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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI- DAVAO
Maco North
Name: ___________________________Year & Section: ___________________Score: ________

A. Multiple Choice. Direction: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that best describes
the statement. Write your answer in the space before the number.

_____1. The median of a given data set is also the ______.

A. first quartile C. second quartile
B. seventh decile D. None of the above.
_____2. What measure divides the distribution into ten equal parts?
A. Median B. quartile C. decile D. percentile
_____3. The first quartile of the data set is equal to the ______.
A. 5th decile C. 50th percentile
B. 25th percentile D. 75th percentile
_____4. What is the median of the scores 6, 8, 11, 25, 15, 10, 2, 8, 16?
A. 2 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10
_____5. Using Tukey’s Method, what is the first quartile of the following set of values:
12, 15, 22, 23, 34, 8, 19, 17,18
A. 12 B. 12.5 C. 13.5 D. 15
_____6. From the given data set in item #5, which number is greater than the third
A. 18 B. 19 C. 22 D. 23
_____7. In the 2019 National Career Achievement Examination (NCAE), Aileen’s score in
the Mathematics Ability Test is at 90th percentile. What does this mean?
A. Aileen’s score is 90 points.
B. Aileen scored higher than 89% of the examinees.
C. Aileen is the 90th in position among all the examinees.
D. Aileen scored higher than the other 90% of the examinees.
_____8.Based on the 2018 Family Income Survey in the Philippines on the average annual income of families
per region (arranged in ascending order),
the third quartile is 308 thousand. What does it mean if the average annual income of families in the Cordillera
Administrative Region (CAR) is 354 thousand?
A. Families in CAR have the highest average annual income among the 17 regions.
B. Families in CAR earn an average annual income that is higher than at least 13 regions.
C. Families in CAR earn an average annual income that is higher than at most 13 regions.
D. Families in CAR earn an average annual income that is less than at least 13 regions.
______9. Among the list of top ten countries with the fastest internet speed (arranged in ascending
order), Taiwan’s internet speed 85.02 Mbps is the ninth decile.
What does this mean?
A. Taiwan has the fastest internet speed.
B. Another country has the fastest internet speed.
C. Taiwan has the slowest internet speed among the ten countries.
D. Taiwan’s internet speed surpassed only one country’s internet speed.
______10. Among the list of selected forty-five countries (arranged in ascending order), UK’s social
media usage penetration which is 66% is the fifth decile.
United States’ 70% social media penetration is the sixth decile. The Philippines has 67% social
media usage penetration. What does this mean?
A. the Philippines’ percent of social media penetration is higher than 22 counties.
B. the Philippines’ percent of social media penetration is higher than at least 22 countries.
C. the Philippines’ percent of social media penetration is higher than 23 counties.
D. the Philippines’ percent of social media penetration is higher than at least 23 counties.
______11. Which measure divides the data set or distribution into one hundred equal parts?
A. Median B. Quartile C. Decile D. Percentile
______12. The second quartile of the data set is equal to the ______.
A. Fourth decile C. 50th percentile
B. 25th percentile D. 75th percentile
______13. Using Tukey’s method, what is the first quartile for the following set of scores? 9, 11, 8, 9, 9,
14, 6, 5, 3, 16
A. 5 B. 5.5 C. 6 D. 7
______14. From the given data set in item#3, using Mendenhall and Sincich Method, what is the first
A. 5 B. 5.5 C. 6 D. 6.5
______15. Which of the following measures where exactly 25% of the distribution or data set are below
A. First Quartile C. Third Quartile
B. Second Decile D. Seventh Decile

For items 16 to 20, refer to the following set of scores obtained by the students in a
Mathematics test. 45, 50, 23, 34, 67, 81, 45, 11, 99, 86, 78, 17, 45, 34, 87, 56, 45
______16. What is the 𝐷1 in the distribution?
A. 11 B. 17 C. 23 D. 34
______17. How many scores are higher than the 𝐷3?
A. 5 B. 8 C. 11 D. 12
______18. How many scores are lower than the 𝐷7?
A. 5 B. 6 C. 11 D. 12
______19. What is the 𝑃36 in the distribution?
A. 34 B. 45 C. 50 D. 56
______20. How many scores are lower than the 𝑃60?
A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13

For items 21 to 24, refer to the table below.

Countries with the Highest Number of Covid-19 Cases as of July 30, 2020
Country Total Corona Virus Cases
South Africa 471,123
Brazil 2,555,518
Iran 298,909
Russia 620,333
United States 4,567,750
Mexico 261,457
Peru 395,005
Italy 246,488
Spain 327,690
United Kingdom 301,455
India 1,021,611
Pakistan 276,288
Chile 349,800
Colombia 267,385
Saudi Arabia 270,831
_______21. What is the Upper Quartile or third quartile of the data?
A. 261,457 B. 471,123 C. 620,333 D. 1,021,611
______22. What is the fifth decile of the data?
A. 261,457 B. 327,690 C. 395,005 D. 471,123
______ 23. What is the 80th percentile of the data?
A. 471,123 B. 620,333 C. 1,021,611 D. 2,555,518
______24. Which country has a higher number of Covid-19 cases compared to the country in the 40th
A. Iran C. United Kingdom
B. Pakistan D. Spain
______25. In the 2019 National Career Achievement Examination (NCAE), Esmeralda’s score in the
Mathematics Ability Test is at 99th percentile rank.
What does this mean?
A. Esmeralda scored the highest. B. Esmeralda’s score is 99 points.
C. Esmeralda is the 99th in position among all the examinees. D. Esmeralda scored higher than the
other 99% of the examinees.

______26. Which of the following describes the term ‘frequency’?

A. It indicates the chance of occurrence of a data in a distribution.
B. It tells how many times a particular data occurs in the whole distribution.
C. It is the sum of the frequencies from the bottom up to the frequency of a certain category.
D. It is the sum of the frequencies from the top down to the frequency of a certain category.
______27. Which of the following illustrates a frequency?
A. Salary increase.
B. Rate of interest of an investment.
C. Number of students enrolled in a statistics class.
D. Areas of specialization for sophomore students.
______28. It was reported that two schools have equal reading performance since they have equal number
of learners who are independent readers in oral reading,
silent reading and listening comprehension. Which of the following can justify if the report is valid or not?
A. The report is valid since the two schools have equal number of learners who are independent
B. The report is only valid if the number of independent readers in each school is at least 1,000
C. The report is invalid because the basis of comparison is frequency and not the percentage of
independent readers.
D. The report is invalid since the exact numbers of independent readers from the two schools are
not mentioned in the report.
_______29. Which of the following levels of measurement has a “true zero” value?
A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio
_______30. Which of the following levels of measurement can assign a quantitative value in each observation
with no natural order?
A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio
_______31. Which of the following is a CORRECT statement about measures of position?
A. 50% is equivalent to the mean.
B. 25% is equivalent to the 1st quartile.
C. 95% is equivalent to the 95th percentile.
D. 75th percentile means 75% of the data are below it.
_______32. John’s percentile rank in the General Scholastic subtest in the NCAE is 85th. What does this
A. There are 85% of the examinees who scored lower than John in the General Scholastic subtest.
B. There are 84% of the examinees who scored lower than John in the General Scholastic subtest.
C. John answered 85% of the items in the General Scholastic subtest correctly.
D. John answered 84% of the items in the General Scholastic subtest correctly.
_______33. It is recorded in your health card that your height falls in the 90th percentile among the Grade
10 learners. What does it mean?
A. You are taller than 90 Grade 10 learners.
B. You are taller than 89 Grade 10 learners.
C. You are taller than 90% of the Grade 10 learners.
D. You are taller than 89% of the Grade 10 learners.
_______34. Which of the following does not describe a Descriptive Research?
A. It can answer the question “what?”
B. It can answer the question “when?”
C. It can answer the question “how?”
D. It can answer the question “why?”
_______35. Which of the following is an example of a research problem under descriptive research?
A. Why do the Grade 10 Learners in Bail National High School procrastinate?
B. What is the level of academic procrastination of the Grade 10 Learners in Bail National High
C. Is there a significant difference between the academic procrastination of male and female Grade
10 learners in Bail National High School?
D. Is there a significant correlation between the academic procrastination and quality of outputs
submitted by the Grade 10 learners in Bail National High School?

_______36. Which of the following is a function of Descriptive Research?

A. States the demographic profile of the Grade 10 students in a Regional Science High School.
B. Determines the significant difference between observed and expected frequencies.
C. Identifies the correlates of academic performance.
D. Predicts the occurrence of a phenomenon.
For items 37-39, refer to the sample Results and Discussion in the box. The table that follows summarizes the
depression severity of the Grade 10 learners.
Total Score Frequency Percentage Depression Severity
1-4 10 19.23 minimal
5-9 15 28.85 mild
10-14 4 7.69 moderate
15-19 19 36.54 severe
20-27 4 7.69 severe
Total 52 100.00
The table shows that 19.23% of the learners are suffering from minimal depression, 28.85% from mild
depression, 7.69% from moderate depression, 36.54% from moderately severe depression and 7.69% from
severe depression. Based from the results there are 51.92% of the Grade 10 learners who are suffering from
at least moderate depression. This result is alarming since according to dNet (n.d) when M diagnosed with at
least moderate depression, he/she is advised to seek medical attention and take medicines to prevent feeling
depressed. If appropriate intervention is not made, learners suffering from moderate depression can cause
problems at home or at work and even affect their social life. While learners suffering from moderately severe
or severe depression are more life threatening (Signs and Symptoms of Mild, Moderate, and Severe
Depression, n.d.). People with major or severe depression is recommended to consult with a professional like
a doctor to avoid dangerous scenarios just like suicide. Also, once a person has this issue, it is advisable to
take action to avoid symptoms that may harm the person or even other people. There are numerous causes of
depression. May it be family problems, abuse, or happenings from the past, and even personality. However, a
common cause is due to stress. The Filipinos may be known for their avid happy faces and smiles, but the
second most stressed-out country is the Philippines in 2018 (Cabico, G., April 26, 2019). Students also suffer
from stress. According to Dy, M.,, academics and workload turned out as top stressors of college.

______37. Which of the following is not a result of the research study?

A. 0% Grade 10 learners are suffering from depression.
B. 28.85% Grade 10 learners are suffering from mild depression.
C. 7.69% Grade 10 learners are suffering from severe depression.
D. 36.54% Grade 10 learners are suffering from moderately severe depression.
______38. Based from the results, which of the following is the conclusion?
A. No Grade 10 learners is suffering from depression.
B. Majority of the Grade 10 learners are suffering from mild depression.
C. Majority of the Grade 10 learners are suffering from moderate depression or moderately severe
depression or severe depression.
D. Majority of the Grade 10 learners are not suffering from alarming type of depression.
______39. From the results, which of the following could be a recommendation for the school?
A. Since no Grade 10 learner is suffering from depression, then the school would continue doing
their practices concerning students.
B. Since most of the Grade 10 leaners are suffering from mild depression, then the school can
introduce programs to prevent these from increasing
their depression severity.
C. Since most of the Grade 10 learners are suffering from at least moderate depression severity then
the school should identify who are these learners and
personally advise them to seek for professional help. In addition, the school should introduce
programs for the learners to lessen their depression severity.
D. Since most of the Grade learners are suffering from severe depression severity then they should
be advised to stop going to school to have time to seek for
professional help.
______40. Which of the following is NOT a reason for citing references in writing a research manuscript?
A. It gives proper credit to the writers or other researchers for borrowing their ideas used in the
B. It is a compilation of references you visited when you finished your research manuscript.
C. It allows readers to locate your reference in cases they want to learn more about the topic.
D. It helps build credibility of the researcher.

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