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Asim Malik

OGL 482

October 2023

Self-Assessment Analysis
The results from the Kuder Career Interests Assessment provided me with some very

valuable insights about my potential career interests. While taking these assessments, I had some

"aha moments" that helped me gain a deeper understanding of why I am better suited towards

conventional, enterprising, and social occupations. My conventional interests were the highest

score on my results chart. That revealed that I have the desire to be in structured and organized

work environments. As well as being naturally drawn to tasks that involve order, attention to

detail, and established guidelines. The first "aha moment" for me was recognizing that I should

seek out careers that offer stability and involve record keeping such as a credit analyst, claim

adjuster or benefit specialist.

Enterprising interests was the second highest score in my results. It suggested that I have

a strong entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to take on a leadership role. I was not surprised by

these results as I am driven by managing teams, projects, and pursuing collective goals. The

second “aha moment" for me occurred when I was reviewing careers that I was not expecting to

appeal to the enterprising interests. However, learning more about careers as a purchasing agent

or a financial/investment analyst I realized that both of these positions require being able to make

strategic executive decisions and have the potential for me to benefit economically more than

other occupations that fit my profile.

Social interests were my third highest score. It indicated that I really enjoy working on a

team and helping others. I was also not very surprised by this result as I have always preferred

working with others to achieve common goals rather than facing challenges alone. I feel a greater

sense of fulfillment in roles that allow me to make a positive impact on a team or an organization
as a whole. By recognizing that about myself I was able to see that careers as a loan officer,

insurance agent or even a school principal are all great options to look into for those reasons.

The Kuder career assessment helped me discover occupation options that fit my personal

interests. Understanding these interests will help lead me to entering a field of work that will

evolve into a lifelong career for myself. I plan on factoring the information that I have learned

into the decisions that I make regarding my career going forward.

After taking the skills confidence assessment it determined that my top skill sets are in

the enterprising, conventional, and artistic categories. I was surprised at first that the artistic skill

set was listed in my top three because I do not see myself as an artistic person. However, once I

dove deeper into the description it made much more sense. I learned that the artistic skill set

includes solving problems using intuition, expressiveness, and originality. Which aligns perfectly

with my critical thinking core competency that I highlighted about myself in my e-portfolio.

I was not shocked to see that my conventional and enterprising skill sets were my highest

scoring areas. I am very confident in my skills to lead, persuade, and sell. In addition to being

proficient in clerical and business system skills. These skills were also highlighted in my e-

portfolios core competencies as well.

When I took some time to reflect on my interests and my skills results it became clear

that they are closely aligned. I now have a better understanding of the values that I desire in my

career path. Lifestyle, income, and co-workers are the values I desire most. Learning this about

myself will help me look for those things when I look to transition down a new career path.

My primary career anchors are autonomy/independence and lifestyle integration.

Autonomy and independence are very important to me, as I deeply value the freedom to make

executive decisions and pursue tasks in ways that work best for me. Having lifestyle integration

as my other primary anchor shows that I prioritize a career that harmonizes with my personal

life. Being able to balance my home and work life is a big part of how I feel fulfilled.

My secondary career anchor is security, stability, and organizational identity. I need to be

in a stable work environment where I feel secure in my position. It is also very important to me

that I am able to identify with the values and mission of the organization I am employed by.

My lowest scoring career anchors were pure challenge and entrepreneurial creativity. I

value both of those anchors, but they are not at the top of my priorities. Having a pure challenge

is not the biggest driving force when it comes to my career path. I do appreciate a challenge but

having a sense of stability and work-life balance is more important to me. It is a similar situation

when it comes to entrepreneurial creativity. Both of these anchors have a place in my career

aspirations, but they do not take precedence over my primary and secondary anchors at this point

in my life.
It was not a major surprise when I discovered these were my career anchors. The results

are a direct reflection of my education and experiences in life. I currently work as an executive

assistant. The C-Suite executives that I assist allow me to create my own workflow and entrust

me with a large amount of independence. It aligns very well with my primary anchor. The

position also offers an almost perfect amount of work/life balance which is the other half of my

primary anchor. I feel a sense of stability as I am part of a reputable organization. Most of my

anchors seem to fit nicely with my current position. I plan on using the tools and information

from these assessments to help me find a career that aligns just as well if not better.

I took the time to explore the additional self-assessments that were recommended, and

they enlightened me further about my personality and leadership preferences. The DISC

assessment revealed that I am prone to being outgoing, persuasive, and optimistic. It also

highlighted my ability to inspire and motivate others (Truity,2023). The Big Five Personality

Test showed that I have a high level of conscientiousness, that reinforces my dedication and

attention to detail. It also made it clear of that I am an extravert who is charismatic and easy to

engage with people (123test, 2023). Perfect for helping an organization develop positive team

atmosphere. The Enneagram results placed me as Type 3: The Achiever. Which means that I

have an energetic and purposeful approach to life. Doing my best to always strive for greatness

and motivating others around me (Enneagramuniverse, 2023). All of the assessments provided

me with positive affirmations about my personality and leadership preferences. They have shown

me the importance of understanding personality traits and leadership tendencies. By recognizing

my strengths and areas for growth, allowing me to better myself as a leader and overall human


Big Five personality test report. Free tests that take you further! (n.d.).

Career Assessment, Pathways Planning System Login: Kuder journey. Kuder Journey®.

Complete enneagram test result – type-3 - enneagram universe. Enneagram Universe -

Understand Yourself and Others. (2023, July 12).


Disc personality assessment. Truity. (n.d.).

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