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Safety and First Aid

Ls10 More About Force, Energy and Simple

Grade:5 Class Test-3 Subject: Science

Student Name ………………………………..Sec …… Date:…………….. Marks: 15
I. Choose the correct answer: 3X1=3M
1. In the given picture identify the components of Class I lever X,Y,Z. [ ]

a) X-Fulcrum,Y-Load, Z-Effort b) X-Load, Y-Fulcrum, Z-Effort

c) X- Effort ,Y- Fulcrum, Z- Load d) X- Effort ,Y-Load, Z-Fulcrum
2. Sonam combed her hair with plastic comb and placed near the bits of paper thrown by her
brother. The bits of paper were attracted by the comb. Why does this happen? [ ]
a) When the comb is rubbed it acquired Magnetic force
b) When the comb is rubbed it acquired Electrostatic force
c) When the comb is rubbed it acquired Muscular force
d) When the comb is rubbed it acquired Frictional force
3. Identify the incorrect statement about the steps of first aid given for sprain [ ]
a) Rub ice pack on the sprain to reduce the inflammation.
b) Apply a pain killer on the affected area.
c) Provide support to the affected area.
d) Rub the area
II. Fill in the blanks 4X1=4M
4. A cloth that is tied around the neck to support a broken arm is called__________________.
5. For a snake bite, induce bleeding so that __________________ blood flows out.
6. A person must get _____________________________ injections, in case of scratch or wound.
7. Tweezers is an example of class __________ lever.
III.Answer the following questions: 2X1=2M
8. A burn is an injury caused by exposure to heat or flame. Write the steps of first aid for
severe burns.
9. List out the types of simple machines.
IV. Answer the following questions: 2X2=4M
10. What would happen if the non-renewable sources of energy were to get extinct and there
were no means to tap renewable sources of energy as well?
11. What causes a sprain? How does using the ice pack reduce inflammation?
V. Answer the following question 1X2=2M
12. Make a concept map on Force and types of forces.

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