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beneficial of the deep learning

deep methodology and its hierarchy in

layers and nonlinear operations are
presented and compared with the

l earning S.HELENE
more conventional algorithms in the
common applications. The state of
the art survey further provides a
(ECE) G.SRI SASI general overview on the novel
concept and the ever-increasing
(BME) advantages and popularity of deep
Rajiv Gandhi College Of
Engineering And Technology.
Kirumampakkam, INTRODUCTION:
Puducherry. layer processing. In 2003, an interesting
example was developed by applying
particle filtering and Bayesian – belief
propagation. The main concept of this
application proposes that a human can
ABSTRACT: Deep learning is an recognize the face of a person by watching
emerging area of machine learning only a half – cropped face picture ,
(ML) research. It comprises multiple therefore a computer could be able to
hidden layers of artificial neural reconstruct the image of a face from a
cropped one. Later in 2006, greed
networks. The deep learning
algorithm and hierarchy were combined
methodology applies nonlinear into an application capable to process
transformations and model handwritten digits. Recent researches have
abstractions of high level in large applied deep learning as the main tool for
databases. The recent advancements digital image processing. For instance,
in deep learning architectures within applying a Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNN) for Iris Recognition can be more
numerous fields have already
effective than using conventional iris
provided significant contributions in sensors. CNN effectiveness can reach up
artificial intelligence. This article to 99.35 % of accuracy . Mobile location
presents a state of the art survey on recognition nowadays allows the user to
the contributions and the novel know a determined address based on a
applications of deep learning. The picture. Artificial intelligence (AI) as an
intelligence exhibited by machines has
following review chronologically
been an effective approach to human
presents how and in what major learning and reasoning . In 1950, “The
applications deep learning Turing Test” was proposed as a
algorithms have been utilized. satisfactory explanation of how a computer
Furthermore, the superior and could perform a human cognitive
reasoning. As a research field, AI is
divided in more specific research applications in different fields.
subfields. For example: Natural Language Additionally, it presents several figures
Processing (NLP) can enhance the writing portraying the rapid development of deep
experience in various applications [4,17]. learning research through publications
The most classic subdivision within NLP over the recent years in scientific
is machine translation, which is understood databases.
as the translation between languages.
Machine translation algorithms have BACKGROUND: The Deep Learning
resulted in various applications that (DL) concept appeared for the first time in
consider grammar structure as well as 2006 as a new field of research within
spelling mistakes. Moreover, a set of machine learning. It was first known as
words and vocabulary related to the main hierarchical learning at the , Artificial
topic is automatically used as the main Intelligence Natural Language Processing
source when the computer is suggesting 1.- Machine Translation 2.- Computer
changes to writer or editor. AI covers Interface Robotics 1.- Machine Vision 2.-
seven subfields of computer sciences. Sensors 3.- Control Methods 4.- Robot
Recently, machine learning and data software Cognitive modeling Machine
mining have become the center of attention Learning Expert Systems Heuristic
and the most popular topics among problem solving Knowledge representation
research community. These combined 1. Predicate calculus and mathematical
fields of study analyze multiple logic 2. Semantic network 3. Semantic
possibilities of characterization of triples 4. Rule - based systems 5. Frames
databases . Through the years, databases R. Vargas, A. Mosavi, L. Ruiz . and it
have been collected with statistical usually involved many research fields
purposes. Statistical curves can describe related to pattern recognition. Deep
past, and present in order to predict future learning mainly considers two key factors:
behaviors. Nevertheless, during the last nonlinear processing in multiple layers or
decades only classic techniques and stages and supervised or unsupervised
algorithms have been used to process this learning . Nonlinear processing in multiple
data, whereas an optimization of those layers refers to an algorithm where the
algorithms could lead on an effective self– current layer takes the output of the
learning . A better decision making can be previous layer as an input. Hierarchy is
implemented based on existing values, established among layers to organize the
multiple criteria and statistics advanced importance of the data to be considered as
methods. Thus, one of the most important useful or not. On the other hand,
application of this optimization is supervised and unsupervised learning is
medicine, where symptoms, causes and related with the class target label, its
medical solutions generate big databases availability means a supervised system,
that can be used to predict better treatment. whereas its absence means an
unsupervised system.
Since ML covers a wide range of research,
many approaches have been established. APPLICATION: Deep learning implies
Clustering, Bayesian Network, Deep an abstract layer analysis and hierarchical
Learning and Decision Tree Learning are methods. However, it can be utilized in
only part of the approaches. The following numerous real life applications. As an
review mainly focuses on deep learning, example, within digital image processing;
its basic concepts, past and nowadays gray scale image coloring from a picture
used to be done manually by users who MEDICINE: Digital image processing is
had to choose each color based on their undeniably an important part of the
own judgment. Applying a deep learning research fields where a deep learning
algorithm, coloring can be performed method can be applied. Thus, clinical
automatically by a computer . Similarly, applications have been recently tested. For
sound can be added into a mute drumming instance, a comparison between shallow
video by using Recurrent Neural Networks learning and deep learning in neural
(RNN) as part of the deep learning networks leaded to a better performance on
methods . Deep learning can be understood disease prediction. An image taken from a
as a method to improve results and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) from
optimize processing times in several a human brain was processed in order to
computing processes. In the field of predict a possible Alzheimer disease .
natural language processing, deep learning Although the early success of this
methods have been applied for image procedure, some issues should be
caption generation , and handwriting considered for future applications.
generation . The following applications are Training and dependency on high quality
categorized in pure digital image are some of the limitations. Volume,
processing, medicine and biometrics. quality and complexity of data are
challenging aspects, however the
integration of heterogeneous data types is a
learning officially appeared as a new
potential aspect of deep learning
research approach, some applications had
architecture . Optical Coherence
been carried out within the concept of
Tomography (OCT) is another example
pattern recognition through A Supervised
where deep learning methods are showing
Semantics – Preserving Deep Hashing
valuable results. Conventionally, images
(SSPDH) algorithm has proved a
are treated by a manual development of
considerable improvement . (VHB) and
convolutional matrices . Unfortunately, the
Space – Saliency Fingerprint Selection
lack of training sets, limits the deep
(SSFS). The accuracy of SSPDH is even
learning method. Nevertheless within a
70% more efficient . Finally, another
few years, the introduction of better
remarkable application in digital image
training sets will effectively predict retinal
processing, using deep learning method, is
pathologies and decrease OCT technology
facial recognition. Google, Facebook and
costs .
Microsoft have unique deep learning face
recognition models . Lately, identification
based on a facial picture has changed to an BIOMETRICS: In 2009, an automatic
automatic recognition by establishing age speech recognition application was
and gender as initial parameters. carried out to decrease the Phone Error
Sighthound Inc. for instance tested a deep Rate (PER) by using two different
architectures of deep belief networks .
convolutional neural network algorithm
In 2012, CNN method was applied
capable to recognize not only age and
within the framework of a Hybrid
gender, but even emotions . Furthermore, a Neural Network - Hidden Markov
robust system was developed to accurately Model (NN – HMM). As a result, a PER
determine the age and gender of a person of 20.07 % was achieved. The PER
from a single image by the application of a obtained is better in comparison with a
deep multi-task learning architecture . 3 – layer neural network baseline
method previously applied .
Smartphones and their camera 1. Automatic feature
resolution have been tested on iris learning: Deep learning
recognition. Using mobile phones algorithms can automatically learn
developed by different companies the features from the data, which
iris recognition accuracy can reach up means that they don’t require the
to 87% of effectiveness . performed in
features to be hand-engineered.
this study clearly demonstrates the
relevance of this technology and gives a This is particularly useful for tasks
clearly illustrates the growth of deep where the features are difficult to
learning and the tendency regarding for define, such as image recognition.
future research in this field. 2. Handling large and complex
Additionally, it is important to note that data: Deep learning algorithms
hierarchy of layers and the supervision can handle large and complex
in learning are key factors to develop a datasets that would be difficult for
successful application regarding deep traditional machine learning
learning. Hierarchy is essential for algorithms to process. This makes
appropriate data classification, whereas it a useful tool for extracting
supervision considers the importance of insights from big data.
the database itself to be part of the
3. Improved performance: Deep
process. The main value of deep
learning relies on the optimization of learning algorithms have been
existing applications in machine shown to achieve state-of-the-art
learning, due to its innovativeness on performance on a wide range of
hierarchical layer processing. Deep problems, including image and
learning can deliver effective results on speech recognition, natural
digital image processing and speech language processing, and computer
recognition. The reduction on error vision.
percentage clearly corroborates the 4. Handling non-linear
improvement compared with existing relationships: Deep learning can
and tested methods. During the current uncover non-linear relationships in
era and in a future, deep learning can data that would be difficult to
result into a useful security tool due to
detect through traditional methods.
the facial recognition and speech
recognition combined. Besides this, 5. Handling structured and
digital image processing is a research unstructured data: Deep
field that can be applied in multiple learning algorithms can handle
areas. For this reason and having both structured and unstructured
proved a true optimization, deep data such as images, text, and
learning is a contemporary and exciting audio.
subject of advancement in artificial 6. Predictive modeling: Deep
intelligent. learning can be used to make
predictions about future events or
ADVANTAGES OF DEEP trends, which can help
LEARNING: Deep learning has organizations plan for the future
several advantages over traditional and make strategic decisions.
machine learning methods, some of the 7. Handling missing data: Deep
main ones include: learning algorithms can handle
missing data and still make
predictions, which is useful in real-
world applications where data is 6. Lack of domain expertise: Deep
often incomplete. learning requires a good
understanding of the domain and
DISADVANTAGES OF DEEP the problem you are trying to solve.
LEARNING: While deep learning has If the domain expertise is lacking, it
many advantages, there are also some can be difficult to formulate the
disadvantages to consider: problem and select the appropriate
1. High computational cost: Training algorithm.
deep learning models requires 7. Unforeseen consequences: Deep
significant computational resources, learning models can lead to
including powerful GPUs and large unintended consequences, for
amounts of memory. This can be example, a biased model can
costly and time-consuming. discriminate against certain groups
2. Overfitting: Overfitting occurs of people, leading to ethical
when a model is trained too well on concerns.
the training data and performs 8. Limited to the data its trained
poorly on new, unseen data. This is on: Deep learning models can only
a common problem in deep make predictions based on the data
learning, especially with large it has been trained on. They may not
neural networks, and can be caused be able to generalize to new
by a lack of data, a complex model, situations or contexts that were not
or a lack of regularization. represented in the training data.
3. Lack of interpretability: Deep 9. Black box models: some deep
learning models, especially those learning models are considered as
with many layers, can be complex “black-box” models, as it is difficult
and difficult to interpret. This can to understand how the model is
make it difficult to understand how making predictions and identifying
the model is making predictions and the factors that influence the
to identify any errors or biases in predictions.
the model. while deep learning has many
4. Dependence on data quality: Deep advantages, it also has some
learning algorithms rely on the limitations, such as high computational
quality of the data they are trained cost, overfitting, lack of
on. If the data is noisy, incomplete, interpretability, dependence on data
or biased, the model’s performance quality, data privacy and security
will be negatively affected. concerns, lack of domain expertise,
5. Data privacy and security unforeseen consequences, limited to the
concerns: As deep learning models data it’s trained on and black-box
often rely on large amounts of data, models. It’s important to consider these
there are concerns about data limitations when applying deep
privacy and security. Misuse of data learning to a problem.
by malicious actors can lead to APPLICATION OF DEEP
serious consequences like identity LEARNING:Deep learning has a wide
theft, financial loss and invasion of
range of applications across multiple
industries and fields. Some of the most 7. Finance: Deep learning is used to
common applications include: detect fraudulent transactions, to
identify potential risks, and to make
1. Computer vision: Deep learning is
predictions about stock prices.
used in image and video
Applications include credit fraud
recognition, object detection,
detection, algorithmic trading, and
semantic segmentation, and other
risk management.
computer vision tasks. Applications
8. Marketing: Deep learning is used
include self-driving cars, security
to analyze customer data, to predict
cameras, and image recognition for
customer behavior and to
mobile devices.
personalize marketing campaigns.
2. Natural language
Applications include customer
processing: Deep learning is used
segmentation, customer lifetime
in natural language understanding,
value prediction, and
machine translation, sentiment
analysis, and other natural language
9. Gaming: Deep learning is used to
processing tasks. Applications
train agents to play games, and to
include chatbots, virtual assistants,
develop intelligent game-playing
and language-based search engines.
algorithms. Applications include
3. Speech recognition: Deep learning
game bots, game-playing AI, and
is used in speech recognition, voice
adaptive game design.
identification, and voice synthesis.
10. Robotics: Deep learning is used to
Applications include voice-
enable robots to learn from
controlled assistants, voice-enabled
experience and adapt to their
devices and voice-controlled robots.
environment. Applications include
4. Predictive analytics: Deep learning
autonomous vehicles, drones, and
is used to analyze historical data
industrial robots.
and make predictions about future
11. Cybersecurity: Deep learning is
events. Applications include fraud
used to detect patterns in network
detection, customer churn
traffic, and to identify and respond
prediction, and demand forecasting.
to cyber threats. Applications
5. Recommender systems: Deep
include intrusion detection and
learning is used to analyze patterns
prevention, and malware detection.
in data to recommend items to
These are just a few examples of the
users. Applications include movie
many ways in which deep learning is
and music recommendations, news
being used today. The field is
recommendations, and product
constantly evolving and new
applications are being developed all the
6. Healthcare: Deep learning is used
time, as the technology and data
to analyze medical images and
availability .
patient data, to improve diagnosis
and treatment, and to identify
potential health risks. Applications
include cancer diagnosis, drug CONCLUSION: Deep learning is
discovery, and personalized indeed a fast growing application of
medicine. machine learning. The numerous
applications described above prove its
rapid development in just few years. 1. Abdel, O.: Applying convolutional neural
The usage of these algorithms in networks concepts to hybrid NN-HMM model
different fields shows its versatility. for speech recognition. Acoustics, Speech and
Signal Processing 7, 4277-4280 (2012).
The publication analysis performed in
this study clearly demonstrates the 2. Mosavi A., Varkonyi-Koczy A. R.: Integration
relevance of this technology and gives of Machine Learning and Optimization for
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learning and the tendency regarding for Systems and Computing 519, 349-355 (2017).
future research in this field. 3. Bannister, A.: Biometrics and AI: how
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Additionally, it is important to note
deep learning (2016).
that hierarchy of layers and the
supervision in learning are key factors 4. Bengio, Y.: Learning deep architectures for
to develop a successful application AI. Foundations and trends in Machine
Learning 2, 1-127 (2009).
regarding deep learning. Hierarchy is
essential for appropriate data 5. Mosavi, A., Varkonyi-Koczy, A. R., Fullsack,
classification, whereas supervision M.: Combination of Machine Learning and
considers the importance of the Optimization for Automated Decision-Making.
database itself to be part of the process. MCDM (2015).
The main value of deep learning relies 6. Deng L, Yu D Deep learning: methods and
on the optimization of existing applications. Foundations and Trends in Signal
applications in machine learning, due to Processing 7,197-387(2014).
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processing. Natural Language Processing. International
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Deep learning can deliver effective
Science 8, (2017).
results on digital image processing and
speech recognition. The reduction on 8. Vaezipour, A.: Mosavi, A. Seigerroth, U.:
error percentage (10 to 20 %) clearly Machine learning integrated optimization for
corroborates the improvement decision making, 26th Europian Conference
on Operational Research, Rome (2013).
compared with existing and tested
methods. During the current era and in 9. Hinton G E, Simon O, Yee-Whye T A fast
a future, deep learning can result into a learning algorithm for deep belief nets. Neural
useful security tool due to the facial computation 18, 1527-1554 (2006).
recognition and speech recognition 10. Hisham, A., Harin, S.: Deep Learning – the
combined. Besides this, digital image new kid in Artificial Intelligence. (2017).
processing is a research field that can
11. Kim I W, Oh, M.: Deep learning: from
be applied in multiple areas. For this
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optimization, deep learning is a (2017) .
contemporary and exciting subject of
12. Mosavi, A., Vaezipour, A.: Developing
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Effective Tools for Predictive Analytics and
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