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Assignment #5

In NOT LESS than 700 words did you believe the Fake News, Misinformation and Trolls regarding
President Noynoy Aquino's Administration? Why? Have your views on the President Noynoy Aquino's
Administration changed after his death? Why? How would you compare the Aquino Administration with
the Duterte Administration? Who do you think is a better role-model for the youth? Pick 3 Aquino
Administration achievements that you believe greatly improved the lives of the people and explain why.
Again, there is no right or wrong answer. I am more interested on how you think and defend your
Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III, also known as PNoy and Noynoy, was the Philippines'
15th president from 2010 to 2016. From 1998 to 2010, Aquino was a member of the House of
Representatives and the Senate, and from 2004 to 2006, he was also the deputy speaker of the House of
Representatives. He was a fourth-generation politician from the Aquino family of Tarlac, the son of
politician Benigno Aquino Jr. and President Corazon Aquino. He officially announced his candidacy for
the 2010 presidential election on September 9, 2009, shortly after his mother died. He went on to win the
election. On June 30, 2010, he was sworn in as the Philippines' 15th president, succeeding Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo. His presidency was marked by the country's economy stabilizing and growing to its
highest level in decades, earning it the moniker "Rising Tiger." Aquino's confrontational foreign policy
has also been credited to him. To invalidate China's claims in the South China Sea and assert his own
country's claims in the area, his administration filed an arbitration case, Philippines v. China, with the
Permanent Court of Arbitration; the court ruled in favor of the Philippines. Aquino was chastised for the
Mamasapano clash, a botched police operation that killed 44 Special Action Force members, and several
other issues. On June 30, 2016, his non-renewable term came to an end, and he was succeeded by
Rodrigo Duterte.
I did not believe in the fake news, misinformation and trolls regarding to President Noynoy
Aquino’s Administration, in fact I admire him for the things that he done in our country. He is one of the
great presidents of our country that we ever had. After his death, there is nothing changes in my view to
his administration because he did great things in our country like in education. In 2013, Aquino
implemented education reforms in the Philippines by enacting the K-12 curriculum and signing the
Enhanced Basic Education Act into law. The basic education system was extended by two years, resulting
in the Senior High School stage. Because the Philippines was one of only three countries in the world
with a 10-year basic education program at the time, the program was implemented. The associated costs
to be borne by teachers, parents, and students for the additional two years of basic education, as well as
the lack of classrooms and teachers required for the implementation of the K-12 program, are among the
criticisms leveled at the K-12 program. In foreign policy, Benigno Aquino III is known for his belligerent
foreign policy toward China, particularly regarding the Philippines' approach to pursuing its claims in the
South China Sea. The China v. Philippines case was filed under his administration, and the Permanent
Court of Arbitration (PCA) ruled in 2016 that China's nine-dash line claim, which covers the entire sea,
was invalid, despite China's continued defiance of the decision. After a 2021 standoff with China over the
dispute feature, the Philippines lost control of the Scarborough Shoal, prompting the filing of the lawsuit
in 2013. And the last is the no wang wang policy, Aquino established the "no wang-wang" policy during
his inaugural address, bolstering the implementation of Presidential Decree No. 96. The term "wang-
wang" refers to blaring sirens. On January 13, 1973, then-President Ferdinand Marcos issued an executive
order restricting the use of sirens and other similar devices to motor vehicles designated for use by select
national government officials, the police, the military, the fire department, and ambulances.
I think President Aquino and President Duterte are both great president that we ever had in our
country. They both did well to make our country better but in different ways. I admire President Aquino
for making the education in the Philippines more competitive that we can compete to other country
because we have the K-12 curriculum program. And I also admire President Duterte by making our
country stricter in terms of security and other illegal things like drugs and others. They have a same will
that focuses to the growth of our country. We, as Filipino citizens, we should not compare them on what
they do to our country because they do all things for the sake of our country. We should support them on
what they want if it can help to our country and not to violate them because they hate them. We should
respect our leader in all cost.

In NOT LESS than 700 words, (the 700 words should not include the question or the Constitutional
provisions), Are you in favor of an Anti-Dynasty Law? Why or why not? If you are in favor, who will
you prohibit from running (fathers, mothers, children, brothers, sisters, spouses, first cousins. etc.)? Will
you allow them to run in different towns, districts, or provinces? If you have a father running for
President, will you allow a son to run for any other position. This will entail research and understanding
of the proposed Anti-Dynasty Law in relation to the Constitutional provision.
"The State shall guarantee equal access to opportunities for public service and prohibit political
dynasties as may be defined by law," says Article II Section 26 of the Philippine Constitution of 1987.
Despite the Constitution's provision, the only statute governing the status of political dynasties in the
Philippines is the Sangguniang Kabataan Reform Act of 2016. The closest explicit mention of political
dynasties in Philippine law can be found in Republic Act 7160, or the Local Government Code, which
states the term limit of local government officials in Book I, Title Two, Chapter 1, Section 43. It does not,
however, place any restrictions on the incumbent's family relations or on members of the same family
holding multiple political positions.
For me, I am favor in the Anti-Dynasty Law because we are in a democratic country, the rule of
majority will win so that you must give chance to other to be elect in the position in government not only
one family but also all of us can be elected. Because if only one family is in the position in government,
there is no changes through many years because they have a single will that to be done. If we have
different people that be elected, there has different ideas that can happen in our country. There is nothing
wrong if we try something new if it has a good intention in our country and make a progress to it. Maybe
we can let other family to get in the position if they can contribute more to our country. If they have a
plan to make our country more beautiful then why not? But we must all consider the citizens in our
country. If they promise that they have a beautiful project for the future in our country so why we should
try? If it is good or bad at least we try something new not only one name, but we also always hear and
see. If I am a running for president, I do not allow my son to run in other position, why? Because I want
to give chance to other that are willing and deserving to be elected in other position. After my term and
many citizens are want my son to run in position then I will allow it because my term as president is
ended. Let just other give an opportunity to show their passion and will not only rich person but also all
citizens in our country but make sure that they have some knowledge in the politics to ensure that there is
no problem if ever they elected in the position. We should support the Anti-Dynasty Law to prevent the
suppressing of our freedom by the government how rule in our country. We should try something new
because there is no wrong if we try new unless you are satisfied in the political system in our country that
are always the same since in the beginning. The problem in our country is not the government like a quote
from anonymous, “We do not have a worst government, we have a worst citizen.” For me I think this is
true because in the election we vote for the people we want to lead us but, in the end, we did not support
them. We always complain to the government system, but we did not notice our self that there is nothing
to do but to complain. And now, we vote again to 2022 election, and we vote for our candidate but after a
few years, we are all seeing the errors of the government not the right things that they do. We always seek
for the errors of the other and this is the problem why we have no progress. This is the Crab mentality of
the Filipino that even our country is pulling down by the people who they just want them to thrive.

In conclusion, there is no wrong in our government if we support them on what they like for the
sake of our country. We should support them not finding errors on what they done. Because at the end,
we are all affected on what they do even you do not care. We are all connected to each other like a
domino effect so that we should be good to other if they want other be good to you.

Are you a registered voter? If no, will you register?

- Yes, I am a registered voter.

Will you vote in the May 2022 elections? Why will you vote in the 2022 elections?
Yes, Because I am a worthless citizen if I do not vote for the people that lead us in the future. I
am a concern citizen and want to have a good government, so I choose the right candidate to be our
If VP Leni Robredo, Bongbong Marcos, Sen Manny Pacquiao, Mayor Sara Duterte are running for
President, who will you vote for? Why are you voting for your choice?
I will vote for Bongbong Marcos, why, because the sin of the father in never be inherited by his
son. But the will of the father that is to make our country being one of the greatest countries in southeast
Asia can be done by his son. So why we should try a Marcos again and let him continue the will of his
Please rank 1, 2, 3, 4 these candidates based on your preference. Rank 1 is your preferred choice and
Rank 4 as your least preferred.
__4__ Sara Duterte
__1__ BongBong Marcos
__3__ Manny Pacquiao
__2__ Leni Robredo

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