest .................... in the USA?

4 That’s the most interesting .................... in the film.

5 I can’t open the door − the .................... is broken.

6 These instructions don’t make any .................... !

7 This book’s about how the human .................... works.

8 I just can’t .................... having lots of people to stay.

9 The poor man was in a terrible .................... .

10 She’s got a very good .................... of humour.

11 Please put the guitar back in its .................... .

___/11 marks

11 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of these verbs.

fix put in put up dry-clean replace service decorate

0 Mr Jones is going to fix the broken fence next week.

1 It’s about time we .............................. the kitchen. The walls are looking rather dirty.

2 We had the boiler .............................. last autumn. The old one was getting dangerous.

3 Dad .............................. some new shelves in the living room at the moment.

4 Stef’s very good with engines. He always .............................. his car himself.

5 My husband’s just finished .............................. a new burglar alarm.

6 That suit should .............................. as soon as possible. It’s too dirty to wear again.

___/12 marks

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Page 8

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

Fill in the gaps by combining two of the words in the box to make a
compound word.

draw day span break dream humoured down

attention self back powered down high wide
good obsessed spread hearted

0 The cost of the product is its only drawback.

1 My boss is off work. She’s recovering from a nervous ............................................. .

2 I get my most creative ideas when I stare out of the window and ............................................. .

3 It’s better for Tom to stay at home and look after the baby because Anne has such
a ............................................. job.

4 She’s feeling a bit ............................................. because she didn’t get the job.

5 I think Simon’s new girlfriend is rather ............................................. . She spent the whole night talking
about herself!

6 Obesity is becoming more and more ............................................. . Governments need to take serious

7 Lucy’s mother is lovely. She’s incredibly friendly and ............................................. .

8 The children don’t have a long enough ............................................. for three-hour lessons.

___/16 marks

13 Write these words/phrases connected to views and behaviour.

0 it is right to do or say something fair

1 having an unfair or unreasonable dislike of someone or p....................

2 using rude and offensive words a....................

3 obeying rules which control your behaviour d....................

4 difficult to control u....................

5 when you believe someone is going to harm you t....................

6 based on facts rather than feelings or beliefs o....................

7 unfairly preferring one person or group of people over another b....................

8 fair and sensible r....................

9 feel angry and upset because you think something is unfair r....................

___/9 marks
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Page 9

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

Real World

14 Fill in the gaps in this conversation with these words/phrases.

on other time a miss a try don’t mind mind like feel up to

fancy easy feel up to (x2) the same about bothered

A: Have you got anything (0) on tonight?

B: No, I haven’t actually.

A: Do you (1) .............................. going out for a meal?

B: That’s a good idea. Where shall we go?

A: I thought we could give that new French restaurant (2) .............................. .

B: I’m (3) .............................. . Whatever you (4) .............................. .

A: Then afterwards I wouldn’t (5) .............................. going to a club. How (6) .............................. you?

B: I’m sorry, but I don’t (7) .............................. dancing tonight, I’m too tired. Some (8) ..............................
perhaps. By the way, what are you (9) .............................. on Saturday?

A: Nothing special. Why?

B: I was thinking of going to see Hamlet at the Playhouse.

A: I’d rather give that (10) .............................. if you don’t mind. We could go to the cinema instead.

B: OK, do you (11) .............................. like seeing an action film or a comedy?

A: I’m not (12) .............................. either way. It’s all (13) .............................. to me. But you prefer
comedies, don’t you?

B: I really (14) .............................. . It’s (15) .............................. you.

A: OK. Let’s decide at the weekend.

___/15 marks

face2face Upper Intermediate © Cambridge University Press 2013 (PHOTOCOPIABLE)

Page 10

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

15 Put the words in this conversation in the correct order.

0 A: Hi, Joe. / had / I’ve / brother / just / with / lunch / your .

I’ve just had lunch with your brother.
1 B: How was he? Did he look tired? The / that / about / is / works / him / hard / me / thing / he / that / too /
worries .
2 A: He looked fine, actually. What / about / his / is / I / enthusiasm / for / him / everything / admire .
3 B: That’s true. He’s always got some new interest or other. One / time / about / thing / that / can / the /
that / him / amazes / he / find / me / is .
4 A: I know.
B: What / me / that / my / about / answers / brother / is / emails / he / never / annoys / my .
5 A: Yes, that must be annoying. The / don’t / about / he / is / I / like / him / listen / thing / doesn’t / that /
properly .
6 B: You’re right, he doesn’t. I’ve noticed that too.
A: But you’re a good listener, aren’t you?
B: Sorry? What did you say?
A: Very funny! One / your / I / is / love / sense / you / humour / thing / of / about .

___/12 marks

Total: _________ / 200

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Page 11

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