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Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2021) 14:682


Climate change effects on potential

evapotranspiration in Bangladesh
Jannatun Nahar Jerin 1 & Abu Reza Md. Towfiqul Islam 1 & Md. Abdullah Al Mamun 2 & Md. Nur Mozahid 3,4 &
Sobhy M. Ibrahim 5

Received: 26 August 2020 / Accepted: 22 March 2021

# Saudi Society for Geosciences 2021

Potential evapotranspiration (ETo) is considered to be one of the key factors in water resource practices. Insights into the effects
of climate change on ETo are crucial for irrigation design and policy formulation; however, little is understood on it in the case of
Bangladesh at the national basin scale. This study intends to appraise monthly, annual, and decadal ETo datasets using the
Penman-Monteith FAO-56 (FAO-56 PM) model based on daily meteorological datasets of 25 sites during 1975–2017. The
Mann-Kendall (MK) technique was used to detect trend patterns. Besides, Sen’s slope estimator was employed to evaluate the
trend lines extent. The results depicted that 82.67% of the monthly ETo values had descending trends and 39.67 and 16.33% were
significant at α<0.05 and α<0.01 confidence levels, respectively. By contrast, 17.33% of the monthly ETo value exhibited a
significant increasing trend at α<0.05. A significant increasing trend was distributed in the southeastern part of Chittagong, while
the decreasing trend was at the southcentral part of Mymensingh (α<0.01). Based on annual and decadal timescales, 92% and
83% of the stations exhibited descending ETo trends in Bangladesh. The ascending trend was observed at Rangamati, Barisal,
and Bhola stations, respectively. As a whole, a paradoxical situation may occur due to declining trend patterns of ETo across
Bangladesh. This might be due to the decrease in the sunshine hour and wind speed from the impact of the current climate
warming. Insights of this research can be used for decision-making for future water resources management in Bangladesh.

Keywords Water resource . Bangladesh . Evaporation paradox . Global warming . FAO Penman-Monteith formula


Climate change has appeared as one of the key environmental

Responsible Editor: Zhihua Zhang concerns of the twenty-first century, which is largely driven
by human-induced greenhouse emissions (Holden et al. 2018;
* Abu Reza Md. Towfiqul Islam Duan et al. 2019; Ghose et al. 2021). As claimed by the
International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the global
* Sobhy M. Ibrahim mean surface temperature has risen by 0.85 °C from 1890 to
2012 and will rise nearly by 1–5°C by terminating the twenty-
1 first century (IPCC 2014; Islam et al. 2018). Associated with
Department of Disaster Management, Begum Rokeya University,
Rangpur 5400, Bangladesh climate warming, other climatic variables (e.g., precipitation,
2 humidity, sunshine hour, wind speed) have also changed no-
Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh tably in the past few decades and increased their variability
3 (IPCC 2014). These changes substantially alter the water cy-
Department of Agricultural Economics and Policy, Sylhet
Agricultural University, Sylhet 3100, Bangladesh cle, which is among the most susceptible to climate change in
4 a specific region, including Bangladesh. For example,
Enviornmental Economics and Natural Resource Group,
Wageningen University and Research, Bangladesh is now experiencing severe climate change and
Wageningen, The Netherlands variability effects (Climate Change Cells 2008; Islam et al.
Department of Biochemistry, College of Science, King Saud 2019; Salam and Islam 2020). The climatic variables not only
University, P.O. Box: 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia alter the water cycle but also govern the plant ecosystem via
682 Page 2 of 15 Arab J Geosci (2021) 14:682

shift the potential evapotranspiration (Fu et al. 2017; Duan declining trends of ETo from 1990 to 2010 in a similar north-
et al. 2019). Thus, a comprehensive insight into climate west Bogra and Dinajpur district of Bangladesh. These previ-
change impacts on the ETo is imperative for water resources ous works have analyzed the crop water requirement during
management and related policy implications, which has also the dry winter in the North-West region of Bangladesh
been a crucial issue in the field of climate change research. (Shahid 2011; Acharjee et al. 2017; Islam et al. 2019). Most
According to Allen et al. (1998), potential evapotranspira- of the reported studies either are limited to the northwest re-
tion (ETo) is an imaginary grass potential agriculture with ex- gion or have a limited number of stations in Bangladesh.
pected harvesting lenght of 0.12 m, a static surface resistance of Although a substantial body of literature exists regarding the
70 cm−1, and an albedo of 0.23. Estimating ETo is no easy task. impact of climate change on ETo in other countries, such type
It is considered one of the vital steps for computing crop water of research is scarce in the case of Bangladesh. However,
demand and has a unique economic value in the justification of earlier studies were conducted on climatic variables such as
water consumption in agricultural farming practices under cli- temperature and precipitation datasets. Further, climatic vari-
matic change scenarios. Changes in ETo are influenced not ables have drawn a little attention in a few works (Rahman
only by temperature increase but also by other important cli- et al. 2019). Using observed climatic variables and CMIP5
matic factors such as wind speed, solar radiation, vapor pres- (Coupled Model Intercomparing Project Phase 5) datasets
sure, and relative humidity (Hargreaves and Samini 1982; Song (from 15 selected stations across Bangladesh for the period
et al. 2017). ETo changes at specific stations depend on these 1975–2013, Rahman et al. (2019) investigated the current and
meteorological parameters. The ETo-dependent variables future trends of ETo using Modified M-K test and Sequential
showed some variations based on the magnitudes. M-K method. They found that most regions showed declining
Understanding trends in ETo is critical for the systematic trends based on the observed data, but increasing trends were
management of water in any region. In the recent decade, ETo detected for modeled data. Recently, Salam et al. (2020) ana-
trend detection is attracting much attention among research lyzed the spatial and temporal variations of ETo during 1980–
scholars, practitioners, and irrigation engineers throughout the 2017 at different climatic regions in Bangladesh. However, no
world including Bangladesh (e.g., Bandyopadhyay et al. systematic comprehensive research has yet been undertaken
2009; Zhang et al. 2013; Liu and Zhang 2013; Guixia et al. on trend analysis of ETo across Bangladesh both spatially and
2014; Mojid et al. 2015; Chu et al. 2017; Pandey et al. 2017; temporally.
Feng et al. 2017; Rahman et al. 2019). To measure the ETo, the Agriculture is the main income source of the country, and
highly accepted worldwide model, such as the FAO-56 Penman- overexploitation of groundwater, a drastic reduction of surface
Monteith (FAO-56 PM), has been applied in numerous studies, water, and prolonged drought and flood events have created a
for example, Croitoru et al. (2013) in Romania, Yadav et al. major challenge on water resources in Bangladesh. ETo can
(2016) in India, Chu et al. (2017) and Li et al. (2021) in China, play a crucial role in the appraisal of crop water demand and the
Dinpashoh et al. (2018) in Iran, and De la Casa and Ovando significance is in increase under the climate change effects of
(2016) in Argentina. Some of these previous works exhibited the country. A vital concern in forthcoming years will be the
an increasing trend in the annual ETo values in different coun- task of enhancing agricultural crop production under water
tries like China (Tao et al. 2015; Song et al. 2017; Li et al. 2018) scarcity because of climate change effects. Research on ETo
and Iran (Tabari et al. 2011; Dinpashoh et al. 2018), while other can play a critical role in focusing on the issue of managing
studies showed a decreasing trend in the ETo in various countries agricultural water demand for safeguarding food safety in
such as India (Bandyopadhayay et al. 2009), Egypt (Khalil Bangladesh. Besides, it is imperative to calculate the ETo un-
2013), and Thailand (Limjirakan and Limsakul 2012). This inci- der current irrigation management scenarios, crop rotation pat-
dent of the difference from the expected evaporation tendency to terns, environmental impact assessment, and modeling. Under
the actual evaporation tendency is recognized as the “evaporation such a circumstance, a study is needed to identify the annual
paradox.” However, most of the past cited works were using the (monthly) variations of ETo trends over the country, which in
non-parametric Mann-Kendall (MK) test tool to identify trends itself is the novel aspect of this work. Therefore, research ad-
in the ETo time series datasets (Yin et al. 2010, Limjirakan and dressing spatiotemporal ETo trend detection is still scarce in
Limsakul 2012; Darshana et al. 2013; Chu et al. 2017; Li et al. Bangladesh at the monthly, annual, and decadal time scales.
2021; Elbeltagi et al. 2021). This study contributes to filling this gap in the literature, and
In Bangladesh, a limited number of ETo-related works our study intends to detect spatiotemporal trends of ETo and
have been found in the literature (Ayub and Miah 2011; their magnitudes at monthly, annual, and decadal scales by
Mojid et al. 2015; Rahman et al. 2019; Salam et al. 2020; employing non-parametric tools, e.g., the Mann-Kendal test
Jerin et al. 2021). For example, Ayub and Miah (2011) found and Sen’s slope technique. The inverse distance-weighted
a declining trend of the ETo over northwest districts such as (IDW) interpolation method was employed to map the spatial
Bogra, Rangpur, and Dinajpur in Bangladesh using observed trend patterns of ETo based on 25 meteorological stations dur-
and model outputs. Similarly, Mojid et al. (2015) reported the ing 1975–2017 in Bangladesh. The outcomes of this work will
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help policy formulation regarding climate change effects on January and April are the coldest and warmest months in a great-
ETo in Bangladesh under the upcoming climate variability. er portion of the country (Rahman and Lateh 2015).

Data sources and quality control

Data and methods
The climatic data from 25 stations with daily dataset of at least 43
Study area years (1975–2017) were collected for calculating ETo over
Bangladesh. Six daily meteorological variables were acquired
Bangladesh is situated in the northeastern part of South Asian from the BMD (Bangladesh Meteorological Department), includ-
countries from 20° 34′ N to 26° 38′ N and 88° 01′ E to 92° 41′ E ing (1) maximum air temperature (Tmax, °C); (2) minimum air
(Fig. 1). Bangladesh is a low-lying deltaic country (Islam et al. temperature (Tmin, °C); (3) wind speed at 2 m height (U2, ms−1);
2020). It has significant variations in physiographic, soil types, (4) solar radiation (n, hour/day); (5) relative humidity (Rh, %). The
rainfall and temperature, agricultural pattern, and practices from average temperature values are calculated by integrating monthly
one region to another (Rahman and Islam 2019). The country is minimum and maximum values of temperature at all of the defi-
predominated by three seasons: warm and humid summer pre- nite stations. The missing values are filled by establishing linear
monsoon seasons, which extend from March to May; the mon- interpolation between neighboring meteorological stations.
soon season from April to October; and arid winter post- The homogeneity test was performed on daily temperature
monsoon seasons from November to February (Rashid 1991). data by the standard normal homogeneity test (SNHT), chi-
The monthly lowest temperature variation is approximately square test, and K-S test (Table S1). Standard normal homo-
12.50 to 25.7 °C, while the monthly highest temperature extent geneity test revealed that all stations displayed the level of
from 25.2 to 33.2 °C. The mean chronological temperature varies 95% or more than significance. Autocorrelation for monthly
from 18.8 to 28.7 °C, correspondingly. The country experiences rainfall time series has been performed (Fig. S1). The chi-
a hot tropical climate with irregular rainfall variability, diurnal square test implied that data of the study area were quality
temperature range, and mild humidity (Shahid 2011; Islam et al. controlled and showed a 99% significance level except for
2021). The mean annual rainfall is approximately 2300 mm. the Cox’s Bazar station.

Fig. 1 The location of the study area and its spatial distributions of the elevation, meteorological stations, and the river system in Bangladesh
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Penman-Monteith method The variance of (S)-statistics is calculated by Eq. (4)

FAO-56 Penman-Monteith (P-M) methods are recommended 1  

VarðS Þ ¼ ½nðn−1Þð2n ¼ 5Þ−∑m
i¼1 t i ðt i −1Þð2t i þ 5Þ ð4Þ
as the world’s most common and accurate method for estimat- 18
ing ETo under all climates giving evaluations that vary less where n is the number of datasets, m is the number of tied sets,
than ± 10% from the actual values (Allen et al. 1998). When and ti is the data number in the ith tied set. When the sample size
ETo measurement data were not directly available in a place, is more than 10, the computed Z-statistic is as follows (5):
FAO-56 Penman-Monteith (P-M) method was the practice to 8
calculate ETo. The PM method for estimating daily reference >
> S−1
> pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
> S>0
evapotranspiration is expressed as following Eq. (1): < varðS Þ
Z¼ 0 S¼0 ð5Þ
900 >
> S−1
0:408ΔðRn −GÞ þ γ u2 ðes −ea Þ >
ðT þ 273Þ : pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi S < 0
ETo ¼ ð1Þ varðS Þ
Δ þ γ ð1 þ 0:34u2 Þ
Positive values of Z denote ascending trends, whereas neg-
where ETo is the reference evapotranspiration (mm/day); Rn is ative values indicate descending trends. Trends were examined
the net radiation at the crop surface (MJ m2 day−1); G is the soil at three particular confidence level of α, which were 90%, 95%,
heat flux density (MJ m2 day−1); T is the average daily air tem- and 99%, respectively. If the absolute value of Z exceeded the
perature (°C) at a height of 2 m; u2 is the wind speed at a height of standardized value of normal Z (indicated by Z1−α/2, derived
2 m above ground surface (m s−1); es is the saturation vapor from the standard cumulative distribution table); next, the null
pressure (kPa); ea is the actual vapor pressure (kPa); Δ is the hypothesis of no trend in the dataset was rejected in this case.
slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve (kPa C−1); and γ is
the psychometric constant (kPa C−1). Generally, the daily G (soil
heat flux) value is approximately zero for computing the ETo. It Sen’s slope estimator
is little compared to Rn (net radiation), which neglects in this
work for monthly ETo computation (Allen et al. 1998). In fact, In this research, the rate of trend magnitude was determined
direct measurements of solar radiation datasets in most of the using the non-parametric Sen’s slope estimator (Sen 1968).
stations in Bangladesh were unavailable; thus, we used the This technique was used to identify the magnitude of a trend in
Ångström formula, which changes sunshine hours into Rn for time series datasets. The main advantage of this method is that
this case (Jahani et al. 2017; Salam et al. 2020). Besides, as wind the outlier’s impacts on-trend outcomes are negligibly compared
speed datasets conducted in 10 m height; thus, we altered it to 2 to other methods (Novotny and Stefan 2007a, 2007b). Sen’s
m height (Islam et al. 2018). The detailed calculation of ETo slope estimator is computed by Eq. (6) (Sen 1968)
estimation is found in FAO paper (Allen et al. 1998).  
x j −xi
β ¼ Median all j > i ð6Þ
Mann-Kendall test where xj and xi are the jth and ith values of observation
datasets. The positive values of β denote the ascending trend rate
The non-parametric Mann-Kendall technique (Mann 1945; of magnitude, while negative values represent the descending
Kendall 1975; Praveen et al. 2020) suggested by the WMO trend rate of magnitude. Since the ETo values at each station
(World Meteorological Organization) was used to detect ETo were computed, the Z value and the rate of the trend line (β) at
trends. For that reason, first S-statistics was computed by Eq. monthly, annual, and decadal scales were computed in this study.
(2) (Islam et al. 2020).

Spatial analysis
S ¼ ∑n−1
i¼1 ∑ j¼iþ1 sgnðx j −xi ) (2)

At present, various spatial interpolation techniques such as

where n is the length of dataset; xi is the ith observations; xj is ordinary kriging, co-kriging, and inverse distance weighted
the jth observations of data ranges. and sgn (xj−xi) is the sign (IDW) were applied for creating spatial variability of ETo
function which was defined by Eq. (3) worldwide (Rahman et al. 2019; Islam et al. 2019, 2020;
8  9 Salam et al. 2020). Of these techniques, the IDW tool was
  < þ1 x j > xi  = used to show the spatial distribution pattern in this research
sgn x j −xk ¼ 0  x j ¼ xi ð3Þ
: ; due to its acceptance, and good precision compared to other
−1 x j < xi
interpolation tools (Burrough and McDonnell 1998; Islam
et al. 2019). However, in this method, the weight factor is
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14:682 Page 5 of 15 682

computed by Eq. (7) (Setianto and Triandini 2013): locations, mean, median, skewness, typical errors of the mean
∑N Z i d −n (SEM), range, and kurtosis (Table 1). The prime value of the
Z o ¼ i¼1 i
∑Ni¼1 d −n
median was 1509.0 (Chittagong), while the lowest median is
1269.3 (Srimongol), respectively. Standard deviation (SD) of
where Zo is the measured value of the variable, z at an annual ETo ranges from 87.5 and 46.4 mm with an average
unknown location, Zi is the sample value at location i; di is the typical error of 9.4. Skewness and kurtosis of the monthly ETo
distance of sample locations to the measured location; N is the datasets lie between 1.57 to −0.5 and 3.39 to −0.80. Some neg-
number of samples in the sum, and n is the weight of the distance ative kurtosis values are found in the dataset.
(negative exponent of d). The IDW is an extensively applied tool
in the field of spatial interpolation studies (Islam et al. 2020). The Monthly ETo trends
main advantage of using the IDW is that it can compute the
spatially interpolated values faster and precisely. This tool is To understand the change in monthly ETo values, month-
inbuilt within the ArcGIS platform. The spatial pattern maps ly evapotranspiration was estimated from 1975 to 2017
were prepared using the ArcGIS software (version 10.2). period. From January to May, the average evapotranspi-
ration in Bangladesh increased and the maximum value of
average monthly ETo was 183.4 mm/month in May (Fig.
Results S2). However, from June to December, ETo shows de-
creasing trends due to decreased surface air temperature
Preliminary observation and analysis and the minimum average monthly ETo value was ob-
served at 63.2 mm/month (in December).
The descriptive statistics summary of annual ETo values was The spatial distribution of average monthly ETo values is
attained from historical climatic data of all stations and their shown in Fig. 2. In January, most of the ETo trend patterns

Table 1 Station names and their corresponding ET0 (mm) based on the observed annually climatic data in Bangladesh during 1975–2017

Stations Lat (N) Long (E) Alt (m) Mean (mm) Median Standard deviation Range SEM Skewness Kurtosis CV

Barisal 22° 43′ 90° 22′ 2.1 1308.5 1301.1 50.25 218.4 7.66 1.08 1.07 3.84%
Bhola 22° 41′ 90° 39′ 4.3 1309 1302.9 59.33 241.7 9.05 0.8 −0.03 4.53%
Bogra 24° 51′ 89° 22′ 17.9 1362.5 1356.8 59.47 280 9.07 0.81 1.05 4.36%
Comilla 23° 26′ 91° 11′ 7.5 1347.3 1330.9 81.47 412.9 12.42 1.57 3.39 6.05%
Chandpur 23° 14′ 90° 42′ 4.88 1363.6 1364.8 60.95 272.3 9.3 0.76 0.64 4.47%
Cox’s Bazar 21° 27′ 91° 58′ 2.1 1470.4 1477.5 51.3 222 7.82 −0.34 −0.42 3.49%
Chittagong 22° 13′ 91° 48′ 5.5 1510.1 1509 62.37 260.5 9.51 −0.05 −0.39 4.13%
Dhaka 23° 46′ 90° 23′ 8.45 1379.9 1391.1 59.75 239.9 9.11 −0.23 −0.35 4.33%
Faridpur 23° 36′ 89° 51′ 8.1 1371.8 1376.4 57.41 237.7 8.75 0.07 −0.45 4.19%
Feni 23° 02′ 91° 25′ 6.4 1355.5 1345.8 69.49 323.3 10.6 1.32 2.29 5.13%
Hatiya 22° 27′ 91° 06′ 2.44 1343.8 1350.1 58.28 248.8 8.89 −0.01 −0.08 4.34%
Ishwardi 24° 09′ 89° 02′ 12.9 1376.3 1377.2 61.45 285.6 9.37 0.72 0.74 4.46%
Jessore 23° 12′ 89° 20′ 6.1 1494.6 1505.2 82.13 314.6 12.53 0.44 −0.38 5.50%
Khulna 22° 47′ 89° 34′ 2.1 1448.1 1446.7 70.96 266.5 10.82 0.57 −0.24 4.90%
Khepupara 21° 59′ 90° 41′ 1.83 1417 1423.5 46.39 201.5 7.07 −0.31 −0.01 3.27%
Mymensingh 24° 44′ 90° 25′ 18 1276.1 1275.7 87.54 330.5 13.35 0.57 −0.21 6.86%
M.Court 22° 52′ 91° 06′ 4.87 1463.5 1464.1 51.24 225.5 7.81 −0.13 −0.38 3.50%
Patuakhali 22° 20′ 90° 20′ 1.5 1309.5 1289.3 76.29 287.9 11.63 0.6 −0.61 5.83%
Rajshahi 24° 22′ 88° 42′ 19.5 1390 1376.6 71.26 305.6 10.87 0.73 0.37 5.13%
Rangpur 25° 44′ 89° 16′ 32.61 1293.6 1295.9 53.34 206.8 8.13 0.19 −0.8 4.12%
Rangamati 22° 22′ 92° 09′ 68.89 1333.8 1337.1 48.13 210.2 7.34 0.2 −0.11 3.61%
Satkhira 22° 43′ 89° 05′ 3.96 1401.5 1389.8 61.33 229.6 9.35 0.77 0.13 4.38%
Srimangal 24° 18′ 91° 44′ 21.95 1257.2 1269.3 58.33 253.8 8.9 −0.46 0.14 4.64%
Sandwip 22° 29′ 91° 26′ 2.1 1490.2 1492.7 46.59 195 7.1 −0.5 0.02 3.13%
Sylhet 24° 54′ 91° 53′ 33.53 1304.6 1302 55.06 305.5 8.4 0.3 1.49 4.22%
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Fig. 2 The spatial distribution of mean monthly ETo (mm) in the 12 months over Bangladesh for the 43 years of the study period (1975–2017)

were declined due to air temperature decrease to some extent. inconsistent all over the country. In July, most of all stations
In February, all of the ETo trend patterns had a decreasing exhibited increasing patterns. In September, two northern sta-
trend except for six-station positioning in the southwest and tions of the study area had descending patterns. Either ascend-
northeast parts of Bangladesh. In March and April, a decreas- ing or descending trends were found in October. In November
ing trend was observed in most of the stations except for the and December, only one station in the northeastern part of
Cox’s Bazar station. In June, the ascending trend was identi- Bangladesh had insignificant descending trends. The stations
fied in the eastern half of the study area, while the western half with increasing, decreasing, and no trends for monthly ETo
faced the combinations of ascending and descending trends. time series are shown in Fig. 3. Although the mixtures of
In May and August, only one station had a significant ascend- descending and ascending trends were detected in the study
ing trend. It was observed that increasing trends were area, descending ETo trends are dominant in the country.
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14:682 Page 7 of 15 682

Fig. 3 The spatial distribution of the monthly ETo trends across significant), whereas circles represent decreasing trends (empty shape if
Bangladesh. The triangles represent increasing trends (empty shape if the trend is not statistically significant and full-shaped if it is statistically
the trend is not statistically significant and full-shaped if it is statistically significant)

The magnitude of the monthly ETo trend direction of se- the annual ETo series displayed decreasing trends, out of
lected stations is represented in Table S2. As shown in which 16.33 and 31% of stations had significant decreasing
Table 2, approximately 77.33% of the stations had substantial trends at α<0.01 and α<0.05 respectively. This was declined
descending trends. However, only 22.67% of the stations up to 39.67% at α<0.10 confidence level. By contrast, only
showed increasing trend patterns. The Mann-Kendall test of 17.33% of the monthly periods had demonstrated a remark-
monthly trend reveals that most of the ETo monthly periods able ascending trend. Chittagong station showed the highest
had negative Z values, indicating the descending of monthly increasing Z value (MK Z value +3.27) in February at α<0.01
ETo trends (Table 2). It showed that approximately 82.67% of level, while Mymensingh station exhibited the lowest
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Table 2 The monthly values of MK Z statistics in ETo (mm) for the 25 meteorological stations for the 43 years of the study period (1975–2017)

Stations Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Barisal −3.30* −0.06 −1.89 −0.29 −0.33 0.49 1.85 −0.07 −1.1 −0.74 −1.77 −3.77*
Bhola −3.88* −1.41 −2.39* −1.28 −0.95 −0.71 0.26 −1.55 −1.88 −1.79 −1.77 −4.66*
Bogra −5.12* −2.02* −3.06* −1.88 −0.47 −0.47 1.85 −1.32 −0.24 −1.59 −2.37* −3.45*
Chandpur −4.68* −1.11 −1.51 −1.35 −1.25 −0.32 1.87 −1.37 −1.43 −2.73* −1.79 −3.91*
Comilla −4.27* −1.49 −2.22* −0.47 −1.97* 0.49 1.75 −0.33 −0.38 −2.14* −0.86 −3.60*
Cox’s Bazar −1.12 0.85 −1.25 1.25 0.06 1.84 1.19 1.06 −0.63 −0.95 −1.04 −1.65
Chittagong 3.12* 3.27* −0.02 −2.00* −5.42* −1.13 −0.38 −2.65* −2.41* −2.40* −3.39* −0.97
Dhaka −3.49* −0.27 −0.93 −1.66 −0.68 −0.69 1.37 −2.56* −2.20* −2.64* −1.93 −2.55*
Faridpur −4.17* −0.9 −1.32 −1.66 −1.02 −0.43 1.66 −2.38* −1.96 −2.68* −2.21* −3.75*
Feni −4.43* −1.38 −1.81 −1 −1.44 −0.07 1.64 −0.67 −1.16 −2.59* −1.77 −3.76*
Hatiya −3.31* −2.56* −3.34* −2.30* −2.48* −0.9 0.39 −1.06 −2.11* −3.41* −2.77* −3.67*
Ishurdi −5.07* −2.52* −2.67* −2.45* −0.93 −0.51 1.62 −1.18 −0.93 −2.49* −3.24* −4.50*
Jessore −4.61* −2.04* −2.30* −2.05* −0.69 1.25 1.8 −0.74 −0.97 −3.33* −4.1* −4.77*
Khulna −4.72* −1.92 −2.30* −1.92 −0.36 0.96 1.85 −0.36 −0.86 −2.96* −3.86* −4.85*
Khepupara −3.09* −0.9 −2.83* −1.17 −2.30* 0.61 0.36 −0.86 −1.99* −2.74* −2.39* −2.69*
Mymensing −5.46* −3.20* −2.46* −1.98* −0.52 0.64 1.65 −0.42 −1.38 −2.71* −3.59* −5.14*
M.court −2.18* −0.17 −2.41* −1.4 −2.20* 0.21 −0.18 −1.42 −2.38* −2.43* −1.42 −1.85
Patuakhali −3.61* −2.01* −2.23* −1.55 −1.55 −1.28 −0.37 −2.01* −1.94 −1.5 −1.35 −4.03*
Rajshahi −5.00* −1.85 −2.08* −2.42* −1.79 −0.12 1.49 −1 −0.89 −2.91* −3.22* −5.09*
Rangpur −4.62* −2.16* −3.69* −3.18* −1.05 −1.59 1.55 −0.76 −0.08 −1.04 −1.52 −1.32
Rangamati −1.66 1.06 −0.98 −0.98 −1.55 0.45 1.49 −0.87 −0.25 −2.94* −2.73* −3.04*
Sandwip −1.76 0.79 −1.51 0.03 −1.11 1.4 0.45 −0.27 −1.89 −1.92 −1.22 −1.65
Sathkhira −4.39* −1.45 −2.46* −1.98* −0.52 0.64 1.65 −0.42 −1.38 −2.71* −3.59* −5.14*
Srimonggol 0.86 1.75 0.63 −0.5 −1.98* −0.76 1.11 −0.28 0.09 −0.15 0.79 0.51
Sylhet −2.51* 0.86 0.46 0.5 −0.43 −0.45 1.84 −0.65 0.99 −0.96 −1.75 −0.91

decreasing value (MK Z −5.46) at α<0.10 level. It can be Annual ETo trends
concluded that monthly ETo trends had an intense decreasing
trend in most of the study area. The annual ETo values are calculated by integrating the
Significant trends (at α the level of 0.10) indicated by bold monthly values of ETo at all stations. The annual ETo had a
numbers, significant trends (at α the level of 0.05) indicated
by bold number and an asterisk; significant trends (at α the 0.4
level of 0.01) indicated by italicized numbers
The box and whisker plots demonstrate the magnitude of
monthly trends in selected areas of Bangladesh (Fig. 4). It reveals 0.0
Slope (mm/year)

that the ETo trends pattern for most of the stations was negative
in three consecutive winter months (i.e. December, January, and -0.2

February) except for July. This indicates that all given stations
displayed a downward trend pattern in these winter months. In
July, the median was located above the zero lines. This reveals -0.6
that the descending trend was showed in most of the selected
sites, while only July exhibited the ascending trend. Thus, as it
can be seen in Fig. 3 that among the 12 months, the -1.0
height of rectangles in the case of 4 months (January, Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

February, March, and April) was higher than the other 8 Fig. 4 Box and whisker plots of magnitudes of monthly ETo trends in the
months. This indicates that the variation of slopes of trend study area. The horizontal line and star in the box indicate the median and
mean value of ETo (mm). The higher and lower edges of the box indicate
lines (between 25 and 75 percentiles) was greater in these the hinges (approximate higher and lower quartiles) of ETo (mm). The
months compared to other corresponding months. whiskers extend from each quartile to the uppermost or lowermost
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14:682 Page 9 of 15 682

maximum value of 1664 mm in Jessore station and a mini- trends had a maximum value of 0.05 mm/year in Srimongol sta-
mum value of 1123 mm in Srimongol station. The spatial tion and a minimum value of −4.73mm/year in Mymensingh
distribution of the average annual ETo values is represented station. As seen from Table 3, annual ETo periods had negative
in Fig. 5. The annual ETo values are highly increased in the Z values, suggesting the descending trends of annual ETo periods.
southwestern region of Bangladesh and decreased in the It showed that approximately 92% of the annual ETo series
northeastern part due to low surface air temperature compared displayed descending trends, out of which 48 and 52% of stations
to other stations (Fig. 6). had statistically significant descending trends at α<0.01 and
The magnitude of annual ETo trend directions, resulting in α<0.05 confidence level, respectively. However, only 4% of the
Sen’s slope estimator methods is represented in Table 3. It reveals annual time series had demonstrated a significant increasing trend
that approximately 8% of the annual ETo series displayed increas- at α< 0.10 confidence level. Cox’s Bazar station showed the
ing trends and 92% exhibited decreasing trends. The magnitude of highest increasing Z value (MK Z value +3.14) at α<0.01, while

Fig. 5 The spatial distribution of mean annual and decadal ETo (mm) values across Bangladesh for the 43 years of the study (1975–2017)
682 Page 10 of 15 Arab J Geosci (2021) 14:682

Fig. 6 The spatial distribution of the annual and decadal ETo trends over significant), whereas circles represent decreasing trends (empty shape if
Bangladesh. The triangles represent increasing trends (empty shape if the the trend is not statistically significant and full-shaped if it is statistically
trend is not statistically significant and full-shaped if it is statistically significant)

Hatia stations revealed the lowest decreasing value (MK of average decadal ETo values is represented in Fig. 4. The
Z −4.65) at α< 0.10 confidence level (Table 3). Overall, decadal ETo values are highly declined in the central part of
it indicates that annual ETo trends had an intense de- Bangladesh due to low air temperature.
creasing trend in most of the study area. The magnitude of decadal ETo trend directions is represent-
ed in Table 3. It discloses that approximately 10% of the de-
Decadal ETo trends cadal ETo series revealed increasing trends and 90% displayed
decreasing trends. The slope of decadal ETo trends had a max-
The decadal ETo values are estimated by summing 10 years of imum value of 9.64 mm/decade in Jessore station and a mini-
annual ETo values at all selected sites. The spatial distribution mum value of −26.317 mm/decade in Feni station, respectively.
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14:682 Page 11 of 15 682

Table 3 The annual and decadal values of MK Z statistics in ETo (mm)
for the 43 years of the study period (1975–2017)

Stations Annual Decade 1 Decade 2 Decade 3 Decade 4 100

Barisal −1.54723 −9.96 −4 −0.7167 −2.55

slope (mm/decade)
Bhola −2.10341 −4.5429 −6.975 1.61667 −1.75 0
Bogra −2.45229 −12.417 −1.6167 −5.56 −1.55
Chandpur −1.99456 −16.64 −3.91 5.93333 −7.67
Comilla −1.85888 −29.4 −6.8571 8.825 −4.15 -100
Cox’s Bazar 0.256878 −3.375 −0.7833 −3.1571 −11.8
Chittagong −1.83166 2.83333 −13.438 −5.4667 −7.2333
Dhaka −1.83413 −6.98 −0.125 4.55 −12.825
Faridpur −1.93711 −11.05 −4.63 3.97778 −10.331
Feni −1.93701 −26.317 −6.225 7.88889 −6.25
Hatiya −2.97834 −5.15 −9.62 −4.9375 −6.5
Ishurdi −2.76419 −3.6375 −7.3 −0.02 2.0875 -300
Jessore −3.68859 −15.117 −14.6 2.375 9.64
Khulna −3.08085 −14.044 −10.883 0.39167 8.675
1975-1984 1985-1994 1995-2004 2005-2014
Khepupara −1.82283 −3.9806 −8.3969 −4.715 −9.275
Mymensing −4.14129 1.875 −9.9667 −9.12 −4.54 Fig. 7 Box and whisker plots of magnitudes of decadal ETo (mm) trends
M.court −1.78945 −2.3104 −10.917 −4.4604 −12.875 in the study area. The horizontal line and star in the box indicates median
Patuakhali −2.77955 0.3 −12.34 2.53333 −1.84 and mean value of ETo (mm). The higher and lower edges of the box
Rajshahi −3.0224 4.55 −13.35 1.63333 3.06667 indicate the hinges (approximate higher and lower quartiles) of ETo
Rangpur −2.39064 6.2 −0.1333 −7.55 −2.575 (mm). The whiskers extend from each quartile to the uppermost or
Rangamati −1.04503 −10.4 −1.8333 0.325 −1.85 lowermost
Sandwip −0.78317 −1.2722 −9.74 −2.7 −12.033
Sathkhira −2.54498 −12.979 −9.525 0.8 5.35
Srimonggol 0.275666 11.1 −16.943 −2.1167 0.2 ongoing rising temperature for the period 1975 to 2017, indi-
Sylhet −0.15217 −20.82 −10.975 4.12222 0.5 cating a “paradoxical situation” exists in a specific period of
variations in ETo over Bangladesh. The possible reason is that
Significant trends (at α the level of 0.10) indicated by bold numbers, the reduction of sunshine hours and wind speed plays a crucial
significant trends (at α the level of 0.05) indicated by bold number and
an asterisk; significant trends (at α the level of 0.01) indicated by itali- role in the ETo decrease, particularly in southeastern parts of
cized numbers the country. Simmons et al. (2010) inferred that the recent
decrease in relative humidity over the land surface may be
triggered an “evaporation paradox” on a global scale because
The value of Z based on the Mann-Kendal test at decadal time- of limited moisture vapor supply from the sea. However, no
scale is showed mostly negative Z values (Table 3). It shows agreement was found among research scholars that global
that approximately 83% of the decadal ETo series displayed dimming and brightening can contribute to the evaporation
descending trends. Of these, 54 and 29% of stations had de- paradox in some regions of the globe. However, cloud cover-
scending trends at α<0.01 and α<0.05 significance levels, re- age, dust, and aerosol might be linked to the paradoxical sit-
spectively. In contrast, only 17% of the decadal time series had uation, which deserves further investigation.
demonstrated a significant ascending trend. The variation of potential evapotranspiration mostly relies up-
On the other hand, the box and whisker plots show the on climatic factors like surface air temperature, wind speed, vapor
magnitude of decadal trends in the study area (Fig. 7). In the pressure, solar radiation, and relative humidity (Li et al. 2014;
decadal timescale, 3rd decade (1995–2004) had the lowest Zhao et al. 2014). Our study found monthly variations of ETo
descending trend, while 2nd decade (1985–1994) had the in Bangladesh, where the highest and lowest trends of ETo
highest descending trend in most stations of the country. happened in July and January. In contrast, Li et al. (2018) reported
that the highest and lowest trend patterns of ETo happened in
China in July and January–December, which is similar to this
Discussion work. In Bangladesh, Rahman et al. (2019) reported that most
regions of the country exhibited declining trends, which is consis-
The “evaporation paradox” existed in many parts of the globe, tent with the outcomes of this work. The main reason for the
including China (Xing et al. 2016), the USA (Peterson et al. declining trend of ETo may be the outcomes of climate change
1995), northern India (Jhajharia et al. 2009), and Greece effects. Salam et al. (2020) found the lowest and highest rates of
(Papaioannou et al. 2011). This issue has gained increasing ET0 values in July and January–December, which is analogous to
attention among research scholars to investigate the possible the results of our study. They also inferred that the maximum
cause of the decline in ETo with increases in surface temper- reduction of ETo happened in December–January (winter season)
ature. Our study reported that there is a descending trend in in Bangladesh, which is parallel to this study. The monthly vari-
ETo at monthly, annual and decadal scales along with the ation of ETo trends over the country may occur due to the
682 Page 12 of 15 Arab J Geosci (2021) 14:682

particular climatology of Bangladesh in which the solar radiation of ETo in most of the dry months because of rising relative
prevailing in the wintertime despite the shorter duration of the day. humidity and declining wind speed and sunshine hours in the
Similarly, the monsoon effects on cloud cover and humidity are northwest region of Bangladesh.
possibly lower in the winter months compared to summer months. Evapotranspiration is widely recognized as one of the pivotal
Although all climatic factors did not influence ETo change elements of the hydrological cycle, which is dreadfully important
equally. The ETo is positively connected with wind speed, tem- for water resource development, irrigation management, solar
perature, solar radiation, and negatively associated with rainfall energy system, and crop production. We observe that the mag-
and relative humidity. During monsoon months, the temperature nitude of ETo had decreased significantly in the monthly, annual,
is high due to several factors such as increased cloud cover, and decadal scales for the period 1975–2017. The change in
urbanization, augment releases of aerosols and human-induced potential evapotranspiration trends would affect regional ecology
GHGs (greenhouse gases) that led to higher magnitude of ETo and vegetable restoration. A decline in ETo and an increase in
trends in July (Ji and Zhou 2011). Besides, relative humidity in rainfall may be responsible for shortage of evaporative demand,
spring and autumn, the maximum temperature in winter may so water scarcity problems like drought events would occur fre-
also be responsible for increasing ETo (Chu et al. 2017). ETo quently in the forthcoming period. Moreover, various hydrolog-
is decreased mainly in the winter months that may be due to the ical activities including soil moisture conditions, groundwater
prevailing low wind speed, as well as solar radiation. extraction, and surface runoff are highly affected by ETo chang-
Simultaneously, ETo decreased significantly in the winter es. For instance, the drought hinders the development of crop
months, which is lower than the summer months, so that the yield production and physical assets (Kabir and Hossen 2019).
highest reduction in ETo occurs in January for all stations (Fig. Soil layers may be seriously damaged and land subsidence might
4). The possible explanation is that in the case of the PM formula, occur in different parts of Bangladesh (Fig. 8a). Besides, the
this would imply larger ETo values in the wintertime than in groundwater level will increase over time due to heavy rainfall
summer months, with probably higher sensitivity to ETo changes that will adversely affect the agricultural sector of the country
in the winter months than in summer, when cloud cover and (Islam et al. 2018, 2020). Due to a decline in ETo, water avail-
humidity are always high. In the case of decadal scale, the highest ability increases to damage the crop production in the winter
magnitude of the decreasing trend in ETo was observed in 1985– Rabi season. Soil moisture contents increase triggers porosity
1994 compared to other decades. Similar outcomes were report- and shorten the specific yield of crop varieties, while simulta-
ed by Mahdi et al. (2017) in Iran, however, contrary to the find- neously, land subsidence occurs frequently in the floodplains
ings of Dinpashoh et al. (2018) with increasing trends for most of (Dinpashoh et al. 2018). Because of land subsidence, the Chola
the stations in the west and north-west parts of Iran. It was found lake in Bangladesh will disappear in the future (Fig. 8b).
that the ETo trends are decreasing over time. The southwestern As an agriculture-based country, this sector needs more
part showed the highest ascending trend and the northeastern part adaptive measures to cope with climate change effects. The
revealed the lowest descending trend of potential authorities will encourage farmers to grow the high yielding
evapotranspiration in the country. Besides, Acharjee et al. crop instead of low yielding rooted water crop. Sustainable
(2017) and Jerin et al. (2021) found significant declining trends water resource management is an important issue for economic

Fig. 8 a Land subsidence in an observed land surface in the eastern Bangladesh. b Shrinkage of the Kholpetua River in the southwestern Bangladesh
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14:682 Page 13 of 15 682

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