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Full name: ___Daniel Antonio Lopez Borjas_____

Start Time: __13:05___ Finish Time: ___14:56_______
1. Complete the conversation with the words in the box. (2.5 points)
[ do – like - don’t - you eat - do you – like meat - don’t eat ]
DUNCAN: Mmm!|1__________ ¡ | eat meat every day!
RAJIT: Really? I 2_________ meat.
DUNCAN: Oh, you don't eat meat. Do 3______ fish?
RAJIT: No, I 4 _____
DUNCAN: 5________eat eggs?
RAJIT: Yes, |6 ____ . | 7______ eggs.
2. Look at the pictures and complete with its correct name. (2 points)

5- Fruit 6- Milk 7-Meat 8- Tea

9- bread 10-vegetables 11-
soup 12- coffee
3. Look at the table and
complete the sentences
with the correct adverb
and verb.
a) I __never eat___fish.
b) I _always_eat__ lunch in a café. (eat)
c) I _____sometime eat_______ rice for lunch. (eat)
d) I __never have _ lunch at work. (have)
e) I __ usually have __ cereal for breakfast. (have)
f) I ___always have___ dinner at home. (have)

4. Read the text and answer the questions. (4 points)

a) How many meals do Maria have a

____three meals a day________
b) What do Maria and her family have
for breakfast? __bread and coffee
with milk___________
c) What’s panino?
_______Is a sandwich
d) What time do Maria and her family
have dinner?

e) Do they have vegetables after dinner?

5. Listen to the conversation . Tick the food or drink you hear. (2 points)

6. Listen again. Tick who says the sentences. (2.5points)

7. Write about the meals you have every day. Think about these questions. (5 points)
- How many meals do you have?
- What time do you have your meals?
- What food do you like to have for each meal?
- What food do you usually have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

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