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Date Name of Drug Drawing Classification Dosage/ Time/Route Indication Mechanism of Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: -Diazepam is ADULT: Stimulatio Oxytocin Body as a Whole: Assessment and Drug
09/19 classified as a n of increases the Fetal trauma from Effects
/23 Oxytoxin benzodiazepine Dosage Forms & uterine sodium too rapid propulsion
medication. It Strengths contraction permeability of through pelvis, fetal - Start flow charts to
is used to treat during uterine death, anaphylactic record maternal BP and
a variety of Injectible solution third stage myofibrils, reactions, other vital signs, INO
Brand Name: conditions,  10 units/mL of labor indirectly postpartum ration, weight, strength,
including and control stimulating hemorrhage, duration, and frequency
- Pitocin anxiety, muscle Postpartum hemorrhage of contraction of precordial pain, of contractions, as well as
spasms, and postpartum the uterine edema, cyanosis or fetal heart tone and rate,
siezures, among 10 unit IM after delivery of bleeding or smooth muscle. redness of the skin. before instituting
others, due to placenta add 10-40units; hemorrhag The uterus treatment.
its claiming and not to exceed 1000mL of e. responds to CV: Fetal
sedative effect nonhydrating IV solution oxytocin more bradycardia and - Monitor fetal heart rate
and infuse at necessary rate readily in the arrhythmias, and maternal BP and
to control uterine atony. presence of maternal cardiac pulse at least q15min
high estrogen arrhythmias, during infusion period;
Labor Induction concentration hypertensive evaluate tonus of
and with the episodes, myometrium during and
0.5 mUnit/min IV, tirate 1- increased subarachnoid between contractions and
2 mUnit/min q15-60min duration of hemorrhage, record on flow chart.
until contraction pattern pregnancy increased of blood Report change in rate and
reached that is similar to flow, fetal rhythm immediately.
normal labor (usually afibrinogenemia,
6mUnit/min); may ECG changes, PVCs, - Stop infusion to prevent
decrease dose after desired cardiovascular spasm fetal anoxia, turn patient
frequency of contraction and collapse. on her side, and notify the
reached and labor has physician if contractions
progressed to 5-6 cm GI: Neonatal are prolonged (occurring
dilation. jaundice, maternal at less than 2-mins
nausea, vomiting, intervals) and if monitor
Incomplete or Inevitable records contractions
Abortion Endocrine: ADH about 50mmHg or if
effects leading to contractions last 90
10-20 mUnits/min; not to severe water seconds or longer.
exceed 30 units/12hr intoxication and Stimulation will wane
hyponatremia, rapidly within 2-3 mins.
hypotension. Oxygen administration
may be necessary
CNS: Fetal - If local or regional
Date Name of Drug Drawing Classificat Dosage/ Time/Route Indication Mechanism of Action Side Effects Nursing
ion Responsibilities
Generic Antidysrhy -Ventricular Arrhythmias Lidocaine, formerly As with other local anesthetic, GIT: nausea, - When Lidocaine is
09/19/2 Name: thmics also referred to as the site of action of lidocaine is vomitting administered, as an
3 Adult: IV 50-100 mg bolus lignocaine, is an at sodium ion channels on the (topical use) antiarrhythimic the
- Eurocaine at a rate of 20-50mg/min, amide local internal surface of nerve cell nurse should
may repeat in 5min, then anesthetic agent. membranes. The unchanged CNS: monitor the ECG
start infusion of 1-4 mg/min First synthesized form diffuses through neural anxiety, continuously. Blood
immediately after first between 1943 and sheaths into the axoplasm nervousness, pressure and
bolus IM/SC 200-300 mg 1946 by Nils Lofren, before it then ionizes by lethargy, respiratory status
IM, may repeat once after it is a tertiary amine combining with hydrogen ions. somnolence, should be
Brand Name: 60-90 min derived from The resulting cations binds paresthesia, monitored
xylidine, and its use reversibly to sodium channels seizuers frequently during
-Lidocaine Child: IV 0.5-1 mg/kg rapidly became from the inside, locking them in the drug
HCI, Lidopen bolus dose, then 10-50 widespread given its the open state and preventing Skin: administration.
mcg/kg/min infusion superior safety nerve depolarization. As dematologic
profile compared to lidocaine is a weak base with a reactions, - When
Anesthetic Uses older local anesthetic dissociation constant constant sensitization, administered as an
Adult: Infiltration 0.5 - 1% agents. (pKa) of 7.7 approximately diaphoresis, anesthetic, the
solution 25% of molecules will be un- reash numbness of the
Nerve Block: 1-2% The drug is ionized at a physiological pH of affected part should
solution commonlyy used for 7.4 and will be available to CVS: cardiac be assessed.
Epidural: 1-2% solution local anesthesia, translocate inside the nerve arrest,anaphy
Caudal: 1-1.5% solution often in combination cells, meaning that lidocaine laxis, - Serum lidocaine
Spinal: 5% with glucose with epinephrine has a more rapid onset on arrythmias, levels should be
Saddle Block: 1.5% with (acts as a action than other local bradycardia, monitored
dextrose vasopressor and anesthetics with higher pKa heart block, frequently during
Topical: 2.5 - 5% jelly, extends its duration values. Efficacy decreases in hypotension prolonged use.
ointment, cream, or of action at a site by the presence of inflammation; Therapuetic serum
solution. opposing the local this can be due to acidosis RESP: lidocaine levels
vasodilatory effects decreasing the proportion of bronchospas range from 1.5 to 5
of lidocaine. Given un-ionized lidocaine molecules, m mcg/ml.
intravenously, it can a faster decrease in lidocaine
be used during concentration due to increased - If signs of
advanced airway blood flow, and potentially overdose occur,
management as an also increased production of stop the infusion
adjuvant to tracheal inflammatory mediators like immediately and
intubation, peroxynitrite which act directly monitor the patient
obtunding the on sodium channels closely.
response to - For throat sprays,
laryngoscopy. make sure that the
patient’s gag reflex
Date Name of Drug Drawing Classification Dosage/ Time/Route Indication Mechanism of Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: Functional: Route: Intramuscular Indicated Active Side effects are - Be aware of maternal
09/19 Viral Vaccine subcutaneous (for patient for immunization usually mild and go hepatitis status at
/23 Hepatitis B risk for hemorrhage. immunizati with Hepatitis away in a few days. appropriate ages.
vaccine on against B vaccine They may include:
infection stimulates the  Soreness or - Notify the physician of
Chemical: caused by immune system redness where need for vaccine
all known to produce anti- the shot was
Brand Name: Subunit/ subtypes of HBs without given. - Draw back on the
conjugate heptitis B exposing the  Fever plunger of the syringe
- Energix B, vaccine virus; patient to the  Irritability before injection to avoid
Recombivax HB Immunopr risk of active  Diarrhea intravascular injection.
ophylaxis infection.  Reduced
against Infection with appetite - Assess the client for the
Hepatits B hepatitis D can  Symptoms of following:
occur only with cold
the concurrent  Hypotension  Soreness or redness
hepatitis B  Flushing at the injection site
infection, so  Back and muscle  Fever
vaccination pain  Fatigue
with  Seizures  Appearance of rashes
recombinant  Difficulty of
hepatitis B breathing
vaccine  Symptoms of cold
provides  Hypotension
protection  Flushing
against  Muscle, joint, and
hepatitis D as back pain
well.  Seizures
 Irritability
The  Diarrhea
recombinannt  Reduced Appetite
hepatitis B
vaccine is
produced by
(yeast) with a
plasmid that
codes for the
subtype of
Date Name of Drug Drawing Classificat Dosage/ Time/Route Indication Mechanism of Action Side Effects Nursing
ion Responsibilities
Generic Ergot Postpartum Hemorrhage Following delivery Acts directly on the smooth GIT: nausea, - Be alert for
09/19/2 Name: Alkaloid- of the placenta, for muscle of the uterus and vomitting, adverse reactions
3 Uterotropi 0.2 mg IM/IV q2-4hr PRN; routine management increases the tone, rate, and stomach pain, and drug
- Cethergo c not to exceed 5 doses, of uterine atony amplitude of rhythmic diarrhea interactions
THEN 0.2 - 0.4 mg PO q6- hemorrhage, and contractions. Thus, it induces a
8hr PRN for 2 - 7 days. subinvolution of the rapid and sustained titanic CNS: - As this drug as it
uterus. For control of uterotonic effect which anxiety, is potent
Administer IV only in uterine hemorrhage shortens the third stage of labor nervousness, vasoconstriction, it
emergency cases because of in the second stage and reduces blood loss. The headache, may cause
Brand Name: potential for Hypertension of labor following onset of action after I.V. dizziness hypertension and
& CVA delivery of the administration is immediate; cerebrovascular
- anterior shoulder. after I.M administration, 2-5 GU: leg accidents.
Methylergome Administer over >1 minute minutes, and after oral cramps
trine Maleate and monitor BP administration, 5-10minutes. - Ready the
EENT: resuscitive
PRESCRIBED ringing in equipments,
your ears suction, and O2
1AMP (0.2mg/mL) IVTT stuffy nose, must be available.
(one dose only or unpleasant
taste in your - Monitor
mouth. respiratory rate, BP,
heart rate, O2
GV: saturation, ABGs,
hypertension, depth of sedation,
hypotension, lipid, and
transient triglycerides.
chest pain,
palpitations, - Monitor and
thrombophle record uterine
bitis. contractions, heart
rate, BP,
RESP: intrauterine
dyspnea pressure, fetal heart
rate, and blood loss

Skin: - Monitor INP,

diaphoresis, antidiuretic efffect
rash, allergic may lead to fluid
reactions overload, seizures,
and coma.
Date Name of Drug Drawing Classificat Dosage/ Time/Route Indication Mechanism of Action Side Effects Nursing
ion Responsibilities
Generic Functional Dosage: Prevention, treatment Promotes hepatic formation of GIT: nausea, - Monitor patient,
09/19/2 Name: of hemorrhagic states coagulation factors II, VII, IX, vomitting, international
3 Antihemor 0.5 ml in neonates. Antidote X. Essential for normal clotting stomach pain, normalized ration
- rhagic hemorrhage induced by of blood. Readily absorbed diarrhea (INR) routinely in
Phytonadione Route: oral anticoagulants, from GI tract (duodenum) after those taking
hypoprothrombinemic IM, subcutaneous CNS: anticoagulants.
IM states due to vitamin K administration. Metabolized in anxiety,
Clinical deficiency. liver, excreted in urine; nervousness, - Assess skin for
Hypoprothrombinemia eliminated by biliary system. headache, ecchymoses,
Fat-soluble caused by Onset of action (increased dizziness petechiae.
Brand Name: vitamin. malabsorption or coagulation factors).
inability to synthesize GU: leg - Assess gums for
- Vitamin K vitamin K. cramps gingival bleeding.

EENT: - Assess for urine

ringing in hematuria.
your ears
stuffy nose, - Assess Hct,
or unpleasant platelet count,
taste in your urine/stool culture
mouth. for occult blood.

GV: - Assess for

hypertension, decrease in BP,
hypotension, increase in pulse
transient rate, complaint of
chest pain, abdominal/back
palpitations, pain, sever
thrombophle headache (may be
bitis. evidence of
dyspnea - Assess for
increase in amount
of discharge during
diaphoresis, - Assess for
rash, allergic peripheral pulses.

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