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Battle Types

Double Battle Type match-ups are reversed.

Operates the same as a Single Battle.
Each Trainer sends out two Pokemon at once
Both Pokemon can take a separate action a. bonus action, Battle Royal
but if the Trainer takes an action, neither take an action Four Trainers fight at the same time, all against each other
Multi Battle Each Trainer brings up to three Pokemon to the fight
At the end of a round, if a Trainer has no Pokemon
Battle between four Trainers Two Trainers per side remaining, the battle ends
Uncommonly, two Trainers versus one. Moves that hit multiple Pokemon at once deal half damage
Similar to Double Battles, with some core changes to how New Pokemon are snatched in at the end of a round
pint parties are handled. Before then, if a move targets a Pokemon that fainted, the
Each Trainer sends out one Pokemon (or the single move fails
Trainer sends out two in a 2v1). For each Pokemon you knock out, directly or indirectly,
Each Trainer operates on their own initiative, but Trainers and for each you have conscious by the end of the battle.
on the same side are considered allies. you get a point The Trainer with the most points win. You
Trainers cannot command any Pokemon but their own, cannot win if you do not have any conscious Pokemon
even if the Pokemon is on their side. unless all other Trainers have no conscious Pokemon.
Each Trainer selects up to three Pokemon contribute to Trainers cannot use items.
their side's party, a maximum of six However, they can only
swap their own Pokemon with their own Pokemon If a
Trainer on one side does not have three Pokemon
available, the other Trainer may not lend a Pokemon or
add a fourth to their side's party.
Triple Battle
Each Trainer sends out three Pokemon at once.
All Pokemon can take a separate action a. bonus action,
but if the Trainer takes an action, Pokemon can take an
Rotation Battle
Each Trainer sends out three Pokemon at once.
Only one Pokemon fights at a time The other two remain
in battle, but can't take any actions or bonus actions a. are
unaffected by moves or abilities.
On a Trainer's turn, they can rotate which Pokemon is
active as a free action.
Rotating is not the same as switching and will not reset
changed stats or remove minor status conditions Inactive
Pokemon do not take damage from conditions but are not
cured of them.
Horde Battle
Strictly occurs with wild Pokemon.
Five Pokemon of the same species appear at once. The
Trainer only uses one Pokemon
A single counterpart Pokemon may rarely appear among
the five Pokemon
Wild Pokemon Horde Battles are much weaker than
Sky Battle
Takes place in the air
Only Pokemon that can fly or have the Levitate ability may
participate. If no eligible Pokemon on a side remain, the
battle ends.
Inverse Battle
Part 2 | Your Introduction
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