G5 - Ls3The Skeletaland Muscular System - Worksheet3

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Le –3 The skeletal and Muscular System

Grade: 5 Worksheet 3 Subject: Science

Student Name ……………………………… Sec ……………… Date: ……..……
I. Choose the correct answer:
1. The unit of skeletal system [ ]
a) Bone b) Blood c) Neurons d) Spine
2. Rohan met with an accident and had a fracture which of the following clearly gives the
details of the fracture to the doctor [ ]
a) Blood report b) Urine report c) X-ray d) Sputum report
3. The three bones in each ear [ ]
a) Malleus incisors Femur b) Malleus incus stapes
c) Femur stapes Humerus d) Malleus incus Humerus
4. The bones present in human spinal column is called [ ]
a) Girdle b) Cartilage c) Vertebrae d) Femur
5. The number of bones in each ankle and foot [ ]
a) 5, 14 b) 7, 19 c) 19, 7 d) 14, 5
6. The bone present in upper arm is Humerus whereas the bone present in thigh is [ ]
a) Shin b) Spine c) Femur d) Girdle
7. Sharan compared a set four pictures. From these pictures he concluded that [ ]
a) The skeleton determines the shape of the body
b) The skeleton moves with the help of muscles and joints
c) The skeleton protects the internal organs of the body
d) All the above
8. The muscle that don’t have bands [ ]
a) Striated b) Smooth c) Cardiac d) Stripped
9. I protect the brain. I am made up of bones which are fused firmly together to form a she’ll
like structure. Who am I? [ ]
a) Skull b) Ribcage c) Sternum d) Spine
10. Which of the following is moving skull bone? [ ]
a) Femur b) Mandible c) Atlas d) Tibia
II. Fill in the blanks
1. The spongy tissue present inside the larger bones called .
2. Ribcage protects the lungs. Skull protect the .
3. Joins the upper limbs to the spine.
4. The joints present in cranium of the skull are joints.
5. Bones are held together by strong bands of fibre like structures called .
6. The type of joint present at the wrist is .
7. Muscles are attached to the bones by .
8. Heart pumps the blood to different parts of the body. The heart muscle is also called as
9. The urinary bladder lies inside the .
10. Bones are covered with tissues called .
III. State True or false.
1. The muscles Present in stomach are striped muscles [ ]
2. A gliding joint is also called a planar joint. [ ]
3. At the hips, the Femur ends in a ball and fits into the socket of the hip bone. [ ]
4. The skeletal muscles are striped muscles. [ ]
5. The jaw bones bear teeth.But teeth are not bones. [ ]
IV. Match the following
i) Skull a) 33
ii) Ribcage b) 8
iii) Wrist c) 22
iv) Foot d) 25
v) Vertebral column e) 26
V. Answer the following questions:
1. Larger bones has spongy tissue. What is the tissue called? Write its importance.

2. Differentiate between ligament tendons.


3. Name the joint which works like hinges in a door. Where is it located? Write its importance?
4. Identify the given figure. Write its functions.


5. i) Identify the given figure.

ii) Is it striated or Un striated muscle?

iii) Is it voluntary or involuntary muscle?
iv) What happens if it take rest?
v) What is its function?

VI. Assertion Reason questions

a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are the true and Reason (R) is a correct explanation of
Assertion (A).
b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are the true but Reason (R) is not a correct explanation
of Assertion (A).
c) Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
d) Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.
1. Assertion: Last two pairs of ribs are called floating ribs. [ ]
Reason: They are not attached to the breast bone.
2. Assertion: The back bone enable us to bend and twist easily. [ ]
Reason: The back bone has movable joints.
3. Assertion: Cardiac muscle helps in pumping blood. [ ]
Reason: It is a striped muscle.
VII. Source based question:
Bones are covered with tissues called muscles. Muscles are attached to the bones. The
muscles contract and relax and thus produce movement in the body.
1. How many number of muscles Present in the entire human body?
2. Name the structures that helps in the attachment of muscle to bone.
3. Name the muscle that works continuously with out rest.
4. What is the function of smooth muscles?

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