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Third Pakistan Prosperity Forum

Restructure. Reform. Growth

27th November 2023

9.30 am Registration & Arrival of Guests

Birgit Lamm
10.00 am Welcome Remarks Director, Friedrich Naumann
Foundation Pakistan Office
Ali Salman,
10.10 am Objectives & Overview
Executive Director PRIME
Shahid Hafeez Kardar
Keynote Address:
10.20 am Former Governor State Bank of
Prospects for Debt Relief
Rizwan Rawji
10.40 am PRIME’s Charter of Economy
Economist, Philanthropist
11.10 am Discussion & Closing Remarks by Chair Dr. Ikram ul Haq

11.30 am Tea Break

Public Sector Reforms, Privatization & Fawad Hasan Fawad,
12.00 pm
Economic Prosperity Federal Minister for Privatization
Dr. Nadia Tahir
12.30 pm Downsizing the Federal Government
Dr. Manzoor Ahmad, Pakistan’s
1.00 pm Discussion & Closing Remarks by Chair
former Ambassador to WTO
1.30 pm Lunch
Prosperity through Competition- Wahaj Siraj
2.30 pm
a case of information technology sector CEO Nayatel (Pvt) Ltd
Rediscovering and opening up Pakistan- Zehra Shallwani
2.45 pm
a case of tourism sector CEO Dastaan Tours (Pvt) Ltd
Syedah Huma Batool, Chairperson
3.00 pm Eco-system for a free & private enterprise
Alvir Airways (Pvt) Ltd.
Mohammed A. Rajpar,
3.15 pm Discussion & Closing Remarks by Chair Vice Chairman ICC & Chairman
PRIME Advisory Board
Imtiaz Rastgar
3.45 pm Concluding Remarks Industrialist and former CEO
Engineering Development Board
4:00 pm Reception & Forum Closure

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