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CELL-DYN Emerald System Service and Support Manual

Manual Revision Number


Front Matter Document Control Number


© 2007, 2010 Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL. All rights reserved.

Revision Log

The Revision Status of the manual is indicated below. Be sure the manual contains the latest revision number of all pages.

Click for Chapter 4 Removal and Replacement and Chapter 5 Verification Procedure Revision History

All other Revision History is located in the table below:

Revision Date Sections Revised/added TSBs Incorporated ISAs Incorporated

202661-105 November 2010 Revision 202661-105 Change Listing N/A N/A

202661-104 October 2009 Revision 202661-104 Change Listing N/A N/A

202661-103 December 2008 Revision 202661-103 Change Listing N/A N/A

202661-102 March 2008 Revision 202661-102 Change Listing N/A N/A

202661-101 November 2007 NEW N/A N/A

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-105) • © 2007, 2010 • CELL-DYN and CELL-DYN Emerald are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in
various jurisdictions. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA • All rights reserved.
Proprietary Information

(Document Control Number 204681-102)

The information, documents and related graphics published herein (the "Information") are the sole property of Abbott Laboratories.
Permission to use the Information is granted, provided that

the copyright notice appears on all copies;

use of the Information is for operation of ABBOTT products by Abbott trained personnel or informational use only;
the Information is not modified in any way; and
no graphics are used separate from accompanying text.


All samples (printouts, graphics, displays, screens, etc.) are for information and illustration purposes only and shall not be
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The information was developed to be used by Abbott Laboratories-trained personnel, by other persons knowledgeable or
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In no event shall Abbott Laboratories or its affiliates be liable for any damages or losses incurred in connection with or
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those persons knowledgeable or experienced with the operation and service of the product identified, under the supervision
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Updates to the Information may be provided in either paper or electronic format. Always refer to the latest documents for the
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All Abbott Laboratories product names and trademarks are owned by or licensed to Abbott Laboratories, its subsidiaries or affiliates.
No use of any Abbott trademark, trade name, trade dress, or product name may be made without the prior written authorization of
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CELL-DYN and CELL-DYN Emerald are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in various jurisdictions.
CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-105) • © 2007, 2010 • CELL-DYN and CELL-DYN Emerald are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in
various jurisdictions. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA • All rights reserved.
Revision 202661-102 Change Listing

This page lists the changes from 202661-101 to Revision 202661-102.

Section Sections
Numbers Revised/Added

Front Title Manual Revision Number; change to "202661-102"

Front Title Front Matter Document Control Number; change to "202662-102"

Front Rev Status Update publication date and Revision Status for 202661-102

Front Prop Info Change Control Number 204681-101.

Chap 4 Title Document Control Number, change to "202666-102"

Chap 4 Locator table Parts and RR names will be pulled directly from approved records in FRU.

Chap 4 All RR Parts and verification information will be pulled directly from approved records in FRU. A note
procedures dynamically sourced from FRU, "Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and
replace if necessary.", has been added at the beginning of the RR. An additional verification
procedure, G110, has been added as the final verification of each RR.

Chap 5 Sect title pg Change to "Document Control Number 202667-102".

Chap 5 All VPs Two notes dynamically sourced from FRU, "Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not
expired and replace if necessary." and "At the completion of this VP: After repair is complete, verify
per released Operation and Service Procedures. If the system/instrument produces results,
ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in specification and calibrate as necessary.", have been
added at the beginning of the procedure.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
Revision 202661-103 Change Listing

This page lists the changes from 202661-102 to Revision 202661-103.

Section Sections
Numbers Revised/Added

Front Title Manual Revision Number; change to 202661-103.

Front Matter Document Control Number; change to 202662-103.

Front Rev Status Update Revision Status for 202661-103.

Chap 1 General Data Document Control Number, change to 202663-102.

Added Radio Frequency Hazard.

Updated Fluidics Diagram graphic 3H_9005b.

Changed “Needle” to “Probe” global update in entire service manual.

Under User Access Menus deleted graphics 3H_6004, 3H_6005, and 3H_6006 and
replaced with 3H_6009.

Service Password changed SERVICE to MAINTENANCE as a Global update in entire

service manual.

Service Screen rearranged order of bullet points and deleted one bullet point.

Bar Code Reader, Pin Functions deleted a graphic 3H_1001 and replaced it with a table.

Chap 2 Troubleshooting Document Control Number, change to 202664-102.

Update Wiring Diagram – General View 3H_9003b.

Chap 5 Verification Updated Verification Procedure Table adding new VP.


CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-103) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
Revision 202661-104 Change Listing

This page lists the changes from 202661-103 to Revision 202661-104.

Section Numbers Revision

Front Title Manual Revision Number; change to 202661-104.

Front Matter Document Control Number; change to 202662-104.

Front Rev Status Update Revision Status for 202661-104.

Chap 1 General Data Document Control Number, change to 202663-103.

Update 3H_6009b..

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-104) • © 2007, 2009 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
Revision 202661-105 Change Listing

This page lists the changes from 202661-104 to Revision 202661-105.

Section Numbers Revision

Front Title Manual Revision Number; change to 202661-105.

Front Matter Document Control Number; change to 202662-105.

Front Proprietary Information Change Control Number 204681-102.

Updated trademark information.

Chap 1 General Data Document Control Number, change to 202663-104.

Updated dilution rate in Fluidics and added a graphic 3H_9023a.

Added new text to Counting Module area.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-105) • © 2007, 2010 • CELL-DYN and CELL-DYN Emerald are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in
various jurisdictions. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA • All rights reserved.
General Data

(Document Control Number 202663-104)

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-105) • © 2007, 2010 • CELL-DYN and CELL-DYN Emerald are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in
various jurisdictions. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA • All rights reserved.
How to Use This Manual


Biological Hazards
Chemical Hazards

Electrical Safety

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)



Physical Hazards

Safety Icons and Hazard Symbols

Before installing or maintaining the CELL-DYN Emerald, read the CELL-DYN Emerald System Operations Manual.


The purpose of this manual is to provide information useful for servicing the CELL-DYN Emerald system and is composed of the
following sections:

Section Topic

General Data This section contains a product overview, information on manual usage, accident prevention symbols, and
system specifications.

Troubleshooting This section contains reference and normal operation information for the system.

Removal & This section contains Removal & Replacement procedures which are indexed by number to the FRU (Field
Replacement Replaceable Unit) database.

Procedures This section contains configuration, adjustment, calibration, checks, and test procedures used to setup or
verify instrument operation. Procedures are also used to assist in troubleshooting.

Planned This section contains preventative maintenance (PM) recommendation checklists. These recommendations
Maintenance may be subject to change due to local business or regulatory needs.

Pre-Site This section includes the site specifications and a checklist that outlines the activities of the Field Service
Specification & Engineer/ Representative (FSE/FSR). An open action item summary is included in the checklist.

Installation This section outlines the activities required to install or relocate a system.


Operation, maintenance and servicing of CELL-DYN Emerald system may expose individuals to potential safety and health
hazards. All work must be performed in accordance with procedures described in the Abbott operations or service manuals. This
section describes the types and locations of potential hazards that could cause physical harm to service personnel. Warnings are
inserted throughout this manual to alert service personnel to potential hazards. Standard warning conventions including hazard
signal words (example, Danger) and symbols are described below.


Hazard signal word definitions are described below.


DANGER Denotes an immediate hazard which, if not avoided, could result in serious injury or death. This signal word
represents the highest level of any hazardous situation.

WARNING Denotes a hazard which could result in moderate to serious personal injury.

Caution Denotes potential hazards that could result in minor injury. Also used for conditions or activities that could interfere
with proper functioning or performance of the instrument.

Note Denotes operator or service information.

Safety Icons and Hazard Symbols

Safety hazard symbols are used in this manual and on instrument labels to identify potentially dangerous conditions or situations. In
this manual and on some instrument labels, text accompanies the safety symbol to describe the hazard, or symbols may be used
in lieu of text. For other instrument labels, the operator is to refer to the manual for specific information, or you must recognize the
symbols and understand the type and degree of potential hazard.

Symbol Hazard Description

WARNING Identifies the possibility of electrical shock if procedural or engineering controls are not
Electrical observed.

WARNING Identifies an activity or area where potentially infectious materials may be present. Follow
Potential procedures as outlined below in Biological Hazards Section.

Caution Identifies an activity or an area where hazardous chemicals are present. Refer to the Material
Chemical Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or package insert for specific safety information.

Caution Do not use mobile telephones, wireless telephones, mobile radios, or any other radio
Radio frequency (RF) transmitting devices in the same room as the instrument.

Caution Identifies an area where electrostatic discharge may be present. A ground strap must be worn
Electrostatic while servicing the system.

The labeling of CELL-DYN Emerald system reagents/calibrators/controls or liquid consumables may include one or more of the
following hazard symbols. The symbols and/or other country specific warnings are used to convey properties of the chemical or
chemical mixture, and to notify the user that precautions should be taken when handling the material. Always consult the specific
package insert or Material Safety Data Sheet for further information.

Hazard Symbol Definition / Description (with Standard Abbreviation)

Indicates that the material is Harmful (Xn) or Irritant (Xi).

Electrical Safety

The CELL-DYN Emerald system does not pose uncommon electrical hazards to operators if it is installed and operated without
alteration, and is connected to a power source that meets required specifications.

Basic electrical hazard awareness is essential to the safe operation of any system. Only qualified field service personnel should
perform electrical servicing. Elements of electrical safety include, but are not limited to the following:

Periodically inspect electrical cabling into and on the system for signs of wear and damage.
Turn the instrument OFF before disconnecting the power cord and before cleaning, servicing, or performing maintenance on
any electrical or internal component.
In the event of a blown fuse or thrown circuit breaker, determine the cause and correct the problem before attempting to
resume operation of the equipment. Replace only the fuses that are externally accessible and labeled. Only use replacement
fuses of the specified type and electrical rating.
Assure the power to the instrument is turned OFF. A high voltage charge may remain on the power supply with the power
OFF. Use an electrically insulated tool to disconnect the power supply and short (both male pins) to the instrument chassis.
Keep liquids away from all connectors of electrical or communication components. Unplug the instrument before clean-up of
major liquid spills. Clean spilled fluids immediately.
Do not touch any switches or outlets with wet hands.
Keep the floor dry and clean under and around the system.
Use only approved power cords and electrical accessories, such as those supplied with the instrument, to protect against
electric shock. Connect power cords only to properly grounded outlets.
It is recommended that a ground fault circuit interrupter be used when working in a wet environment.

Mechanical Hazards

The CELL-DYN Emerald system is an automated system that operates under computer control. As with most automated
equipment, there is potential for injury and bodily harm from moving mechanical components whenever the instrument is in
operation. The system minimizes mechanical hazards by providing guards to protect against accidental contact with moving
components, and encoding the software with safety features.
Operators of the CELL-DYN Emerald system are potentially exposed to moving mechanical components such as the syringe panel.
Use caution when performing any maintenance procedure on the syringe panel as moving parts can pinch.

Basic elements of mechanical equipment safety include but are not limited to:

Never bypass or override a safety device.

Keep all protective covers and barriers in place.
Never perform manual tasks on the work surface of the System.
Never allow any part of your body to enter a range of mechanical movement during System operation.
Do not wear articles of clothing or accessories that could catch on the System.
Keep pockets free of items that could fall into the System.
Be especially cautious when performing adjustment, maintenance, cleaning, or repair procedures.
Use caution when loading reagents.
In the event of an instrument malfunction or an unexpected sequence of movements, be aware that unexpected field service
personnel reflex actions could occur, causing injury.

Biological Hazards

The following activities may involve the presence of biological materials:

Handling samples, reagents, calibrators, and controls

Cleaning spills
Handling and disposing of waste
Moving the System
Performing maintenance procedures
Performing decontamination procedures
Performing component replacement procedures


Consider all clinical specimens, reagents, controls, and calibrators that contain human sourced material and instrument surfaces or
components that have come in contact with human sourced material as potentially infectious. No known test method can offer
complete assurance that products derived from human sourced material or instrument components exposed to human sourced
material will not transmit infection. Therefore, all products derived from human sourced materials and instrument components
exposed to human sourced material should be considered potentially infectious. It is recommended that all potentially infectious
materials be handled in accordance with the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Rule (29 CFR Part 1910.1030) or other equivalent
biosafety procedures.

Precautions include, but are not limited to the following:

Wear gloves, lab coats, and protective eye wear when handling human sourced material or contaminated instrument
Do not pipet by mouth.
Do not eat, drink, smoke, apply cosmetics, or handle contact lenses when handling human sourced material or contaminated
instrument components.
Clean spills of potentially infectious materials and contaminated instrument components with an appropriate tuberculocidal
disinfectant, such as 0.5% sodium hypochlorite or other suitable disinfectant.
Decontaminate and dispose of all specimens, reagents, and other potentially contaminated materials in accordance with
local, state, and federal regulations.

If you are exposed to biohazardous or potentially infectious materials you should seek medical attention immediately and take the
following steps to cleanse the affected area:

Eyes-rinse with water for 15 minutes.

Mouth-rinse with water.
Skin-wash the affected area with soap and water.
Puncture wound-allow to bleed freely. Wash the affected area with soap and water.

Probes, needles, aspiration probes are sharp and potentially contaminated with infectious materials. Avoid contact with the tips of
these parts.

Handling Spills

Clean spills in accordance with established biosafety practices. In general, safe work practices for cleaning spills include:

1. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment.

2. Absorb the spill with absorbent material.
3. Wipe the spill area with detergent solution.
4. Wipe the area with an appropriate tuberculocidal disinfectant such as a 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution.
5. Dispose of spilled and contaminated material in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations.

Instrument or Part Decontamination

Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (protective eye wear, gloves, lab coat) while performing decontamination
activities. Prior to service or maintenance, the instrument should be decontaminated in accordance with the following:

1. Remove and dispose of contaminated disposables in a regulated medical waste container.

2. Clean and decontaminate the exterior of the instrument using a detergent solution followed by a 0.5% sodium hypochlorite
solution or other tuberculocidal disinfectant. Flush the fluid pathway as specified in the CELL-DYN Emerald System
Operations Manual. For information on preparing the proper concentration of sodium hypochlorite solution, refer to Appendix
C in CELL-DYN Emerald Operator's Manual.

Under normal circumstances, printed circuit boards do not require decontamination. Field Replaceable Units (FRUs)
enclosed inside the skins of computer and peripheral equipment are not considered to be contaminated.
Decontamination may affect the performance of a printed circuit board or internal computer component.

Handling Waste

Dispose of all potentially infectious materials (clinical specimens, reagents, controls, calibrators, standards, cuvettes, liquid
consumables, and contaminated gloves, wipes, swabs, and other disposables that may be contaminated) in accordance with local,
state, and federal regulations.

Sharps, such as probes, needles, broken glass, slides and other sharps that are contaminated with potentially infectious
substances, should be placed in an appropriately labeled, puncture resistant and leak proof container before treatment and

Chemical Hazards

You may be exposed to hazardous chemicals when handling reagents, calibrators, controls, or liquid consumables. Exposure to
hazardous chemicals is minimized by following instructions provided in the assay-specific Package Inserts and Material Safety Data
Sheets (MSDS). Exposure levels are further reduced by the design features of the instrument when it is used properly.


In general, observe the following precautions when handling chemicals:

Consult Material Safety Data Sheets for safe use instructions and precautions.
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. If contact with material is anticipated, wear impervious gloves and protective eye wear and
Always maintain good housekeeping. Do not eat, drink, or store food and beverages in areas where chemicals are used.
If irritation or signs of toxicity occur after exposure, seek medical attention.

Hazard symbols that display on CELL-DYN Emerald system product labeling are accompanied by Risk (R) and Safety (S) numbers
and represent specific risk and safety phrases as defined by European Community Directives. The risk and safety phrases describe
precautions to be used when working with a particular chemical or chemical mixture. For all (R) and (S) numbers that display on
product labeling, refer to the corresponding phrases indicated in the Package Insert or similar document.

Physical Hazards

Sharps and Probes

The probe, vent needle, and aspiration probe are sharp and potentially contaminated with infectious materials. Avoid contact and
handle cautiously to prevent injury. Never reach into the instrument while it is in operation.

In general, use of sharps and glassware should be minimized. Use mechanical means to remove contaminated broken glassware.
Dispose of sharps in an appropriately marked, puncture-resistant, and leakproof container before treatment and disposal.

Heavy Objects

The waste container is heavy when full. Use care when handling the container to reduce the risk of injury.

The system is heavy and has unsupported sections of the shell. Ensure that you have adequate help before attempting to move the

Push only on solid sections of the housing; do not exert pressure on unsupported sections of the shell.

Use proper lifting techniques when moving the System.

Trip Hazard

The System is equipped with a power cord and various computer connectors. To avoid a tripping hazard, ensure cords in high
traffic areas are properly stowed.

Radio Frequency Hazard

Do not use mobile telephones, wireless telephones, mobile radios, or any other radio frequency (RF) transmitting devices in the
same room as the instrument.

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

Many of the electronic components on the System circuit boards are susceptible to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Static discharge
of as little as 100 - 200 volts can damage or destroy a component. To put that in perspective, depending on the floor covering,
relative humidity and other factors, walking across a floor generates between 250 - 35,000 electrostatic volts. Attempts to ground
oneself and remove the static charge by grasping the instrument chassis provides only momentary resolution.

Static Hazard

Static protective procedures are used during the manufacture of PC boards. Replacement PC board assemblies are also protected
by use of static protective packaging as well as boxed to prevent physical damage. Assemblies that have failed and are returned
for repair are also handled at the repair shop under static protection procedures.

Handling Guidelines - PC Subassemblies

These guidelines assure protection against failures created by static.

Retain spare PC board subassemblies in the static-protective bags.

Use an approved static-protective field service kit, or the ground strap shipped with the board, whenever a board is removed
from an instrument or protective bag.
Replace the defective PC board in the same protective bag to return for repair.

Continued use of the protective shipping boxes, both during shipping and storage, eliminates most failures caused by physical
ESD Procedure

Use where ESD symbol is present and static protective equipment is not shipped with replacement part.

1. Place the work mat on a solid surface close to the instrument, allow the ground strap to reach the instrument.
2. Attach the ground clip to the instrument chassis.
3. Attach the other end of the ground clip cable and the connector from the wrist strap to the work mat. (Exception: Some wrist
strap cables provide a clip to connect to the same ground source as the mat cable).
4. Attach wrist strap to your wrist, make sure the metallic button on the inside of the wrist strap is in direct contact with your
5. Place PC boards, removed from the instrument, on the work mat.
6. Replacement PC boards should be placed on the work mat before removing from the protective bag and remain on the mat
until installation.
7. Defective PC boards should be replaced in the static-protective bag before removal from the work mat area.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-103) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
Bar Code Reader

The CELL-DYN Emerald accepts any brand of bar code reader that conforms to the following specifications.

RS232 Specification

Pin Functions

On the Emerald side:

DB9 male:

Pin Description

(2) RXD Receives data from scanner to CELL-DYN Emerald (mandatory).

(3) TXD Transmitted data from CELL-DYN Emerald to scanner (optional).

(5) GND Signal ground (mandatory).

(7) CTS Clear to send (output).

(8) RTS Request to send (input).

(9) +5V

RS232 Settings

The bar code reader should be set to:

Baud Rate: 9600

Data: 8 bits
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1

Code Options

The CELL-DYN Emerald is able to read UPCA, EAN 13, EAN 128, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, Codabar, Industrial 20f5,
Interleaved 20f5, UPC E, Chinese Post, EAN 8, IATA, MARTRIX 20f5, ITALIAN Pharmaceutical, Telepen, and TRI Optic.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-103) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
Electrical System


The CELL-DYN Emerald consists of three electronic boards:

the main board

the preamplifier board
and the IHM board

In the case of replacement of the main board or preamplifier board, be aware of the sensitivity of this board to the
electrical static discharge (ESD).

Before operating check the earth connection and use the antistatic bag supply with the board.

Be careful with the edge of the metal sheets after having dismantled the covers.

Electric Parts View

CPU Board

The mono electronic board is located between the hydraulic part and the reagent tray.

The board, driven by a 32-bit processor, manages the following parts:

Sample needle, rocker, syringe block motors.

Display and keyboard.
Connection mode (RS232, Ethernet, ).
Measurement (Counting, hemoglobin measurement).
Data processing.
External barcode reader.

Pre-Amplifier Board and Cover

IHM Printed Circuit Board

Power Supply Assembly

CELL-DYN Emerald is supplied with an external power supply block.

If the main power wire supplied with the CELL-DYN Emerald is replaced, the new one must comply with the local
The CELL-DYN Emerald has been certified with the power supply box provided with the instrument. The use of another
external power supply box is not guaranteed.

Wiring Diagram

General View

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.

CELL-DYN Emerald is a fully automated analyzer performing hematological analysis on whole blood.

The human blood venous sample must be correctly homogenized before analysis. It is recommended to use a rotary agitator turning between 20 to
30 turns/mn during 10 minutes.

An insufficient volume of blood for the quantity of anticoagulant or poor mixing could produce an error.

Two dilution rates are performed:

1:38 for WBC/HB

1:15,000 for RBC/PLT

Fluidics Diagram
Fluidics Flow Sequence Description

          Sampling Sequence

1. Syringes down: (no valve)

Less than 9.80 µl of blood sample are drawn into the sampling probe

Diluent prime
Vacuum prime
2. Probe up and syringe up (valve 3 and 4). Probe outside cleaning with diluent and waste vacuum
3. Rocker move above the WBC counting chamber and the syringes up to drain the waste (valve 7)
4. Probe down to the rinsing position
5. Syringe down
WBC counting chamber drain (valve 1)
6. Syringe up
Second outside probe cleaning (valve 4)
Waste syringe drain (valve 7)
7. Syringe down
WBC counting chamber drain (valve 1)
8. Syringe up
Waste syringe drain (valve 7)

WBC Dilution

9. Probe down to the dilution position and the syringes down to prime the diluent (valve 8)
10. Syringe up for the WBC dilution (~2 mL)
Diluent outside of the probe (valve 4)
Diluent inside the probe (valve 4 and 5)
Bubble to mix the dilution (valve 1)

RBC Dilution and WBC Lysing

11. Syringe down (no valve)

Drawing sample of the first dilution (~20 µl)
Diluent prime
Vacuum prime
12. Probe up and syringe up
Rocker move above the RBC counting chamber
Probe outside cleaning with diluent and waste vacuum (valve 3 and 4)
13. Probe down to the rinsing position
14. Syringe up
Second outside probe cleaning (valve 4 and 8)
Lysis in the WBC counting chamber (0.30 to 0.50 mL) (valve 9)
Bubble to mix the dilution (valve 1)
15. Syringe down
RBC counting chamber drain (valve 2)
16. Probe down to the dilution position
17. Syringe up for the RBC dilution (~1.50 mL)
Waste syringe drain (valve 7)
Diluent outside of the probe (valve 4 and 8)
Diluent inside the probe (valve 5)
Bubble to mix the dilution and diluent to rinse the counting head (valve 6 and 10 and 2)


18. Syringe down to process the vacuum counting (valve 10)

19. First measurement sequences (valve 10)
20. Syringe up
Diluent back pressure (valve 4 and 6)
21. Syringe down to perform the vacuum counting (valve 10)
22. Second measurement sequences (valve 10)
Drain and Rinse Counting Chamber

23. Syringe down

Cleaning the apertures (valve 11)
WBC counting chamber drain (valve 1)
RBC counting chamber drain (valve 2)
24. Syringe up
RBC counting chamber rinse diluent (valve 4)
Waste syringe drain (valve 7)
25. Probe up and syringes up for back flush (valve 4 and 6)
26. Rocker move above the WBC counting chamber
27. Syringe up
WBC counting chamber rinse diluent (valve 4)
Waste syringe drain (valve 7)

Probe Back and Waste Drain

28. Syringe down

Dry the outside of the probe (valve 3)
29. Rocker move in the sampling position
30. Syringe up
Waste syringe drain (valve 7)
31. Probe down in sampling position
32. Ready for next sample.

Fluidics Components Description

The fluidics component is on the right side of the instrument and consists of three modules:

Sampling Module [1]

Rocker: Manages the rise and descent of the probe.
Syringe Module [2] (consists of one block)
Reagent syringes (diluent, lyse), sampling and air syringes.
Liquid valve manifold assembly and tubing.
Counting Module [3]
WBC and RBC counting chambers and hemoglobin measurement.
Liquid valve manifold assembly and tubing.

Fluidics Modules
Sampling Module [1]

This module facilitates drawing the sample and performing the WBC and RBC/PLT dilutions. It is assembled with a rotating rocker moving
around a support which allows the system to move up and down the sampling probe. A system of rack-gear moves the rocker. The cleaning
system of the sampling probe and the o-ring of the probe, included in the cleaning system can be removed without tools, making
maintenance of the module easy to perform.

Syringe Module [2]

This module:

draws the sample

distributes the reagents
drains the counting chambers
performs vacuum necessary for counting
and pushes the waste to the waste container.

It is made with a manifold maintaining the fluid commutation valves and with the syringes block including five syringes:

The sampling syringe

The lysis syringe
The two waste and vacuum/pressure syringes
And the diluent syringe.

Only one motor drives the five syringes.

The diluent input and the waste output are also included in this module.

Counting Module [3]

This module allows to count the WBC and RBC/PLT and to measure the HGB. It is made with a manifold maintaining the reagent commutation
valves and the counting block with their measurement block including the apertures.

WBC aperture size is 80µm

RBC aperture size is 50µm

Regarding PLT electrical background, the low threshold value on PLT is 306mV, below that, there are no counts.

Plt count is determined much like other CELL DYN instruments with impedance measurement; fixed at the beginning, floating at the end.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-105) • © 2007, 2010 • CELL-DYN and CELL-DYN Emerald are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in various jurisdictions. •
Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA • All rights reserved.
Instrument Alarms, Operational Alerts, and Data Flags

Refer to the CELL-DYN Emerald Operator's Manual, Principles of the Operation (Section 3).

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.

Refer to the CELL-DYN Emerald System Operations Manual for explanation of the software operation.

Emerald Analyzer USB Key Data Format

This section describes the use of a USB key for storing and writing automaton data.

Security Specifications

To avoid the exchange of private data between different analyzers via USB, such specific files contain the serial numbers of
analyzer and CRC. So, verification can be made before upload on data analyzer. The data could only be uploaded onto the right

Interface Specification

The file system type is FAT16. The file and folder names are limited to 8 characters +3 for the file extension. The content files are
ASCII and some fields are coded in UTFB: SID, PID, ID, Blood Type, operator, target name.

Root Folder

The USB key can contain data for multiple automaton. The limit is its capacity. At the root folder level of the USB key, a folder
contains all Emerald data type: AB18.

Automaton ID Folder

Each automaton data group is stored on the USB key inside a unique sub-folder: xxxxxx\yyyyyy = 12 digit Emerald serial number.
Inside this sub-folder, the data is private. An automaton can only access its own private and all common data. Private data
exchange between two automatons is impossible.

USB Key Folder Overview

The analyzer serial number is coded as xxxxxx-yyyyyy (MSB-LSB). The root folder (AB18) contains only Emerald type analyzer
data only, USB Key Structure shows the file structure of the USB key:

USB Key Structure

USB Key Data Files Overview

The USB key contains both PRIVATE and COMMON data.


Analyzer CRC
Folder File Name Contents Comments Format, unit
Read/Write Control

CALI 221OGb.CAL Calibration One file per calibration date Ascii + UTF- YES/NO NO
(calibration date report = 8 current unit
DDMMYY) calibration
+ target
+ results

LOGS LOG_ERRCSV Error + Service Two files Ascii YES/NO NO


QC CRXV6875QCN QC report = One file per QC target and level Ascii + UTF- YES/YES YES
(target name. level) target + results 8 STD unit

EQC ID.DAT ID file + EQC One sub folder per target. Ascii YES/NO NO
LOWQCDAT results One file per level + ID file ABBOTT

RESULTS 0047CSV Result analysis One sub folder per Year/month Ascii + UTF·8 YES/YES YES
(sequence number (YYYY-MM), One sub folder per day current unit
CSV) (DD), One file per result
Limited to 510 files
SETTINGS TECH.SET Private One file Ascii + UTF·8 YES/YES YES
reagents log

COMMON Data Inside ABl8 Folder

Analyzer CRC
Folder File Name Contents Comments Format, unit
Read/Write Control

LOTS MXC1234.QCN QC target values and One file per Ascii ABBOTT NO/YES NO
MXBC02174.QCL Calibration target target, limited to format STD
(target name.level) values 100 files (USA)
(target name.CAL)

SETTINGS USER.SET Common settinqs One file Ascii + UTF·8 YES/YES YES

UPDATE\VERSION V100-004.b (version Software release One file per binary NO/YES YES
release software software release
UPDATE\PRVDRV HP6122.LPT Printer drivers One file per binary NO/YES YES
(prn_name.port LPT or printer driver

Specific Technician Display

This section describes the software operations which are only accessible with the service password.

User Access Menus


Emerald Software Tree 3H_8100.PDF

Service Password

The service password is: AFSE.

It is strictly forbidden to disclose the password to the customer.

The service displays are accessible from MAIN SCREEN then MAINTENANCE then ABBOTT SERVICE.

Service Screen

The following activities are available in the service screen:

COUNTING PARAMETERS - adjustment of the counting parameters and lyse quantity. These adjustments are possible with
the Factory Access Level only.
APERTURE CURRENT OFF - test the aperture current.
SET GAINS - latex adjustment and HGB blank adjustment.
PARK SYRINGE - to park pistons prior to transport.
SET SERIAL NUMBER - enter analyzer serial number.
LOG. INTERVENTION - fill up the log accessible from the MAIN MENU.

Set Gains Screen

The following activities are available in the set gains screen:

BURN-IN - Not available: manufacturing parameters.

ADJUST HGB - adjust the HGB blank level.
WBC GAIN - adjust the WBC gain with the use of special latex particles.
RBC PLT GAIN - adjust the RBC and PLT gain with the use of special latex particles.
AUTO (check box) - when checked, adjustments are automatically performed.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-104) • © 2007, 2009 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.

(Document Control Number 202664-102)

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-103) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
Drawings and Schematics

Drawing/Schematic Name Link

Electronic Diagram 3H_9001.PDF

Fluidics Block Diagram 3H_9005.PDF

Wiring Diagram- General View 3H_9003.PDF

Wiring Diagram - Physical View 3H_9004.PDF

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.


Electronic Block Diagram
Preamplifier Board CPU Board
+5V +5V
+12V +12V
-12V -12V
Aperature Voltage
Out User Interface
CPU Display &
Gain Detectors ADC Keyboard
Amplifier Out

HGB LED Supply

+5V Interface & Level

Diluent TEMP OUT Syringe Block
Translation Logic
TEMP IN WBC Threshold

RBC Threshold Threshold

Threshold Comparators
Control WBC Pulse
PLT Low Threshold Needle
RBC Pulse Pulse Processing Processing & Block
PLT High Threshold +
- Logic Storage Memory
PLT Pulse
Reference Voltage

Motor &
+3.3V Communications
DC / DC Electrovalve
Power Perhipherals
Converters Drivers
Adapter +24VDC +12V
Rocker Block

Counting Block

Parallel Bar Code

Serial Port Ethernet USB USB
Port Reader

Wiring Diagram - General View
Fluidic Door Switch

2 Probe Optical Sensor

Stepper Motor Cable

Syringe 4
Syringe Valves Cable

Rocker Needle

SW 5
Syringe Optical Sensor

6 3 6
Stepper Motor Cable
Rocker Optical Sensor
50P Flex Cable
Stepper Motor Cable

Counting Valves Cable

11 7


RB Temperature Sensor 8

Start Key Switch 10

Counting Chambers 9
am -Phys

ingeEV Needl





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



10 8
T° Sensor
4 2 1 11 10 4 3


13 12 5 6

7 8




20 8 5
17 20
2 14

12 5 6

17 21 16

EV1 EV2 EV10 EV11

13 EV6 15 15 1
18 18 14 7



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A1.01 Sampling Module Version - 202666-102_4364_3

List/Part Numbers
List/Part Number Description
8701688101 Sampling module

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

A1.01 Sampling Module

Time Required 1 hr.

Adjustable Torque Driver

TORX T10 Tool

While performing this procedure, if you are exposed to reagents, calibrators or controls, the following statements
may apply:
Potential Biohazard
Chemical Hazard


Action Steps Reference

2. Power OFF the instrument and disconnect the power
3. Open the door on the right side of the instrument
(hydraulic area access).

Upper Cover
1. Loosen the three (3) screws securing the upper cover
to the front and back of the instrument and remove the
2. Remove the sampling probe.

1. Loosen (do not remove) the screw securing the
sampling module. [1]
2. Remove the screw securing the probe optical
sensor. [2]
3. Disconnect the two (2) tubes [4, 5] and cut the tie
wraps (as needed).
4. Loosen (do not remove) the two (2) guide screws. [3]
5. Slide the guide downward.
6. Remove the sampling module.


Action Steps Reference

1. Install the sampling module onto the guide.
There should be some space between the
module and guide to prevent the two from

2. Push the guide up to make contact with the sampling


3. Tighten the two (2) guide screws [3] to 125cNm


4. Connect the tubing [4, 5] and attach new tie wraps (as

5. Install the screw [2] securing the probe optical sensor.

Tighten screw to 80cNm (7.08lb-in).

6. Tighten the screw [1] To 15cNm (1.32lb-in) securing

the sampling module.
1. Install the sampling probe.
Install Upper
1. Install the upper cover to the front and back of the unit
using three (3) screws.

Power ON
1. Connect the instrument to the power supply and power
ON the instrument.

Verification Procedures
Order VP Description VP Detail / Note Expected Results
1 G23 - Initialization/ Startup Verify instrument initializes and/or starts up.
N/A G110 - After repair is complete, verify per
released Operation and Service Procedures. If
the system/instrument produces results,
ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in
specification and calibrate as necessary.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2010 • CELL-DYN and CELL-DYN Emerald are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in
various jurisdictions. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA • All rights reserved.
B1.01 Counting Module: Counting Chamber Version - 202666-102_4351_2

List/Part Numbers
List/Part Number Description
8701685902 Counting Chambers W/O aperture
8701685903 Counting Chambers W/O aperture

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

B1.01 Counting Module: Counting Chamber

Time Required 1 hr.

Standard Tool Kit

TORX T10 Tool

While performing this procedure, if you are exposed to reagents, calibrators or controls, the following statements
may apply:
Potential Biohazard
Chemical Hazard


Action Steps Reference

2. Power OFF the instrument and disconnect the power
3. Open the door on the right side of the instrument
(hydraulic area access).

1. Remove the screws and disconnect the GND cables
from the WBC and RBC counting heads. [1]
2. Remove the counting heads.

The right (RBC) counting head is labeled 5. The
left (WBC) counting head is labeled 8. They are
not interchangeable.

Move each counting head one quarter of a turn
counter clockwise (CCW) to remove it.

1. Disconnect the HGB, RBC, and WBC cables from the
Preamplifier Board (PAM). [3]
2. Remove the lyse tubing from the counting chamber. [4]
3. Pull gently on the clip, while pushing the top of the
counting chamber toward the inside of the instrument.
4. Raise the counting chamber and remove it. [2].


Action Steps Reference

1. Lower the counting chamber into position. [2]
Ensure that the counting chamber is fitted with a set
of O-rings. The O-rings should be greased before
installation onto the counting chamber.

2. Push on the top of the counting chamber, securing the clip

into the proper position. [1]
3. Connect the HGB, RBC, and WBC cables to the PAM. [3]
4. Connect the lyse tubing to the counting chamber. [4]

1. Install the counting heads.
The right (RBC) counting head is labeled 5. The left
(WBC) counting head is labeled 8. They are not

Move each counting head one quarter of a turn
clockwise (CW) to install it.

2. Connect the GND cables [1] to the WBC and RBC counting
heads and tighten the screws.

Power ON
1. Connect the power supply and power ON the instrument.

Verification Procedures
Order VP Description VP Detail / Note Expected Results
3 G6 - Calibration Verify calibration per operator's manual.
1 G23 - Initialization/ Startup Verify instrument initializes and/or starts up.
2 VP-03 Electronics Gain Adjustment
N/A G110 - After repair is complete, verify per
released Operation and Service Procedures. If
the system/instrument produces results,
ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in
specification and calibrate as necessary.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
B1.02 Counting Module: Counting Chamber O-Ring Version - 202666-102_4352_2

List/Part Numbers
List/Part Number Description
8701684601 O-ring DIA 13.1x1.6

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

B1.02 Counting Module: Counting Chamber O-Ring

Time Required 20 min.

Tools/Materials Standard Tool Kit

While performing this procedure, if you are exposed to reagents, calibrators or controls, the following statements
may apply:
Potential Biohazard
Chemical Hazard


Action Steps Reference

2. Power OFF the instrument and disconnect the power
3. Open the door on the right side of the instrument
(hydraulic area access).
4. Disconnect the HGB, RBC, and WBC cables from the
PAM. [2]
Counting Note
Chamber Do not use excessive force on clip or it will
1. Pull gently on the clip, while pushing the top of the
counting chamber toward the inside of the
instrument. [1]
2. Raise the counting chamber and remove it. [2]

Remove O-ring
1. Remove the O-ring [1] from the counting chamber

Action Steps Reference

Install O-ring
1. Apply a light film of grease on the O-ring [1] and install it
on the counting chamber.
Avoid damage to the O-ring by carefully placing the
O-ring on the counting chamber.

The O-rings should be replaced as a set to reduce
service calls.

1. Lower the counting module into position. [2]
2. Push gently on the top of the counting chamber to ensure
the clip secures the chamber in the proper position. [1]
3. Connect the HGB, RBC, and WBC cables to the PAM. [2]
Power ON
1. Connect the power supply and power ON the instrument.

Verification Procedures
Order VP Description VP Detail / Note Expected Results
1 G23 - Initialization/ Startup Verify instrument initializes and/or starts up.
2 G24 - Normal Operation Run three cycles/samples in open and/or
closed mode and verify normal operation, e.g.
binding, liquid leaks, etc.
N/A G110 - After repair is complete, verify per
released Operation and Service Procedures. If
the system/instrument produces results,
ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in
specification and calibrate as necessary.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
B1.03 Counting Module: Counting Heads Version - 202666-102_4353_2

List/Part Numbers
List/Part Number Description
8701687701 RBC Counting Head
8701689701 WBC Counting Head

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

B1.03 Counting Module: Counting Heads

Time Required 40 min.

Tools/Materials TORX T10 Tool

While performing this procedure, if you are exposed to reagents, calibrators or controls, the following statements
may apply:
Potential Biohazard
Chemical Hazard


Action Steps Reference

2. Power OFF the instrument and disconnect the power
3. Open the door on the right side of the instrument
(hydraulic area access).

1. Remove the screws and disconnect the GND cables
from the WBC and RBC counting heads. [1]
2. Remove the counting heads, tubing, and O-ring.

The right (RBC) counting head is labeled 5. The
left (WBC) counting head is labeled 8. They are
not interchangeable.
Move each counting head one quarter of a turn
counter clockwise (CCW) to remove it.


Action Steps Reference

1. Install an O-ring [2] onto the counting head and connect
the tubing.
2. Install the counting head into the counting chamber.

The right (RBC) counting head is labeled 5. The
left (WBC) counting head is labeled 8. They are
not interchangeable.

Move each counting head one quarter of a turn
clockwise (CW) to install it.

3. Connect the GND cable to the WBC or RBC counting

head and tighten the screw. [1]

Power ON
1. Connect the power supply and power ON the instrument.

Verification Procedures
Order VP Description VP Detail / Note Expected Results
4 G6 - Calibration Verify calibration per operator's manual.
1 G23 - Initialization/ Startup Verify instrument initializes and/or starts up.
2 G24 - Normal Operation Run three cycles/samples in open and/or
closed mode and verify normal operation, e.g.
binding, liquid leaks, etc.
3 VP-03 Electronics Gain Adjustment
N/A G110 - After repair is complete, verify per
released Operation and Service Procedures. If
the system/instrument produces results,
ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in
specification and calibrate as necessary.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
B1.04 Counting Module: Electrovalves Version - 202666-102_4354_4

List/Part Numbers
List/Part Number Description
8701686201 Electrovalve 2-2
8701686301 Electrovalve 3-2
8701692101 Solenoid screw (long) (10)
8701692201 Solenoid screw (short) (10)

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

B1.04 Counting Module - Electrovalves

Time Required 1.5 hr.

TORX T6 Tool
TORX T20 Tool

While performing this procedure, if you are exposed to reagents, calibrators or controls, the following statements
may apply:
Potential Biohazard
Chemical Hazard


Action Steps Reference

1. Drain the tubing.

Remove the diluent straw

Remove the cleaner [1] and lyse [2] straws
Perform PRIME ALL three (3) times (MAIN

2. Power OFF the instrument and disconnect the power

3. Remove the lyse and cleaner bottles.
4. Open the door on the right side of the instrument
(hydraulic area access).

1. Remove the counting chamber cable connections: [1]
WBC coaxial
RBC coaxial
Thermal captor

Loosen, do not remove, the screws that
secure the counting module.

2. Loosen the three (3) screws [2] securing the

counting module.

The third screw is located behind the overflow

3. Disconnect the GND cable for the HGB lyse tubing


This connection is located on the wall to the
left of the WBC chamber.

4. Cut the tie wraps and disconnect the tubing from the
counting manifold and counting chamber. [3]
5. Slide up and remove the module.
6. Disconnect the electrovalve cables.

1. Use a TORX T6 tool to remove the two (2) screws
securing the solenoid [3] to the electrovalve base. [2]
(Put the solenoid aside.)

Small washers are part of the solenoid. Take
care not to lose these washers, or drop them
into the instrument.

2. Use a TORX T6 tool to remove the two (2) screws

securing the electrovalve base [2] to the counting
manifold. [1] (Put the electrovalve base aside.)


Action Steps Reference

Install Counting
Module Note
Electrovalve The NC stamp on the electrovalve base [2] is
positioned to the left for all electrovalves mounted on
the counting manifold [1].

1. Separate the solenoid [3] from the electrovalve base.


Ensure that the O-rings are installed in the
electrovalve base [2] before performing the
next step.

2. Use a TORX T6 tool to secure the electrovalve base

[2] to the counting manifold [1] with two (2) screws
(45 cNm). (3.98 lb.-in)
3. Place the solenoid [3] on the electrovalve base. [2]
Use a TORX T6 tool to secure the solenoid with two
(2) screws (25 cNm). (2.21 lb.-in)

Install Counting
1. Connect the electrovalve cables.
2. Slide the counting module into position.
3. Connect the tubing to the counting manifold and the
counting chamber.
Take care with the tubing reconnection. If
necessary, cut the tubing 2-3 mm at the ends
or replace them.

4. Add new tie wraps, as needed, to secure the tubing.

5. Connect the GND cable for the HGB lyse tubing
This connection is located on the wall to the
left of the counting chamber.

6. Connect the counting chamber cables: [1]

WBC coaxial
RBC coaxial
Thermal Captor

7. Tighten the three (3) screws [2] to secure the

counting module.

The third screw is located behind the overflow

Prepare for
1. Return the instrument to the upright position.
2. Install the lyse and cleaner bottles.
3. Replace the diluent, lyse [2], and cleaner straws. [1]
4. Connect the instrument to the power supply and
power ON the instrument.
Verification Procedures
Order VP Description VP Detail / Note Expected Results
1 G19 - Prime Verify reagents prime. Check to ensure no
leaks and/or bubbles are prevalent in the line.
2 G24 - Normal Operation Run three cycles/samples in open and/or
closed mode and verify normal operation, e.g.
binding, liquid leaks, etc.
N/A G110 - After repair is complete, verify per
released Operation and Service Procedures. If
the system/instrument produces results,
ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in
specification and calibrate as necessary.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2009 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
C1.01 Syringe Module: Pistons, Seal Plate, O-rings Version - 202666-102_4355_3

List/Part Numbers
List/Part Number Description
8701689201 Piston DIA 22

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

C1.01 Syringe Module: Pistons, Seal Plate, O-rings

Time Required 1 hr.

Silicon Grease
Adjustable Torque Driver
TORX T10 Tool
TORX T20 Tool

While performing this procedure, if you are exposed to reagents, calibrators or controls, the following statements
may apply:
Potential Biohazard

Chemical Hazard


Action Steps Reference

1. Remove the lyse and cleaner bottles.
2. Drain the tubing:

Remove the diluent straw

Remove the cleaner [1] and lyse [2] straws

Perform PRIME ALL two (2) times with air.

1. Place the syringes in lubrication position. (MAIN MENU,

2. Power OFF the instrument and disconnect the power


3. Open the door on the right side of the instrument

(hydraulic area access).

Syringe Note
Manifold Do not remove the screws that secure the syringe
Assy module, only loosen them.

1. Use a TORX T10 tool to loosen the four (4) screws

securing the syringe module. [1]

2. Remove the screw securing the ground wire and move

the wire out of the way. [2]

Place absorbent material below syringes.

3. Gently pull the syringe manifold assembly forward to

release the syringes from the syringe motor holder
4. Pull the tubing off one of the waste ports to release the
vacuum, if needed.
5. Pulling downward, remove each of the five (5) syringes
and set them aside.
A significant amount of fluid will leak from the
manifold when the waste syringes are removed.
Make certain all liquid is removed before
proceeding to the next step.
1. Turn the instrument on its left side.

Remove Seal
Plate and O- Note
rings There is a sequence to removing the screws securing
the seal plate [4]. Not following this sequence will result
in damage to the assembly.

1. Using a TORX T10 tool, remove the screws, releasing

the pressure evenly across the plate, in the correct
2. Remove the seal plate. [1]
3. Remove the O-rings [2] from the seal plate.
There are two (2) small O-rings and a spacer for
the sample syringe.

Action Steps Reference

Install O-
1. Apply a light coating of silicon grease on the O-rings and
install the new O-rings [2] into the seal plate. [1]

1. Install the syringe pistons [1].

They must be inserted before significant torque is
applied to the screws

Seal Plate Note
There is a sequence to installing the screws securing the
seal plate. Not following this sequence will result in damage
to the assembly.

To avoid cross-threading the screw, slowly turn the screw
counterclockwise until you feel the screw drop into the
existing thread. Then turn the screw clockwise and tighten
to the appropriate torque.

1. Using a TORX T10 tool, tighten the screws in the correct

sequence, applying pressure evenly to secure the seal
plate [1] to the syringe body. [3] (80 cNm) (7.08 lb-in).

If installing a new syringe body, the torque spec is
100 cNm (8.85 lb-in).

A new syringe body does not have existing threads.
The threads are created when the screw is inserted.

1. Lower the syringe module into position.

1. Using a TORX T10 tool, tighten four (4) screws to secure
the syringe module. (45 cNm) (3.98 lb-in). [1]

2. Install the ground wire (100 cNm) (8.85 lb-in). [2]

1. Return the instrument to the upright position.
2. Install the lyse and cleaner bottles.

3. Replace the diluent, lyse [2], and cleaner straws. [1]

4. Connect the instrument to the power supply and power ON

the instrument.
Verification Procedures
Order VP Description VP Detail / Note Expected Results
1 G19 - Prime Verify reagents prime. Check to ensure no
leaks and/or bubbles are prevalent in the line.
2 G24 - Normal Operation Run three cycles/samples in open and/or
closed mode and verify normal operation, e.g.
binding, liquid leaks, etc.
N/A G110 - After repair is complete, verify per
released Operation and Service Procedures. If
the system/instrument produces results,
ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in
specification and calibrate as necessary.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2010 • CELL-DYN and CELL-DYN Emerald are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in
various jurisdictions. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA • All rights reserved.
C1.02 Syringe Module: Syringe Body Access Version - 202666-102_4357_2

List/Part Numbers
List/Part Number Description
8701688801 Syringe Body

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

C1.02 Syringe Module: Syringe Body Access

Time Required 1 hr.

Adjustable Torque Driver
TORX T10 Tool
TORX T20 Tool

While performing this procedure, if you are exposed to reagents, calibrators or controls, the following statements
may apply:
Potential Biohazard
Chemical Hazard


Action Steps Reference

1. Remove the lyse and cleaner bottles.

2. Drain the tubing:

Remove the diluent straw

Remove the cleaner [1] and lyse [2] straws

Perform PRIME ALL two (2) times (MAIN


3. Power OFF the instrument and disconnect the power


4. Open the door on the right side of the instrument

(hydraulic area access).

1. Turn the instrument on its left side.
Remove Syringe
1. Disconnect the syringe electrovalves cables. [5]

Do not remove the screws that secure the
syringe module, only loosen them.

2. Loosen the four (4) screws securing the syringe

module with a TORX T10 tool. [1]

3. Disconnect the waste and diluent tubing externally.


4. Cut the tie wraps securing the tubing routed to the

syringe module [4].

5. Remove the screw securing the ground wire and

move the wire out of the way. [2]

6. Disconnect the tubing routed to the syringe module.

7. Disconnect the temperature sensor.

8. Lift the syringe module out of the instrument.


Action Steps Reference

1. Lower the syringe module into the instrument.
2. Connect the tubing routed to the syringe module.

For snug connection, both tubing and fitting must
be clean and dry. If necessary, cut 2-4mm off of
the end of the tubing, or replace it.

3. Install the ground wire [2], tighten to 100 cNm (8.85 lb-in).
4. Dress the tubing and secure it to the syringe module with
tie wraps [4]

5. Connect the waste and diluent tubing externally. [3]

6. Using a TORX T10 tool, tighten four (4) screws to secure

the syringe module [1] to 45 cNm (3.98 lb-in).

7. Connect the electrovalve cables. [5]

Prepare for
1. Connect the temperature sensor.

2. Return the instrument to the upright position.

3. Install the lyse and cleaner bottles.

4. Install the diluent, lyse [2], and cleaner straws. [1]

5. Connect the instrument to the power supply and power

ON the instrument.

Verification Procedures
Order VP Description VP Detail / Note Expected Results
1 G19 - Prime Verify reagents prime. Check to ensure no
leaks and/or bubbles are prevalent in the line.
2 G24 - Normal Operation Run three cycles/samples in open and/or
closed mode and verify normal operation, e.g.
binding, liquid leaks, etc.
N/A G110 - After repair is complete, verify per
released Operation and Service Procedures. If
the system/instrument produces results,
ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in
specification and calibrate as necessary.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2010 • CELL-DYN and CELL-DYN Emerald are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in
various jurisdictions. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA • All rights reserved.
C1.03 Syringe Module: Electrovalves Version - 202666-102_4358_2

List/Part Numbers
List/Part Number Description
8701686201 Electrovalve 2-2
8701686301 Electrovalve 3-2
8701686401 Electrovalve 3-2 - 1.6mm
8701692101 Solenoid screw (long) (10)

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

C1.03 Syringe Module: Electrovalves

Time Required 2.5 hr.

TORX T6 Tool
Tools/Materials TORX T10 Tool
TORX T20 Tool

While performing this procedure, if you are exposed to reagents, calibrators or controls, the following statements
may apply:
Potential Biohazard
Chemical Hazard


Action Steps Reference

1. Drain the tubing:

Remove the diluent straw

Remove the cleaner [1] and lyse [2] straws
Perform PRIME ALL three (3) times (MAIN

2. Power OFF the instrument and disconnect the power

3. Remove the lyse and cleaner bottles.
4. Open the door on the right side of the instrument
(hydraulic area access).

1. Turn the instrument on its left side.
Syringe Module Note
Do not remove the screws that secure the syringe
module, only loosen them.

1. Disconnect the electrovalve cables. [5]

2. Loosen the four (4) screws [1] securing the syringe
module with a TORX T10 tool.
3. Remove the waste and diluent tubing externally. [3]
4. Cut the tie wraps securing the tubing routed to the
syringe module. [4]
5. Remove the screw [2] securing the ground wire and
move the wire out of the way.
6. Disconnect the tubing routed to the syringe module.
7. Disconnect the temperature sensor.
8. Lift the syringe module out of the instrument.

Syringe Module
1. Use a TORX T6 tool to remove the two (2) screws
securing the solenoid [3] to the electrovalve base. [2]
(Put the solenoid aside.)

Small washers are part of the electrovalve
assembly. Take care not to lose these
washers, or drop them into the instrument.

2. Use a TORX T6 tool to remove the two (2) screws

securing the electrovalve base [2] to the syringe
manifold. [1] (Put the electrovalve base aside.)


Action Steps Reference

Install Syringe
Module Note
Electrovalve The NC stamp on the electrovalve base [2] is
positioned to the right for all electrovalves mounted
on the syringe manifold [1].

1. Separate the solenoid [3] from the electrovalve base.


Ensure that the O-rings are installed in the
electrovalve base [2] before performing the
next step.

2. Use a TORX T6 tool to secure the electrovalve base

[2] to the syringe manifold [1] with two (2) screws (45
cNm). (3.98 lb-in)
3. Place the solenoid [3] on the electrovalve base. [2]
Use a TORX T6 tool to secure the solenoid with two
(2) screws (25 cNm). (2.21 lb-in)

Install Syringe
1. Lower the syringe module into the instrument.
2. Connect the tubing routed to the syringe module.

If a tubing does not fit snugly, cut 2 to 4mm
off of the ends of the tubing, or replace it.

3. Install the ground wire [2].

4. Dress the tubing and secure it to the syringe module
with tie wraps [4].
5. Connect the waste and diluent tubing externally. [3
6. Tighten four (4) screws to secure the syringe
module [1], using a TORX T10 tool.
7. Connect the electrovalve cables. [5]

Prepare for
1. Connect the temperature sensor.
2. Return the instrument to the upright position.
3. Install the lyse and cleaner bottles.
4. Install the diluent, lyse [2], and cleaner straws. [1]
5. Connect the instrument to the power supply and
power ON the instrument.

Verification Procedures
Order VP Description VP Detail / Note Expected Results
1 G19 - Prime Verify reagents prime. Check to ensure no
leaks and/or bubbles are prevalent in the line.
2 G24 - Normal Operation Run three cycles/samples in open and/or
closed mode and verify normal operation, e.g.
binding, liquid leaks, etc.
N/A G110 - After repair is complete, verify per
released Operation and Service Procedures. If
the system/instrument produces results,
ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in
specification and calibrate as necessary.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
D1.01 IHM Board Version - 202666-102_4359_2

List/Part Numbers
List/Part Number Description
8701687002 CD Emerald IHM Board
8701702401 CD Emerald IHM Board

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

D1.01 IHM Board

Time Required 30 min.

Standard Tool Kit

TORX T20 Tool

While performing this procedure, if you are exposed to reagents, calibrators or controls, the following statements
may apply:
Potential Biohazard

Chemical Hazard

Electrostatic Discharge


Action Steps Reference

1. Power OFF the instrument and disconnect the power

Open Right
Side Door
1. Open the door on the right side of the instrument
(hydraulic area access).

Upper Cover
1. Remove the three (3) screws securing the upper cover
to the front and back of the instrument and remove the

Remove Front
Panel Screws Note
Do not remove the screws, only loosen them.
1. Loosen the two (2) upper screws and the lower screw
which secure the front panel. [1]

Remove Front
1. Lift the front panel upward and then pull it toward the
front of the instrument.
Remove IHM
Board Caution
Carefully push on the upper and lower sides of the
connector. If the connector socket is damaged, the
entire IHM board must be replaced.

1. Remove the IHM board connector by pushing up on

the upper side of the connector, then push down on
the lower side of the connector.

2. Slowly pull the flat cable out of the connector socket.

3. Remove the screws securing the IHM board.

4. Remove the IHM board.


Action Steps Reference

Install IHM Board

1. Install the IHM board and secure.

2. Connect the IHM board connector.

Install Front Panel

1. Position the front panel on the instrument and secure it with three (3) screws (two upper
screws and one lower screw).

Install Upper
1. Install the upper cover to the front and back of the instrument and secure with three (3)

Close Right Side

1. Close the door on the right side of the instrument (hydraulic area access).

Power ON
1. Connect the instrument to the power supply and power ON the instrument.

Calibrate Touch
1. Calibrate LCD display touch screen. Refer to VP-05 Touch Screen Calibration.

Verification Procedures
Order VP Description VP Detail / Note Expected Results
1 G19 - Prime Verify reagents prime. Check to ensure no
leaks and/or bubbles are prevalent in the line.
3 G110 - After repair is complete, verify per
released Operation and Service Procedures. If
the system/instrument produces results,
ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in
specification and calibrate as necessary.
2 VP-05 Touch Screen Calibration
N/A G110 - After repair is complete, verify per
released Operation and Service Procedures. If
the system/instrument produces results,
ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in
specification and calibrate as necessary.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2012 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
D1.02 Emerald CPU Board Version - 202666-102_4360_4

List/Part Numbers
List/Part Number Description
8701686904 CD Emerald CPU Board
8701686905 CD Emerald CPU Board
8701686906 CD Emerald CPU Board
8701686907 CD Emerald CPU Board

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

D1.02 Emerald CPU Board

Time Required 1.5 hr.

Tools/Materials TORX T20 Tool

While performing this procedure, if you are exposed to reagents, calibrators or controls, the following statements
may apply:
Potential Biohazard

Chemical Hazard

Electrostatic Discharge


Action Steps Reference

Preparation CELL-DYN Emerald Operators' Manual, Section 5 –

Operating Instructions, USB Flash Drive (Thumb
1. If possible, print and/or save to USB drive the following
Event log
Reagent logs
Calibration, Quality Control files
Set Up per CELL-DYN Emerald Operators' Manual,
Section 5 – Operating Instructions, USB Flash
Drive (Thumb Drive).
2. Power OFF the instrument and disconnect the power

Open Right
Side Door
1. Open the door on the right side of the instrument
(hydraulic area access).

1. Remove the three (3) screws securing the upper cover to
the front and back of the instrument and remove the

IHM Cable Caution
Carefully push on the upper and lower sides of the
connector. If the connector socket is damaged, the entire
IHM board must be replaced.

1. Remove the IHM board connector by pushing up on the

upper side of the connector, then push down on the lower
side of the connector.

2. Slowly pull the flat cable out of the connector socket.

1. Remove the nine (9) connectors [1] on the top of the CPU

2. Remove the preamplifier board connections: [2]


WBC coaxial

RBC coaxial

Temperature Sensor

3. At the back of the instrument, remove the three (3)

screws [3] securing the CPU board.
CPU Board
1. Remove the two (2) screws [1] (on the flow panel)
securing the CPU board.

2. Lift the board and carefully disconnect the tubing from the
pressure sensor. [2]

3. Disconnect the IHM cable. [3]

4. Remove the board from the assembly.

Action Steps Reference

Install CPU
1. Install the board into the assembly.

2. Connect pressure sensor tube. [2]

3. Connect the IHM cable. [3]

4. Install the two (2) screws [1] located at the flow


Install CPU
1. Install three (3) screws [3] at the back of the

2. Install the preamplifier board connections: [2]


WBC coaxial

RBC coaxial

Temperature Sensor

3. Install the nine (9) connectors on the top of the

CPU board. [1]
Install IHM
1. Connect the IHM cable to the front panel IHM

Close Right
Side Door
1. Close the door on the right side of the instrument
(hydraulic area access).

Power ON CELL-DYN Emerald Operators' Manual, Section 5 –

Instrument Operating Instructions, USB Flash Drive (Thumb Drive).
1. Connect the instrument to the power supply and
power ON the instrument.
2. Restore current QC files and Setup from USB drive
back up saved on Step 1 from the Preparation

Verification Procedures
Order VP Description VP Detail / Note Expected Results
5 G6 - Calibration Verify calibration per operator's manual.
1 G19 - Prime Verify reagents prime. Check to ensure no
leaks and/or bubbles are prevalent in the line.
2 G113 - Software Installation Verify software installs without error.
3 VP-03 Electronics Gain Adjustment
4 VP-07 Set Serial Number
N/A G110 - After repair is complete, verify per
released Operation and Service Procedures. If
the system/instrument produces results,
ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in
specification and calibrate as necessary.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2013 • CELL-DYN and CELL-DYN Emerald are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in
various jurisdictions. Emerald is a trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA • All rights reserved.
D1.03 Emerald CPU Board Fuse Version - 202666-102_4361_1

List/Part Numbers
List/Part Number Description
8701692301 Littlefuse Slo-Blo 4A

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

D1.03 Emerald CPU Board Fuse

Time Required 30 min.

Tools/Materials TORX T20 Tool

While performing this procedure, if you are exposed to reagents, calibrators or controls, the following statements
may apply:

Potential Biohazard

Chemical Hazard

Electrostatic Discharge


Action Steps Reference

1. Power OFF the instrument and disconnect the power

Open Right
Side Door
1. Open the door on the right side of the instrument
(hydraulic area access).

Upper Cover
1. Remove the three (3) screws securing the upper cover
to the front and back of the instrument and remove the

Remove Front
Panel Screws Note
Do not remove the screws, only loosen them.
1. Loosen the two (2) upper screws and the lower screw
which secure the front panel. [1]

Remove Front
1. Lift the front panel upward and then pull it toward the
front of the instrument.
Remove IHM
Cable Caution
Carefully push on the upper and lower sides of the
connector. If the connector socket is damaged, the
entire IHM board must be replaced.

1. Remove the IHM board connector by pushing up on

the upper side of the connector, then push down on
the lower side of the connector.
2. Slowly pull the flat cable out of the connector socket.
3. Put the front panel aside.

1. Remove the nine (9) connectors on the top of the CPU
board. [1]
2. Remove the preamplifier board connections: [2]

WBC coaxial
RBC coaxial
Temperature Sensor

3. At the back of the instrument, remove the three (3)

screws [3] securing the CPU board.
Remove CPU
1. Remove the two (2) screws [1] (on the flow panel)
securing the CPU board.
2. Lift the board and carefully disconnect the tubing from
the pressure sensor. [2]
3. Disconnect the IHM cable.
4. Remove the board from the assembly.

Remove Fuse
This fuse protects the 24v circuit.

1. Remove the fuse [1] from its holder with an approved



Action Steps Reference

Install Fuse
1. Install a new fuse. [1]

Install CPU
1. Install the board into the assembly.
2. Connect pressure sensor tube. [2]
3. Connect the IHM cable. [3]
4. Install the two (2) screws [1] located at the flow panel.
1. Install three (3) screws [3] at the back of the instrument.
2. Install the preamplifier board connections: [2]

WBC coaxial
RBC coaxial
Temperature Sensor

3. Install the nine (9) connectors on the top of the CPU

board. [1]
Install IHM
1. Connect the IHM cable to the front panel IHM board.

Install Front
1. Position the front panel on the instrument and secure it
with three (3) screws (two upper screws and one lower

Install Upper
1. Install the upper cover to the front and back of the
instrument and secure with three (3) screws.

Close Right
Side Door
1. Close the door on the right side of the instrument
(hydraulic area access).

Power ON
1. Connect the instrument to the power supply and power
ON the instrument.

Verification Procedures
Order VP Description VP Detail / Note Expected Results
1 G19 - Prime Verify reagents prime. Check to ensure no
leaks and/or bubbles are prevalent in the line.
N/A G110 - After repair is complete, verify per
released Operation and Service Procedures. If
the system/instrument produces results,
ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in
specification and calibrate as necessary.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
D1.04 Emerald CPU Board Battery Version - 202666-102_4362_1

List/Part Numbers
List/Part Number Description
8701692401 MAXELL CR2016 Lithium battery

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

D1.04 Emerald CPU Board Battery

Time Required 30 min.

Tools/Materials TORX T20 Tool

While performing this procedure, if you are exposed to reagents, calibrators or controls, the following statements
may apply:

Potential Biohazard

Chemical Hazard

Electrostatic Discharge


Action Steps Reference

1. Power OFF the instrument and disconnect the power

Open Right
Side Door
1. Open the door on the right side of the instrument
(hydraulic area access).

Upper Cover
1. Remove the three (3) screws securing the upper cover
to the front and back of the instrument and remove the

Remove Front
Panel Screws Note
Do not remove the screws, only loosen them.
1. Loosen the two (2) upper screws and the lower screw
which secure the front panel. [1]

Remove Front
1. Lift the front panel upward and then pull it toward the
front of the instrument.
Remove IHM
Cable Caution
Carefully push on the upper and lower sides of the
connector. If the connector socket is damaged, the
entire IHM board must be replaced.

1. Remove the IHM board connector by pushing up on

the upper side of the connector, then push down on
the lower side of the connector.
2. Slowly pull the flat cable out of the connector socket.
3. Put the front panel aside.

1. Remove the nine (9) connectors on the top of the CPU
board. [1]
2. Remove the preamplifier board connections: [2]

WBC coaxial
RBC coaxial
Temperature Sensor

3. At the back of the instrument, remove the three (3)

screws [3] securing the CPU board.
Remove CPU
1. Remove the two (2) screws [1] (on the flow panel)
securing the CPU board.
2. Lift the board and carefully disconnect the tubing from
the pressure sensor. [2]
3. Disconnect the IHM cable. [3]
4. Remove the board from the assembly.

Battery Note
This battery is only used to supply power to the real
time clock.

1. Lift the clip that secures the battery, using a

screwdriver. [1]
2. Remove the battery by sliding it downward from under
the raised clip.


Action Steps Reference

1. Lift the clip that secures the battery, using a
screwdriver. [1]
2. Slide the new battery upward under the raised clip.
3. Lower clip to secure battery.

Install CPU
1. Install the board into the assembly.
2. Connect pressure sensor tube. [2]
3. Connect the IHM cable. [3]
4. Install the two (2) screws [1] located at the flow panel.
1. Install three (3) screws [3] at the back of the instrument.
2. Install the preamplifier board connections: [2]

WBC coaxial
RBC coaxial
Temperature Sensor

3. Install the nine (9) connectors on the top of the CPU

board. [1]
Install IHM
1. Connect the IHM cable to the front panel IHM board.

Install Front
1. Position the front panel on the instrument and secure it
with three (3) screws (two upper screws and one lower

Install Upper
1. Install the upper cover to the front and back of the
instrument and secure with three (3) screws.

Close Right
Side Door
1. Close the door on the right side of the instrument
(hydraulic area access).

Power ON
1. Connect the instrument to the power supply and power
ON the instrument.

Verification Procedures
Order VP Description VP Detail / Note Expected Results
1 G19 - Prime Verify reagents prime. Check to ensure no
leaks and/or bubbles are prevalent in the line.
N/A G110 - After repair is complete, verify per
released Operation and Service Procedures. If
the system/instrument produces results,
ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in
specification and calibrate as necessary.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
VP-01 Cleaning Procedure Version - 202667-102_3851_3

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

At the completion of this VP: G110 - After repair is complete, verify per released Operation and Service Procedures. If the system/instrument
produces results, ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in specification and calibrate as necessary.

VP-01 Cleaning Procedure

Purpose Perform this procedure as needed when a measurement is repeatedly rejected. Module CELL-DYN Emerald
Materials Required Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (3.6%) Time 20 min.

Action Steps Reference

Cleaning Note
Cycle Perform each cycle with a 3.6% hypochlorite solution.
See Operator �s Manual Appendix C for dilutions

1. Perform the BLEACH procedure (MAINTENANCE


2. Perform a SYS CLEAN (Log in as 123,


1. Perform Reagent Prime: (REAGENTS, PRIME ALL)

1. Perform a START UP cycle.

1. Verify the background values meet the specification.
If the background values meet the specification,
the procedure is complete.

If the background values do not meet the

specification troubleshoot accordingly.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2010 • CELL-DYN and CELL-DYN Emerald are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in
various jurisdictions. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA • All rights reserved.
VP-03 Electronics Gain Adjustment Version - 202667-102_3852_4

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

At the completion of this VP: G110 - After repair is complete, verify per released Operation and Service Procedures. If the system/instrument
produces results, ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in specification and calibrate as necessary.

VP-03 Electronics Gain Adjustment

Purpose Module CELL-DYN

To adjust the WBC and RBC/PLT gain. Emerald
Perform this procedure:

After replacing Counting Chamber or Counting Head


Materials Time 30 min.

Required Standard Reference Particles (SRP):




Note: An RBC/PLT SRP mixture of 6 drops of 5µm +4 drops of 3µm spheres is used in
the Gain Adjustment process.

Note: The Standard Reference Particles (SRP) part numbers listed above are specific for use on the CELL-DYN Emerald.

Note: Instructions are for software version 2.1.0 and above.

Action Steps Reference

1. Logon. Use the field service password: AFSE.
2. From the MAIN MENU, click

WBC Gain
1. Verify AUTO box is checked.
2. Verify bead size is correct, if not-enter correct value from bottle
label in the DIAMETER field [1].
3. Shake the 7.0 microspheres with a vortex system.
4. Place the well-mixed 7 µm undiluted bead solution under the
sample probe.
5. Click [ WBC GAIN] .
6. At the end of the cycle, verify the channel recovery value is within
+/- 2 channels from the target channel [2], and the WBC GAIN is
within 210 - 250 [3].
7. Continue with Action: RBC/PLT Gain Adjustment or
proceed to Action: Verification.
1. Verify AUTO box is checked.
2. Verify bead size is correct, if not-enter correct sizes from bottle
Adjustment label in the DIAMETER field [1].
3. Prepare the RBC/PLT bead mixture by combining 6 drops of
5�m beads with 4 drops of 3�m beads in a tube.
4. Shake the RBC/PLT mixture with a vortex system.
5. Place the tube containing the well-mixed RBC/PLT bead mixture
under the sample probe.
6. Click [RBC PLT GAIN].
7. At the end of the cycle, verify the channel recovery value is within
+/- 2 channels from the target channel, and the following:

RBC GAIN: 210 - 250 [2]

PLT GAIN: 210 - 250 [2]

1. Click [CONFIRM].
2. Click YES when the WARNING window appears, to save the
Note: To exit the screen without changing the value(s), click
3. Log in as Operator and run background.
4. Verify calibration by running controls and calibrate, if necessary.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2010 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories in various
jurisdictions. Emerald is a trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
VP-04 Software Upgrade Version - 202667-102_4198_2

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

At the completion of this VP: G110 - After repair is complete, verify per released Operation and Service Procedures. If the system/instrument
produces results, ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in specification and calibrate as necessary.

VP-04 Software Upgrade

Purpose Module CELL-DYN

Software upgrade instruction for the CD-Emerald analyzer. This document Emerald
contains two (2) software download methods. Download method used depend
on the instrument�s software revision level.
Download Method 1: Personal Computer (PC), Serial (Null Modem)
Cable is used if the software version upgrade is not compatible with the
current instrument software version level.
Download Method 2: Personal Computer (PC), USB Thumb Drive is
used if the software version upgrade is compatible with the current
instrument software version level.

Materials Required Time 60 min.

Personal Computer (PC)
08H54-01 QTY-01 (Or Equivalent)
Serial Wire (Null Modem) Cable


Personal Computer (PC)
USB Thumb-Drive (Do not use USB device larger than 2 GB.)

Download Method 1: Personal Computer (PC), Serial (Null Modem) Cable

Action Steps Reference

1. Create a folder on Drive ‘C’ label EmeraldLoader-
(VXXX-XXX = Software Upgrade version)
2. Locate the Attachments section of the Software
Upgrade ISA/TSB.
3. Copy each file below the Software VXXX-XXX
DNLD INST file to the folder created in Step 1.

Note: The EmeraldLoader-VXXX-XXX folder and

associated files can be used in both methods of software

1. Power off the instrument.
Download to
2. Connect the male end Serial Cable (Null Modem) to
Instrument the Serial Port labeled 1010 RS232 of the Emerald.
3. Connect the female end of the cable to a Serial
Com of the PC.

Launch Software
1. Power on the Emerald.
2. From the PC, open the EmeraldLoader-VXXX-XXX
folder from the location noted in Action: Download
Software Upgrade to your Computer, Step 1.
3. Open (Double Click) the EmeraldLoader-VXXX file.
(Blue Icon)

The tool scans the PC Serial Com Port to

automatically find the Com Port connected to the
When the Com Port is found, the [Update] icon is

4. Click [Update]. The bar graph shows completion

5. After successful completion of the software upgrade,
the instrument reboots.
6. Power off the instrument after a successful reboot.
7. Close the EmeraldLoader application on the PC
and remove the Serial (Null Modem) Cable from the
CD-Emerald instrument and the (PC).

Download Method 2: Personal Computer (PC), USB Thumb Drive

Action Steps Reference

Format Thumb
1. Power on the instrument.
2. Logon to the system and use the field service
password: AFSE.
3. Click [SET UP].
4. Click [ADVANCED].
6. Click [STORAGE].
8. Insert the Thumb Drive into the USB Port on the
back of the instrument.
9. Click [YES].

Note: The AB18 Folder (with sub-folders) copies to

the Thumb Drive.

10. Click [ESC] and remove the Thumb Drive.

1. Create a folder on Drive ‘C’ of the computer called
Upgrade (VXXX-XXX = Software Upgrade version)
2. Locate the Attachments section of the Software
Upgrade TSB.
3. Open all four (4) files directly below the Software
VXXX-XXX DNLD INST.doc and save them to the
folder created in Step 1.

Note: The EmeraldLoader-VXXX-XXX folder and

associated files can be used in both methods of software

Copy Software
1. Insert the Thumb Drive into either USB Port of the
Upgrade to
Thumb Drive 2. Locate and open the EmeraldLoader-VXXX-XXX
folder on the PC.
(VXXX-XXX = Software Upgrade version)
3. Highlight and copy the AB18Release-X.X.X-XXXX.b
(X.X.X-XXXX= Software Upgrade version)
4. Open the Thumb Drive (usually Drive E:).
5. Double-click [AB18] folder.
6. Double-click [UPDATE] folder.
7. Double-click [VERSION] folder.
8. Paste the AB18Release-X.X.X-XXXX.b file into the
[VERSION] folder.
9. Remove the thumb Drive from the PC.

Launch Software 1. With the power off, connect the Thumb Drive to the
Upgrade USB Port on the back of the CD-Emerald
2. Power on the instrument.
3. Logon to the system. Use the field service password:
4. Click [SET UP].
5. Click [ADVANCED].
7. Click AB18RE ~ 1.
8. Click [LOAD]. After a message with information
confirming a successful upgrade has been displayed,
remove the Thumb drive.
9. Click [OK]. The system will reboot.
10. LOGON to the system and use the field service
password AFSE.
11. Click the date and time icon in the upper left corner
to verify the software version.
CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2009 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
VP-05 Touch Screen Calibration Version - 202667-102_4199_2

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

At the completion of this VP: G110 - After repair is complete, verify per released Operation and Service Procedures. If the system/instrument
produces results, ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in specification and calibrate as necessary.

VP-05 Touch Screen Calibration

Purpose Calibrate LCD display touch screen on CELL-DYN Emerald. Module CELL-DYN Emerald
Materials Required None Time 3 min.

Action Steps Reference

Touch Screen 1. At LOGIN SCREEN press the ENTER key two (2) times.
2. Invoke Touch Screen Calibration by simultaneously pressing the “.”
key and the " DEL” key on the numerical keyboard.
3. Touch the center of the cross shown on the screen.
4. Repeat Step 2 for two more screen locations. When complete, the
Touch Screen Calibration returns to the original menu.

1. Navigate through menus to verify the touch screen response.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2010 • CELL-DYN and CELL-DYN Emerald are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in
various jurisdictions. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 USA • All rights reserved.
VP-06 Pressure / Vacuum Leak Detection Version - 202667-102_4214_1

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

At the completion of this VP: G110 - After repair is complete, verify per released Operation and Service Procedures. If the system/instrument
produces results, ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in specification and calibrate as necessary.

VP-06 Pressure/Vacuum Leak Detection

Purpose To detect pressure or vacuum leak in the Syringe Module Assembly on CELL-DYN Module CELL-DYN
Emerald. Emerald
Materials Flat-head screwdriver Time 3 min.

Action Steps Reference

1. Verify the Analyzer is in Ready State (LED above the
aspiration area is green).

2. Login with the service (AFSE) password.

3. Using the flat-head screwdriver, turn the two screws

securing the right door counter-clockwise and open the
right side door.

of Pressure
1. Initiate a cycle run by pressing the start switch plate.
2. Observe the syringe pistons and interrupt the cycle
(when the pistons are positioned half-in or half-out of
the syringe body) by pressing the ON/OFF button on
the front panel.
3. From the Main Menu, select
4. Verify the valve in the PRESSURE field is stable and
does not decrease over time. [1]

The value may fluctuate, but should not decrease
over time.

5. If the PRESSURE value decreases, troubleshoot the

leak by checking the tubing and syringe block.
6. If the PRESSURE value is stable, close the right side
door. Return to the MAINTENANCE menu and press
7. Return to the Main Menu and press START UP. Log
out of the service login.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-103) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
VP-07 Set Serial Number Version - 202667-102_4213_1

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

At the completion of this VP: G110 - After repair is complete, verify per released Operation and Service Procedures. If the system/instrument
produces results, ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in specification and calibrate as necessary.

VP-07 Set Serial Number

Purpose To enter and save the analyzer Serial Number information e.g., after Main Board Module CELL-DYN
replacement. Emerald
Materials None Time 3 min.

Action Steps Reference

1. Login with the service (AFSE) password.

Verfication of
1. From the Main Menu, click MAINTENANCE>ABBOTT

2. Locate the label with the Serial Number on the rear

panel of the analyzer. Type the Serial Number in the
fields. [1]

3. Click CONFIRM and YES to save the information.

4. Return to the Main Menu and log out of the service


1. Click the Date/Time icon in the top-left corner of the
window verify the ID information displays the correct
analyzer serial number.
CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-103) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
VP-08 CELL-DYN Emerald Pressure Sensor Calibration Version - 202667-102_5244_1

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

At the completion of this VP: G110 - After repair is complete, verify per released Operation and Service Procedures. If the system/instrument
produces results, ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in specification and calibrate as necessary.

VP-08 CELL-DYN Emerald Pressure Sensor Calibration

Purpose To Calibrate the CPU Pressure Sensor on the CELL-DYN Module CELL-DYN Emerald
Materials Time Installation/Verification of tool and cable:
Required 30 min
Laptop Computer
Calibration of the Pressure Sensor: 5 min
USB to Serial Cable (part # 8701803301)
CD-Emerald Pressure Sensor Calibration Tool

Action Steps Reference

Power On the CD
Emerald if not turned on
1. Use the On/Off switch on the
front of the instrument.

Establish LIS Connection (RS232C)

communication between
1. Using the USB to Serial cable,
your laptop and the CD
part # 8701803301, connect
the 9 pin serial connector to
the LIS Connection (RS232C)
in the back of the instrument
and the USB end of the cable
to the USB port you have
configured in the previous
Calibrate the Pressure Calibration Pressure Sensor Tool icon
Sensor in the Emerald
1. Double click on the
Note Sensor Calibration Tool) icon
In order for the on your laptop computer.
Pressure Sensor 2. “Checking automaton
Calibrator screen connection...” message will Pressure Sensor Calibration screen:
to show the appear.
bottom message, 3. If communication between the
Windows 7 and CD Emerald instrument and
other Windows your laptop computer is
users may have successful, the message
to change their Automaton was found on
Appearance and port COM3 1 will appear at the
Personalization bottom of the screen.
settings to
Windows Classic. 1 In this example, port COM3 is
configured. Your port location
may differ based on your
computer port availability.

4. If the message doesn't appear,

verify and reset cable
connections, cable
configuration, port settings
(laptop computer and
instrument) and/or ensure
instrument is turned on.
5. Once the communication has
been established, the
calibrated. Enter the current
altitude of the instrument's
location in meters then
press [Next]” appears. Enter
the instrument's site altitude in
meters then click on Next*

the instrument's serial number.

*The tool will not accept

altitudes >2000 meters.

6. If SUCCESS: Calibration is
done message appears, the
Pressure Sensor has been
successfully calibrated.

If the status box at the
bottom of the window is
not visible and you are
using a Windows 7
laptop computer, refer
to above instructions in
Windows 7 Display

7. After three unsuccessful

Calibration attempts and
connections and settings are
not the issue, replace the CPU
8. Close the Pressure Sensor
Calibration window.
9. Disconnect the cable from
your laptop computer and the
10. After a successful Calibration,
and if the settings were
changed revert the
those previously written down.

1. Perform a Start Up cycle and
verify that there are no
Pressure Default errors during
the process. Verify all
backgrounds are in
3. Select VACUUM and verify
that pressure values are
between -350 and -600

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-103) • © 2007, 2013 • CELL-DYN Emerald are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in various
jurisdictions. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
VP-09 CELL-DYN Emerald Pressure Verification Procedure Version - 202667-102_5256_1

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

At the completion of this VP: G110 - After repair is complete, verify per released Operation and Service Procedures. If the system/instrument produces results,
ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in specification and calibrate as necessary.

VP-09 CELL-DYN Emerald Pressure Verification Procedure

Purpose To confirm a Pressure Default Error condition on the CD-Emerald System. Module CELL-DYN Emerald
Materials Required No tools are required for this procedure Time One (1) minute

Action Steps Reference

1. Instrument must
have Software
Version 2.2.0

1. If the instrument is 1.
not on, use the
on/off button to
turn the system
2. Log-in using your
Abbott Field
Service password.
3. Verify the
Pressure Checking
feature is selected:
From the main
menu, press SET
Must be
logged in
as Abbott
Service to

UP and go
1. Observe the value
box. This value
should stabilize 25
seconds after the
START UP key is
pressed and
remain in that
state for 10
2. Once this time has
elapsed, you will
need to run
another Start Up
and perform the
steps in Action:
Run Start Up and
go to CHECK
Pressure value
should be between
-350 and -600.
After the 10
second stabilized
state has elapsed,
the waste piston
chambers used to
monitor this
activity will vent to
pressure. This
activity takes
approximately 2
Following this
additional activity,
box will again
stabilize. Verify
that the value is
between -100 and
+100. Ideally, the
value would be
close to zero.

PRESSURE a. CELL-DYN Emerald Calibration Tool: GSS, Tools & Links, Diagnostics Tools:
1. Above -600 (e.g.: -
value is:
615) and venting
value is between -
100 and +100,
then there is a
problem with the
pressure sensor
mounted on the
board or the CPU
a. Calibrate
the CPU
Sensor or
b. Replace the

and VP-08 CELL-DYN Emerald Pressure Sensor Calibration

b. R&R D1.02 Emerald CPU Board

2. Above -600 (e.g.: -

615) and venting
value is outside of
-100 to +100, then
the issue may be
with the instrument
not venting
Troubleshoot the
3. If pressure value
is below -350
(e.g.: -340) and
the value is
unable to stabilize,
then the issue
may be related to
a leak in the waste
piston assembly.
accordingly and
check for any
loose connections
or damaged

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-105) • © 2007, 2013 • CELL-DYN Emerald are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in various jurisdictions. • Abbott Park,
IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
D1.05 Preamplifier Board Version - 202666-102_4363_1

List/Part Numbers
List/Part Number Description
8701687201 CD Emerald Preamplifier Board

Inspect tools for damage, ensure calibration is not expired and replace if necessary.

D1.05 Preamplifier Board

Time Required 1.5 hr.

Standard Tool Kit

TORX T20 Tool

While performing this procedure, if you are exposed to reagents, calibrators or controls, the following statements
may apply:
Potential Biohazard

Chemical Hazard

Electrostatic Discharge


Action Steps Reference

1. Power OFF the instrument and disconnect the power

Open Right
Side Door
1. Open the door on the right side of the instrument
(hydraulic area access).

Upper Cover
1. Remove the three (3) screws securing the upper cover
to the front and back of the instrument and remove the

Remove Front
Panel Screws Note
Do not remove the screws, only loosen them.
1. Loosen the two (2) upper screws and the lower screw
which secure the front panel. [1]

Remove Front
1. Lift the front panel upward and then pull it toward the
front of the instrument.
Remove IHM
Cable Caution
Carefully push on the upper and lower sides of the
connector. If the connector socket is damaged, the
entire IHM board must be replaced.

1. Remove the IHM board connector by pushing up on

the upper side of the connector, then push down on
the lower side of the connector.
2. Slowly pull the flat cable out of the connector socket.
3. Put the front panel aside

1. Remove the nine (9) connectors on the top of the CPU
board. [1]
2. Remove the preamplifier board connections: [2]

WBC coaxial
RBC coaxial
Temperature Sensor

3. At the back of the instrument, remove the three (3)

screws [3] securing the CPU board.
Remove CPU
1. Remove the two (2) screws [1] (on the flow panel)
securing the CPU board.
2. Lift the board and carefully disconnect the tubing from
the pressure sensor. [2]
3. Disconnect the IHM cable. [3]
4. Remove the board from the assembly.

Remove the two (2) screws [1] located on the solder
side (back side) of the CPU Board.
2. Turn the CPU Board over to the front side.
3. Lift the preamplifier box [2] upward to remove from the
main board.


Action Steps Reference

1. Insert the preamplifier box [2] into the connector on the
CPU board.
2. Turn the CPU Board over to the back side.
3. Install two (2) screws [1] that secure the preamplifier
box to the CPU Board.
Install CPU
1. Install the board into the assembly.
2. Connect pressure sensor tube. [2]
3. Connect the IHM cable. [3]
4. Install the two (2) screws [1] located at the flow panel.

1. Install three (3) screws [3] at the back of the instrument.
2. Install the preamplifier board connections: [2]
WBC coaxial
RBC coaxial
Temperature Sensor

3. Install the nine (9) connectors on the top of the CPU

board. [1]

Install IHM
1. Connect the IHM cable to the front panel IHM board.

Install Front
1. Position the front panel on the instrument and secure it
with three (3) screws (two upper screws and one lower

Install Upper
1. Install the upper cover to the front and back of the
instrument and secure with three (3) screws.

Close Right
Side Door
1. Close the door on the right side of the instrument
(hydraulic area access).

Power ON
1. Connect the instrument to the power supply and power
ON the instrument.

Verification Procedures
Order VP Description VP Detail / Note Expected Results
3 G6 - Calibration Verify calibration per operator's manual.
1 G19 - Prime Verify reagents prime. Check to ensure no
leaks and/or bubbles are prevalent in the line.
2 VP-03 Electronics Gain Adjustment
N/A G110 - After repair is complete, verify per
released Operation and Service Procedures. If
the system/instrument produces results,
ENSURE appropriate Quality Control is in
specification and calibrate as necessary.

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
Maintenance (PMI)

(Document Control Number 202668-101)

Process ISA Link

Preventive Maintenance Checklist Refer to ISA 175-002 (current version) .

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
ADD ISA 175-002E
Subject: CELL-DYN Emerald Preventative Maintenance Checklist Document #: ISA 175-002E
Originator: Gustavo Rodriguez/ADD_LAKE_HUB/ADD_HUB/ADD/US Product: CELL-DYN Emerald (175)
Approved For Release: Anthony C Bradford/ADD_DAL_HUB/ADD_HUB/ADD/US Site of Document Control: Santa Clara
Published Date: 08/11/2015 Effective Date:06/16/2008

Part / Kit #: Part Availability: 6/5/2008

8701691601 O-ring Kit
8701690601 Silicone Grease (tube)
8701685701 Plastic grease SPG35
8701685801 Bottle cap filter
09H53-01 Emerald Sampling Probe

Classification: Preventive Maintenance (PM)

@ This ISA obsoletes ISA 175-002D

I. Distribution:


II. Purpose: @
This ISA was changed from ISA 175-002D to ISA 175-002E as follows:

Clarification of lubrication of O-rings per OEM instructions was added. [Reference: BIT
Assembly Procedures AP-319-A00010 Rev. D and AP_319-A00020 Rev. A, and BIT
The purpose of this Instrument Service Advisory (ISA) is to inform the Area Service and Support
Organizations of the release of the CELL-DYN Emerald Preventative Maintenance Checklist.

III. Administrative notes:

CELL-DYN Emerald Preventive Maintenance Checklist is recommended to be completed as needed.

III. Attachments: @
Title Attachment File name File size, Date, Intended Use
Time & Zone
CELL-DYN PPM-175- 349 Kbytes, To be used by Area
Emerald 002E_CELL- 08/11/2015, Field Service
Preventative DYN 11:19 AM Personnel as a
Maintenance Emerald GMT-6 recommended
Checklist PM.pdf Preventative
CELL-DYN ISA 175- 127 Kbytes, Check list for PM
Emerald PM 002E CD 07/27/2015, procedure
Checklist Emerald 11:47 AM
Check GMT-6

Trademark: CELL-DYN and CELL-DYN Emerald are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in various jurisdictions.
All other trademarks, brands, product names and trade names are the property of their respective
companies. All rights reserved. This document is Confidential for use by Abbott trained personnel only.
Admin Maintenance & Document # History:

Sub-Process Bar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Reminders  ShortNote  Picture/info on right  CD Emerald Service Manual

 General Attention Activator  CD Emerald Operator’s Manual

Overview Instructions & Explanations  Target 2 hours

1 Review Initial Condition 1 1.4 Background Specifications  (section 4 & page E-2)

1.1 Wear all PPE

1.2 Review Customer Logs
1.2a Interview customer about performance &
1.2b Correct outstanding issues during PM
1.3 Review QC & Cal history
1.3a Correct outstanding issues during PM
1.4 Verify: ISA/TSB status, background, control
recovery 1
1.5 Review Data Log, Event Log &/or Error Log
1.5a Correct outstanding issues during PM
1.6 Run N=10 precision. Use PRECISION 2 1.6 Precision Specifications  (section 4 & page E-2)
function within MAINTENANCE menu 2
1.6a Correct outstanding issues during PM
1.7 Mark as “Pre-PM.” Print, sign, date & retain
copy of following:
1.7a Background
1.7b Precision
1.7c Calibration
1.7d Controls
1.7e Set Up
1.8 Run & print 3-5 patient samples for
comparison after PM completion

2 Cleaning 3 3.1a, 3.1b Syringe Module.  NOTE: the Syringe Motor

Lead Screw can be lubricated with either Lubriplate DS-ES or
2.1 Wipe internal & external surfaces with 0.5% Plastic Grease SPG35
sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) and DI water
2.2 Perform VP-01 Cleaning Procedure 

3 Syringe Module
3.1 Perform R&R C1.02 Syringe Module:
Syringe Body Access 
3.1a Lubricate Syringe Motor Lead Screw
with Lubriplate DS-ES or Plastic Grease
SPG 35 3 
3.1b Lubricate Syringe Holder & Guide Rod
with Plastic Grease SPG 35 3
3.2 Perform R&R C1.01 Syringe Module:
Pistons, Seal Plate, O-rings  4
3.2a Replace seal plate O-rings & lubricate
lightly using Silicone Grease  YOU
ISA 175-002E July 2015 ©2013, 2015 Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL 60064 Page 1 of 3
For Internal Use Only
CELL-DYN Emerald is a trademark of Abbott Laboratories in various jurisdictions.
4 3.2 Syringe Module Seal Plate & O-rings.
3.3 Perform Lubricating the Pistons  DO

4 Sample Module/ Reagents

4.1 Inspect sample probe and replace if needed

4.2 Perform R&R A1.01 Sampling Module 
4.3 Lubricate the Rocker Gear Rail & Rocker
Guide Rod with Plastic Grease SPG 35 5
4.4 Replace Sample Probe O-ring and lubricate it
with Silicone grease. Make sure you don’t
lubricate the Sample probe. 6
4.5 Reinstall sample probe 
4.6 Replace reagent bottle cap filters x3

5 Counting Module 7
5.1 Perform R&R B1.02 Counting Module:
Counting Chamber O-Ring. Make sure you
lubricate both O-Rings.
5.2 Perform R&R B1.03 Counting Module:
Counting Heads  5 4.3 Rocker Gear Rail & Rocker Guide Rod
5.2a Replace both O-rings on the Counting

6 Verification
6.1 Check the following:
6.1a Background 1
6.1b N=10 Precision 2
6.1c PerformVP-03 Electronics Gain
Adjustment 
6.1d Re-run same 3-5 patient samples from
beginning of PM and compare results
6.1e Run all 3 levels of controls and verify all
controls are within specs
6.1f Perform Automated Calibration
Procedure if needed 
6.2 Customer verify operation by running QC or
patient samples

7 Backup
7.1 Backup files to USB thumb drive. USB Flash
Drive (Thumb Drive) 

ISA 175-002E July 2015 ©2013, 2015 Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL 60064 Page 2 of 3
For Internal Use Only
CELL-DYN Emerald is a trademark of Abbott Laboratories in various jurisdictions.
8 Documentation
8.1 Mark “PM Final.” Print, sign, date & retain
the following:
8.1a Background
8.1b Precision
8.1c Calibration
8.1d Controls
8.1e Set Up
8.2 Document completion of PM in local call
management system
6 4.2 Sample Probe O-ring

7 5 Counting Module

Talsico® Process Picture Maps™ & all associated intellectual property are owned by Talsico International, ABN 20 419 167 619, & subject to licensing Agreement
End of document

ISA 175-002E July 2015 ©2013, 2015 Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL 60064 Page 3 of 3
For Internal Use Only
CELL-DYN Emerald is a trademark of Abbott Laboratories in various jurisdictions.
CELL-DYN Emerald
PM Check List

Customer Name: Analyzer S/N :

City: FSR ID :
Phone Number: Date : 11/10/2015


FALSE Review Customer Logs. Interview customer about performance, issues and correct outstanding issues
FALSE Review QC & Cal history, correct outstanding issues
FALSE Verify: ISA/TSB status, background, control recovery
FALSE Review Data Log, Event Log &/or Error Log, correct outstanding issues
FALSE Run N=10 precision. Use PRECISION function within MAINTENANCE menu, correct outstanding issues
FALSE Mark as “Pre-PM.” Print, sign, date & retain copy of following:
FALSE Background:
FALSE N=10 Precision CV%:

FALSE Calibration FALSE Controls FALSE Setup

FALSE Run & print 3-5 patient samples for comparison after PM completion
2 CLEANING 0 2 0%
FALSE Wipe internal & external surfaces with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite (NAClO) and DI water
FALSE Perform VP-01 Cleaning Procedure
FALSE Perform R&R C1.02 Syringe Module: Syringe Body Access
FALSE Lubricate Syringe Motor Lead Screw with Lubriplate DS-ES or Plastic Grease SPG 35
FALSE Lubricate Syringe Holder & Guide Rod with Plastic Grease SPG 35
FALSE Perform R&R C1.01 Syringe Module: Pistons, Seal Plate, O-rings
FALSE Replace seal plate O-rings & lubricate lightly using Silicone Grease
FALSE Perform Lubricating the Pistons procedure with Silicon Grease
FALSE Remove sample probe
FALSE Perform R&R A1.01 Sampling Module
FALSE Lubricate the Rocker Gear Rail & Rocker Guide Rod with Plastic Grease SPG 35
FALSE Replace Sample Probe O-ring
FALSE Inspect sample probe. Reinstall post inspection. Replace if necessary
FALSE Replace all 3 reagent bottle cap filters (8701685801)
FALSE Perform R&R B1.02 Counting Module: Counting Chamber O-Ring
FALSE Perform R&R B1.03 Counting Module: Counting Heads
FALSE Replace both O-rings on the Counting Heads: DO NOT LUBRICATE COUNTING HEAD O-RINGS!


Page1 of 2

©2011, 2014 Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL 60064

ISA 175-002E CELL-DYN Emerald is a trademark of Abbott Laboratories in various jurisdictions
CELL-DYN Emerald
PM Check List

Customer Name: Analyzer S/N :

City: FSR ID :
Phone Number: Date : 11/10/2015

FALSE Check the following:
FALSE Background:
FALSE N=10 Precision CV%:

FALSE Perform VP-03 Electronics Gain Adjustment

FALSE Perform Automated Calibration Procedure (Section 6 Operator's Manual) as needed
FALSE Controls (L, N, H)
FALSE Re-run same 3-5 patient samples from beginning of PM and compare results
FALSE Customer verify operation by running QC or patient samples
7 BACKUP 0 7 0%
FALSE Backup files to USB thumb drive. USB Flash Drive (Thumb Drive)
FALSE Mark “PM Final.” Print, sign, date & retain the following:
FALSE FALSE Background FALSE Precision FALSE Calibration

FALSE Document completion of PM in local call management system


PM Completed on: Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Field Engineer Signature:

Customer Signature:

Page2 of 2

©2011, 2014 Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL 60064

ISA 175-002E CELL-DYN Emerald is a trademark of Abbott Laboratories in various jurisdictions
Pre-Site Specification

(Document Control Number 202669-101)

For site requirements, refer to CELL-DYN Emerald Operator's Manual, Section 2, Site Requirements.

For system specification, refer to CELL-DYN Emerald Operator's Manual, Section 4, Performance Characteristics and

CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Manual (Version 202661-102) • © 2007, 2008 • CELL-DYN is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. Emerald is a
trademark of Abbott Laboratories. • Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved.
ISA Links

Process ISA Link

CELL-DYN Emerald Installation and Integration Checklist ISA 175-001 (current version)
ADD ISA 175-001G
Subject: CELL-DYN Emerald Installation and Integration Checklist Document #: ISA 175-001G
Originator: Chad Koehn/SANTACLARA/ADD/ABBOTT Product: CELL-DYN Emerald (175)
Approved For Release: Patricia A Yanuzzi/ADD_LAKE_HUB/ADD_HUB/ADD/US Site of Document Control: Santa Clara
Published Date: 02/08/2013 Effective Date:06/12/2008

Part / Kit #: N/A Part Availability: N/A

Classification: Other
@ This ISA obsoletes ISA 175-001F


I. Distribution:


II. Purpose:@

The purpose of this ISA is to notify the Area Service and Support Organizations of the CELL-DYN
Emerald System Installation and Integration Checklist.

III. Administrative Notes:

The Installation & Integration instructions were revised from H to J version to reflect the
following changes:
Revised Ticket Coding

IV. Attachments:
Title Attachment Filename Filesize, Date, Intended Use
Time & Zone
CELL-DYN Emerald 9159968J.pdf 901 Kbytes, For installation of the
System 01/25/2013, CELL-DYN Emerald
Installation/Integration 12:50 PM GMT-8 Systems
Trademark: CELL-DYN and CELL-DYN Emerald are trademarks of Abbott Laboratories in various jurisdictions.
All other trademarks, brands, product names and trade names are the property of their respective
companies. All rights reserved. This document is Confidential for use by Abbott trained personnel only.
Admin Maintenance & Document # History:

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation Checklist

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation/Integration Instructions

Print and complete this checklist during CELL-DYN Emerald System installation. Installation is complete after verifying the device
performs as intended. Verification will be successful after completion of the installation procedure and this checklist. The completed
checklist and associated printouts may be left for the customer to retain with a copy of the service order invoice.
This Installation Checklist contains verification steps that must be entered on the install ticket to complete the installation test and
inspection summary. To do this, add Product List # NNNN-Install as a part used. Select the Install part where NNNN = 0+the 3 digit
product code of the instrument, e.g. 0170-INSTALL for C-D Ruby. Use Action Taken: N360 “Installed Instrument” with Reason for Action:
FA68 “Install VP Documentation”. Click on Get Verification Procedure. This will force the required verification onto the ticket. This part
usage can be added when the ticket is created. This will flag users to document the required VPs prior to closing the ticket.
Verify that any Active Field Action Mandatory TSB that applies to this instrument has been installed prior to closing the
Installation ticket
Note: Installation does not include assay correlation or performance testing that would be included in startup activities.
Note: A translated, locally-approved, copy of this checklist may be provided by the local service area/country organization.

Action Steps Reference Check if

Verify Site 1. Verify an appropriate location for the
Requirements CELL-DYN Emerald System:
• The instrument, printer, and reagents weigh
approximately 88 pounds (40 kg) and should be
placed on a surface that is adequate to support
the weight.
• For proper ventilation and airflow, allow four (4)
inches (10 centimeters) of clearance behind the
• Allow for sufficient space on the counter top to
place the diluent at the same level as the
NOTE: Diluent must be placed at the same level as the
instrument for proper operation and to prevent
bubbles from entering diluent line.
2. Instrument waste:
• Allow waste to drain into a suitable waste
container such as an empty, properly labeled
cubitainer or an appropriate drain.
• Direct disposal to drains must be in accordance
with federal, state, and local requirements. The
drain must be suitable for waste that could
present a biological or chemical hazard.
NOTE: Do not modify the type or length of the diluent
and waste tubing.
Waste container or drain must be lower than

9159968J – November 2012 Page 1 of 16

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation Checklist

Verify Site 3. Environmental considerations: CELL-DYN Emerald Operator’s

Requirements • Avoid placement of the instrument in direct Manual, Section 4, Performance
(cont.) sunlight. Characteristics and Specifications.
• Indoor use only.
• Altitude up to 6562 feet (2000 meters).
• Temperature range: 64° – 90° F
(18° – 32° C).
• Maximum relative humidity 80% for
temperatures up to 88° F (31° C).
• Rated pollution degree 2.
NOTE: Do not use mobile telephones, wireless
telephone, mobile radios, or any other radio
frequency (RF) transmitting devices in the same
room as the instrument. Use of these devices
may affect instrument results.
4. Power Requirements:
• Verify that a minimum of two (2) grounded power
outlets are available (one for the Analyzer, and
one for the Printer).
• Power outlet voltage fluctuation must be within +
10% of the nominal voltage.
Prepare for 1. Verify that all necessary items are available: CELL-DYN Emerald Operator’s
Installation Analyzer (shipping box includes Accessories Kit, and Manual, Section 2, Installation
Installation Kit), Operator’s Manual, Printer, Printer Procedures and Special Requirements,
Paper, Printer Cable, Reagents, Calibrator, and Initial Preparation: Inventory,
Controls. Unpacking.
2. Inspect the packaging for any obvious signs of
damage before unpacking. Document any damaged
or missing items in the space provided below. Be
sure to document corrective action taken for these
items (i.e., replaced, ordered).

NOTE: If any items are damaged or missing, contact
your local Hematology Customer Service

9159968J – November 2012 Page 2 of 16

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation Checklist

Instrument 1. Open the box from the top; remove the packing
Unpacking material and Accessories Kit (see Figure 1).
2. Remove the CELL-DYN Emerald from the shipping
box and remove the plastic covering.
3. Remove the protective film on the LCD display.
4. Lift off the left side cover [1], (see Figure 2) to gain
access to the reagent tray and remove the Installation
Kit (see Figure 3).
5. Obtain EMLD Grease (3gm) LN09H58-01 verify that
it has at least 3 months before expiry and insert into
Service Kit. Figure 1
6. Document any damaged or missing items in the
space provided below. Be sure to document
corrective action taken for these items
(i.e., replaced, ordered).

Figure 2
NOTE: The kits contain the following items:

Accessories Kit:
• Diluent Reagent Line with cap
• Waste Line with cap
• Hand Held Barcode Scanner

Installation Kit:
• AC Adapter/Transformer
• US Power Cord
• European Power Cord Figure 3
• Flat Screwdriver
• CELL-DYN Emerald Service Kit

9159968J – November 2012 Page 3 of 16

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation Checklist

Instrument 1. Locate the Flat Blade Screwdriver

Preparation (PN 09H54-04) from the Installation Kit.
2. Open the right side door and perform the following
visual checks (see Figure 4).
• Ensure the counting chambers [1] are locked into
the manifold.
• Ensure the aspiration probe’s removable clip [2]
is seated in the rocker [3].
• Ensure that the rocker is moved all the way to
the front position.
• Remove foam packing material, if present, from
below the valves.
• Perform a thorough visual inspection of all flow
panel components and tubing for any signs of Figure 4
damage, restrictions, kinks, crimps, loose
connections, improper seating etc. Correct or
replace as necessary.
3. Close the right side door and secure screws at top
and bottom with Flat Blade Screwdriver.
4. Document any damaged items in the space provided
below. Be sure to document corrective action taken
for these items (i.e., replaced, ordered).

Connect 1. The CELL-DYN Emerald must be connected to
Cables power with the AC Adapter provided with the
2. Connect the appropriate power cord to the AC
3. Connect the AC Adapter to the instrument.
4. Place the AC Adapter in a well-ventilated location at
the rear of the instrument, away from any potential
5. Connect the power cord and AC Adapter to a
properly grounded power outlet.
6. Locate the hand-held barcode scanner.
7. Connect the bar code scanner to the bar code
connector at the rear of the instrument [2]. Figure 5
See Figure 5.

9159968J – November 2012 Page 4 of 16

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation Checklist

Printer NOTE: The CELL-DYN Emerald has default printer

Installation drivers loaded for the use of validated printers on
the system.
1. Unpack the printer.
2. Refer to the manual shipped with the printer for Set
Up instructions. Connect one end of the printer cable
to the rear of the instrument and the other end to the
connector on the printer.
NOTE: Analyzer and Printer Power must be off before
connecting the printer, otherwise damage to CPU
may result.

Connect 1. Locate the bottle caps with straws in the reagent tray
Reagent and area.
Waste Lines 2. Place the CELL-DYN Emerald CN-Free Lyse
Reagent (L/N 09H47-02) and CELL-DYN Emerald
Cleaner Reagent bottles (L/N 09H46-02) in their
designated locations. See Figure 6.
3 4
3. Place the reagent bottle cap (with the blue tubing
attached) on the Lyse Reagent bottle [3].
See Figure 6.
4. Place the reagent bottle cap (with the green tubing
attached) on the Cleaner Reagent bottle [4]. See
Figure 6.
NOTE: It is important to verify the Lyse and Cleaner
reagent tubing is attached to the correct reagent
bottle. Connecting the wrong reagent will impact
system performance. Figure 6
5. Connect the diluent tubing (female connector) to the
diluent port (lower port [5], see Figure 7), insert the
tubing in the CELL-DYN Emerald Diluent Reagent
container (L/N 09H48-02), and tighten the cap.
6. Place the diluent at the same level as the
CELL-DYN Emerald instrument.
NOTE: Diluent must be placed at the same level as the
instrument for proper operation and to prevent
bubbles from entering diluent line.
7. Connect the waste tubing (male connector) to the
waste port (upper port [7], see Figure 7), insert the
tubing into a properly labeled waste container, and
tighten the cap.
8. Re-install the left side cover.
Figure 7
NOTE: Do not modify the type or length of the diluent
and waste tubing.
Waste container or drain must be lower than

9159968J – November 2012 Page 5 of 16

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation Checklist

Power ON the 1. Press the POWER button on the printer to turn on.
Instrument 2. Press the POWER button (located on the front panel
below the display) to turn the instrument on.
3. The Cycle LED turns red and remains red until the
Power ON cycle is completed.
4. The Cycle LED turns green and the LOGIN screen
displays when the instrument is ready to use.
NOTE: Cycles Left indicates the number of runs
available. This is automatically updated, using
information from the reagent’s bar code label
whenever a reagent is changed, or based on Figure 8
available capacity in the waste container,
whichever is less. At initial startup all reagent
volumes are set to zero. Reset of reagent
volumes will be performed as part of the CELL-DYN Emerald Operator's Manual,
installation process. Section 2, Installation Procedures and
5. From the LOGIN screen, touch the password entry Special Requirements, Instrument Set
location on the screen, followed by [A-Z]. Enter the Up.
Field Service Password using key pad. See Figure 8.
6. Touch [CONFIRM], then <OK> to continue.
NOTE: Refer to Operator’s Manual for description of
access levels.
Calibrate 1. Invoke Touch Screen Calibration by simultaneously
Touch Screen pressing the “.” key and the “DEL” key on the
numerical keyboard.
2. Touch the center of the cross shown on the screen.
3. Repeat Step 2 for two more screen locations. When
complete, the Touch Screen Calibration returns to the
origional menu.
4. Navigate through menus to verify the touch screen

Figure 8.5

9159968J – November 2012 Page 6 of 16

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation Checklist

Load 1. From the Main Menu, touch [REAGENTS], followed CELL-DYN Emerald Operator's Manual,
Reagents, by the name of the reagent ([DILUENT], [LYSE], Section 2, Installation Procedures and
Reset Waste [CLEANER]). Special Requirements, Replacing the
Volume and 2. Scan the two (2) barcodes on the label of the reagent Reagents.
Prime All container. Verify the lot number, expiration date,
Reagents capacity (mL), bottle S/N, and verification key match
between screen and containers label. Reagent label
information can also be manually entered.
3. Touch [CONFIRM] to save the entry.
4. Once the instrument has accepted the new reagent
entry, the [PRIME DILUENT], [PRIME LYSE] or
[PRIME CLEANER] box will turn green. Press
[CONFIRM] again to return to the REAGENTS Menu.
5. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for the remaining two
6. Ensure that the waste line has been properly
connected. Touch [WASTE] in the REAGENTS
7. Enter the capacity of the waste container connected.
Capacity is entered in milliliters (mL). For example, a
20L capacity is entered as 20000 (mL).
NOTE: Setting for waste line draining to a sink is 99999.
8. Touch [RESET] and save modifications.
9. From the REAGENTS menu, touch [PRIME ALL].
Perform the PRIME ALL function a total of five (5)
10. Select the Home icon at the left side of the screen.
11. From the Main Menu, touch [OPER. LOG IN/OUT].
12. Touch the password entry location on the screen.
Enter “123” using key pad for Supervisor
13. Touch <OK> to continue into the Main Menu screen.

9159968J – November 2012 Page 7 of 16

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation Checklist

Set-Up Menu NOTE: If necessary, touch the Home icon to return to the
Configuration Main Menu.
1. From the Main Menu, touch [SET UP].
2. In the Set-Up menu, configure following Options:
• DATE & TIME- Set the Date/Time to the local
values. The date format must match the format
defined under [OTHER SETTINGS] in the
[ADVANCED] setup menu. Touch the drop down
menu to select the day of the week (e.g. Monday,
Tuesday, etc.). Note: Day of the week setting
must be set correctly in order for the Auto Wake Figure 9
Up option to function as expected. IMPORTANT:
If the date is changed to a past date, the results
will be deleted from the Datalog, QC, and
calibration files.
• LANGUAGE- Touch the Language dropdown
menu arrow to display the available languages
and touch the desired language to select it.
• PRINTER- Touch Printer drop-down menu arrow
to display the available printers and touch the
appropriate printer to select it.
• PAPER SIZE: Touch the Paper Size drop-down
menu to display the available paper sizes and
touch the desired paper size to select it.
• AUTO SID: Touch the Auto SID box to select
automatic incrementing of the SID. This should
only be selected if auto-increment of the SID is
required in your laboratory
• PRINTER 3 UPDATE: For instructions on how to
copy a new printer driver from a USB drive, refer
to subsection: USB Drive (Thumb Drive)
within Section 5: Operating Instructions in the
CELL-DYN Emerald Operator's Manual.
NOTE: The CELL-DYN Emerald has default printer
drivers loaded for the use of validated printers on
the system.
• Touch [CONFIRM] to save all the entries.
• If the following message appears, “DO YOU

9159968J – November 2012 Page 8 of 16

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation Checklist

Advanced 1. From the Main Menu, touch [SET UP], then

Set-Up [ADVANCED], to display the screen shown at the right.
Configuration • PRINTER: The Printer button is used to
configure the printed reports for the following
– GRAPHS Figure 10
– AUTOPRINT For detailed configuration on each
• COMMUNICATION button - For LIS option refer to CELL-DYN Emerald
Configuration. Operator's Manual, Section 2,
• REPORTING OPTIONS: The Reporting Options Installation Procedures and Special
button is used to select other options for running Requirements, Instrument Set Up.
the instrument and for the printed report:
– TYPE *
– THRESHOLDS (Factory use only)
– ALARMS (Factory use only)
• STORAGE is used to configure the following
NOTE: Touch CONFIRM to save any new entries.
* This menu allows the operator to define up to 19
different Expected and Panic Limits for different types of
specimens. For example, it can be used to define limits
for backgrounds, males, females, neonatal, pediatric and
other specimen types.
** The CELL-DYN Emerald does not have LIMITS factory
set. It is the responsibility of each laboratory to determine
limit sets appropriate for its patient population. A list of
references for limit sets and limit set determination may
be found in Appendix D: CBC Reference lntervals.

9159968J – November 2012 Page 9 of 16

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation Checklist

Other Settings 1. In the Main Menu, touch [SET UP], then,

Configuration [ADVANCED], then, [OTHER SETTINGS].
•SHUT DOWN – Sets the time in minutes
between automatic shut down cycles.
• PROBE UP – Sets the time in minutes to retract
the probe when the instrument is not in use.
• SET AUTOCLEAN – Configures the system to
automatically run an Autoclean cycle when the
specified number of cycles is reached. Touch
<SET AUTOCLEAN> to select the option. Enter
field. Figure 11
• WAKE UP – Configures the system to
automatically power up and execute a Start Up
Cycle on the day(s) and time specified.
NOTE: The maximum number of runs recommended
between Autoclean cycles is 80.
• PRESSURE CHECKING – For Abbott Service
Personnel only.
• LAB TECH PASSWORD field can be used to
change the current password.
• DATE FORMAT dropdown menu is used to
select the format for the date. Available options
• QWERTY – When checked, allows the operator
to use a QWERTY keyboard on screen when
entering alpha characters. If box is not checked,
an alpha keyboard will be displayed.
2. When entries are complete, touch [CONFIRM],
followed by [YES] to exit and save the entries. Touch
[ESC] to exit without saving changes.

9159968J – November 2012 Page 10 of 16

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation Checklist

QC File 1. From the Main Menu, touch [QUALITY CONTROL]. CELL-DYN Emerald Operator's Manual,
Set-Up 2. Touch the file location followed by [EDIT] to display Section 11, Quality Control.
the entry screen.
3. Touch the <LOT> entry field and use the numeric
keypad to enter the lot number. If the lot number
contains an alpha character, touch [A-Z] and use the
alpha and numeric keypad to enter the lot number.
4. Press the Enter key on the keypad to advance the
5. The cursor moves to the <EXPIRATION> entry fields.
Use the numeric keypad to enter the expiration date
and press the Enter key on the keypad after each
entry to save it and advance the cursor.
NOTE: Be sure to enter the date in the format selected
when the instrument was installed.
6. Select the radio button (L for low, N for normal, or H
for high) corresponding to the level of control for this
QC file.
NOTE: Backup, restore and eQC functions will not
operate properly unless the radio button is
7. Touch the <WBC> entry field. Enter the ASSAYS
(Target Values) and LIMITS by using the numeric
keypad to enter the values from the control assay
sheet. Press the Enter key to save each entry and
advance the cursor. You may also touch [LOAD] to
upload control assay values from a removable
storage device.
8. When entries are correct, touch [CONFIRM].
9. A window displays asking if you want to save the
modifications. Touch [YES] to save the entries or
[NO] to return to the entry screen.
10. When [YES] is touched, a second window may
display. The window notifies you that all results will be
deleted for the previous lot.
11. Touch [YES] to continue or [NO] to return to the entry
12. Set up additional files as directed above.
NOTE: If customer uses the eQC program, complete the
LAB ID INFORMATION questions per
instructions provided in the CELL-DYN Emerald
Operator’s Manual, Section 11, Quality Control.
Check Bar 1. From the Main Menu, touch [RUN SAMPLE], [NEXT
Code Reader SAMPLE].
Demographic 2. Hold the hand held reader and scan the S/N barcode
Field Choice on the label on the rear panel of the instrument.
(NAME, PID 3. Verify that the S/N populates the PID, NAME or SID
and SID) field chosen during software configuration in the
NOTE: Only one of the three fields will populate.
4. Delete the entry and continue with the next step of
this procedure.
Figure 12

9159968J – November 2012 Page 11 of 16

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation Checklist

START UP 1. From the Main Menu, touch [START UP].

Table A
2. At the end of Start Up Cycle, a background count is
(Background Specifications)
automatically run and printed if a printer has been
connected and configured. The background count Parameter Specification
must be within specification before proceeding to the
WBC < 0.5 K/µL
next step. (See Table A).
3. Print and retain a copy of the Start Up Background RBC < 0.1 M/µL
count. Sign and date the printout.
HGB < 0.2 g/dL
NOTE: If background check fails, or another issue is
observed, refer to Action: Troubleshooting. PLT < 10.0 K/µL

CELL-DYN Emerald Operator's

Manual, Section 4, System

Run a patient To verify that the instrument is operating properly, run a

sample to specimen in Run Sample mode prior to proceeding with
check for the installation checklist activities.
Temperature 1. From the Main menu, touch [RUN SAMPLE], then
or Clog errors touch [NEXT SAMPLE]. Enter desired information in
the PID/NAME/SID fields, and touch [CONFIRM].
2. If the aspiration probe is not visible, press the start
switch and wait for it to descend.
3. Remove the cap from the specimen tube.
4. Immerse the probe into a well mixed specimen and
press the start switch.
5. Check for temperature (INS_T) or clog errors
(W_CL, R_CL) on this run.
NOTE: If a temp error is present, refer to Action:
NOTE: If a clog error is present, refer to Action:
6. If no temperature flag or clog error occurs on the test
run, proceed with the installation checklist activities.

Perform 1. Run the high control three times followed by three

Carryover backgrounds in Patient mode. Table B
(Carryover Specifications)
2. Calculate the % Carryover for the WBC, RBC, HGB,
Document Parameter Carryover
and PLT parameters. Verify the results are within
"Passed" in
Verification on WBC < 1.0 %
Install Ticket
(Bkgd #1 - Bkgd #3) RBC < 1.0 %
% Carryover = -------------------------------------- x 100
(High Control #3 - Bkgd#3)
HGB < 1.0 %
NOTE: Refer to Table B for Carryover Specifications. If PLT < 2.2 %
the values are out of specifications, troubleshoot
as necessary. For an alternate method to perform
a Carryover, refer to CELL-DYN
NOTE: If Temperature or Clog Errors are present, refer
Emerald Operator's Manual,
to Action: Troubleshooting.
Section 4, System Specifications.
3. Print and retain a copy of the carryover results.
4. Sign, date, and label as “Carryover test”.

9159968J – November 2012 Page 12 of 16

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation Checklist

Perform 1. Obtain a normal whole blood sample within four (4)

hours of collection. Table C
(Precision Specifications)
2. Mix and run the whole blood sample into the
Document Parameter* Range % CV
PRECISION file available under MAINTENANCE–
"Passed" in (units) (95% Confi-
Verification on dence Limit)
Install Ticket
3. Verify results for all the parameters are within ranges WBC (K/µL) 4.7-10.2 3.5
stated in Table C.
RBC (M/µL) 4.2-5.4 2.0
4. Complete Ten (10) consecutive cycles, showing no
deletions or rejections. HGB (g/dL) 12.2-16.1 2.1
5. Refer to Table C and verify that %CV results are MCV (fL) 73.4-96.0 0.8
within specification. If %CV results are not within
specification, troubleshoot as necessary. PLT (K/µL) 185.2-387 6.1
NOTE: If Clog Errors are present, refer to Action:
Troubleshooting. CELL-DYN Emerald Operator's
Manual, Section 4, System
6. Print and retain a copy of the replicate file. Specifications.
7. Sign, date, and label as “Precision”.
* Results are expressed in Standard
(US) units.

Perform Auto 1. Refer to the CELL-DYN Emerald System Operator’s CELL-DYN Emerald Operator's Manual,
Calibration Manual, Section 6: Calibration, Calibration Section 6, Calibration, Calibration
Procedure Procedure, and perform a Calibration using calibrator Procedure.
NOTE: If Clog Errors are present, refer to Action:
2. Print and retain a copy of the completed Calibration
3. Sign, date, and label as “Calibration”.
NOTE: Write any appropriate comments into the
Calibration Log.
Run 1. Run all three levels of commercial controls a CELL-DYN Emerald Operator's Manual,
Commercial minimum of three (3) times each into the appropriate Section 11, Quality Control, Quality
Controls QC file per the customer's laboratory practice and Control Guide
verify that the results are within assay range. If
results are not within assay ranges, troubleshoot as
NOTE: If Clog Errors are present, refer to Action:
Print Setup 1. From the MAIN menu touch [SET-UP].
Configuration 2. Touch the [TOOL] Icon. Touch [PRINT].

Shut Down 1. From the Main Menu, touch [SHUT DOWN].

2. Instrument will perform shut down activities and
power off when complete.
NOTE: When the instrument is placed in the Shut Down
mode, each counting chamber is filled ¾ full with
Cleaner reagent. Be sure not to transport
instrument to avoid spilling reagent inside.

9159968J – November 2012 Page 13 of 16

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation Checklist

Troubleshooting Temperature Error (INS_T): CELL-DYN Emerald Operator’s

• Verify the ambient temperature is within Manual, Section 9: Service and
specification. Maintenance.
NOTE: To ensure the instrument and reagents function
properly, it is important to maintain the
temperature between 64°-90°F (18°-32°C).
Clog Error (W_CL and/or R_CL or ---- in results field):
Perform as Needed:
1. Verify proper sample handling and mixing technique.
2. Verify sample integrity by changing to another
3. Perform Bleach Clean Procedure.
4. Perform a SHUT DOWN function from the Main
Menu. Allow the instrument to remain in the Shut
Down state for 30 minutes. Power On the instrument
and perform a START UP function.
NOTE: If the problem is not resolved, contact Abbott
Customer Support Center.
Background Failure:
1. Verify that the side door is not open.
2. Verify that reagents are primed by observing lines for
any fluid gaps or bubbles.
3. Replace reagents as necessary
4. Perform Bleach Clean Procedure.
1. Verify that connections are correct and that there are
no bubbles in the lines
2. Verify proper sample handling and mixing technique
3. Verify sample integrity by changing to another
4. Perform Bleach Clean Procedure
Control Assay Values not in Range:
1. Verify connections are correct and that there are no
bubbles in the lines.
2. Verify proper sample handling and mixing technique
3. Verify sample integrity by changing to another
4. If a particular parameter is out of range, re-calibrate
by performing Automated Calibration Procedure

Assemble 1. Assemble the following documents for future use:

Final Docu- • Background
mentation • Carryover
• Precision
• Pre-calibration factors
• Calibration screen printout.
• Calibrator assay sheet.
• QC files for the three levels of control.
2. Sign and date all documents.

9159968J – November 2012 Page 14 of 16

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation Checklist

Additional Additional Operators Trained Date Trained

Document the
1. Document successful completion of the installation in your local call management system.
As well as in the table below.
If TSBs have been installed, you must close those tickets to report TSB completion.
2. Ensure that P/N “0175-Install” is documented in Usage.
a. Use Action Taken: N360 “Install Instrument” and Reason for Action: FA68 “Install VP
b. Click on Get Verification Procedure
c. Enter Verification test summary, e.g. mark “Passed” or enter results if required by
verification procedure.
3. Assemble all documents and ensure copies are issued to the customer.

Serial Number of Instrument:

Software Version:

Date Integration Completed:

Name of Specialist (print):

Signature of Specialist/Date:

Account Name:

Address of Account:

City/State/Zip Code:

Name of Customer (print):

Signature of Customer/Date:

Title or Position:

9159968J – November 2012 Page 15 of 16

CELL-DYN Emerald System Installation Checklist

Sign Anticipated "On-Line" Date: _______________________

Additional comments or any problems requiring follow-up:



People informed at the completion of the install:

Print Name, Title and Organization





CELL-DYN Emerald Service and Support Information 2012.

Copyright© 2008, 2012 Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Illinois 60064 USA
CELL-DYN Emerald is a trademark of Abbott Laboratories in various jurisdictions.

9159968J – November 2012 Page 16 of 16

ACTIVE PRINTER COMPATIBILITY & VALIDATED (updated Feb. 2011). (Default printer in green, Optional printer in yellow)

Abbott List
Abbott List Number for
CD CD Paper
Number for 220 V (only if Replacement CD- CD- CD- CD- CD- CD- CD Est.Cost Ink Life Printer
Item Printer model / Type Emerald Emerald hold
110 V printer printer is Cartridge 1700 1800 3500 3700 3200 Sapphire Ruby ( $ US) (pages) Language/OS
18 22 (sheet)
in the US orderable from

OKI Microline 320

1 B&W 20821-01 20822-01 13401-01 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 325.00 Info not avail. 1 Bin Epson FX, DOS
110V / Dot matrix

Yes, Yes,
HP 6940 Color Ink jet Yes,
08H78-16 09H42-02(BLK) see see 850 (Blk) PCL3
2 100V-240V 08H78-16 see Yes Yes 155.00 150
See Note 3 09H42-01(CLR) Note Note 800 (Clr) Windows XP
(Replace HP 6988) Note 1
1 1

HP OfficeJet 6000 08H78-15
09H00-38(BLK) 1200 (Blk) PCL3
3 100V-240V 08H78-15 See Yes 155.00 150
09H00-39(CYN) 700 (Clr) Windows XP
(Color Ink jet) Note 3 and 4 09H00-40(MGN)

OKI B4600 B&W PCL5,

4 08H60-04 08H60-05 08H61-02 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 240.00 2500 (Blk) 250
110V / Laser Windows 95

HP CP2025n 09H00-30(BLK)
Color 120V/Laser Buy 220 V 09H00-34(MA) 2,500(Blk) PCL6,
5 08H07-08 Yes 505.00 250
(Replace HP printer locally 09H00-32(CYN) 2,000(Clr) Postcript
CP3505n) 09H00-36(YEL)

Konica 1650EN
Buy 220 V 09H80-05(YEL) 2,500(Blk) PCL6,
6 Color 120V/Laser 09H80-01 Yes Yes 320.00 250
printer locally 09H80-06(CYN) 2,500(Clr) Postcript
(Replace HP 6988)

HP 9800 Color Ink jet 08H78-12

09H42-02(BLK) 1000 (Blk)
7 120V-240V 08H78-12 See Yes 260.00 150 PCL3
09H42-01(CLR) 320 (Clr)
Obsolete Note 2 and 3

HP H470 Color Ink jet 09H76-01 09H77-01(BLK) 480 (Blk)

8 09H76-01 Yes 315.00 150 PCL3
120V-240V See Note 3 09H77-02(CLR) 320 (Clr)

Epson LX 300+II Buy 220 V 3 millions

9 08H89-20 08H89-28 Yes 200.00 Epson ESC P/2
(120V) printer locally characters

Note: 1) Item 2: Requires adapter 08H77-04 or 08H77-05 (except CD-Emerald and Ruby)
2) Item 7: Abbott has QTY = 50 in inventory.
3) Item 2, 3, 7, 8: Regionalization required if using printer from US and Europe cartridges, same procedure with HP 6980
4) Recommend to buy printer locally. Download printer driver and instruction from ISA to install printer.
5) Common ink cartridges used for Printer HP 6940 / 6980 / 6988 / 9800
Copyright 2005, 2011 Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL 60064 • All rights reserved. • Web page tracking number 201729-113

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