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R/F Tabuena St. Sagpon, Daraga, Albay




R/F Tabuena St. Sagpon, Daraga, Albay



Reflection Paper: (The Heneral Luna Movie)

After I watched this movie Heneral Luna really caught my attention. It is very great
movie that I want to watch again, because this movie reminds me that we should love
and appreciate our freedom that we are embracing today,because during the
FilipinoAmerican war, many shoulders died and risked their lives just to protect our
nation and fought for our freedom. This movie showed what is really happening behind
politics. Heneral Luna is a 2015 Filipino historical film depicting General Antonio Lunas
leadership of the Philippine Revolutionary Army during the Philippine- American war. It
is the highest grossing Filipino film all times because of John Arcilla as Heneral Luna
and other casts realistic performances. This movie is really an eye opener for all Filipino
specially for the Filipino people who were controlled and dictated. It is indeed one of the
most movies I've ever seen. The film shows the point of view of General Antonio Luna in
the system of the Philippines in the American invasion Period. Furthermore, the movie
carries joy, laughter, sorrow, grief, conflicts and realizations especially when it became
an eye opener for me. However, with this film I observe a lot of admirable actions as
well as a lot of flows in our country all the way from the late 18th century. I also noticed
that the Philippine Government in the past greatly resembles the government issues in
the present, just like how the cabinet members drepers to be under the power of United
States to aim more money and superiority in their own state. This film Henral Luna
portrays patriotism in the Philippines in a what that Heneral Luna, did not quit in fighting
for the Philippines freedom up until his last breath even if other high - ranked
government officials is against his governorship and were starting to betray the country.
Heneral luna is truly masterpiece but there are scenes that strike me the most. The first
one is wheb a cabinet meeting is held and the people are divided between those who
want to be allies with the United States and those who want to drive them away. The
General is already fed up from hearing negotiations for peace with the United States,
thus made him shouts " Para kayong mga birheb na naniniwala sa pag ibig ng isnag
puta"!. It strikes me because it is the reality, sometimes we let ourselves to be deceived
even if we knew that our enemies are deceitful. The second one is the scene at the train
R/F Tabuena St. Sagpon, Daraga, Albay

station where he said to an American, "Ingles-Ingles in mo ko sa

bayan ko? Punyeta!. This is a striking scene

because its shows that we should be superior to our own land. Lastly, the scene that
strikes me the most is the scene where the Spiliarium, painted by Juan Luna, the
general's brother, was interwoven with General Lunas death. The scene shows the
traitors who killed General Luna and his companion and then bragging them by the
traitors towards the wall. We need a Heneral Luna today's generation. A Heneral Luna
that will fight till the end if his life. A Heneral Luna that is whole heartedly serve the
whole country. We are innocent of knowing the truth. We have a lot of questions in our
mind. And we have many things that we really don't know about the past. The battle
against the Americans started and General Luna seek for help from the battalion in
Kawit, Cavite, but the commander refuses because it is not an order from president.
Because of anger, General Luna embarrasses the commander captain Jandino, and
started to create an army imposing his "Artikulo Uno". After creating the army, General
Luna observed that there are only few people who are willing to fight for the country,
and one of them is lieutenant Garcia, who become qualified to be one of the
sharpshooters after showing his bravery when General Luna asked for a volunteer to
frighten on American. After an argument in the cabinet meeting because of the support
being shown by the Illustrados, Buencamino and Paterno for Philippine autonomy as a
territory of the United States, the two are being arrested because General Luna believes
that they are cowards and traitors in the proves what the general said, " Mayroon tayong
kaaway kaysa mga Amerikano ang ating sarili". We look at foreign countries as our foe,
but the ones that are actually deceiving us are our countrymen. As General Luna
started to accumulate more troops for the preparation against the Americans, General
Mascardo, refuses to take orders from him because General Mascardo believes that
General Luna does not have authority over him. Their argument through telegram
oneses making them almost confront in Guagua, Pampanga, but President Aguinaldos
ordef arrived. While the two are in heated argument, the Americans attacked Bagbag
and Quingwa that made General Luna and the army immediately go to Bagbag.
General Luna wanted to resign as head of the army because he heard that Buencamino
and Paterno have been set free. President Aguinaldo rejected his resignation because
together with prime minister Mabini, they believed that he is the only one who is capable
to lead the army. General Luna said that the only wall that they can defeat the
Americans is to evect a fortress in the North, so the president agreed to it. After some
time, General Luna received a telegram from the headquarters of the president in
Cabanatuan, and although it is suspicious, General Luna went to the headquarters with
Ramon and Rsuca. After getting there, he discovered that Aguinaldo is not there and
R/F Tabuena St. Sagpon, Daraga, Albay

Buencamino is the only one in the office. He went outside and

discovered that captain Jandino and his troops are there, and attacked him. General

and Ramon was killed while Rusca is wounded. Buencamino said that he has no
involvement in General Lunas death. Moreover, the Americans published in their news
paper the president Aguinaldo is the one behind the killings of General Luna, but he
denied sending a telegram to General Luna. The Americans find the Philippines
shameful because one of these Americans said that"You killed the only General you
have ", pertaining to General Luna. Joven Hernando, the interviewer, leaves a
remarkable question saying that why should Filipinos kill fellow Filipinos, it is also the
same as killing the freedom of the Philippines, finally, he reminisce all the messages
that General Luna taught him about how Filipinos should fight for the country. Heneral
Luna affirms that Filipino lacks of depth and comprehension that's why his plans as a
General failed to be delivered. There was no one to understand him, not even the
president. Heneral Luna begs us to look beyond the stereotypes of both the man and
the history that has been made around him. It begs us to see everything with clearer
eyes, with just enough skepticism, and more importantly, without the influence of those
who have greatest to gain for turning on history into spectacle or brave and
umblemished patriots, of those who hanged heroes without owning up to their sins.
Heneral Luna shows the reality of the past and as what i have observed in the present
times, the reality of the past has been carried out until the present. The film shows have
politicians and certain people with high positions used their names, positions, and
power to bend the rules in their favor. The truth is, we may be in a position like anyone
in the film, General Luna, Gen. Aguinaldo, the young Joven, the military men, the rich
men, or the ordinary Filipino at the time. But at the end of the day, it does not really
matter whoever and whatever we are. What matters is the role we have to play in loving
about desirable change and how well we are able to play such role. And at this very
moment, we should be ready to play the role is inferred from our existence. All those are
lessons from Heneral Luna, lessons we must live by and accept. Heneral Luna is a film
that only entertains but also educates about the Filipinos fights against imperial rule in
their country. General Luna is a symbol of patriotism and fights passionately for the
liberation of his country from imperialism. Heneral Luna wants to teach us the value of
having principles in life to stand up fro Gen. Antonio Luna did not bother pleasing
anyone or saying yes, all the time because he taught of the bigger picture, what there is
to do for his country to be free. Eventually, we have to learn to stand up and fight for
what we think is right even if there is a bunch of cowards telling us not to.
R/F Tabuena St. Sagpon, Daraga, Albay

Heneral Luna movie was give us more knowledge, learnings and

understanding about how to fight for our country, it give us a lot of dedication to fight
and stand up stronger. From the rich history of the Philippines to the people involve
during the war against the Americans, truly the movie was a masterpiece, for the reason
because it was able to depict the intense battles between the Filipino and American
soldiers and the peoples cry

for freedom, though some parts of the movie were a little lacking but overall it helped us
learn to appreciate the sacrifices our heroes did to achieve the freedom of our beloved
country, and for me as student who is engrossed to Philippine history, I'm happy that a
lot of people give recognition to this historical movie. After watching the film, I think
there are two faces of selfishness we have, as a Filipino in the film. First, we are not
selfish because we always choose our family than ourselves. Second, we are selfish
when it comes in protecting our country. We don't realize that killing our own Filipino
brothers and sisters lead to the death of hope of the father. I also wonder why we
always need to choose the temporary unsure safety than the permanent freedom of our
own country. If I were to choose between Bayan o Sarili. I will choose sarili, because in
order to be a productive and good citizen in our country. You need to be responsible
and kind in the smallest possible way starting from yourself. If you can't win the
temptation of evil, then you can never be a worthy citizen of your country. While
watching the film, the thing I absolutely noticed is about how fellow men react the war
for our freedom. Starting from never ending disagreement between the generals, down
to the impassionate soldiers they have. We can't even groum ourselves as one but we
hope for our victory, so ironic. Change is something that we need drastically. It is
important to know that the bigger picture does not only mean hating Gen. Aguinaldo or
admiring Gen. Antonio Luna. In truth, the bigger picture is a tall of history having
lessons that concern us all, lessons which apparently we have yet to apply. Heneral
Luna suggest that we stop ignoring these lessons so that we could come out on the end
other side better person. The film remind us of ills and weaknesses which have existed
in the philippines for what is now a long period of time. If i given a chance to give
Heneral Luna a tittle, it will be "Bayan Hanggang Pagpaslang", because I remembered
that he asked Aguinaldos cabinet, "Negosyo o Kalayaan"? Bayan o sarili? Mamili ka!
and I am sure that if General Luna will be asked the same question, he will choose the
nation over and over, and he proved it when he close the nation unti his assassination.
Fight for your beliefs but nit let selfish reason overwhelm you. Aside from the heroic act
of Gen. Luna, the film also capable of giving the audience a glimpse of the political
squabble amongst Filipino leaders. The film reminds us of the time Spaniards and later
Americans when Filipino leaders and other prominent figures out a premium to
R/F Tabuena St. Sagpon, Daraga, Albay

enriching themselves rather than fighting for or freedom against or


R/F Tabuena St. Sagpon, Daraga, Albay



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