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Student name: ___________________________________________________________________________

Student ID: _____________________________________________________________________________

SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry – Student Assessment Booklet

Assessment overview.......................................................................................................................................... 3
Student Assessment Agreement......................................................................................................................... 4
Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 1..................................................................................................................... 5
Assessment Task 1: Written questions............................................................................................................... 7
Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 2................................................................................................................... 13
Assessment Task 2: Research project.............................................................................................................. 15
Part A – Structure and operation of the hospitality industry...........................................................................15
Part B – Employment opportunities............................................................................................................... 19
Part C – Current issues and trends............................................................................................................... 22
Part D – Quality assurance............................................................................................................................ 25
Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 3................................................................................................................... 27
Assessment Task 3: Share information with colleagues...................................................................................29
Part A – Present and discuss information with a colleague...........................................................................29
Part B – Discuss information that has been presented..................................................................................30

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SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry – Student Assessment Booklet

Assessment overview

This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for assessment of SITHIND002 Source and use
information on the hospitality industry.

About your assessments

This unit requires that you complete 3 assessment tasks. You must complete all tasks to achieve competency
for this unit.

Assessment Task About this task

Assessment Task 1: Written questions You must correctly answer all questions to show that you
understand the knowledge required of this unit.

Assessment Task 2: Research project You are required to research information about the hospitality
industry and write a report on your findings. There are four
parts to this assessment:
 Part A – Structure and operation of the hospitality industry
 Part B – Employment opportunities
 Part C – Current issues and trends
 Part D – Quality assurance.

Assessment Task 3: Share information You are required to complete two parts to this assessment:
with colleagues  Part A – Share and discuss information with a colleague
 Part B – Ask questions and discuss issues about your
colleague’s presentation.

How to submit your assessments

Please read through this assessment thoroughly before beginning any tasks. Ask your assessor for clarification
if you have any questions at all.
When you have read and understood this unit’s assessment tasks, sign the Student Assessment Agreement
page and provide it to your assessor who will countersign it.
Keep a copy of all of your work for your personal records, as the work submitted to your assessor will not be
returned to you.
When you have completed each assessment task you will need to submit it to your assessor.
Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task.
Make sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them – your assessor will put the documents
you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please fill it in for
each task, making sure you sign the student declaration.
Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task, and will write this on the back of
the Task Cover Sheet.

Assessment appeals
You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by putting it in writing and sending it to us. Refer to
your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals process.

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SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry – Student Assessment Booklet

Student Assessment Agreement

Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. Make sure
you sign this before you start any of your assessments.

If there is anything that you are unsure of, consult your assessor prior to signing this agreement.

Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment? ✘ Yes No

Do you understand the requirements of this assessment? ✘ Yes No

Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed? ✘ Yes No

Do you understand your rights to re-assessment? ✘ Yes No

Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment? ✘ Yes No

Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this Yes ✘ No
assessment? If yes, what are they?


Student name

Student ID number

Student signature

Date 17/10/2022

Assessor name Noreen Altaf

Assessor signature

Date 17/10/2022

* While submitting or assessing the digital version of this Student Assessment Booklet, writing your
name and/or adding an e-signature in the signature places in this document, wherever applicable, will
constitute your consent and signature.

* If you are submitting your assessment in digital format, please name the file as

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SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry – Student Assessment Booklet

Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 1

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

I declare that:
✘ These answers and tasks are my own work. None of this work has been completed by any other person.
✘ I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
✘ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
✘ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student name

Student ID number

Student signature

Date 28/10/2022


The student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried out
✘ Yes No
according to the required assessment procedures.

Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer or response that addresses the
✘ Yes No
questions or requirements of this task?

Detail Feedback:
(Assessor: Please outline your feedback in the section below after completing the Assessment Record Tool document
for this task)
While providing feedback on this task, please ensure that:
1. Validity: the student demonstrated required skills, knowledge and attributes.
2. Sufficiency: quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence are adequate.
3. Authenticity: To the best of your ability, you confirmed that the student produced this work.
4. Currency: The assessment tasks were conducted recently or currently.

Assessment Outcome Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Resubmission Yes ✘ No

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SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry – Student Assessment Booklet

Assessor Name Noreen Altaf

Assessor Signature

Date 28/10/2022


✘ My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me.

I would like to appeal this assessment decision.

Student signature

Date 28/10/2022

A copy of this cover sheet must be supplied to the office and kept in the student file, along with the completed Assessment
Record Tool, with the assessment evidence.

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SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry – Student Assessment Booklet

Assessment Task 1: Written questions

You are to answer all written questions.


 Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
 Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required).


 This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class
(where applicable).
 Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.


 Your answers to each question in this task.

 This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as reference.
 You must answer all questions in this task correctly.
 You must answer the questions by typing your answers in Microsoft Word or a similar program – your
assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your completed assessment, submit the file on a
USB drive or hand in a hard copy.

a) Describe two new products that are available to consumers of hospitality products.

1 Macdonald's Kiosks

2 Uber eats

b) Describe two new techniques that are available in the hospitality industry.

1 Biometrics systems

2 Cooked Chill process

c) Describe two new technologies that are available in the hospitality industry.

1 transaction through online

2 online hotel management systems

d) Describe two new services that are available in the hospitality industry.

1 . Weather Control Kitchens

2 Weather Control Vehicle

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SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry – Student Assessment Booklet

What are ten important work attributes and ethics that a worker needs in the hospitality industry?

Attributes Ethics

1: Assertive Skills 1: Responsible

2: Professional skill 2: Equality and decency

3: : Integrity 3: Accountable

4: Networking 4: Honest

5: Positive attitudes 5: Committed to excellence

6: Flexibility 6: Loyal

7: : Leaderships skill 7: Equality and fairness

8: Multitasking 8: : Committed to work

9: Commitment 9: Respectful towards employees

10: Good communication skills 10: Courteous towards subordinate personnel

a) Where would you go to find out information about the following:
 Code of practice for manual handling

We can find out information about code of practice at Safe work Australia.

 Australian Tourist Accreditation Program
We can find information about ot at tourism Australia.

 Information about the hotel industry in Australia

AHA Australian Association

 Information about how to deal with a tricky issue that has come up in your workplace.

Fair work embedment’s

 Plain English explanation of the requirements of legislation relevant to the hospitality industry.

  The Food Act 1997.

 Requirements for training in food handling


 FOOD ACT 1998

 Union membership for hospitality workers:

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SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry – Student Assessment Booklet


b) Provide an example of a hospitality industry journal.


c) Provide an example of a media article that provides information about trends in hospitality.

 The newspaper, the business of kindness the executives, the australian journal of the industry of
kindness the executives and the party news magazine, the coffee of the magazine of kindness catering
magazines, etc.

d) Provide two opportunities that hospitality workers have to network within their industry.

1  Team meeting

2  Participation in meetings, linked in another discussion of this type.

e) Provide an example of a time where you have had a personal experience that has influenced how you
would like to conduct your own practice as a hospitality manager.

Working with an honest manager has awakened me to a respectful and persistent treatment of my
employees. As an administrator, the quality of my staff's learning will be my need and i will take the
opportunity to give all that i have gained from my administrator.

How does the hospitality industry contribute to the Australian economy? Make sure you cite the source of your

The Tourism, Travel and Hospitality industry is a large and diverse industry and is comprised of a number of
 Tourism and Travel
 Events and Exhibitions
 Cookery
 Hospitality.
All of these sectors serve both domestic and international markets and play an important role in driving
economic growth in Australia; their combined contribution to Australia's GDP is worth more than $100 billion.
These sectors represent a variety of business types and services that are often interconnected. Tourism, for
example, encompasses a complex mix of overlapping sectors, including those listed above (e.g., Events and
Exhibitions, Hotels, Holiday Parks and Resorts, and so on), and has an impact on the Transportation and
Retail sectors. Events and exhibitions require a variety of services, including marketing, audiovisual systems,
catering, transportation, and lodging. As a result, economic activity is widespread across all of these
interconnected sectors, affecting a wide range of secondary industries.

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SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry – Student Assessment Booklet

As a hospitality manager you will need to frequently work with people from other industry groups. Explain four
important characteristics that will lead to effective relationships with the following people:
a) Supplier of a product

Ethical and professional relationship

▪ Knowledge of the product
▪ Fully explaining the requirements of the workplace and how this fits in with the supplier’s operations
▪ Organised, plan of time
▪ Don’t leave ordering till the last minute
▪ Prompt payments. Arrange for bills to be paid on time

b) A person from the liquor licencing authority who provides information on how to comply with requirements.

Respectful of their role and the information they can provide

▪ Polite, courteous
▪ Professional,
▪ Explain your needs clearly
▪ Practice active listening.

c) A public health inspector who has come to audit your kitchen.

▪ Honest, open and transparent
▪ Provide all information required without trying to hide anything
▪ Polite and helpful

d) Sales person who has come in unannounced.

Polite, courtesy
▪ Professional
▪ Arrange an appointment if necessary but don’t let them waste your time if the product is not required.
▪ Be firm


You are working in a restaurant where food and alcohol is served. A supplier has made a delivery but also
asks you to give your supervisor a bag full of chocolates that are to be given out to customers as part of a
promotion within the restaurant. A co-worker has seen the bag of chocolates and decides to take some for
herself as they are her favourite brand.

What should you do and why?

No. It is morally correct to always inquire of the provider. Is it okay if I try something because I might be the
customer in the future? But I wouldn't eat them at that time if it was permitted.

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SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry – Student Assessment Booklet


You are working in a hotel which contains a gaming room. Two men approach you at the bar and while you
are serving them, they ask you a number of questions. These questions were general at first but then they
became more specific. They asked you the following questions:
 Has this hotel got a gaming venue?
 Yes, this hotel has got a gaming venue.
 Where is it?
 I can give you titles. It is on the third floor of this building.
 What time does it close?
 I'll tell you the opening hours. It closes at 10:00 PM
 Does it have a back door?
 Is there any particular motivation to understand that?
 Does it have security?
 Of course, our scenes are under strict lighting every minute of every day, except for what reason does it
intrigue you?
 How much money do people gamble every day?
 It’s private data, I cannot share it.
 When the machines are emptied, how is the money handled?
 The data is very clear; I cannot provide any data. It is extremely surprising to understand that this is what
you are simply interested in!

What should you do and why?

It could be firm and never utter a single piece of information for you


You are working at a bar and a group of your old school friends come up to the bar. You haven’t seen them
in a very long time and are pleased to see them. One of the group asks you for a free drink as ‘you owe him
one’ because he helped you once when your car had broken down.

What should you do and why?

If it is within my authority, I will offer them but not more than one, and if it is not, I will pay one myself but
make clear notes to them that this should not be repeated.

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SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry – Student Assessment Booklet


You are working in a hospitality service and an opportunity arises for promotion. The position has been
advertised externally on the internet. You have been working hard and all of your supervisors have advised
you to apply for the position as you display all of the qualities, skills and knowledge that are required. You
have spent time on your resume and your application and you are aware that two other staff members are
interested in the position. You all know each other well and are supportive of each other.
You arrive at work on the day of your interview. You are told that no interviews will be going ahead as the
manager has decided to give the job to an acquaintance of his. It appears that he does not have relevant
experience in the job.

a) Is the manager acting legally? Why/why not?

No, because they should be interviewed equally. He should follow equal opportunity legislation, ensure
equal opportunity for growth, and not break the law. and nepotism is not acceptable in any way, he
should adhere to workplace policies.

b) What options do applicants for the job have to get a fair deal?

The options that applicants for the job have to get a fair deal are as follows:
• Confront Director,
• Seek the advice of an association
• Seek the advice of the Common Liberty Council
• Fair Work Implants

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers to all questions ☐

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Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 2

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

I declare that:
✘ These answers and tasks are my own work. None of this work has been completed by any other person.
✘ I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
✘ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
✘ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student name

Student ID number

Student signature

Date 17/10/2022


The student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried out
✘ Yes No
according to the required assessment procedures.

Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer or response that addresses the
✘ Yes No
questions or requirements of this task?

Detail Feedback:
(Assessor: Please outline your feedback in the section below after completing the Assessment Record Tool document
for this task)
While providing feedback on this task, please ensure that:
1. Validity: the student demonstrated required skills, knowledge and attributes.
2. Sufficiency: quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence are adequate.
3. Authenticity: To the best of your ability, you confirmed that the student produced this work.
4. Currency: The assessment tasks were conducted recently or currently.

Assessment Outcome Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Resubmission Yes ✘ No

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Assessor Name Noreen Altaf

Assessor Signature

Date 28/10/2022


✘ My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me.

I would like to appeal this assessment decision.

Student signature

Date 28/10/2022

A copy of this cover sheet must be supplied to the office and kept in the student file, along with the completed Assessment
Record Tool, with the assessment evidence.

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Assessment Task 2: Research project

For this task you will research information about the hospitality industry and write a report on your findings.


 Access to textbooks and other research material
 Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required).
 Access to plain English documents issued by Government regulators that describe laws for:
 Food safety
 Responsible service of alcohol
 Responsible conduct of gaming
 Local community protection.


 This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class
(where applicable).
 Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.


 Your completed report.

There are three parts to the research you will do.
 Part A – Structure and operation of the hospitality industry
 Part B – Employment opportunities
 Part C – Current issues and trends
 Part D – Quality assurance.
You must complete your report using a word processing software program (eg Microsoft Word). You may
present the report in any way that you prefer and you may use graphs and pictures if you wish. Your report
must be easy to follow and must reference the part and question numbers as noted through the assessment.
Your assessor will provide you with information about the simulated hospitality business that you will be
working in throughout your course (Marino Enterprises). This assessment relates to the hospitality industry
generally so you will need to do research outside the area of Marino Enterprises in some cases. Where
indicated however, your answers should relate to Marino Enterprises directly.
Use a wide variety of sources for your research, including your text book and the internet. Make sure you cite
the sources of your information using the Harvard style.


Research information on the structure and operation of the hospitality industry as follows:
1. Research the four main sectors within the hospitality industry:
 Accommodation
 Food services
 Beverage services
 Casinos.
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Use the following table to document each sector’s main functions, key characteristics (eg types of
customers, hours of operation, types of employment and employment patterns, customer expectations) and
the types of products or services provided.

Hospitality sector: Accommodation

Functions: Provide overnight accommodations for seminars, meetings, business lunches,

and other events while travelling from one location to another. It essentially allows
for lodging if you are not in your own hometown.

Key characteristics: They work 24 hours a day, workers are deployed more because they require
more skills, cleaners, administrators, and receptionists, and their pay rates vary
depending on their needs.

Products and services: Room for sleeping, teapots, administrations, admission to meals, and then

Hospitality sector: Food services

Functions: Meal preparation when people are not at home or prefer not to cook.

Key characteristics: • People cook less due to high expendable wages,

• High demand on weekends,
• Offers from cheap to high quality,
• Food on wheels and more is not productive
• Workers Shift,
• Fresh, fast and delicious food
• Lifestyle

Products and services: Garage administrations, kitchen administrations, thin coating administrations, food
administrations, food transportation administrations, and so on.

Hospitality sector: Beverage services

Functions: Use of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as health drinks such as
smoothies and juices.

Key characteristics: • Liquor license

• Liquor dispensing
• Opening hours
• Mainly functional at the end of the week
• Bar permit, club permit, etc.

Products and services: Alcohol shop, variety of healthy drinks or drunk, attractive alcohol dispensing,
attractive transportation at the appropriate age, attractive bet managers.

Hospitality sector: Casinos

Functions: Club Stay Lonely Club, lodging, inns, gambling machines and so on.

Key characteristics: • Massive hotels,

• All-inclusive,

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• Often associated with restaurants and other vacation destinations

Products and services: : ATMs, gaming machines, hardware, help and a high level of security, change
betting personnel and then more

Cite your sources here:

2. For each of the sectors in Question 1 above, nominate one example of a business that is in that sector.
Describe the characteristics of that business and the products and/or services that it provides.

Hospitality sector: Accommodation

Example of business: Pearls Continentals

Key characteristics: • 5 Star Inn • Deluxe Room

• Structural Show
• Gorgeous Courtyards
• Excellent International Standards
• Spectacular Horizon Administrations

Products and services: Cleaning, swimming pools, bars, lounges, administrations every minute of every

Hospitality sector: Food service

Example of business: Kwality Food Café(KFC)

Key characteristics: • Hygienic food,

• Well-trained staff
• Second largest network of cafes in the world

Products and services: Fried or roasted wings, meatballs , scope of exemplary Beverages, hamburgers,
Chickens, meat products, etc

Hospitality sector: Beverage service

Example of business: Highlands Bar

Key characteristics: • Menu that changes daily,

• Established according to the exemplary French method,
• Expect cooler game and quail weather,
• Regional, traditional fortifications and generous help
• Opening in 1983

Products and services: Large assortment of mixed drinks, bourbons, assortment of smoothies, etc

Hospitality sector: Casino

Example of business: The Stars Sydney

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Key characteristics:  Virtual Game playing
 Gambling machines
 Trade gambling staff
 Regular giveaways
 One can play, stay and dine as well
Products and services: Security, ATM machines, Drinks, Responsive staff, accommodation etc

Cite your sources here:

ATIC. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Tourism, Travel and Hospitality. (n.d.). Retrieved from

3. The hospitality industry does not operate in isolation. There are many other industries that support or relate
to the hospitality industry. Consider each of the businesses you named in question A2 above and list at
least five other industry groups that they would need to rely on for their operations.

Business (from A2) Five related industry areas

Thames Company Entrainment Enterprises

Western Fooding PVT. Limited Food and Beverages

Sydney Securities Buying and Selling of Stocks

Australia Public Auto Centre Travel and Tourism and promoting own brands of

4. You are a manager at Marino Enterprises. You are keen to make sure that you are making good use of
resources available to you and your staff from various professional organisations.
Research the professional organisations available that support businesses such as Marino Enterprises and
answer the following questions.
a) What are two unions that are relevant to this business? Provide a brief description for each union.

The association that, as I like to call it, supports the UV hosting industry is a unified one that was
formed by a conglomeration of different associations. Serve the work, shelter, welfare, mature
deliberation and assembly, and mining. It is the Australian Workers' Association, it only targets
minors, and it supports a variety of businesses.

b) Research how an employee can join each of the two unions you have identified. Take a screen dump
of the instructions, or print out the information and attach to this assessment.

Casino Canberra is a casino that offers good-paying jobs; here is a screenshot of the careers page
on their official website: It also offers in-house recruitment
as well as recruitment through recruiting agents. Employees should have gone through the entire
recruitment process. QUALIA GREAT BARRIER REEF offers jobs at various levels of the hospitality
industry. Various job opportunities are advertised on various websites. Employees can post jobs on
gumtree, job seekers, and other websites. This organisation posts job openings on Facebook and
LinkedIn. Employees go through the standard job application process.

c) Research a peak body that represents a number of industries, including the hospitality industry and
provide a brief description.

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Travel, aviation, transportation, industrial, and transportation companies in Australia. why travel,
transportation, and the Transportation Forum I am employed in the general public sector. Supporters
of government abuse, as well as those in these companies who have a chance of influencing public

d) Research a professional association that is related to a specific sector of the hospitality industry that is
of direct interest to Marino Enterprises. Explain how the association could be of assistance to Marino
Enterprises’ operations.

The Australian Housing Association (AHA). The Australian Hotel Association (AHA) aims to remodel
over 5,000 people in Australia through a company with offices in every state and region, as well as a
national office in Canberra. The AHA's dimensions and scope include:
• Over 5,000 organisations, ranging from small-town bars to five-star resort
• Creating 270,000 jobs
• generating a $ 12 billion cash benefit
• Locally, we support over 50,000 congregations.

5. There are a number of pieces of legislation that contribute to the regulation of hospitality businesses. It is
important that everyone who is employed in the industry understands their obligations in accordance with
the legislation.
a) Conduct research to identify six pieces of legislation relevant to the hospitality industry and provide a
brief explanation of its general purpose including some of the general provisions of the legislation.
The legislation that you identify may be National legislation or the State legislation of the State or
Territory in which you are studying.

Area of law Liquor control

Legislation title Liquors Act 2007

General purpose of the Controls and distributes alcoholic beverages. It is responsible for empowering.
legislation and its Controls the sale, supply, and consumption of alcoholic beverages. It also
provisions ensures that alcohol will cause the least amount of harm to consumers. so
as not to disturb the environment

Area of law Gambling regulation

Legislation title Gambling Regulations act 2003.

General purpose of the The primary goal is to place quick reaction bets; requiring individuals who do not
legislation and its endanger themselves or others while betting on advancing the travel industry,
provisions advancing money conversion, and empowering agents and the industry.

Area of law Food hygiene

Legislation title Foods Act 2003.

General purpose of the Ensure the safe and harmless movement of food for human consumption,
legislation and its adherence to food standards codes, legal packaging and dispensing, and then
provisions proceed.

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Area of law Fair work

Legislation title Fair Work Act 2010

General purpose of the Ensure a strategy free of segregation in order to ensure a system adapted to
legislation and its subsidy and flourishing prosperity.

Area of law Workplace health and safety

Legislation title Health and Safety act 2011.

General purpose of the To provide welfare and safety for representatives, presidential support for
legislation and its workers, a safe work environment in terms of well-being and climate, then
provisions guarantee obligations and duties of workers, safety nets, and protection at work.

Area of law Anti-discrimination

Legislation title Equal Opportunity Act 2010.

General purpose of the The goal of this demonstration is to ensure that no one is separated and that no
legislation and its one is whistled or becomes a victim of intolerance or the like.

b) As a worker in the hospitality industry, what are two legal responsibilities that you will have? Provide a
short explanation of each.

Your own health and safety, on the basis that your safety begins with you from the start because
it will have an impact on others, either directly or indirectly.

Food safety for people, good and clean food must be provided to ensure that customers' well-being
is not jeopardised.

c) As a business, what are two legal responsibilities that Marino Enterprises has? Provide a short
explanation of each.

Legal licences because they want bars and have affordable jobs, so they must choose legal
permits. All personnel must be capable of responding to liquor cruising.

Food Safety and Health Act to ensure that no one is harmed as a result of your nonresponsive

6. Businesses in the hospitality industry are often situated within the community where people live and as
such they are required to make sure that the community is protected from problems that may be associated
with hospitality services.
a) List four complaints that a local resident might make to the owner of a hospitability service, to the local
council or to the police. Outline why the local resident may make the complaint.

1: Noise transmission from the facilities.

2: Dunkers' noises

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3: Creates wellness-relevant sleep deprivation

4: Trash and stationary vehicle leaving near private places.

b) List two pieces of legislation that stipulate requirements for hospitality services to protect the local
amenity of the area.

Changes in alcohol control 1988

Environmental Protection Law 197


1. For this task you must research a wide range of employment opportunities in several sectors and job roles.
Choose five job roles from each of the four industry sectors. Write a short report for each job that you could
give to a person who is interest in employment in the hospitality industry. Each report must include:
 Job role
 Typical duties performed in this job role
 Workplace award
 Training required
 Desired characteristics for a person in this role
 Future career pathways leading on from each position.
Use a wide variety of sources for your research, including your text book and the internet. Make sure you
cite the sources of your information using the Harvard style.

Accommodation sector – job role

What is the job role? Night Auditor

Typical duties of this greetings visitor on arrival and departure, also answer your inquiries by going to
role live calls and questions.

Workplace award Accommodation prices award 2010

Training required Confirmation at the accommodation board, customer service training, executive
objections, and then more

Desired characteristics Ability to solve problems without calculating assistance, having some
information, consideration for niceties, incredible relationship skills, and so on.

Future career pathways Senior Night Boss, Monetary Director, Account Supervisor, General Manager,
and Front Work Area Manager.

Food sector – job role

What is the job role? Culinary Specialist, Cook

Typical duties of this Food Preparation


Workplace award Eatery Industry Awards

Training required Healthcare, Business Cuisine, Accommodation Recognition, and The Board of
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Desired characteristics the various tasks , protest destination, destination protest, experience while

Future career pathways Eatery executive chief

Beverage services sector – job role

What is the job role? Bar attendant

Typical duties of this Be cautious of benefactors when using liquors, managing staff, responding,
role pouring, taking drink orders, and cleaning environmental items.

Workplace award General Awards 2010

Training required Recognition in cordiality and also to the board, RSA, customer management

Desired characteristics Fantastic interpersonal skills, the ability to avoid panic under stress, and the
ability to resolve conflicts.

Future career pathways Bar manager, supervisor, general manager, restaurant manager

Casino sector – job role

What is the job role? Gambling Specialist

Typical duties of this Secretary Duties, Obedience, Objection Handling, Machine Operation, Coin
role Cleaning Games Distributed, Snack Service, Warranty Rules

Workplace award Club and Inn Awards

Training required RSA, RSG, hotel and also the executive diploma

Desired characteristics Resist the urge to panic under stress, add a different climate, good match skills,
consistent tone, and phenomenal customer service skills

Future career pathways game master, club boss, game club manager, game progress boss and so on

Cite your sources here:

the star Sydney. (n.d.). Retrieved from Tourism, Travel and Hospitality.
(n.d.). Retrieved from
[ CITATION ATI1 \l 1033] ATIC. (n.d.). Retrieved from

2. You have just landed your dream job as the Food and Beverage Manager in Marino Enterprises. You know
that your success in the job will rely on your keeping on top of legislative requirements, changes to
compliance requirements and consumer trends in food items on offer. What are six things you will do to
make sure you are keeping abreast of changes?

1 Reading notices in the workplace staff emails, newsletters, magazines etc.

2 Discussion with experienced mechanical individual system administrators among employees.

3 Attend industry accreditation schemes, workshops, and industry meetings.

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4 Participating in industry accreditation schemes, industry seminars and meetings

5 Membership of professional industry association

6 Keeping Up to date with the changes, and keeping an eye on off trends and on trends within the
industry competitors.

3. A member of your team has come to ask you about her minimum pay rate under the Hospitality Industry
General Award. The team member, Gloria, is 17 years old and is employed as a Level 1 Guest Service
Grade 1. She wants to know the following:

Her hourly pay It will be probably 17 dollars.

Hourly pay rate when working Monday to Friday She works from 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. There is an
between 7pm to midnight additional charge of $ 2 six cents on, so it would be
about an extra $ 3 or 4 time-based pay rate if she
works Monday through Friday between 12pm.

Hourly pay rate when working Monday to Friday If it is 7:00 a.m., is an additional $ 4 9 cents per hour
between midnight and 7am

Hourly pay rate when working on a Saturday 16.40 dollars per hour

Hourly pay rate when working on a Sunday 30 dollars per hour

Hourly pay rate when working on a Public Holiday 25 dollars to 30 dollars per hour


For this part of the task you must consider current issues and trends in the hospitality market and the effects
that these may have on a business such as Marino Enterprises.
You must use at least three of the following information sources:
 Discussion with experienced industry personnel
 Industry accreditation operators
 Industry associations and organisations
 Industry journals, reference books and seminars
 Libraries and media
 Networking with colleagues and suppliers
 Personal observation and experience
 Plain English documents issued by government regulators that describe laws relevant to the hospitality
 Training courses you have attended
 Unions
 Developers of codes of conduct or ethics.
1. Complete the following template for each area listed:

Current issues and trends

Potential impact on Marino Enterprises

Social influences

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Current issues Travel, inexperienced young companies, No weekend due to the kindness of
executives, negative surveys through online media

Trends Industrial decor, Kitchen closer to customers, increase in breakfast dinning and
meeting coffees, dining style is changing, open kitchen.

Potential impact on Keep up with the current trends, they must have social media marketers, marketing
Marino Enterprises analyst etc. They have to deal with all the issues imported with the customers. Deal
with the customer’s issues with utmost priority.

Political influences

Current issues Effects market decisions on Visas and working conditions.

Trends Reluctance in training funding, Pay roll tax implementations etc.

Potential impact on Marino enterprises will have to pay and invest more if government is showing
Marino Enterprises reluctance in paying funds.

Economic influences

Current issues Value of the dollar, high level of disposable income, global financial crisis.

Trends Increase globalization, Increase demand for Chinese market that increases

Potential impact on Marino enterprises must know how to cater and attract this market. And it shouldn’t
Marino Enterprises allow this market to take off its individuality.

Technological influences

Current issues Impacts of booking, reviews,

Trends Multitasking, Companies are developing new apps, they are updating their online
services regularly.

Potential impact on Marino Enterprises should keep its online system or tracking system upp to dated as it
Marino Enterprises is a high need for them .They have lots of stores and branches so they must have a
good tracking system.

Environmental influences

Current issues Conscious customers about Hygiene issues, open kitchens

Trends  Green baskets are being used to ensure very less waste exposure. Green baskets
are being used for composting onwards.
 Seating arrangements should reflect the healthy environment.
 Recycling of various Products
Potential impact on he must be seemed environmentally conscious. And they must consider environmental
Marino Enterprises friendly products. Ensuring biodegradation and other techniques such as composting.

Legal influences

Current issues Known with permission, the brand name

Trends prevents Tesco organizations from changing item costs without advising customers
and cracking down on item limit fraud

Potential impact on Marino complies with laws and guidelines on charges, labour, contracts, protection,
Marino Enterprises migration and even the sky is the limit from there. The law affects the style in which

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organizations work and clients act

Cite your sources here:

the star sydney. (n.d.). Retrieved from Tourism, Travel and Hospitality.
(n.d.). Retrieved from [

CITATION ATI1 \l 1033 ] ATIC. (n.d.).

Retrieved from global stewards. (n.d.). Retrieved from

2. Document how you sourced information for the previous question from at least three of the sources listed.

Discussion with experienced industry personnel Human Resource Manager

Industry accreditation operators Quality Tourism Accreditation Star Ratings (already

AAA Star Ratings) Australia Tourism Awards,
including Queensland Travel Industry Awards

Industry associations and organisations Australian Tourism Industry Council

Industry journals, reference books and seminars Open House News Magazine
▪ Hospitality magazine
▪ Restaurant catering magazine
▪ Australia Hotelier

Libraries and media Magazines, brochures, Facebook and Instagram

Networking with colleagues and suppliers Access through the website of the provider or a third
party provider

Personal observation and experience The ability to manage inns or comparative

foundations can certainly be delegated to supervisory
authorities, for example a welfare state agency. In
any case, accommodation is in no way a service that
depends on the specifications of a municipal public
services commission

Plain English documents issued by government The scientist is the indispensable instrument for data
regulators that describe laws relevant to the observation and classification and is mainly used in
hospitality industry ethnography. The rank is secret or distinctive,
participatory or not

Training courses you have attended Commercial Law, Business and Advertising,
Executive Business, Brokerage

Unions Australian Labour Union, Labour’s Brotherhood

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Developers of codes of conduct or ethics  Corporate Qualities.
 Employee Practices.
 clothing standard.
 Delay / absence.
 Exit strategy.
 Worker's rest strategy.
 Incompatible situations.
 correspondence

3. Think about a hospitality venue that is similar to Marino Enterprises that you have visited in your local area,
and answer the following questions:
a) Describe the venue. You do not have to name it if you prefer not to.
It is located in the centre of the city, although it is basically, but there is no excitement. It is exceptionally
b) What products and services does this venue currently provide?
There is a requirement to measure each basic office, there are accommodations with beautiful rooms,
restaurants, leisure centres and coaches, pools and swimming instructors, clinic assistants, salons and
c) Do you consider that the products and services are ‘in trend’ or are they outdated. Explain your answer.
In fact, his articles and administrations were in the pattern. They were deeply elegant and brilliant. The
interior and linens were exceptional and comforting guests. There would be confirmation frames on the
web and then
d) If you were a manager at this venue, what is one emerging trend product or service that you would like
to see implemented in this venue?
in case it could be a supervisor. I can try to have 456 virtual machines serving people, which is normal
for 89 restaurants in Japan.
e) Access social media reviews that have been made about this business and complete the template:
If there are no online ratings available, select another similar venue.

What is the social media site? Facebook, twitter and Instagram

How many reviews are there for this Until now there is 18009 review
venue on this site?

Excellent 30%
Very Good 41%
Average 19%
What are the overall ratings?
Poor 7%

Terrible 3%

If this was your business, what I will uncover the downsides and work to ensure the clients never get
information would you find useful them back at any cost. In short, I am going to solve the problems
from these reviews?

If this was your business, what day- I will build an Internet media presentation department and my social
to-day action would you take to media advertisers will publish and solve each of the queries under
manage and respond to on-line the usual premises. Your delighted comments will also be
feedback? appreciated.

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4. Research current and emerging technology that can be used in the hospitality industry. Select one item of
technology and provide information as required in the template.

Type of Name and brief description of Advantages to Barriers to Reference – provide

technology technology using this using supplier’s website
technology in technology reference

Goings Green bins are being used for The less It is time global stewards. (n.d.).
greens Composting,Biodegradati wastage of consuming Retrieved from
o n and other recycling products, and it http://www.globalsteward
techniques are being eco requires s .org/green-hotel.htm
used these days. friendly more
approach funding
will attract and land
more for
clients and compostin
governmen g
t can give
funding for


The hospitality industry has various quality assurance processes in place to assist with managing the standard
of services or products of organisations involved in the provision of hospitality services. These processes may
be outlined in legislation, industry accreditation schemes, policy, codes of conduct or guidelines.
Conduct research to identify an example of the following industry-based initiatives that promote quality
 An industry based accreditation scheme
 A code of conduct or practice
 One compulsory training requirement for hospitality staff.

a) Hospitality based accreditation scheme

Name of scheme Australian Star Rating Scheme

Body responsible for this scheme AAA tourism on behalf of Australian auto club.

Description of the scheme It is exclusive property and trade mark star rating Of Australia that. They
have exclusive rights to grant them and grant licences. They have 200
quality criteria

What benefit (if any) would this It will provide potential guests with indication of quality accommodation.
scheme have to Marino Provide benchmarks to Marino eenterprises against other providers,
Enterprises provide benchmarks. It will encourage Marino enterprise to keep

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updated in terms of accommodation, refurnishing etc. They will set
their benchmarks higher.

b) Code of conduct or practice

Name of code Code of ethics and conduct

Body responsible for this code Victorian Commission, NSW commission of gambling and liquor

Description of the code Implies to all the business associated with gambling and liquor services.
Includes licensing information and various codes

What benefit (if any) would this These codes will help in complained accord as to the federal
code have to Marino Enterprises government and legislations set by the state, staff understands their
obligations and customers can feel comfortable because they know
that they follow all the codes. Keep a check on players.

c) Compulsory training program

Name of training program Responsive Consumption of alcohol, Responsive services of

gambling ,food safety, food handling and management etc

Training organisation that offers It can be in house, online or on campus trainings

this training

Description of the training Responsive services of alcohol provide information and assistance to the
customers about problem gambling. Identify organizational
procedures relating to gambling.

What benefit (if any) would this Services provide appropriate implement strategies, implementation of
training be to Marino Enterprises RCA and RSG, Staff has up to date information, and staff knows
what to do in rough circumstances.

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Completed report in template (all parts) ☐

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Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 3

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

I declare that:
✘ These answers and tasks are my own work. None of this work has been completed by any other person.
✘ I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
✘ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
✘ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student name

Student ID number

Student signature

Date 17/10/2022


The student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried out
✘ Yes No
according to the required assessment procedures.

Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer or response that addresses the
✘ Yes No
questions or requirements of this task?

Detail Feedback:
(Assessor: Please outline your feedback in the section below after completing the Assessment Record Tool document
for this task)
While providing feedback on this task, please ensure that:
1. Validity: the student demonstrated required skills, knowledge and attributes.
2. Sufficiency: quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence are adequate.
3. Authenticity: To the best of your ability, you confirmed that the student produced this work.
4. Currency: The assessment tasks were conducted recently or currently.

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Assessment Outcome Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Resubmission Yes ✘ No

Assessor Name Noreen Altaf

Assessor Signature

Date 28/10/2022


✘ My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me.

I would like to appeal this assessment decision.

Student signature

Date 28/10/2022

A copy of this cover sheet must be supplied to the office and kept in the student file, along with the completed Assessment
Record Tool, with the assessment evidence.

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Assessment Task 3: Share information with colleagues

There are two parts to this assessment:
 Part A: Students are to share and discuss information that they have obtained with a colleague.
 Part B: Students are to ask questions and discuss issues about their colleague’s presentation.


 Access to a colleague.
 Access to researched information about an emerging trend in the industry.


 This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class
(where applicable).
 Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.


 Part A – There is nothing to submit for this part of the assessment.
 Part B – Written notes.


For this task you will be paired up with a colleague. You will discuss with your assessor a suitable subject for an
emerging service or product on which you must conduct research prior to your presentation to your colleague.
Your task is to present this information with a view to introducing the product or service into Marino Enterprises.
During the presentation you must:
 Explain the product or service – you should do this verbally however you may use the internet, handouts or
other resources to support your presentation.
 Explain why Marino Enterprises should introduce this service or product to enhance work performance or
service quality.
 Explain any need for partnerships and relationships with other industries or businesses.
 Explain any compliance and quality requirements that are relevant to this service or product.
 Explain any ethical issues involved.
 Explain any employment issues involved.
Following the presentation your colleague will ask you questions about your presentation. You must answer
these questions in the best way that you can so that information is accurate.
You should engage in discussion about the merits or otherwise of implementing the trend in Marino
Your assessor will observe you during this part of the assessment.
You will be assessed in both roles (ie as the presenter and as the receiver of information) using different topics
in each case.

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For this part of the task you will listen to your colleague’s presentation on their emerging trend.
Take notes while they are presenting the information to you – you will need to hand these in to your assessor.
Your notes should contain the main points of the presentation and a note of any questions you wish to ask.
Following the presentation, consider the information that they have given you and use your communication
skills to:
 Clarify the information provided.
 Find out extra information if required.
 Make sure you understand all the information that has been presented.
 Discuss the pros and cons of implementing the trend in Marino Enterprises.
You must make sure that you use both open and closed probing questions to obtain the information that you
Your assessor will observe you during this part of the assessment.

Written Notes:

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Part A – you do not need to submit anything NA

Part B – Written notes ☐

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