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研究本身是⼀一个circular argumentation
Theoretical basis: over-perception due to mating pressure
Research itself: over-perception indeed
Discussion: due to mating pressure
Problem: causal relationship is left unexamined

2. Result from a self-report can be distorted by social desirability bias:

Social expectation about gender difference in activity or passivity in courting and mating (such as women are
supposed to take it slowly with their relationship), so participants rate so so as to meet the social expectation, not
upon their true feeling

3. Sample: college students (probably from the same university) representativeness limited (consider: reproduction is
seldom the ultimate purpose of people from such age bracket in modern human society; so they are to some extent
not the proper target population to sample from)

4. 3-minute quick date (没有access to the entire article, only from say-so of your essay) & lab setting (thus low eco
validity) 这两点在原⽂文中还是不不错的

5. reductionist approach的归因⽅方式还是批判的不不错的。

6. Any merits? 就提了了⼀一下experimental control可能有点不不够,这个可以补上⼀一点;我觉得这个研究的application

value还是不不错的,让两性在dating的时候更更能够pick up signs and interpret such signs accurately so as to
misperceive and misunderstand each other.

7. 另外⽂文章的第⼆二点具体意图是什什么呢?是想批判error-management这个理理论本身有什什么问题吗?

8. 英⽂文本身存在的⼀一些问题,像最基本的tend to do sth. 这些错误还是可以稍微注意下下吧。

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