Translation Task

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NIM : 19178033

Fenomena lesbian, gay, biseksual, dan The phenomenon of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender (LGBT) kembali menjadi transgender (LGBT) becomes a hot topic in
perbincangan hangat di Indonesia terutama Indonesia, especially in West Sumatra. Based
juga di Sumbar. Berdasarkan survei tentang on a survey, at the end of 2017 which released
keberadaan LGBT pada akhir 2017 yang dirilis by Regional Development Planning Agency
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah and a survey counseling agency in West
Sumbar dan lembaga konseling rekanan survei Sumatra showed that nationally, LGBT was
menunjukan bahwa LGBT di Sumbar berada ranked first in West Sumatra. The results of
di peringkat nomer wahid secara nasional. this survey immediately made the local
hasil survey ini sontak membuat pihak government, clerics and custom practitioners in
pemerintah daerah, ulama dan pemangku adat Minangkabau confuse and panic. In addition,
di Minangkabau kebakaran jenggot. Apalagi LGBT is also assumed found in several
disinyalir LGBT juga bersarang di beberapa campuses around Minang in which the
kampus yang terletak di ranah Minang dengan philosophy is Adat Basandi Syarak, Syarak
falsafah Adat Basandi Syarak, Syarak Basandi Basandi Kitabullah. Lately, the academic
Kitabullah. Baru-baru ini masyarakat civitas community had bad tempered with the activity
akademika dibuat panas dingin dengan of a group of students and alumni of a well-
aktivitas sekelompok mahasiswa dan alumni known university in Indonesia named
sebuah perguruan tinggi ternama di Indonesia themselves the Support Group and Resource
yang menamakan diri Support Group and Center on Sexuality Studies (SGRC) which
Resource Center On Sexuality Studies (SGRC) supported the existence of LGBT. In
yang mendukung keberadaan LGBT. Untuk accordance to this, M Nasir as Minister of
merespons hal tersebut, M Nasir selaku Research in Technology and Higher Education
Menteri Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan asserted that LGBT community could not enter
Tinggi (Menristek Dikti) menegaskan LGBT any campus. The existence of LGBT
tidak boleh masuk kampus. Keberadaan community can damage the morale of the
kelompok LGBT bisa merusak moral bangsa, nation, and the campus as the front guard
dan kampus sebagai garda terdepan penjaga moral should be able to maintain moral values
moral semestinya harus bisa menjaga nilai- and noble values as the nation of Indonesia.
nilai susila dan nilai luhur sebagai bangsa UNP creates the future-intellectual people with
Indonesia. UNP sebagai pencetak intelektual the motto "Alam Takambang Jadi Guru" must
masa depan dengan motto “Alam Takambang give a role model to the public. If the presence
Jadi Guru” harus memberikan contoh kepada of LGBT exists and develops on campus, then
masyarakat umum. Jika keberadaan LGBT LGBT will potentially spread into wide
terdapat dan berkembang di kampus, maka society. Finally, prevention planning and
LGBT ini akan berpotensi menyebar menjadi solution for LGBT development in campus
penyakit masyarakat dan mewabah masyarakat would be unworkable.
luas. Maka, pemikiran pencegahan dan solusi
perkembangan LGBT di kampus merupakan
In translating this article, I generally used free translation method and idiomatic translation
method. The reason in using these methods are; first, because it is emphasizing more on the
transfer of messages, while the disclosure in TS is carried out in accordance with the needs of
prospective readers. Another reason is what Newmark stated (1988: 47) : idiomatic translation
reproduces messages in TL text with expressions that are more natural and familiar than SL text.
The result of translation can be seen from the sentence below:

SL : Baru-baru ini masyarakat civitas akademika dibuat panas dingin dengan aktivitas
sekelompok mahasiswa dan alumni sebuah perguruan tinggi ternama di Indonesia yang
menamakan diri Support Group and Resource Center On Sexuality Studies (SGRC) yang
mendukung keberadaan LGBT.
TL : Lately, the academic community had bad tempered with the activity of a group of students
and alumni of a well-known university in Indonesia named themselves the Support Group and
Resource Center on Sexuality Studies (SGRC) which supported the existence of LGBT.

SL : Hasil survey ini sontak membuat pihak pemerintah daerah, ulama dan pemangku adat di
Minangkabau kebakaran jenggot.
TL : The results of this survey immediately made the local government, clerics and custom
practitioners in Minangkabau confuse and panic.

SL : Maka, pemikiran pencegahan dan solusi perkembangan LGBT di kampus merupakan

TL : Finally, prevention planning and solution for LGBT development in campus would be

SL : Untuk merespons hal tersebut, M Nasir selaku Menteri Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan
Tinggi (Menristek Dikti) menegaskan LGBT tidak boleh masuk kampus.
TL : In accordance to this, M Nasir as Minister of Research in Technology and Higher
Education asserted that LGBT community could not enter any campus.
2. Find the cultural words in the following text, explain how the translator translates them
into the target language, give your opinion about the translation results in the target
language whether the technique used is appropriate or not, what are your suggestions

Culture Words Method Used Suggested Method Explanation

Pacu Itiak Payakumbuh, Faithful Faithful To maintain the
lemang tapai, pancung translation translation contextual
cake, Mudiak, Aur method method meaning and the
Kuning, Tigo Balai, authenticity of
Padang Cubadak, West Sumatra
Kubang Putih, Padang culture in TL.
In other cases, there are some words that I think the translation is not really appropriate
such as: Katan banana, Guguak High, Water body. This word used communicative
translation method because this method allows a SL version to be translated into several
versions in TL while the context of this word is to maintain the authenticity of West Sumatra
culture, so the appropriate method used in translating the words is faithful translation
method. Now, let us see another word, I found that there is unconsistency in the word; SL:
Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, then sometimes it becomes Kabupaten Fifty Cities, sometimes
becomes Lima Puluh Kota Regency. Based on my point of view, name of place souldn’t be
translated into TL, so the appropriate method in translating this word is faithful translation
method then it becomes The Regency of Lima Puluh.

3. Find the metaphor in the following text, then translate it into Indonesian, mention what
method you are using in the translation that metaphors! (Score 25)

First Day in Kindergarten

Today is the first day for John to attend school in kindergarten. Even though he was old enough
to go to school, the habit of John, who rarely socialized with children of his age, made John a
child who was a little introverted and had difficulty getting along with people he just knew.
Accompanied by his father to the classroom door finally with a heavy step John entered the
class. Even though the teacher is very good, Ms. Sally She has such a bubbly personality but
for John the classroom was a zoo. It turned out that the children who attended school consisted
of various ethnicities and their behavior was also rude. That day after lunch a child grabbed
John's food, his tears were a river flowing down her cheeks. John really hoped that he would
soon be able to go home that day, and finally when school hours were over and his father had
come to pick John up, saying he was drowning in a sea of grief. John looked at his father's face
and he was fishing for compliments. John's father understood that his son had a hard day on
the first day of school, while on his way home John's father advised him success was a sense of
achievement; it is not an illegitimate child. On that day John got a very valuable lesson and felt
that his father light up his life and finally that night he was about to fade off to sleep.

Hari pertama di taman kanak-kanak

Hari ini adalah hari pertama bagi John untuk bersekolah di taman kanak-kanak. Meskipun ia
cukup dewasa untuk bersekolah, kebiasaan John, yang jarang bersosialisasi dengan anak-anak
seusianya, menjadikan John anak yang sedikit tertutup dan sulit bergaul dengan orang-orang
yang ia baru kenal. Ditemani oleh ayahnya ke pintu ruang kelas akhirnya dengan berat langkah
John memasuki kelas. Meskipun gurunya sangat baik, Ms. Sally, dia memiliki kepribadian yang
ceria tetapi bagi John ruang kelasnya bagaikan kebun binatang. Murid yang ada di sekolahnya
terdiri dari berbagai etnis dan perilaku mereka juga kasar. Hari itu, setelah makan siang seorang
anak merampas makanan John, air matanya bagaikan sungai yang mengalir di pipinya. John
benar-benar berharap bahwa dia akan segera pulang hari itu, dan akhirnya ketika jam sekolah
berakhir, ayahnya datang untuk menjemput John, dan ia mengatakan bahwa ia tenggelam dalam
lautan kesedihan. John menatap wajah ayahnya dan berharap pengertian. Ayah John mengerti
bahwa putranya mengalami hari yang berat pada hari pertama sekolah, sementara dalam
perjalanan pulang, ayah John menasihatinya bahwa kesuksesan adalah sebuah pencapaian; tidak
semua anak layak mendapatkannya. Pada hari itu John mendapat pelajaran yang sangat berharga
dan merasa bahwa ayahnya menerangi hidupnya dan akhirnya malam itu ia pun perlahan tidur.

Metaphor Meaning Translation method used

A heavy step Berat langkah Literal translation method
A bubbly personality Kepribadian yang ceria Idiomatic translation method
The classroom was a zoo Ruang kelas yang seperti Literal translation method
kebun binatang
His tears were a river flowing Air matanya bagikan sungai Literal translation method
down her cheeks yang mengalir di pipinya
He was drowning in a sea of Ia tenggelam dalam lautan Literal translation method
grief kesedihan
He was fishing for Dia berharap pengertian Idiomatic translation method
A hard day Hari yang berat Literal translation method
It is not an illegitimate child Tidak semua anak layak Idiomatic translation method
His father light up his life Ayahnya menerangi hidupnya Liteal translation method
Fade off to sleep Perlahan tidur Literal translation method

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