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Document No.

Effective Date:

CASE STORY TITLE: One’s Commitment (part-2)


Give your thoughts on the 17 United Nation Sustainable Development Goals and cite a particular UNSDG
and community concern that it can address where you think Mapua-NSTP students, as a whole, can mainly
contribute in it.
Student’s Answer:

The UNSDGs are a set of 17 global objectives that aim to tackle a range of social, economic, and
environmental issues and create a sustainable future for everybody. These objectives offer a framework
for group activity and encourage participation from all parties, especially students and young people. The
UNSDG #4, Quality Education, stands out among the others. This objective fulfills the demands of
community education and gives students in the Mapua-NSTP program the chance to actively contribute,
which is in line with their concerns.

The fourth SDG, Quality Education, focuses on expanding possibilities for learning while maintaining its
quality for everyone. Reduced access to high-quality education for disadvantaged kids in adjacent areas is
one community concern that may be addressed under this aim in the context of Mapua-NSTP pupils.
Many kids in these neighborhoods confront challenges including scarce resources, shoddy construction,
and a lack of educational options. To close this gap, students may help by planning educational programs,
leading tutorials, and offering mentoring. Students in the Mapua-NSTP can work together and actively
interact with local communities to enhance access to high-quality education through the National Service
Training Program (NSTP). By collaborating with nearby schools, we may create and put into action
programs that offer resources and assistance for education to children from poor backgrounds through
organizations and community centers. This may entail holding seminars, creating libraries, setting up
tutoring sessions, and encouraging computer literacy. By putting the acquired information and abilities to
use, we can provide these kids with educational possibilities and maybe help.
use education to end the poverty cycle.

In conclusion, the students in the Mapua-NSTP program may make a substantial contribution to the
UNSDG's fourth aim, which is Quality Education. We may arrange educational activities, conduct tutorials,
and provide mentoring to empower these kids by addressing the community concern that impoverished
children in adjacent towns have limited access to high-quality education. We can effect good change and
contribute to ensuring inclusive and equitable education for everyone via active involvement and
partnership with neighborhood schools and groups. One community issue at a time, we can change things
and work toward the UNSDGs as students at Mapua University.
Document No.:
Effective Date:


Give your thoughts on the learnings you gained through this course, its relation to your duties as a
citizen and your future actions in fulfilling your commitment to the community.
Student’s Answer:

Throughout this course, I gained much knowledge about contributing to society and my
duty as a Mapua University student. Learning about the various social issues and
challenges communities face has made it evident that active participation and
collaborative efforts are required to effect positive change. Understanding the value of
diversity, empathy, and sustainable development has significantly impacted how I
approach my responsibility as a citizen.

My commitment to contribute substantially to the community has been bolstered by the

course's emphasis on active citizenship. My actions, no matter how small, might benefit
marginalized individuals and contribute to addressing local needs. My awareness of
diversity and the need to collaborate with people from different backgrounds to build a
stronger, more resilient community has been enhanced due to the training.

In general, this course has altered me since it has helped me recognize my role as an
empowered citizen. To build a more hospitable and compassionate community, my future
initiatives will concentrate on fostering understanding, promoting active involvement, and
furthering sustainable development. As a committed citizen, I am eager to advance
initiatives to create a more equitable and prosperous city for all.
Document No.:
Effective Date:

Submitted by: Verified by:

MANGONON,Jasper John A. Ma’am Mary Joy Esguerra



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