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Name:_María José Osorio


Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________


Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the future continuous or
future perfect.

0 What will you be doing (do) at this time tomorrow evening?

1 By the end of next year he .will have completed....................................... (complete) his pilot’s training.

2 I hope that I ...will have retired..................................... (retire) long before I reach 70.

3 I certainly ...won’t working ...................... (not work) here in 10 years’ time!

4 I’m afraid that Roberta can’t see you on Friday morning. She ......will be traveling..................................
(travel) to a conference in the south of France then.

5 I .......won’t have finished................................. (not finish) decorating the house by the end of the week.

6 This time next week Christopher and Adela ....will be liying.................................... (lie) on a beach in

7 Do you think your cousins ....will have arrived ................................. (arrive) by the end of the week?

___/7 marks

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Page 1

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

2 Complete these reported statements, questions and requests.

0 ‘Have you got time for a coffee, Maria?’

He asked Maria if she had time for a coffee.

1 ‘Where did you put the scissors, John?’

She wanted to know .where John had put the
scissors....................................................................................................................... .

2 ‘Can you pick me up after work?’

Peter’s wife asked ..if he could pick her after
work...................................................................................................................... .

3 ‘You’ve already borrowed £50 off me, Val.’

He pointed out ..that Val had already borrowed £
50...................................................................................................................... .

4 ‘Could you take my suit to the dry-cleaner’s?’

I asked her if she could take my suit to the dry-cleaner’s........................................................... .

5 ‘When is he leaving?’
She wanted to know .when he was
leaving....................................................................................................................... .

6 ‘You must be home by ten o’clock.’

Bob told his son that he had to be home by ten
o’clock...................................................................................................................... .

7 ‘What have you been doing all morning?’

Jack asked her what she had been doing all the morning ................................. .

8 ‘Are we going to stay in a hotel?’

Sandra asked him .if they were going to stay in a
hotel....................................................................................................................... .

9 ‘I’m not going to call them until Sunday.’

Kevin explained that he was not going to call them until
Sunday.................................................................. .

10 ‘Will you fix my computer?’

Gillie asked Richard ....if he would fix her
computer.................................................................................................................... .

___/10 marks

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Page 2

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

3 Put a ‘Y’ for the correct sentences. Change the incorrect ones.

0 Everyone needs to do a living.

Everyone needs to make a living.
0 They’ve been living there for years.
1 I’ll be on the middle of a meeting at three.
.I’ll be in the middle of a meeting at three.................................................

2 One thing I love about Paul is his smile.


3 She’s the best headmaster I’ve ever met.


4 Everyone in my family love soap operas.


5 I’m having a new boiler put in next week.

...I’m having a new boiler put on next week..................................

6 Are you going to get someone help you?

..Are you going to get someone to help

7 I haven’t seen neither of those films.


8 I get my car service every year.


9 The plot was so far-fetched.


10 This tyre needs being changed.


11 I don’t feel up to going out tonight.

..Y ......................................................................................................................

12 What I like about this house it’s close to the park.

.... What I like about this house is that it’s close to the park.

13 I’ve got such a lot of things to do.


___/13 marks

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Page 3

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

Read this conversation. Underline the correct modal verbs and fill in the
gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

A: I’m so worried. James flew to Canada today and he hasn’t phoned.

B: It’s a long journey. He (0) must / can’t be (be) tired.

A: Or his plane (1) can’t / might ............might have crashed...................................... (crash).

B: Don’t be silly. That (2) must / can’t .....can’t have happened ............................................. (happen). It
would have been on the news.

A: Yes, you’re right. But why hasn’t he phoned?

B: What time is it in Canada now?
A: Er, about three in the morning, I think.
B: That’s it, then. He (3) can’t / must .........must be......................................... (be) asleep.

A: Yes, of course. I suppose he (4) can’t / might ..............might try.................................... (try) to text me
when he landed, but perhaps his phone doesn’t work over there.

B: Isn’t that James’s mobile on the floor?

A: Oh no! It (5) must / can’t ..............must have fallen.................................... (fall) out of his pocket when
we were having breakfast.

B: And look, there are seven text messages for him from someone called Bill.

A: Oh dear, that’s his boss. He (6) must / may ...........must try....................................... (try) to get hold of
James about something important.

B: Do you know why James has gone to Canada?

A: Er, he (7) might / can’t ............might be giving...................................... (give) a talk at a conference, but
I’m not sure.

B: Have you checked your computer? He (8) may / can’t ...........may have sent.......................................
(send) you an email.

A: Yes, that’s a good idea. I hadn’t thought of that.

___/16 marks

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Page 4

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

Fill in the gaps with the positive or negative forms of these verbs and the
correct form of the verb in brackets.

would need should would could

0 I don’t know whether he would have studied (study) harder in another school.

1 We ................didn’t need to go .................................. (go) to the airport because Gina’s boyfriend had
already picked her up.

2 He ....wouldn’t have bought ............................................. (buy) that house if he’d know that the roof

3 I know I was wrong. I .........should have done......................................... (do) what you told me, but I

4 We .......could have stayed........................................... (stay) longer at the party last night, but we
decided to leave early.

___/8 marks

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Page 5

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

6 Put a ‘Y’ for the correct sentences. Change the incorrect ones.

0 She managed passing her driving test.

She managed to pass her driving test.
0 I slept like a log last night.
1 He warned me to not talk to them.
.He warned me not to talk to

2 I’ll have finish by the time you get home.

...I’ll have finished by the time you get
home .....................................................................................................................

3 They finally persuaded Joe to help them.


4 We’re having our kitchen redesign next month.


5 At midday I’ll be driving to the hotel.


6 No one want to come to the cinema with me!

..No one wants to come ......................................................................................................................

7 They replaced the window themselves.


8 Peter denied not stealing my mobile.

..Peter denied stealing my
mobile ....................................................................................................................

9 I don’t want neither of my parents to come.


10 My brother was accused for shoplifting.


___/10 marks

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Page 6

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________


7 Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

0 My company exports tea to the UK.

1 What do you do .....for.......... a living?

2 We have a lot of work ......on......... this month.

3 I must stop chatting and get .....down.......... to work.

4 I’ve just gone ....into........... business with a friend.

5 Tim never relaxes − he’s always ......on......... the go.

6 It’s been a pleasure doing business ........with....... you.

7 Gabi’s been out ......of......... work for six months.

8 These toys have been imported .........from...... China.

9 Which project are you working .......on........ ?

10 They lost so much money they ended up going ....out........... of business.

___/10 marks

8 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of these words/phrases.

work work freelance go bankrupt set up make a loss take over

run a chain branch expand make a profit be made redundant

Daniela Roberts used to (0) work for a bank, but she (1) .........was made redudant............................... eight
years ago when the bank closed a number of (2) ........branches................................ around the country. Her
husband, Ian, was a photographer, but he was fed up with (3) ......working freelance.................................. for
lots of different newspapers. So they decided (4) to set up their own business – a pizza restaurant called
Daniela’s Pizza in their home town. The first year was very difficult and their company nearly (5) ....went
bankrupt.................................... , but after (6) .............making a loss........................... in the first year they
managed (7) make a profit ............................. in the next year. Soon the restaurant was so popular
that they felt it was time (8) expand............................. the business. Two years ago they (9) .....took
over................................... another restaurant, and now they (10) ...are..running a
chain................................... of restaurants all over the south of England.

___/20 marks

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Page 7

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

9 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Use these verbs.

promise remind advise offer deny accuse

suggest warn apologise threaten admit

0 ‘I’ll definitely pay you back, Tim.’

Wendy promised to pay Tim back.

1 ‘I didn’t break Erin’s mobile phone.’

He denied breaking Erin’s mobile phone................................................................................ .

2 ‘Why don’t we visit the art gallery?’

Fiona .suggested visiting the art gallery............................................................................... .

3 ‘You should do more exercise, Mr Lee.’

The doctor advised Mr Lee to do more exercise ................................................................................ .

4 ‘I’m sorry I was late for class.’

She apologised for being late for class................................................................................ .

5 ‘I’ll give you a lift to the station, Jo.’

Alan offered Jo a lift to the station................................................................................ .

6 ‘Don’t go into the park after dark, Tina.’

I .warned Tina not to go into the park after dark............................................................................... .

7 ‘I stole my cousin’s laptop.’

He admitted stealing his cousin’s laptop ................................................................................ .

8 ‘You’ve been lying to me, Molly.’

Frank .accused Molly lying to him............................................................................... .

9 ‘Don’t forget to get some milk, Kath.’

Richard .reminded Kath to get some milk............................................................................... .

10 ‘I’ll call the police if it happens again.’

Harry .threatened to call the police if it happens again.............................................................................. .

___/20 marks

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Page 8

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

10 Underline the correct words.

0 I did a course in advertising / adverts.

1 Can you draw me the company’s new logo / slogan?

2 How much do you want me to spend on the advertising budget / campaign?

3 I see that Jim Carrey’s new film is getting a lot of good advertising / publicity.

4 Excuse me, can I give you this leaflet / free sample to read?

5 We’re designing / launching the new range of children’s clothes on May 1st.

6 Fast food companies spend a lot of money on advertising / publicity.

7 Most slogans / logos are less than six words long.

___/7 marks

11 Write these colloquial words/phrases.

0 stupid or silly crazy

1 find somebody attractive f.ancy...................

2 a British pound a quid...................

3 go somewhere for a short time pop.................... into..................

4 relax chill................... out....................

5 worried and anxious stressed.................... out....................

6 fashionable trendy...................

7 do something wrong or badly mess.................. up...................

8 a friend a mate...................

9 throw something away chuck................... out....................

10 a toilet a loo....................

11 a man a guy...................

12 quite, but not extremely pretty....................

13 annoy or worry somebody bug...................

14 something that is annoying because it a hassle....................

causes problems or is difficult to do

___/14 marks

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Page 9

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

12 Complete the idioms in these sentences.

0 Thanks for the card. It really made my day.

1 I had no idea I was going to get promoted − it came completely ..........out......................... of

the .

2 My parents live in the ....middle............................... of ......nowhere............................. . It takes an hour

to drive to the nearest shop!

3 I love living in New York, but it’s a .........far.......................... cry ........from........................... the small
village where I grew up.

4 Sarah, I’ve lost my watch. Could you ......................keep............. an ............eye....................... out for it
when you’re tidying up?

5 I was so tired when I went to bed last night that I .........sleep.......................... like
a .................log.................. .

6 I’ve been working so hard recently. I’m going to the countryside for a week
to ...........recharge........................ my .........batterie.......................... .

7 That exam was a ......piece............................. of .........cake.......................... . I got every question right.

8 No, don’t worry, he was only ......pull............................. your ..........leg......................... . You shouldn’t
take him seriously.

9 That documentary on global warming certainly gave me

for ....thought............................... .

10 When everyone arrives, let’s play some party games to .........break.......................... the ...................the
ice................ .

___/20 marks

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Page 10

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

Fill in the gaps with these words/phrases. There may be more than one
possible answer.

in excess of give or take tons of or so -ish

tiny around roughly vast -odd far (+ -er)

0 My cousin’s company made profits in excess of £100,000 in their first year of business.

1 We’ll have ............tons of......................... food for the party so you don’t need to bring anything.

2 It takes twenty minutes to drive to my house, ........roughly................................ a minute or two.

3 Let’s leave the house ........give or take................................ eight in the morning.

4 They said the book would get here in a day ........or so................................ .

5 The house looks great. There was only a ........tiny................................ bit of work to be done.

6 Shall we invite people round for seven .....-ish................................ or is that too early?

7 They ate a .........vast............................... amount of food!

8 She thinks it’s ...........around............................. three days of work but it’s difficult to be sure.

9 That job took ......far.................................. than I expected.

10 There must have been forty ....-odd.................................... teenagers at my son’s party. It was crazy.

___/10 marks


Listen to five people talking about things they like doing at the
14 weekend. Match speakers 1−5 to the activities. Use each number 3
once only. There is one extra activity which you don’t need to use.

1 Speaker 1 ..5 relaxing with the Sunday papers

2 Speaker 2 ...3 doing some DIY

3 Speaker 3 .2.. doing some gardening

4 Speaker 4 .4.. preparing a meal for friends

5 Speaker 5 ... watching sport on TV

.1.. doing routine jobs at home

___/10 marks

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Page 11

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

Listen to a radio interview with Karen Thomas, a sports therapist.

15 4
Underline the correct answers.

1 Recent research has shown that the number of sports injuries has …

a) gone down. b) stayed the same. c) gone up.

2 Karen says that more people over 30 are taking up exercise because they …
a) want to join a sports club. b) want to lose weight. c) have serious health problems.

3 Karen thinks people are more likely to get injured if they …

a) have just started exercising. b) have been exercising for c) hire a personal trainer.

4 Most of the people she sees have physical problems because they …
a) go running. b) need to lose weight. c) don’t exercise at all.

5 Karen advises people who want new sports shoes to …

a) buy fashionable trainers. b) go to a shop with well- c) get the most expensive pair they
trained staff. can afford.

6 She thinks the best exercise for people who haven’t done any before is …

a) walking. b) going to the gym. c) jogging.

___/12 marks

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Page 12

Class:_______________________ Date:_____________________

Real World

16 Fill in the gaps in this conversation with these words/phrases.

got an idea worth a try we could do makes sense

sounds like go over I wonder if know such
should avoid I’d rather right in thinking about what you’re saying

A: What are we going to do about the presentation?

B: I’ve (0) got an idea. How (1) ....about.................................... asking Jack?
A: Personally, (2) ......I’d rather.................................. we didn’t ask him. He wasn’t very impressive last time.
B: (3) .....I wonder if................................... it’d be a good idea to ask Sally.
A: Yes, that’s (4) ......worth a try .................................. . She knows the market and she’s very keen.
B: One thing (5) .we could do....................................... is ask George to help her.
A: I’m not sure that’s (6) .....such................................... a good idea. They’re, um, not exactly friends, are
B: So (7) .....what you’re saying................................... is that they don’t get on very well.
A: Exactly.
B: OK, so maybe we (8) .......should avoid................................. asking them to work together.
A: I (9) .........know............................... ! Why don’t you give her a hand, Pat? You’re really good at
presentations and you know the audience.
B: OK, if you like. Am I (10) ...........right in thinking............................. that the presentation is only half an
A: Yes, and it’s just before lunch.
B: Yes, that (11) ...makes sens..................................... . So, can we just (12) ..............go
over.......................... the conference plans again? A: That (13) .........sounds like............................. a good

___/13 marks

Total: _________ / 200

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Page 13

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