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Mealybugs are in the insect family Pseudococcidae,

part of the superfamily Coccoidea, which also includes
armored scales, soft scales, and cottony cushion


Mealybugs are small, oval, soft-bodied insects that are

often covered in a white powdery wax. The powdery
wax sometimes extends off the body as long marginal
filaments. While most species of mealybugs are white,
off-white or light grey, some species are yellow, pink or
orange. The mouthparts of all mealybugs are hair-like,
being extremely long and thin. If individuals are carefully removed from plants when they are
feeding, these mouthparts can be observed under a microscope. Adult females are similar to
nymphs, but larger. Females are often about 3-6 mm in length. Females lay egg sacs or
masses that are covered by cottony secretions, similar in appearance to cotton wool. Adults
generally have longer marginal filaments than nymphs, however they can be broken off
naturally. Eggs within the mass tend to be yellow to orange. However, not all mealybugs lay
eggs, longtailed mealybug produces live young (crawlers). In most instances, only females and
nymphs will be observed on plants. Males, when they occur, are small gnat-like insects (about
2 mm long), with two pairs of wings. Upon hatching, first instar nymphs (crawlers) are very
small, often less than a millimetre long, and are reasonably mobile. Crawlers have the least
amount of wax present on their bodies and are the most vulnerable to mortality from pesticides
and environmental conditions.

Mealybug bodies are distinctly segmented and usually covered with wax. Older individuals
may have wax filaments around their body margins. In some species the filaments are longer
in the rear and can be used to help distinguish between different species.
Mealybugs are usually found feeding in colonies in somewhat protected areas such as
between two touching fruits, in the crown of a plant, in branch crotches, on stems near soil, or
between the stem and touching leaves. A few mealybugs species feed on roots.

While adult females are wingless and similar in shape to nymphs, adult male mealybugs,
which are rarely seen, are tiny two-winged insects with two long tail filaments. Many mealybug
species can reproduce asexually without mating. Life cycles vary somewhat by species. Adult
females of most mealybugs lay 100-200 or more eggs in cottony egg sacs over a 10- to 20-day
period. Egg sacs may be attached to crowns, leaves, bark, fruit or twigs. An exception is the
long-tailed mealybug, which produces eggs that remain within the female until they hatch.

Newly hatched mealybug nymphs (called crawlers) are yellow to orangish or pink, lack wax,
and are quite mobile, but they begin to excrete a waxy covering soon after settling down to
feed (Figure 3). Although older nymphs and adults have legs and can move, they don’t move
very far or very rapidly. Nymphs molt through several instars before becoming adults.

Depending on species and environment, mealybugs may have two to six generations a year.
Where climates are warm or plants are growing indoors, all stages may be present throughout
the year. On deciduous plants such as grapevines, mealybugs may overwinter on or under
bark as eggs (within egg sacs) or as first-stage nymphs.

Mealybugs are sometimes confused with other pests that produce waxy coatings, honeydew,
and black sooty mold, including the cottony cushion scale, woolly aphids, and even some soft
scales and whiteflies. Be sure to carefully examine the insect beneath the wax to identify it


1. Pseudococcus baliteus Lit

DESCRIPTION. Live specimens with moderately thin covering of white powdery secretion;
occurring on young prop roots of host plant, usually at or near apex.

Adult female (slide-mounted, elongate-oval, 2.20 mm long, 1.10 mm wide. Dorsum. With 17
pairs of cerarii; anal lobe pair each with two large coni- cal setae, 2-4 slender auxiliary setae
and a cluster of closely spaced trilocular pores, all borne upon a more or less oblong, strongly
sclerotized area. Penultimate cerarii each with 2 conical setae that are slightly larger than
those of anterior cerarii, 4-5 slender auxiliary setae, a similar cluster of trilocular pores, all
borne upon a more or less rounded sclerotized area. Other cerarii each with two conical setae
that are smalle than those of the anal lobe pair, except for the cephalic and anterior
metathoracic pairs which may have 3 or 4; several auxiliary setae; a cluster of trilocular pores
and more or less circular sclerotized surrounding areas.

Two pairs of ostioles present. Trilocular pores numerous. Oral-rim tubular ducts present, one
each in the following: just posterior to the frontal cerarii, near the first mesothoracic cerarii and
near the first four pairs of abdominal cerarii. Apparently lacking on other parts of dorsum. A few
oral- collars on setae small, flagellate, scattered over. Anal ring rather large, apical, with 6
setae that are twice as long as diameter of ring.

The specific epithet is derived from the Filipino (Tagalog) common name of the type of host
pant “Balite”.

2. Pseudococcus citriculus (Green)

This species was redescribed and illustrated by Ferris (In Zimmerman,1948). It is similar to
Pseudococcus comstocki by the absence of discoidal pores near the eyes and the presence of
translucent pores on the hind coxae. It differs, however, in having longer body setae on the
posterior marginof the anterior dorsal ostioles and mediodorsum of thorax. Capco (1959) first
reported its occurrence in the Philippines.

3. Pseudococcus elisae Borchsenius

P. elisae has the following distinguishing characters: without multilocular disc pores on the
dorsal surface of the body; with six to eight discoidal pores near the eyes; oral-rim tubular
("mushroom-shaped") ducts with two discoidal micropores and one or two body setae; with
irregular discoidal pores; body setae along a median dorsal line on thorax up to 0.030 mm
long, those along posterior margin of anterior ostioles up to 0.022 mm long; and hind coxae
without translucent pores. He also mentioned that this Colombian spe- cies was found on
4. Pseudococcus longispinus (Targioni- Tozzetti)

The distinguishing features of this species are the presence of groups of three, dorsal oral-rim
ducts (one large and two small ones), next to most cerari; the few ventral multilocular disc
pores that are confined to areas around the vulva; the sclerotized bases of the penultimate and
anal lobe cerarii; and the presence of 60-80 translucent dots on the hind tibiae and a circulus.

Specimens collected from Salacca leaves agree with the characters of this species except that
only one large and one small dorsal oral-rim ducts are present near most cerari and there are
less than 10 translucent dots on the hind tibiae, in addition to the relatively small size. They
look like miniature individuals of P. longispinus. This species is a new record for the

5. Pseudococcus saccharicola (Takahashi)

Williams (1970) redescribed and illustrated this species. Unlike other Phil- ippine species of
Pseudococcus which have 17 pairs of cerarii, P. saccharicola has at most only 16 pairs, each
with only one oral-rim tubular duct nearby, when present.

Material at hand collected from the underground portion near the roots of Saccharum
spontaneum agrees well with Takahashi's and Williams' descrip- tions except for the apparent
lack of a circulus and an oral-rim tubular duct immediately posterior to each frontal cerarius.

P. saccharicola is a new record for the Philippines.

6. Pseudococcus spathoglottidis Lit

Lit (1992) described this species as close to P. pandanicola Takahashi in having all the cerarii
borne on well-defined sclerotized areas but differs mainly in lacking a row of three or four
moderately large oral-rim tubular ducts on each side along the posterior margin on the venter
of the seventh abdominal segment. Furthermore, the basal segment of each antenna of P
spathoglottidis is not notched or incised on its inner face near the base.

Feeding may occur on all plant parts. High populations slow plant growth and cause premature
leaf or fruit drop and twig dieback. At first, plants may appear to lack vigour, leaves then yellow
and may drop. Feeding on growing tips and buds can cause distorted growth as they inject
toxins into the plant. At high populations plants can completely wilt and die. The white fluffy
growth can also cause plants to be cosmetically unsaleable. Furthermore, mealybugs produce
honeydew, a sticky, sugary solution, on which black sooty mould grows and can be
unattractive. Ants often attend mealybugs to harvest the honeydew. This may cause mealybug
infestations to be even more troublesome as it may reduce predation and parasitism by natural

Mealybugs as virus vectors

Mealybugs are known vectors of several plant viruses, including Banana streak virus,
Grapevine leafroll associated virus and Pineapple mealybug-wilt associated virus, all of which
occur in Australia. Other viruses vectored by mealybugs also occur overseas. They are not
particularly good vectors as they crawl, rather than fly, from plant to plant, unless they are
distributed by wind currents or ants. Consequently, spread of virus from mealybugs tends to be
slow; these viruses can be spread through other means.

Host range

As a group mealybug attack a very broad range of plants including fruits and vegetables,
indoor plants and outdoor ornamentals like annuals, perennials, shrubs, palms, grasses and
trees. In other words, almost all plant species present in a nursery can be fed upon by at least
one mealybug species. Some mealybug species have a very wide host range and are more
likely to be encountered in a production nursery. For example, citrus mealybug has been
reported across plants from about 50 plant families and can be a pest on 4 begonia, boronia,
cactus, calathea, canna lily, citrus, coleus, croton, cycads, cyclamen, dahlia, eriostemon,
narcissus, tulip and many other plant species. Long tailed mealybug is reported from about 30
plant families and can be a pest of bromeliad, bulbs, citrus, custard apple, fern, fuschia,
grapefruit, grape, hibiscus, Japanese maple, olive, orchid, palm, passionfruit, pine, pomefruit,
stonefruit, Zamia and many other species. Fortunately, not all mealybugs have a very wide
host range. For example, M. albizziae has only been reported feeding on Acacia spp. and
banana. As stated earlier, it is important to have mealybugs identified. This will allow you to
investigate the host range of the species, its biology and information known on specific
management of the pest.

Obscure mealybug Distinct filaments Vine mealybug Similar to citrus

Pseudococcus affinis around the body, Planococcus ficus mealybug with
covered with shorter filaments
powdery wax. than other
mealybugs in
grapes. Has a
dark stripe on its
back. May be
found on roots as
well as

Hosts: Many Hosts: Mostly

hosts, primarily grapes in
outdoor plants. California,
although its
potential hosts
include other
fruits and
ornamental trees.

Longtailed mealybug Two tail filaments Cypress bark mealybug Round, bright
Pseudococcus longispinus that are longer Ehrhornia cupressi orange or red and
than its body. surrounded with a
Gives birth to live ring of wax.
nymphs and Found beneath
produces no egg bark plates.

Hosts: Citrus, Hosts: Monterey

grapes, nursery cypress, other
stock, and indoor cypress, cedar
ornamentals. and juniper.
Grape mealybug Almost identical in Ground mealybugs No obvious
Pseudococcus maritimus appearance to Rhizoecus spp. filaments. Live in
obscure soil.
mealybug. If
poked (not
punctured), it will
release a reddish
orange defensive
secretion. Obscure
secretion would be

Hosts: Grapes, Hosts: Many

pears, plants, but mostly
pomegranate, and damaging on
other fruit trees. potted plants such
as African violets.

Citrus mealybug Short, equal- Pink Pineapple mealybugs very small, about 1
Planococcus citri length waxy Dysmicoccus brevipes mm wide, but are
filaments around visible to the naked
the body. A dark eye. They appear
stripe may be fuzzy with white
visible down its wax, with a pink or
back. pink-orange hue
underneath the
wax. They are oval
and appear
humped. The
ventral surface of
the adult mealybug
has 17 pairs of wax
filaments along the

Hosts: Citrus, Host: pineapple

several landscape
shrubs. Most
mealybug on

Banana Mealybug has 16 or 17 pairs Eggplant Mealybugs Adults, small

Pseudococcus of thin waxy Coccidohystrix insolita winged midges
elisae Borchsenius, 1947 filaments around (Green) whose life is
the body margin ephemeral.
that are short on Females,
the head and long measuring 4 mm in
on the posterior length, do not
end of the undergo
abdomen. Body metamorphosis
length is about 2.5 and therefore do
mm and is not change shape.
approximately The pinkish color of
twice as long as their body is
the longest waxy masked by white
filament. The mealy wax
female is covered
with a thin layer of
powdery white
wax, but this does
not completely
hide the pale
orange body

Host: banana Host: Eggplant


Coconut Mealybugs Adult females’

Nipaecoccus nipae (Maskell) range between
0.059 and 0.98
inches (1.5 and
2.5 mm) long, are
oval in shape and
reddish-brown to
orange in color,
covered by a
thick wax and with
10 to 12 pairs of
marginal pyramid-
shaped wax

Host: Coconut
Pest and Disease Management

Pest and disease management: General illustration of the concept of Infonet-biovision

This illustration shows the methods promoted on infonet-biovision. The methods shown at the top have
a long-term effect, while methods shown at the bottom have a short-term effect. In organic farming
systems, methods with a long-term effect are the basis of crop production and should be of preference.
On the other hand, methods with a short-term effect should be used in emergencies only. On infonet we
do not promote synthetic pesticides.

Further below you find concrete preventive and curative methods against Mealybugs.

Cultural practices


Early detection of mealybugs is necessary for effective control. Check plants for crawlers; pay special
attention to the new growth (tender issues), the undersides of leaves and around leaf joints.

Cultural management practices minimise infestations by mealybugs (and other scale insects).
 Always inspect new stock carefully, particularly host plant species that are prone to attack from
mealybugs (and other pests and diseases). Inspect all plant parts, including roots for any signs of

 Monitor plants regularly, including roots. Plant species that are prone to mealybugs (or other pests)
should be monitored more consistently. Refer to monitoring section.

 Remove plants with heavy infestations, taking care to reduce spread of mealybugs while doing so. If
infestations are limited to a particular branch and it can be pruned, remove this plant material and
monitor closely to ensure the rest of the plant is clean.

 Remove crop debris and disinfest the growing area after removing a consignment of plants that have
had mealybugs with a suitable product, e.g. farmcleanse, bleach or similar product. Mealybugs can
survive for weeks on crop debris and in egg masses that have fallen off plants. This practice will also
reduce other pests and diseases that may be lingering from previous crop cycles.

 When only a small number of plants are present with a low rate of infection, squash mealybugs and
egg batches. Squashing large numbers of mealybugs may irritate skin, but can be avoided by using
rubber gloves. The presence of a small number of individuals should prompt regular and rigorous
inspections of the consignment.

 Avoid movement of infested plant material within the growing area.

 Avoid staff movement in areas known to be infested with mealybugs and other pests. If necessary,
disinfest clothing and equipment after working in such areas.

 Provide an optimal growing environment, including appropriate nutrition, water, growing media and
other conditions; weak plants are more susceptible to damage at lower populations of pests.

 Control ants as they spread crawlers and protect mealybugs from natural enemies.

 Thoroughly disinfest recycled pots to avoid transferring eggs and nymphs from crop to crop.

 Only propagate from clean mother stock plants. In other words, do not take cuttings from plants that
have mealybugs (or other pests) present. Even one crawler on a cutting (which is virtually impossible to
detect) will multiply the problem significantly.

 Keep the growing area and surrounds free of weeds.

 Ensure adequate plant spacing. This allows greater air movement and increases pesticide coverage.
It also reduces ideal environments for mealybugs to develop and increases the

Mealybugs can be controlled also by:

Physical or Mechanical Control

 Removing mealybugs by rubbing or picking mealybugs from affected plants. This is practicable
when infestation is low

 Pruning and destroying affected parts. This is particularly useful at the initial stage of infestation.

 Removing and destroying heavily infested plants.

 Spraying a steady stream of water (reasonably high pressure) on the host plant to knock-off
mealybugs. Once on the ground, the fallen ones will be available to ground predators and this
will also make their return to the plant difficult. Make sure that there are no ants tending
mealybugs, otherwise they will be brought back to the host plants.

 Ensuring soil fertility. In most cases healthy plants are able to withstand some mealybug attack.
Moreover, improvement of soil fertility can enhance biological control activity as shown in the
case of the cassava mealybug. It was observed that cassava grown in poor soils (pure sand and
no mulch cover) had high mealybug infestations even after the release of the parasitic
wasp Apoanagyrus lopezi. In experiments conducted in Benin use of manure or other fertilisers
resulted in a reduction in the cassava mealybug population. Improved plant nutrition resulted in
the production of larger mealybugs, which in turn resulted in a higher proportion of female
parasitic wasps with higher fertility levels. Mulch and fertiliser use also enhanced the antibiotic
properties of cassava against mealybug infestation (Schulthess, et al., 1997; Neuenschwander,

Biological pest control

Natural enemies

Mealybugs are attacked by numerous natural enemies, which usually keep them under control. Most
common natural enemies include parasitic wasps, ladybird beetles, hover
flies and lacewings. However, if many ants are present, or when broad-spectrum pesticides are used,
they kill the natural enemies, mealybugs become a problem.

Mealybugs can also cause severe damage when introduced to new areas where efficient natural
enemies are absent. In this case, importation of natural enemies associated with the mealybugs in the
area of origin (classical biological control), have usually given satisfactory control. Thus, several natural
enemies, mainly parasitic wasps and ladybird beetles, were introduced from South America into Africa
for control of the cassava mealybug. The most effective has been the parasitic
wasp (Apoanagyrus (=Epidinocarsis) lopezi), which has kept this mealybug at low levels, resulting on a
significant reduction of yield losses in most areas in Africa.

Another example is the mango mealybug Rastrococcus invadens, which was brought under control in
West and Central Africa by two parasitic wasps (Gyranusoidea tebygi and Anagyrus mangicola)
introduced from India. Another mango mealybug Rastrococcus iceryoides is a major pest of mango in
East Africa, mainly Tanzania and coastal Kenya. Although several natural enemies are known to attack
this mealybug in its aboriginal home of southern Asia none have been introduced so far into East Africa.

The Kenya mealybug, which was a major pest of Arabica coffee in the East Rift Area of Kenya
between 1923 and 1939, has been reduced to a minor pest after the release of natural enemies from
Uganda in 1938.

Cryptolaemus - Cryptolaemus montrouzieri

Cryptolaemus (pronounced: Crip-toe-lee-mus montro-zere-

ee) is an Australian native ladybird that is widespread and
feeds on a range of mealybug species. It is commonly known
as the mealybug destroyer. Both larvae and adults feed on
mealybug, and can be used to control mealybug infestations, hence its common name. Adults are
about 4mm long, oval in shape with an orange head and black wing covers. Adults and small larvae
only feed on eggs and very small mealybug nymphs; larger larvae feed on larger mealybugs including
adults. Larvae are covered with white waxy filaments, making them very similar in appearance to
mealybugs, but are more mobile and appear to have banding along their body. When carefully removed
from the plant, they can be turned over to see their well-developed legs and chewing mouthparts.
Females can lay up to 10 eggs per day directly into mealybug egg masses and up to about 500 eggs
over their lifetime. The lifecycle of Cryptolaemus takes about 4-7 weeks from egg to adult, depending
upon temperature and food source. They will also consume some soft scales when more preferred food
is not available. It is commercially available from Bugs for Bugs.

Green lacewings – Mallada signata

The green lacewing has a relatively wide host range, feeding

on aphids, spider mites, various scales, mealy bugs, moth
eggs and small caterpillars as well as whitefly species. Pollen
and nectar can also be ingested. Larvae, but not adults, are
predacious. Adults have a green body and hold their
transparent wings tentlike over their body and feed on pollen
and nectar. Females live for 3-4 weeks and lay up to 600
eggs. Almost all lacewing species are predators and often lay
their eggs on thin white stalks with a bulbous white egg at the
end; most species lay multiple eggs in the same area, most
often in a straight or roughly straight line or in a horseshoe
arrangement. Green lacewing larvae grow to nearly 1 cm in
length before pupating and typically place the remains of their
prey on top of spines protruding from their back. In fact,
research suggests that green lacewing larvae with trash-
packages are more active and forage more efficiently, while those without trash -packages are more
likely to become inactive. After about 12 days, larvae pupate and emerge as adults about 9 days later.
Females must be about 7 days old before laying their first egg. Green lacewing is well adapted to
relatively warm conditions and very sensitive to persistent and or broad-spectrum chemical
applications, although reduced risk pesticides have a relatively minor negative effect on this insect.
Green lacewing is commercially available from Bugs for Bugs.
Citrus mealybug parasite – Leptomastix dactylopii

Originally from South America, this small brown wasp (about 3mm
long) has distinctive, long antennae, similar in length to the rest of
its body. It is a parasitoid wasp, laying its eggs in citrus mealybug
only. This species is extremely efficient in finding and parasitising
citrus mealybug, even at low densities, but will not attack other
species of mealybugs.

Adults live for about a month and can lay about 80 eggs over her
lifetime. Females lay their eggs in large mealybug nymphs or adults that have not started to lay eggs.
Larvae develop inside mealybugs, which probably stop feeding and will not lay eggs to be laid once
parasitised. Eventually, the mealybug changes to a ‘mummy’, being oval, bloated and legless. Adults’
wasps emerge from mealybugs after about 2-3 weeks, starting their life cycle over again. This species
is available commercially from Bugs for Bugs.

Conservation of natural enemies is important to reduce mealybug outbreaks. This can be done by:

 Limiting insecticidal sprays against other mealybugs or/and other pests and diseases, and
avoiding use of broad-spectrum pesticides.

 Controlling ants to facilitate build-up of natural enemies. Ant control may be either indirect, by
excluding ants from the tree (for example, by applying a barrier around the stems or trunks of
the trees) or direct, by destroying the ant nests. However, it should also be taken into
consideration that some ants may be beneficial as predators by deterring pests such as plant-
feeding bugs.

 Keeping flowering plants at the boarder of the crops or as companion plant within the crops may
help to attract natural enemies.

For more information on natural enemies click here

Biopesticides and physical methods

Neem products have a repellent effect on some mealybugs (Saxena, 2002). For example, a 1% hexane
extract of neem seeds repelled the citrus mealybug in a choice test (Jacobson et al., 1978).
Young cassava mealybugs are sensitive to neem kernel water extract (NKWE). Thus, crawlers
(first instar nymphs) of the cassava mealybug were repelled by leaves treated with a 10% neem kernel
water extract, and those that settled and started feeding died in the second instar. Treatment of
cassava plants with neem extracts (NKWE) at concentration of between one and 25% provided good
protection against the cassava mealybug. However, some phytotoxicity manifested as yellow spots on
the leaves, was observed on plants treated with neem extracts. Phytotoxic damage was slight in plants
treated with lower concentrations (1% and 10%), but plants treated with neem extracts at 25% showed
severe phytotoxic symptoms on some of the leaves (Mourier 1997).

For more information on neem click here.

Soap spray

When necessary, spray with soapy solutions (1 to 2%) or insecticidal soaps. Spraying with a soap and
water solution is reported to control mealybugs. Whenever possible, spray only infested plants (spot


Oils such as vegetable oils (e. g. rape oil) neem oil and mineral oils are useful for control of mealybugs.

Application of soap and oil: Good spray coverage and good timing is important when using soapy
solutions and oils. To be effective they must come in contact with the mealybugs. Crawlers are the
easiest to kill, since they are more susceptible and are more exposed than eggs, older nymphs and
adults. As they grow, the wax covering their bodies becomes thicker, rendering them more resistant to
insecticides. Use with caution soapy solutions and oils. These products may be toxic to some plants
causing discolouration or burning of foliage. Prior to applying them extensively, apply to a small,
inconspicuous branch or to a few plants and after 48 hours check for adverse reactions. Apply them
when the air temperature is cool. Make sure your plants were watered well the day before you apply
your control - never spray wilted plants.

Spot Treatment with Isopropyl Alcohol

On small infestations on houseplants, a 70% or less solution of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol in water may
be dabbed directly on mealybugs with a cotton swab to kill them or remove them. Test the solution out
on a small part of the plant 1 to 2 days beforehand to make sure it does not cause leaf burn
(phytotoxicity). In some cases, a much more diluted solution may be advisable. Where infestations are
extensive, a 10-25% solution of isopropyl alcohol can be applied with a spray bottle. You will need to
repeat this procedure every week until the infestation is gone

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