Cflm1cr-I - Reflection Paper.

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R/F Tabuena St. Sagpon, Daraga, Albay




R/F Tabuena St. Sagpon, Daraga, Albay



Reflection Paper: (The Heneral Luna Movie)

The life of General Antonio Luna during the Philippine-American War is depicted.
in the heart warming but empowering film Heneral Luna. The film is unquestionably a
piece of art that shows how political power influences our history and all Filipino
as a whole. I give the film Heneral Luna a 5-star rating because it makes me feel as
though I'm not watching a movie but rather a fragment of Philippine history. The film
brilliantly produced and serves as a wake-up call that we face a greater enemy than
other nations attempting to invade us—we face that enemy within. It is also
uncommon nowadays for history to be revived so that the younger generation may
know how much sacrifice was made in the past, which further convinced me that
Heneral Luna deserves five stars. Although Henry V is undoubtedly a masterpiece,
several moments really stand out to me. The first occurs when a cabinet meeting is
convened and the populace is split. groups who want to be allies with the United
States and groups that want to drive them away. The general is already fed up with
hearing negotiations for peace with the United States, thus making him shout, "Para
kayong mga birhen na naniniwala sa isang puta! "It strikes me because it
is the reality: sometimes we let ourselves be deceived even if we knew that our
enemies are deceitful. The second one is the scene at the train station where he said
to an American, "Ingles-Ingles-in mo 'ko sa bayan ko?" Punyeta!". This is a powerful
scenario because it illustrates why we shouldn't be treated like slaves in our nation.
No other country should be more valuable than our own because We own it. Last but
not least, the scene where General Luna's passing is intertwined with The
Spoliarium, a painting by the general's brother Juan Luna, really stands out to me.
The picture depicts the traitors boasting about killing General Luna and his
companion as They go toward the wall. At that very moment, Spoliarium really
comes to mind. Heneral Luna depicts the reality of the past, and based on my
observations of the present, the reality of the past has persisted up to the present.
The movie demonstrates how politicians and other influential figures manipulated the
system to their benefit by using their names, positions, and authority. It is obvious
R/F Tabuena St. Sagpon, Daraga, Albay
that many politicians and persons in higher positions have abused their influence to
change the law to their advantage. until this point, especially in this epidemic
situation. Corona virus testing is one specific illustration of this. Even if they shouldn't
be tested, a lot of people in positions of authority encouraged the medical staff to do
so right away. Many common people are more susceptible to contracting the virus,
yet these folks grew self-centred and demanded a test right away. Another illustration
is the rule that large meetings should not be held. During a pandemic, but a high-
ranking individual held a birthday celebration for himself. It is incredibly ironic that he
and his staff are in charge of preventing individuals from breaking the rules, yet they
are the ones who breached them. I can't help but hear General Antonio Luna says,
"Walang nakakaangat sa batas". This kind of situation really proves What the
general said was, "Mayroon tayong mas malaking kaaway kaysa mga Amerikano.
Ang ating sarili". Although we perceive other nations as our enemies, it is actually our
own citizens who are misleading us. General Luna asked Aguinaldo's cabinet,
"Negosyo o Kalayaan? Bayan o Sarili? Mamili ka!" and I am confident that if he is
asked the same question again, he will continue to choose the nation (bayan), as he
did when he continued to do so up until his assassination. If I had the chance to give
General Luna title, it would be "Bayan Hanggang Pagpaslang." The movie General
Luna doesn't open with the main event like many other movies. do; instead, it
introduces an interviewer named Joven Hernando who works for publication that
wants to carry on the legacy of La Independencia and features general Antonio
Luna's life in the first article. A fascinating technique to address the concerns of This
story about what transpired in the past was told through the fictional figure Joven
Hernando. By truly being in the circumstance, Joven Hernando's character became
the generation's spokesperson to go deeper into the history Heneral Luna depicts
the reality of the past, and based on what I have seen in the present, that reality has
persisted up to this point. The movie demonstrates how politicians and other high-
ranking individuals used the system to their benefit. General Luna once said,
"Walang nakakaangat sa batas, kahit ang presidente," but just like before, there are
still many people abusing their positions of authority and power since few people are
prepared to fight for and love their nation. Undoubtedly, it ranks among the most
impactful films I've ever seen. Although The language used is not what I anticipated
because it looks too current; the cinematography, The casting and writing are truly
fantastic and realistic. The movie depicts Gen. Antonio Luna's perspective of the
Philippine government during the time of the American invasion. Also Included in the
film are moments of happiness, humor, despair, anguish, disputes, and realizations,
particularly when they opened my eyes. Since the late 18th century, I have seen
many commendable deeds as well as many defects in our nation. I also observed
that the challenges facing the Philippine government in the past are quite similar to
R/F Tabuena St. Sagpon, Daraga, Albay
those facing it now, such as how the cabinet members seek to be in the United
States' sphere. of influence in order to pursue greater wealth and power within their
own state. Gen. Antonio Luna ought to be recognized as one of our heroes. He had
exceptional bravery. And brilliance and he inspired his fellow soldiers both during and
after the conflict. He truly has great influence, and he can influence others to follow
him. The general also holds that no one, not even the president or the highest
ranking official, is above the law. From what I read online, heard on the bus, and also
thought, Gen. Antonio Luna's viewpoints are used as an unofficial yardstick to
evaluate the qualifications. of the contenders. I also believed that Gen. Luna did not
pay attention to what the other people had to say. This is somewhat of a healthy
attitude, but it can also go horribly times. As a senior general, he exhibits
some narrow-mindedness because he often loses his anger and causes a domino
effect. Gen. Antonio Luna declared, "Our greatest enemy is ourselves" in one of the
scenarios. The line that impacted me the most was this one the thing I
unquestionably observed while watching the movie is how our fellow humans
respond to the struggle for freedom. Starting with the constant arguments between
the generals and ends with the fervent soldiers they have. Ironically, we can't even
unite as group, yet we wish for success. Even the fact that Americans make fun of
our own idiotic behaviour doesn't surprise me. In the end, others were embarrassed
along with Gen. Luna. But the entire nation fell short. The worst aspect is that we
didn't lose the battle; rather, we lost our sense of self. That is the fundamental reason
we lost and why we will keep losing. In the midst of another invasion by the west, we
seek a simple but happy life, yet we expect someone else to provide for us. Indeed,
General Antonio Luna is a fierce and severe leader of a seemingly hopeless army.
He is unpredictable, entertaining, and a friend to his dependable lieutenants. He is
heartbreakingly dear, expressing the same feelings he has for his family as if it were
for his motherland. He is the son of a loving mother. The idea that Luna was the
"best general" is one that the movie supports. of the republic and the revolution.
Aguinaldo confesses it in front of Mascardo, Otis declares following the murder of
Paterno and Buencamino said that the only general the Filipinos had was "killed,"
according to Luna. His thorough strategy to attack and retake Manila from the
Americans, his tactical plan to stave off the enemy through the trenches of Bagbag,
Kalumpit, and Quingua, and his grand plan to construct a citadel in the Cordillera all
attest to his prowess as a strategist. However, the extent to which a good general
excels at both planning and carrying out such Plans and strategies After watching
the movie, I believe there are two manifestations of selfishness that Filipinos may
identify with First off, we never put our family before ourselves, thus we are not
selfish. Second, when it comes to defending our nation, we are egotistical. We are
unaware that murdering our own Filipino brothers and sisters results in the
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destruction of future hope. I also ponder why we must continually choose a fleeting,
uncertain safety above all else. the long-lasting independence of our own nation.
Each and every one of the characters addresses us in a way that is timeless.
I Therefore, we can conclude that we have had the identity of "laughing in times of
misfortune" for quite a while. I can't help but conceal my eyes during the horrific
scene toward the end. by placing my hands over my face. It was regrettable that he
perished tragically at the hands of his own kind rather than the enemy. I believe this
quote to be true: "Sayin' mo sa mga Pilipino na hindi nila makakamit ang kalayaan
sa pag-aaruga sa kanilang mahal sa buhay. Kailanan nilang magbayad! ... Ng dugo
at pawis. Kailangan nilang tumalon sa Kawalan!" There are many people shouting
about how they want the system to change. But allow me a chance to ask: Are you
prepared to be tormented by the change that you so much desire? As for me, I'll just
say that I'm willing because I know it's the right do, and I'll defend my
position just as Heneral Luna did up until the moment he the present day, we
require a hegemonic Luna. A fierce Luna who will fight to the last end. A patriotic
Heneral Luna who is willing to serve the entire nation. Joven is a modern-day youth
emblem. We are not guilty of being aware of the truth. Many questions are running
through our minds. Furthermore, there are many aspects of the past that we are
genuinely ignorant of. The movie Heneral Luna serves as a wake-up call to every
Filipino, showing us that change and freedom should not be reserved for ourselves
alone, but rather for the entire nation. It also serves as a reminder that the Philippine
film industry deserves high recognition because it is capable of producing films that
can compete with those from other nations. This movie demonstrates not just who
we were in the past but also who we ought to be right now. The history of Heneral
Luna is one that must be lived, not merely told. All the patriotism that General Luna
has instilled in us should be kept in mind; neither Neither we nor our elected leaders
should be subject to us. Not just for ourselves, but for the entire nation, we should
stand up for what is right. Heneral Luna is more evidence that artists should not be
devalued since they do more than just express themselves; they also make a point
through their work that is truly significant and has the potential to advance society.
Jerrold Tarog, an artist and the director of Heneral Luna, demonstrates how art can
truly affect society, reach a wide audience, and teach a great many people about
who we were and who we should be, whether it be in the field of cinema or in our
viewpoint on the freedom and change of our nation. Heeral Luna is, in general, a
movie that serves as aconstant reminder that some things never change. Its
message is that we Filipinos are our own worst enemies, lacking in strength and
resolve, and torn by desire for our own gain. It is a tale that shows who we are and
what we are capable of doing but fail to do.
R/F Tabuena St. Sagpon, Daraga, Albay


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