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Conabt Heatthnd Discase

Heatth- Healdth is a sta ot Copld_phystal, mestl ed social

well-belng ad het maiely an absene of diase o inffnrmity

Suveillane= CondnvauSoqutiny o Futou that detomine Ocusantu

Pi'sibukien Disease.

3Sertnel Suaeiante Study

V o Ds Rin a speihe_pa pulation to
etimate tronds in largen_bopulaton,_

.. Scxegmingn Disese.j

Souentnghe ch ton_unteagned dieae dyut by means

sabidlyabp/d tusts,exrminahibnu on then bratadurea
in aparandely haalty indaidual

3 Bulnetblesof Elikemiokgg Epldemielgi methods

Ebidenmiolgy= Study Ocunant ond Distihudon e Heal Rodstpd_eve
State,o cesa in sheclfl epulaton including_he
Stdu detenminanks Influendng Suh þrotesAÁthe
apltoton of hi studp b theoiaol kasth hhoblems.
2 ndone Numbe o hw ase ocundng In daltnad Popudaton
during a spalfied þenod time

Sotpndany Atteeh Rete Number ef spasd persens develeping te diere

aithin HhuHange the L hlwirg xbosute
tD a_brinuay ade
Prevelermce-_Al Cuwrot asea[DLAt Nea) Es ing atagien pett:in
time onoveaeiod time in a gen populati.

Ebidemi muual ecuente a diease ina omdunity,leary in

ex tas expald OCName.

Outbveak- Small ocalised ebidonnit

Endamte- Cautait Preme Aual 1Expuhd frequan a dieme

w/ina Mon eographite! asta.
Pandote An epidoic usaly o a lag poulatiom ovon a
wwlde geographtal anea such emtine hation p a oninest
wonddlouatay to Couitry sptead.

Shoadte- Scatlered cases, usidaly sepasated in shace Atime &shou

no Connecion uwith each othe.

Disee Cowtol- Aet is Peambtted to Paeset n Commsnly_ata

avel whee it Cease t ee a lublie Health Problem
(Diseas Elaimation- Tndounptem Elimrat'on D/s.

DiseaAe Eradakton-lenminat'onall raimission inabnm

e teminakion he infeutious aget
Sounve-_fouon, aninal o substante frm whth an n/uhou 22et
baxsa to the host

Ruvo ny Bruon, anmal, axtropad, blast,Seil on Substanu in

whtch an inyatious agent veA multiblres oh which it
dapends on Susval å ebeodufon in susha mamne hat it
ambe tanahited toa iuplble hest.

ase-Pouens in the obulation denhited as having a diease er
hualth dhenden.

weters- An1nfectd peen hat harbrs Infactous aget ia the

aksece dinlal dieale SUves 42 Seurte yetton.

nabatfon Potod- ime indeval bewean n Yas tn by an Indestous aget

aheanane Hrut signer Symbtom he Dfsease.
Latent Pestod- Delined as Pertod fram Dtease intiafionto D_Detestion
( Wndeaw Portod-_ime negujed hetwcm exbosue fo Laborafory Ddeti

Isolafton- Sehanatim o ndeted Pouu fon othou br the Pord d

Communicabilit, to sevont tranamtsbn of the tnfetiou
get feom lnfeuttd b Swtap-fible.

Quaedine- Limtaton e feudom motemt of Sush uetl Peuona

Exposad fo Communltabe diwe fsa leuod Tme not
longer than he lengest Tncubetton forded the Deaie
due to
payeloru nay Subjet to raustanceto Diiease.
oowddrg, da uptone eating habit, change in dkivnate
ADistnfeson- Plusital en (Thnmal) e omta ah hat detey
dieane ausing þathegosu an Mfrooxgansnu

Va ulnu Imm Biologial substante deaigpned to_produe sþedhe

Hoteton a4aint a itn dheue

a9 Cold Chan Sstom StoxageA ranapat Vacdne at low

Tomberahure. from The manutadtunoy to he atal vaccnaion

AEfI- Medital incdent ha takes place ofe maunizafton, Causes

Conan 1s blevd to be (aueed by immunizafion

Hed mmuniaka_lommnity InmutDehed as a Stuaion In

whidh a suyztnt_hrabardton dbepulaton fs îmmne to
an indehous Discase LHerugh Vardinafsn and/ebrte
1llne,o make ih spxaad fan petia to bedsn Lnlzkely

6. Nen-mmiutekle Diseate

etonghs Heand Dtseoke neainment of Hat funchion due to nadaquate

blood flow to the huat ombarad to its needs,
Cauued ky asstutie changes tn the Coonary
chyculaton to he haat

Stroke-Raktdl4_develehed linial Stans foal dirtorbante f tarebxal

tunAonJasting mare ha2m dheas b9 lendtrg to deah wih_
no abþahei Lause_h han Vasculan_ougin
BlindneM Vsual cqutty f lus Than /6o ( Snellen ) on Tts euivaet

Acidevt- an umexpulid unplamned otunante which may irvove inguwy.

.Sutaihales Develepmat Goah

SD Pe valopment that mei the ne.eds of he presat wtthout
Compranälng he abiltty of Jetune genanations to meet
thei own needs.

lo.Denmogabhy A Eamily Plannzng

Denaognadh Sizntike study o Human Populatien whih fuu jk
attentbn on lopulation Size,ompos!fion & Drstibustion.

tenat- Ay_huon who an read wat wih undesstandirg

inany 1 language A who is 7tyears age

family lannng-A way o thinking_and lMg hat 1s adofted Velnitoiy

uon the basis of Knouwledge,attituda 4 esruible decistons
byîndividuali and Coubles, în ander to pronste te kalth
and wdane the family groub and tu tothibut
ecttrely tote sotial develop ment a teushy.
h Gntrol- Reg?men, Devies ediatons solouwed In order to
dli loatdy bravest e nedue ta likelihoed of paegranty
on childbidh.

Cordtaltion-_Muhunay ohtch are jntended to_yeduu th theheod

the fextilisatiom o an ovum by a shermato0an.
11. Pouevente MedisneIn Ohstubia,Prdiatrta omd youetiu
4. MatenelMortalty Death of a alomen whle prgoat on duth
Radfo LMMA)_ dolivoy e withih a days (6wek1)fominatom

fram ark4 taue elaaaghcvatid hy pregramy

i mamagemt [but et arcidotal on_inidetl)

. Nuttm and Headth

. Badanad Dict: Diet whth tontain Varleh of tbod in sueh uakitp k
ete ontion Hot he need fei enogy,amino add, vttemins,-
mineal, fa, canbohydraty Aothe ndrtents Is adequaily
met fo maitaintng halth vitlty Awelhung Aalo
makes asma_povision fon cxta nutl to wthitand
Shoxt duseioneanncsk

._Manusthn PaholegBtal shata Huulig from deltlentyo gz4


s. Envitonmat and Health.

n Polutons Ain PelluiomstgniAu the.þraenela

ambiet amaphee.
oSukstona genaatadhy the aukitia of manin Conatrefons
that intefoe with human health_gn infuwdou to Veaation

. Hoshital Waste Managemandt

BM y wait which Psgenratd_duin_Kausanh, Dfagnasis

eatment A Immund zation of humdu o7 aninnal.
14. D$are Managemerti

1. Disaste Any_B.cutane hat Cauues ecojogltu! diytion, Jos of human

Lfe dutatafin haalh Sevite na sale slfrdont to
wWaeart upanse fron ousda te aljeitrd axaa.

18.Ocenpational Healt
. Exgonam Aplttion of scientfii infomafion Concanirg oljk, syptem
"R Hi the job to wowkenJ eionmentfea humam we.

RI. Statis ta
1 antu- Poes e o lacting,compilling-A þublisking damografhit, uenemic
ASotal data p alU pensons_in a Count
Sarmling- Seledtion of numbe of Sukjah_(sample) fon wttin a bapulaton
Samplin trame) in oden to etimat the chanateritics o
the whole populaton.

.Communitaztian for Helth_Eduattonl

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