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RESEARCH ON RADISH (Raphanus sativus L.

A research paper submitted to the

College of Agriculture.
In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
subject CROP SCI 102

By the Fifth Group of BSAB 2-D


KIWAS, Chona S.
LAGASCA, AJ Faith Devine Grace
LAUS, Alpine P.
LAUS, Teneth L./

Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) belongs to the family Brassicaceae. It is a popular root vegetable in both
tropical and temperate regions. It can be cultivated under cover for early production but large-scale production
in field is more common in India. In Karnataka, radish is grown in 8,278 ha with a production of 3,60,093 tones
(Anon., 1995).
Radish is grown for its young tender tuberous root which are consumed either cooked or raw. It is a good source
of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and minerals like calcium, potassium and phosphorus. It has got refreshing and
diuretic properties. In homeopathy, it is used for neurological, headache, sleeplessness and chronic diarrhea. The
roots are also useful in urinary complaints and piles. The leaves of radish are good source for extraction of
protein on a commercial scale and radish seeds are potential source of non-drying fatty oil suitable for soap
making illuminating and edible purposes. Radish is predominantly a cool season vegetable crop. But Asiatic
types can tolerate higher temperature than European varieties. Being a cool season crop, it is sown during winter
from September to January in northern plains. In the mild climate of peninsular India, radish can be grown
almost all the year round except for few months of summer. It is an annual or biennial depending upon the type
for the purpose it is grown.
Radish (Raphanus sativus), is one of the major vegetable crops in the Philippines. It is highly appreciated by
consumers for its pungent taste. It could be eaten raw in salads, prepared as pickles or cooked with fish, meat
and shrimp and other meals. Due to its popularity, radish is often planted in many homes garden or raised
commercially in the field. Out of 52,630 hectares devoted to vegetable growing in the country, 2,050 hectares
were planted to radish with a normal average production of 11,269 metric tons (BAS,1979).
Radish is a crop with diverse varieties and cultivars, each varying in shape, size, flavor, and color. Some
common types include round red radishes, long white icicles radishes, black Spanish radishes, and watermelon
radishes, with a green exterior and pink interior flesh resembling that of a watermelon. There are also winter
varieties like Daikon or Mooli which have an elongated shape and white skin. Cherry Belle is one of the most
popular traditional red globes- shaped cultivars while French Breakfast has an elongated shape with white tips.
Importance and Origin
Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) is an anciently annual or biennial cultivated vegetable. It most likely
originated in the area between the Mediterranean and the Caspian Sea (Crisp 1995). It may come from the wild
radish in southwest China (Cheo et al. 1987). It is possible that radishes were domesticated in both Asia and
Europe. According to Herodotus (c. 484-424 BC), radish was one of the important crops in ancient Egypt, as
radish was depicted on the walls of the Pyramids about 4000 years ago. Cultivated radish and its uses were
reported in China nearly 2000 years ago (Li 1989) and in Japan radishes were known some 1000 years ago
(Crisp 1995).
Based on recent studies using chloroplast single sequence repeats (cpSSRs), Yamane et al. (2009) postulate
three independent domestication events which include black Spanish radish and two distinct cpSSR haplotype
groups. One of the haplotype groups is geographically restricted to Asia, presenting higher cpSSR diversity than
cultivated radish from the Mediterranean region or wild radish types. This implies that Asian cultivated radish
cannot be traced back to European cultivated forms which spread to Asia, but might have originated from a still
unknown wild species that is different from the wild ancestor of European cultivated radish (Yamane et al.
Today, radishes are grown throughout the world. Different local people prefer to use various parts of the radish
plants including roots, leaves, sprouts, seed pods and oil from seeds as their food according to their own custom.
Radishes are low in calories and high in vitamin C, folate, and potassium. Radishes contain sulfurous
compounds, such as sulforaphane, which have anti-cancer properties, and are expectorant.
The early domestication of radishes, evolutionary processes and human selection of preferred types have led to
significant variations in size, color and taste of this vegetable crop. Among them, small-rooted radishes are
grown in temperate regions of the world and harvested throughout the year (Crisp 1995). Larger-rooted cultivars
such as Chinese radish are predominant in East and Southeast Asia (Schippers 2004).
World production of radish roots is estimated at 7 million t per year, about 2% of the total world production of
vegetables (Schippers 2004). In China, Japan and Korea, as well as in Yemen, radish ranks high in importance
(Schippers 2004).
The word agriculture came from two Latin words, Ager which means field and Tura which means
Cultivation. Agriculture therefore refers to the cultivation and production of crops and plants and raising of
livestock for economic purposes and human needs. It is also termed as the science and art of farming including
the work of cultivating the soil, producing crops, planting forests plants and trees, raising livestock and rearing
Agriculture includes farming in all branches and, among other things, includes the cultivation and tillage of soil,
dairying, the production, cultivation, growing and harvesting of any agricultural and horticultural commodities,
the raising of livestock or poultry, and any practices performed by a farmer on a farm as an incident to or in
conjunction with such farming operations, but does not include the manufacturing or processing of sugar,
coconuts, abaca, tobacco, pineapple or other farm products. (Art. 97 (d), Chapter I, Title II, Labor Code of the
Philippines). Agriculture, Agricultural Enterprise or Agricultural Activity means of such farm products, and
other farm activities cultivation of the soil, planting of crops, growing of fruit trees, including the harvesting and
practices performed by a farmer in conjunction with such farming operations done by persons whether natural
or juridical. (Sec. 3b, Chapter I, Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988 (R.A. No. 6657 as amended by
R. A. 7881), Philippines.
There are three sets of discipline or spheres in Agricultural crop farming first was geoponic which is the normal
farming. This involves growing plants within soil or an aggregate. Hydroponic is a cultivation of crops using
water. Aeroponic on the other hand is cultivation of crops using air. We have a land area of about 30 million ha;
47% is known to be agricultural lands and 13 million ha is devoted to agricultural crops. Our Agri Products
commonly include rice, corn, bananas, coconuts, sugarcane, mangoes, abaca, coffee, pork, beef, eggs and fish.
Our top Agri exports include refined coconut oil, coconut water, bananas, mangoes and pineapples and the top
destinations of our Agri exports are in the USA and Japan.1


Soil and Climatic Requirement
Radish produces good yield of seed under temperate climate with less humidity especially during the
reproductive stage. High temperature during flowering causes drying of stigma and non-germination of pollen
resulting in a poor seed yield. In the Philippines, it is best grown for seed production at higher elevation of 2000
feet or above, to fulfill low temperature requirement. Data showed (Table 1) that the seed yield is better at
higher elevation compared to lower elevation.
Table 1. Yield of radish seed production under different elevations a_/

Talaga, Tanauan, Batangas (1980) Low 53
Montaa, Tanauan, Batangas (1980) Low ---b/
Mamala, Sariaya, Quezon (1979) Medium 216
Iruhin, Tagaytay, Cavite (1980) Medium ---b/
MSAC, La Trinidad, Benguet(1979) High 649
MSAC, La Trinidad, Benguet (1980) High 440
a/ Based from the study conducted by the Seed Technology Div., Agronomy Dept., UPCA, Seed Support Project,
NFAC/UPLB Countryside Action Program, College Laguna. b/Poor flowering due to ineffective vernalization.

The vast area of high elevation (e.g., Benguet, Mt. Province, mountainside of Mt. Banahaw, Mt. Makiling, Mt.
Kanlaon, etc.) offers a great opportunity for radish seed production in the country. For seed production, a fertile
sandy loam and silty loam soil with slightly acidic condition (pH 6-6.8) is recommended. The soil should be
deep, friable, rich in organic matter and relatively free from disease-causing micro-organism.
Recommended Variety
The most popular radish variety grown in the country is the ‘60-days’ variety. It possesses excellent eating
quality, high potential yield, good handling and storage quality. Its root is long and large with white skin and
attain maximum marketable size within 60 days from emergence. This variety is often pollinated and is very
ideal for local seed production. With proper vernalization technique, it could be made to flower in about 75
days, mature in about 120 days and produce good seed yield.


Harveson Hybrid Mino 70 Milky 40-45 2 All year Vigorously
Early (NONG white round growing
WOO BIO) variety
Harveson Hybrid 60-65 Green 18-22 8-Jul All year Good
Success round quality and
(NONG high
WOO yielding
Pine Mino Early 60 Pure 40-45 4.5-5.3 Uplands Heavy
Valley (ALLGROW) white best yielder.
Corp during With 550-
warm 650 grms in
weather weight and
Allied Red Round 25 Bright All year Very high
Botanical Cherriette red round uniformity
(SAKATA) of attractive
bright red
Allied Sinandok 46 Pearly 28.28 3.5 All year Highly
Botanical white round uniform
plants and
roots high
Harveson Summer Best 60-65 Green 18-22 8-Jul All year It shows
(NONG round slow bolting
WOO and late
BIO) pithiness
Argoseed Alpine Hybrid 60-65 Summer Tolerant to
Traders club root
Phils., fusaruim
Inc. wilt and
virus. Early
roots are
white with
green neck,
firm texture,
Argoseed Argo Radish 38-45 All year
Traders round
Argoseed Asia Gaul Jeo 65 Year Good for
Traders Jang Hybrid round denes
Phils., planting.
Inc. The roots
have flesh,
few branch
roots and
quality, the
taste is the
key merit
of this
Argoseed Mino Early 55-60 35-40 Strong
Traders Long White tolerance to
Phils., virus. Dark
Inc. green leaf,
smooth skin.
East-West Speedy

Culture and Management

A. Time of Planting. Planting time must be initially planned for best result. Flowering of the crop should
coincide with the coolest month of the region to fully fulfill the cool climate requirement. Likewise,
pod maturity and harvesting must be on the dry season to minimize seed losses due to lodging brought
about by heavy rains and obtain a favorable condition for harvesting and other post-harvest operation.

B. Vernalization Requirement. To induce early, abundant and uniform flowering, radish requires
vernalization. Vernalization of radish first requires incubation of the seeds to allow the radical to come
out of the seed coat. This is done by soaking the seeds in equal amount of water for 24hours. After
incubation, the seeds are laid in trays lined with moist paper or cheese cloth two centimeters thick and
placed in cold room under 5 0C Temperature eight days. The seeds should always be maintained in a
moist condition during vernalization.

C. Land Preparation. Preparing the land for planting varieties with the soil and field condition in the
selected site. Shallow and depleted soils require pre-planting conditioning to obtain good texture and
structure. This involves deep plowing and incorporation of adequate amount of inorganic matter such as
well decomposed animal manure. Likewise, field with dense weeds must first be cleaned thoroughly
before initial land preparation. Soils should be plowed and harrowed alternately at least twice to attain
favorable texture and structure. Raised beds one meter wide and 30 centimeters high are prepared
following the slope of the area to insure good drainage and ease of other field operations. A day before
planting, shallow canal of five centimeters deep and 30 centimeters apart are made on top of the bed.

D. Planting. Planting the vernalized seeds in the field can be done any time of the day as long as there is
adequate moisture in the soil. In planting, three to four germinated seeds are carefully placed in the
shallow furrow 20 centimeters apart. The seeds are immediately covered with thin layer of soil about
one centimeter thick by gently passing a rake on top of the bed. The vernalized seeds should always be
maintained in moist condition during planting to prevent drying. Irrigated should follow days after
planting to insure good emergence and seedling stand.

E. Fertilization. The amount of nutrient to be applied depends on the initial soil fertility level and soil
organic matter content. Initial assessment of the nutrient level of the soil through soil analysis will be
helpful in determining the amount of fertilizer to be applied. In general however, radish seeds
production requires the rate of 120-90-90 kilograms per hectare of Nitrogen; Phosphorus and Potassium
( N; P2O5 ; and K2O ).All of the P and K and half of N are best applied in the soil during land
preparation. The fertilizer should be incorporated properly and thoroughly to prevent contact with the
vernalized seed for it may cause injury to the seedlings. The remaining half of N is side-dressed three
weeks after emergence. The field should be thoroughly weeded and crops properly thinned before side-
F. Irrigation. Water should be applied more frequently during the early part of the growing period.
Adequate irrigation should be done immediately after planting. Likewise, application of water once a
week until the seedling had fully established should be continued. Other stages where water is initially
needed are during vegetative, flower initiation and pod development stages. Irrigation water can be
applied either by overhead sprinkler method or by furrow irrigation.

G. Thinning. The purpose of thinning in radish seed production is two- fold; to maintain the proper
density of the crop and to rouge off-types and diseased plants. The crop is thinned to about one to two
plants per hill at the early part of its seedling stage to minimize over –crowding. Likewise, off types
and diseased plants are rouged to obtain seeds that are pure and disease free.

H. Weeding and Cultivation. The most applicable method of weeding in radish is by cultivating the
space between the rows and hills. Cultivation must be thorough enough to control weeds but must also
be shallow (eight to 10 centimeters deep) to avoid serious root injury. Weeding must start on the earliest
date when weeds are observed. By this way weed control will be easier.

I. Insect Management. The annotated listing and suggested control for common radish seed production
pestare given in this section. Suggested guide for chemical control of radish pest is prevented.

Suggested Chemical Control for Radish Insect Pests

Pest Common name Typical Application Frequently Remarks

Brand Rate and Method
Names of
Diamond Decamethrin Desis 2.5 2tablespoons/5- 7-day In case of
back moth EC gallon water interval severe
of pest use
higher rate
Basillusthuringuiensi Difel 2-4 7 day Effective
s(Biological tablespoon/5gal interval only on
insecticide) lon water the larval
of the pest

Carbofuran Furadan 1 bag (16.7 kg)/ Apply in

3G ha. furrows at
Kafil 3-5 7 day
tablespoon/5 interval
gallon water
Armyworm Methomyl Lannate 3-6 7 day
s tablespoon/5 interval
gallon water
Methyl parathion Parapest 1-2 7 day In case of
M EC tablespoon/5 interval severe
gallon 1water infestation
of pest use
higher rate
Malathion Malathion 3 tablespoon/5 7 day
E57 gallon water interval
Black Carbofuran Carbofuran 1 bag (16.7 kg)/ Apply in
cutworm ha. furrows at
time or
apply near
the base of
the plant
Methomyl Lannate 20 3-6 7 day Late in the
EC tablespoon/5 interval afternoon
gallon water or early in
Methyl parathion Parapest M 1-2 7 day
EC tablespoon/5 interval
gallon 1water
Aphids Malathion Malathion 3 tablespoon/5 7 day Thoroughl
E57 gallon water interval y spray the
inner and
portion of
the leaves
Methyl parathion Parapest M 1-2 7 day
EC tablespoon/5 interval
gallon 1water
Methomyl Lannate 20 3-6 7 day
EC tablespoon/5 interval
gallon water
Carbofuran Carbofuran 1 bag (16.7 kg)/ Apply in
ha furrows at

1. Diamond Back Moth. This insect pest is the most serious pest among crucifers. The larvae first
feed on the leaves as a miner, then progressively feed by making small holes. It also feeds on the
flower buds, the rind of the flower stalks and the immature pods. If left unchecked, they
multiply rapidly and become only noticeable due to the defoliated appearance of the crop, the
debarking of the rinds of the flower stalks and the deformation of the immature pods. Preventive
measure should be employed to discourage the establishment and prolific multiplication of the
pest. Situating the area away from fields of other crucifers’ crop is likewise recommended.
Application of granular systemic insecticide before planting and continuous spraying during the
early onset could prevent further development of the Pest. In cases where the pest had established,
tiny larvae could be suppressed by spraying contact and biological insecticide (Table 2). During
severe infestation, doubling the recommended rate and shortening the interval of spraying should
be employed. Likewise, alternate use/or mixture of different insecticides is recommended.

2. Aphids. Aphids cluster on the young tender leaves of the host plant. During flowering, they could
also be found on the soft parts of the flower stalks and immature pods. The insect damage the crop
by sucking the sap of the soft tissue of the leaves, flower stalks and pods. Heavily infested leaves
turn yellowish and speckled in appearance. Pods hardly develop when the flower stalk and
immature pods are infested. The insect often easily establishes in an overcrowded and weed
infested field. So that, proper density and weed control are the best preventive measure for such
pest. Moreso, the insect could be easily controlled by spraying recommended insecticides’ table of
insect control.

3. Cutworms. The larvae remain buried about two to five centimeters below the surface of the
ground during the day and feed at night by biting through the stem of growing plant at ground
level. Infested plant falls-off and eventually dies. The degree of damage of this pest is rather high
with in the first two weeks after germination. Applying granular insecticide on furrows before
planting minimizes the occurrence of the pest. Once the symptom of infestation appears, spraying
of recommended insecticide late in the afternoon when the larvae appear could help control the

4. Armyworm. The larvae are voracious feeders. They eat mostly the rind and other soft parts of the
flower stalks, stalk branches and immature pods. They feed mainly at night and when left
unchecked, they can even destroy large portion of the field in a single night. Regular field
visitation to detect any sign of pest infestation should be done. Spraying of contact insecticide
(Table 2) is recommended when the first sign of infestation appears.

5. Disease Control. Damping-off is the most common disease of radish during the seedling stage,
while mosaic and bacterial soft rot often appear on the latter vegetative stage of the crop. As guide
to their identification, their casual organism and characteristics symptom are provided in this
section. Suggested guides for chemical control of this disease are as follows.

Suggested Chemical Control for Common Radish Disease

Disease Chemical name Application Rate Frequency and Remarks

Method of
Rotting of Arasan 75 1 During
Vernalized tablespoon/gallon vernalization
Seed water water the seeds
daily with the
Damping- Arasan 75 1 During
off tablespoon/gallon vernalization
water (need water the uprooted
treatment) seeds with the
Captan 3 tablespoon/ For spray Repeat
5gallon water preparation apply spraying as
(spray) after seed needed
germination of the
crop in the field
Bacterial Captan 3 tablespoon/ Start applying Repeat
soft rot 5gallon water wither by spray or spraying as
drench when needed
symptoms of
infection appear
Mossaic Malathion E 57 3 tablespoon/ 7 days interval For the
5gallon water control of
insect vector
Parapest M EC 1-2 tablespoon/5 7 days interval
gallon water
Lannate 20 EC 3-6 tablespoon/ 5 7 days interval
gallon water
Furadan 3G 1 bag (16.7 kg)/ha Apply in furrows
at planting time

6. Damping-off Seedlings. All are fungi which are either soil-borne or seed borne. The following
are the symptoms of the disease: seed may decay before it germinates, sprouts are withered before
they reach the soil surface, or seedling may develop lesions near the soil level and fall over. To
control the disease, seeds should be properly treated with Prefigure or any fungicide before and
after sowing or occurrence of symptom in the fields. Watering should be made early in the
morning to minimize the onset of the disease.

7. Mosaic. This disease is characterized by yellowish mottling on the leaves. If the infection takes
place early in the growth of the plant, it becomes stunted, deformed and it is total loss. Late
infection, on the other hand, results in a reduced plant size. The casual organism is transmitted by
insect, particularly aphids, and is carried in the seeds. Aphids should be properly controlled and
use of disease- free seeds for seed production is recommended. Likewise, isolation and repeated
rouging of infested plant should be employed.

8. Bacterial Soft Rot. A watery and slimy softening of the tissue develops on the base of the stem of
the plant. As it progresses, the water exudes giving off an offensive odor. The avenue or point of
entry is through the wounds being advanced by favorable condition for bacterial growth. Diseased
plant should be pulled and burned. Spraying and drenching of fungicide on infected plant should
be employed at the early onset to minimize the spread.

9. Birds (MAYA) and (MARTINEZ). Birds, particularly the locally called species “Maya” and
“Martinez”, peck the maturing pods and eat the seeds. These particular birds visit the area early in
the morning and late in the afternoon. To minimize their damage, scarecrows should be established
in the field and the crop should immediately be harvested once the pods mature.

J. Harvesting and Other Post Harvest Operations

a. Harvesting. Radish pods do not shatter even if allowed to fully ripen in the fields. However, when the
pods are mature enough, the crop should be harvested as soon as possible to minimize risk of seed loss
due to birds or unexpected heavy rains. The crop is ready for harvest once the pods turn matured and
brownish in color and is brittle enough for cracking. The seeds must be brownish in color, firm and
hard. In harvesting, the flower stalks where the pods cling are cut and gathered. Then they allowed to
dry in an open area.

b. Threshing. To have an easy threshing, the pods are first separated from the stalk by hand or by passing
and pulling the stalks in a comb-like stripper. The separated pods are collected and sun-dried to become
more brittle and pounded using wooden mortar and pestle to break the shell of the pods. The seeds are
then separated from the shell of the pod by passing them in a sieve or by winnowing.

c. Drying. Seeds should be dried properly to about 7 o/o content before packaging to prolong its storage
life. To attain such moisture content two days of continuous sun-drying will be enough. When the
climatic condition does not permit sun drying, an overnight drying in a conventional type grain (palay
and corn) drier will be sufficient to attain the target moisture content.

d. Seed Testing. The seed must be tested for its germinability and purity. Seed samples must be analyzed
to determine whether they are of good quality. Seed quality can be determined by National Seed
Quality Control Services (NSQCS) seed laboratories located in the different regions of the country,
where the seed sample of crop produced could be given for analysis.

e. Packaging. Packaging seed materials must be air-tight and moisture proof. For commercial qualities,
seeds could be packed in plastic bags and must be sealed using the plastic sealer. Certain information
such as: name of crop, place of harvest, date of harvest, percent germination, etc should be labeled on
the package.

Step-by-Step Guide to Planting and Growing Radish

Planting and growing radish is relatively easy and requires minimal effort. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how
to do it:

1. Choose the right variety of radishes based on your preference, climate, soil type, and availability.
2. Prepare the soil by loosening it up with a rake or hoe. Make sure that there are no rocks or weeds left
3. Create rows in your garden bed about 6-12 inches apart from each other using a shovel or gardening
4. Sow the seeds thinly into each row at least half an inch deep into the soil, and cover with soil gently.
5. Water immediately after planting until dampened but not soaked—this helps activate seed
germination; keep watering once daily until matured plants have developed fully grown leaves.
6. Fertilize when leaves begin to grow with nitrogen-rich fertilizer such as ammonium nitrate; repeat
this process every two weeks throughout the plant growth stage.
7. Monitor for pests and diseases regularly since they can significantly impact productivity levels if
allowed to spread unchecked;
8. Harvest when roots reach maturity which usually takes around 25-30 days depending on varietal
characteristics including size, color, and flavor profile;

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