Oronasal Suctioning Script

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Gently pass catheter into the nares with suction off by

leaving the vent open
19. Apply suction intermittently by putting thumb over the
A. PREPARATION control vent intermittently while moving the catheter
1. Good morning po, I am Rica Acunin, student nurse from Far around gently to aspirate mucus (not to exceed 15 seconds
Eastern University po. interval and allow 2 - 3 minutes rest periods).
2. For verification purposes po, please state your name po and 20. Withdraw catheter (suction on) with a rotating motion.
your birth date. 21. Suction sufficient water through catheter to clear tubing.
3. Today po I am going to perform your oronasal suctioning po 22. Rinse the catheter.
wherein I will insert a suction catheter po in your nostril and 23. Put catheter in a bottle with antiseptic solution.
mouth po to maintain patency of your airway po. 24. Change to another suction catheter for the mouth.
4. Now I will perform handwashing. 25. Attach catheter to suction tubing and turns suction machine
5. And assemble the materials such as suction machine, bottle on
with antiseptic solution, suction catheter, loves, bottle with 26. Put catheter tip in water to draw a small amount of water
sterile water, normal saline, and clean towel or paper drape. through it to lubricate the tip.
6. I will position patient accordingly. 27. Suction the sides of the mouth, cheeks, and under the
7. Drape the patient. tongue in the same manner as procedure # 19 and 20.
8. Check suction machine’s working condition. 28. Rinse the catheter
9. Adjust the pressure of the machine. 29. Put catheter in a bottle with antiseptic solution.
30. Turns suction equipment off.
10. Ma’am I will just clean your nares po. C. AFTER CARE
11. Pre-oxygenate client with 100 % oxygen for 1-2 min. 31. Put patient in a comfortable position.
12. Attach catheter to suction tubing (Pedia ch/Fr 6, 8, 10, 12; 32. Perform after care of all articles and equipment used.
Adult ch/Fr 14, 16 & 18).
13. Turn on suction machine.
14. Put on sterile gloves. D. DOCUMENTATION
15. Dip catheter tip in water to check and lubricate. 33. Documents the procedure and all nursing assessment:
16. Measure length of catheter to be inserted from the tip of a. Time suctioning was done.
the nose to the ear lobe to the thyroid cartilage. b. Note color, consistency and amount of secretions
17. Grasp catheter about 6 inches from the tip. suctioned.
c. Effect of the procedure to the patient.

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