Evolution of Nursing Introduction To Nursing

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Evolution of Nursing

Introduction to nursing

 Florence Nightingale – well educated woman from Britain, as a founder of modern

 1854 – during the Crimean War, the british government requested Nightingale’s aid at
military hospital in turkey.
The evolution of the nursing profession accelerated a decade later during the American Civil

 Most common illness Pneumonia, Typhoid, Diarrhea/ Dysentery, and Malaria

Filipinos believed that the cause of disease was to due evil spirits, witch, enemy, or from other
person. They believed in gods of healing, words doctors, and the most known as the
“herbolarios” for healing. (Early beliefs and Practices)
Some practices while caring for a sick person include the intervention from babaylan (priest /
physicians) or abularyo (herb doctor) – Health care in early Spanish regime
Nursing during the Philippines evolution – the development of Philippine red cross

Development of modern nursing

 Nightingale opened the first nursing school called the Nightingale school for nurse in
 The field of health care became more diversified, meaning the nurses are given
opportunities to choose what are they would like to practice.
Nurse Responsibilities
Nurse is a medical professional who provides general care and triage.
- Clinics
- Doctor’s office
- School
- Correctional Facilities
- Homeless shelters
- Rehabilitation Center
- Senior care homes
Essential Responsibilities of Nurses

 A nurses responsibilities may vary depending on where they work, what licenses they
have obtained and how they experienced they are.
1.Record Medical history and symptoms
Maintain accurate documentation of their patients
2.Administer medications and treatment
Nurses can administer medications and treatments to their patients with a physicians
3.Collaborate with teams for patient care
Play a vital role in collecting information from patients
4. Perform diagnosis test
May perform a wide variety of diagnosis test including checking vitals and collecting
tissue, blood, stool, or urine, samples for analysis
5. Conduct physical examination
Conduct a physical examination of patients at the beginning of their visit assess their
overall health
6. Monitors patients’s health
Carefully monitor and observe their patients to record any symptoms or relevant info
that could lead to a diagnosis or change in their treatment plan
7. Provide support and advice
It is important to make sure patients feel cared, listened, to and understood
8. Operate medical equipment
Tools for their patients, including stethoscope, glucometers, pluse oximeters,
thermometers and blood pressure machine
9. Educate patients about how to manage an illness
To educate their patients about various medical conditions
10. Advocate for the health and well being of patients
Act as advocates for their health and overall well being
11. Provide basic bedside care
Responsible for wide range of basic bedside care tasks
12. Train and educate staff
Clinical work they do the take care of patients
13. Maintain inventory
Nurses may take on extra job roles, such as maintaining inventory and ordering
Understanding the Nursing practice
 Consists of autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups
and communities, sick or well and in all settings. It includes the promotion of health, the
prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people
 Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities,
prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and
treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families,
communities, and populations.
Virginia Henderson - The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in
the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to a peaceful
death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge. And
to do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible”

 Nurse originated from the Latin word Nutrix means to nourish.

Concept of nursing
(a) To promote health
(b) To prevent disease
(d) To assist the dying patient to pass away with quietude, peace, and dignity. (to ease suffering)
(e) The client is a holistic human being, including suffering person and healthy person

Philosophy of Nursing
Includes beliefs and values with regard to man in general & specifically man as the learner,
teacher, nurse, client and the beliefs about health, illness, society, nursing & learning etc.. It
Spiritual: Religion should serve as the primary integrating factor.
• Moral: Nurse has to develop right conscience.
• Intellectual: to provide a systematic development & training& for fulfilment of nursing
• Emotional needs: nurse must be able to function as a mature, self-dependent & responsible
individual & must be able to relate well to other people.
Physical: to promote harmonious development, physical needs to preserve
essentials of health.
• Social: nursing is linked with social culture, in which nursing activities are carried out.

 Article VI, Section 28:

A person is deemed to be practicing nursing when he/she singly, or in collaboration with

another, initiates and performs nursing services to individuals, families, and communities in any
health care settings as independent practitioners, nurses are primarily responsible for the
promotion of health and prevention of illness.

Functions of a nurse
The caregiver role has traditionally included those activities that assist the client
physically and psychologically while preserving the client's dignity
Communication is an integral to all nursing roles. Nurses communicate with the
client, support persons, other health professionals, and people in the community
As a teacher, the nurse helps clients learn about their health and the health care
procedures they need to perform to restore or maintain their health.
Client advocate
Client advocate acts to protect the client.
Counseling is a process of helping a client to recognize and cope with stressful
psychologic or social problems, to developed improved interpersonal relationships, and to
promote personal growth.

A leader influences others to work together to accomplish a specific goal
Qualities of a nurse
!.Caring nature – nurse deal with the sick and injured and their families daily
2. Empathic attitude – nurses must be able to put themselves in their patients' shoes to provide
the quality care needed
3. Detail oriented - Nurses must remember to make entries on patients' charts and to bring
medications at the correct times
4. Emotionally stable - Nurses feel the joy of seeing a new baby born as well as the pain of losing
a long-term patient
5. Adaptable - People are unpredictable at the best of times, but become even more so under

 5 Cs of caring
- compassionate
- confident
- committed
- conscientious
- competent
。 is a calling that requires special knowledge, skill and preparation.

 She was born in 1820 to a wealthy family.

 She grew up in England
 She was well educated and well-traveled extensively.
 She undertook nurse's training at the age of 31

Benner’s Level of Proficiency

1.Novice – beginner with no experience
2. Advanced Beginner – demonstrates marginally acceptable performance
- recognizes the meaning ‘aspects’ of a real situation
3. Competent – Have 2 to 3 years of experience
4. Proficient – have 3 to 5 yrs experience
5. Expert – performance is fluid, flexible and highly proficient

BS in nursing program
Outcome-Based Education
Is an approach that focuses and organizes the educational system around what is essential for
all learners to know, value and be able to do, achieve a desired level of competence.
• Is a four-year program consisting of general education and professional courses.
• Professional courses are threaded through from the first year thru the fourth year with
emphasis on the nursing concept s with corresponding Related Learning Experience(RLE).
Aims of BSN program
1.Client Care - Utilize the nursing process in the care of: Mothers, newborns, children,
adolescents, adults and older persons; Family, community, population groups, and persons with
special needs.
2. Leadership and Management- Serve as Managers and Leaders of Nursing Service Units and
Health Services and programs
3. Research - Engage in nursing and health-related research; evaluate research studies; apply
research process in improving client care

Ambulatory Care

Cardiovascular Nursing

Critical Care nursing

Diabetes Educator

Emergency Care Nursing

Enterostomal and Wound care nursing

Gerontology Nursing
Hospic/Palliative Nursing

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