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Automate your processes I ur ) Innovate | with EasyPREP COD-200 Automated Chemical Oxygen Demand Analyzer Mixes, Heats, Cools and Analyzes COD Samples Compatiole with Potassium Dichromate and Potassium Permanganate Methods Turbidity Detection ISO 15705 and 8467 Compliant EPA 410.4 Compliant esources and in protecting the environment. Numerous regulations have been put forth at national and intemational levels in order to reinforce pr: that would maintain a healthy environment. 4 ‘ The EasyPREP porto mental testing | laboratories with the technologi quired to comply witt environmental water legislation through automated, * “ hares unattended, environmental te analytical platforms. des e User places COD reagent tubes with samples on system which automatically digests, homogenizes and analyzes. The measurement activity and concentration calculation are displayed in real-time on the soreen. Fully automated system from sample pick up to output of results Includes: digestion, sample time tracking, shaking, analysis, data transposition and storage Sample capacity of 217 COD tubes Measure samples 0.5mg/L to 1500mg/L.0, Teflon? coated graphite block for optimal heat uniformity and corrosion resistance Complies with IS0 15705, SO 8467 and EPA 410.4 User friendly software with real-time graphical display of the samples process LIMS compatible output file. Sample ID's are saved for fll traceability Specifications "THE COD-200 OFFERS ANALYSIS OF THE FOLLOWING METHODS: i ep Roowacy —Preison cemistry Wavelength Bandwiath —Methog Da ae (ot Coot (om) am readg) rating) Potassium Pemanganate 525 35 80.0467 OS ppm_——05-tOMpLO, 5 35 3-100mgL0, 3.5 5 Potassium Dichromate 500 2 BPN son 100-500 mg, 25 1 500-1500 mgl.0, 0.8 03 Patssium Deore 220 16 15018705 ppm 5-180mgLO, 35 3 Tuiaty Detection 850 37 = 25nTU 25-S0NTU = = 200 offers turbicity det 18. INCOD anaiyss, t the end uso fo confidently analys jon, In turbid sampies, light scattered fr Senos of uricity can cause devia amples knowing that the turbidity loves m solid particles may interlere wih the sempie's measured mpie vai. This capably allows Software Features METHOD BUILOING. + Irtuitye metros batting for analsis ct uo te 217 samples + Spectophoiometer designed Io alow COD anal WWETHOD CONFIGURATION Dietomate £20nn), sigh Sienomste (4Ohm} er Perrangar + User cena eigstion time, ceaing time and ciges analysis melhods temoerature slowing comolzce wth estab © Ioerease croductsty oy tung & metas that combines a ues \ ow ichromate 420} anc high Dchromate (S80nn) same + Bea time mon toring ol u gestion black temperature allows of low Dichromate (4 bigh Dihrora 7 Beal tne nina o Rain Full nats mods, whic includes digestion and reagng Beatie sisulzaton ofthe ron status a k or senply an Je for reeds progres + ee ia Dtecton eaten n 1m 1 pet Samples are incisal timed oaiow accurate sorta on each sama hesuuts + Autorated sample ca-centation calcula feud insite + Automatic reab-time expert of eat no osy fe for IMS © dramatic elton taster correction boos savale wine 7 © Flagging of suspect results aackindividual samples through barcoding CALIBRATION ‘© Wetnad riven calbraton of the spectra! Dichvomate «420ne}, High Biohromate (5900, Permanganat f525nm) and Turbidity @5Onm) sna Grapric walt on of thn caltnation ou vation data for quick reference Sa iT | COD-200 Ordering Information Bice nes BASE 00-200 1104280 wth etre oroa4ooot oD bes t8tyen awe con bes on Tees a OD bees tS 000mm tove5——s-90-26 [pesmi tse tne stn aon a . con bes tS005em C8200 D-NT iusto ssn 21 oer Yn wes = coo bes 0-15000qm —cS'200 5090-007 ac, eevee for 217 tubes C00-200 ro-4400ca “seschduiuetemgenenaiccucg SSC lovee! Sil W0.715401 [Ai asited gripper (compressor ntincuded) = cn ca high eet 20m 140-715-102 Bees ey becom st cesine ta, soy era OD Contl Soon 100p9m0, 500m 250-190-560 Potassium Pomanganate,S20nn, 150 8487 10-440-092 Gop Golson 100590, AL DIT Patssum Dita, Bonn S01570,6PA4104 _O10-40-090 ——cqp cate souon 1000%0m 0, ‘25m ee Potash Dtroat, 420, 5015705 O10-440-084 Cop cena Seaton T000REm 0, SOO 250-190-600 ergy seca, aoa 010-440-036 CO Canto Solution 10000, TL 250-130-601 COD Cott Soon 10,00055m 0, 125m 250:130-652 re COD ntl Soon 10,0006 0, 500ml 250-190-650 Et SYSTEM CALIBRATION OF DISPENSING 0D Cntl Souton 10.00056m 0, 1k 250-190-651 Tie ‘ACCURACY CERTICATION | Ch Catalog # 010-400-050 eeu es ‘i Compressor, 50 Uni -1.77 OFM & 8 bar- 116 psi o10-400.060 Barcode reader, for ap oacng of sample ieniicaton ovo 600034 PC wth Windows 0 010-400-008 TO LEARN MORE ‘COMPUTER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS INSTRUMENT OMENSIONS Please contact one of our sles Fo Przesoe 16 ose [eae] 2s A AMA rena. 165 Ra - reeset at sacred com fe $i wh 2575 or vist aur website wnt sepscince cn (eS Roa or x comet one ot tag oles bears Opatig San: —— Ws to 7, Weeaws> CANADA / USA FRANGE GERMANY HINA INTERNATIONAL Tel: (800) 361-6820 | Teh: +33 0)169187117 | Tels149(0)8342-89560-61 | Tel: +86 (10) 87583441 Tel 41 14) 457-0701 Fav (800) 289-8549 | Fax: +330) 60920567 | Fax.-+49(0) 6342-89560-69. | Fax: +98 (10) 97589471 Fax +1 (614) 437-4499

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