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This Undergraduate Research Proposal is
Presented to State University of Hindus I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Sarjana in English Language Education

NIM 1811171018






This is to certify that the undergraduate thesis of Ni Kadek Ayu Dita Adiyanti has
been approved by the advisors to proceed to proposal examination:

Advisor I Advisor II

Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Wijaya, S.Pd., M.Pd. Komang Trisnadewi, S.S., M.Hum.
NIP. 19811216 200501 1 003 NIP. 19871105 201903 2 013

Submitted by
Ni Kadek Ayu Dita Adiyanti
This research proposal has been accepted by the board of examiners and permitted
to proceed to research conduct

Denpasar, ……….
Board of Examiners,
Chairman Secretary

Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Wijaya, S.Pd., M.Pd. Komang Trisnadewi, S.S., M.Hum.
NIP. 19811216 200501 1 003 NIP. 19871105 201903 2 013

Examiner 1 Examiner 2

Nama lengkap. Nama lengkap.


Acknowledge by,
Head of English Education Department

Dr. Siluh Nyoman Seriadi, S.Pd, S.Ag, M.Pd

NIP. 19641231 200312 2 020



COVER .................................................................................................................... i
APPROVEMENT SHEET ON RESEARCH PROPOSAL .................................... ii
VALIDITY SHEET ............................................................................................... iii
TABLE OF CONTEN ........................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................v
BAB I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................1
1.1 Background of Study .............................................................................1
1.2 Research Problem...................................................................................3
1.3 Objective Study ......................................................................................4
1.4 Significance of Study .............................................................................4
BAB II LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................5
2.1 Theoretical Review ................................................................................5
2.1.1 Speaking Skill ..............................................................................5
2.1.2 Project Based Learning ................................................................6
2.1.3 Vlogging ......................................................................................8
2.2 Empirical Review ...................................................................................9
2.3 Conceptual Framework ........................................................................10
2.4 Hypothesis ...........................................................................................11
BAB III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................12
3.1 Research Design ...................................................................................12
3.2 Research Setting ...................................................................................13
3.2.1 Place...........................................................................................13
3.2.2 Time ...........................................................................................13
3.3 Research Participants ...........................................................................13
3.4 Criteria of Success................................................................................13
3.5 Data Collection Technique ...................................................................14
3.6 Research Procedure ..............................................................................14
3.7 Data Analysis .......................................................................................15
3.7.1 Quantitative Data .......................................................................15
3.7.2 Qualitative Data ......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.


Figure 1 Research Plan...........................................................................................11

Figure 2. Cycling procces of Classroom action research .......................................12


1.1 Background of Study

English is the language used by many countries so English is used as an
international language. Such as being used to communicate with people from other
countries, as a means of communication for doing business, and many others.
Therefore, it is important for us Learn English to face the world. In this global era,
this country will develop more and more. Based on free trade, more and more
foreign companies are set up in Indonesia, so the use of international languages
such as English is very common. Of course, for aspiring entrepreneurs and job
seekers, learning English is a must in order to keep up with the times.
In learning English, of course, we must recognize the skill or ability to learn
it. There are 4 types of skills contained in English, among others, "Writing,
Speaking, Reading, and Listening". These four skills are very important to master
for those of you who study or want to master English. Of the four skills that have
been mentioned, all of them are important to learn, because if we want to find
information in written form it is very important for us to master reading skills so
that we can receive information properly. Besides that, writing skills are also
important to master, in this case, writing is used when we want to write a paper,
write a letter or send a message. The third skill is listening, we use this skill in
receiving information so it is important for us to master the ability to listen so that
we are not mistaken in receiving information such as from radio, television, or when
talking to someone. And the last skill that is most important to master is the ability
to speak. In order to convey information correctly and to be understood by the other
party, it is important to acquire the ability to speak.
Speaking skill is the most important skill when learning a foreign language.
Of the four most important language skills, speaking is considered the most
important skill when learning a foreign or second language. Brown and Yuke
(1983:26) state that ``Speech is the skill most valued by students in real-world
situations.'' You can't communicate well if you don't speak. Communication is an
endeavor because it is important to express yourself by speaking using language.
Conveying information to the interlocutor in a way that the interlocutor can
understand. Brawan of Athlour (2010:14) Speech is defined as an interactive,
meaning-building process in which information is produced, received, and
Mastering your speaking skills will make it easier for you to communicate
with people. Speaking skills are especially important for students to communicate
well and be understood by their audience. When teaching speaking skills, there
must be good communication between the teacher and the student. You need to
speak English not only in class, but also in your daily life, such as when talking to

friends and family, and at work. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire the ability to
Indeed, there are individuals who struggle with developing effective
speaking skills in English, and this can be attributed to various external and internal
factors. External factors encompass social and non-social elements. Social factors
may stem from the students themselves, while non-social factors can involve the
learning environment or the context in which the learning process takes place. On
the other hand, internal factors are divided into physiological and psychological
aspects. Physiological factors relate to the functioning of specific organs in
students, while psychological factors can manifest as a lack of motivation and
interest in learning speaking skills.
Due to these factors, many people perceive speaking English as a
challenging skill to acquire. It encompasses multiple aspects of language skills,
such as pronunciation, listening, grammar, and vocabulary, all at once (Yanto,
2015:29). However, with a little courage and strong motivation, one can achieve
fluency in speaking English. Speaking is a crucial skill that needs to be mastered
and practiced actively with others as conversation partners (Astrawan, 2013:35). In
the education system, English learning materials for speaking skills are typically
taught by teachers using techniques like discussions or dialogues as initial steps.
Pronunciation plays a vital role in speaking proficiency as it refers to the correct
way of pronouncing English words (Online Dictionary, 2016). By developing
proficient pronunciation, individuals can communicate clearly and sound
professional when speaking English. In summary, while there are challenges
associated with developing speaking skills in English, motivation, practice, and
proper pronunciation are key factors in achieving fluency. With dedication and
guidance, individuals can overcome these difficulties and improve their ability to
communicate effectively in English.
Acquiring speaking skills is very important, but some people still lack
speaking skills. For example, the first students of SMA Negri 3 Denpasar still lack
language skills. This is also seen in her freshman year who still mispronounces
English words. Another example is students who can pronounce each word well but
can't really get their thoughts across (can't connect), students who speak
incoherently but have correct grammar, and other difficult students. . This happens
because they think speaking is a difficult, scary, and boring subject, but they are
successful with student motivation, lack of vocabulary, and traditional teaching
methods, techniques, approaches, or materials. Even a non-existent teacher could
be to blame.
Learning vocabulary is essential to mastering speaking skills. However, the
most fundamental problem that students face is their lack of vocabulary acquisition,
which results in their inability to speak properly. After observing the students, I
found that they knew very little vocabulary. Furthermore, the interview results
showed that the students were still confused when it came to expressing their
thoughts in English. Teachers likewise told students that they were unable to
communicate their thoughts using English.

Based on the statement above, vocabulary mastery is very important to
master speaking skills. If students lack vocabulary, students will have difficulty
arranging the sentences so the variations in sentences expressed by students become
irregular. If the students master the vocabulary, it will be easy for students to
arrange words into a sentence so that the variations in sentences carried out by
students become more regular.Several studies have stated that vlogging is
successful and effective in improving speaking skills. Like the research conducted
at SMK Negeri 1 Arjasa in 11th class (Mohammad Ersan, et,al,. 2022:12)
researchers succeeded in improving pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary skills
in improving speaking skills. Other researchers also stated that vlogging can
increase activity and self-confidence to improve speaking skills at SMA
Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo in 11 IPA 3 class (Ayu, et, al,.2018:15). In addition,
other researchers also stated that vlogging can improve vocabulary, grammar,
accent pronunciation, and knowledge of culture in the English Education study
program at the Indonesian Technocratic University.
In this case, vocabulary mastery is an important part of speaking English,
because by knowing a lot of vocabulary we can arrange words easily so that they
can become sentences that are easy to understand. Mastery of vocabulary can also
make it easier for us to look for variations of words in composing sentences. Thus
the importance of mastering vocabulary for anyone who wants to speak English
Based on the statement above the researcher tries to introduce a learning
method to improve speaking skills. This learning method is called the project-based
learning method through video vlogging. Researcher will use video vlogging later
in problems to improve speaking skills and will be will be uploaded on Instagram.
Fauziati (2014) said that the use of the PBL method provides an opportunity for
students to work on the assignments given so that students not only learn but also
practice English and can develop other important skills such as teamwork, critical
thinking, and presentations. In use project based learning, students can be
stimulated to develop and improve their English skills so they can use English
language fluently, precisely, and confidently.
With this study, researcher hope that video blogging can be a way to improve
students' speaking skills and also motivate them. Speaking well is important, so
mastering vocabulary is important. Because the vlog video vocabulary uploaded on
her Instagram account (social media) of the student could support her speaking
1.2 Research Problem
Based on the phenomenon described in the background this study, the
formulation of the research problem can be formulated as follows:
“How should teacher implement video vlogging to improve students’ speaking
skill In SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar?”

1.3 Objective Study
According to the problem statement, the purpose of this research is:
“To identify the best way to implement video vlogging to improve students’
speaking skill in SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar”

1.4 Significance of the Study

1.4.1 Theoretical
a) The benefits prospective of English education, especially at SMA
Negeri 3 Denpasar, are being able to innovate using the project
based learning method through video vlogging in improving
students' speaking skills.
b) The benefits of theoretical research in English education, especially
at SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar, are that it can serve as a basis and
reference for further research related to improving students'
speaking skills.
1.4.2 Practical
a) For prospective English teachers, especially at SMA Negeri 3
Denpasar. This research is expected to provide useful input for
teachers in developing learning materials and motivating students to
improve speaking skills. The teaching method applied in this study
can motivate students in learning English in the future. In addition,
teachers can also use Vlogging to be an additional learning media
that can be used for teachers.
b) This research is expected to support other research related to
improving speaking skills and material development using
interesting media, especially vlogging projects. Teaching methods
can also be improved, modified, developed according to the times or
applied by other researcher based on certain conditions.


2.1 Theoretical Review

2.1.1 Speaking Skill
Speaking English is an important component for students to interact and
communicate with other people from various countries and speaking English is not
easy to learn without a lot of practice. Speaking is one of the important language
skills to be learned by students in order to fulfill the curriculum objectives in
language learning. Richards (2008:32) states, “The mastery of speaking skills in
English is a priority for many second languages or foreign language learners.” With
speaking skills, students can easily get and understand what information people are
saying. Speaking skills are needed in the uber-communication teaching and learning
process, expressing students' ideas to teachers or friends. Without good speaking
skills students will find it difficult to do that. By speaking too, students can show
how good they are at understanding vocabulary and pronunciation. So based on the
statement above, we need to improve our speaking skills with good methods.
Speech is the process of constructing and conveying meaning using verbal and
nonverbal symbols. Speaking plays an important role in learning and teaching
foreign languages that are important to humans. Clark (1977:23) states that
speaking is essentially an instrumental act. A speaker speaks to influence an
audience. He argued that it might change their knowledge level. He asked them
questions for information. He wants something so that they can do something for
him. According to the above statement, speaking is the method by which the
speaker converts his ideas into sentences and translates them into the appropriate
language to influence the listener. Therefore, today's world demands that
educational goals related to speaking skills need to be improved so that students can
express themselves and learn how to use the language.
A student's speaking ability is influenced by vocabulary acquisition.
Vocabulary has a great impact on the improvement of students' English skills.
Vocabulary is a collection of words and phrases that are commonly used when
speaking. Vocabulary is a basic skill that must be mastered before mastering
speaking skills. A vocabulary is a collection of words used to communicate in a
language. Moreover, vocabulary is the most important part of English. This is
important for students learning English as a foreign language. Limited vocabulary
makes it difficult to communicate and express your thoughts in order to answer or
ask questions. Vocabulary acquisition is the ability to understand and use the words
of a language, whether written or spoken. Learning vocabulary is very important.
The more vocabulary you have, the easier it is to send and receive information.
According to Keraf, vocabulary is a tool used to communicate ideas. In
other words, the more vocabulary one masters, the more smoothly ideas are
communicated (Keraf, 2007:25). On the other hand, Nurgiyantoro explained that a
person who can recognize, understand and use language appropriately and
accurately by listening, speaking, reading and writing has vocabulary acquisition

(Nurgiyantoro, 2001:13). Vocabulary is productive acquisition. Receptive mastery
is said to exist when a child is able to perform reading and writing activities,
whereas productive mastery is known as speaking and writing activities. Yunisah
stated that a person who understands the vocabulary of a language and can use that
language both orally and in writing has mastered the vocabulary (Yunisah,
2007:20). Mastering vocabulary is part of mastering a language, because if someone
masters a language, they must also master vocabulary. Mastering vocabulary is very
important because you can easily convey your thoughts and the right choice of
words makes it easier to understand. Mastering the vocabulary can further improve
your speaking skills.
2.1.2 Project Based Learning
A project is defined as a complex task based on a student problem, executed
within a prescribed time frame, and ending in a real-world outcome in the form of
a presentation, exhibition, publication, etc. (Thomas, 2000:21). Projects are long-
term, require teamwork among students, and must produce tangible end products.
This means that not all tasks can be considered projects. According to Patton
(2012), in PBL it is the student who designs the project and plans what needs to be
done to make it happen. From these statements, it can be concluded that PBL is a
method in which students learn through self-determined projects with the help of
teachers so that they can be actively involved in the learning process.
Finally, as a appropriate and precious method, it's miles advocated for
instructors to apply Project Based Learning (PBL) to clear up a majority of these
troubles and to attain language mastering outcomes, particularly talking properly.
According to Patton (2012:31) Project-Based Learning refers to college students
who design, plan, and perform prolonged tasks that produce outputs which might
be displayed to the general public along with products, publications, or
presentations. In PBL college students now no longer simplest study language
however additionally they discover ways to use the language in regular life, except
that it is able to additionally lead college students to assume critically, grow to be
lively learners, and the elegance may also be a laugh and dynamic due to the fact
college students can create tasks primarily based totally on their very own creativity
and could commonly discover it less complicated to provide an explanation for and
gift our very own creations to others. This is supported through Vigotsky Lev
(1978) in (Rohmahwati, 2016:17) which states that project-primarily based totally
mastering is primarily based totally on constructivist mastering concept, which
unearths that mastering is a hit and extra precious whilst college students are lively
and concerned in enforcing it. information: Constructivism is an observational,
science-primarily based totally concept approximately how human beings learn.
People revel in matters and mirror them to construct their very own knowledge and
information of the world.
According to Blank (Railsback, 2002:24), project-based teaching is a
serious teaching model or strategy for planning, implementing, and evaluating
projects that students can apply in practice outside the classroom. Project-based
learning is based on a constructivist approach and in this type of learning students

take an active role in shaping their own learning. In traditional classrooms, lectures
are the predominant form of communication between teachers and students. This
changes with project-based classes. Project-based learning is when students design,
plan, and execute large-scale projects to produce publicly exhibited results such as
products, publications, and presentations (Patton, 2012:14). Teachers still have the
opportunity to speak to the entire class. For example, when a teacher makes an
announcement that everyone needs to hear, students should have some prior
knowledge of what they will learn when they meet for the first time, for example.
However, when teachers use project management tools, they may feel that they
spend less time on household chores. In some cases, the teacher may decide to lead
a group throughout her lesson to introduce new concepts or demonstrate skills that
all students need to understand to advance a project. I have. Teachers can use class-
wide discussions to check student understanding, or end specific stages of a project
with in-class reflections. This method is a great way to practice listening to your
teacher. Project-based learning helps students develop the skills to survive in a
knowledge-based, high-tech world. Solving particularly complicated troubles calls
for college students to have each foundational and virtual age talents. This
aggregate of talents permits college students to grow to be leaders and bosses in
their mastering beneathneath the steerage of skilled teachers. Project-primarily
based totally mastering brings real-global context and generation into the
curriculum thru projects. Students are recommended to be unbiased workers,
crucial thinkers, and lifetime learners. Project-primarily based totally mastering
comprises college students with extraordinary mastering patterns and differences.
Students have extraordinary mastering patterns and construct their know-how from
extraordinary backgrounds and experiences. It is likewise identified that youngsters
have a much broader variety of talents than they could often display in conventional
text-primarily based totally immersive classes. Project-primarily based totally
mastering fills this hole through requiring college students to discover and remedy
troubles and use all to be had approach in speaking solutions. If youngsters are
inquisitive about what they're doing and may use their strengths, they'll attain better
levels. Project-primarily based totally mastering facilitates college students
increase the talents to continue to exist in a know-how-primarily based totally, high-
tech global. Solving particularly complicated troubles calls for college students to
have each foundational and virtual age talents. This aggregate of talents permits
college students to grow to be leaders and bosses in their mastering beneathneath
the steerage of skilled teachers. Project-primarily based totally mastering brings
real-global context and generation into the curriculum thru projects. Students are
recommended to be unbiased workers, crucial thinkers, and lifetime learners.
Project-primarily based totally mastering comprises college students with
extraordinary mastering patterns and differences. Students have extraordinary
mastering patterns and construct their know-how from extraordinary backgrounds
and experiences. It is likewise identified that youngsters have a much broader
variety of talents than they could often display in conventional text-primarily based
totally immersive classes. Project-primarily based totally mastering fills this hole
through requiring college students to discover and remedy troubles and use all to

be had approach in speaking solutions. If youngsters are inquisitive about what
they're doing and may use their strengths, they'll attain better levels.
2.1.3 Vlogging
Vlog activities offer learners a great opportunity to develop this skill by
speaking in a structured way for a few minutes while covering different aspects of
a single topic. Give your students the opportunity to practice outside the classroom.
Additionally, students will be more interested in practicing speaking in English
using objects found in everyday life in the form of modern technology such as
computers, mobile phones, social media and networks. Based on Brokamp et al.
(2012) “Vlogs are very similar to blogs where information and ideas are posted on
a website. The main difference is that the medium is video instead of text. But in
short, vlogging is a video-making activity. Making videos is an activity where the
camera becomes a central learning tool and students of different languages can
collaborate on both the process and deliverables of making videos. Videos can
enhance simulations not only because they allow students to observe themselves
and provide highly meaningful feedback in evaluating their performance, but also
because the presence of a video-her camera helps create media. Vlogging has many
advantages for the students. there are eight advantages of Vlogging:
1. Vlogs help people share ideas that are difficult to share in text or print. For
example, "how to tie a tie" is explained visually and is better understood if
you can see and hear it. The same goes for some ideas that teachers need to
convey to their students.
2. Students learn best when teachers vary the lesson and give students the
opportunity to use as many senses as possible to process the information
they are given in ways that are most specific to them. For students who learn
visually, vlogs are beneficial because they help them relate and understand
3. A teacher can talk about a subject such as pressure in a science class, but
being able to see a teacher demonstrating the topic in a video blog will help
students understand the topic. Helpful. By demonstrating your ideas with
vlogs, students can watch and listen to your videos over and over again. It
also gives parents an opportunity to see what their children are learning at
school. Teachers can also record lectures in vlogs for students to refer to
when needed. Teachers can also post additional information about topics to
differentiate topics based on student ability.
4. Vlogs give people the opportunity to share their ideas with a wider audience.
Students can benefit from the video blogs of other professionals and other
students, and they can also upload their own video blogs to share with
others. This gives us the opportunity to work not only with each other, but
also with individuals from all over the world. 5. Vlogs allow students to
share ideas and demonstrate knowledge without relying on text. Not all
students are good writers. Allowing students to use her vlogs for their
projects improves their ability to demonstrate what they know and allows
them to do it in the most comfortable and confident way.

5. Students can use her Vlog to create a portfolio and showcase their work over
a period of time. This portfolio allows students and their parents to track
their progress in a specific unit or class. Portfolios can showcase your best
work or specific challenges.
6. Vlogs allow students to learn information when and where it suits them.
Students may feel less pressured if they can think about a topic and listen to
a lesson as many times as they want without feeling pressured to continue
the lesson. Students may be better able to concentrate at different times of
the day and in different environments than in a school setting.
7. Some students may be familiar with using vlogs as they are the same media
source that we use for entertainment purposes. Students are already
watching videos on YouTube and may want to use vlogs for teaching both
uploading and downloading videos (Brokamp et al., 2012:34).
2.2 Empirical Review
Project-Based getting to know is a technique wherein college students
analyze via self-decided initiatives with the assist of instructors in order that they
may be actively worried withinside the getting to know manner. There are a few
comparable studies research that were carried out before. The end result of the
studies is defined as follows. Vlogging has been proved to be powerful in enhancing
speaking capabilities withinside the eleventh grade at (Mohammad Ersan, et,
al,.2022:22). The researcher mentioned enhancing college students' cap potential in
pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. It is can enhance college students'
speaking ability with the aid of using the use of vlogging. In the effects of the pre-
test and post-test finished with the aid of using the researcher, the subsequent effects
may be obtained. In the pre-check, the scholars were given a minimal rating of forty
and a most rating of 80. Meanwhile, for the post-check, a minimal rating of 70 and
a most rating of ninety had been obtained. So, the same old deviation rating of the
pre-check became 12.755 and the post-check became 5.294. The used of vlogging
has been succeeded making college students extra energetic and assured in
practicing enhancing speaking capabilities at eleventh grade IPA three of SMA
Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo within side are the educational year 2016/2017, which
consisted of 28 college students (Ayu, et, al,. 2018:12). The researcher has
succeeded in making college students extra energetic and assured in practicing
enhancing speaking capabilities. Students' speaking capabilities enhance due to the
fact the coaching and getting to know manner is successful. The effects of the tick
list remark in cycle I became 65.62%. While the tick list remark effects in cycle II
became ninety.62%. In addition, scholar responses additionally improved from
cycle I to cycle II. The effects display that college students' motivation in getting to
know and practicing English increases. The effects of the questionnaire in cycle I
became 57.85%. While the effects of the questionnaire in cycle II became 85.71%.
The use of vlogging has been proved to enhance speaking capabilities in forty
college students of the English Education examine software on the Indonesian
Technocratic University (Mandasari & Aminatun, 2019:16). The effects of the
questionnaire confirmed that 72.5% of college students agreed that vlogs ought to
enhance scholar success in transactional communication subjects. The effects of the

questionnaire decide college students' attitudes toward vlogs. By the use of vlog
media college students get plenty of latest vocabulary, information approximately
tradition and rating increases. Traditional vacationer and culinary locations may be
effortlessly defined with the aid of using college students the use of fluent English
and desirable grammar. In addition, as many as 17.5% of different college students
strongly agreed with this statement. Only 9.5% of the overall college students
disagreed. This end result is likewise supported with the aid of using studies carried
out with the aid of using. He located that college students' speaking cap potential
may be appreciably stepped forward with the aid of using the use of vlogs.
According to Lestari, N (2019:15), video blogs can increase college students with
diverse information approximately vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, accent,
and cultural information. From a number of the studies above it could be concluded
that video vlogging will have an awesome effect on college students inclusive of
enhancing college students' speaking capabilities. In video vlogging, college
students are required to talk for a positive duration. This can have an effect on
college students in enhancing college students speaking capabilities. Apart from
that, vlogging movies also can improve students' vocabulary and additionally
exercise the way to pronounce phrases withinside the proper way.
2.3 Conceptual Framework
As explained above, speaking English as a foreign language is considered a
difficult skill to master for most learners. Therefore, many students are not very
interested in speaking activities. As a result, many students cannot speak even the
most basic of English. Most of the learners had little contact with the language.
They find it difficult to know examples of English and the practice of this language
in everyday life. All these situations make the teaching and learning process
inefficient, especially in speaking classes. In fact, the teaching and learning process
cannot be separated from the use of media. Media as tools for language learning
have certainly facilitated the learning task itself. Brinton (2001:35) describes two
types of media: technical media and non-technical media. Technical media is media
that can support the teaching and learning process. The technical media used in this
study are multimedia educational tools: movies, videos, animated images and visual
texts. With the rapid development of technology, various easy-to-use technology
media have emerged. One of them is a multimedia prop. There are several examples
of multimedia educational tools such as videos, movies, animated images, and
visual texts. When applying these media, you need a telephony tool to create your
video project. Especially in SMA N 3 Denpasar, it is certain that every student has
a mobile phone, so there are several reasons why researcher are interested in this
study. In this study, researcher hope to implement measures that can improve the
quality of English learning through the use of telephonic media.

Students Lack Of Video Vlogging
Problem Vocabulary

Improve Improve
Students Students
Speaking Vocabulary
Figure. 1 Research Plan
2.4 Hypothesis
A hypothesis is a tentative answer to a problem and should be tested against
more complete and supporting data. This study was conducted to find out how video
blogging improves the speaking skills of SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar students. The
hypothesis of this study is formulated as follows:
By implementing project-based learning through video vlogging, students
are able to master vocabulary and are able to improve speaking skills.


3.1 Research Design

This study applies the Classroom Action Research (CAR) design. Action
Research is improving the use of video blogging within the classroom to improve
students' speaking skills. In classroom action research, researcher need to be able
to improve the teaching and learning process in the classroom, and it is hope that
the effectiveness of the video blogging project will improve students' ability to
acquire speaking skills. Researcher need to be able to scale up performance to see
how their behavior affects students' learning of English, especially speaking skills,
and they need to be able to solve problems that arise during lessons.

Figure 2. Cycling process of Classroom action research

(Adapted from Kemmis & McTaggart, 2010)

There are four step of classroom action research; planning, implementing,

observation and reflecting.

3.2 Research Setting
The research setting would describe place and time. which will be describe as
3.2.1 Place
The data in this study will obtain from class X students at SMA N 3
Denpasar consisting of 35 students from class X IPS 1. This place was chosen
because based on initial observations in this school and the grades of students in the
first semester in English lessons, the researcher found that most of the speaking
problems occurred in this class which had been explained in the background.
Researcher conduct research at SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar. Located in JI. Nusa Indah
No. 20X Denpasar. It has 27 classes, ten classes are 9 classes, eleven classes are 8
classes and twelve classes are 10 classes
3.2.2 Time
Based on the semester program, descriptive texts and procedural texts will
be taught from the third week of March to the first week of the second month of
April. Therefore, this study will conduct at that time for 3 months from March to
May. The research will conduct online due to the pandemic situation.
3.3 Research Participants
Research participants were in the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar
which found 315 students, but the participants were selected in this study is class
of X IPS 1 which collected 35 students consisting of 20 males and 15 females. They
are students of English as a foreign language. They master 2 languages besides
English, namely Balinese and Indonesian. The students of that class were selected
as research participants because based on the teacher's observations, they showed
poor speaking skills. The researcher discovered that the scholars of sophistication
X IPS 1 had issues of their talking abilities including incorrectly announcing
English words, any other instance become a pupil who become correct at
announcing each phrase however in reality, he did not speak his ideas (now no
longer connected), college students who communicate disjointedly however have
correct grammar and different difficulties.
3.4 Criteria of Success
The success criteria in this study are emphasize on teaching and learning
process when researcher walk. According to the English teacher, the minimum
criterion or KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) is 75% of all students in the class
or the standard score is 75. So, students who get a score of 75 or more are classified
as passed. However, for students who scored less than 75 classified as failed.
(Sahrawi, 2021:22) Student activeness, student motivation and enthusiasm in
learning are also criteria for research success. This can be identified through data
collect from direct observation, data analysis and interviews. Researcher will also
observe students with vlogging videos upload on Instagram (social media).

3.5 Data Collection Technique
This research includes observation, documents analysis and interviews.
these three data collections will be explained below:
1. Observation
A data collection method that is carry by observing directly seeing and taking
the data needed at the place where the research was carried out. Observation can
also be interpreted as a complex process. Data collection was carried out in class
X IPS 1 at SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar. This observation was conducted to manage
learning activities and student responses.
2. Data Analysis
Statistics to describe the extent of the data, modularize the structure of the data,
condense the representation of the data, illustrate it in pictures, tables and graphs,
and evaluate statistical trends and probability data to derive meaningful data.
Systematic application of systematic and logical methods. A conclusion known
as data analysis. These analytical techniques allow us to draw fundamental
conclusions from the data and eliminate unnecessary confusion created by the
rest. In this case, researcher analyzed the value of her X her IPS 1 students'
learning outcomes.
3. Interview
Interviewing is a method that can be used to gather in-depth information about
people's opinions, thoughts, experiences, and feelings. Useful interview when a
topic of inquiry deals with issues that require complex questions and
investigations. Face-to-face interviews were conducted on X IPS 1.
3.6 Research Procedure
The procedures of the Classroom Action Research (CAR) were adapted
from Kemmis's and Mc Taggart's models. The procedure of taking the data used by
the researcher in this study is describe as follows:
1. Planning is the step of preparing educational strategies developed in the
Course of Study to solve educational problems (Latief, 2011:42). Before
conducting this research, researcher develop a plan and prepare to take
action. In the first step, researcher prepared educational strategies and
procedures to implement in the study. Researcher then determine solution
proposals and success criteria. Researcher then prepared everything they
needed to conduct the study, including teaching materials, strategies, media,
and equipment used to collect and analyze the data. Based on preliminary
observations, researcher attempted to improve students' speaking skills
using a video blogging project. The vlogging project is implemented for X
IPS 1 by SMA N 3 Denpasar.
2. In conducting these studies, researcher and co-teachers work together to
implement lesson plans and observe classroom activities. Researcher and
collaborating teachers implemented a project-based learning scenario based
on the following three-step schedule: Opening Activity, Main Activity and
Closing Activity.
3. Observation is the process of collecting data demonstrating the success of a
class problem-solving strategy (Latief, 2011:47). Researcher observation is

the process of collecting data on various aspects that occur during the
performance of an action in the classroom. Researcher observed the
teaching and learning process and the evaluation process of student and
teacher activity in the classroom. Activities involved in strategy
implementation were assessed using previously developed instruments.
Then, at the end of the conference, the researcher administered a speaking
test to see if using the project-based learning method improved the students'
language performance.
4. Reflection is an activity after the observation phase. According to Latief
(2011:45), reflection is the process of data analysis to determine how
collected data demonstrated the success of a strategy in problem solving.
The study also shows which factors underpin the strategy's success, or what
other issues arise during execution. Data analysis resulted in the study
drawing conclusions. Researcher evaluate a paper, a student paper
consisting of a sample of work, and a model of the process of evaluating
student reaction to this implementation of the student paper. In this sense,
researcher sought to criticize the strengths and weaknesses of these
procedures in strategy execution.
3.7 Data Analysis
3.7.1 Quantitative Data
Quantitative data are analyze using descriptive statistics. Use to analyze data
from the results of teaching-learning processes. This is done to compare the
student's speaking skills before and after the action, or the results of the test before
and after. The pretest and posttest averages can be calculate using the following

M =∑
M= Mean score
∑x= Total Score
N= Total number of the students


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