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Title: Exploring ChatGPT Prompts for Advancing Design Education in the AI Era


The prospective research presented in this abstract aims to investigate the

transformative potential of ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art conversational AI developed by
OpenAI, in the context of design education. Set against the backdrop of "The Rise of the
Machines: Design Education in the Generative AI Era," this study seeks to contribute
valuable insights to the 2024 International Conference on Engineering and Product
Design Education (E&PDE).

ChatGPT offers designers an innovative tool to augment the design thinking process,
fostering creativity, iterative prototyping, user-centric design, cross-disciplinary
collaboration, and ethical considerations. As this research is ongoing and set to
culminate in the next three months, the abstract outlines the intended research methods
and expected contributions:

Research Methods:

The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative

techniques to comprehensively assess the impact of ChatGPT on design education. The
research will leverage:

● Quantitative Data: Surveys and usage analytics will quantitatively assess the
influence of ChatGPT prompts on creativity, design iteration, and user-centricity
in design projects. Participants, including design students and professionals, will
provide real-time feedback on their experiences using ChatGPT.
● Qualitative Data: In-depth interviews and focus group discussions will capture
nuanced insights into how ChatGPT shapes the design thinking process and the
ethical considerations involved. These qualitative findings will complement the
quantitative data.
● Design Case Studies: Real-world design projects within educational settings will
be conducted, with some groups utilizing ChatGPT prompts and others not. A
comparative analysis will assess differences in design outcomes, efficiency, and
ethical awareness.
● Pedagogical Evaluation: Pedagogical strategies for integrating ChatGPT into
design curricula will be evaluated through curriculum analysis, educator
interviews, and observations of AI-assisted design courses.
Expected Contributions:

The anticipated contributions of this ongoing research are expected to align closely with
the conference theme:

● Insights into AI-Driven Design Education: By the time of the conference, the
study will offer insights into the impact of ChatGPT on design education,
shedding light on its potential to foster creativity, responsible design practices,
and interdisciplinary collaboration.
● Ethical Considerations: Preliminary findings will address the ethical
considerations of integrating AI into the design process, an essential aspect of
design education in the AI era.
● Pedagogical Guidance: Educator perspectives and pedagogical strategies will be
shared, providing valuable guidance for integrating AI tools like ChatGPT into
design curricula.

This abstract presents an ongoing research endeavor that aligns with the conference's
theme, "The Rise of the Machines: Design Education in the Generative AI Era." The
research aims to culminate in a comprehensive exploration of ChatGPT's impact on
design education, offering practical insights and pedagogical guidance. The research
team looks forward to sharing their complete findings at the E&PDE 2024 conference.

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