Discussion Week 3

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Discussion Week 3

Grant writing is an exercise that involves finishing an application process for a financial

aid granted by a facility such as private corporations, government, private foundations or trust

funds. It involves researching, drafting and submitting documents to the respective granters. I

have had the experience of grant writing when I was applying for funds from the government to

fund my studies at the university. I first had to research the eligibility criteria followed by grant

writers. After satisfying the check lists, I drafted and filled all the required and necessary forms

and finally submitted them to the government offices (Serrano, 2018). There are many chances

that come with grant writing within the doctors of nursing practice ventures. For one, I can be

provided with workshops and internship opportunities to sharpen my skills and put my

knowledge and mastery of content into practice. There are many breakthroughs that come after

completion of a degree in the medical program such as being offered a job or being given a

chance to further extend my studies.

It is important for I as a DNP to be knowledgeable and possess skills in grant writing

because it is a technique for acquiring funds to research more on the possibility and practicability

of efficiency in the alternations to better the impacts and effectiveness of care to patients and

their guardians (Falkenberg-Olson, 2019). The skills also prove their usefulness when am

shuffling choices in complex decisions.

There are many and different sources of funding for the medical programs. They include

state credits such as the undeviating and unsubsidized Stafford credits or the straight alumnus

advantageous credit. Even with such credits most scholars end up self-sponsoring for their

education, tuition and outside activities (Reid, 2022). Since my topmost topic is within medicine

and nursing. I would choose the national institute of health to fund me. This is because most of

their budget money goes to nursing schools and research centers. Hence, it would be ideal and

convenient for me to apply with them.



Serrano Velarde, K. (2018). The way we ask for money… The emergence and
institutionalization of grant writing practices in academia. Minerva, 56(1), 85-107.

Falkenberg-Olson, A. C. (2019). Research translation and the evolving PhD and DNP practice
roles: A collaborative call for nurse practitioners. Journal of the American Association of Nurse
Practitioners, 31(8), 447-453.

Reid, K. R. Y., & DeGennaro, R. (2022). Strategies for successfully completing a DNP final
project. The Nurse Practitioner, 47(12), 43-47. https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20150318-07

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