Gnostic Lent Final

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Samael Aun Weor

Now the devotee of the path will understand

the esoteric meaning of Lent.
The real Lent is not before the Master’s crucifixion
but after his crucifixion.
Yet the Catholic Church and other Neo-Catholic,
Protestant, Adventist, etc., sects
have lost the tradition of all this.
Samael Aun Weor
After the resurrection of our Crestos, the initiate has to descend to the submerged worlds of
the secret enemy.

It is said that after the resurrection, Christ had to descend to the infernos in order to take from
there the souls of our first fathers: Abraham, Jacob, etc. This is a living symbol of what the
initiate has to live after his resurrection.

It is regrettable that the Lutheran Bible has suppressed these biblical passages from the
original text, and there is no doubt that this is due to the same ignorance of the Protestant
sects. Although the Protestants claim that Luther made his translation from the authentic
Greek original, this is not so because Martin Luther did not know Greek.

The original Greek texts of the Holy Scriptures are only possessed today by us Gnostics, within
our holy Gnostic Church. The Bible is the sacred book of the Gnostics, and only the Gnostics
can understand it.

The Lutheran Bible is based on the works of St. Jerome, which are intentionally defective, for
St. Jerome, according to the orders he received from Pope Damasus, had to direct things
according to the interests of Roman Catholicism. St. Jerome was the true author of the Latin

Thus, before the ascension, Christ appeared to his disciples several times. When he appeared
to the holy women, Christ said to them, “Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my
Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father;
and to my God, and your God.” (John 20:17)
The Seven Words

The Philosopher’s Stone is the Intimate Christ,

Horus, Divine Spirit, always covered
with a wonderful metallic sheath.
Gnostic Liturgy

During this sacred Lent, the Initiate, not being a demon, is surrounded by demons. That is why
when Mary Magdalene wanted to touch the Master, exclaiming, “Rabboni, Rabboni!”; the
Christ told her, “Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren,
and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.”
(John 20:17)

So, Christ told Mary Magdalene, “Touch me not” because the astral body of the Master was
surrounded by demons.
Mary Magdalene dearly loved the divine Rabbi of Galilee and when, while leaning against a
wall, she heard the terrible word, "Tibo, Tibo, Tibo!" which condemned the Christ to undergo
the event of Golgotha, she was filled with unspeakable terror.

The mission of the Christ is truly terrifying. The Lord placed on his shoulders the whole weight
of a very heavy cross.

It is the Christic power that redeems us; it is the blood of the Lamb that saves us from the
abysses of evil. The Doctrine of the Resurrection of the dead is the Doctrine of Christ.

During this Lent, the Initiate forever breaks those ties that moor the ship of his life to the port
of Aedon (affliction).

In this book we have spoken exclusively about the resurrection and ascension of our astral
body or Crestos mediator; it is the Doctrine of the Nazarene.

The Seven Words

I believe in the Son,

the Cosmic Chrestos,
the powerful astral mediation,
that links our physical personality
with supreme immanence
of the Solar Father.
Gnostic Liturgy
Regarding the “historical” resurrection, Master Samael tells us:

Upon the third day the Great Master Jesus arrived in his astral body before his holy
sepulcher. The esoteric tradition knows that the Master was accompanied by the
holy women (they also came in their astral bodies). The Master was also
accompanied by the Angels of Death, the Lords of Karma, the Lords of Cosmic
Movement, etc.
The Great Master invoked his physical body with a strong voice. That body,
animated by the Verb, penetrating within hyperspace, rose up immersing itself
completely within the astral plane. The sepulcher remained empty and the linens
cast aside.
In the astral plane the holy women treated Jesus’s body with medicines and
aromatic ointments.
Obeying supreme orders, the resurrected body penetrated within the soul of the
Master through the superior part of the sidereal head.
This was how the Master remained in possession of his body within the astral
plane. That body remained in a Jinn state.
The Master died but did not die. The sepulcher remained empty and the linens
cast aside. And the shroud that was upon his head was not placed with the linen
clothes but was wrapped up in a place by itself.
Jesus demonstrated the Resurrection of the Alchemist by presenting himself
before his disciples.
The Magnus Opus

… the Philosopher’s Stone is marvelous saline stone

with which lead can be transmuted into gold. With the
Philosopher’s Stone one has the elixir of longevity and
the key of perpetual motion. The Philosopher’s Stone
confers upon us universal medicine.
Gnostic Liturgy

Jesus’s resurrection is the center of gravity of historic Christianity, the special event that gives
this tradition such a particular characteristic. And the intimate or esoteric resurrection is the
center of gravity of Gnostic Christianity, given that with death the Intimate Christ kills death
for an eternity, and with the resurrection in the interior of the initiate, awakens him to
“eternal life,” that which can no longer be reached through transient nature and
Javier Casañ, Exodus, “The Mystical or Esoteric Resurrection”
In his book The Seven Words, Master Samael has described, step by step, the process of
Gnostic Lent, which represents the triumph of the Christ and the Philosopher’s Stone, and
which we symbolically and historically commemorate after Easter Sunday.

Let’s pray for forty days and forty nights for the triumph of the Christ in each of us on this dark
night we have each had to live through.

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