6th T.P 1-1

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Name and surname: Lautaro Almeida

Course: 6° 3°

1_ E. How long have you been sleeping on the Street?
2_F. Why did you come to London?
3_B. How long have you been selling the Big Issues?
4_C. Have you mad many Friends?
5_A. How many copies do you sell a day?
6_D. How many copies have you sold today?

1. A. How many copies do you sell a day? PRESENT SIMPLE
B. How long have you been selling the Big Issues? PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS
C. Have you mad many Friends? PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS
D. How many copies have you sold today? PRESENT SIMPLE
E. How long have you been sleeping on the Street? PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS
F. Why did you come to London? PAST SIMPLE
2. How long have you been selling The Big Issue? ACTIVITY
How many copies have you sold today? NUMBER

3. I’ve been smoking since I was 16.

I’ve been smoked five cigarettes today.

4. . How long have you been trying to find a job?

_ I have been trying to find a job
. How many jobs have you had?
_I have been had two jobs
. How long have you been standing here today?
_I have been standing here for two hours today
. How did you lose your business?
_I lost my business for my health
. How long have you had your dog?
_I have it for five long years
. Who is your best friend?
_My best friend is my dog
. Where did you meet her?
_I met her delivering The Big Issue Magazine
. How long have you know each other?
_I have know him 3 months ago


1) 1_ How long have you been living in Paris?

2_ Anna has found a good job
3_ Pete and I have been going out for over six months
4_ I bought a new falt a few months ago
5_ How long have you had your car?
6_ Tom has been working as a postman for the past month
7_ I’ve been writing an easy all day
8_I’ve written six pages
2) 1_ How long have you been coming to this school?
2_ How long have you been using this book?
3_which long did you have before this one?
4_ How long have you known you teacher?

3) a. He is hot because he has been running

b. His back hurt because he has been digging
c. She has paints on her clothes because she has been painting
d. He has dirty hands because he has been fixing the car
e. They have no money because they have been shopping
f. They are tired because they have been playing tenis
g. Her eyer hurt because she has been reading
i. He has red face because he has been cooking

4) 1_ He has run five miles

2_ They have spent all their money
3_ She has read five books today
4 _ They have played six games
5_ He has made a cake and a pie

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets

Disaster came (come) in 1995 when he fell (fall) from his horse and broke (break) his back. The doctors didn’t
expect(not/expect) him to live. However, since then he has made (make) remarkable progress. At first, he couldn’t
breathe, but now he can (can) do it on his own.

His parents divorced (divorce) when he was four. However, they have got (get) closer since the accident

“Scientist are working (work) on a cure. They have already proved (prove) that it’s possible for nerves in spinal
cords of animals to regrow and reconnect. So I’m (be) very optimistic.”



The words “fault” and “error” seem to be synonyms; however, they are not, and the distinction
between them is important. A fault is a physical condition that takes place in a hardware or
software element that makes the element unable to perform its intended function. An error, on
the other hand, is a symptom of a fault and it shows itself as an incorrect output or invalid state
for the faulty element.

A fault is referred to as “latent” when it occurs without producing errors during system
operation. A common example may be a fault that alters the contents of a byte in memory. If the
byte is not accessed after this change, no error happens.

Las palabras “falla” y “error” parecen ser sinonimos; sin embargo, no lo son, y la distinction entre ellos es
importante. Una falla es una condicion fisica que tiene lugar en un elemento de hardware o software que hace
que el elemento no pueda realizar su function prevista. Un error, por otro lado, es un sintoma de falla y se
muestra como una salida incorrecta o un estado no valido para el element defectuoso.

Una falla se denomina “latente” cuando ocurre sin producir errores durante la operacion del Sistema. Un
ejemplo comun puede ser una falla que altera el contenido de un byte en la memoria. Si no se accede al byte
despues de este cambio, no ocuerre ningun error

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