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Riphah International University Islamabad

BS (CS) - II Objective:
Course: Object Oriented Programming • Understand and implementation of Object Oriented
Programming approaches.
• Learn fundamental principles of Object Oriented Design

Project Artifact#1 (Absolute 2 Marks) UML representation of Association, Composition & Aggregation
UML representation of Inheritance

Submission Instructions

Submit single Page only(size A4). Mention your name and SAP ID on the top of the page.

Submission Date:

22nd November 2023

Be careful: keep the following points in your mind while opting the project topic.

• Identify the entities(classes) that make up the system, or domain Assign responsibilities to them – what
do they do, how do they interact?
• How should objects collaborate?
• Which types of classes should do what? At least your project contains minimum 5 to 6 classes.


1. Case Study: Identification or investigation of the problem - what you are trying to do? Name the class
and mention its attributes and methods.
2. Object-Oriented design: Considering the problem, define the classes and how they relate to each other
(how objects collaborate, where do we assign responsibilities to the objects?)
Create UML diagram.

It is recommended to use tools for creating the use case diagrams and class diagrams. Microsoft Visio is a good
tool for this purpose. Other online tools may include following.


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