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Chapter 08

Social Media for Business Communication

True / False Questions

1. The Social Age is an era in which people engage in networked communication, collaborate across

boundaries, and solve problems communally.

True False

2. Web 2.0 communication tools are primarily read-only.

True False

3. Twitter is a Web 2.0 communication tool.

True False

4. Wikipedia is a Web 1.0 communication tool.

True False

5. Jamal is a writer who loves to communicate through his blog and Facebook. The term User 1.0
applies to Jamal.

True False

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6. Carries relies almost entirely on email to communicate with friends, family, and colleagues. The

term User 1.0 applies to Carrie.

True False

7. Your professional profile should not include any of your interests outside of work.

True False

8. A wiki is an excellent platform for holding team meetings.

True False

9. Online communities are good places to network with other professionals.

True False

10. Due to the many communication tools available in the emerging Social Age, the division between

professional and private lives is becoming increasingly clear.

True False

11. Offering to help a colleague on a company blog or wiki is considered intrusive and

True False

12. Public relations is fundamentally about increasing the company's ability to earn profit off
customers and the community.

True False

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13. The most common format for a written PR message is the op-ed piece.

True False

14. Company leaders often use the op-ed style on corporate blogs.

True False

15. Younger people are often expert at developing an online professional presence, but they are less

skilled at developing an online social persona.

True False

16. Posting about excessive weekend partying on Twitter can damage a person's chances of getting a
good job.

True False

17. The profiles you post on personal social media accounts will not affect your professional
reputation, but your work-related accounts will.

True False

18. The use of social media, even for private use, complicates your relationship with your employer.

True False

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An employee congratulating his employer's son on his engagement is an example of social media

complicating relationships between employees and employers.

True False

20. It is important for employees to become familiar with their companies' acceptable-use policies for
social networking websites.

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

21. The ______ Age is characterized by mass two-way communication and respect for expertise and

A. Social

B. Industrial

C. Technological

D. Information

E. Machine

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22. Which of the following has the greatest influence on the impact of social media in the workplace?

A. technical capability

B. cultural norms and values

C. personal preference

D. speed of technology development

E. government regulation

23. User 1.0 is most likely to

A. actively create and share content online.

B. express opinions and even change the content presented.

C. use email as the main communication tool.

D. customize web pages and content.

E. stay connected online all the time.

24. User 2.0 is most likely to

A. passively read and search for content.

B. depend on content creators and avoid expressing personal opinions.

C. get the web as is.

D. stay connected online all the time.

E. use email as the main communication tool.

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25. Which of the following Internet sites is a typical Web 1.0 page?

A. a Wikipedia article

B. an aspiring author's blog about writing

C. photos of a restaurant menu posted online

D. a news article with space for comments

E. a user's Twitter feed

26. Which of the following Internet sites is a typical Web 2.0 page?

A. a discussion forum that allows users to post questions and answers

B. a museum web page that displays hours and a map

C. photos of a restaurant menu posted online

D. a single web page for a small business showing photos of products

E. an author's page with a biography and list of books but no contact form

27. The evolution of the Internet from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 platforms is the primary driver of the

A. Machine Age.

B. Technological Age.

C. Information Age.

D. Social Age.

E. Industrial Age.

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28. Web 1.0 communication tools are primarily

A. passive and static.

B. interactive and customizable.

C. interactive and social.

D. passive and customizable.

E. customizable and social.

29. The development of Web 2.0 tools has contributed to the development of more

A. authoritarian organizations.

B. respect for status.

C. two-way communication.

D. emphasis on individual achievement.

E. collaborative networks.

30. One potential drawback of using social media in the workplace is that social media

A. increase the time taken to market new products.

B. cause distraction from work and too much socializing.

C. result in intensive business travel resource.

D. make it difficult to develop creative approaches to solving business problems.

E. make it difficult for individuals to build professional networks internally.

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31. One advantage of using social media in the workplace is that social media

A. create a clear demarcation between professional and private lives.

B. discourage self-promotion and opportunism.

C. avoid broadcasting of mistakes to large audiences.

D. ensure quicker access to business expertise and knowledge.

E. improve productivity when used constantly.

32. When you log into most social software systems, you access a front page known as a

A. dashboard.

B. blog.

C. wiki.

D. forum.

E. mashup.

33. A status update is also known as a

A. wiki.

B. hub.

C. microblog.

D. mashup.

E. project blog.

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34. Which of the following statements accurately describes microblogs?

A. They are a tool to configure the dashboard on a social software system.

B. They are a collection of knowledge sharing pages that anyone can edit.

C. They should not be used for broadcasting announcements.

D. They contain just a few sentences per entry.

E. They are individual entries on bigger blogs.

35. Which of the following is most likely to hold all of a work group's communications, such as

updates, progress reports, and discussions?

A. a podcast

B. a team blog

C. a mashup

D. a Facebook group page

E. an RSS feed

36. An internal company blog with comment features is a good way for managers to increase

A. transparency.

B. productivity.

C. profits.

D. sales.

E. employment.

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37. When using a shared file platform, it is important to

A. organize files by date.

B. grant each user access to all documents.

C. keep comments general.

D. discuss protocols for co-editing files.

E. create a single, shared login.

38. Which of the following guidelines should professionals follow in their social media use?

A. Do not comment on others' work.

B. Limit your network to your formal work teams.

C. Join teams built around common interests.

D. Do not make your content accessible to others.

E. Use social media at work and not at home.

39. Tamar posted the following message to a discussion forum at work: "Reggie, your late report cost
us a shot at being team of the month." What communication rule did she violate?

A. Avoid leading posts.

B. Avoid ignoring competing points of view.

C. Avoid sarcasm.

D. Avoid off-topic points.

E. Avoid blaming.

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Peyman wants to make his team's discussion forum a more encouraging place. Which guideline

would best help him accomplish that?

A. Summarize the next steps the team will take.

B. Read comments carefully.

C. Acknowledge teammates' ideas.

D. State the purpose of the forum clearly.

E. Participate often.

Abby notices that her team's discussion forum has become contentious. Which of the following

guidelines should she follow in this situation?

A. Summarize the next steps the team will take.

B. Meet in real time.

C. Acknowledge teammates' ideas.

D. Build on the ideas of others.

E. Participate often.

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42. Latecomers to forum discussions are most likely to cause problems by

A. using strong, rigid language that does not foster discussion.

B. refusing to acknowledge viewpoints that compete with theirs.

C. challenging the team's hard-earned consensus and damaging morale.

D. using sarcastic language and hurting colleagues' feelings.

E. repeating things that were stated earlier.

43. Firstcomers to a forum discussion are most likely to cause problems by

A. using strong, rigid language that does not foster discussion.

B. complaining or blaming others for the problems the team is having.

C. challenging the team's hard-earned consensus and damaging morale.

D. directing the discussion off topic and wasting valuable time.

E. stating their opinion but failing to take part as the conversation evolves.

44. The traditional role of public relations was to communicate with

A. employees.

B. customers.

C. the media.

D. shareholders.

E. the government.

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45. During the Information Age, the role of public relations broadened, and it came to be seen as a

key component of

A. human relations.

B. production.

C. finance.

D. research and development.

E. the marketing mix.

46. What is the goal of most public relations messages?

A. to help the members of a company or organization do better work

B. to store all of a team's communications in a single place

C. to focus on specific topics and areas of expertise

D. to create a distinctive brand for a company or organization

E. to create an individual profile that creates a professional impression

A public relations team's first step is to

A. discuss a promotion strategy.

B. clarify the company's brand.

C. identify the products and services to highlight.

D. understand the company's products and services.

E. gather accurate and reliable information.

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48. In a blog post structured like a press release, what does the first paragraph do?

A. answers basic questions

B. gives background

C. provides contact information

D. captures reader attention

E. describes the author

49. In a press-release style message, the "story" is written in third person in a style often referred to as

A. journalistic style.

B. dateline style.

C. conventional headline style.

D. inverted pyramid style.

E. boilerplate style.

50. The advantage of an op-ed style blog post is that it

A. describes the company's unique selling position up front.

B. provides the necessary background first to give context for important details.

C. captures reader attention with an interesting story about the author.

D. puts the most important information first where busy readers can find it.

E. shares the opinions and expertise of a corporate leader with the public.

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51. In a blog post, you have _____ to draw your readers in.

A. less than 1 second

B. 5 to 15 seconds

C. 20 to 30 seconds

D. 30-45 seconds

E. about 60 seconds

52. Which social media tool would be best at helping a business professional establish a personal


A. a wiki

B. a discussion forum

C. a blog

D. a microblog

E. a social bookmarking page

53. A unique set of professional skills and attributes that others associate with you is called your

A. personal brand.

B. online identity.

C. social media profile.

D. blogging style.

E. meta message.

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54. Overall and underlying messages that others decode from your online communications are

referred to as _____ messages.

A. meta

B. public

C. wiki

D. blog

E. dashboard

55. Which of the following meta messages would most likely be communicated through a professional
networking site such as LinkedIn?

A. I am committed to my industry.

B. I'm a good listener.

C. I can take care of you.

D. I am a fun person.

E. I want you to succeed.

56. Which type of reputation is affected by material a person posted to an online discussion forum

that is accessed only by people in his or her company?

A. personal and public

B. professional and public

C. personal and private

D. professional and private

E. professional and personal

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57. Which of the following statements about online presence is true?

A. Employers, colleagues, and clients rarely use online information to judge a person's credibility.

B. Younger people are often expert at developing an online professional presence.

C. Business professionals are unaware of the importance of strong online reputations.

D. Nearly all business professionals are highly skilled at managing their online presences


E. A personal brand built through an online presence can help business professionals gain

58. Social media tools

A. have little to do with developing a personal brand.

B. make it tough to damage your online reputation.

C. make developing a personal brand very easy.

D. are used only by business professionals.

E. are used only by younger people.

59. On the corporate blog, Gina often posts short articles to highlight the success of one of her

colleagues. Because of this, others will most likely see her as being

A. supportive and caring.

B. competent and skilled.

C. moral and ethical.

D. honest and trustworthy.

E. talented and capable.

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60. Kara's company uses an internal social networking platform. Kara's posts usually involve awards

she has won or praise she has received. She rarely comments on others' posts. Others will most
likely see her as

A. supportive.

B. self-promoting.

C. incompetent.

D. trustworthy.

E. private.

61. On LinkedIn, Lupe posts an article she wrote about improving the ethical standards in her

profession. Because of this, others will most likely see her as being

A. supportive and caring.

B. competent and skilled.

C. ethical and consistent.

D. loyal and committed.

E. talented and creative.

62. Which of the following online actions is most likely to damage your professional reputation?

A. liking a photo on your boss's Facebook page

B. connecting with a friend at a rival company on LinkedIn

C. praising a deserving colleague in a blog post

D. posting vacation pictures on your company's networking page

E. writing a glowing recommendation of a colleague with whom you have never worked

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63. Which of the following situations is an example of how social media can complicate professional


A. An employee posts an invitation to the grand opening of the company's new office on a
professional networking page.

B. An employee uses a personal social networking page to announce the birth of his or her child.

C. An employee blogs about an embarrassing incident involving his or her boss, who sees the

D. An employee uploads pictures of his or her coworkers at a professional workshop to the

corporate blog.

E. An employee uses his or her social networking page to invite colleagues for dinner.

Which of the following is one of Coca-Cola's social media guidelines?

A. These guidelines supersede our information protection policy.

B. It is not your job to be an ambassador for our company's brands.

C. You are responsible for your actions.

D. These guidelines supersede our insider trading policy.

E. When you see a comment that requires an expert answer, do the best you can.

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65. According to the Coca-Cola social media guidelines, when employees promote the brand online

they should

A. disclose that they work for the company.

B. pose as satisfied customers.

C. offer promotional discounts.

D. notify the marketing department.

E. avoid engaging directly with consumers.

Essay Questions

66. What are the central differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0?

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67. Explain how both the employer and the employee can be affected by an employee misusing social


68. What should a complete professional profile on social media include?

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69. What is the difference between a team blog and a project blog? How are they similar?

70. What are some of the challenges associated with using a shared files platform?

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71. What is the relationship between public relations and blogs for external audiences?

72. Why is it important to manage your online reputation?

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73. How should you use a dashboard on social software systems?

74. Why is it important to use social media ethically?

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75. Explain how you can make your online content more accessible.

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Chapter 08 Social Media for Business Communication Answer Key

True / False Questions

1. The Social Age is an era in which people engage in networked communication, collaborate

across boundaries, and solve problems communally.

The Social Age is an era in which people engage in networked communication, collaborate

across boundaries, and solve problems communally.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

2. Web 2.0 communication tools are primarily read-only.


Web 1.0 communication tools were primarily passive and static. By contrast, Web 2.0
communication tools are interactive, customizable, and social.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

3. Twitter is a Web 2.0 communication tool.

Web 1.0 communication tools are primarily passive and static. By contrast, Web 2.0
communication tools are interactive, customizable, and social. Twitter is an example of a Web

2.0 communication tool.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

4. Wikipedia is a Web 1.0 communication tool.

Web 1.0 communication tools are primarily passive and static. By contrast, Web 2.0

communication tools are interactive, customizable, and social. Wikipedia is an example of a

Web 2.0 communication tool.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

5. Jamal is a writer who loves to communicate through his blog and Facebook. The term User 1.0

applies to Jamal.

User 1.0 refers to an individual who passively reads and searches for content and depends on
other content creators. User 2.0 refers to an individual who actively creates and shares content


AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

6. Carries relies almost entirely on email to communicate with friends, family, and colleagues. The
term User 1.0 applies to Carrie.


The term user 1.0 applies to individuals for whom email is the main communication tool.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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McGraw-Hill Education.
7. Your professional profile should not include any of your interests outside of work.

Although your business profile is typically different from the one you post on social networking

websites such as Facebook, it is acceptable to provide a picture and list personal interests
outside of work.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

8. A wiki is an excellent platform for holding team meetings.

In most companies, participation in blogs and wikis is fairly low.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

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McGraw-Hill Education.
9. Online communities are good places to network with other professionals.

Online communities are excellent places to network and participate with professionals in your

organization and those with shared professional interests outside your organization.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

10. Due to the many communication tools available in the emerging Social Age, the division
between professional and private lives is becoming increasingly clear.

The division between professional and private lives is becoming increasingly blurred.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

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McGraw-Hill Education.
11. Offering to help a colleague on a company blog or wiki is considered intrusive and


One expectation of social networks is that you should be a good member of the community. As
a good member, you respond positively to the requests of others and help when possible. As
you gain a reputation for responding and helping others, you can expect that other community

members will respond and help you.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

12. Public relations is fundamentally about increasing the company's ability to earn profit off
customers and the community.


Public relations is fundamentally about building relationships with employees, customers,

communities, the media, and other stakeholders.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-03 Create blogs for effective external communications.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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McGraw-Hill Education.
13. The most common format for a written PR message is the op-ed piece.

The press-release style accounts for most written PR messages.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-03 Create blogs for effective external communications.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

14. Company leaders often use the op-ed style on corporate blogs.

A common approach to PR messages on blogs is the op-ed style, in which a corporate leader

writes an opinion piece in first person about a challenge or issue shared by the company and
the public.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-03 Create blogs for effective external communications.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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McGraw-Hill Education.
15. Younger people are often expert at developing an online professional presence, but they are
less skilled at developing an online social persona.


Although younger people are often expert at developing an online social persona, they are less
skilled at developing an online professional presence.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-04 Build a credible online reputation.
Topic: Building a Credible Online Reputation

16. Posting about excessive weekend partying on Twitter can damage a person's chances of
getting a good job.


Whether or not you have intentionally created an online presence, potential and current
employers will judge your credibility based on online information about you.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-04 Build a credible online reputation.
Topic: Building a Credible Online Reputation

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McGraw-Hill Education.
17. The profiles you post on personal social media accounts will not affect your professional
reputation, but your work-related accounts will.


Whether or not you have intentionally created an online presence, potential and current
employers will judge your credibility based on online information about you. Think about the
meta messages your Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter profiles send.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-04 Build a credible online reputation.
Topic: Building a Credible Online Reputation

18. The use of social media, even for private use, complicates your relationship with your


The use of social media, even for private use, complicates your relationship with your employer.

Much more than your online reputation is at stake with social media use; the reputation and
performance of your company is at stake as well.

AACSB: Ethics
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-05 Describe the ethical use of social media for work.
Topic: The Ethical Use of Social Media

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McGraw-Hill Education.
An employee congratulating his employer's son on his engagement is an example of social
media complicating relationships between employees and employers.


Complication in relationships between employees and employers due to social media takes
place when either party posts offensive material on a social networking site and the other party
sees it.

AACSB: Ethics
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-05 Describe the ethical use of social media for work.
Topic: The Ethical Use of Social Media

20. It is important for employees to become familiar with their companies' acceptable-use policies
for social networking websites.

It is important for both employees' and their companies' protection that all employees become

familiar with their companies' acceptable-use policies for social networking websites. In short,
constantly try to understand evolving norms for social media use in a professional context.

AACSB: Ethics
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy

Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
Learning Objective: 08-05 Describe the ethical use of social media for work.
Topic: The Ethical Use of Social Media

Multiple Choice Questions

21. The ______ Age is characterized by mass two-way communication and respect for expertise and

A. Social

B. Industrial

C. Technological

D. Information

E. Machine
The Information Age is characterized by mass two-way communication and respect for
expertise and position.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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McGraw-Hill Education.
22. Which of the following has the greatest influence on the impact of social media in the

A. technical capability

B. cultural norms and values

C. personal preference

D. speed of technology development

E. government regulation

Cultural norms and values more significantly influence the impact of social media in the
workplace than do its technical capabilities.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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McGraw-Hill Education.
23. User 1.0 is most likely to

A. actively create and share content online.

B. express opinions and even change the content presented.

C. use email as the main communication tool.

D. customize web pages and content.

E. stay connected online all the time.

User 1.0 refers to an individual who primarily uses and prefers Web 1.0 tools, whereas User 2.0

refers to an individual who primarily uses and prefers Web 2.0 tools. In the original Internet,
referred to as Web 1.0, most web pages were read-only and static. In simple terms, Web 1.0

communication tools are primarily passive and static.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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24. User 2.0 is most likely to

A. passively read and search for content.

B. depend on content creators and avoid expressing personal opinions.

C. get the web as is.

D. stay connected online all the time.

E. use email as the main communication tool.

User 1.0 refers to an individual who primarily uses and prefers Web 1.0 tools, whereas User 2.0

refers to an individual who primarily uses and prefers Web 2.0 tools. In the original Internet,
referred to as Web 1.0, most web pages were read-only and static. As the Internet evolved into

what is referred to as Web 2.0, what emerged was the read-write web, where users interact
extensively with web pages—authoring content, expressing opinions, and customizing and
editing web content, among other things. Web 2.0 communication tools are interactive,

customizable, and social.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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25. Which of the following Internet sites is a typical Web 1.0 page?

A. a Wikipedia article

B. an aspiring author's blog about writing

C. photos of a restaurant menu posted online

D. a news article with space for comments

E. a user's Twitter feed

In the original Internet, referred to as Web 1.0, most web pages were read-only and static. As

the Internet evolved into what is referred to as Web 2.0, what emerged was the read-write web,
where users interact extensively with web pages—authoring content, expressing opinions, and

customizing and editing web content, among other things.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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26. Which of the following Internet sites is a typical Web 2.0 page?

A. a discussion forum that allows users to post questions and answers

B. a museum web page that displays hours and a map

C. photos of a restaurant menu posted online

D. a single web page for a small business showing photos of products

E. an author's page with a biography and list of books but no contact form
In the original Internet, referred to as Web 1.0, most web pages were read-only and static. As

the Internet evolved into what is referred to as Web 2.0, what emerged was the read-write web,
where users interact extensively with web pages—authoring content, expressing opinions, and

customizing and editing web content, among other things.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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27. The evolution of the Internet from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 platforms is the primary driver of the

A. Machine Age.

B. Technological Age.

C. Information Age.

D. Social Age.

E. Industrial Age.
The evolution of the Internet from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 platforms is the primary driver of the

Social Age.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

28. Web 1.0 communication tools are primarily

A. passive and static.

B. interactive and customizable.

C. interactive and social.

D. passive and customizable.

E. customizable and social.

Web 1.0 communication tools are primarily passive and static.

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Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

29. The development of Web 2.0 tools has contributed to the development of more

A. authoritarian organizations.

B. respect for status.

C. two-way communication.

D. emphasis on individual achievement.

E. collaborative networks.
Platforms that contain Web 2.0 communication tools are interactive, customizable, and social.
These platforms contain many of the features available on social networking websites and help

to create networks that allow for more collaboration in the workplace.

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Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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30. One potential drawback of using social media in the workplace is that social media

A. increase the time taken to market new products.

B. cause distraction from work and too much socializing.

C. result in intensive business travel resource.

D. make it difficult to develop creative approaches to solving business problems.

E. make it difficult for individuals to build professional networks internally.

Social media present many challenges and risks. The primary challenges are cultural. Social

media cause distraction from work and too much socializing.

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Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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31. One advantage of using social media in the workplace is that social media

A. create a clear demarcation between professional and private lives.

B. discourage self-promotion and opportunism.

C. avoid broadcasting of mistakes to large audiences.

D. ensure quicker access to business expertise and knowledge.

E. improve productivity when used constantly.

The emerging work culture associated with the Social Age presents many benefits to companies

and business professionals in the context of team and networked communication. Social media
provide quicker access to business expertise and knowledge.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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32. When you log into most social software systems, you access a front page known as a

A. dashboard.

B. blog.

C. wiki.

D. forum.

E. mashup.
Most social software systems contain a dashboard, your front page when you log in to the

system, which operates as your communication hub. In most cases, you can customize the
dashboard to display the features that most interest you.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

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33. A status update is also known as a

A. wiki.

B. hub.

C. microblog.

D. mashup.

E. project blog.
Status updates (also known as microblogs) are short comments that typically contain just a few


AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

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34. Which of the following statements accurately describes microblogs?

A. They are a tool to configure the dashboard on a social software system.

B. They are a collection of knowledge sharing pages that anyone can edit.

C. They should not be used for broadcasting announcements.

D. They contain just a few sentences per entry.

E. They are individual entries on bigger blogs.

Microblogs, shorter blogs that contain just a few sentences, are part of most enterprise social

networking platforms. Microblogs are tools for broadcasting announcements and urgent

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

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35. Which of the following is most likely to hold all of a work group's communications, such as
updates, progress reports, and discussions?

A. a podcast

B. a team blog

C. a mashup

D. a Facebook group page

E. an RSS feed

Team and project blogs are excellent ways to keep a team's communications, such as updates
and problem-solving discussions, in a single place.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

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36. An internal company blog with comment features is a good way for managers to increase

A. transparency.

B. productivity.

C. profits.

D. sales.

E. employment.
Blog posts are excellent opportunities for leaders, managers, and supervisors to keep

employees aware of announcements and updates. By using the comment features on these
blogs, employees can ask questions and share their opinions. This helps create a more

interactive, transparent decision-making process within organizations, business units, and


AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

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37. When using a shared file platform, it is important to

A. organize files by date.

B. grant each user access to all documents.

C. keep comments general.

D. discuss protocols for co-editing files.

E. create a single, shared login.

As you share files with team members and other colleagues to collaborate, consider the

following tips: discuss protocols for sharing and co-editing files, organize your files by project,
manage permissions, and add comments constructively and carefully.

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Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

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38. Which of the following guidelines should professionals follow in their social media use?

A. Do not comment on others' work.

B. Limit your network to your formal work teams.

C. Join teams built around common interests.

D. Do not make your content accessible to others.

E. Use social media at work and not at home.

Venture out from your formal work teams to establish work relationships with other members

of your company or professional network. Voluntarily joining teams built around common
interests—often called communities of practice—allows you to share and learn from other

professionals in your area.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

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39. Tamar posted the following message to a discussion forum at work: "Reggie, your late report
cost us a shot at being team of the month." What communication rule did she violate?

A. Avoid leading posts.

B. Avoid ignoring competing points of view.

C. Avoid sarcasm.

D. Avoid off-topic points.

E. Avoid blaming.

Blaming, like complaining, often places responsibility entirely on others. It is more serious,
however, because it often serves as an attack on others. Tamar's statement about Reggie

blames him entirely for the problem of not receiving an award.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

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Peyman wants to make his team's discussion forum a more encouraging place. Which guideline
would best help him accomplish that?

A. Summarize the next steps the team will take.

B. Read comments carefully.

C. Acknowledge teammates' ideas.

D. State the purpose of the forum clearly.

E. Participate often.
Show appreciation for your teammates and their ideas. The best forums result from team
members referencing and connecting each other's ideas.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

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Abby notices that her team's discussion forum has become contentious. Which of the following
guidelines should she follow in this situation?

A. Summarize the next steps the team will take.

B. Meet in real time.

C. Acknowledge teammates' ideas.

D. Build on the ideas of others.

E. Participate often.
Forums are excellent for fairly routine conversations, but you should meet in real time to discuss
touchy points. If the online discussion gets contentious or raises sensitive issues, schedule a

time for the team to discuss the issues in real time. You will accomplish much more in a real
time conversation and reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

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Blooms: Apply
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

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42. Latecomers to forum discussions are most likely to cause problems by

A. using strong, rigid language that does not foster discussion.

B. refusing to acknowledge viewpoints that compete with theirs.

C. challenging the team's hard-earned consensus and damaging morale.

D. using sarcastic language and hurting colleagues' feelings.

E. repeating things that were stated earlier.

One major threat to productive discussions is inconsistency. Firstcomers sometimes state their

views and then never return to forums. Latecomers may disrupt the process by not entering the
discussion until after other team members have developed a consensus. If these latecomers go

against the hard-earned consensus, they cost the whole team time and morale.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

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43. Firstcomers to a forum discussion are most likely to cause problems by

A. using strong, rigid language that does not foster discussion.

B. complaining or blaming others for the problems the team is having.

C. challenging the team's hard-earned consensus and damaging morale.

D. directing the discussion off topic and wasting valuable time.

E. stating their opinion but failing to take part as the conversation evolves.
One major threat to productive discussions is inconsistency. Firstcomers sometimes state their

views and then never return to the forum.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

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44. The traditional role of public relations was to communicate with

A. employees.

B. customers.

C. the media.

D. shareholders.

E. the government.
Traditionally, public relations was viewed as media relations, and press releases were the

primary vehicles for public relations messages.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-03 Create blogs for effective external communications.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

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45. During the Information Age, the role of public relations broadened, and it came to be seen as a
key component of

A. human relations.

B. production.

C. finance.

D. research and development.

E. the marketing mix.

Traditionally, public relations was viewed as media relations, and press releases were the
primary vehicles for public relations messages. However, during the Information Age, public

relations began to be seen as a key component of the marketing mix.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-03 Create blogs for effective external communications.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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46. What is the goal of most public relations messages?

A. to help the members of a company or organization do better work

B. to store all of a team's communications in a single place

C. to focus on specific topics and areas of expertise

D. to create a distinctive brand for a company or organization

E. to create an individual profile that creates a professional impression

The primary goal of public relations is to create distinctive brand value for a company.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-03 Create blogs for effective external communications.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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A public relations team's first step is to

A. discuss a promotion strategy.

B. clarify the company's brand.

C. identify the products and services to highlight.

D. understand the company's products and services.

E. gather accurate and reliable information.

Since a primary goal of public relations is to create distinctive brand value for a company, any
individual message should be considered a piece in this larger effort. So, the first step is to
clarify your company's brand and, through discussion, gain a shared sense of the brand


AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-03 Create blogs for effective external communications.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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48. In a blog post structured like a press release, what does the first paragraph do?

A. answers basic questions

B. gives background

C. provides contact information

D. captures reader attention

E. describes the author

A public relations story is written in the third person in the inverted pyramid style; it should

answer the basic questions of who, what, when, where, and why quickly in the first paragraph.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-03 Create blogs for effective external communications.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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49. In a press-release style message, the "story" is written in third person in a style often referred to

A. journalistic style.

B. dateline style.

C. conventional headline style.

D. inverted pyramid style.

E. boilerplate style.

The PR story is written in the third person in the inverted pyramid style; it should answer the
basic questions of who, what, when, where, and why quickly in the first paragraph. This puts the

most important information first where readers can easily find it.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-03 Create blogs for effective external communications.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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50. The advantage of an op-ed style blog post is that it

A. describes the company's unique selling position up front.

B. provides the necessary background first to give context for important details.

C. captures reader attention with an interesting story about the author.

D. puts the most important information first where busy readers can find it.

E. shares the opinions and expertise of a corporate leader with the public.
Now, the op-ed style is common on corporate blogs, where business leaders can regularly

share their opinions and expertise with their readers.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-03 Create blogs for effective external communications.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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51. In a blog post, you have _____ to draw your readers in.

A. less than 1 second

B. 5 to 15 seconds

C. 20 to 30 seconds

D. 30-45 seconds

E. about 60 seconds
Make sure your content is interesting and front-loaded. You've got only 5 to 15 seconds to

draw your readers in.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-03 Create blogs for effective external communications.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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52. Which social media tool would be best at helping a business professional establish a personal

A. a wiki

B. a discussion forum

C. a blog

D. a microblog

E. a social bookmarking page

Increasingly, business professionals have opportunities to build personal brands with social
media tools. One of the best ways of establishing thought leadership is to create blog posts

that focus on areas of expertise or interests.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-03 Create blogs for effective external communications.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

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53. A unique set of professional skills and attributes that others associate with you is called your

A. personal brand.

B. online identity.

C. social media profile.

D. blogging style.

E. meta message.
Think carefully about developing a personal brand in a professional sense-a unique set of

professional skills and attributes that others associate with you.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-04 Build a credible online reputation.
Topic: Building a Credible Online Reputation

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54. Overall and underlying messages that others decode from your online communications are
referred to as _____ messages.

A. meta

B. public

C. wiki

D. blog

E. dashboard

The meta messages, or overall and underlying messages that others decode from your online
communications, become one basis for your online reputation.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-04 Build a credible online reputation.
Topic: Building a Credible Online Reputation

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55. Which of the following meta messages would most likely be communicated through a
professional networking site such as LinkedIn?

A. I am committed to my industry.

B. I'm a good listener.

C. I can take care of you.

D. I am a fun person.

E. I want you to succeed.

Professional and public social media sites such as LinkedIn allow others to decode underlying
messages about you from your communications. These may include positive meta messages

such as "I am committed to my industry" or "I am an expert."

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-04 Build a credible online reputation.
Topic: Building a Credible Online Reputation

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McGraw-Hill Education.
56. Which type of reputation is affected by material a person posted to an online discussion forum
that is accessed only by people in his or her company?

A. personal and public

B. professional and public

C. personal and private

D. professional and private

E. professional and personal

Meta messages and reputations are grouped into four areas: personal and private; professional
and private; personal and public; and professional and public. In each domain of your online

communications, you should think about the meta messages you would like to send so that you
build a credible reputation. Material posted to social media seen only by work colleagues
affects your professional and private reputation.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-04 Build a credible online reputation.
Topic: Building a Credible Online Reputation

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57. Which of the following statements about online presence is true?

A. Employers, colleagues, and clients rarely use online information to judge a person's

B. Younger people are often expert at developing an online professional presence.

C. Business professionals are unaware of the importance of strong online reputations.

D. Nearly all business professionals are highly skilled at managing their online presences


E. A personal brand built through an online presence can help business professionals gain

Social media tools make developing a personal brand easier than ever. You can broadcast your
expertise and business interests to an ever-growing network of business professionals.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-04 Build a credible online reputation.
Topic: Building a Credible Online Reputation

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58. Social media tools

A. have little to do with developing a personal brand.

B. make it tough to damage your online reputation.

C. make developing a personal brand very easy.

D. are used only by business professionals.

E. are used only by younger people.

Social media tools make developing a personal brand easier than ever. You can broadcast your

expertise and business interests to an ever-growing network of business professionals.

AACSB: Communication
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-04 Build a credible online reputation.
Topic: Building a Credible Online Reputation

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McGraw-Hill Education.
59. On the corporate blog, Gina often posts short articles to highlight the success of one of her
colleagues. Because of this, others will most likely see her as being

A. supportive and caring.

B. competent and skilled.

C. moral and ethical.

D. honest and trustworthy.

E. talented and capable.

In the professional and private arena, which includes posting to a corporate blog, the meta
message "I want you to succeed" helps build the reputation of being supportive and caring.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-04 Build a credible online reputation.
Topic: Building a Credible Online Reputation

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McGraw-Hill Education.
60. Kara's company uses an internal social networking platform. Kara's posts usually involve awards
she has won or praise she has received. She rarely comments on others' posts. Others will most

likely see her as

A. supportive.

B. self-promoting.

C. incompetent.

D. trustworthy.

E. private.
Some business professionals damage their reputations because their social media use sends

meta messages that they are self-promoters and careerists. Other employees view their online
communications as opportunistic and self-centered.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-04 Build a credible online reputation.
Topic: Building a Credible Online Reputation

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61. On LinkedIn, Lupe posts an article she wrote about improving the ethical standards in her
profession. Because of this, others will most likely see her as being

A. supportive and caring.

B. competent and skilled.

C. ethical and consistent.

D. loyal and committed.

E. talented and creative.

In the professional and public arena, which includes posting to LinkedIn, the meta message "I
think my profession should maintain high standards" helps build the reputation of being ethical

and consistent.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-04 Build a credible online reputation.
Topic: Building a Credible Online Reputation

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62. Which of the following online actions is most likely to damage your professional reputation?

A. liking a photo on your boss's Facebook page

B. connecting with a friend at a rival company on LinkedIn

C. praising a deserving colleague in a blog post

D. posting vacation pictures on your company's networking page

E. writing a glowing recommendation of a colleague with whom you have never worked
The line between what you believe is private use of social media and your role as an employee

can be murky because your private actions can damage your employer and hurt your career.
When you recommend someone with whom you have never worked, you are being dishonest,

and you put your employer at risk by potentially misrepresenting someone's performance and
track record.

AACSB: Ethics
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-05 Describe the ethical use of social media for work.
Topic: The Ethical Use of Social Media

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McGraw-Hill Education.
63. Which of the following situations is an example of how social media can complicate
professional relationships?

A. An employee posts an invitation to the grand opening of the company's new office on a

professional networking page.

B. An employee uses a personal social networking page to announce the birth of his or her


C. An employee blogs about an embarrassing incident involving his or her boss, who sees the

D. An employee uploads pictures of his or her coworkers at a professional workshop to the

corporate blog.

E. An employee uses his or her social networking page to invite colleagues for dinner.
Complication in relationships between employees and employers due to social media takes

place when either party posts offensive material on a social networking site and the other party
sees it.

AACSB: Ethics
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Analyze
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 08-05 Describe the ethical use of social media for work.
Topic: The Ethical Use of Social Media

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Which of the following is one of Coca-Cola's social media guidelines?

A. These guidelines supersede our information protection policy.

B. It is not your job to be an ambassador for our company's brands.

C. You are responsible for your actions.

D. These guidelines supersede our insider trading policy.

E. When you see a comment that requires an expert answer, do the best you can.

One of Coca Cola's social media guidelines states, "You are responsible for your actions."

AACSB: Ethics
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-05 Describe the ethical use of social media for work.
Topic: The Ethical Use of Social Media

Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
65. According to the Coca-Cola social media guidelines, when employees promote the brand
online they should

A. disclose that they work for the company.

B. pose as satisfied customers.

C. offer promotional discounts.

D. notify the marketing department.

E. avoid engaging directly with consumers.

According to the social media guidelines of Coca-Cola, employees are important ambassadors,
but they must disclose that they are affiliated with the company.

AACSB: Ethics
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-05 Describe the ethical use of social media for work.
Topic: The Ethical Use of Social Media

Essay Questions

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McGraw-Hill Education.
66. What are the central differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0?

Web 1.0 featured read-only static pages. Users could access information, but not add to it. Web
2.0 features web pages that allow users to author content, express opinions, and customize or

edit content. Web 2.0 also has communications features, known as social media, that Web 1.0
lacked. In simple terms, Web 1.0 communication tools are primarily passive and static. By

contrast, Web 2.0 communication tools are interactive, customizable, and social.

AACSB: Communication
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

67. Explain how both the employer and the employee can be affected by an employee misusing

social media.

It is important that all employees are aware of the implications of engaging in forms of social
media and online conversations that reference the company or the employee's relationship with

the company and its brands, and that associates recognize when the company might be held
responsible for their behavior. Much more than your online reputation is at stake with social
media use; the reputation and performance of your company is at stake as well. The line

between what you believe is private use of social media and your role as an employee can be
murky, because your private actions can damage your employer and hurt your career.

AACSB: Ethics
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Learning Objective: 08-05 Describe the ethical use of social media for work.
Topic: The Ethical Use of Social Media

68. What should a complete professional profile on social media include?

A complete profile should include your position; your contact information; your professional

background, abilities, and interests; your current projects; your picture; and perhaps some of
your personal interests outside work.

AACSB: Communication
Blooms: Remember
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

69. What is the difference between a team blog and a project blog? How are they similar?

Team blogs are typically organized around formal work teams, and project blogs are organized
around particular projects that generally involve temporary teams. Both are excellent ways to
place all of a team's communications in a single place. They are also excellent for sharing

success stories to build and shape organizational and team culture.

AACSB: Communication
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

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McGraw-Hill Education.
70. What are some of the challenges associated with using a shared files platform?

Shared files platforms allow colleagues to collaborate, but they also present some challenges.
Teams must establish sharing and co-editing protocols, for example, or risk duplicating work,

losing changes, or alienating coworkers. Shared files platforms can also make files hard to track
and find if they are not organized properly. Permissions must be carefully managed to make
sure colleagues can access everything thing need but nothing that is restricted. The level of

access may need to be different for different employees.

AACSB: Communication
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

71. What is the relationship between public relations and blogs for external audiences?

Increasingly, stakeholders expect an insider view of organizations. One effective way of telling

the story of your organization is through blog posts. Usually, these posts originate on a
corporate website. Then, these posts are generally linked to a variety of public social
networking platforms. The primary goal of blogs for organizations is effective public relations
(PR). Traditionally, PR was viewed as media relations. Over the past several decades, during the

Information Age, the scope of PR broadened, and it became a key component of the marketing

mix. PR has been defined as "the management function that establishes and maintains mutually
beneficial relationships between an organization and the various publics on whom its success


AACSB: Communication

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McGraw-Hill Education.
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-03 Create blogs for effective external communications.
Topic: The Role of Social Media in Communications

72. Why is it important to manage your online reputation?

Although nearly all business professionals are aware of social networking and the importance of
strong online reputations, most are still learning to manage their online presences strategically.
Whether or not you have intentionally created an online presence, potential and current

employers, colleagues, and clients will judge your credibility based on online information about
you. You can broadcast your expertise and business interests to an ever-growing network of
business professionals. However, social media tools also make it easier than ever to damage

your personal brand and online reputation. When you make inaccurate or unprofessional posts,
your incompetency, unprofessionalism, and other mistakes are broadcast to a much larger

network. Thus, you need to take as much control as you can of your online reputation.

AACSB: Communication
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-04 Build a credible online reputation.
Topic: Building a Credible Online Reputation

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McGraw-Hill Education.
73. How should you use a dashboard on social software systems?

Nearly all social software systems contain a dashboard, your front page when you log in, which
operates as your communication and information hub. Your dashboard gives you many

opportunities to learn and connect with others. By setting up your dashboard strategically, you
can learn more about the people in your organization and develop business expertise each day.
You can also allow others to learn more about you and enhance your credibility within your

organization. In most cases, you can customize the dashboard to display the features that most
interest you. For most teams, displaying status updates and other project notifications should
be most prominent. You can also display your mail, your schedule, the communities you belong

to, people you follow in the organization, and even use plug-ins for external social readers to
learn more about your industry and your field.

AACSB: Communication
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-02 Use blogs, wikis, forums, and other social tools for effective communication within organizations.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

74. Why is it important to use social media ethically?

The use of social media, even for private use, complicates your relationship with your employer.

Much more than your online reputation is at stake with social media use; the reputation and

performance of your company is at stake as well. The line between what you believe is private
use of social media and your role as an employee can be murky, because your private actions

can damage your employer and hurt your career.

AACSB: Ethics

Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
Blooms: Understand
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-05 Describe the ethical use of social media for work.
Topic: The Ethical Use of Social Media

75. Explain how you can make your online content more accessible.

Contributing to blogs and wikis increases your organization’s knowledge. However, if other
people can’t find and use your contributions, you have not accomplished your purpose. By
naming, labeling, indexing, and tagging (applying keywords to your blogs and other posts) well,

you help others find your information. Also consider using links to your files to help others
open them immediately.

AACSB: Communication
Blooms: Apply
Chapter 08
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 08-03 Create blogs for effective external communications.
Topic: The Use of Social Media Tools for Effective Communication

Copyright © 2018 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.

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