Class 4 English WS PT-2

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Name:________________________________ Roll no: ____________

Q1. Use ‘will’ to change the time from present to future time:

a. We walk to our house from the library.

b. She dances for the school concert.
c. He learns the piano.
d. They meet outside their office in the evening.
e. My friend helps me to hang the pictures on my walls.
f. Reena completes her work on time.

Q2. Fill in the blanks. Choose the correct preposition for each blank:

a. The little child stood __________________ [among/into/under] a tall tree.

b. We used to row ___________________ [through/across/in] the river, when there was very
little water.
c. You can see our house if you stand ______________ [beside/through/in] this tower.
d. The bees agreed to share the honey _____________ [between/in/among] themselves.
e. They are getting married ________ [on/in/at] Sunday ________ [in/on/at] 6 o’clock.
f. The reception will be _______ [at/for/on] Friday _______ [in/at/into] the evening.
g. He came to India _________ [in/on/at] 5th August 2008.
h. Aunt bought a beautiful doll ______ [from/for/with] me last week.

Q3. Choose the correct adverbs to complete the sentences:

a. The soldiers fought [slowly/carefully/bravely]

b. The boy has gone [outside/upstairs/anywhere]
c. I shall come to your house [tomorrow/yesterday/soon]
d. She has searched [everywhere/anywhere/now] for her book.
e. The train will arrive [now/late/yesterday]
f. He [always/never/rarely] likes to help others.

Q4. In the following sentences mention the type of the underlined verbs:
a. Bring your plate here. _____________________________________
b. Kashish will reach Mumbai tomorrow. _____________________________________
c. My grandmother smiled cheerfully. _____________________________________
d. The children want to have the party upstairs. _____________________________________
e. Father will reach home at noon. _____________________________________

Q 5. Identify the different types of sentences given below:

a. My father was waiting for them at the station. ________________________________

b. Oh, what a narrow escape! _________________________________
c. Where were you going? _________________________________
d. Watch out! A big branch is falling down! _________________________________
e. Look to your left. _________________________________

Q 6. Underline the verbs that express future time:

a. I will think about it and let you know.

b. She will feel better with these medicines.
c. Naina is very fond of her car. She will not sell it.
d. My elder will not attend the party tomorrow.
e. We will go shopping in the evening.


Q 1. Who said to whom?

1. “Then change the plans.”

2. “Because ants are very dangerous.”
3. “But I like animals better than best people.”
4. “You are ridiculous.”
5. “Why don’t you give up being a people’s doctor and be an animal doctor?”
6. “That man’s got sense. That’s what you ought to be.”
7. “I knew that parrots can talk.”
8. “Yes, indeed they are.”
9. “Why, they are cutting down the tree.”
10. “Our new road is going to go right past Ramnagar.”

Q2. Answer the following questions in one sentence:

1. What was the name of Doctor Dolittle’s parrot?

2. When did the sage live?
3. What was the name of Doctor Dolittle’s sister?
4. Who gave Doctor Dolittle the idea of becoming an animal doctor?
5. What were the villagers doing with the penknives?
6. Which animal was in the cellar?
7. What do you mean by “rheumatism”?
8. How did the puppy learn to play piano?
9. What did he want to change?
10. What was the distance between the two towns?

Q3. Name the following in one or two words:

1. A famous German composer and musician of classical music. _____________

2. People who are crazy or very foolish. _____________

3. A soft food made by boiling oats or cereal in water or milk. _____________

4. The name of Doctor Dolittle’s owl. _____________

5. The things with which the people of Ramnagar were removing water from the river.


6. A simple, widely known tune for the piano. _____________

7. The book in which Doctor Dolittle wrote the bird’s language. _____________

8. The animal sitting on the sofa. _____________

9. Long hair tied in a plait. _____________

10. The name of the village whose people were not mad but very wise. _____________

Q4. Give Meanings for the following words:

1. Mused - __________________________________________________________________

2. Blues - ___________________________________________________________________

3. Stupid - __________________________________________________________________

4. Dresser __________________________________________________________________

5. Sage - ___________________________________________________________________

6. Method - _________________________________________________________________

7. Instantly - ________________________________________________________________

8. Ridiculous -_______________________________________________________________

9. Cracker - _________________________________________________________________

10. In vain - __________________________________________________________________

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