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of the year 1893.

Further experiments relating to certain

became the chief representative of the literary profession.

their lives in an encounter with the Indians. In fear of the

protector. The taking of Lavaur and the submission of Raymond

church, and overwhelmed him with his logical reasoning from

constructive work, have contributed much to the preservation

m. N.W. of the town of that name. Pop. (1901) 25,859. It

battery. The exact generator load at which the booster

of letters is also to be noted. The 18th century was fairly

so as to give any required scale reading on the ammeter.

in extreme width, situated about 32 deg. 20' N., and 130 deg. E.

character and his continual and pressing need of money.

the Haunted House. It contributes very little to his

in America; from the Fr. ambassadeur, with which compare

sea. The origin of the namo Aegean is uncertain. Various

them together as a noun-adjective. In the art of dyeing, certain

in establishing the fact of a connexion between the Niger and Chad

of Scotland, for the use of seamen. The second part never

battle the "thinking bayonets" resolutely obeyed orders, even

the active material from being shaken out of the grids,

ordinary public land in Italy, in the hands of occupiers,

as superintendents of the markets. But although the curule

The processes of canning, packing, preserving and refrigerating

which occurs in the sexual union of two cells. He founded

part of the second colossus (from the south) has fallen;

having been made universal by William the Conqueror.

(9128 ft., the monarch of the Carnic Alps). Soon after our

that could have produced this change was that of the Dorian

orbit, and s the true position of a star. When the earth

1 The Architectural History of the Conventual Buildings of

order of Cassander (Justin xiv. 6, xv. 2). The meaningless

Tenda to the Simplon Pass, the Central Alps (all but wholly

myocommas, which stretch between the skin and the central

with studies of the origin of art, and of the relation of art

in the centre of the city. Handsome public buildings are

in London, were made from Cremorne Gardens in July 1864.

century, when it was worn only with the dalmatic and was

phraseology rather than in alphabet. The relative age of the

the royal sign-manual, and are not countersigned by a

= 2.17 lb. Tangential force at 3 deg. . . . . . . . . =

sorts and in many materials, from huge store-jars down to tiny

calendar. Like her daughter-in-law Theophano and other

Should there be in two lenses in contact the same focal lengths

Amur, and to the isothermal of 32 deg. Fahr. The mountain

in Scotland, where the benefits of his administration were

pasturage and other perquisites. The enterprising labourer

the Macedonians were once more in a region of hostile tribes

of Addison's early patron, Somers. The work of this office,

by the death of that prince (869), he endeavoured in vain to

solution is poured into water and sodium carbonate is added

(3) Collateral affinity is the relationship subsisting

for Renfrewshire, he was made home secretary by W. E.

Germany. Its origin was the Societas Regia Scientiarum,

The winding-sheet of Edward's race.''

Zeitung.. (1899); Sirodot, Les Batrachospermes (Paris,

the best principles of modern colonization. But the doom

of rural and river scenery, and promoting a regard for

contains a percussion primer, usually a copper cap filled with

l'Italia (1845); J. G. Altmann, Versuch einer hist. u.

such as Gymnodinium spirale, are colourless and therefore

this is never done on a manufacturing scale now. Owing to

Later writers interpreted this as an anticipatory crowning

coke-towers fed with moderately strong sulphuric acid. As

who are chiefly traders, as well as Arabs and Kanuri from

largely alienated by the valley inhabitants, and belong to

hands. This was the position of affairs when Amalric died,

(A) In dealing with the sensuous factor the psychologist is

Arnold drawing off the remnant of his army in May 1776.

the great public games, such as the Olympic and Pythian, these

in common a certain spirit or form. There was among them

their western base; nor do the wooded slopes appear to have

three years on the island (1792-1795), are of much interest.

to the crop, the berries being frequently gathered from the

was appointed secretary to the Propaganda. In 1884 he was

During the months he passed at the foreign office he was

A dielectric substance is electrically polarized by a field

in the transfer of patronage. Under the previously existing

work, largely beneficent, was being conducted in regions

House, and passed most of his forces round to the aid of

England. The northern or New England element began by

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