Group 1

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Group 1


Contemporary world 2023 Sept 6


Manfred steger, professor of global studies and

director of the globalism institute at Royal Melbourne
Institute of Technology (RMIT) Univsersity, explains
that globalization is not a new phenomenon as it
started with pre-historic early human migration (steger
2014) For him, what has been taking place from 1980
onwards is no longer globalization per se but rather
the expansion of globalization to a point
The Parable of the Blind Men
and an Elephant

A group of blind men who have never encountered an

elephant learn about the animal's characteristics by
touching it in the fable of the blind men and the
elephant. Only one aspect of the elephant's body—
such as the side or the tusk—can be felt by each blind


-Skeptical scholars say that globalization is meaningful

but not significant at all. They said that most trades remain
national in scope. Some promoters of globalization
respond to this by saying that there could be a vital
structure of power relations connected to international
trade that, even if the trade was not huge, could still have
extensive effects. The example is that most of the trade in
the United States may be intra-state, but the national
government and national structuring of inter-state trade
are massively significant. 2

Modifiers consider globalization simply one of many

similar phases in history. They conclude that the
phenomenon should be viewed not as a distinctive affair
but as merely one moment in a more general theory of
world history. Some pro-globalization scholars reply to
this criticism by pronouncing that our contemporary
situation is exceptional in history and that this
distinctiveness is much more significant than this period’s
commonalities with other periods or placement within an
inclusive historical theory. 2
Four Main
Dimensions of
Contemporary world 2023 Sept 6
The Economic Dimension
of Globalization

The Advent of a New Global The Internationalization of

Economic Order Trade and Finance

The Advent of a New Global The Internationalization of Trade

Economic Order refers to the and Finance refers to the
integration of national economies increasing interconnectedness
into a global network through the and interdependence of
flow of goods, services, capital, countries in the realms of
and information across borders. trading systems, finance, and
governance. 5
The Economic Dimension
of Globalization

The Increased Power of The Internationalization of

Transnational Corporations Trade and Finance

The increased power of transnational The enhanced role of international economic

institutions refers to the increasing influence and
corporations (TNCs) refers to the growing
significance of organizations like the International
influence and impact of large, multinational Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the World
companies that operate across multiple Trade Organization (WTO), and regional
countries and regions. These corporations development banks in shaping the global economy.
These institutions play key roles in providing
have gained significant economic, political,
financial assistance, facilitating trade, and
and social clout in recent decades, affecting promoting economic stability and development
various aspects of global society. worldwide. 5
- Steger (2017) defines political globalization as a global intensification of political
- It encompasses changes in nation-state roles, state sovereignty, global governance,
politics, migration, and environmental policies
- Acknowledges that these changes extend beyond traditional nation-state boundaries
- The debate on globalization's causes divides hyper globalizers and skeptics
- Hyperglobalizers attribute it mainly to economic and technological forces, reducing
political influence and state control
- Globalization skeptics emphasize politics as the primary driver, rooted in neoliberal
government decisions promoting international trade
- They stress the importance of territorial boundaries and advocate for political entities like
global cities or modern nation-states
- Steger suggests political globalization results in nation-states losing dominance to
transnational corporations
- This transformation prompts the enforcement of immigration controls to counter a more
borderless world
- It challenges traditional nation-state attributes including central control, sovereignty, diplomatic
representation, shared history, culture, and citizen identity.
The modern nation-state originated in 1648 with the Peace of Westphalia, marking the end of religious
wars in Europe and allowing for centralized political power, professional diplomacy, and state
administration. However, globalization has transformed this traditional model:
- Globalization has created a web of political interdependencies among independent states,
challenging the sovereignty of nation-states.
- In 1990, US President Bush proclaimed a "new world order," signaling the decline of the Westphalian
- Power in a globalized world is increasingly found in global social formations, networks, and
transnational corporations.
- Nation-states have limited control over exchange rates, leaving them vulnerable to decisions made
by others.
- Globalization erodes territorial boundaries, creating a borderless world where political affairs occur
in global networks, not states.
- States' ability to shape social life within their territory weakens as global markets
impose their own standards.
- The sovereignty of nation-states diminishes, while supraterritorial spaces gain strength.
- Political globalization gives rise to supraterritorial institutions and significant global
- Some scholars doubt the feasibility of a global democracy, suggesting that some
nation-states may resist this idea.

-Cultural Globalization is the intensification and
expansion of cultural flows across the globe. Culture is
a very extensive concept and often used to describe
the whole human experience, including the economic
and political.
-The development of the global culture (or lack
thereof) pertains to the tension between sameness
and difference between in the emerging global.

Thank you
for listening!

Group 1 2023 Sept 6


Amiel Salvador
Dave Turbela
Edward Enriquez
Giorvic Sonio Dominado
Ivan Dionio
Ken Rodriguez
Raphael Luis Ildefonso
Rowren Bartolome

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