Venn Chart/diagram

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Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on targeted variables in an established
system, which then enables one to answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomes. Data collection is a
research component in all study fields, including physical and social sciences, humanities, and business.

And in the Data collection we have an 5 METHODS OF COLLECTING DATA

1. Direct or Interview - is a person to person interaction between an interviewer and an

2. Indirect or Questionnaire - is an alternative method for the interview method.
3. Registration - is enforced by private organizations or government agencies for
recording purposes. Examples: Birth and death rates - NSO Number of registered cars -
LTO Number of registered votes - COMELEC
4. Observation - is a scientific method of investigation that makes possible use of all
senses to measure or obtain outcomes/responses from the object of study.
5. Experimentation - is to determine the cause-and-effect of a certain phenomenon
under some controlled condition.
By this methods it can help us on how it be step by step by using and all information of
this lessons and other is the TYPES OF GRAPH FOR VARIOUS DATA

Venn chart/diagram
(Also known as a set or logic diagram) can show the differences, similarities, and
overlapping relationship between sets, i.e., groups of data. It's most common use is to
describe the commonalities between opposing factions — for instance, in the Venn
diagram, we can see the shared characteristics of plant and animal cells.
Pie chart
Is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical
proportion? In a pie chart, the arc length of each slice, is proportional to the quantity it
represents. Line graph
Line graph
Also known as a line plot or a line chart is a graph that uses lines to connect
individual data points. A line graph displays quantitative values over a specified time
interval. In finance, line charts are commonly used to depict the historical price action of
an asset or security.
Is a visual way to display frequency Data using bars? It is used to summarize.
Area chart
It is shows the change in one or several quantities over time.they are very similar
to the line chart.
It is use to show trends, rather than express specific values and to show a simple
comparison of the trend of data sets over the period of time.
Bar charts
It is represent categorical data with rectangular bars to understand.
Are among the most popular types of graph and charts in economic, statistic, marketing,
and visualization in digital customer experience, also used to compare several
categories of data.
Bubble Chart
Is a type of chart that display three dimension of data.

On this lessons it’s like an how you start from the beginning of your on story you need to
collect on what you have to find to build it and to search on what is good for you or if it
good or not because you need to collect and collect the information you to needed to
find out .
I like this kind of lesson you because in short of the title which is Data collecting to
collect of all data information.

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