Maths Case Study Questions Xi

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arc| M.L. Aggarwal Assisted by: Neeraj Raj Jain _CBSE SYLLABUS CASE STUDY BASED QUESTIONS MATHEMATICS IN MCQ FORMAT | | _CLASS XI > 2. CONTENTS j Chapters Page 1. Sets : 5 2, Relations and Functions , 3, Trigonometric Functions tu 4, Trigonometric Equations 5, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations 6. Linear Inequalities n 7. Permutations and Combinations 36 8, Binomial Theorem 9. Sequences and Series 7 10. Straight Lines 52 11. Conic Sections 8 12, Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry 6 13. Limits and Derivatives 6 14, Mathematical Reasoning n 15, Statistics 3 zi B robability ocannea wn CamScam Sets CASE-STUDY BASED EXAMPLES Example 1. Two non-empty sets A and B are given by As (xx isa letter in LOVE MATHEMATICS) and B= (x:xisa letter in ILOVE STATISTICS). Based on the above information, aster the following questions: (0. Which of the following is true? (a) A=B () AcB (BcA (@)_none of these (i) AUB is equal to @A wes (ANB @>s (iil) ANB is equal to @A oes (9 AUB @s (io) B—Aisequal to @A wes (a-B @s (0) Number of proper subsets of set B is (a) 512 ( 511 (©) 1028 (@) 1023 Solution, The sets A and B in roster form are 1,L,0,V,E,M,A, THC S) and B=(I,L,0,V,E,5, A/C). ( Since ll the elements in set B also belongs to set A, 50,BCA. -: Option (¢) is the correct answer. (i) AUB=1, L,0, EMA, THC S)=A. ‘+ Option (a) is the correct answer. (il) AN B= (L,L,0,V, EA, TCS) =B. Option (#) is the correct answer. (iv) +» BCA=B-A=6. «Option (d) is the correct answer. (0) + mB) =9. So, number of proper subsets of B= 27-1 =512—1 =511. + Option (t) is the correct answer. Case-Study Based Questions @ 5 >cannead with Can | | msScant eampte 2. The sun of cardinal numbers of tv finite sets A aed Bis 9. The rato of cardinal number me gpa stantial number pe st of B81 + Based on the above information, answver the following questions: (9 The cardinal mune of set Ais @2 ws (6 ws Gi) The cardinal number of st B is @2 w3 os ws (iii) The maximum value of (AU B) is @3 6 8 9 (io) The nrinintum wale of n (AU B)is (a3 ws os 9 (0) EBA, then n (AM Bis (a) 3 (H) 6 @s (@) 9 Solution. Let the cardinal numbers of sets A and B be 11 (A) and n(B) respectively. Given m (A) +n (B)=9 0 ‘Also, cardinal number of power set of A = 284) and cardinal number of power set of B = 2") Given, Sy = DHA) HB) = 93 => -nlA)-1(B)=3 ii) (i Adding (#) and (i), we get D(A) = 12 =9 n(A) =6. Option (c) is the correct answer. (ii) Subtracting (i) from (f), we get 2n(B) = 6 => n(B) =3 Option (8) is the correct answer. (iii) We know that n(AUB) = (A) + 1(B) = (AB). The value of 1(A.U B) will be maximum, when 11(A 1 B) will be minimum. Minimum value of (AB) = 0. So, maximum value of (AUB) = 1(A) + (B) = 6 +3 = 9. <- Option (d) is the correct answer, (iv) The value of (A U B) will be minimum when 1(A.1B) will be maximum. Maximum value of (AB) =3 So, minimum value of n(A UB) = n(A) + 1(B)-3 = 6 +3-3=6, Option (b) is the correct answer. () Given BoA=> ANB=B Option (a) is the correct answer. 6 m Mathematics-X1 >canned with Camscant CASE-STUDY BASED QUESTIONS rvey of 40 students, it was found that 21 had taken Mathematics, 16 had taken and 15 had taken Chemistry, 7 had taken Mathematics and Chemistry, 12 had taken Mathematics and Physics, 5 had taken Physies and Chemistry and 4 had taken all the three subjects. Based on the above information, ansiver the following, questions: (The number of students who had taken Mathematics only is @s 6 7 Ms Gi) The number of students who had taken Physics and Chemistry but not Mathematics @1 (0) 3 5 (7 (ii) The number of students who had taken exactly one of the three subjects is (a@i2 (by) 4 (9 6 (ad) 18 (iv) The number of students who had taken atleast one of the three subjects is (a) 40 (b) 38 Ou @ 2 (2) The number of students who had taken none of the subjects is @s 6 @2 wo atch hocke: 2, Ina survey of 500 television viewers, it was found that 285 watch football, 195 w: 115 watch basketball, 45 watch football and basketball, 70 watch football and hockey, watch hockey and basketball, 50 do not watch any of the three games. Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (i) How many viewers watch atleast one of the three games? (a) 325 & 375 (©) 400 (a) 450 (ii) How many viewers watch all the three games? (a)20 35 (© 30 @ 40 (iii) How many viewers watch football only? (@) 265 ( 170 (© 190 (a) 205 (iv) How many viewers watch hockey only? (75 (0) 95 (©) 55 W 5 (0) How many viewers watch football and hockey but not basketball? (a) 50 () 35 (o) 25 @) 20 Answers 1. 0) (ii) (@) (ii) (O (iv) @) @) @ 2. ((d) (ii) (@) (iii) (©) (iv) @) @ Case-Study Based Questions @ 7 >cannea with CamScani ~~ Relations and Functions CASE-STUDY BASED EXAMPLES Example 1. Given teoo non-emply set A= [x sx-<5,x0 @ Nand B= [xsxs2,x 6 WI. Based on the above information, answver the following questions: (i) Ax Basa set of ordered pairs is (0) (1,0), (1,1), (, 2), 2,0), (2, De 2,2), 3, OB, 1, (3, 2)- 4 0), 4D. (4.291 1D, ©G.D.a, @ (4,0), 4, 2), 2,1), (2.2)(3, 1. (3,2), 4, D, B29, GD, 6, 2M) 2,21. (2, 2,8, 1, (3,2), 4D, 4 2) 1), (1,2), (2,0), (2,1) (2,2, (3, 0) (3: 1), (3, 2), 4, 0). 4, De 4, 2), 5, 0) (5, 1), 6.2) (i) (AUB) x (AO B) asa set of ordered pairs is (2) {(1, 0), (1, 1). C2), (2.0), (2, 1), (2, 2), 3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2) 4, 0), 4D 2) (©) (0,1), (0, 2), (1,1), (2, 2), (2, (2, 2), (3, 1), 8,2), 4 DH 2 (©) {(1.0), 1), (2), (20), 2 2) (2,29, (3, 0) (3, 1), 3,2), (4, 0) 4D (4,2),6,0), 6, Ds 62) (@ (4,0), (1,2), 2,1, 2,2), 8,2), 8,2), (4D, 4,2), D5 2M (ii) A relation R from A to B defined by x+ysd.xe A,y € Blas aset of ordered pairs is (2, 3), 1), (0, 4), 4, OF 2),(3, 0, 3)) = (2,2),3, 0,4, 1 2, 2), (1, 3),(0, 9) (io) Domain of Ris (@) (0,1,3,4) () {1,2,3) (© 23,4) @ (01,2) (o) Range of Ris (a) {0,1,2) (a) (0,1,3,4) ) (23,4) (o) 2,3) Solution. Given A = {x:x<5,x € N} = A=(1,2,3,4) x<2,xeW) => B=(0,1,2) () Ax B= ((1, 0), (1,1), (1, 2), (2,0), (2, 1 (2, 2), 3, 0), 3, 1), (3,2), 4 0), 4, D, 4,20) ©. Option (2) is correct answer. >canned with camscani (i) AUB=(0,1,2,3,4) and AN B= (1, 2) = (AUB) x (AMB) = ((0, 1), (0,2), (1.1), (1,2), (2, BD, 2,2), 8, 1),3,2) 4, De A 2 :. Option (1) is correct answer, (i) Given, v+y=4,xeA,y eB. ‘When x when x ¢ Band when x =4 =>. © R= (2,2), 3,1), 4,0) < Option (c) is correct answer, () Domain of R = (2,3, 4) +: Option (c) is correct answer, (8) Range of R= (0, 1,2} :. Option (a) is correct answer, Example 2 Let f: R > [0, =) bea function defined by f(x) = [=| and g @) =f + D +f ~D, ford eR Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (i) The value of g (x) is metal a2x¢1, x<-1 -Isx<1 © g@)= 4-2, -1Sx<1 x21 Qx-1, x21 2, x<-1 2x-1, x<-1 (Og@=}-2, -1sx<1 @ g)={ 2x, -1Sx<1 [-2x, x21 waxtlL x2t (ii) Domain of g(x) is (a) [-1,1) (b) -2,-1]VIL,@) () R (d) R-{0) (iii) The graph of f(x) is ) @ * i] " JN x | x + is © @ @ a Case-Study Based Questions m9 >canned with CamScant (iv) The graph of (x) #8 i a) 0) | y y, | i y | 3 3 2 1 1 iA i’x epayt Asx : vy . © @ ay ‘ Y \d/ waa as: 1 2 a a t \ eta ies x vt vw (o) Range of g(x) is E22) © E21 © #21 @ 2) Solution. (i) Given, f(x) = |x| and g(x) = f(x + 1) +f (x1). So, g(x) = [x41] + [x-1] =(e4D=(e-D, ihe <-1 a-| (x4I)-(x-, if -15¥<1 (x4 D4(-D, ifr 21 2x, ifr<-1 = so | 2 etsye) 2x, ifx2t : Option (a) is the correct answer, (ii) Domain of g(x) is R. . Option (c) is the correct answer. = -%, ifxs0 = tsi ={ x, ifr20 For <0, y [0 7 ye) | 0 | So, the graph of f (x) is given alongside +. Option ()) is the correct answer. 10 @ Mathematics-XI | ‘ . >cannea witwCamacan 2, xe-1 (iv) Wehave,g@)=} 2 -1s yet 2x, x21 Forxs~1, For-1canned with Camscant 2. Let fand g be two real functions defined by f(x) = V¥—T and g (x) = 3-2. Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (8 Domain of fis (1%) ®t) (9 =,1) ( =,1] (i) Domain of 4 is z ) [3 @r-(3} @R o r-2 R-{-3 (ii) Domain of f+ gis @R @ R-0.») ons (a r-|2 (io) Domain of Fis @as © 1%) (OR © Domain of £ is 3 2) 3 or-(}} R or-Bl @ns-2 Answers 1 OH) w@ Gd ® ©) Ww 2 (0) ti) (@) Gi) (2) (iv) @@ 12 m Mathematics-XI >canned with camScani Trigonometric Functions CASE-STUDY BASED EXAMPLES Example 1 tan x= 5 and x es in third quadrant Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (i) The value of sin 2x is 120 120 OTs o-5 (Gi) The value of cos 2x is 119 ng @-5 op (iii) The value of sin 3 is 5. r @-z of (iv) The value of cos + is a) - + y O- Te o ae (0) The value of tan 3 is @-5 Oe Solution, () We know that 2tanx Sindee ant snare 2 So, sin 2x = o* | +. Option (a) s the correct answer. 1 Case-Study Based Questions m 13 13 Oe @-2 ie @ @ -1 H a——_—D>cannead with CamScant + Option (b) is the correct answer. (iii) We know that => cos > 3 lies in second quadrant = sin a is+ve so,sin 5 = Jaz Option (4) is the correct answer. >cannea with comscan Ties in second quadrant, x 5 ) tan S22 xs to) tn $= Fan SE Be = tant 2 +: Option (2) is the correct answer. Example 2. Given sin x—sin y = pnd cos x~cosy = 4. Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (8 The value of tan (4) is =t 2 4 @-2 at © (ii) The value of sin (x + y) is 2p 4 ig @ ae ® ie ot (ii) The value of cos (x + y) is 2p. e-e Ofard O Re (iv) The value of tan (x + y) is 2 2, @ > 7 = ® - @ gee (0) The value of cos (xy) is 24 prtg? (a) 7 Solution, (i) Given sin x~sin y= p = 200s (224), sin( rape @ =a Also cos x cos y= 4 w@ -2 wf @t @ 2248 (1) =-Q) Case-Study Based Questions m 15 ee CTIVTC' WITH CamScant war’ Dividing (2) by (1), we get ~tan ()-4 | sey)o 4 = tan (254)=-4 ©. Option (a) is the correct answer. soo *24) (i) We know that sin (x +9) = ——2 Trem" = me 57, u4(- ’. Option (b) is the correct answer 1 tane(*$4) (iii) We know that cos (x + ¥) = ——7y47) Bee. => tan(x+y)= —— aot Pq «. Option (@) is the correct answer. (o) Given sin x-sin y=p and cos x-cos y= 4 ‘Squaring and adding given equations, we get sin? x + sin? y-2sin x siny + cos? x + costy~2.cos x cos y = p* +P => 2-2 (cos xcosy + sin x sin y) = p+ q? a => 2-2cos (x-y) =p? +q? = cos (ey) = 2 «Option (b) is the correct answer. >canned with Caniscani Example 3. Trigonometrie functions of special angles Mean be obtained that sin 18° = » nd cos.36 Pa Using these values, ansiver the following questions. (i) sin 47° + sin 61° — sin 11° sin 25° is equal to (@) sin36°——(b)c08 36° (0) sin? (d) 087 (ii) The value of cos 12° + cos 84° + cos 156° + cos 132° is ir 3 ot 1 (ii) sin 6° — sin 66° + sin 78° — sin 42° is equal to @1 a ae -1 > 0-5 @ (io) The value of sin 12° sin 48? sin 54° is o% ® ; oF (d) none of these (0) The value of tan 81° — tan 63° —tan 27° + tan 9°is equal to (a1 (2 (3 (4 Solution. (i) sin 47° + sin 61° —sin 11° ~sin 25° in 47° + sin 61°) ~ (sin 11° + sin 25°) = 2 sin 54° cos (7°) -2 sin 18° cos (-7°) = 2ssin (90° - 36°) cos 7-2 sin 18° cos 7° Ge a 22087" (60336 -sin 3%) =2.057*( =2e087°. 5 =c0s 7”, :. Option (A) is the correct answer. (ii) cos 12° + cos 84° + cos 156° + cos 132° = (cos 84° + cos 12°) + cos (180° -. 24°) + cos (180° - 48 = (cos 84° + cos 12°) ~ (cos 24° + cos 48°) se 4De gS =2cos = 2.c08 48° cos 36° ~2 cos 36° cos 12° = 2.c0s 36° (cos 48° — cos 12°) = 2.cos 36°. 2 sin 30° sin (-18*) = 405 36", 3 (sin 18") = -2 cos 36° sin 18° 41 poh a2, ta-5 Yo+1 a - Option (d) is the correct answer, (iii) sin 6° ~sin 66° + sin 78° ~ sin 42° = =(sin 66° — sin 6°) + (sin 78° - sin 42°) = ~2.c0s 36° sin 30° + 2 cos 60° sin 18° ‘Scaithea with a Scan 2.08367. 442, 1 sin 18° = cos 36° + sin 18° 936°. 42d (ie) + Option (a) is the correct answer. (©) tan 81°— tan 63° tan27° + tang? fan 81° + tan 9°) ~ (tan 63° + tan 27°) = (tan 00°-9°) + tan 9) (tan (90° ~27*) + tan 272) = (CotS° + tan 9*)~ (cot 27° + tan 27°) = (cos sae) om sm) ii cos) sin 27° * Cosa = £0529" + sin? ge © Sin c0s9 See eI AP Lh | SNF CS” TaD co — Ta £082 27° + sin? 27° sin eos 27" 2 a 9° cos9° 2sin 7 cose * Option (is the correct answer, CASE-STUDY BASED QUESTIONS 1, Domain and range of trigonometric functions are given below: Function 18 @ Mathematics.x1 a >canned with CamScant ~ Rema R | R-Qu+tinet | R-C41) R-nanel R-CL 1) | | Based on the above information, answer the following, questions: (Domain of f(x) = —! Wess § @R WR-Quet)x ©) R-2nn () Rone (i) Domain of f(x) = 1 __ ig @R-Gn—1) 2 w R-Gn +E or-S @ R-n (ii) Range of f(x) = 5+ 4 cos is @nL9 ® 49) © 113] @ (3) (fe) Range of f(x) = [cos x], where [ ] denotes greatest integer function @[-1,1] @ (1,1) ( +11) (@) {-1,0,1) (2) Range of f(x) =4 cos? x=3 sin2x + Sis (12,9) ® 29) © @9 @ 29 2. Given cos x=-4 and siny = 5, x,y both in second quadant Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (The value of sin (x + y)is 36 3 16 @ @-2 os O-§ Os (i) The value of cos (x +) is 56 3 16 @ @-% oF O-3 M6 (iii) The value of sin (x - y) is 56 33 6 @ @-% o2 O-3 o$ (iv) The value of cos (x -y) is 56 2 6 a @-3 oe 0-8 os (e) The value of tan (x+y) is 56 56 8 26 @-3 O-§ ©-% @- Case-Study Based Questions m 19 | >canned with camScant 3. Given cos 0 . cos 20 , cos 270 ... cos 2"-10 = Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (i The value of cos 20° .cos 40°.cos 80° is (ay 3 J, Os Oe (The value of cos cos 2*.cos 4. cos is @ oz O-% Oy (ii) The value of cos = .cos =.cos 35 c08 55.05 77 is 1 oF (io) The value of cos 5 95. as" ia @) iz o- * © Istanx _ cosa +sinx 4 Given tan (5b) ctanx cosx-sinx Istany _ cose sine and tan (45° - = I+tanx cosy sine Based on the above information, answer the following questions: cos 11° +sin 11° value o (i) The value of (a) tan 34° (b) tan 56° (c) tan 45° @) none of these . c0s9"—sin? (i) The value of SSF Sn” is (a) tan 54° (0) cot 36° (©) cot 54° (d) none of these I= tan ts Ui The value of F= BOE ig | @ ¥ ® 3 1 (@) none of these i (io) The value of F*HEIS ig oF oS 1 (@) none of these 20 m Mathematics-XI >cannea with Camscant (0) The value of tan 82° is wy cos8*+ sins? qo cont asine cos + sin © cost? sins 5. A function f(x) is said to be a periodic function if there exists a least positive real number T such that f(r+D=f0), Vere Dy All trigonometric functions are periodic functions: (Period of sin x, cos x, see.x and cosee x is 2x, whereas periods of tan x and cot x is %- (i) Period of |sin x], Joos x], |tan x], Jeot x], |seex] and |cosec x| is = gp okedeiss x, ifmiseven ii) Period of sin’ x, cos" x, sec x, cosec!" x = COST N SECT OSES bo, ifn is odd (io) Period of tant x, cot" x= n,n € 1. Properties 1. If f(a) is a periodic function with period T, then period of an Fa , ef ©), ... is also T. 2. Iff (2) is a periodic function of period T, then period of f(ax + 8) is ar 3. If (x) and g(x) are two periodic functions with period T, and T, respectively, then period of fle) £90), f (%) . g(x) oF & is LCM of T; and Tp. Based of the above information, answer the following que (i) Period of sin 2x is @s Ws (2 @ 4 (ii) Period of |sin x +cos x| is (ax (0) 2x (©) 4x (@) none of these (iii) Period of sect 3x is @n w 2 @§ @ 3x (iv) Period of tan 3x cos 2ris x x z % oF @% @x (@) Period of Jeos3x is (a) 6x (0) 3 © 2 (a) z Answers 106 @@ Gi) © @M w@ 20@ @h Gi) © @@ ®@ 34 Meo io @M@ ©@ 40% @O io (®)®) ——@) @ 5% @@ iO @@ MO Case-Study Based Questions m 21 | Sse wit ComScan CASE-STUDY BASED EXAMPLE of the equation \5—2sin= sin x= Lare (1 a, where sina = -= or nx + (-1)" () tanx= 3 (0) tanze (2) tanx= 3 )t ) ton x= 2 (iv) For solviny 2x 1+ tan? T+ tan? Which of the following solutions disappear? () Qn+Iznel () na,nel (9) Qn-1)3 ( Qn+D5,n el 22 w Mathematics-XI >canned with camScani (0) Number of solutions of 2 cot 24-3 ot 3x = tan 2x is (0) onesolution is (0, 8) (0) tao stations in (0, (6) mo solution in (0,0) (a) too solutions (0,2) Solution. (i) Given 2 sin? > Al ~cos?y eos.x cos x => eos? +3cos.x=2 = (2cos x= 1) (cos.x +2) y cosx= + orcos r=-2 2 cos x 2isnot possible (+ -1se0sx51) = x=2nt Enel Fine +. Option (a) is the correct answer. (i) Given J3=2sinx =6sinx-1 52 5-2sinx = 36 sin? x~12sinx +1 = 36sin? x—10sinx-4 = ~Ssinx-2=0 > x42) Qsinx-1 = sin orsinx= sin is not possible. +s For sin x =-2, LHSis postive and RHSis negative. ti hes 535i 0, 7 = xen+(1" 2 nel : Option (b) is the correct answer, (iii) Given J13= 18 tanx =6 tanx-3 > 13-18tanx=36 tan? x-36 tan x+9 = %tan?x-18 tanx-4=0 > 1B tan?x-12tanx-2=0 = (6tanx+1)Gtanx-2)=0 2. 3 1 = tany=—2 ortan é tanx 2 isnot posse ‘Case-Study Based Questions m 23 i } >canned with CamScant ss For tanx --t , LHS is positive and RHS is negative. So, tan x 3 «+ Option (b) is the correct answer. (i) Given sin x +608 x Clearly, transformation formulae are not defined for x = Qn + 1) x. In this case, such solutions will disappear from the final list of solutions. +: Option (0) is the correct answer: (2) Given 2 cot 2x-3 cot 3x = tan 2x which is meaningless if 2v = na, 3r = a, 20 = (Qn +1) Given equation can be written as cos2r cos 2x” sin2x (sin Secos2r—ens3xsin2v)) _ sin? 2x + cos? 2x = 3 2: 2 2: 3a ‘cos 2rsin 28 => 3ssin x. cos 2x = sin 3x sin2r0) = 3sin.x cos 2r-3sinx+4sin?x=0 = sin x (3 cos 2v-3 +4 sin? x) = sin x (8 cos? x3 sin?x-3 +4 sin?x) =0 = sin x [3(1 sin? x) + sin?x-3] =0 = sin x[-2sin? x] =0=sin3x=0 = sxen But for x zz, the given equation has no meaning, Therefore, there is no solution Option (c) is the correct answer. CASE-STUDY BASED QUESTION To solve a system of trigonometric equations in one variable follow the steps given below: 1. Find the principal solution of each of the given equation separately. 2. Find the common solution which satisfy all the given equations. 3. Add 2ira, n © Tto the common solution to get the general solution of the system of equations. Based on the above information, answer the following questions (@ The general solution of sin x =~, tanx= 4 | (2m Bnet ©) 2+ Enel x an 2m 2 net @ 2+ Bnet 24m Mathematics-X1 - Scanned WIth Cam>cant (i) The general solution of sin y= cos x =~ te is (a) Qn + Fame 1 () dna Enel () unt TM if () done Ene (Gi), The general solution of sex = 2, tan x= (ms Smet () e+ Snel (anes Bnet Fo8 ret (#) 2uz + Eon it (io) The general solution of tan x =-1, sin x=— 4. cos.x = Ty is (a) n+ = @2m+ Ener () n+ zn el (Q2ux+ an (d) 2nn+ = ne peel (@) tne Fane (©) The general solution of cot x= cos x= (2+ Bnet ow Inet Enel (Q2nn+ net @ ane Enel Answer. @@ (i) () (iit) (@) (i) (©) @) @ Case-Study Based Questions m 25 \ >cannea with CamScant Complex Numbers anq Quadratic Equations CASE-STUDY BASED EXAMPLE Example 1, Use of complex numbers in coordinate geometry. The complex munber z= x iy i called ty afi ofthe point (x,y) in the argand plane. Let 2, 25,25 be the affixes of three points in complex plane. Distance formula: Distances between teo points with affixes 2, and 22 i8 |21~22| Section formula: 1 L is the affix of the point dividing the line joining te points 2, and 2, im the ratio m : y internally, is the affix of the point dividing the line joining the points 2 and 2 in the ratio mt: n externally, Mid-point formula: E22 is the affix of the mid-point of the line joining the points 2, and zy. Equation of perpendicular bisector If P(z3) and Q(z>) are tea fixed points in complex plane anid R(2) is @ moving point such that it is always equidistant from P(2y) and Q(z) then locus of R(z) is a perpendicular bisector of PQ i.e lz-, .»| represents the perpendicular bisector ofthe line joining 2, and 2. Based ont the above information, answer the following questions: (@. The distance between the points ~1-iand 2 + 3iis — @-5 Os © 15 (@ 25 (i) The zy, zy, 25, in the complex plane are the vertices ofa parallelogram taken in order iff () m4 2=25 424 (@) none of these 2+2| lieon (@) 24424229423 (0 2) 423= 2,424 (iii) The complex number z which satisfy the equation |z—2| (a) real axis, (b) imaginary axis (¢) tinex=2 (@) none of these (ia) The complex nuntber 2 ohich satisfy the equation |2—3i| = [2+ 3i| lie on (a) real axis (0) imaginary axis (¢) Tine y=3 (@ none of these (v) If'zy =1 + 2i, 2, =2 + 3i, 23 =3 + 4i, then z; 23 represent the vertices of () Wey 2 3 sy Ba 23 TEP (a) am equilateral triangle (©) am isosceles triangle (©) aright triangle (d) none of these 26 m Mathematics-XI ——_——scanmreawrncanmscant anal Solution. (/) «distance between 2, and 2, 80, distance between the points =I =i and 2 #34 = |=1=i-2-3i] 3-4i) = (EaP +4? = Option (2) isthe correct answer my ___acay (i) Let the affives of points A, B, C and D be 2), 23, 23 and =, respectively, then ABCD will be a parallelogram if its diagonals bisects each other ic. mid-point of AC = mid- point of BD oS nen ey z z 3 ytBeRDHy «+ Option (c) is the correct answer. (i) We know that | -z,| = |2— 2p] represents the perpendicular bisector of line joining 2 and 2) 2-2] |2+2| represents the perpendicular bisector of line joining (2, 0) and (-2, 0) fe. aginary axis, YA tmaginary fas Putz =x+ iy, we get |x+iy-2] = [x+iy+2] => |@-2)+iy| = |e +2) +i) = fe 2F ty? = frt2P +? se PodredeParedrsdey = 8r=05%=0>yaxis Option (b) is the correct answer. Imaginary y 4 ‘i . 3t oa) (io) Like (if) part, |z~3i| = |z +34] represents 3 the perpendicular bisector of the line 1 joining the points (0, 3) and (0, ~3) ée. the real axis. +. Option (a) is the correct answer, Case-Study Based Questions m 27 — >canned with Camscant AB 2] = |1+2-2-34] = |-1-i] = v2 ay] = |2#97-3-di] = -1 =i] = V2 AC = |21~25] = |1421-3~4i] = [-2-2i] = 2V2 Thus, AB+ BC = AC = A,B, Care not the vertices of a triangle (In triangle sum of any two sides must be ‘greater than third side) +: Option (a) is the correct answer. Example 2. Conjugate of a complex number 2 = x-+ iy is x—iy and denoted by Z ie. Z =x-iy. Based on the above information, answwer the following questions: (© The complex numbers sin x-+ i cos 2x and cos x isin 2x are conjugate to each other for ( x=nn © x= (n44)n (@x=0 (@) no value of x (i) If isa complex number, then 23 = 0 iff (@z=0 (®) Re(z) =0 (c) Im) =0 (A) none of these (Gi) Fz is purely real complex number, then @=z (b) z= (0) Re(z)=Im(Z) — (d)_Re(z) = -Im(z) () If isa purely imaginary complex number, then (@)2=-F ) z=F © Re(z)=Im(Z) (a). Re(z) =-Im(=) (2) The number of solutions ofthe equation 22 + Z = 0s @t 2 3 @4 Solution. (i) Given (Sin x + 7¢0823) = cos x -i sin 2x = sin x-icos 2x = cos x-isin2r = sin.x = cos x and cos 2x = sin 2x => tanx=1and tan 2x=1 and 2x = %, 5 on es 7 3,%,... Eig a eee does not exist any value of which satisty both the equations. So, no value of x can iven complex numbers conjugate of each other, | >canned with CamScani +0Fie, (i) Lots =v iy Given zis purely wal =3 y= 0 =3 2 So,2=4 40559 = -Oiie, Zax Hence, = <- Option (H)is the correct answer, (i) Letz =x tiy ven zis purely imaginary => x =0 = z= iy So, +iy> ~fysze-F :. Option (a) is the correct answer. () Letz=x+iy Given 22+ 2 = = (x +i? + (iy) =0 = BoP e2iner = +x) +i Qry-y)=040i By equality of complex numbers, we have P-P4x=0and2y-y=0 $0, (2-1) y=0>y=Dorx=2 When y=0,22-0+3=0=2 So, solutions are: 040i,2=-140i. When x= LOy-w =P So, solutions are. Hence, there are 4 solutions of the given equation. +. Option (di) is the correct answer. CASE-STUDY BASED QUESTIONS Properties of argument of a complex number As arg (21.23) = arglz,) + arg(z,) + 2k 2: we(24) = arg (z}) ~ arg(z,) + 2in Es 3. arg(a) = marge) + ke 4 arg(2) 2arg(z) + 2ke Case-Study Based Questions m 29 >canned with CamScant angte) Purely real, then arg (2) = Oor x pk = is purely imaginary, then arg (2) = 4 or 2. Note: Proper va 1e of K must be chosen so that RHS of 1,2, 9 and 4 lies in (x, n). Based on the above information, answer the following questions: ( Theargument of 1+ fi ‘s ; -# Me ® - of ot 11 Gi) The argument of (4) 3 z ay -3 ot we ORGIES and arg( 2+) iechcny te Somali (purely real (b) purely imaginary (0 (@) none of these Orb and arg (2) + arg (22)=0, then @y=% & y4m=0 © 22% tian ©) sand w are 0 nonzero complex numbers such that [zu] = 1 and arg(2) ~arg(w) = 3. then Zwis @1 ®-1 Oi @) -i 2. De-Moivre's theorem Ifnis any rational number, then (cos 6 + isin 6)" = cos nO + isin nd Also (cos 8 - isin 0)" = cos nO — isin no Based on the above information, answer the following questions: 0 eee is equal to (@) cos 6 ~ ising sin 6 -icos@ 1+ c0s0 +isino\t rw cy u (Fest taney *c0s 10+ i sin n6, then n is equal to () cos 90 ~ isin 99 (@) sin 90 ~icos 99 i @as 3 (2 @1 | (i) The smallest positive integral value of n such that | _ | ost 1S Purely imaginary is | @3 Oa @s8 | >canned with camScan ee 20 Fin 2098 (cas. 40 ¢ isin 40-8 ‘ (eas 0 +s. 3072 (con 39= Hainan) EMAL CO (2) €08 490 +i sin 490 (6) 08 490i sin 490 (0) cos 230 -i sin 230 (d) cos210 + isin 210 (®) Marisa posit integer, then (1 +)" + (1 i)" is equal to (v2) +2 cost () (V2 yr +? sin (WEP? cos" (@ (Ey 2sin 2 3, Cube roots of unity Let x =(1)1/5 = 8158-120 => (t-1%+x41)=0 = xelorr= evind | -12 5 z 2 Here 1 is real cube root of unity and —!+¥. are complex cube roots of unity. 3 2 So, cube roots of unity are 1, x, Properties of cube roots of unity Ll+w+ut=0 2ws1 Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (0 (w+ 227+ +00) = (a) 128 () 64 (©) 256 (d) -128 (ii) (1-w) (1 -w) (1-4 (1 -w4) = (a3 wo ow (@) 81 (il) (x= y) (rw) (rw? — y) = @2+P H+) ox2-¥ @ y-¥ io) as bot ou cw + aut ean + ba @t ®-1 @2 2 () (1+ FSR + 1-3 = (ot ) ~64 @2 @ -2 Answers L0G OH HE @@ @@ 20@ t@ i) © @® @ 200 MO tO @® oO i Case-Study Based Questions m 31 >canned with TamScant Linear Inequalities CASE-STUDY BASED QUESTIONS 1. Marks obtained by Radhika in quarterly and half-yearly exams of mathematics are 60 and 70 respectively. Based on the above information, answer the following questions: () Minimum marks, she should get in the annual exam to have an average of atleast 70 marks is (80 85 0% @ 99 (i Maximum marks, she should get in the annual exam to have an average of atmost 75 marks is 85 () 90 0 95 (a 80 (ii) Range of marks in annual exam, so that the average mark is atleast 60 and atmost 7is (a) (60, 70] (©) [50, 80] (©) [50,70] (@) (60, 80] (io) If average of atleast 60 marks is considered pass, then minimum marks she need to score in annual exam to pass is (@) 60 6 (9 70 (@) 50 (@) If she scored atleast 20 and atmost 80 marks in annual exam, then the range of average marks is (@) [50,70] () {60,70} (©) (50, 60] (@) 150,80] 2. Consider the following system of linear inequalities x -2y <0, 2x + y <4,y <2, x20. Based on the above information, answer the following questions: region represented by x~2y <0 is o w@ 4s (i) The region represented by 2x + y <4 is @) © © (a) xt *. ° ? y it + (Gi) The region represented by y < 2s, (a) o y, Ln | —_| ~ x | x y yy i Case-Study Based Questions m 33 >canned with CamScani “ (a) 0 @ eee x 0} x yy vy (v) The solution region of x-2y <0,2r+ys4,y<2,x>0is (a) ) cnn wre Camco Answers 1 0@ @o Gi) @) (iv) (a) () (@) 20@) GO) (i) (i) @ (») @) Case-Study Based Questions m 35 = ST corre with CaMS CON =y Permutations and Combinations CASE-STUDY BASED EXAMPLES Example 1. In a certain city all telephone numbers have seven digits. City is divided into 6 zones. Each zone is allotted a specific non-zero digit which isto be used as first digit ofall telephone numbers ofthat Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (9, How many different telephone numbers are there in ench zone, ifthe digit on fist place is not used again? (@ 9 (108 (oP; (d) 5 i) How many different telephone numbers are there inthe city, if there is no restriction? (a) 6x 96 (b) 6 x 108 (© 6x PR, (d) 6x §P5 (iii) How many different telephone numbers are there in each zone with all digits distinct? (a) 98 (0) 108 ©) MP6 @ %?Ps (ie) How many different telephone numbers are therein each zone if repetition of digits is allowed? @ 9 & 105 (© Ps (@) 85 (0) Horw many different tetephone numbers are there in the city, if first co digits of different zones are 12, 23, 34, 45, 56 and 67? @ 6x 10° (O) 6x 8 (©) 6x 1P; (@) 6x SP; Solution. (i) Since a specific non-zero digit is used at first place, so we are left with 9 digits. Remaining 6 places can be filled with these 9 digits. The number of different telephone numbers in each zone = 9x 9x 9x99 x9 = 98 =. Option (a) is the correct answer. i) When there is no restriction, we can use all 10 digits. s ser of different telephone numbers in each zone tion (b) is the correct answer. place is already filled with a specific non-zero digit. ve are left with 9 different digit | >cannea with Camocani (io) When repetition is allowed, then remaining 6 places can be filled in 10.» 10» 10» 10 » 10 x Wie, WS ways, So, the Option (0) is the correct answer, umber of different telephone numbers in each zone = 106 ce first two digits of different zones are already fixed. So, the remaining 5 places can be filed in 10 x 10 x 10 * 10 « 10 ie, 10° ways. Therefore, the number of different telephone numbers in the city = 6 10° Option (a) is the correct answer: Example 2. Exponents of a prime pin |n where n © Nand n> 1. Exponent ofa prime pin lw is denoted by E, (|) ned is given by Enay=|"]4["]4[4] 4..., vie Fa] B] where [- ] represents greatest integer function. pte -[EI EIB “ERG}E =842404...=10. For example: Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (0) The greatest positive integral walue of n such that [35 is di 17 27 (0.29 (@ 32 sible by 2" is (i) The exponent of 15 in [100 is @m 25 48 (A) none of these (it) The exponent of 12 in [100 is (a) 49 (b) 48 (© 72 (none of these (iv) The number of zeroes at the end of |100 is (a) 23 (b) 24 O28 @) 9% (0) The number |24 is divisible by (a) () (12)? (© ay” (a) (48)* Solution. (i) Exy (35) Bh EMSM HEHE) “BM EDEMSMEME) = 1748444241404... =92 = The greatest positive integral value of such that [35 is di '. Option (d) is the correct answer, o ssc} SEL 9 \* lo |* Ler ible by 2" is 32 Case-Study Based Questions m 37 | — Scorer CarhScan SMEG TET HOH AB | cam 22] o[ 2-22 = O+4+0%.. =m 4 (100 = 348 x 524 x m, where m is a positive integer which is neither divisible by 3nor by 5 (3 x 5) 34 x mt = (158 x 4 x => exponent of 15 in [100 is 24. «. Option (a) is the correct answer. it) Exq ({100) = 19 2} 1) [ [2] [307 4 cin 009 = FP] 62] Ee] Le) = 504254 12+64341404...=97. From part (iii), Ex, ({100 ) = 48 [100 = 297. 345. m, where mis a positive integer which is neither divisible by 2nor by 3 = 296,348. 2m = (22, 3)48, 2m = (12). 2m => exponent of 12 in [100 is 48. . Option (b) is the correct answer. t | (iv) From part (iii), Ex, (100) = 97; ; from part (i), Exs (|100) = 24. [100 = 297. 5%. m, where mt is a positive integer which is neither divi ible by 2norby 5 = 224, 524, 273 m = (10). k, where kis a positive integer which is not divisible by 10, = there are 24 zeroes at the end of [100 . Option (b) is the correct answer. o pace =[}-[2)-(8) (811 2. a 212464341404... 24), [24], [24 scan “F) [3] 5] + #240+..=10 2 [24 = 222, 320 m, where nris a +ve integer which is neither divisible by 2 nor by 5. Now 6% = (2.x 3)4= 224, 324 =p [24 is not divisible by 6%. (12)!2 = (22. 9)!2 = 224, 312 => [24 is not divisible by (12)}7. (24)? = (23.3)? = 221,37 => [24 is divisible by (24)’. (48)6 = (24.3) = 224. 36 => [24 is not divisible by (48). +. Option (c) is the correct answer. 38 @ Mathematics-XI scare nnn Camacan CASE-STUDY BASED QUESTIONS 1. The letters of the word ‘COMPUTE! " are arranged in all possible ways. Based on the above information, answer the following questions: -an be formed is (2) The total number of words with or without meaning tha (@) Cy () *Ps (0) 2x 8Py (t) Bx 7P, (ii) The number of words in which vowels occupy odd places is x5 — Bxls (0) #5 (5 @) 'Pyx Ib (ii) The number of words in which vowels occur togethe () 16 () [3x5 © Bx @6 (io) The number of words starting with C and end with Ris @Rx6 @) [5xI2 © x3 6 (2) Ifall the words formed are arranged as in dictionary order, then the rank of the Word COMPUTER is («) 1607 (6) 1512 (©) 1706 (a) 1152 2, There are m boys and 1 girls (n> n). They want to sit in a row. Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (9 The number of ways in which boys and girls can be seated when there is no restriction is (@) m+n © xn © lute (@) (ment (ii) The number of ways in which no two girls sit together is @) ln. P, IP, (© l™P, (4) |m."*1P (ii) The number of ways in which all girls sit together is (@) [mtn —|m. P,, ©) (m+1.[n (© lmtn—[m+1.n @ men pp, (i) ‘The number of ways in which all boys sit together is (@ [util ©) mtd. (©) msm — [+1 [me (@) (#1 —[ms db (2) Ifm=n, then the number of ways in which boys and girls sit alternately is (@) 2m © nP, © (uP x @ jn.p, 3. Circular Permutations In circular permutations, there is neither the beginning nor the end. In case of circular permutations actual position of objects are not taken into consideration, instead only their telative positions are significant. Lot us find the number of ways in which 5 persons can 4 be seated around a round table. If the five persons are e represented by letters a, b, c, d, e there are 5Ps = [5 ways in which they can be seated in a straight line. However, when they are seated around a round table as shown in Biven figure, the arrangement abcde (anticlockwise) is 1 Case-Study Based Questions m 39 i| { — Scanned with Camscani same as beiea, cdeah, dente, eabed. Same is true for any other arrangement of letters. Thus the Lo =u number of ways of seating 5 persons around a round table is | | i Gc RL eg TTR WROD FA ro Dg Its of € | Some important re 1a¢ permutations j 1. The number of ways of arranging persons along. a round table so that no person has the | sane neghouts a a= 2 The number fehl ome ith edo erento | Rased on the above information, answer the following questions (9) The number of ways in which 6 men and 5 women can dine at a round table, if no two women are to sit together is given by (a) [6x |5 (b) [5x [5 (©) [3x4 (d) (Z+|5 (ii) 20 persons are invited for a party. In how many different ways can they and the host be seated at a circular table, if two particular persons are to be seated on either side of the host? (a) [20 () 218 (© ls () 219 (iii) The number of ways in which 8 beads of different colours be string as a necklace is (a) 2880 (6) 5040 (©) 2520 (a) 4320 (2) 12 persons are to be arranged toa round table. If two particular persons among them are not to be side by side, the total number of arrangements is (a) 9|10 (b) 2[10 © W-Lo (d) (2) The number of ways in which 10 persons can be seated at a round table such that no person will have the same neighbours. @o-2 — @& Ano ow @ te 4, Some special uses of "C, (1) Number of lines formed by n points in which no three points are collinear is "Cy. 2) Number of lines formed by points out of which n points are collinear and except these nt points no three points are collinear is "Cy = "C3 +1. (3) Number of triangles formed by n points in which no three points are collinear = "C,. (4) Number of triangles formed by 1 points out of which only m points are collinear is lathematics-X! ——scannea wit tamscani tnaset on the above information, answer the following questions {) Ifa polygon has 119 diagonals, then the numberof its sides are wu war 9 ais mber of triangles which can be formed using the vertices of {i Let ay denote the 1 regular polygon of 1 sides, Hany 1 y= 24, then 1 equals to 6 5 (a 4 J, are parallel and lie in the same plane. A total number of m points ed (7 ght Hines ly, gre taken on 1}, points on /3,k points on Jy. The maximum number of triangles with vertices at these points are aynrrtc, (eter, ‘The number of parallelograms that can be formed from a set of four parallel li intersecting another set of three parallel lines is (a6 ws 2 (18 The number of rectangles of any size in a chessboard is (a) 1296 (b) 208 (0) 784 (B) Cy + "Cy + IC; ="C3-"C3-'C, (@) none of these nes (io) (a 216 5, Number of divisors I m= pl , where pii’s are prime divisors of m, then (2) Total number of al divisors of m= (ay + 1) (22 + 1)» (04 + 1. 2) Total number of proper divisors (ie. excluding 1 and m) of m = (a, + 1) (#2 + 1) - (a +0)-2. vextl_g){ ptoel) (ptt — @ sumofataviorsot= [2 4 } (#24). nol aut 1)(p824t 1) f pet a aaa (as - (+m) (4) Sum of proper divisors of m = ( rant p2-V JU pend (6) The number of ways in which m can be resolved as a product of two factors { Zar + Day + Dolay +1) ifmisnota perfect square [Ey + lag + Danley +1)-+1] ifm isa perfect square. Based on the above information, answer the following questi (i) Number of divisors of 9600 including, 1 ancl 9600 is (a) 60 (b) 58 (0) 48 Ww) 46 (ii) Sum of all divisors of 720 is (a) 2520 () 218 (e) 2322 (a 2146 (iii) Number of proper divisors of 44100 is @7 () 80 (81 (82 (io) Sum of proper divisors of 6300 is, (@) 16267 (8) 22568 (©) 6301 (i) none of these f Case-Study Based Questions @ 41. i — i —scarmneawitn camScan (©) Number of ways in which 25600 ean be resolved as a product of two factors is 15 6) 6 (17 ca 8 Answers LOW j@ (iit) (©) (io) (d) () (@) 20@ (iW (ii) (b) (iv) (@) © 3 0@ GHW i) (©) (ie) (a) ) @ 4 (i) (@ (i) (©) (iv) @) (~) @ 5& (© (i) (b) (iii) (a) (iv) (a) oo 42. m Mathematics-xt Oo scanned with camScan Binomial Theorem CASESTUDY BASED EXAMPLE trample. Properties of Binomial Coefficients Let Co Cy Cp» Cy be the binomial coefficients inthe expansion of (1+ x)" then 1. Cot Cp + Cp tn Ga" 2, Cot Cyt Cyt ee Cy HCz C5 +2 = DT 3. Cy+2Cp +3034... Cy =m. 20-7 4 Bino-A.P. Cot (at A)Cy + (0+ 2A\Cy + oa. + (a+ MAC, = a+ nd). 27-1 5. ino-G.P ap + ABC, + ABC, + + AUC, = aC + BY" 6. Bino-Bino CyCp + CC po + CoC pan toe tC = Coe Based on above information, answer the following questions: ( Co 2Cy +3Cp +... + (+ DC = (a) (n+ 1)2"-1 ® @+22"-1 (c) (m+ 2)2" (d) (1+1)2" (il) 2g + 5Cy + 8C +... +2 + 3m\C, = (a) (4+3n).2"-1 (b) G+4nj2"-1 (c) (4+ 3n)2" (@) (3+4n)2" (tity 3Cy + 6Cy + 12Cy + 24C3 +... + 3.2" = (a) 0-1 ws (anol @ 3"? (o) CP+C2 402 +...462= (@ *c, ® Cy (0 C2 (@) none of these (0) Cp + C134 CC y + oe # Cyn 2Cy = (@ be oH 3 & n= 3|n+3 Ind mst wy Solution. (i) Given Cy + 2C, + 3C, +... + (1+ IC, Itis Bino-A.P,, here a =1,d=1 Using property 4, we have Cyt 2Cy +3Cy +... + (1 + IC, Qx1+nx1).20-1 n+2).20-1 +: Option (b) is the correct answer. (i) Given 2Cy + 5C, + 8G, +... +(2+ 3), Itis Bino-A.P, herea =2,d=3. Case-Siudy Based Questions m 43 scammed with CamScant Using property 4, we have Ip + BCH BCy 4 a. (ZH IN]Cy = 24) 2" = (be 3n).2"-! 1 (a) is the correct answer. By + 6Cy + 12Cy + 24Cg + 3.2" y b= 2. is Bino-G.P, here a= Using property 5, we have 3Cy + 6Cy + 12C, + 24Cg +... $3.2C, = 31 + 2y" 23.gnegnt! ¢- Option (c) isthe correct answer. (i) Given G2 + G2 + CP HCG + HGP Itis Bino-Bino, here r= 0. Using property 6, we have Gyo HEC, + CCQ + > GPC 24 OPH GPE Option (2) is the correct answer. (0) Given CyCy + CyCg # Cy +o CuI Itis Bino-Bino, here r=2. Using property 6, we have $C y- Cy = 2Cn 0 CyCp #15 + CE to Cy cn Cn 2” Fea Option (i) i the correct answer. CASE-STUDY BASED QUESTIONS 1. Number of Terms. 4. Number of terms in the expansion of eenieaterr nse: 2. Number of terms in the expansion of 24) ifmisodd (x tay r-ayt= | i +1 ifmiseven. 3, Number of terms in the expansion of "+1 ifnisodd (e+ ay" —(x=a)"= ifm iseven. Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (i), Number of terms in the expansion of (a + + .)* is | (a) 28 an (©) 36 (a) 56 m Mathematics-XI >cannea with careScam i) Number of terms in the expansion of (a + B +6 + d)!¥is (@ 455 (b) 560 (©) 680 (a) 720 (ii) Number of terms in the expansion of (x + a)" + (v~ a) is (24 (W) 26 (0) 35 7 | {joy Number of terms inthe expansion of (+0) + (r= Ais | (6 27 (o) 28 29 (0) Number of terms in the expansion of (x + a) — (xa) is (26 27 (0) 8 29 2, Numerically greatest term and greatest binomial coefficient ‘The term which is numerically greatest among al the terms of the expansion of (1 + x)" for particular value of xis called the numerically greatest term or greatest ferm Let (r+ 1)th term be the numeri Fe 21 lly greatest term, then => | Ca¥ _tDiel “ [xfel Now, substituting values of 1 and x, we get the value of ene =m (say). fm is an integer, then T,, and T,, , are both equal and both are greatest terms. If nr is not an integer, then Typ) 41 is the greatest term, Where [ ] denote the greatest integer function. Note: To find numerically greatest term in the expansion of (a + bx)", write a” (0 +x) Now, find numerically greatest term in (0 +2)" and multiply itby a" Greatest Binomial Coefficient In the expansion of (1 + x)" "C, ifniseven Greatest binomial coefficient = J? | "Cy and "Cys if ris odd z 2 Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (i) The numerically greatest term in the expansion of (2 + 3x)®, when.x z z (a) 2 33 () > x32 (@ 7«38 (@ z =< (The numerically greatest term in the expansion of (4 ~3x)?, when. 2 (a) 5 x48 2148 © Bae (Wx? i Case-Study Based Questions m 45 | | srr cumcon >A (iif) Which term(s) in the expansion of (3 ~ 2x)? is the ‘numerically greatest term, when, m x= 2 2 (a) 2nd () 3rd (9 4th (@ none of these (iv) The greatest binomial coefficient in the expansion of (1 + xen lis aus? gy Oued ust ian inner © quent © inet © (&) The greatest binomial coefficient in the ‘expansion of (1 + xPris ‘one? ant nt be Orme © ey © Taps © Answers 1 @ i) i) (©) (io) @) wo 2 J@) tO (iii) 0) (iv) @) @ ———scameawrnCamScan Sequences and Series CASESTUDY BASED EXAMPLES Example 1. = | Based on the above figures, answer the following questions: (9, Howo many squares will be there in the 10th figure? @v 31 ou (® 37 (i) Which figure wil have 79 small squares? (@) 23rd () 24h (© 25h (@) 26th (Gi) eack square has aside of length 0.5 cm, what willbe the area ofthe 12th figure? (@) 9.75 em? (6) 10cm? (©) 10.75 em? @ Mem (io) The number of squares in the figures shown are in A.P. Which of the following will not be a part of this sequence? @) 67 () 85 93 (@ 139 (©) If the side of each small square is 0.5 cm, that isthe stum ofthe areas of first ten figures? (2) 500m? (6) 51.25 om? (0) 52.5 em? (@) 55cm? Solution. The squares in the given diagram are 7, 10, 13 in number in the three figures, these are in AP. where a=7,d=3. () Inthe 10th figure, * number of squares = 7 +9(3) [a+ (n- 4) 27424 Option (c) is the correct answer. (i) a+ (n~1)d=79 = 7+ (1-1)3=79-3743n-3=79 = E75 n=25 Option (¢) is the correct answer, (i) 12th figure will have las(n-Dd =7+11(3)=40 squares Case-Study Based Questions m 47 - Scanned with CamScant Area of 1 small square = (0.5)? em? = 0.25 em? Area of the 12th figure = (40 » 0.25) cm? = 10m? Option (0) is the correct answer. (&) 93 isnot a term of this AP, AS 74 (n= 1)3=93 > (n-1)3=86 > n-1= 8 1 i = 1-12 S, which is not possible Option (c) is the correct answer. (2) Total number of squares in first ten figures = So 5. 10 Sio= F127 + (10-1) x3] =5 x41 = 205, Area of one small square = (0.5)? em? = 0.25 cm’, So, sum of the areas of first ten figures = 205 x 0.25 em? = 51.25 em?. Option (b) is the correct answer. Example 2. A.M. and G.M. Inequality Let a, b be two positive real numbers, then (Ja - Vb)? 20 => at+b-2Vab 20 athe > => AM2G.M. Equality holds ifa = b ie AM. ifa=b The A.M. and G.M inequality for ttoo variables can be generalized to n variables, 1, are n positive real number, then Segre tatty (ay -ap.a3...a,)!, May, az, ay. Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (i fx, y, zare positioe integers, then value of expression (x + y) (y + 2) (2+ x) is (a) = 8xyz (b) > xyz (¢) < Sxyz (d) = 4xyz (if), The minimum value of the expression 3° + 3'-¥, xe Ris @o Oe 3 @2 (iit) Ifay, ay, ay, +, are positive real numbers those product is a fixed number C, then the minimus value of ay + ay +03 +... + 20,18 (a) (2c) () venom (©) ncn @) (n+ T2CM (iv) If three positive real numibers a, b, care in A.P. and abe = 4, then minimum possible value of bis (a) 218 (b) 218 © 2% (a) (v) The greatest value of (5-2)? .(x~2)5, given 2 Beye Option (#) is the correct answer, AM.2GM. gregh = #3228 So, the minimum value of 3* + 3!~¥ is 2V3 . «+ Option (d) is the correct answer. M.2G.M. (ii) * SET YB oy ayy 20)" = fomcmtet ie 2 (Qn ayy... ay) = ay +g +05 +o. + 2d, 2 (QC) So, the ©. Option (a) is the correct answer. (i) Given a, b, care in AP. So,2h=ate and abe = 4 ‘We know that A.M. 2G. So, — 2 (abe)/3 = Bb sain 3 2% rears = F202 => b2R So, the minimum possible value of D is 2/9. + Option (c) is the correct answer. () Let5~x=aandx-2=, thena+b=3 imum value of a + 03 +45 +... + 2t, is m(2C)!/", (65 243-43 00g =O) @ i) {using (and Gi) (G0,a>0,b>0 2canned with CamScant 1 bbb be aah So, the greatest value of (5 - x). (x2) Option (a) is the correct answer. (CASE-STUDY BASED QUESTIONS 1. The figure shows a big triangle in which multiple other triangles may be seen. Observe the | pattern. Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (i) How many triangles will be there in the 15th row? (a) 28 © 29 © 30 (31 (i) In which row will the number of triangles be 47? (a) 22 ) 23 (©) 24 (95 (ii) How many small triangles will be there in the figure in 10 rows? (a) 90 (100 © 100 ) 95 (iv) The number of dark triangles in each row are in A.P. The total number of dark triangles in first 15 rows is (a) 90 (100 9) U0 (@ 120 (0) The number of light triangles in each row are in A.P. The number of light triansle* mn the 20th row is (a) 20 19 (2 (a) 18 50 @ Mathematics-X1 nia >cannea wren CAfAScan am aueitrium has 20 seats in the ist row, 24 seats inthe second row and 28 seats in the 3rd nd soo and sjssed on the above information, answer the following questions: () How many seats are there in the 16th row? (@ 76 (®) 80 (© 8 ( 88 (i In the last row of the auditorium there are 116 seats. How many rows are there in the auditorium? (a) 3 (b) 24 © 25 (a) 26 (i) What is the total number of seats in the auditorium? (@) 1640 (®) 1660 (©) 1680 (@) 1700 (2) The hall was full on last Saturday for a show, how much were the total collections (in rupees) for the day, if a ticket was for 200? (a) 328000 (b) 332000 (©) 336000 (@) 340000 (0) [fone seat is added in first row, two seats in second row, three seats in third row and so ‘on, then the total number of seats in auditorium is (a) 2025 (&) 2000 (© 1975 (a) 1950 3. The number of bacteria in a certain culture doubles every hour. Given that the number of bacteria present at the end of 4th hour was 160000. Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (The number of bacteria present originally was (@) 10000 (®) 20000 (©) 5000 (@) 1000 (ii) The number of bacteria present at the end of 7th hour was (a) 640000 (6) 1280000 (©) 320000 (d) 128000 (iif) The number of bacteria present at the beginning of 3rd hour was (@) 4000 (b) 20000 (©) 40000 (@) 80000 (io) The sum of number of bacteria present originally to the end of 8th hour is (@) 2550000 (6) 5110000 (©) 10230000 (d) 1280000 i (©) Ifthe number of bacteria triples every hour, then the number of bacteria present at the | end of 4th hour is | (a) 27000 (0) 81000 (©) 270000 (@ 810000 } Answers : ae © Gi) Mo ow a0 iy (i (©) Git) (a) Go) @) @@ Gi) © Meo Case-Study Based Questions 51 >canned with CamScant i 0 Straight Lines CASE-STUDY BASED EXAMPLES Example 1. A triangular park has to oft vertices as Bt-4, 1) and C(2, 12) The third vertex A isa point dividing the line joining the points (3, 1) and (6, 4) in the ratio2 1. Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (i The coordinates of third vertex Aare @63) ® G5) (9 65.3) (ii) The equation of passing through Band Cis (@) 5x=3y-25=0 (0) Sr-3y+23=0 (2) 3x+5y-23=0 (A) Sx+3y-23-0 | (iii) The equation of tine passing through A and parallel to BC is (@) 5x-3y+16=0 (¥) Sx-3y+34=0 (c) 5x-Jy-16=0 (io) The equation ofthe tine passing throught A and perpendicular to BC is 0 (by 3x+5y+30=0 (c) 3x-Sy+30=0 (d) 3x-5y=0 @) 6-3) (a) 5x4 3y-16=0 (@) 3x+5y-3 (0) The area of triangular field ABC is (a) 78 59, units () 4359. units (c) 86.q. units (d).:39.59- units Solution. (i) 8 xvA c + on 6) 2x6+1x3 Bett) 63) Coordinates of A= | -~S—==, (241 21 .: Option (a) is the correct answer. (i) Equation of line through B(-4, 1) and C2, 11) is Net Bot asy (x+4)=3y-3=5x+20 Sy = 5y-3y+28=0 “+ Option (b) is the correct answer ele (iii) Slope of line BC = Slope of line parallel to BC = 5 } Equation of line through A(5, 3) and parallel to BC is y-3= 2 (4-5) = 3y-9= 51-25 52 @ Mathematics-XI >cannea with’ CamScani 2 5x-3y-16=0 Option (€) isthe correct answer, erpendicular to BC ale 4a Slope of Tine ps gaquation of fine through AG, 3) andl perpenadicular to BC is Bx +15 3 (y-5) => 5y-15 ow 30-0 “: Option (a) is the correct answer, ) AGI). BES, D,CR 1M) ‘Area of AABC = 4 [5(1-11) +4) (11-3) + 23-1) | sq, units |-50-32 +4] sq. units x78 sq. units = 39 sq. units . Option (d) is the correct answer, at a distance of 5 units from their point Example 2. P;, Py are points on either of tive lines y~ V3 |x of intersection. Based on the aboce information, ansiver the following questions: () The point of intersection of the given lines is @ 2,0) ® @2 © (3,2) @ v3.2) (i) Angle between the given lines is (a) 30° (b) 45° (©) 60° (d) 90° (iii) Equation of bisector of the angle between the given lines is @x=0 (b) y=0 ( x=2 (d) y=2 (i) The coordinates of the points Py, Pare w (23.2489) ( 2 SE 8 to (2253 3) (0) Thecoondintes of the foot of perpenddiculars drawn from Py, Pon the bisector of the angle between the given ines ae w +2 0) @ (2453.9 & (3.0) o ( 2 Soluti ‘tion. The equation of given lines are y ~ V3 |x| =2ory= V3 [x] +2 : y itcan also be written as (1) 2) ¥a-yBx+2ifx<0 Y= V3x+2ifx20 Case-Study Based Questions & 53 - >cannea witn CamScant Slope of line (i), my ==V3 and wintercept = 2 P 1 Slope of line (ii), ty = V3 and y-intercept = 2. 40) Since y-intercept of lines (1) and (2) is 2, s0 bath the lines pass through the point (0, 2), en Hines is (0, 2). nof the gi Hence, the point interse ~ Option (0) is the correct answer. (ii) Let 0, and 0, be the inclinations of lines (1) and (2) with the x-axis, then tan 0, == 20) = 120° and tan 0 = V3 = 0, = 60°. Let us draw the graphs of the given lines. ay The given lines can be extended in one direction only. So, the given lines are actually rays. Points P,, P, have a point on y-axis as common foot of perpendicular. From the graph, the angle between the given lines is 60°. :. Option (c) is the correct answer, (fi) From given figure, we have ZCAO = 30° and ZDAO = 30°, So, ZP,AB = ZCAO = 30° (vert. opp. 25) and 2P,AB = ZDAO = 30° (vert. opp. 45) So, y-axis is the bisector of angle between the given lines. Hence, the equation of required bisector is «. Option (a) is the correct answer. BH. (io) In AABP,, sin 30° = ‘AP, 54m Mathematics-XI cau >canned with Camscani oB=OA+A sii $8) ant (3,265) repecvely coordinates of points Py and P2 are oe 2+ athe option (2) s the correct answer, axis is the bisector of angle between the given lines and these points P,, Py have a as common foot of perpendicular. sant on Yai Fp coordinates of foot of perpendliculaes drawn from P,, Py on the bisector of angle aie) so, the given ines are (0, 2+ between the: Option (d) isthe correct answer, cASE-STUDY BASED QUESTIONS 4, Equation ofa straight line path is 2x + y~12 = 0.A man is standing ata point (2,3). He wants toreach the straight line path in least possible time. Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (9 The slope of the path followed by man is 1 1 @y W-5 ©2 @ -2 (i) Equation of the path followed by man is (@2x+y-4=0 () 2x-y+4=0 (x-2y+4=0 () x+2y+4=0 (ii) Coordinates of point where path followed by man and given straight line path meet is @@,4) oa») © 2,4) (@ &-4) (io) The distance covered by man in reaching the straight line path is (a) V5 units (b) V6 units (©) 2units (d) 3 units (©) The image of the point (2, 3) with respect to the given straight line path, assuming the given path to be a plane mirror is (a) 5,6) (b) (-5,6) (© 6-5) (@) 6,5) 2. 4 parking lot in a company is triangular shaped. Its sides are given by the equations AD:3y= 5x42, BC:x+y-6=Oand AC:3y—x+2 Hased on the above information, answer the following questions: ( The coordinates of vertex A are lh) Mery 002 @ Ln tt) The, ‘coordinates of vertex Bare (iy 2 23) ® @,-2) © 2A) wWe-d ‘uation of line passing through A and perpendicular to BC is, Or+y=0 ) x-y=0 (© x+2y=0 ( x-2y=0 fio) Equation of line passing through B and perpendicular to AC is Was a Sy +10=0 (b) x-3y+10= -y-10=0 (@) ax+y-10 Case-Study Based Questions 55 >canned with CamScant (0) The coordinates of the orthocentre of ABC are « { vie ( ) } © (33 ) ty = 15 intersect at the point A. On these lines the a(- ‘ 22) 4. The straight lines 3x + Ay = Sand 4 points Band C are chosen so that AB = AC awer the following questions: Based on the above information (i) Angle between the given lines is (a) 30° (by 45° (c) 60° (d) 9 Gi) The coordinates of the point A are aD 3.0) (© (3-1) @ 61) (ii) Slope of line BC is (are) 1 29 @2-3 () -7.4 (9-35 @-3-5 (ie) The possible equations of line BC passing through the point (1, 2) are (@) 2-y=0,x 4 2y-8=0 (by 3x4 y-3=0,x-3y+5=0 (Ox-7y+13=0,7r4y-9=0 (a) 2v+3y-4=0,3r-2y+1=0 (0) Distance of point A from BC is (are) 3 a fiiees oF Be Fev Yaa" To 4. Bisectors of angles between the lines ‘The equations of bisectors of the angles between the lines ayx + by +e, = Oand age + bay +620 are given by axthyte . .axthy ter Vea + 6 Vee To distinguish between bisectors of acute and obtuse angles Take any one bisector and any one line and find the (acute) angle say @ between them. If 6.< 45° ie. tan 0 <1 (numerically), then the bisector taken is the bisector of the acute angle; otherwise, the other one will be the bisector of the acute angle. ‘To find the bisector of the angle containing the origin 1. Write the equations of the lines in a manner so that the constant terms are positive (RHS. being zero). 2. ‘The equation obtained on taking positive sign will be the equation of the bisector of the angle that contains the origin ie, ME tb Hey Mae + Day ten where ¢,,¢, both are positiv origin yap + iP +0 is the equation of the bisector of the angle containing the Based on the above information, answer the following questions: Equations of two lines are given 12v—5y +7 = Oand 3y~4y~1=0, (i) The equations of bisectors of the angles between the given lines are (a) 9x 47y +16 = 0,7: 220 (b) 7x4 9y +16 =0,9x—7y+2=0 56 @ Mathematics-XI >canned with Camscant coy + 10=0,9r-7y+4=0 (i) 9+ 7y +15 =0,7¢-9y 4 18 =0 (7x w cd equation of bisector of acute angle between the given lines is wor 0 (0) 74 9y416=0 @ () 7x-9y+ 18=0 gi The equation of bisector of obtuse angle between the given lines i r-7y+2=0 (0) 7r+9y+16=0 (9 ox-7y+ 1420 (a) 7x-9y+18=0 (o) The equation of bisector of the angle between the given lines, i which origin es () x+7y+16=0 (b) 7x4 9y410=0 (9 9x-7y +220 (d) 7x+9y+16=0 (0) The equation of bisector ofthe angle between the given lines in which origin does not lie (a) 9x+7y+16=0 (b) 2x+9y+10=0 (9 9x-7y+2=0 (a) 749+ 16=0 Answers ; 4am MO (i) (i) @ Ow ; 20 @ wo Git) ) (iv) (@) WO ) 30@ we Gi) @) © ”@ | 1.00 = @@ Gi) (in) (©) &®) @ | Case-Study Based Questions @ 57 >cannea wit CamScant Solution. (i) The given line is x-y + 38 a Conic Sections CASE-STUDY BASED EXAMPLE Example, A line isa tangent to a circle, ifthe length of perpendicular dracon from centre of the circle to the line is equal to the radius of the circle. Based on the above information, ansiver the following questions: (i) The equation of circle with centre Cl 3) and which touches the line xy +7 =0, 18 4x + 6y-11=0 (ey) 24 p+ de-6y 4 11 (© 4y—ar- (i) If the tine. (@ xt +n=0 () tay? bax + Gy =0 /3x + k touches the circle x2 + y? = 16, then the value of k is OR () 3,-3 (© 5,-5 (@) 9-9 (tii) The equations of tangents to the circle x2 + y2 = 5 which are parallel to the line x — 2y + 3=00,are (a) 2v—4y +420, 2x-4y-7 20 (0) 2x= dy +3 =0,2x—dy-3=0 (0) x-2y+5=0,x~-2y-5=0 (i) 3x-6y-4 = 0, 3x-6y+7=0 (iv) The equations of tangents to the circle x2 + y?~ 6x + dy - 12 = 0 which are perpendicular to the line 5x 12y +1=0, are (@) 12x + 5y +39 (0) 1x +5y+77= (0) Ifthe lines 3x—4y + ) 12x + Sy 91 (b) 12x + 5y + 10 =0, 12x + Sy—21=0 |, 12x + Sy ~ 35 = (@ 12x +5y +13 =0, 12x + 5y-7=0 Oand 6x ~8y-7 = O.are tangents toa circle, then the radius of the circle | (a) Sunits (& 3 units (©) 2 units @ 3 mits (1) Let r be the radius of the required circle, then = perpendicular distance of (-2, 3) from the line (1) ebts7l 2g Veen “E ©. The equation of the required circle is (r+ 2P + y-3P = (V2? or x+y? +4y-6y+11=0 + Option (b) is the correct answer. (ii) The given circle is x2 + y? = 16 ol) Its centre is (0, 0) and its radius is 4, ‘The given line is V3 x-y+k=0 2) Mathematics-XI >canned witn Ct {@) will touch the circle (1), he perpendicular distance from (0, 0) to the line pe line (2) will Pye rsdiusof le pfixonOtkl ag ne El aaa [a] =8 are = ke8,-8 ~ option () the correct answer cist + y= eisai tytn Ss “) he given circh ts radius is V5. i) centre is (0, 0) and any line parallel to x= 2y +3 Theapation of xe2y tke . arene 3 will become tangent to the circle (1) ifthe length of perpendicular to it ie centre of the circle is equal to the radius of the circle ie. if ie th V5 => |k| =S=k=45. On substituting these values of k in (2), we get the equations of required tangents x= 2y+520,x-2y-5=0. +. Option (c) is the correct answer. (i) The given circle is x2 + y2 6x + 4y~12=0 sal) Its centre is (3, -2) and radius = V944+12 =5. ‘The equation of any line perpendicular to 5x = 12y + ‘Now, the line (2) will become tangent to the from the centre of the circle is equal to the ra [12x3+5x vies BK a5 LAt26I 25 = [k+26| = 65= k +26 =+ 65 => k=39,-91. On substituting these values of k in (2), we get the equation of required tangents 12x + 5y +39 =0, 12x + 5y-91 =0. + Option (a) is the correct answer. (0) The given lines are 3r-4y 44 and 6x 8y- a) 2) Slope of line (2) = lope of line (1) = lines (1) and (2) are parallel. Note that (0,1) is a point on line (1) " * Distance between the given lines x = |6x0-8x1-7)_15_3 “ (Tee Dae l a the lines (1) and (2) touch the circle at the 5 Points A and B respectively. — Case-Study Based Que jestions © 59 Dcannee AB bees mes a diameter of the circle. 1 Rad of circle units = 2 units, nits = As the lines (1) and (2) are parallel | | | + Option (a) is the correct answer. CASE-STUDY BASED QUESTIONS | 1. Let S;, S: be two (non-concentric) circles with centres Cy, Cy and radii ry, r2 respectively and d be the distance between their centres, then | () one circle lies completely inside the other circle iff d < [ry -r2|- (ii) the two circles touch internally iff d = |ry- 72]. (fi) the two circles intersect in two points iff [ry rp] ry + rp. A circle S; of radius 2 units lies in the first quadrant touches both the axes. Another circle S, with centre (6, 5) touches the circle S, externally. Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (8) The centre of the circle S is (a) (2,2) ®) 2,2 (©) (2-2) () (-2,-2) (ii) The equation of circle Sis (a) 24 P+4y-dy+4=0 () P+ yP—dx+ dy 4=0 (4 Pde dyed (iii) The radius of circle 8, is (d) x24 2+ 4x+4y+4=0 (@) Lunit (b) 2 units: (c) 3us (@) 4 units (io) The point of contact of circles $, and Sis @ (2.3) © 7) w@ ( (2) The equation of circle S is (a) x2 + 2 - 12x + 10y +52=0 (b) x2 + y? = 12r- 10y-52 (0) a2 492 + 12x + 10y-5: 2. Family of circles 0 @ 4 y?-12x-10y +52 + Family of circles passing through the points of intersection of two circles Spat ewe ede hy +e =0 and. Sy =32 + 9? + 2ggx + 2fyy +c is $,+2S)=0 je x2 + yP+ 2gyx + Bly Hey + AIP + P+ 2egn + Bw +c) =O. Remarks 1. If two circles intersect, then the equation of common chord is given by 5, -$2 = 0. 2. If two circles touch (intemally or externally), then the equation of their common tangent is given by S, -S)=0. * Family of circles passing through th Seats y? + 2gr + 2fy+ c= 0and line L= ax + by +k P+ + Dex By rer (ax+ by +h)=0. jersection of circle isS+aL=0 >cannea with Camscant pemarks the line L.= 0 touches the circle S powever, I 1 i eves touching line L= Oat Pis S + ation of family of circles touching a fixed line ax + by += Oat the fixed point (ty, WA + (ye +h ax + by +k vy) at point P(say), then the equation of family 3. Thee is sed on the above information, answer the following questions: (i) Equation of circle passing through the points of intersection of circles x2 + y2 = 9 and 24 y= Bx + 12 = Oand also through the origin is =0 ) 2+y-Zyno @vrp-2 (@) Pe yrs Bx-zy=0 Pa (ee p-2e+ Z, (ii) Icircles 2x? + 2y? - 3x -4y + 2= O and x? + y?— 4x + 2y = 0 intersect each other, then the equation of common chord is (@) 5x+8y+2=0 (b) 5x—8y+2=0 (©) 8r-5y-2=0 (@) 8x+5y+2=0 (ii) Uf circles x? + y? - 2x ~ 4y ~ 20 = 0 and x2 + y? + 6x + 2y - 90 = 0 touch each other internally, then the equation of their common tangent is (a ax~3y +3: () 3x~4y +3! (4+ 3y-35= (@) 3x4 4y-35= (ia) The equation of circle passing through origin and the points of intersection of circle 22+ 2-1 + 13y + 17 =0 and line Ix - 13y-34 = Ois, (a) 2x? +2y2= 11x + 13y=0 (b) 202 + 2y2 + Mx 13y =0 (¢) 232 + 22-13 + Hy =0 (d) 222+ 22 + 13x Ny =0 (0) The equation of circles touching line x + y = 2 at (1, 1) and having radius v2 units are (@) 2+ P=2, 2+ ys dr 4 4y=0 ©) 2 4y2=2,24yP—4e4 dy 46=0 (y=, 224 P+ axe dy+6=0 (d) 2+ y2=2,24 yr ay-4y+6=0 (Hint: (0) Family of circles touching line x + y = 2 at (1, 1) is (r= 12 + (y-12 +4. (8+ y-2) =0) 3. Generalised Standard Forms of Conics 1. Equation of parabolas having vertex at (a, 8) and axis parallel to x-axis are (YP)? = 4a (xa), where 4a = length of latus-rectum. Equation of parabola with axis parallel to x-axis is of the form x = Ay? + By +C. 2. Equations of parabolas having vertex at (a, 8) and axis parallel to y-axis are (*~a)? = 4a (y ~B), where 4a = length of latus-rectum, e Equation of parabola with axis parallel to y-axis is of the form y = Ax? + Br +C. * Equation of an ellipse having centre at (a, ) and axes parallel to coordinate axes is we, yop See =1(@>b) (Foci lie on a line ll to x-axis) (e~a? SEE aay (Foci ie on a line Ito w-axis) @ \se-Studly Based Questions #6 >cannea witn CamScant “quation of a hyperbola having centre at (a, i) and (i) foci lying on a line parallel to x-a%i (x=? _ (y= pF (i foci lying on a tine pa (y=? _ (=a Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (The equation of parabola whose vertex is (3, 4) and focus is (5, 4) is @) W-4? = 8-3) (b) (y=)? = 8-3) (©) (8-3)? = 8-4) (d) (x-3)? =-8(y-4) (4) The equation of parabola with its vertex at (2, -1) and axis parallel to y-axis and it passes through the point (4, 1) is (@) (y+ 1) = 2x -2) () (y+ D2 =-2e-2) (0 22 = 241) (@ (e-2%=2y+) (iii) The equation of parabola with its axis parallel to x-axis and which passes through the points (0, 0), (2, 1) and (4,1) is @y=32-x (by) x=3~- (©) yaaxtex (@) x=3y2+y (ie) The equation of an ellipse with its centre at (3, 1), vertex at (3, -2) and eccentricity is 1 Fis (a) 9x2 + 8y2— 54x ~ 16y + 17 =0 (0) 812 + 942 ~ 16x - Sy + 17=0 (0) 9x? + 8y2 ~ 16x - 54y +17=0 (a) 8x2 + 92 + 16x + S4y —1 (2) The equation of a hyperbola whose foci are (6, 4) and (-4, 4) and eccentricity is 2, is (@) 4x2 129? + 32x - 24y 127 (O) 12x? ~ 4y2— 24x - 32y- 127 (@) 12x2— dy? 24x + 32y- 127 = 4. Classification of Curves ‘An equation of the form ax? + 2ixy + by? + 2gx + 2fy + ¢ = 0, where a, b, ¢, h, g, fare real numbers and atleast one of a, li, is not zero is called a general equation of second degree in xand y. ‘The expression abe + 2fgh — af? ~ bg? cl? is usually denoted by A. Thus | A= abc + 2fgh - af? - bg? — ch? A general equation of second degree in x and y ic, ax? + 2hxy + by? + 2gx + Bfy+¢=0 represents (1) a parabola if A #0 and 12 = ab | (2) anellipse if A#0 and I? < ab (3) ahyperbola if A #0 and I> ab (4) a pair of straight lines or empty set if A = 0 and 1? > ab and h2- 0. 62 m@ Mathematics-XI - Scanned with camscant n, answer the following questions: gion the above informa va rhecurve represented by the equation : art + ay + Sy? - 24x - 24y = Ois (o acirele (®) a parabola (6) anellipse (@) abyperbola {iy Theewrve represented by the equation x + 2xy + y* = 2x1 = is (0) aparabola (©) anellipse (@) ahyperbola () acircle (ii) The curve represented by the equation 2x2 + 2y2-Sr-7y-3= (a acincle (0 anellipse (a) ayperbola (jo) The curve repre: is (®) a parabola sented by the equation x2 + dxy +? 2x + 2y-6= (©) anellipse (@) a hyperbola pse, then the values of is (a) acircle (8) a parabola (e) Ifthe equation 8x2 - Loxy + ky? - 22k + My = 12 represents an el kare (@k>8keR (0) k<8kER (0) k=8 (@) ke R-[8) 5, Conditions of tangency # | The equation of tangent + Theline y= mx + c-will touch the parabola y? = 4ax iff in slope form is y “The line y = mx +c will touch the parabola y? = —dax iffe= The equation of tangent in slope form is «+ Theline y= mx-+ cwill touch the parabola x? = day iff = ~am®. The equation of tangent in slope form The line y= mx + ewill touch the parabola +* nx+ an, ay iff c= am. The equation of tangent 1 iff = + Va?m? +6? and the in slope form is y « The line y = mx + ¢ will touch the ellipse = z equations of tangents in slope form are y = mx + Va2m? +b? . = 1iffe=+ Va? +¥?m? and the eee mx + € will touch the ellipse = + equations of tangents in slope form are y = mx + Va? + 2m? . and the iffc =+ Vatm? y= mx + will touch the hyperbola WP zoe + The li equation of tangents in slope form are y = mx + vam? = 0 The line y= mx +¢ will touch the hyperbola Litte=+ Va me and the equations of tangents in slope form are y = mx Va? — 62m. Based on the above information, answer the following ques (i) The values of k, so that the line y = 2x + kmay touch the ellipse 3x2 + 5y (a= V3 ) £5 () 43V3 (d) + V0 ii) The condition that the line x + my += O may touch the parabola v2 = dax is (a)al2= nm (0) an = Int (©) ami = In (@) al= mn Case-Study Based Questions m 63 >canned with CamScant (iii) The equations of tangents to the ellipse 3x? + 4y? = 5 which are parallel to the j v=3r-7 are = @) y=3rt V65 (b) 2y= 6x JOS (© y=6x+ V6 (d) ext J (i) The values of k, so that the line 2x + y + k = 0 may touch the hyperbola 3x? @sa () 43 (9 #2 +1 (©) The equation of tangents to the hyperbola 3x? ~ y? = 3 which are perpendicular to thy Tine x +3y=2are =3an @y=3xt V6 (b) 2y=3x+ V6 (© 2ys6xt V6 (d) y=3x4 V5 Answers LOM WO (iit) ©) ) @ @ 2 l@) Gi) (H) (ii) ©) () @ @ @ 2 0@ WO Gi) © (e) @ © @ 2 HOO WO) (iti) @ ) @ (®) (@) 5 @)@) wo Gi) &) (iv) @) Y@ 64 @ Mathematics-XI >canned with CamScani u Introduction to Three ) Dimensional Geometry CASE-STUDY BASED QUESTION The coordinates of a point P in the spac © (a, b,c), formation, answer the following, questions: Based on the abov {) Distance of point P from xy plane is, (a) {al @) (0) © Iel ( Vase (i) Distance of point P from x-axis is (at) Vor +e? (@) al (b) |b} © lel (iii) The coordinates of foot of perpendicular drawn from point P to yz-plane are (@) (0,b,0) © @.a,0) © ba) (@) 4,8) ‘The coordinates of foot of perpendicular drawn from point P to z-axis are (a) (0,0, vb? +c) © 0.00) © (0.0, Va @) (0,0, V2 +?) (2) Distance between point P and its image in x-plane is, () 210] @ 2a] (© 2lel (@) 2\a+e| Answer ; “vo (i @) (i) @ ) o@ Case-Study Based Questions m 65 >canned with CamScant 0 13 CASE-STUDY BASED EXAMPLES Limits and Derivatives Example 1. Let f : R -» (0, «) be a function defined as f (x) = |x| and g (x) = f(x +1 + foxr~ 0, VreR, Based on the above information, answer the following questions: © The value of g (x) is x<-l @Ms@)=} 2, -Isx<1 2x, 21 [ 2. x<-7 (gG@)=}-2, -Isx<1 ; i x21 (ii), The graph of g(x) is o | \ vy | | 2 (a) does not exist | (0-2 (a) does not exist >canned with cCamscant 2 (9 -2 (a) does not exist jxfand g(x) =f0r# D+ f-1) (qaiven f= ye pete byt sa a(t D-(-D, ifx Lt. glavenists and equal to2 3 a= 2 et + Option (es the corect answer tiny La, gre LAP? “Option (b)s the correct answer Case-Study Based Questions 67 >canned with CamScant () Lt_gay= Lt 2=2 ral ar Option (1) is the correct answer, Example 2, L-Hopital’s Rule ILO). s(x) are differentiable and g(x) # 0 for all x © (¢~8, ¢ + 8) except possibly at x = ¢. +H G)=0= Lt gtyand Ut GES exists (finitety o infinitely, then tt Ad = 1 £0, 80) "rte gx) LPO), Lt g(x) ceand Le EES exits intely or nf, then Lt LO. ty Loo rave roe 8 In other wonts: Suppose, we have ore of the following cases: Lt 2) a2 op rae gt) 0 (finitely or infinitely), then Lt £220 yy £0 Hest) ate g()" Note: Other them 10 one of the form é or =, Based on the above information, ansteer the following questions: © The value of Lt, Eosinx ms oF wd ii (1 _cotx (i Thevatueof Lt (4-4) i 1 : ; oO Os O5 (iit) The value of Lt iSarersemn=9 y rao lan? x 3 \ ; @-2 -§ @-t ot +e ¥ + Qeosx—4 (Gu) The walue of Lt = + is 1 2 i ) 3 @-t (2) The vnlueof Lt (H+ sin yt is @e o! Solution. (i) Lt Wag a 68 @ Mathematics-XI wise g@) ese gC) up LO 2% and ot oa exists ace g) ee g terminate forms such as 20 ~ 20,0 x c, 0, oc, 1® can be handled by first transforming (a) @) @ nin @ We (* Loaaz (Storm use L-Hépital aie] >canned with Cam>cant " a } », Option (a) is the correct answer, ee Oe st) = la sm) (2-7 form) oO (51m) = yy deceseerimeo ee Aya 3 Option (b) is the correct answer. 14 sin x - cosx + log (1- x) Lesine~ cosx + og= 8) ( x y fp uy Lesimeceosrstoua yy LesinrncoeesloeO=2) (TS ) y T tan? = the 2 ‘ant ee er £ | yp Mesinrceoentlowda Dp (su = 4 > eo (yaar) ey Lesin cose slog 2) oo 2 Ovcosxsine+ 0 = i i= 10 ox? Option (¢) is the correct answer (iy Se spoon (8 form) oe = ae (2 torm) Case-Study Based Questions 69 >cannea with CamScant Sie = 3 2 12 } sie = a Option (a) is the correct answer. (2) Lt (1 esinaye* (0° form) Let y= Lt (1+ sin xy log y=log Lt (1+sin x)t*= Lt log (1 + sin x)" = Lt cotxlog (1 + sin x) (0% > form) Sie A or 4 +0 = logy So, Lt (1 +sin xy Option (@) is the correct answer. CASE-STUDY BASED QUESTIONS 1. Let f(x) be a real function defined as logit tan) =log=b) eg fO)={ 5 » x20 | Sick a) , x30 Based on the above information, answer the following questions: | Lt favis (a+b () a-b (© b-a (d) -a-b (ii) Lt, faxis 4 6 ) @é @p o ‘ Gi) We Lt f(x) = (a)a+2b=0 — (b) 2a~b= (©) %+b=0 (d) 30+ 2b=0 | | | | | (2), then a relation between a and b is | | >canned with Camscant «a value of bf Ut f(x) =£(0) is (Hy) 18 ay : values of aand bif ) The Le f= = UL, fOyare @ fix f(0)80) sof the form 1%, then 21 (b) -5,10 Lt gf) Forexample: Lt (+ ax) = tytase= = ule sem? net Based on the above information, answer the following questions: ( The value of Lt (3) is ine () et (i). The value of Us {tan( SP is @e we (ii) The value of Lt (sin x)" is, @e (0) The value of Lt (a) (abe)¥/3 (©) The value of 1 ae wt Answer LG ; 2 an 0) Wi) ow) @ (iit) (a) (©) 20 ww fom () 10,15 (form) © « W@ 3 @ @1 Os @e (© log (abe) (at ©. wo (e) W@) oo (i) @ © Based Questions #71 Study “sceviniéd With CamScan 14 Mathematical Reasonin, 8 CASE-STUDY BASED QUESTION | Consider the following statements: pis the only even prime number | qisin? x eos? x= 1 r:tan 30° = v3 | 3 is an irrational number | 1: xisa rational number. Based on the above information, answer the following questions: (i) The statements which are all true, are @pvaqve, O pagavnrys sau Opyvaqvsrys, ld) pagagasrassvu | (ii) The statements which are all false, are | (@)pyvgrasrve () pPAqaqas.sau | Opaqaqvspyu d) paqaverys | (iii) The truth values of p > q,q > s and s > ware respectively @T. EF (b) ETF () EET @ ETT (io) The truth values of p 4 4, p © s and 4 ware respectively (TBF ®) ETF ©) BET @ ETT (@) The truth values of ~p v ~q, qa -tand ~r 4 ~s are respectively | @TEF (6) TTF © ETT ETE | Answer | oo (Oxo) (ii) (io) @ @ 72 @ Mathematics-XI | >cannea with CamScant

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