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Global Environmental Change 29 (2014) 78–91

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Developing local adaptation strategies for climate change in

agriculture: A priority-setting approach with application to
Latin America
David R. Lee a,*, Svetlana Edmeades b, Erwin De Nys c, Andrew McDonald d,e,
Willem Janssen b
Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, 435 Warren Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA
Global Practice for Food and Agriculture, The World Bank, 1818 H St., NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA
World Bank Brazil, SCN Qd. 2, Lt. A, Ed. Corporate Financial Center, Cj. 702/703, Brası´lia, DF 70712-900, Brazil
New York State Water Resources Institute, 1023 Bradfield Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA
South Asia Regional Office, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), P.O. Box 5186, Singha Durbar Plaza Marg, Kathmandu, Nepal


Article history: Even with substantially increased attention to climate adaptation in developing countries in recent
Received 15 October 2010 years, there are a number of important remaining research needs: better incorporating stakeholder
Received in revised form 21 August 2014 input; using replicable methodologies to provide comparability across different settings; assuring that
Accepted 25 August 2014
stakeholder input reflects the results of climate science, not simply perceptions; and effectively linking
Available online
stakeholder input with the regional and national levels at which policy changes are made. This study
reports the results of a methodology for identifying and prioritizing local, stakeholder-driven response
options to climate change in agriculture. The approach is based on multi-criteria scoring methods
Climate change
previously applied to research planning and priority-setting in agricultural and natural resource
Adaptation management research, public health, and other areas. The methodology is a sequential approach built
Priority-setting around needs assessments by local stakeholders; the incorporation of climate science results; the
Latin America sharing of these results and climate adaption response options with stakeholders at a series of
Rural stakeholders workshops; stakeholder priority-setting exercises using multi-criteria scoring; and validation with
policymakers. The application is to three diverse agroecosystems in Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. Among
the many findings is that, notwithstanding the wide diversity of agro-ecosystems, there are numerous
similarities in the agricultural adaptation responses prioritized by local stakeholders.
ß 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction environmental vulnerability have a direct impact on agricultural

productivity and its future potential. Moreover, agriculture is the
Climate adaptation practices, programs and policies have principal livelihood of most of the world’s poor (World Resources
assumed an increasingly prominent place on the agenda of Institute, 2005; FAO, 2006), making them especially vulnerable to
policymakers and practitioners in recent years (Pielke et al., climate change. For the rural poor – many of whose livelihoods are
2007; Adger et al., 2009; Nelson et al., 2009; Evans et al., 2014; already precarious – maintaining a viable, productive agricultural
IPCC, 2014). No sector has more at stake with regard to successful sector resilient to climatic changes is crucial to rural poverty
adaptation strategies than does agriculture, as do the many rural alleviation (World Bank, 2007). Finally, ‘‘good development policy
households and communities that depend on it. Agriculture is is good adaptation policy’’ (de la Torre et al., 2009). This is true at
inherently tied to the underlying climate and natural resource base many levels. There is great scope for reducing the adverse impacts
which supports it, thus the many sources of climatic change and of climate change with informed, fully implemented adaptation
strategies (Mendelsohn and Dinar, 1999; Moser and Boykoff, 2013;
IPCC, 2014). This is not only true at the local level where climatic
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 607 255 7685; fax: +1 607 255 9984. change directly affects farmers and households; given the many
E-mail address: (D.R. Lee). spatial and intertemporal externalities that are involved with
0959-3780/ß 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
D.R. Lee et al. / Global Environmental Change 29 (2014) 78–91 79

climate change, institutional coordination and collaboration is consumption and energy generation; degradation (and loss) of
critical to generating more efficient and sustainable outcomes that coastal farming systems; and an overall rise in the number of
would otherwise result from unilateral actions. And in areas where people at risk of hunger (IPCC, 2007; Padgham, 2009). Recent
public goods are involved – assuring adequate water supplies, comprehensive studies of climate change impacts on Latin
reducing air and water pollution, maintaining climatic regulatory American agriculture by the World Bank (de la Torre et al.,
processes – the public sector has a critical role to play. 2009; Fernandes et al., 2012) suggest that the sum effects of these
Policy and institutional changes to address climate change are impacts are likely to be highly deleterious, including a ‘‘precipitous
commonly formulated at the national and international levels, fall’’ in agricultural productivity in many regions, with resultant
where formal collective action is required and where regulatory adverse – though highly regionally-specific – impacts on GDP and
and legal frameworks are frequently available. Particularly for rural poverty (de la Torre et al., 2009).
climate mitigation efforts, national-level policies are necessary and Coping with climatic variability is nothing new to farmers, who
inevitable. However, as emphasized in numerous recent wide- have long made behavioral and management changes in response
ranging assessments, the impacts of climate change in agriculture to changes in precipitation patterns, soil moisture conditions, and
are location- and context-specific (Christensen et al., 2007; World growing conditions (FAO, 2007; Adger et al., 2007; Smith and
Bank, 2008; Padgham, 2009; Verner, 2010). Accordingly, successful Malik, 2012). To maintain production levels and yields, farmers
adaptation responses to climate change must respond to distinct commonly adjust planting dates, crop varieties, cattle stocking
local and regional needs, vulnerabilities, copying strategies and rates and water use, among other factors, in response to short-
adaptive capacities (Lobo, 2011; UNDP-UNEP, 2011). Ultimately, it term climatic variability. In addition to these autonomous
is the individual farmers, households and resource managers adjustments, as climatic changes become more severe and
operating at the micro-level who make most of the key land use pervasive, long-term planned adaptations will become increas-
and resource allocation decisions to adapt to the threats and ingly important in helping anticipate and minimize the effects of
opportunities posed by a changing climate. Thus, it is imperative adverse conditions and long-run climate changes (Fankhauser
that the views and priorities of the local stakeholders who et al., 1999; FAO, 2007; Howden et al., 2007). These longer term
significantly influence land, water and other resource use decisions adaptations include those directly relevant at the farm level – new
be considered in formulating adaptation responses. These per- technologies and management techniques, increasing efficiency
spectives are frequently given inadequate attention at the national of water use and distribution systems, changes in inputs and
policymaking level where climate change policies are developed. practices (fertilizer, tillage methods, irrigation) – but also include
This study reports the results of a priority-setting methodology wider public investments, policy changes and other strategies for
for identifying and prioritizing local, stakeholder-driven response fostering adaptation. While the focus of this study is on
options to climate change in agriculture. The approach employs a agricultural adaptation specifically, climate change is a complex
participatory priority-setting framework previously developed for phenomenon, simultaneously incorporating multiple stressors
use in areas such as agricultural research and public health and sources of risk and vulnerability – sometimes in areas that
interventions, here modified to deal with climate adaptation. The appear peripheral but that ultimately can be critically important
priority response options that result form the basis of local Action (O’Brien et al., 2009). Accordingly, efforts to build broad
Plans that can be used to address agricultural adaptations to ecosystem resilience to better cope with climate variability are
climate change. The applications are to three highly diverse increasingly viewed as a vital first step toward adapting to future
regional agroecoystems in Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. The study climate challenges (Cooper et al., 2008; World Bank, 2009a;
has three major objectives. The first is to adapt a methodology for Meybeck et al., 2012).
assessing agricultural vulnerability to climate change and for All three of the countries represented in this study have in
formulating response strategies to inform private and public sector recent years made major strides in planning their national
decisions in the Latin America region. The pilot methodology responses to climate change (World Bank, 2009c). Mexico released
translates local knowledge about weather variability, expected a National Climate Change Strategy (ENACC) in 2007, identifying
climate changes and agricultural systems into a coherent opportunities for emissions reductions on a voluntary basis and
framework for local and regional decision-making. The second proposed adaptation and mitigation measures for many sectors; a
objective is to formulate preliminary recommendations for Special Climate Change Program (PECC) followed in 2009. Mea-
investments in the selected agroecosystems in areas such as sures to address climate change were also identified as strategic
agricultural technology adaptation, infrastructure investments, priorities in Mexico’s Agricultural Sector Program 2007–2012 and
public and private sectoral support activities, and institutional and the National Water Program 2007–2012. Most recently, a General
policy changes. The ‘‘bottom-up’’ focus of this research assures that Climate Change Law was passed in 2012 and a revised national
the input of farmers and other local stakeholders is incorporated in strategy the following year (IMCC, 2013). Peru formulated its
the design of adaptation measures from the outset. The final National Climate Change Strategy (ENCC) in 2003 to develop
objective is to strengthen the emphasis on action in the policies and measures to enhance adaptation capacity; this
formulation of climate adaptation measures in agriculture. The national strategy was subsequently revised in 2009. Peru’s
approach developed here can potentially be used by governments measures built on a 2002 law requiring each region to develop
and development organizations in helping define response a Regional Climate Change Strategy. The Regional Government of
strategies, signing related investment projects, and formulating Junı́n, within which our study site, the Mantaro Valley, is located,
policy changes. was the first in Peru to elaborate such a strategy in 2007. Uruguay
formulated a national climate change program, the General
2. Climate change and agriculture in Latin America Program for Mitigation and Adaptation (PMEGEMA), in 2004,
proposing a set of response measures for climate change
Latin America – and the livelihoods of its people – is likely to be mitigation and adaptation in key economic sectors, including
significantly affected by climate change. In agriculture specifically, agriculture, forestry, water resources, fisheries and biodiversity.
projected effects include: declining productivity of important crop The Uruguayan National Response Plan to Climate Change (PNRCC)
and livestock systems, with adverse impacts on food security; followed in 2010, identifying key sources of climate vulnerability
changes in precipitation patterns and the disappearance of in the country and priority adaptation measures. Notwithstanding
glaciers, in turn affecting water availability for agriculture, human these positive developments, there remains much to be done to
80 D.R. Lee et al. / Global Environmental Change 29 (2014) 78–91

operationalize these strategies and translate plans into action in all 3. Priority-setting for climate adaptation
three countries.
A central tenet across both the academic literature on climate Given the breadth and severity of climate change-related
adaptation and the emerging body of practitioner experience is problems in many agricultural systems, farmers, households, and
that adaptation strategies are much more likely to be effective if the private and public institutions that support them face difficult
developed in a manner that is cognizant of, and sensitive to, local choices among many different possible adaptation pathways. As
conditions (World Bank, 2008; UNDP-UNEP, 2011; IPCC, 2014). in other cases where resources are constrained, an analytical
This means not just the biophysical and climatic conditions that methodology may be used to establish priorities among
define climate change and circumscribe local response, but also competing alternatives in order to meet private or social
institutional frameworks (Agrawal et al., 2008; Rhodes et al., objectives. Formal priority-setting methodologies have been
2014). The importance of location-specificity in climate adaption widely employed in a number of areas, including the allocation of
is illustrated, for example, by two of the ‘‘principles of effective resources in research programs in agriculture (Alston et al., 1995;
adaption’’ highlighted in the IPCC’s recent Fifth Assessment Byerlee, 2000), biotechnology (Falconi, 1999; Braunschweig,
Report (2014): ‘‘Adaptation is place- and context-specific,’’ and 2000); forest management (Fürstenau et al., 2007); the prioriti-
‘‘Decision support is most effective when it is sensitive to context zation of public health interventions (Baltussen and Niessen,
and the diversity of decision types, decision processes, and 2006); research in health, mental health and vaccine develop-
constituencies.’’ ment (Institute of Medicine, 1986; Rudan et al., 2006; Tomlinson
In agriculture specifically, there is widely growing recognition et al., 2009); and allocating amongst competing demands in
of the importance of developing local and regional climate public sector budgets. Due to the relevance of priority-setting in
adaptation strategies that build on local conditions (Padgham, agricultural research to the objectives of this study, we draw
2009; Nelson et al., 2009; Verner, 2010). Alternative approaches for most heavily from that literature in developing the approach
building local context-specific information and stakeholder input summarized here.
into a form useful for climate adaptation analysis and action are
varied and include: local vulnerability assessments, often based on 3.1. Adapting priority-setting methods to climate change
past experience with disaster risk assessment and using a variety
of quantitative indices and indicators, model-based approaches A variety of priority-setting methods have been used in
and qualitative assessments (IIED, 2009; UNITAR, 2011; Ringler agricultural research and related fields (Alston et al., 1995;
et al., 2011; Fellman, 2012); focus groups and stakeholder Hartwich, 1999; Lattre-Gasquet, 2006), which might be adapted
consultations (Bartels et al., 2013; Lundaka et al., 2013); to prioritizing climate adaptation measures in agriculture. Among
participatory scenario development (Bizikova et al., 2010; Faysse the alternative approaches are: congruence methods, which rank
et al., 2014); stakeholder mapping approaches (Aberman et al., alternative choices on the basis of a single measure; multi-criteria
2011; Sova et al., 2013); expert-based climate inventories and scoring methods, which rank alternative choices according to
ranking (de Bruin et al., 2009); ‘‘deliberative workshops’’ to multiple criteria; benefit-cost models (benefit-cost ratios, net
enhance social learning (McCrum et al., 2009); community-based present value, internal rate of return), which rank alternative
adaptation climate monitoring and information management choices by quantitative measures that assess the present value of a
efforts (IISD, 2007); and various other decision-support tools stream of economic benefits and costs over time; economic surplus
and approaches (Smit and Wandel, 2006; Adger et al., 2007; UNDP- models which use applied welfare measures based on the price
UNEP, 2011). Notwithstanding the widely recognized importance responsiveness of consumers, producers, input suppliers and
of context-specificity of climate impacts and incorporating government, and the resulting net benefits, and their distribution,
stakeholder input and local knowledge in adaptation responses, among different groups; and foresight models which base resource
most attempts to develop actionable adaptation strategies allocation decisions (for example, in research or technology
addressing these needs have suffered from one or more of several development) on assessing the relative economic and social
challenges and limitations: (1) most studies have been singular, benefits of alternative measures vis-à-vis their ability to generate
one-off, case study-driven approaches, which mitigates against a future expected or desired outcomes.
common analytical framework and replicability; (2) fundamental There are advantages and disadvantages to each of these
scientific knowledge on climate change and its impacts needs to be approaches as they apply to priority-setting in climate change
brought to bear in the developing adaptation responses, rather adaptation. A key consideration is the exceptionally high degree of
than solely relying on local perceptions and experiences; (3) weak complexity and multiple sources of uncertainty that characterize
formal linkages often exist between local NGOs and civil society climate change and climate adaption (CBO, 2005; FAO, 2008;
organizations and regional and national authorities which have the Randall et al., 2012; IPCC, 2014). These include: the uncertain
power to make policy decisions and allocate resources; and (4) a nature of future climate changes and the extent of their biophysical
limited ability often exists to ‘‘scale-up’’ local experience to a impacts; the lengthy time-scale and lags involving both adaptation
broader level more appropriate to policy interventions. There have and mitigation measures; the uncertainty of tradeoffs among
been few attempts to develop formal, replicable participatory present versus future needs, particularly given the critical needs of
approaches for developing countries that address each of these the poor and their typically high discount rates; and the many
challenges and that explicitly link local stakeholder-driven climate actors (local, national, international) and their relative and
adaptation strategies to actionable strategies and Action Plans of sometimes conflicting roles. Benefit-cost analysis is often recom-
regional and national authorities; this is the major goal of this mended but works best in a deterministic environment where the
study. Several exceptions, using a variety of approaches, include sources of uncertainty are minimized and the potential for
the work of FAO and the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center catastrophic risk is low, or at least expected values based on
on community-level climate risk assessment in Bangladesh known distributions of possible outcomes are given (Environmen-
(Ramamasy and Bass, 2007), stakeholder-based cost-benefit tal Assessment Institute, 2006; Weitzman, 2009). Such is not the
analysis of water management in five developing countries case with climate change and agriculture. Given the simplicity of
(Lundaka et al., 2013), a recent World Bank study of climate congruence methods, the application here to a wide diversity of
adaptation in Albania (Sutton et al., 2013), and participatory stakeholders with diverse backgrounds, and the limitations of
groundwater management in Morocco (Faysse et al., 2014). benefit-cost, economic surplus and foresight models as applied to
D.R. Lee et al. / Global Environmental Change 29 (2014) 78–91 81

climate change, it was determined early in this study to use a local collaborators; and (3) the involvement of a local institution
multi-criteria scoring method approach. and interdisciplinary team to take co-leadership in implementing
Typically, scoring methods involve the assessment by individ- the study. The farming systems of each of these regions are briefly
ual actors of alternative choices using a number of different described below.
criteria. This may be done by matrix ranking (evaluating multiple
choices by multiple criteria) or by pair-wise ranking, in which a 3.2.1. The Yaqui Valley of Northwestern Mexico
ranking of options is established by a sequential evaluation of all The Yaqui Valley is an area of 71,452 km2 located in the semi-
possible pairs. Scoring methods used in priority-setting have both arid coastal plain of the Sonora Desert in northwestern Mexico. The
advantages and disadvantages (Alston et al., 1995; Manicad, 1997). Valley is one of the most highly productive wheat-based farming
Advantages include the fact that the method is easy to administer, systems in the world and was the original site of the 20th century
transparent, allows for active involvement by diverse participants, ‘‘Green Revolution’’ in wheat. Both temperatures and rainfall in the
and does not require advanced quantitative skills (unlike benefit- Valley are highly variable, seasonally and inter-annually. About a
cost and economic surplus methods, for example). Disadvantages quarter of a million hectares of irrigated crops, valued at over $400
include the simplicity of the method and that it does not quantify million, are grown in the Valley. About 70–75% of land is devoted to
or often make explicit economic (including welfare) measures, the wheat production, although a wide variety of other crops are also
results are dependent on those doing the scoring, and there can be grown, including safflower, corn, sorghum, garbanzo beans,
problems and inconsistency in the definition of objectives and potatoes, cotton, and numerous vegetable crops, including
evaluation criteria. tomatoes, chilies, broccoli and lettuce. The cattle industry is also
The use of multi-criteria scoring methods to address climate important in rainfed parts of the Valley. The high productivity of
change adaptation is part of a broader priority-setting framework agriculture in the region is mostly attributable to its extensive
adapted from the research planning and priority-setting method- irrigation system and the broad availability and intensive use of
ology developed by Janssen and Kissi (1997) as earlier applied to irrigation water. In recent years, water scarcity has grown,
agricultural productivity and natural resource management especially during the prolonged drought of 2003–2008, and
research, and here adapted to the unique circumstances relevant groundwater sources – notably the drilling of many private
to climate adaptation in agriculture. Our approach also draws from irrigation wells – have increasingly been used for supplement
the participatory ‘‘interactive bottom-up’’ approach (see Com- surface water sources for irrigation. This is the case even though
mandeur, 1997) and the ‘‘stepped agro-ecological’’ approach the cost of irrigation water from groundwater sources is much
(Thiombiano and Andriesse, 1998), developed to address priori- higher to farmers than that from surface water sources. Conflicts
ty-setting in the areas of agricultural biotechnology and agro- between urban and agricultural uses of water are intensifying, and
ecological research, respectively. Our methodology is a sequential rising sea levels and their impacts on coastal aquifers may further
approach that is built around needs assessments by local complicate efforts to develop groundwater resources as a hedge
stakeholders and that also incorporates: formation of a multi- against reduced surface water availability (Schoups et al., 2006).
disciplinary local team; collection of information (scientific, The challenges to agricultural adaptations in the Yaqui Valley are
institutional, policy) by the team early in the study; sharing of further described in Castellanos et al. (2009).
this information with stakeholders at a series of workshops;
priority-setting exercises by stakeholders using multi-criteria 3.2.2. The Mantaro Valley of Central Peru
scoring of possible climate adaptation response options; and a The Mantaro Valley covers around 34,500 km2 in the central
process of substantiation and validation of the priority-setting Andes of Peru at an altitude of between 3000 and 3400 masl. A
process that focuses on policy and implementation. productive highland valley surrounded by steep hills and
The priority-setting approach developed in this study utilized mountains, it is characterized by mostly small-scale producers
the input of local stakeholders and experts in each of the three and highly diversified farming systems located both in the valley
regions to develop climate adaptation plans based on the bottomlands as well as the much less productive steep hillsides.
identification and prioritization of response options. This Most farms in the Mantaro Valley range in size between 0.5 and
methodology translates knowledge about the impact of projected 4.9 ha; 62.9% of producers farm less than 3.0 ha. Much farm
climate changes and their expected impacts on agricultural production is used for subsistence purposes and rural poverty is
systems into a template for decision-making at local and regional widespread, as high as 73% (Escobal and Cavero, 2007). Agriculture
levels. The methodology employs four steps incorporating accounts for 25–35% of employment, but the local economy is
activities centered around a series of three workshops in each highly diversified. Potatoes are the main crop grown by farmers
country. These steps, and the formal identification of evaluation and a mainstay of the local diet. Other major crops include maize,
criteria and priority responses that are involved, are discussed in barley, peas and carrots, as well as traditional Andean crops such as
Section 4. The overall objective of this approach is to identify choclo (sweet corn), quinoa (grain), and the tuber crops, oca, olluco
feasible ‘‘bottom-up’’ strategies that can guide local resource and mashua. Dairy cattle are also an important part of the
management decisions to address climate change and enable agricultural economy. Agrobiodiversity is critical to the region and
them to be more informed, more reflective of local realities, and to the diets of both rural and urban residents: there are an
ultimately, more effective. estimated 300+ varieties of potato and 200+ varieties of olluco in
Peru. Agriculture in the Mantaro Valley faces many severe
3.2. Overview of the study regions constraints – soil erosion, soil degradation resulting from over-
grazing on the steep hillsides and poor land use practices, and
The three regions selected for this study were the Yaqui Valley deforestation – however, the main overall limiting factor is water
in northwestern Mexico, the Mantaro Valley in the central (Cuellar, 2008). Tropical glaciers, such as those in central Peru, are
Andean highlands of Peru, and the western littoral region of highly affected by temperature increases induced by climate
Uruguay. The selection of these regions was based on three change and are widely expected to disappear in coming decades
criteria: (1) assuring a diversity of agroecological conditions and (Vergara, 2007). Even with contributions from the meltwaters of
farming systems for comparative purposes; (2) to complement the retreating glaciers in the region, the region’s three main
existing or potential development projects sponsored by the reservoirs and many smaller reservoirs are commonly well below
World Bank (the implementing organization for this study) with capacity.
82 D.R. Lee et al. / Global Environmental Change 29 (2014) 78–91

3.2.3. The Western Littoral Region of Uruguay typically ranged from about 30 to 80 individuals. The third
The western littoral region of southwestern Uruguay is part of workshop in each country involved discussion and validation of
the flat pampas region, with highly productive croplands and the draft Action Plans; for this reason, we invited participation
rangelands producing a wide variety of cereals, oilseeds, and other from a broader set of higher-level decision makers representing
crops. Farms in the region have traditionally been mixed crop- ministries and other national institutions.
livestock farms, with most farmland in long-term crop-pasture
rotations. Farms in the region average about 100 ha, although the 4.1. Step 1: review and analysis of climate changes and impacts on
size distribution of production is highly bimodal (Ferrari, 2008); agriculture
77% of producers cultivating less than 20 ha and 4% of producers
own or operate more than 500 ha each and collectively farm more The first step of the study in each country involved a
than 75% of the total land in the region. In recent years, global comprehensive desk review of expected climate changes over
commodity price trends have increasingly favored crop production the next 30+ years, and the identification of major future
and land devoted soybeans, in particular, has increased sharply. In implications for agriculture confronting each region. Prior to the
2008, over 350,000 ha were planted to winter crops, principally initial country workshops, the local teams reviewed the existing
wheat, barley and oats; about 614,200 ha were planted to summer scientific literature on climate changes and potential agricultural
crops, including soybeans, maize, sorghum and sunflower. The impacts in each of the three regions. This included results from
mild climatic conditions of the region allow for double-cropping regional and global studies, such as the 2006 regional Assessments
and mixed crop-livestock production, and permit farmers a great of Impacts and Adaptations to Climate Change (AIACC (Giménez,
deal of flexibility in responding to changing market and agrocli- 2006)), the CREAS Initiative (Marengo and Ambrizzi, 2006), the
matic conditions (Giménez, 2006). However, farmers consistently 2007 reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
identify soil erosion as a major and increasingly important (IPCC, 2007), and other climate studies. In addition, the research
constraint to agriculture in the region (Ferrari, 2008). The causes literature on biophysical responses to climate change (current and
of erosion identified by farmers include adverse climatic events, future) was also reviewed in order to identify key anticipated
the use of fallows without groundcover, and the reduction of problems and opportunities that are likely to affect agricultural
pastures in the conventional crop-pasture rotations. systems in the targeted regions in the first half of this century.
These results were presented and discussed in the first workshop
4. Methods in each country in order to create a shared understanding of these
scientific results among all workshop participants.
As indicated above, the methodological framework developed
in this study uses a multi-criteria priority-setting framework after 4.2. Step 2: identification of possible response options to climate
that of Janssen and Kissi (1997). This approach is widely used in change
agricultural and natural resource management research (Alston
et al., 1995; Mills, 1998; Hartwich, 1999; Lattre-Gasquet, 2006); The second step focused on the identification of potential
we adapt this approach for prioritizing local response options for response options to address the effects of climate change. After a
climate adaptation in agriculture. The approach is built around the comprehensive review of the main predicted climate changes
four steps described below, centering around a series of outlined in Step 1, the first workshop in each country was devoted
participatory stakeholder workshops in each country, all leading to discussion among workshop participants (backstopped by
to the final objective: the development of local Action Plans to workshop organizers and local and regional experts in climate
address climate adaptation in agriculture in each region. Further science, agriculture and other relevant fields) to assess the likely
methodological details are available in World Bank (2009b). The effects of climate change on agricultural production systems,
workshops and other country-level activities were organized by barring steps to remediate those effects. In each case, workshop
multidisciplinary project teams in each country. participants – farmers, technical specialists, representatives of
The importance, and limitations, of participatory approaches in local institutions, and other local stakeholders – identified a
natural resource management and development are well-known consensus set of possible options to address those effects that was
(Rhoades, 1994; Pretty, 1995; Chambers, 1997; Neef et al., 2003). then synthesized by the country team.
In the priority-setting literature, specifically, the importance of
assuring a diversity of participants to the resultant quality of the 4.3. Step 3: prioritization of response options
priorities obtained from the scoring and priority-setting methods
employed is a familiar prerequisite – and potential limitation if The third step of this study involved formal priority-setting of
poorly done – of the methodology (Alston et al., 1995; Byerlee, the individual response options identified in Step 2. This involved
2000; Lattre-Gasquet, 2006). Accordingly, following Janssen and three specific components during the second workshop in each
Kissi (1997) and Falconi (1999), we invited participation in the country; each of these steps is summarized briefly here.
three workshops in each study region from groups of stakeholders
knowledgeable (in different ways) about climate change, its 4.3.1. Identification and weighting of evaluation criteria
impacts, and local biophysical conditions and institutions. These During the first workshop, a tentative list of proposed
included four groups of participants: (1) farmers and representa- evaluation criteria was discussed by participants in each country
tives of farmers’ organizations; (2) scientists – agronomists, crop for use in the subsequent priority-setting exercises. These criteria
specialists, climatologists, technical staff from the national included several impact criteria to assess the potential efficacy of
agricultural research organizations (INIFAP in Mexico, INIA in each response option for addressing the local effects of climate
Peru and Uruguay), and others; (3) decision-makers – representa- change in each of the three country sites, and several proposed
tives of relevant government ministries and local and regional viability criteria to assess the scope for practical implementation of
governments; and (4) representatives of non-governmental each response option. After discussion and modification by
organizations, universities, and other local institutions. Invitations workshop organizers between the first and second workshops,
to the series of workshops were issued by the local country team in these criteria were proposed to participants at the beginning of the
each case, with the goal of assuring a wide diversity of participant second workshop, subjected to discussion and confirmation by
backgrounds and perspectives. Participation in the workshops participants, and then weighted by participants (100 points among
D.R. Lee et al. / Global Environmental Change 29 (2014) 78–91 83

‘‘impact criteria’’ and 100 points among ‘‘viability criteria’’) for use by considerable other research, is the recognition that projected
in the subsequent priority-setting exercise. climatic changes are characterized by great spatial heterogeneity;
forecasted changes are sensitive to the individual GCM model used,
4.3.2. Development of response profiles assumptions about future greenhouse gas emissions, the time
Between the first and second sets of country workshops, the period of interest, within-year seasonal differences, and other
teams in each country developed ‘‘Profiles’’ of each of the climate factors. In general, there is a higher level of agreement among
adaptation response options identified in Workshop 1 for subse- model projections for temperature than precipitation in most
quent discussion. These profiles contained detailed information regions. Over the next 30+ years (the time frame for this study),
used subsequently by participants in Workshop 2 in evaluating the average annual temperatures are likely to increase by around 1 8C
different response options and scoring them by the above- over historical means (Ruosteenoja et al., 2003). GCM model
mentioned criteria. (These profiles were subsequently revised in projections generally agree that Northwest Mexico (the site of the
further detail in the development of the Action Plans – see Step Yaqui Valley) will be significantly drier by the end of the century
4 below). The profiles included information on the underlying need whereas Uruguay is likely to be significantly wetter, with greater
for the response option, technical characteristics of the proposed variability of precipitation patterns. For Peru, model results are
components, costs and benefits (selectively estimated), and likely mixed with regard to projected precipitation patterns (Silva et al.,
impacts. 2006; Haylock et al., 2006; IPCC, 2007). In one area, however, there
is little disagreement: glacial melting and the loss of ice mass are
4.3.3. Prioritization of response options expected to accelerate. The retreat of the glaciers on Peru’s
Given (1) the participants’ identification and weighting of Huaytapallana peak is widely expected to result in increasing
evaluation criteria to be used in evaluating the individual response water scarcity in the future in the Mantaro Valley. It is estimated
options, and (2) the elaboration of the potential response options in that, just between 1970 and 1997, Peru’s glaciers declined by 22%
each country, the remaining step was the actual priority-setting in surface area from 2041 km2 to 1595 km2 (GEF, 2007).
process. At the conclusion of the second workshop in each country, Just as changes to the climate systems will not be uniform, the
a priority-setting exercise was undertaken in which the individual impacts on agriculture will be spatially, temporally, and enter-
response options were evaluated by workshop participants prise-specific. (This was the primary reason for the multiple sites
according to the previously determined criteria. Workshop chosen for this study). There is a growing consensus that changes
participants used a multi-dimensional matrix scoring approach in the frequency and severity of extreme events are likely to have
in which they were asked to assess the extent to which each more impacts on agricultural systems than are changes in longer-
evaluation criterion was effectively addressed by each response term climate means (Porter and Semenov, 2005). Crop yield
option. Participants’ individual ratings of each response option by responses from various impact studies are widely variable,
criterion were then weighted by the criteria weights previously depending on crop type, time period, geographic location, emission
calculated, the scores were averaged across all participants in each scenario, and choice of crop and climate models. For example,
workshop, and the results normalized to a maximum value of 100. Hijmans (2003) evaluated the likely impacts of climate change on
potato yields around the globe, and projected average yield
4.4. Step 4: development of country Action Plans decreases in the range of 18% to 32% without adaptation and
9% to 18% with adaptive measures. In general, moderate
The final step of this study involved the translation of the warming (to 3 8C) is expected to benefit crop productivity in the
climate change response options prioritized in Step 3 into a local mid to high latitude regions, but any amount of warming in lower
Action Plan in each country. This effort was led by the local project latitudes may significantly reduce yields for crops like wheat (IPCC,
team in each country. Significant attention was also given to 2007). It is important to recognize, however, that these types of
possible overlap of the response options as well as strategic generalizations understate the importance of future extreme
institutional, policy and financing considerations. In some cases, weather events and associated responses. Only a few climate
these aspects necessitated the reframing and recombination of the change studies to date have assessed the impact of future trends in
response options in different ways to enhance the likelihood of climate variability on crop productivity (Tubiello et al., 2007).
their acceptability to local and national authorities, and, if While much uncertainty surrounds projections of future climate
developed in a project format, of being of potential interest to and its associated impacts on regional and local agricultural
donors. At the third workshop in each country, the Action Plans systems (Barros, 2006), there is a growing recognition that we are
were presented, discussed and debated. As noted above, partici- committed to a certain amount of warming in the coming decades
pation at the third workshop in each country was broadened to and that this will inevitably affect agriculture (Howden et al., 2007;
include national authorities and decision-makers (representatives Nelson et al., 2009). Thus agricultural adaptations are inevitable,
of relevant Ministries, local and regional governments, etc.). The and indeed are already autonomously occurring in many locations.
objective was to validate and critique the Action Plans from a
broader set of perspectives than were reflected in the first two 5.2. Identification of potential response options
workshops, and address institutional and political constraints, not
only the technical and economic issues that had been the primary Participants in the first workshop in each country identified a
focus of the first two workshops. set of consensus possible response options to address climate
change impacts on agriculture. Due to space limitations, we do not
5. Results review all of the results for all three countries here; further
country-level details are available in World Bank (2009b).
5.1. Climate changes and impacts on agriculture However, Table 1 is illustrative and identifies the set of possible
response options that emerged from the first workshop for one
The results of the reviews and syntheses of climate changes and study location, Mexico’s Yaqui Valley. As expected, the potential
their likely impacts on the agricultural sectors in each study site response options identified by stakeholders in each study site were
were summarized and presented at the first workshop in each specific to that site and the climatic, biophysical, resource
country. One of the key results of the 2007 IPCC study, gained from management and other factors that were perceived by stake-
simulations from 21 global circulation models (GCMs) and ratified holders to limit the current and future agricultural production
84 D.R. Lee et al. / Global Environmental Change 29 (2014) 78–91

Table 1 options identified by stakeholders. In all three countries, priority

Possible response options to climate change in Yaqui Valley Agriculture, Mexico.
response options were identified that focused on soil and water
1. Integrated watershed management management; crop management practices; improving climate
 Objective is to promote climate adaptation through optimal water
monitoring and prediction; innovations in agricultural technology
management to improve decision-making and facilitate better functioning of
watershed agroecosystems: agriculture, livestock, natural environment and (from irrigation systems to biotechnology); and a wide range of
urban areas. institutional and policy innovations. These are discussed in more
 Primary focus on adaptation to drought and extreme climatic events, to avoid detail below.
rural-urban migration and urbanization of peri-urban areas. Water availability,
storage and use are major limiting factors in the watershed, affecting
agriculture, livelihoods, and socio-economic development.
5.3. Prioritization of response options
 Projects proposed to improve watershed conservation and management
planning; encourage reforestation and revegetation; build water retention The second workshop in each country engaged participants in the
ponds and reservoirs; facilitate best management practices for water use; following three steps, the results of which are summarized here.
improve water monitoring.

2. Improve water use efficiency in irrigation in Yaqui Valley Irrigation 5.3.1. Weighting of evaluation criteria
District 041 Table 2 shows the final list of evaluation criteria used in the
 Goal is to improve–ideally, double–water use efficiency and the economic
priority-setting exercises in each country and the associated
feasibility of water use in irrigation.
 Support actions to improve irrigation management practices, including average weights assigned by participants (in the final prioritization
greater water use efficiency, use of ferti-irrigation, conservation tillage and calculations below, 50% of the weights were proportionately
other practices. assigned to the impact criteria, with the other 50% assigned
 Promote modernization and public sector reinvestment in irrigation proportionately to the viability criteria). The weights of the
infrastructure, main and feeder canals, serving 7500 ha (with detailed cost
evaluation criteria show both similarities and differences across
the three countries. In all three countries, the perceived economic
3. Climate early warning system
benefits of the response option were weighted the highest among
 Objective is to reduce risks to farmers arising from drought, extreme weather
events and pest and disease outbreaks. the impact criteria. In both Mexico and Uruguay, the potential of
 Components include: risk mapping; monitoring and forecasting of weather the response option to contribute to adaptation to climate change
events and pest and disease outbreaks; system of disseminating information was ranked second highest, while in Peru, ‘‘other environmental
through early warning system; adoption of appropriate methods to respond to effects’’ – notably, biodiversity conservation, given the importance
these alerts.
of potato biodiversity – received the second highest weight among
4. Crop genetic improvement participants. The economic costs of each response option were
 Principal objective is adaptation to drought and improving crop productivity. ranked highly as an evaluation criterion in all countries. The
 Obtain advanced genetic lines for crop varietal improvement.
 Develop varieties with drought tolerance and resistance to rust disease
importance of the response option to local poor and indigenous
(wheat), bushy stunt mycoplasma (maize), and other pests and diseases. groups was more highly weighted among participants in the Peru
 Develop experimental varieties for field and farmer trials. workshop, reflecting the much smaller farms in the Mantaro Valley
5. Agricultural technology development
compared to the other two study areas, and the much greater
 Objective to improve adaptation to drought and improve crop and animal prevalence of poverty. Among the viability criteria, in all three
productivity. countries, the technical viability of the response option was by far
 Alternatives include: technologies to improve irrigation efficiency, ferti- the most heavily weighted criterion, while in both Mexico and
irrigation, conservation tillage, retention and storage ponds for water,
Uruguay, potential public support and public acceptance ranked
promotion of best management practices in irrigation and land management,
technologies for monitoring and improving water quality. second. In Peru, participants’ weights of the other viability criteria
were more evenly distributed.
6. Market feasibility studies for fair trade products
 Objective: examine potential market feasibility of high-value ‘‘fair trade’’
products which are facing high demand in international markets, given both 5.3.2. Development of response option profiles
climate change and reduced profitability of basic agricultural commodities Profiles of each response option were prepared by the country
(maize, wheat). teams prior to the second workshop in each country and presented
 Capitalize on interest among producer groups (already 50 producer groups in
to participants at the second set of workshops. An example of a
Mexico are certified for fair trade production), and potential benefits to
smallholders in the Valley due to potential to generate revenues on small
typical such profile is presented in Table 3. This table summarizes
landholdings, diversify income sources, improve incomes, and rural to urban one of seven response options developed for Mexico – the genetic
migration. improvement of wheat, maize and oilseeds. This response option
 Products to examine include: Yori muni beans, potatoes, honey, etc. was ultimately ranked as the top response option for Mexico in the
7. Economic feasibility studies for market diversification prioritization exercise described below, and was one of the key
 Objective is to encourage diversification into non-traditional (especially, non- components of the Action Plan developed for the Yaqui Valley in Step
wheat) products and markets, particularly those with prospects for high market 4 (below). Similar profiles were developed for all response options
demands, in response to constraints of climate change, water availability,
discussed in each country; space limitations preclude presenting
challenge of maintaining high yields in an intensive system, slow growth in
demand, growing international competition in wheat, etc. others here.
 Options include: grains – corn, sorghum, rice; oilseeds – safflower, canola
(rapeseed), soybeans, sesame; legumes – beans, garbanzo; vegetables: potato, 5.3.3. Priority-setting of response options
tomato (red and green), chilies, watermelon, melon, eggplant, pepper, broccoli;
The final results from the priority-setting exercises in each
biocombustibles – agave, sugarcane and beet, sweet sorghum, castor bean,
jatropha, crambe; fruits – pineapple, mango, oranges, mandarins, grapefruit,
country are shown in Tables 4a–4c. The differences in scores across
lemons, olives; pastures: alfalfa, zacates (long grass). the response options in each country are relatively modest; the
Source: Adapted from World Bank (2009b). scores are both weighted (across evaluation criteria) and averaged
(across participants in each study site), which reduces the
variability evident in the individual scores. Although the full sets
potential of that region, given anticipated climatic changes. of response options bear many similarities across the three cases,
Although the agro-climatic conditions and cropping systems and the options that ranked the highest in each country were quite
structure of agriculture differed dramatically across the study sites, different: genetic improvement for wheat, maize and oilseeds in
there were numerous commonalities that emerged in the response Mexico (in part reflecting the region’s key role in the Green
D.R. Lee et al. / Global Environmental Change 29 (2014) 78–91 85

Table 2
Impact and Viability criteria, and ave. participants’ weights used in priority-setting.

Mexico (n = 53) Peru (n = 44) Uruguay (n = 18)

Impact criteria
1. Economic benefits of the response option (including both private benefits and local economic benefits) 22.5 16.7 30.6
2. Economic costs of the response option 12.0 14.0 13.9
3. Spillover effects in other regions or sectors 6.9 7.1 11.1
4. Importance of the response option to the local poor and indigenous groupsa 10.8 13.7 8.1
5. Adaptation potential: potential of the response option to promote adaptation to climate change 13.1 10.5 15.3
6. Mitigation potential: potential of the response option to promote mitigation of climatic change 12.5 10.6 9.7
7. Capacity to reduce damage resulting from extreme events induced by climate change 11.4 11.9 11.4
8. Other environmental effects: maintaining biodiversity, etc. 10.8 15.6 n/a

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0

Viability criteria
1. Technical viability of the response option 23.4 21.8 32.5
2. Availability and confidence in the information necessary to evaluate the response option 17.2 16.7 17.2
3. Compatibility of response option with country’s climate change strategy 14.8 17.1 10.0
4. Potential public support and general public acceptance 18.0 15.7 16.4
5. Necessity of public sector intervention 16.3 17.4 13.6
6. Existing level of development of response option at regional and national levels 10.3 11.2 10.3

Total 100.0 100.0 100.0

Source: Adapted from World Bank (2009b).
In Peru (only), gender-related constraints.

Table 3
Proposed response option for Mexico: genetic improvement of wheat, maize and oilseeds.
Objectives: Genetic improvement and varietal development through plant breeding and applications of biotechnology (including use of molecular markers), in order to
reduce the impacts of climate change, foster continued yield growth for major crops, and maintain a competitive and viable commercial agriculture.
Wheat. Climate change has the potential to threaten the dominance of wheat in the Yaqui Valley, along with its important economic contributions and the key role it plays
in national food security. The focus is on developing wheat varieties which can thrive in a hotter, dryer climate and which are resistant to disease and insects, including
those new to the region. A parallel focus also on developing varieties which can withstand and thrive given new climatic conditions and changing production cycles.
Maize. Often considered an alternative to wheat in the Valley, maize’s viability in the face of climate change will require varietal improvements which are resistant to high
temperatures and which are more efficient in nitrogen use and the utilization of water resources. Maize hybrids grown in the summer season should be resistant to rust,
micoplasmosis and fungus, and achieve yields of 8 ton/ha.
Oilseeds. Climate change, accompanied by rising temperatures and lower precipitation, should still leave oilseeds with significant production and economic potential
given their relatively low water needs and ability to adapt to different seasonal production cycles (autumn-winter and spring-summer). The chief challenges for crop
improvement are creating varieties and hybrids which are adapted to local climatic and ecological conditions.

Costs and Benefits: The following table shows estimated research costs and impacts:

Crop Research costs 2010–2025 (1000 Pesos) Impact on farmers returns (1000 Pesos)

Equipment Operation

Maize 5889 21,744 663,750

Oilseeds 5889 21,985 656,250
Wheat 5889 27,603 1,375,000
Subtotal 17,666 71,332

Total 88,997 2,695,000

Long-term Goals:
 New crop varieties. After 15 years, develop: three white maize and three yellow maize varieties tolerant to high temperatures and hydrological stress; five new varieties of
safflower, canola and soybeans; and eight new varieties of wheat. Yield targets established for each.
 Institutions and partnerships. This response option and action plan are based on the potential for a strategic alliance between the federal and state governments, producers
associations and research and training institutions.
 Impacts and other social aspects. Aim to restore the soybean crop which disappeared from the Yaqui Valley during the 1990s by creating a summer planting level of 30,000 ha.
Source: Adapted from Castellanos et al. (2009).

Revolution); integrated sustainable management of micro-water- agencies with responsibilities for climate change policy, water,
sheds in Peru, likely reflecting the vulnerable soil and water forest and land management; local and national producer
resources of the Mantaro Valley; and information and decision associations; local and regional governments; disaster manage-
support systems in Uruguay, likely reflecting the strong private ment institutions; and other organizations. Participation ranged
farming sector in that country and the widespread belief that from 35 (Uruguay) to 80 (Mexico). Many of these organizations had
information provision is an appropriate role to deal with climate been represented in the earlier workshops, but in general,
change impacts. Despite these differences, at all study sites, participation in the third workshop was broader and higher level
integrated management of water and watershed resources ranked officials participated. The objectives of these workshops, as
among the top two priorities. mentioned above, were to present the results of the local Action
Plans which were developed based on the response options
5.3.4. Country Action Plans previously prioritized, and to discuss and debate, with high-level
In the third set of country workshops, participation was, by officials and policymakers, the institutional and political con-
design, broadened to a wider set of local and national institutions – straints to accomplishing the goals and activities set out in the
Ministries of Agriculture and the Environment; key government Action Plans.
86 D.R. Lee et al. / Global Environmental Change 29 (2014) 78–91

Table 4a Table 5a
Results of priority-setting process for climate change response options: Mexico. Components of climate change Action Plan for Yaqui Valley, Mexico.

Response option Final score 1. Integrated management of the Rı́o Yaqui watershed: Efficient use of
(max = 100) watershed resources and long-term planning for water demands
(n = 52) a. Develop plan for integrated management of watershed resources.
b. Improve monitoring and management of natural resources and valuation of
1. Genetic improvement – wheat, maize, oilseeds 83.0 ecosystem services (especially forests, water and biodiversity).
2. Integrated watershed management 81.0 c. Institutional strengthening, planning, monitoring, and modeling, with a
3. Improvement to irrigation systems 77.2 water focus.
4. Revalidation of agricultural technologies 77.0 d. Improve efficiency, management and use of water resources.
5. Early alert system 75.7
6. Feasibility study for crop diversification 72.0 2. Early warning system to confront climate and phytosanitary risk
7. Feasibility study for ‘‘fair trade’’ products 67.8 a. Develop an automated network of meteorological stations in the Valley
b. Use models to estimate climate risks, including pests and disease
c. Improve and disseminate agro-meteorological and other information to
support decision-making and reduce risk
d. Dissemination of information and maps re. climate, yield and phytosanitary
Table 4b risk.
Results of priority-setting process for climate change response options: Perú.
3. Transformation of agriculture through (a) genetic improvement and (b)
Response option Final score improvement of irrigation systems.
(max = 100) a. Genetic improvement of cereals and oilseeds (wheat, maize, canola,
(n = 44) safflower, and soybeans), especially for drought and heat tolerance
b. Improvements in the irrigation system: investments to modernize
1. Integrated sustainable management of 76.6 infrastructure; improve water use efficiency; promote conservation tillage
2. Mini-reservoirs for water storage and 74.7 4. Market diversification and new options for crop farming in the Yaqui
training Valley
3. Technology adaptation for crop 69.4

production and management

4. Technology adaptation for livestock production 67.0 Table 5b
and management Components of climate change Action Plan for Mantaro Valley, Peru.
5. Agro-biodiversity monitoring of native 63.3
1. Improving legal and institutional frameworks, and information systems
potato varieties
a. Establish an integrated regional database on natural resources, climate, and
6. Strengthening of institutions and regulatory 62.1
b. Integrate the different existing early warning systems to enhance inter-
institutional collaboration to manage emergency situations.
c. Align the national and regional institutional and legal frameworks to deal
with the expected effects of climate change in the Mantaro Valley.
Table 4c 2. Improving the management of natural resources and related
Results of priority-setting process for climate change response options: Uruguay. infrastructure to reduce vulnerability
a. Integrated and sustainable management to reduce vulnerability to climate
Response option Final score
change in selected small watersheds – Shullcas, Yacus, Achamayo and Cunas –
(max = 100)
including reforestation, soil conservation, terrace management, monitoring
(n = 18)
systems, and capacity building of communities.
1. Information and decision support systems 78.9 b. Construction of small structures for water storage and distribution, and
2. Water management 77.2 improved infrastructure and management of irrigated areas (in Hualhuas and
3. Agricultural insurance 75.3 Cajas watersheds).
4. Support for technology and information transfer 72.9
5. Stimulating best management practices in agriculture 69.9 3. Adaptation of Mantaro Valley agricultural and livestock production
6. Improving climate forecasts 69.2 systems to climate change
7. Design of production systems to reduce climate risk 67.2 a. Monitor and conserve the rich biodiversity of native potato varieties in the
8. Traditional crop genetic improvement and use of 63.8 district of Comas.
biotechnology b. Design and implement integrated pest management practices and
monitoring systems to deal with the emergence of new crop diseases and pests.
Source: Adapted from World Bank (2009b). c. Design and implementation of agricultural techniques and practices for
livestock systems, including improved pastures and fodder conservation.

The key components of the three Action Plans are listed in

Tables 5a–5c. As the Action Plans were derived directly from the
response options developed in the previous step of the study, there Cambio – Estrategia Regional de Cambio Climático – 2007). At the
is a high overlap with those options. In two of the countries, Mexico workshop, a plan was developed to work with the Regional
and Peru, specific plans for follow-up were developed at the Government of Junı́n to move the Action Plan forward, in
workshop, and in the case of Mexico, a committee of interested collaboration with governmental and producers’ groups. In
institutions was formed to spearhead these activities. The Action Uruguay, the Plan identified specific action steps for the
Plan for the Yaqui Valley closely adheres to established Federal agricultural sector that were highly consistent with national
measures for climate change adaptation in the agricultural sector, initiatives, announced previously in 2009, to promote national
and importantly, also provides a sub-national perspective for attention to climate change adaptation, including: a fund for
implementation of these measures. Discussion at the workshop climate-related disasters, improved management of water
centered, in part, on the Yaqui Valley as a regional pilot, which resources, and creation of a national working group on risk
could subsequently be extended to other sectors or regions. In prevention and climate change adaptation. The Action Plan
Peru, the Regional Government representatives from Junı́n developed in this study was expected to facilitate the knowledge
expressed strong interest in the specific proposals developed in generation and implementation process within the agricultural
this study, especially the public investment priorities which sector, and help identify needed financial backing for climate
aligned with the region’s climate change strategy (Enfrentando el change investments.
D.R. Lee et al. / Global Environmental Change 29 (2014) 78–91 87

Table 5c 2009a; Randall et al., 2012). The priority-setting methodology

Climate Change Action Plan for Western Littoral Region, Uruguay.
employed here helps break up the decision process into manage-
1. Information and decision support system able parts, adapting to these multiple sources of uncertainty and
a. Define agroecological zones and economically productive activities through
reducing the impact of individual assumptions that may later
climate and land-use mapping.
b. Analyze physical and economic factors that quantify extreme climatic events, prove inaccurate. In such an environment, where reliable data for
agroclimatic risk, and that affect the variability of production systems. key biophysical and economic variables are absent, more
c. Incorporate agroclimatic, economic and management factors in improved deterministic, quantitative assessments such as cost-benefit
crop models to help reduce risks associated with climate change. analysis and economic welfare analysis may be problematic, both
d. Institutionalize the monitoring of agronomic and climatic factors that can be
used in developing early alert and decision support system for farmers.
conceptually and in practice (Pizer, 2005; EAI, 2006; Weitzman,
e. Establish pre-conditions for insurance and risk management systems 2009); the resulting policy recommendations can be highly varied,
through developing relevant climatic and economic indicators. even contradictory. For instance, we found the estimated costs of
f. Implement an early alert and monitoring system for use by government response options to be much easier to estimate than the estimated
agencies in assisting forecasting and response to emergencies.
benefits; in the latter case, many outcomes are unknown, such as
2. Improved water management Support and strengthen institutions the net yield effects of higher CO2 levels in the atmosphere (Ziska
responsible for improved water management, especially at watershed level, and Bunce, 2007) and the economic benefits resulting from
and including improved support for irrigation management and land-use
unknown future prices. A priority-setting approach such as that
a. Invest in new information, tools and technologies used in improved and used here is not a substitute for, but is compatible with, benefit-
more efficient water management, including supplemental irrigation, and cost and other standard economic assessment measures; indeed,
improved production systems. preliminary estimates of costs and benefits were incorporated in
b. Support human capital development, including specialized training for the profiles developed for evaluation of most of the response
improved water management.
c. Improve technology transfer through private and public institutions,
options considered.
including ‘‘technology roundtables’’. A second important result of this study is that, although the
three production environments and associated institutional
3. Develop insurance and other financial instruments for improved risk
management contexts were dramatically different, the types of response options
a. Support the development and use of agricultural insurance systems for that were prioritized by emerged across the three countries were
improved risk management, including catastrophic risk insurance based on highly similar. These included:
improved measurements of agroclimatic risk, and the use of index-based
 Soil and water management, particularly in the context of
b. Create an emergency or contingency disaster compensation fund to help
cover risks not covered by private insurance. integrated systems of watershed management;
 Crop management, including the identification of best manage-
Source: Adapted from World Bank (2009b).
ment practices which respond to climate changes;
 Improving weather prediction and monitoring, and disseminating
results to stakeholders;
6. Discussion and conclusions  Agricultural technology innovation, including a wide range of
options, from improved irrigation and water storage, to
In general, we found that the use of a ‘‘bottom-up’’ participatory fertilization technologies, to biotechnology; and
priority-setting methodology provides a valuable starting point in  Institutional and policy innovations, including market feasibility
the design of proactive local and regional adaptation strategies in analysis, agricultural insurance mechanisms, improved frame-
agriculture. The methodology is relative easy and inexpensive to works for biotechnology regulation, and overall institutional
apply; is highly transparent; can readily incorporate a diverse set strengthening to deal with expected climate changes in
of evaluation criteria; is highly participatory and flexible in agriculture.
operation; and focuses directly on incorporating the views of
diverse local stakeholders – farmers, landowners, resource These commonalities may due to several reasons. They are
managers – whose decisions are at the forefront in dealing with largely ‘‘no regrets’’ options which make sense even in the absence of
climate change. Moreover, the approach outlined in this pilot study climate change (World Bank, 2009a). The advantages and dis-
addresses all three of the limitations which have often character- advantages of ‘‘no regrets’’ options have been explored widely in the
ized one-off efforts to incorporate participatory input in formulat- literature (Cameron et al., 1999; IPCC, 2007), their key advantage
ing action-oriented climate change adaptation strategies: (1) Step being that they contribute toward building general climate
1 in the approach provides a formal mechanism to incorporate resilience even in the absence of perfect information and foresight
climate change science – not just participants’ views and opinions about future climatic changes and their impacts (Heltberg et al.,
– in the design of adaptation response options; (2) the diverse 2009). An alternative view is that since the participants in the study
representation in the workshops and the focus on identifying and workshops were mostly farmers or otherwise connected in one way
prioritizing adaptation response options by consensus provided a or another with agriculture (as researchers, extensionists, NGO
way to involve – but not permit the domination of – government representatives, etc.), they may share an implicit mindset of
agency representatives and other experts, while at the same time response options and fail to prioritize options with which they
allowing, in the third workshop, the involvement of high-level are not familiar or which ultimately might have greater impact.
officials who could help translate the recommendations into Although we sought (and achieved) highly diverse participation in
actionable measures; and (3) the methodology provides mecha- the workshops, an even greater diversity of participants might have
nisms for ‘‘scaling up,’’ whether through involvement of regional identified and prioritized response options further ‘‘outside the
governments (Peru), a regional ‘‘pilot’’ study (Mexico), or applica- box.’’ Notwithstanding the similarities across prioritized interven-
tion elsewhere (see below). tions in the different study countries, substantial differences exist in
It is also possible to identify a number of broader conclusions their particular forms, implementation mechanisms and institu-
and practical lessons, as well as limitations that emerged from this tional configuration, particularly at the micro-level. In any case, this
study. First, as stated above, one of the most distinctive aspects of common set of response options could be considered a first
climate change is the high degree of complexity and multiple approximation to a regional adaptation strategy in agriculture,
sources of uncertainty surrounding it (CBO, 2005; World Bank, one built, at least in part, from the ‘‘ground up.’’
88 D.R. Lee et al. / Global Environmental Change 29 (2014) 78–91

Third, a clear role for the public sector was identified in all three disagreements. Having a diverse multidisciplinary team we found
cases. The bottom-up priority-setting process that is the center- was necessary, as expected, not only to adequately address what is
piece of this study inherently prioritizes the responses identified inherently a complex, wide-ranging set of problems, but to help
by private resource managers. However, even in Mexico and achieve broad ‘‘buy-in’’ among diverse stakeholders. We concluded
Uruguay where the private sector exhibits strong leadership in that the optimal organizational mix of implementing partners was
agricultural and resource management and policy, it was widely tripartite – (1) a government agricultural research institution,
recognized that the private sector is challenged in responding to bringing technical knowledge to bear as well as a familiarity with
climate change and that those responses can be greatly facilitated local agricultural systems and government institutions; (2) a
by selected public sector investments and institutional and policy university, bringing technical capacity, a research focus and, where
changes. We conclude that the public sector can play a major role, possible, technical modeling capacity, and (3) a farmer organiza-
at a minimum, in three key areas: (1) infrastructure investment, tion, representing the needs and views of producers.
such as with respect to irrigation systems (this was a high priority A number of the outcomes of the methodology depended on the
in Mexico); (2) providing information to facilitate private decision- functioning of the country workshops and some highly practical
making, such as through climate change information systems and considerations. We found that, as expected, the number and mix of
early warning systems; and (3) institutional innovations to help deal workshop participants makes a difference in the outcomes (Alston
with environmental externalities and imperfect markets. Interest- et al., 1995; Janssen and Kissi, 1997; Byerlee, 2000; Lattre-Gasquet,
ingly, these coincide with the recent conclusions of Hallegatte et al. 2006). All the participating parties contributed something unique
(2011), who examine multi-sectoral climate adaptation and to the fluency of the information exchange, as was intended. In
recommend these same roles for the public sector – plus a fourth particular, the views of farmers, farmer organization representa-
role of establishing regulations, standards and fiscal policies – in tives and field-level practitioners (agricultural extensionists, NGO
facilitating climate adaptation more broadly. It is also possible to representatives, etc.) are a necessary offset to those of scientists,
differentiate the types of public investments that deal with climate academics and bureaucrats who, though highly knowledgeable,
change adaptation – in particular by the cost of the intervention often did not have the grounding and practical experience in
and the time horizon of the expected effects, both of which are dealing with the sometimes sobering local realities of climate
important to policymakers concerned with planning and costs and change and its impacts. We observed that having roughly one-third
to farmers concerned with the impacts of these investments on or more of workshop participation by farmers and farmers’
yields and productivity. In reality, of course, the public sector is organization representatives seemed ideal to generate the desired
highly constrained, in Latin America and elsewhere, in executing input by practitioners; when in a majority – especially in the
these roles, but the outcomes of this study provide clear guidance presence of Ministry and government representatives – the
in terms of how limited public resources might be allocated in workshop discussions too often broke down into ‘‘gripe sessions.’’
support of climate adaptation in agriculture in the study regions. Finally, the quality of workshop facilitation played a very
Fourth, it is worth emphasizing that many of the response substantial role in the ability to generate consensus on response
options identified and prioritized by workshop participants in all strategies and steer the groups of participants toward collective
three countries focused on decision support systems and improv- decision-making.
ing the information base available to farmers and land managers. The workshops also revealed some ambiguity and short-
Mechanisms include early warning and climate information comings in how farmers view climate change that are relevant
systems (for climate forecasts, extreme weather events, pests to conceiving appropriate solutions, both in the study regions and
and disease outbreaks, etc.), climate risk maps and geographic elsewhere. For example, as is common in other contexts and even
information systems. In comparison with major infrastructure among some scientists, we found that many workshop participants
investments, such as investment in irrigation systems, these are often confuse short-term climatic variation, with which they are
relatively inexpensive options. They still leave the key resource familiar, with long-term climate change (Hulme et al., 1999;
allocation decisions in the hands of farmers but focus on solving Lundaka et al., 2013). Many participants also implicitly used
the information externalities that would otherwise lead to sub- historical analogs in considering future climatic changes, when the
optimal resource use in a changing climate. This finding aligns with two need not be equivalent. We observed that many participants,
recommendations from the IPCC’s Assessment Reports (Adger et al., over the course of the workshops, shifted from viewing the
2007; IPCC, 2007, 2014) as well as those from a variety of global challenges as those of ‘‘climate adaptation’’ to those of achieving
and regional institutions – UNDP, World Bank, Stockholm ‘‘climate resilience’’. This shift – consistent with the growing
Environment Institute, CSIRO-Australia, and others – that have scientific emphasis on building climate resilience – has the
prioritized information provision and decision support as ways to advantage of emphasizing the ability of an agroecosystem to
address climate change adaptation. recover from shocks and stresses induced by climate change (e.g.,
Fifth, our experience with the pilot priority-setting methodol- ‘‘resilience’’), and can serve to make the challenges represented by
ogy in the three countries led to several conclusions regarding its climate change more immediately addressable in the short run.
usefulness and potential applicability elsewhere. We concluded, However, this perspective may also serve to deemphasize the focus
for example, that the methodology is mostly useful as a ‘‘first step’’ on unforeseen but potentially critical long-term changes.
in the identification, screening and initial prioritization of Finally, we found the overall approach undertaken as a pilot
adaptation responses. Particularly where large public investments study has much to recommend it and, with appropriate adjust-
are involved – such as in the investments in irrigation infrastruc- ments based on the local setting, can be highly applicable to other
ture prioritized in the Yaqui Valley study site–cost-benefit analysis country and agroecosystem settings in helping craft local
or more detailed economic evaluation and assessment are responses to the challenges posed by climate change. The basic
necessary prior to the commitment of funds. We observed that approach summarized in this paper has recently been used in
the methodology seems more suitable for consensus-building than climate adaptation studies supported the World Bank and the
for conflict resolution; the three workshops, separated in time by Global Environment Facility (GEF) in several countries, including
several months to permit the completion of intervening tasks, did Lebanon, Jordan, and Kenya (Verner et al., 2013; NEMA, 2013). The
not permit the extended interactions among participants and extension of this approach to climate change mitigation is certainly
opportunity for rapid follow-up that would have been necessary to possible, although some macro-level mitigation strategies may not
reach true consensus should the workshops have generated major emerge from local priority-setting. It is important to note,
D.R. Lee et al. / Global Environmental Change 29 (2014) 78–91 89

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