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Mit mehr

What to do when you don’t know
CAREERS: Freelancing • CAREER COACH: Not having a clue • BUSINESS SKILLS: Embarrassing situations • GLOBAL BUSINESS: Summit costs

what to do

How to deal with embarrassing situations


Costs, security, protests

Is freelancing
the future of work?
Lifestyle, flexibility, money —
why aren’t we all doing it?
L € 9,50; E ·I ·P ·SK € 10,50
A € 8,90; CH sfr 10,90
Deutschland € 7,90
Für alle, die
weiterkommen wollen.

im Abo

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It isn’t actually just another word for “nothing left to
lose”. It means risks but also opportunities. Go for both.

s the future freelance? In a post-pandemic situations, our Business Skills section can
world, work has taken on new dimensions show you how best to deal with those.
across all professions. Freelancing is a way Finally, on a global level, this issue coincides
of life for many people, no matter if you’re with international conferences of the G20
a digital nomad, a gig worker or a classic, stay- and COP27. We take an in-depth look into the
at-home freelancer. It offers the freedom to financial and human cost of world summits.
Titelfoto: Asia Vision/iStock.com; Illustration: Yulia Prykina/iStock.com; Foto: privat

choose the jobs you take, and work when and What are the security issues? What happens in
where you want. So, why aren’t we all doing the host countries?
it? In this issue, we look the world of freelanc- And, as the world gears up for the men’s
ers — at the perks, risks and what you need to football World Cup in Qatar, we also give
know if you’re thinking about switching. you a brief overview of which sports have the
Of course, there’s also a downside to free- biggest gender pay gaps.
dom. Sometimes — with too much freedom or Think, form your opinions. You’re free to
with none at all — it’s easy to find yourself lost. express them, and we tell you how.
What do you do when you just don’t know
what to do? Our career coach, Frank Peters,
has tips for you and your team about how to
turn yourself around from freefall (or when
your back is against the wall) so you can come
out on top, whatever problem you’re facing. JUDITH GILBERT, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
And, if your challenge involves embarrassing j.gilbert@spotlight-verlag.de

EDITORIAL 11/2022 Business Spotlight 3


6 United Kingdom

A new king on the throne
Names and News

The latest from the business world

10 Bits and Bytes E
News and numbers on the internet
M+ 
Freelancing New Work
Flexibility, money,
work-life balance
11 Sport Payments M — why aren’t we
Pay gaps in the world of sports all freelancers?
12 Profile M 
Gary Vaynerchuk — bestselling
author and social media expert
14 Profile A
Shonda Rhimes — television
producer and empire builder
16 Head-to-Head A+ 
Is unlimited vacation a good idea?
18 Global Business M
The cost of international conferences
22 Work and Travel M
Japanese office train carriages
25 Lifestyle M
The latest office gadgets

26 Intercultural Business M+ 
Camel riding in the UAE
30 Business Skills M+ 
How to deal with embarrassing Global
situations Business

Are world
CAREERS summits worth
33 My Biggest Failure M+  the costs and
Learning from a failed job interview security issues?
34 New Work M
Is freelancing the future of work?
38 Career Coach  Embarrassing
What to do when you have no clue 3 Editorial
situations? Not a
50 Freestyle M  problem!
LANGUAGE Quiz on famous bosses
42 English for... E  51 Preview / Impressum
Trades today
44 Skill Up! M+ 
Football There is extra audio material related to
this article on Business Spotlight Audio
48 Test E MA
Assess your language skills
+ You can find exercises related to this
article in Business Spotlight Plus

4 Business Spotlight 11/2022 CONTENTS

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Business Skills
16-page exercise booklet
How to deal with

€ 5,50 (D) | € 6,30 (A) | sfr 8,70 (CH)

an embarrassing

Head-to-Head Skill Up! Intercultural Business

The pros and cons of The language Test your knowledge
unlimited holiday of football of Dubai




Business Spotlight Audio

Listen to 60 minutes of texts,
Business Skills
Embarrassing dialogues, exercises and
No problem!
Profile Freestyle Skill Up!
interviews related to topics
Gary Vaynerchuk Quiz on bosses Practise talking
on social media with bad habits about football
in the current magazine.

Work and Travel

A look inside Japan’s
office train carriages Business Spotlight in the Classroom
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A German woman
on doing business
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Fotos: picture alliance/ASSOCIATED PRESS, ADCR; Illustrationen: Georg Lechner

Language in Business Spotlight

➻ Articles use the style, spelling, punctuation and pronuncia-
tion of British English unless otherwise marked.
➻ Articles that use American style, spelling, punctuation and
pronunciation are marked “US”.

Approximately Approximately Approximately

at CEF level A2 at CEF levels B1–B2 at CEF levels C1–C2
CEF: European Framework of Reference for Languages

ifml.: informal word or phrase

vulg.: vulgar word or phrase; sl.: slang word or phrase
non-stand.: non-standard word or phrase
UK: chiefly British usage; US: chiefly North American usage

CONTENTS 11/2022 Business Spotlight 5


A new king on the throne:

what will change and what won’t
God Save the King – an diese neuen Worte in der Nationalhymne müssen sich viele Menschen erst noch gewöhnen.
Aber es gibt noch mehr Dinge, die sich nach dem Tod der Queen ändern. Und das wird nicht billig.



fter her 70 years as queen, Eliz- (“Elizabeth II Regina”). Replacing these King Edward III created it, in 1337. It cov-
abeth II’s name and image are will be a huge task. Britain’s iconic red ers almost 140,000 acres and is valued at
all over Britain and the Com- postboxes, also marked with EIIR, will around £1 billion.
monwealth. Changing that most likely stay. There are a few much old-
will take a lot of time and money. er postboxes still in use today. However, What will it cost?
the post office will soon start using new Even in death, someone must pay the bill.
Banknotes and coins stamps with the profile of King Charles. The true cost of Queen Elizabeth’s death
The Guardian reported that there are 4.5 may never be known, as much of the UK
billion sterling banknotes in circulation The Commonwealth economy simply stopped when the news
with the queen’s face on them — worth Of the 56 Commonwealth nations, 14 was announced — many businesses
a total of £80 billion (€92 billion). Re- countries (and the UK) recognize the Brit- closed and events were cancelled.
placing those with notes that feature ish monarch as their head of state. Many As a comparison, William and Kate’s
King Charles will take years. Since 1960, of them became independent in the 1960s, wedding, in 2011, had a nominal cost of
the queen’s face has appeared on pound and their constitutions must be updated. around £30 million, but the event prob-
notes. She’s also on some $20 notes in In some cases, like Jamaica, which has a ably cost the economy several billion
Canada, the Australian $5 note, and on strong republican movement, constitu- pounds in lost work. The death of a belov-
coins and notes in many other Common- tional changes require a referendum. After ed queen and the coronation of the new
wealth countries. Barbados became a republic in 2021, the king will be much more expensive.

Fotos: maogg, andylid, ImagoGY, clubfoto/iStock.com, tattywelshie, tattywelshie/iStock.com; pícture-alliance/Reuters

queen’s death might prompt other Com-
Royal warrants and arms monwealth nations to do the same. acre [(eIkE] inherit sth.
The queen’s royal warrant is given to busi- , Acre, Morgen , etw. erben
(ca. 4047m )2
nesses that have historically supplied the The wealth of the royal family inheritance tax UK
royal family. There are reportedly around Most of the royal family’s wealth — esti- billion , Erbschaftsteuer
, Milliarde(n)
800 of them — including Gordon’s gin mated to be around £24.5 billion in prop- jeweller [(dZu:ElE]
and Swarovski jewellers. These compa- erty and other investments — automati- circulation: be in ~ , Juwelier(in), Schmuck-
[)s§:kju(leIS&n] händler(in)
nies will lose their warrants, unless given cally passes to King Charles. This includes , in Umlauf sein
line of succession
a new one. It’s possible that Charles might the monarch’s main source of income, constitution [sEk(seS&n] , Erbfolge
ask for higher environmental standards the Duchy of Lancaster estate. Thanks to , Verfassung
prompt sb.
for royal warrants. a law introduced in 1993, the king pays cypher [(saIfE] , jmdn. veranlassen
The royal arms, featuring a lion, a uni- no inheritance tax on the estate, which is , Chiffre
property , Immobilie(n)
corn and a shield, appears on many gov- worth more than £650 million. Non-royal duchy [(dVtSi]
reportedly , angeblich
ernment buildings and on stationery. residents of the UK can be required to pay , Herzogtum

Changing all that would be very expen- a 40 per cent tax on property valued over royal arms
, königliches Wappen
sive, but it won’t be necessary — unless £325,000. , Anwesen, Landgut
royal warrant [(wQrEnt]
the king decides it’s time for an update. Other parts of the family’s estate move feature sb./sth. [fi:tSE]
, königliche Urkunde für
, jmdn./etw. zeigen,
down the line of succession. Prince Wil- Hoflieferanten
Flags, postboxes and stamps liam (now the heir to the throne) has in- shield , (Schutz-)Schild
heir to the throne [eE]
Whether at police stations, military herited the private Duchy of Cornwall , Thronerbe/-erbin, stationery [(steIS&nEri]
regiments or elsewhere, thousands of estate from his father. This large estate Thronfolger(in) , Briefpapier
flags across the UK and the Common- of land and property in the south-west iconic [aI(kQnIk] unicorn [(ju:nIkO:n]
wealth display the royal cypher “EIIR” of England has been in the family since , kultig, mit Kultstatus , Einhorn

6 Business Spotlight 11/2022 TRENDS

Elizabeth’s image and royal cypher, EIIR, will
be replaced on coins, banknotes and stamps...

...and several nations, such as Jamaica, might become republics

“Speak to

Gen Z —
because you are
on the future”

Dr Eliza Filby, UK researcher

who helps companies understand
multigenerational shifts
India is challenging
E-COMMERCE e-commerce giants
eavesdrop on sth. researcher
India wants online [(i:vzdrQp]
, etw. (be)lauschen
, Forscher(in)

shopping for all Gen Z [dZen (zed]

, Generation Z
, hier: Wandel


When consumers shop online, they tend to choose

the easiest option. That usually means an e-com-
merce giant like Amazon. However, India may soon
change this. The country has launched public digital
infrastructure for retail businesses, called the Open
Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC). The aim is
to create an integrated network that displays prod-
ucts and services from all participating e-commerce
platforms across all apps on the network. This would
allow millions of small businesses to connect with
suppliers, customers and delivery providers.
Currently, Amazon and the Walmart-owned
Flipkart are thought to control some 60 per cent of
India’s e-commerce market, which the government
estimates will be worth about $350 billion (€353 bil- South Korea: 932
lion) by 2030. ONDC’s creators want to challenge Japan: 390
Germany: 371
the big platforms’ dominance by attracting 30 mil- US: 255
lion shoppers and 300 million sellers to the network
by 2024. One of the driving forces behind ONDC is High labour costs usually motivate companies to replace workers
Indian billionaire and Infosys founder Nandan Nil- with robots. In South Korea, there could be another reason. A law
ekani. He told Fortune magazine: “We have a chance introduced early in 2022 makes company managers liable for work-
Fotos: ddp; Mattes/iStock.com;

to start over and remake the digital world to be more place injuries. Something that was intended to support workers may
fair and transparent for all participants.” have created an incentive to get rid of them.

billion , Milliarde(n) founder , Gründer(in) retail [(ri:teI&l] incentive injury [(IndZEri] labour costs liable [(laIEb&l]
, Einzelhandel [In(sentIv] , Verletzung , Lohnkosten , verantwortlich,
billionaire launch sth. [lO:ntS] , Anreiz haftbar
, Milliardär(in) , etw. einführen

8 Business Spotlight 11 /2022 TRENDS



Sam Taggart was once arrested in Texas,

nearly punched in Arkansas, and he’s been
called “scum” in more than 40 US states.
Taggart is a door-to-door (D2D) salesman.
“Everything is selling,” he told The New York-
er. “You find the person’s problem ... and you
solve it through your product.”
The job is anything but easy. Door knock-
ers know almost nothing about their pro-
spective customer, who usually isn’t at all
happy to see them. Most people expected
the internet to kill off this old profession, Chinese graduation
ceremony in 2022
however, the industry estimates that up JOB MARKET
to 100,000 D2D sales reps are active every
summer across the US. Partly because of the
internet, some companies feel that taking
Top Marx for Chinese graduates
people by surprise is the only way to restore MEDIUM AUDIO
“information asymmetry” (when the seller
knows more than the customer). Marxism is the official ideology in website Yingjiesheng shows a 20
Growing up in Salt Lake City, Utah, Tag- China, but since the reforms that per cent rise in jobs that require a
gart began D2D sales when he was just 11. began in 1978, economic prosperi- degree in Marxism, even as long
He’s been so successful, he was a millionaire ty has been more important. Now, Covid lockdowns have caused high
by the age of 25 and now owns the company the Marxists are back. China’s Pres- unemployment.
D2D Experts, which teaches other sales reps ident Xi Jinping prefers a stricter It’s not just universities that are
exactly what to say and how to say it. ideology, which includes tighter looking for Marxism graduates.
regulation of the private sector and Companies want to show they’re
efforts to reduce income inequality. following the party line, especially
These policies are influencing the after a crackdown in technology
job market. Since 2018, the number and other sectors. “It helps to have
of ideology and politics teachers someone who speaks the party’s lan-
at Chinese universities has risen guage,” David Tong, a factory owner
by two-thirds. And the job-search in Ningbo, told the Financial Times.

Top Marx... crackdown graduate prosperity

, Anspielung auf „top , hartes Durchgreifen [(grÄdZuEt] [prQ(sperEti]
marks“ = Bestnoten , Absolvent(in) , Wohlstand
degree , Abschluss

D2D salesman
Sam Taggart
Fotos: thed2dexperts.com; LightRocket/Getty Images

Arkansas [(A:kEnsO:] punch sb. [pVntS] Of course, we need prisons, airports, etc. — but who wants
, [wg. Aussprache] , jmdn. (mit der Faust) to live next door? NIMBYism refers to opposition to new development
industry in one’s own neighbourhood, especially development that is
, hier: Branche restore sth.
, etw. wiederherstellen
considered undesirable. “NIMBY” is an acronym that stands for “not in
kill sth. off my backyard”. The concept is at the heart of discussions about where
, etw. den Garaus machen sales rep(resentative)
, Handelsvertreter(in) to build affordable housing for young and low-income families.
[prE(spektIv] scum [skVm] ifml.
, potenziell , Abschaum; affordable housing undesirable
hier: Dreckskerl [(haUzIN] [)Vndi(zaIErEb&l]
, erschwinglicher Wohnraum , unerwünscht

TRENDS Business Spotlight 11 /2022 9


Airbnb users had their accounts suspended in 2021 for breaking the “no parties” rule.
The company banned parties temporarily in 2020, but this has been so popular with hosts (and especially
with their neighbours) that Airbnb has decided to make the ban permanent.

of US TikTok audience [(O:diEns]
users discov- , Publikum, Zuhörerschaft

er new music
on the plat-
ban sth.
, etw. verbieten
What will
form. This billion , Milliarde(n) we do in the
makes TikTok an in- consultancy
teresting place for new , Beratungsunternehmen

artists to build an audi- exercising

, Sport The immersive digital world,
ence, without giving up known as the “metaverse”, is
creative autonomy. fraction
sometimes called the future of
, (Bruch-)Teil
the internet. The consultancy
goodies [(gUdiz] ifml. McKinsey & Company asked
, Leckereien; hier: Extras American consumers what they’d
like to use the metaverse for in
Paying for YouTube
, Gastgeber(in) five years’ time. Here is a selection
immersive [I(m§:sIv]
of their answers:
Most of what’s on YouTube is free, but the world’s , immersiv; hier: Techniken
• Shopping:
biggest video platform has persuaded about der virtuellen Realität nutzend
50 million people to pay. That’s only 2.5 per cent of long-term 48%
everyone who watches YouTube, but when you , langfristig • Attending a live learning course:
have two billion users, you need just a fraction
of them to make something big. Subscribers get
, Abonnent(in)
• Getting customer service support:
premium content, exclusive music playlists and subscription
other goodies. It’s too soon to say if subscriptions
, Abonnement 40%
suspend sth. [sE(spend] • Exercising:
will be a long-term success, but this shows how
YouTube is trying to become less dependent on
, etw. sperren
the difficult online ad business. • Dating:

The rivals
Active users Active users

200+ 45+
Number of countries and regions Number of countries and regions
Fotos: rarrarorro/Shutterstock.com


Payment volume in 2021 Payment volume in 2021

The online payment market has seen enormous growth in the past few years. billion , Milliarde(n)

It is expected to be worth at least $12.5 trillion by 2027. And some expect it to grow even faster. trillion , Billion(en)

10 Business Spotlight 11/2022 TRENDS


A sporting chance? GOLF

Frauen verdienen meist weniger als Männer – gerade Golfers are among the highest-earning female
auch im Sport. Wie groß sind die Unterschiede genau? athletes, but the women’s prize money is still
much less than the men’s. In the US Open, the
Von RICHARD MOTE gap has actually grown, from $900,000 in 2014
MEDIUM to $1.25 million in 2021.

2021 US Open

• Prize money for women’s champion:
or men and women, reaching the top level of $1 million
any sport takes years of work and sacrifice, • Prize money for men’s champion:
but there’s often a huge disparity in their fi- $2.25 million
nancial rewards once they get there. From
bobsleigh to triathlon, many sports award equal prize
money in their major tournaments, but several of the ATTENTION DEFICIT
richest sports have the largest pay gaps. Euro 2022 shone a spotlight on women’s
football, but the sport suffers from a lack of
attention when no international tournament
FOOTBALL is taking place.
After being sued by its female players, the
US soccer federation agreed to equal pay for Pre-Covid average attendance in Germany
the women’s and men’s national teams in all
• Bundesliga: about 43,000 per game
tournaments, including the World Cup. But • Frauen-Bundesliga: about 1,000 per game
World Cup prize money is decided by the in-
ternational football federation, FIFA.

2019 Women’s World Cup in France

• Winners’ prize money: $4 million
• Overall tournament prize money:
$30 million

2022 Men’s World Cup in Qatar

• Winners’ prize money: $42 million
• Overall tournament prize money: BASKETBALL
$450 million Men’s basketball in the US is the world’s
AT CLUB LEVEL, THE GAP IS WIDER highest-paying sport (with regard to sala-
In the English Women’s Super League, salaries ry). Many female basketball players spend
range from £20,000 to £250,000 a year. In the English their off-season not resting, but playing
Premier League, the average salary, even at a mid- overseas to supplement their income.
table club, is estimated to be about £4.7 million a year.
For the 2023–24 season
In Germany • Minimum salary in the NBA: $1 million+
• Female footballers’ average salary: €43,670 • Maximum salary in the WNBA: $228,000
Fotos: Udomsook, Phototalk, Gearstd/iStock.com

• National average: €54,880

A sporting chance? mid-table overall , Gesamt- shine a spotlight on sth. Super League UK tournament
, Eine faire Chance? , mittlerer Tabellenplatz , etw. beleuchten; , 1. Liga für Frauenfußball [(tUEnEmEnt]
pay gap
hier: die Aufmerksamkeit in England , Turnier
bobsleigh [(bQbsleI] NBA (National Basketball , Gehaltskluft, Verdienst-
auf etw. lenken
, Bob(sport) Association) US lücke supplement sth. WNBA (Women’s
, Basketball-Profiliga der soccer federation US , etw. ergänzen, National Basketball
disparity [dIs(pÄrEti] Premier League UK
Männer , Fußballverband aufbessern Association) US
, Ungleichheit, Miss- , oberste englische
, Basketball-Profiliga der
verhältnis off-season Fußballliga sue sb. [sju:]
, Saison-Pause , jmdn. verklagen

TRENDS 11/2022 Business Spotlight 11


Gary Vaynerchuk

The trendspotter
Er ist Pionier für digitales Marketing, Unternehmer, Business-Mogul und
Bestsellerautor: Gary Vaynerchuck ist eine der schillerndsten Persönlichkeiten
der Tech-Welt. Wie hat der Sohn weißrussischer Einwanderer das nur geschafft?



henever there is significant technological change, documents his life as a CEO and answers questions from his
“most human beings go on defense — they don’t followers.
like it. But a small group takes the complete oppo- Born in Babruysk in the Soviet Union (now part of Belarus),
site take,” Gary Vaynerchuk told the wire service Vaynerchuk and his family moved to New York when he was
Zenger. Known as GaryVee to his fans, the 47-year-old is a serial three. Even in school, he found ways to make money — like sell-
entrepreneur, business consultant and CEO. He was number ing baseball collectors’ cards. In 2009, he and his brother founded
one on the first Forbes list of Top Tech/Business Influencers, has VaynerMedia. Five years later, he co-founded the restaurant-res-
tens of millions of followers on social media and is the author ervation app Resy, which was later sold to American Express.
of several bestselling books on business, including Twelve and a Vaynerchuk’s latest interest is in non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
Half: Leveraging the Emotional Ingredients Necessary for Business Success. He created his own NFT collection, called VeeFriends, and or-
Central to Vaynerchuk’s success is his ability to recognize ganized a Web3 conference in Minnesota, called VeeCon. To
trends early and to use that information to make money for promote his latest book, Vaynerchuk offered a free NFT to all
himself and his clients. In the 1990s, Vaynerchuk recognized social media followers who preordered his book in bulk, which
the power of the young internet to transform his father’s liquor resulted in over a million sales worldwide in one day. “Eventual-
store. He renamed the store Wine Library and, by selling wine ly, we will all interact with NFTs because they will be our airline
online, increased its annual revenue from $3 million to $60 mil- tickets, membership cards and more,” he says. “It is inconceivable
lion in just five years. Today, he is doing much the same thing for that, in 15 years, there’ll be any organization that doesn’t have
some of the world’s biggest companies through his communica- NFT infrastructure integrated.” With Vaynerchuk’s history of
tions company VaynerX, located in New York. recognizing trends, that’s worthy of attention.

The power of social media annual revenue ingredient [In(gri:diEnt] subsidiary

One of his most successful companies is the VaynerX subsidi- , Jahresumsatz , Zutat [sEb(sIdieri*]
ary VaynerMedia, a media agency that works with Fortune 500 , Tochtergesellschaft
Belarus [)belE(ru:s] leverage sth. [(li:vErIdZ]
companies, including PepsiCo, General Electric and Johnson & , [wg. Aussprache] , etw. (wirksam) einsetzen subscribe to sth.
Johnson. Describing itself as “a truly consumer-centric story- , etw. abonnieren
bulk: in ~ , en gros liquor [(lIk&r*] US
telling engine” on its website, the agency creates social media , Spirituosen take , hier: Einstellung,
CEO (chief executive
content for its clients and grew by more than 30 percent last year officer) non-fungible token (NFT)
with $188 million in revenue. , Geschäftsführer(in) [)nA:n (fVndZEb&l*] wire service
, nicht austauschbares , Nachrichtendienst
Vaynerchuk has a lot of experience using social media for found sth. , etw. gründen
kryptographisches Token
business. In 2006, he began a hugely successful YouTube inconceivable
serial entrepreneur
series called WineLibraryTV, and today, nearly four million [)InkEn(si:vEb&l]
[)A:ntrEprE(n§:*] * This symbol marks
, undenkbar, unvorstellbar
people subscribe to his YouTube channel GaryVee, where he , Serienunternehmer(in) standard US pronunciation.

12 Business Spotlight 11/2022 TRENDS

Known as: Gary Vee, CEO of VaynerMedia CLOSER LOOK
Foto: Nathaniel S. Butler/NBAE via Getty Images

and VeeFriends, chair of VaynerX

Net worth: over $200 million NON-FUNGIBLE TOKEN (NFT)
Social media: over 34 million followers Crypto coins are fungible, or interchangeable. One bitcoin, for
Books: six business titles, including five example, is the same as any other. An NFT is not interchangeable.
New York Times bestsellers It’s a digital asset that represents an object (often an artwork).
Each one is encoded with data that makes it unique. NFTs are
part of the Ethereum blockchain, which logs those who hold and
CEO (chief executive chair
trade them.
officer) , hier: Vorsitzende(r)
, Geschäftsführer(in) asset , Vermögenswert log sth. , etw. verfolgen
net worth , Vermögen
encoded , kodiert, verschlüsselt unique [ju(ni:k] , einmalig


Known as: TV producer,
screenwriter, author
Company: Shondaland
Net worth: about $150 million
Best-known TV series:
Grey’s Anatomy, Bridgerton,
Inventing Anna
Book: Year of Yes (2015)

net worth , (Rein-)Vermögen

, Drehbuchautor(in)

Year of Yes , (dt. Titel)

Das Ja-Experiment

Foto: picture alliance / Dan Steinberg/Invision/AP

Shonda Rhimes

Building a
media empire
Sie ist eine der erfolgreichsten Serien-Macherinnen der Welt –
und denkt noch lange nicht ans Aufhören.



“I felt like I’d been pushing

F the same ball up the same
ans of American TV series have much to thank Shonda
Rhimes for. The TV producer and screenwriter has giv-
en the world many of the most popular and memora-
ble TV series — including Grey’s Anatomy and Bridgerton.
Rhimes has shaped and reshaped American television for the
hill in the exact same way
past 20 years with complex storylines and diverse characters.
Speaking to Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, Rhimes said: “Everybody
[in my shows] gets to be a three-dimensional person. Everybody
for a really long time”
gets to be fulfilled.”
The cultural power of her pen prompted Time magazine to Despite all her success as a producer, Rhimes describes her-
name Rhimes among the world’s 100 most influential people self first and foremost as a writer. Born in Chicago, she studied
in 2021. The 52-year-old was also the first Black woman to cre- English and film studies at the prestigious Dartmouth College,
ate and produce a global top-ten series (Grey’s Anatomy), which is in New Hampshire, and then screenwriting at the University
now in its 19th season, and the first woman to be responsible for of Southern California. In 2015, she published a memoir, called
three TV series with more than 100 episodes each (Grey’s Anato- Year of Yes.
my, Private Practice and Scandal). At the heart of her empire is her production company, Shon-
Actress Mindy Kaling has worked with Rhimes and says: “You daland, which she started in 2005 — the year Grey’s Anatomy be-
feel like you will be left out of a major cultural moment if you gan. Based in Los Angeles, the company employs about 50 peo-
miss a single episode. It’s incredibly rare to make a show people ple and has expanded into digital media, with a series of podcasts
love. It’s rarer still to make a show people need to see. And yet, on its website, shondaland.com. And there’s much more to come
she keeps doing it.” from Rhimes, including a new Netflix series, called Notes on Love,
and a second memoir, about her life as a single parent.
From network to Netflix
For over a decade, Rhimes’s creative home was the TV network based: be ~ in... memorable screenwriter
ABC. But by the mid-2010s, as a single mother of three and un- , seinen Sitz in ... haben [(memErEb&l] , Drehbuchautor(in)
, unvergesslich
der contract to produce about 70 episodes a year, she told The first and foremost season US
Hollywood Reporter that she was feeling burned out and creatively , vor allen Dingen pen , hier: Feder , hier: Staffel

restrained. “I felt like I’d been pushing the same ball up the same fulfilled: be ~ prestigious single
, sich verwirklichen [pre(stIdZEs] , hier: alleinerziehend
hill in the exact same way for a really long time.”
, renommiert
So, in 2017, Rhimes accepted a lucrative deal from Netflix, incredibly [In(kredEbli] storyline , Handlung
, unglaublich prompt sb.
which was extended in 2021 and is said to be worth $400 million. , jmdn. veranlassen
Year of Yes , (dt. Titel)
memoir [(memwA:r*] Das Ja-Experiment
One of the early results was the megahit Bridgerton, the first sea-
, Memoir (literarischer restrained , zurückhal-
son of which was watched by about 82 million viewers, making Bericht mit Erinnerungen tend; hier: eingeschränkt * This symbol marks
it one of Netflix’s most successful series. aus dem eigenen Leben) standard US pronunciation.

TRENDS 11/2022 Business Spotlight 15


Is unlimited vacation
a good idea?
Illustration: enisaksoy/iStock.com; Fotos: privat

Freie Tage ohne Ende — das klingt verlockend. Die Idee hat aber auch ihre
Tücken. Wem nützt der Anspruch auf unbegrenzten Urlaub eigentlich? Die
Antworten fallen unterschiedlich aus.


16 Business Spotlight 11/2022 TRENDS

Yes “It’s amazing to be able
to give people that flexibility” No “This is far more beneficial
to companies than it is to employees”

A happy workforce is an engaged work- amazing ifml. Unlimited vacation is a wolf in sheep’s accrue sth. [E(kru:]
force. If you’re not keeping your people , fantastisch, toll clothing. While start-ups and corporations , etw. (an)sammeln
happy, they will leave. audit [(O:dIt] often use this benefit to appear cool and Amazon: the ~
Too many companies offer the same , Überprüfung, Kontrolle progressive, it is not as good as it sounds. [(ÄmEzEn]
, der Amazonas
benefits and fail to stand out from the benefits When you start working for a US com-
, Zusatzleistungen (des anxiety [ÄN(zaIEti]
crowd. A couple of mental-health days, pany with a regular vacation policy, you
Arbeitgebers) , Besorgnis
free lunches and a barista are no longer so initially get around ten paid days off. You
engaged , engagiert, bank sth.
exciting. A policy like unlimited vacation einsatzbereit
then, gradually, accrue additional vaca-
, etw. anhäufen
is more enticing, though. On the compa- tion days. Any days you don’t take off are
engagement benefit
ny review website Glassdoor, employee , hier: Betätigung, Einsatz carried over, and at some point, you will , Zusatzleistung (des
benefit ratings for unlimited paid-time- either be told to take time off or you will Arbeitgebers)
enticing [In(taIsIN]
off policies rose significantly in 2022 to , verlockend, attraktiv no longer be able to get any more addi- copywriting
4.55 out of 5. tional vacation days. Some companies let , Erstellung von Werbe-
A few months after the introduction , spannend; you accrue around 30 days of paid vaca-
of this policy at KaFe Rocks, we saw a real hier: interessant, attraktiv tion. If an employee leaves the company, corporation
, Unternehmen
leap in online engagement, and the num- exposure [Ik(spEUZE] they are entitled to the cash equivalent of
, hier: Publicity entitled: be ~ to sth.
ber of job applications tripled. A policy those days. This can be a great help after
, Anspruch auf etw. haben
like unlimited vacation gives a company a leap , Sprung; being laid off or when transitioning to a
hier: Zunahme lay sb. off
lot of exposure, but it’s important to com- new job. Unlimited vacation puts an end , jmdn. entlassen
municate it correctly, so employees don’t prevail , vorherrschen, to this benefit because you can’t bank un-
dominant sein obliged [E(blaIdZd]
feel too worried about taking time off. limited days. , verpflichtet
review [ri(vju:]
Steps like setting up an internet page , Bewertung
This is far more beneficial to compa- off , hier: frei
with FAQs and holding team workshops nies than it is to employees. In this situ-
see fit (to do sth.) outstanding
can be really helpful. Change often comes , es für angebracht halten ation, companies are no longer obliged to , offen, nicht in Anspruch
with concern and questions. What is too (etw. zu tun) pay employees for the vacation days that genommen
much holiday? What is not enough holi- stand out from sth. are still outstanding when a contract is performance review
day? How much notice should you give? , aus etw. herausragen terminated. [ri(vju:]
, Mitarbeitergespräch
What are the rough guidelines? triple [(trIp&l] What’s more, unlimited vacation is not
In the end, common sense prevails, and , sich verdreifachen really unlimited. Days off still have to be reluctant
, zögerlich, widerstrebend
employees tend to take off as much time a unlimited paid-time-off approved by managers, many of whom
policy scary [(skeEri] ifml.
year as they see fit. Audits still happen in are reluctant to allow employees as much
, Regelung für unbegrenz- , beängstigend
companies that have introduced unlimit- ten bezahlten Urlaub time off as they would like. While unlim-
transition to sth.
ed vacation. If it were June and someone vacation US ited vacation policies might have employ- [trÄn(zIS&n]
had taken only three days off, then they , Urlaub ees dreaming of Mondays and Fridays off , zu etw. wechseln
would be asked to plan a holiday. Equally, workforce and a month trekking through the Am- vacation US
if an employee wanted to go to Thailand , Belegschaft, Mitarbeit- azon in summer, this is a long way from , Urlaub
for three months and work for part of it, reality.
then that would be possible, as long as dis- An employee’s loyalty to the compa-
cussions took place beforehand to make it ny might be called into question if they
work for the whole team. have taken more days off than their col-
It is important for people to be able to leagues. Performance reviews become
take off the time they need. You can’t put scary events where employees fear con-
a price on a benefit that allows someone versations about how much time they
to spend time with their loved ones. It’s have or have not taken off. This anxiety
amazing to be able to give people that often results in fewer days off, rather than
flexibility. in more.

Mehr zu diesen Thema

CORDELIA MORGAN-COOPER PAUL SUGGETT is the creative hier kostenlos anhören!
is an HR consultant at CMC Consulting director of Copy 101, a copywriting
and the former head of people at KaFe agency in Denver, Colorado, USA
Rocks Group, both in Malta audio-gratis/11

TRENDS 11/2022 Business Spotlight 17


A protester shouting slogans at the 2021

G20 world leaders’ summit in Rome
The cost of
Treffen sich Staats- und Regierungschefs zum Gipfel, wird
es teuer. Allein die Sicherheitskosten gehen in die Millionen.
Hat der Gastgeber also gar nichts davon?



he pandemic may have led to the rise of
online conferences, but many high-profile
international events continue to be hosted
“Security experts
in person. The 2022 G20 summit and the
UN climate change conference COP27 have dele-
gates travelling across the world to Bali, Indonesia,
come months
and to Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, respectively. Both
events bring publicity and prestige to their host beforehand to get an
countries, as well as high costs and a lot of disruption.
So, what is the real cost of conferences? idea of the place”
Security measures
The 2022 G7 summit, at Schloss Elmau, in Bavaria,
lasted just three days but cost Germany about €180
million. Security measures included border controls,
train cancellations and airspace closures, causing
great disruption for locals and visitors.
Such procedures are standard at any international
summit. G7 leaders and delegates were flown in from
Munich Airport on about 30 helicopters. A helipad
was built at an airfield 18 kilometres from Schloss El- disruption in person
mau. The location was chosen for security reasons, as , Störung; , persönlich
hier auch: Beeinträchti-
it allows a quick exit in case of a terrorist attack. More prestige [pre(sti:Z]
, [wg. Aussprache]
than two weeks before the summit began, the airfield
fire brigade UK
was closed to the public and the airfield’s owners. run sth.
, Feuerwehr
, hier: etw. leiten
From that point on, German Federal Police ran helipad [(helIpÄd]
rural [(rUErEl]
the operation. From the day before the summit, un- , Hubschrauberlandeplatz
, ländlich
Foto: AFP/Getty Images

til the end of the event, volunteer fire brigades were high-profile
summit [(sVmIt]
stationed at the airfield with renewed fleets. , im Fokus der Öffentlich-
, Gipfel
keit stehend
The G7 summit took place in a quiet, rural loca-
tion, but the Munich Security Conference (MSC) is host sth.
, etw. veranstalten
held every year at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof, in the , freiwillig, ehrenamtlich

TRENDS 11/2022 Business Spotlight 19

city centre, causing major disruption to residents, Park, the backdrop against which delegates will be introduced to
businesses and commuters. As soon as one confer- Indonesia’s green economy. Antara News reported that Indone-
ence is over, the MSC organizers start planning the sia’s Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing had allocated
next one. Inside the hotel, everything must run like Rp505.9 billion (about €34 million) to “preparations for the Indo-
clockwork, but outside, extensive security measures nesian presidency for the G20 Summit in Bali”.
cause traffic disruption, with the area around the Despite possible disruptions, some businesses welcome
hotel closed off, and residents asked to use public big summits. After the impact of Covid-19 on Bali’s tourism-
transport. However, these services are also affected, dependent economy, many locals hope the G20 will help the is-
as trams are suspended and diverted. land’s recovery. “The G20 gives us new hope. Our spirit has been
The hotel staff of 550 expands to around 700 dur- uplifted to see hotels are now filled again. Villagers have begun
ing the three-day event. A spokesperson for Bayer- to sell souvenirs and are ready for traditional dance shows,” Putu
ischer Hof told Business Spotlight: “Individual delega- Edy, a tour operator providing transport for many G20 partici-
tion representatives and security experts come to pants, told China Daily. Similiarly, I Nyoman Giri Prasta, district
the premises months beforehand to get an idea of the head of Badung, a regency of Bali, told Antara News: “The G20
place. But most security officers come four weeks be- Summit has a positive impact on the growth of tourist arriv-
fore the conference and take a look at the exit routes. als and economic growth in Badung, in particular, and Bali, in
That’s when the meticulous preparations start.”

Environmental impact
Another important consideration is the environmen-
tal costs of large conferences. Are event organizers
doing enough to minimize their impact? The UN
Climate Change Conference UK 2021 website says
that at COP26, in Glasgow in November 2021, efforts
were made to reduce the environmental impact. And
yet, the two-week summit is estimated to have caused
102,500 tonnes of CO2 emissions, equal to the average
yearly output of more than 8,000 UK residents.
Large-scale environmental damage and lack of
sufficient political action are key reasons why people
take to the streets in protest. COP26 attracted over
100,000 protestors. Globally, more than 300 other ral-
Police in Garmisch-Partenkirchen during the 2022 G7 summit
lies were organized in relation to the summit, spread-
ing disruption far beyond the event’s location.
affected , betroffen impact , Auswirkung regency
Keeping up appearances allocate sth. keep up appearances
, Regierungsbezirk
, etw. zuteilen , den Schein wahren
Some host cities have been accused of greenwashing. restructuring
Sharm El-Sheikh, the venue for COP27, for example, backdrop , Hintergrund label , hier: Bezeichnung,
, Umgestaltung
received a $7 million grant from the Global Environ- billion , Milliarde(n)
ment Facility to transform it into a “green city”, but it clockwork: run like ~
, Landschaftsgestaltung;
, Schornstein
is questionable whether it deserves this label. , wie am Schnürchen
hier: Geländebearbeitung spokesperson
Magdi Allam, an environmental expert, told Al- , Sprecher(in)
closed off
Monitor: “Before the conference, any smokestacks in- , großformatig, Groß- suspend sth.
, abgesperrt
, etw. (vorübergehend)
side the city will be moved outside to the desert area.” mangrove forest
Fotos: Bloomberg/Getty Images; Alamy Stock Photo

commuter [kE(mju:tE] außer Betrieb setzen

This suggests that some host countries may keep up , Pendler(in)
, Mangrovenwald take to the streets
appearances rather than solve problems. , auf die Straße gehen
divert sth. [daI(v§:t]
While big conferences can inspire improvements meticulous
, etw. umleiten
[mE(tIkjUlEs] uplift sth.
in their host cities, these are often limited to small exit route [ru:t] , akribisch , etw. (moralisch)
areas visible to world leaders and the media. Prepar- , Fluchtweg aufrichten, neue Hoffnung
output , Produktion;
ations for the two-day G20 Bali Summit, for example, geben
grant , Zuschuss, hier: Ausstoß
include safety checks for all roads and bridges that Fördermittel venue [(venju:]
premises [(premIsIs]
, Veranstaltungsort
the participants will travel on, new landscaping of greenwashing , Räumlichkeiten
certain parts of the planned route and the restructur- , ökologischer Etiketten- visible [(vIzEb&l]
rally [(rÄli]
schwindel , sichtbar
ing of a mangrove forest in Ngurah Rai Grand Forest , Kundgebung

20 Business Spotlight 11/2022 TRENDS

President Joe Biden speaking with other world leaders
at the 2022 G7 summit at Schloss Elmau in Germany
general. This is proven by the fulfillment of the Badung District
Government’s local tax revenue (PAD) target from the tourism
By contrast, COP26 brought 35,000 delegates to Glasgow in
2021 but the summit did not benefit all business owners. Oli
Norman, who owns several pubs and restaurants in the city, told
The Herald: “We are lucky because most of our businesses are in
Improvements are often
good locations, but for most publicans, restaurant owners, bars,
etc., their trade has been down, often up to 50 per cent, through-
out COP.” The UK government’s Covid-related stay-at-home
limited to small areas
message, combined with the fact that many of the delegates
weren’t staying in the city but were bussed in for events, made
for a difficult couple of weeks for many businesses.
visible to world leaders
Temporary shop closures are common during major confer-
ences. Katharina Pachmayr from the Munich Security Confer-
and the media
ence press team, says: “The MSC is in constant exchange with
local businesses in close proximity to the Hotel Bayerischer Hof.
With the consent of the owners, local businesses are partially
closed for the February weekend and converted into premises
for the conference.” This means that the period is by no means
business as usual.
Ultimately, hosting an international conference is both a
blessing and a curse. High-profile events shine an international blessing proximity target
, Segen [prQk(sImEti] [(tA:gIt]
spotlight on their host countries and cities, giving them a chance , Nähe , Ziel
to show themselves off in the best possible light. But these bus sb. in
, jmdn. mit dem Bus an publican tax revenue
events also come with a huge amount of pressure to deliver a einen Ort bringen [(pVblIkEn] UK [(revEnju:]
secure, safe environment for conference participants, local resi- curse [k§:s]
, Gastwirt(in) , Steuereinnahmen,
dents and protestors. The events are temporary, but the effects, , Fluch spotlight: shine a ~ on sth.
positive and negative, can be long-lasting. , etw. ins Rampenlicht
make for sth.
, zu etw. beitragen

TRENDS 11/2022 Business Spotlight 21


The Japanese way of

working and travelling
Japan’s office train carriages

All aboard
Japans Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge punkten mit einem
neuen Angebot: exklusive Bürowagen. Passagiere
bekommen dort alles, um konzentriert arbeiten zu können.



apan is celebrating 150 years of train travel, and the
country’s largest railway company is inviting people
to combine business and travel — and responding to
changing work habits and lifestyles in the country.
The East Japan Railway Company (known as JR East) trans-
ports about 13 million passengers a day through Japan’s eastern
mainland. On more than 300 of its high-speed bullet trains, the
company has designated one carriage to be used as an “office
car”. At no extra cost, passengers can take advantage of seat di-
viders, noise-cancelling headphones and smart glasses to keep
their screens private and block out noise while they type away
on laptops, make phone calls and join online meetings.
People in European and other Western countries may be
people are more
forgiven for wondering what all the fuss is about, but in Japan,
this is quite a radical development. Yoshiya Amanai, of JR East’s
management team, told Business Spotlight that telephoning and
comfortable with
other noisy activities are normally prohibited inside train car-
riages because “Japanese people are more comfortable with
silence.” Amanai has found that, even in the office cars, some
passengers are still hesitant about talking on the phone. “There
are two types of people,” he says. “Some accept this service, but
others are resistant to it and ask: ‘Is it really OK to do this?’”
Amanai, who has used the office cars himself, says they are
designated only on weekdays and are intended to replicate the bullet train [(bUlIt] divider mainland
, Hochgeschwindig- , Trennwand , Festland
atmosphere of an office. In the past, the only place to make a
phone call on a train was between the carriages. “This is a very fuss [fVs] replicate sth.
Foto: ddp/Newscom

carriage [(kÄrIdZ] , Tamtam [(replIkeIt]

noisy place, so you have to shout into your phone while having , Waggon , etw. reproduzieren
hesitant: be ~
a conversation,” he says. “Thanks to the office cars, you don’t
designate sth. about doing sth. smart glasses
need to do that any more. You can concentrate on your work a [(dezIgneIt] , Bedenken haben, etw. , Datenbrille
lot better.” , etw. ausweisen zu tun

TRENDS 11/2022 Business Spotlight 23

• Japan pioneered high-speed train
travel. The first bullet trains (known
as Shinkansen) began service
in 1964, when Tokyo hosted the
Olympic Games. Since then, they
have provided a major boost to the
national economy.
• In addition to speed, the Shinkansen
are famous for punctuality (the
The changing world of work
Introducing office cars in 2021 was partly a response
to the pandemic. As with other railways around the
“Crowded average delay is less than a minute)
as well as safety. In six decades,
Japan has had no deaths caused by
world, Amanai says, JR East suffered a dramatic drop
in passengers during the lockdowns. And things are
trains are good derailment or collision.
• They are also a green way to travel.
Each Shinkansen uses just 12.5% of
not expected to return fully to the way they were be-
fore. “Covid-19 has transformed the way of working
and living in Japan — not only in Japan but all over
for railway the energy a plane does, emitting
about 92% less CO2 per seat.
the world,” he says. “Now, we realize that we can
choose where and when to work, and we can utilize
companies boost , Ankurbelung,
, Entgleisung
our travel time to enhance our overall productivity.”
According to Amanai, roughly 80 per cent of Japa-
nese professionals take the train to work. Now, with
but not for bullet train [(bUlIt]
, Hochgeschwindig-
host sth.
, etw. austragen

more work being done remotely, office cars are a way

to encourage commuters back on to trains. “The next
business opportunity for us,” he says.
At the latest count, says Amanai, passenger num-
bers were still about 30 per cent below pre-pandemic More places to work
levels, but gradually, more workers are returning to Office cars are becoming popular. Other Japanese railway com-
the workplace, at least part-time. “Many Japanese panies have started offering office cars on their trains, too. And
people want to return to the office, because they like this can be seen as part of a wider trend of public workspaces
to mingle, but they don’t want to get on a crowded in Japan. The Manuscript Writing Cafe, for example, which
train,” Amanai explains. “Crowded trains are good for opened in Tokyo in 2022, is a coffee shop where people can ask
railway companies but not for passengers.” to be encouraged (and even pressured) to meet their writing
Part of the appeal of office cars is that they may goals. Asked if public workspaces have become a trend in Japan,
help to minimize crowding by allowing passengers Amanai says: “Yes, I would say so. It’s characteristic of Japanese
to take the train at different times without signifi- people, because we want to be the same as the others. So, if the
cantly interrupting their work. Whereas before the others are working, I have to work. And if the others are playing, I
pandemic, everybody would try to take a train at want to play.” He expects more communal workspaces, whether
8 a.m., more flexible working times now make a temporary or permanent, for Japan’s workers in the future.
wider distribution of passengers possible. “Perhaps As for JR East, after introducing office cars, the company
they can work from home from 8 to 10, and then get seems to have developed a taste for innovation. It recently tried
on a train when it’s not so crowded,” says Amanai. All a one-off train carriage in which passengers could let their pets
transport operators thrive on regularity. Office cars roam free — instead of keeping them in pet carriers, as is nor-
could help re-establish some regular commuter hab- mally required. And Amanai is thinking about other specially
its and solve a puzzle: How do you run an efficient designated carriages in the future. “Traditionally, train carriages
timetable when everybody goes to work if and when have had a lot of restrictions,” he says. “By relaxing these rules,
they feel like it? we can provide new opportunities for our customers.”

appeal commuter , Pendler(in) mingle [(mINg&l] , sich overall , Gesamt- remotely , über thrive on sth.
, Attraktivität (unter die Leute) mischen; Telekommunikation , durch etw. erfolgreich
pet , Haustier
Foto: JREast

enhance sth.
hier: soziale Kontakte haben sein
carrier [(kÄriE] , etw. steigern roam free [rEUm]
, hier: Transportbox one-off UK , einmalig , frei herumlaufen utilize sth. , etw. nutzen
goal , Ziel , Berufstätige(r)

24 Business Spotlight 11/2022 TRENDS


Belkin Boost UpTM Wireless

Charging Stand
Charge your phone while you work. If
you have a Qi-enabled phone, you don’t
need a cable any more. Just place it on
this charging stand for your desk. It works
with most phone cases, and you can
chat or watch videos while the phone is
charging. €32.99
Philips Hue Bloom Table Lamp
Give your office some atmosphere! Control
this colour-changing lamp with your phone
and pick from more than 16 million shades.
Choose bright, cool-toned light to help you
concentrate during the day, and warm-hued
light in the evening. €89.99

Ob im Homeoffice oder im Büro:

Diese Gadgets sorgen für mehr

Spaß und Komfort bei der Arbeit. Ember® Smart Mug
This temperature-controlling mug keeps
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MEDIUM your coffee tasting delicious. With a

minimalist, scratch-resistant design and a
range of colours to choose from, it’ll look
smart and stylish on any desk. €149.95

Gadgets are fun. Some are very useful, while

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Here are some cool and clever products for your
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Razer Pro Type Ultra

Razer designed this ergonomic keyboard
Dyson Solarcycle MorphTM Light with comfort in mind to make typing fun.
This stylish lamp from Dyson does more than There’s a soft coating on each key, silent
just illuminate your workspace. It adjusts switches and sound-dampening foam for
itself to the time of day, your age and the quiet typing that won’t distract anyone.
task you’re working on to provide the perfect The wrist support reduces the strain of a
amount of light whatever your needs might long workday. €169.99
be. This reduces eye strain and helps your
concentration. €549

All prices are the recommended retail price, or current at time of publication, and subject to change
adjust onself to sth. coating foam mug [mVg] setting strain
, hier: sich automatisch , Beschichtung , Schaumstoff , Becher , Einstellung , Belastung
auf etw. einstellen
decicious gadget [(gÄdZIt] retail price shade warm-hued
charge sth. [di(lISEs] , Gerät, technische [(ri:teI&l] , Farbton [hju:d]
, etw. aufladen , köstlich Spielerei , Einzelhandelspreis , mit warmen Tönen
Fotos: PR

charging stand distract sb. keyboard scratch-resistant , schalldämmend wrist [rIst]
, Standladegerät , jmdn. ablenken , Tastatur , kratzfest , Handgelenk

TRENDS 11/2022 Business Spotlight 25


Camel riding in the UAE

Desert dream Die erste offizielle Kamelreitschule der
Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate hat Linda
Krockenberger aus Schwäbisch Hall
gegründet. Wie kam sie dazu?



Linda Krockenberger
with her camels
“Opening the
riding centre
really accelerated
my learning”

n the Arabian Desert, Linda Krockenberger leads one of
her students across the hot sand on a camel, teaching them
exactly how to ride the animal. A German expat, Krocken-
berger is the co-founder of the Arabian Desert Camel Rid-
ing Center, which is the first official camel riding school in the
United Arab Emirates (UAE). It’s located about 30 kilometres WHO ARE THE BEDOUIN?
from Dubai. Since opening in early 2021, it has grown from three Arabic-speaking nomadic peoples, the Bedouin live
camels to 13 and has about 40 regular riders, most of whom are in the deserts of North Africa and the Middle East,
women from the UAE and other countries.
including the Arabian Peninsula, Syria and Iraq.
Most Bedouin work as herders, migrating with
Originally from Schwäbisch Hall, near Stuttgart, the 30-year-
their animals (usually camels, goats or sheep) into
old moved to Dubai in 2015 to start a career in hotel manage- the desert during the rainy season in winter and
ment. After discovering that the best way to explore the desert returning to cultivated areas in summer.
was on the back of a camel, she learned to ride and later opened This pastoral nomadism is at least 3,000 years old,
the riding centre with an Emirati man named Obaid Al Falasi. but there’s often conflict over what the Bedouin see
Krockenberger’s dream is to open more centres and organize as their traditional lands and what modern nations
camel riding expeditions in the UAE and other countries so that regard as state-owned territory.
more people can traverse the desert by camel — an experience
Arabian Peninsula [pE(nInsjUlE] goat , Ziege
that she describes as being “almost transformative”. , Arabische Halbinsel
herder , Hirte/Hirtin
Bedouin [(bedUIn]
Historically, camels have been used for transport and as a pastoral [(pA:st&rEl]
, Beduine/Beduinin
, Hirten
source of milk, meat, wool, etc. How challenging is it to be a
foreigner running a business based around an animal of such
cultural significance in the region?
Just recently, there was a story about us on an Arabic-speaking
news channel. And, basically, the entire comment section was:
Foto: Arabian Desert Camel Riding Center; Illustration: Topaz777/iStock.com

“Oh, look, the foreigner is teaching the Arabs about camels. How
ridiculous is that?” Or: “Shame on us that we have let this hap-
pen.” So, this is one criticism from people who don’t know us. I
believe it’s mostly an online opinion. But I’m very aware of this
idea that may exist in people’s heads — “The foreigner teaching Bedouin [(bedUIn] emirate [(emErEt] indigenous
the Arabs!” I have to navigate that. , Beduine/Beduinin; , [wg. Aussprache] [In(dIZEnEs]
Beduinen- , (ein)heimisch
As much as it belongs to this region’s cultural heritage, how- Emirati man [(emErEti]
ever, my focus is on developing a hobby, which is camel riding. catalyst , Katalysator; , Emirater navigate sth.
hier: Person, die etw. , hier: mit einer schwie-
And while it has a bigger relevance here, developing a hobby can expat(riate)
voranbringt rigen Situation adequat
be universal and should be detached from nationality. I don’t po- umgehen
center US , dauerhaft im Ausland
sition myself as a representative of Bedouin or Emirati culture. , centre UK lebende Person news channel
I am a catalyst or a bridge that tries to connect any background, , Nachrichtensender
co-founder heritage
gender or nationality to something that is indigenous to this , Mitgründer(in) [(herItIdZ] traverse sth.
part of the world, and having an Emirati business partner helps , Erbe, Vermächtnis [trE(v§:s]
, etw. durchqueren
me to navigate this. , losgelöst

COMMUNICATION 11/2022 Business Spotlight 27

Camel riding is a male-dominated practice in the UAE. How
did you attract so many female clients?
I knew it would be hard to attract Emirati women as customers
because there are cultural hurdles. For women in some families,
for example, there’s a requirement to be in a ladies-only environ-
ment. I can offer a ladies-only class, but we are in a public area
where predominantly men live. Once we had a few join us and Knowing English and
Arabic have been
advocate for us — let’s call them “influencers of the community” essential for success
or “voices of the community” — that really helped us to attract
more female clients.
or for one that is lazy, or old or young or female — or for a racing
What are camels like to work with? camel. So, that just shows you how rich the language is.
They are very mellow but, at the same time, they are very sen-
sitive and aware of their surroundings. In the beginning, when What would you say is the biggest cultural difference
we came to start this programme, the camels were not familiar between Germany and the UAE?
with women. So, it was something new to them, to hear a differ- Dubai has always been developed to suit international expats.
ent tone of voice and see different clothing. But the service culture was something that
They were used to men wearing white and was new to me. Here, there’s someone to
soft-coloured kandura, which is the local dress
for men. When a woman came, wearing a col- “Here, help you with every single step of life. That
could be a driver. That could be a cook, for
ourful shirt or a colour they’d never seen be-
fore, they were startled by it. They wouldn’t
necessarily run away, but they’d be tense. So,
people keep example. It’s much more affordable than in
Europe. When I tell German people that
I have a maid who comes and cleans my
it’s nice to see that, despite how mellow they
are, they’re not completely ignorant or una-
ware of what’s going on.
experimenting house once a week, they’re like: “You don’t
clean your house?!” I think this is a differ-
ence in lifestyle that I can choose to have

Did you have to learn Arabic when you

arrived in the UAE?
and exploring” someone help me, so I can make use of that
time to work at the riding school.
Another difference is the choice you
The main language of business is English, have in what to do in your free time. You
and you wouldn’t need to know a single word of Arabic to get can do any type of sport, from paddle tennis to martial arts to
around in this country, which is, I believe, both a good and a bad mountain climbing. It’s very diverse, and the hurdle to start
thing. I mean, it makes the integration of many nationalities and something new is very low, whereas in Germany, you might start
cultural backgrounds very easy, because you have a common in a club and develop through the club from an early age until
language that is represented internationally. But, at the same you graduate from university. So, there’s a bit more longevity
time, it takes a little bit away from the identity of living in the there than here, where it’s like: “Oh, I just want to try it so I know
Middle East. a little bit about how it works and then, I’ll try something else.”
For me, personally, I find it important to try, at least as much Here, people keep experimenting and exploring.
as possible, to learn the local language. I joined a language class
in Arabic in 2017, but it was opening the riding centre that real-
ly accelerated my learning, because I had to work with so many
people who spoke Arabic and not English. I wouldn’t have a rid-
ing school if I weren’t able to communicate with them, at least accelerate sth. hurdle [(h§:d&l] paddle tennis
[Ek(selEreIt] , Hürde , Padel-Tennis
in a basic way. , etw. beschleunigen
item predominantly
advocate for sb. , Gegenstand , überwiegend
Fotos: Arabian Desert Camel Riding Center

Has learning the language given you a better understanding , jmds. Fürsprecher(in)
longevity sensitive
of Emirati culture? sein
[lQn(dZevEti] , feinfühlig
Yes, 100 per cent — from understanding some of the local jokes diverse [daI(v§:s] , Langlebigkeit,
, vielfältig Dauerhaftigkeit
and the humour, to simply knowing names for items that we , aufgeschreckt
don’t have in Germany. We have one word for “camel” in English environment maid , Hausmädchen
tense , angespannt,
, hier: Umfeld
and in German, but a Bedouin, or someone who knows about martial arts [(mA:S&l] nervös
camels in the UAE, will use different terms, depending on the graduate from sth. , Kampfsport(arten)
they’re like ifml.
gender of the camel, the age of the camel, the purpose of it and its mellow [(melEU] , sie sagen
, etw. (mit einem
, sanft
habits. There is a specific word for a camel that eats all the time, Abschluss) verlassen

28 Business Spotlight 11/2022 COMMUNICATION

“I’m a bridge connecting backgrounds,”
Krockenberger says. She races and wins,
but it’s leading riders through the desert
that is a “transformative” experience

Have you felt welcomed as a German immigrant in the UAE? THE UAE EXPLAINED
Yes. The World Expo that was held in Dubai was all about bring- • The United Arab Emirates • The UAE is the Middle East’s
ing the world together, and that’s not just a marketing message. consists of seven emirates: third-largest economy, and
It’s really something lived by the Emirati people. Emiratis are Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, per capita GDP is on par
Ajman, Umm Al-Quwain, Fu- with those of leading West-
a minority here, which makes it even more admirable that
jairah and Ras Al-Khaimah. ern European nations.
they are so open and welcoming, and also flexible in provid- • The UAE was established as • Since the 1960s, oil has
ing different opportunities and accepting different lifestyles. a nation in 1971, in a process transformed the region.
Going to the beach and wearing a swimsuit, for example, is known as “federation”. Today, however, economic
not really something that an Emirati would feel comfortable • Abu Dhabi is the capital diversification means the
city, located in the largest oil and gas sector makes up
doing. But they say: “If it’s normal for Europeans or whoev-
and wealthiest of the seven just 30 per cent of GDP.
er to go to the beach in a swimsuit, then please do it.” They emirates.
facilitate these things despite the cultural differences.
emirate [(emErEt] on par: be ~ with sth.
, [wg. Aussprache] , mit etw. gleich sein, sich mit
etw. messen (können)
facilitate sth. [fE(sIlEteIt] GDP (gross domestic product)
, etw. ermöglichen , BIP (Bruttoinlandsprodukt) per capita [pE (kÄpItE] , pro Kopf

COMMUNICATION 11/2022 Business Spotlight 29


How to deal
with embarrassing
Spontan in den Boden versinken ist keine Option für Sie?
Dann helfen Ihnen diese Tipps und Tricks, um peinliche
Momente souverän zu meistern.



n life, there are some things that are moment. This may sometimes require a
simply inevitable — death, taxes and high level of self-confidence, but in many
embarrassing situations. Every one
of us can tell stories of embarrassing
cases, it’s the best thing to do. If we stay
calm, it won’t become a big deal.
Social awkwardness
moments at work:
After a long meeting, I realized I’d had a piece
At other times, of course, simply carry-
ing on isn’t really an option. The second
may cause us to
of coriander stuck to my teeth the whole time. approach is to confront the situation di- behave in a way
⋅ I came to a company event wearing jeans and
a T-shirt when everyone else was dressed in
rectly. Consider these scenarios:
that makes
suits or evening gowns. 1. Your boss praises you for work you

The danger of social awkwardness is

didn’t actually do
For one reason or another, you didn’t pull
everything worse
that it may cause us to behave in a way your weight on a project, and a colleague
that just makes everything worse. We did most of the work. While it might be awkwardness high-pitched , hoch
may laugh too loudly, speak in an unnat- tempting to say nothing and accept the [(O:kwEdnEs]
, Unbeholfenheit,
urally high-pitched voice or turn bright applause, it is better to set the record Peinlichkeit
, unvermeidbar
red. So, how should we deal with situa- straight as quickly as possible: “While I’d
carry on , fortfahren,
tions like these? love to take the credit for this, it’s really pull one’s weight on sth.
, bei etw. vollen Einsatz
In general, there are two options. The Kathy who deserves the compliment. credit , Anerkennung bringen
Illustration: Georg Lechner

first approach is simply to pretend it And I agree with you that she did a great
defuse sth. [)di:(fju:z] set the record straight
didn’t happen. If you have something job.” This is not just the right thing to do, , etw. entschärfen , eine Sache richtigstellen
green stuck to your teeth, get rid of it and but also makes you look like a leader be- embarrassing tempting
move on. The best way to do this is usual- cause you’re confident enough to pass , peinlich , verlockend
ly with humour: if you can laugh at your- on credit for good work without feeling evening gown turn bright red
self, it quickly defuses an embarrassing threatened or insecure. , Abendrobe , knallrot werden

30 Business Spotlight 11/2022 COMMUNICATION

COMMUNICATION x/2022 Business Spotlight 31
2. You’re put on the spot in a
meeting when you weren’t
expecting to present anything
Perhaps nobody mentioned that
you’d have to give an update on a
project, or maybe you weren’t pay-
ing attention — either way, you now
have to deal with the situation. To
avoid looking like a scared rabbit,
honesty is the best policy: “I’m sorry,
but I didn’t know this topic would
be addressed today. I’d like to get
back to you when I’ve had a chance
to prepare something.” the poor lady who was interviewed
Of course, if you have the knowl- on TV with a large dildo on a shelf ESSENTIAL PHRASES
edge, your other option would be to behind her!
Admitting the problem
wing it. Stay calm and take a sip of If you have trouble distancing • This is really embarrassing.
water first to give yourself a little yourself from what happened, re-
• I feel very awkward.
more time to gather your thoughts. member that everyone has mo-
ments of embarrassment — even
• I’m rather red-faced.
3. Your boss catches you watch- celebrities have them. Actor Jen-
ing a cat video on YouTube nifer Lawrence tripped and fell over
Using humour
• And for my next trick… (after doing
The internet and smartphones now at the Oscars, and it happened to her
something clumsily)
make it easier than ever to waste again at a film premiere. Each time,
• I’m not like this at home!
time at work. Of course, we want she laughed it off and carried on. If
others to see us in the best possible you can show that you can manage • I’ll get my coat, shall I? (pretending to
light, however, if you get caught the discomfort of an embarrassing
watching a cat video, or whatever it situation, the moment passes quick-
might be, trying to hide the fact will ly and is usually soon forgotten. Exchanging embarrassing stories
• What was your most embarrassing
only look more suspicious. It’s bet-
moment at work?
ter to acknowledge it: “I just need to
look at something else for five min-
• Can you top that?
acknowledge sth. scared rabbit [skeEd] • Have you ever done anything like
utes to refresh my concentration.” , etw. einräumen, , verängstigtes
Your boss knows you’re human. As zugeben Kaninchen
long as you don’t make a habit of it, apology [E(pQlEdZi] sip , (kleiner) Schluck
there really shouldn’t be a problem. , Entschuldigung Apologizing quickly
• (I’m) Sorry about that.
discomfort [sE(spISEs]
• Apologies!
Keep calm and carry on , Unbehagen , verdächtig,
verräterisch • I am such an idiot! I’m (so) sorry.
When an apology is needed, say you get back to sb.
, sich wieder bei topic , Thema
are sorry but don’t over-apologize. Talking about embarrassment
jmdm. melden
If you introduce someone with the trip , stolpern
• It’s best to confront the situation.
honesty [(QnEsti]
wrong name, say something like: , Ehrlichkeit
wing it ifml. • Don’t dwell on what happened.
, improvisieren
“Oh, sorry, John. I was just talking to • He overstepped the mark.
meme [mi:m]
Frank and his name was still on my , Internet-Meme
mind.” Sometimes, a short, simple over-apologize Apologies! dwell on sth.
response deals with the situation: [E(pQlEdZaIz] [E(pQlEdZiz] , über etw. nachdenken,
“Well, that was embarrassing, but , sich übermäßig , hier: Entschuldigung! grübeln
moving on...” awkward embarrassing
Often, it’s worth taking a few policy [(pQlEsi] [(O:kwEd] , peinlich
Illustration: Georg Lechner

, hier: Strategie , unwohl, peinlich berührt

seconds to check your appearance overstep the mark
premiere [(premieE] clumsily , über das Ziel hinaus-
— and for online calls, that there’s , [wg. Aussprache] Übungen zu diesem [(klVmzIli] schießen
nothing in the background you Thema hier kostenlos , unbeholfen
put sb. on the spot anhören! red-faced: be ~
don’t wish others to see. You don’t , jmdn. in Verlegenheit www.business-spotlight. , beschämt sein
want to become a viral meme like bringen de/audio-gratis/11

32 Business Spotlight 11/2022 COMMUNICATION


Always have a
learning mindset
Alles fühlt sich richtig an – trotzdem geht das
Vorstellungsgespräch gründlich schief. Denn etwas
Entscheidendes hat David Pereira gefehlt.

y failure was quite unexpected. I’d studied com-
puter science and was working as a product man-
ager in São Paulo, Brazil. I’d always received good
feedback from my colleagues and managers. One
day, I decided to change my LinkedIn profile from Portuguese
to English, and soon, I was contacted by a Dutch recruiter who
said my profile was interesting for booking.com. I wasn’t look-
is a passionate
product leader. He
“I was missing
the point of
currently lives and
ing for a job, but I thought: “Why not?” Until then, I had only
works in Munich.
worked with other Brazilians, but I was curious about working
in an international environment.
In the interview with the recruiter, everything I heard sound-
ed nice, and when I looked at the requirements, they seemed to my career”
be a match. I was feeling confident, but in my second interview,
with the hiring manager, there were lots of questions I wasn’t
prepared for, such as: “How do you measure the outcome of your The role of a product leader requires communication and
sprint and its impact on business growth? What tracking met- leadership skills to create an environment in which great ideas
rics do you use?” and so on. The problem was we didn’t do any of happen. Technical knowledge is still important, but without
those things. I led the team, and we aligned with the stakehold- the soft skills, people won’t follow you. My advice is to have a
ers, delivered what was needed and moved on to the next task. learning mindset all the time. As soon as we think we’re good
The manager in the interview told me I was missing the point enough, we can fall into complacency, and that’s a big trap in
of my career, which was to deliver value, not just create output, any career.
and ensure that what we created made sense.
Failing the interview hurt, of course, but at the same time, I
align with sb. [E(laIn] interview point , hier: Zweck,
saw new possibilities that I hadn’t considered before. I thought , sich mit jmdm. , Bewerbungsgespräch springender Punkt
about how I could prepare myself for the next time. One of the abstimmen
match: be a ~ recruiter
things I realized was that I’d have to change my job because, complacency , gut passen [ri(kru:tE]
until then, my performance had been measured by output. [kEm(pleIs&nsi] , Personalreferent(in)
MBA (Master of Business
, Selbstzufriedenheit
That was how success had been defined. I wanted to go beyond Administration) sprint , hier: Projekt-
that. I started to network with people who were ahead of me in computer science , höherer Abschluss in abschnitt
, Informatik BWL
their careers, to find out how they had learned. I understood stakeholder
ensure sth. [In(SO:] mindset , hier: Beteiligte(r)
that I had been too technical in my approach, so I decided to
, etw. sicherstellen , Denkweise, Einstellung
do an MBA to learn more about business metrics, innovation tracking metrics
environment outcome , Kennzahlen zur Nach-
and dynamics. I read a lot of books and worked very hard, and [In(vaI&rEnmEnt] , Ergebnis verfolgung
Fotos: privat

gradually, more doors began to open for me. I received offers , hier: Umfeld
output trap
to go abroad — and eventually, I came to Germany — but it all impact , Arbeitsergebnis(se) , Falle, Fallstrick
started from failure. , Auswirkung(en)

CAREERS 11/2022 Business Spotlight 33


Is freelancing
the future of

Freiberuflichkeit liegt im Trend. Denn Freelancer

sind ihr eigener Chef und genießen viele Freiheiten.
Trotzdem sind sie einem gewissen Risiko ausgesetzt,
das niemand unterschätzen sollte.



34 Business Spotlight 11/2022 CAREERS

Businesses can find
skilled freelancers
with a mouse click

reedom, flexibility and work-
life balance — this is what free-
lancing can offer. And today, it’s
easier than ever for companies to
hire non-permanent staff on a project-by-
project basis. But does the carefree con-
tracting lifestyle live up to the hype?
“Although there’s more uncertainty
around the cost of living right now, over-
all, the pandemic has led to greater open-
ness and freedom,” says Suzanne Ives,
who has two different non-permanent
roles: as a part-time university lecturer
and a small-business owner in the UK.
“I’m lucky — every day is different, I can
pick and choose, mix my own profession- agenda [E(dZendE]
, Tagesordnung;
al ambitions and support my family.”
hier: Programm
The flexibility Ives loves was a far-
annual [(ÄnjuEl]
off dream during her two decades as an , jährlich
employee in finance and strategy. In her
CEO (chief executive
mid-30s, she decided to study to become officer)
a midwife, later adding further qualifica- , (Firmen-)Chef(in),
tions to become a lecturer. At the same Geschäftsführer(in)

time, she helps her partner run their mo- contracting

, hier: als Auftrag-
torbike-transport company. “Midwifery nehmer(in)
was fulfilling, but giving something to
the next generation was my end goal,” , freiberufliche Tätigkeit,
Ives told Business Spotlight. “Growing as a Selbstständigkeit
person fills you with confidence. I’ve be- fulfilling , erfüllend
come someone who’s open to risk. I’m not goal , Ziel
frightened to put myself in any situation.”
grow , hier: sich
Flexibility and meaningful work lecturer [(lektSErE]
All the things Ives values as a freelancer , Dozent(in)
Illustrationen: Georg Lechner

— balancing different roles, growth and live up to sth.

personal fulfilment — are now increas- , etw. gerecht werden
ingly on the workplace agenda of large midwife , Hebamme
companies. In his influential annual letter, overall
Larry Fink, the CEO of investment giant , alles in allem
BlackRock, wrote: “No relationship has run sth.
been changed more by the pandemic than , hier: etw. betreiben

11/2022 Business Spotlight 35

the one between employers and employ- are here to stay, and companies will need
ees.” Five days in the office and ignoring them to stay competitive.
well-being are out; flexibility and mean- Simon Brown leads a technology team
ingful work are in. at the broadcaster Sky in London. He
Increasing numbers of workers are joined as a permanent employee just
leaving traditional employment rela- before the pandemic, after more than
tionships, having a decade freelancing
seen that a new way — or “contracting”, as
of life is possible. In
the US and the UK,
resignations hit his-
“I like the way it’s known in IT. His
current role involves
hiring contractors, and
toric highs in 2021
and 2022. freelancing he highlights the flex-
ibility, productivity
Marie -Hélène
Chrétien, a procure-
ment manager at Air-
keeps you on and innovation they
bring. “You get what
you pay for,” Brown
bus in France, has lots
of experience of buy-
ing in services, and
your toes” says. “Most contrac-
tors bring in top-draw
experience and get the
she has witnessed job done. They often
these changes first-hand. “Time has be- write high-quality code that more junior
come very important in the post-pandem- employees can learn from.”
ic workplace,” she says. “Companies are
seeing their staff leave for more flexible Freelancing for all?
roles, and the marketplace is now very What’s to stop all of us going freelance?
competitive.” For one thing: regulations, particularly
laws to combat tax evasion. Chrétien access , Zugang hybrid [(haIbrId]
The increase in freelance services explains that France (like many other
, hier: mit gemischten
Chrétien says, to retain talent, companies European countries) has laws designed Arbeitsformen
must look at their culture, systems and to prevent freelancers from being “dis- , Sender impact
, (Aus-)Wirkung
processes. Company culture is changing: guised” employees. “Individual free- combat sth.
organizations increasingly work in proj- lancers are seen as a greater risk to larger , etw. bekämpfen junior [(dZu:niE]
, hier: jünger
ect mode, and competition is making corporations, who prefer to work with competitive
[kEm(petEtIv] procurement
recruitment harder. This opens up space agencies,” she adds. “The digital-platform
, wettbewerbsfähig, [prE(kjUEmEnt]
for more non-permanent staff to fill talent model could work well here, as long as the umkämpft , Beschaffung
gaps. At the same time, there has been a platform providers are knowledgeable in conclusion recruitment
rise in digital talent platforms, such as hiring out qualified people.” , Folgerung, Fazit , Personalbeschaffung
Toptal, Freelancer, Upwork and Fiverr, The introduction of tax legislation in contractor remote working
which allow businesses to find skilled the UK’s private sector has had a disrup- , Auftragnehmer(in) , Arbeit(en) im Home-
freelancers with a mouse click. tive impact on the IT industry, according corporation
A 2020 report by Harvard Business to Brown. He says that those changes, , Unternehmen resignation
School and Boston Consulting Group along with the overall trend towards design sth.
, Kündigung
, hier: etw. konzipieren
explored how these platforms offer com- hybrid workplaces, have made being an
panies more flexible access to talent. The employee more attractive again. The IT disguised [dIs(gaIzd]
, Befragte(r)
, getarnt
study shows rising numbers of people industry quickly adapted to remote work- retain sb.
turning to freelance work during the ing, and as recruitment is so competitive, disruptive [dIs(rVptIv]
, jmdn. halten
, störend
pandemic and a corresponding rise in the most companies have not tried to force tax evasion
fill sth.
number of companies joining digital tal- employees back into the office full-time. , Steuerhinterziehung
, hier: etw. besetzen
ent platforms. Furthermore, nearly half of “Ninety per cent of our work can be done top-draw ifml.
gap , Lücke;
all respondents expected to use the plat- using Teams, Slack and email,” he says, , exzellent
hier auch: Defizit
forms significantly more in the future. adding that he knows a number of em- workforce
hire sb. out
This underlines the report’s conclusion ployees who have moved to the country- , Belegschaft
, hier: jmdn. vermitteln
that on-demand workforce strategies side in the past two years.

36 Business Spotlight 11/2022 CAREERS

1. False self-employment, when a free-
lancer acts as an employee, may be
considered fraud. The consequences
Recognizing more than the monthly salary can be serious for the freelancer and
Additionally, with greater freedom comes greater risk. There’s no the employer. If 83 per cent or more
guarantee that a short-term contract will become a longer one. , hier: Lust
of a freelancer’s income is from a sin-
gle client or if they have a long-term
If the company strategy changes, freelancers can be shown the blended , gemischt contract with one employer, alarm
door with minimal warning. It can also be difficult to get a lease converge bells will ring with the authorities.
or a mortgage without an employment contract. “It very much [kEn(v§:dZ]
, sich annähern
2. Freelancing on the side offers flexi-
depends on your personal situation and appetite for risk,” Ives bility, extra income and reduced risk,
says. “It’s quite scary but also brilliantly exciting!” keep one on one’s toes but there are restrictions. Generally,
ifml. , dafür sorgen, dass
People need a stable income for lots of reasons, including you may work up to 18 hours a week
man auf Zack bleibt
loan repayments or supporting their children through univer- in a side job, and it’s necessary to
lease , Mietvertrag inform your health insurance com-
sity. “For the most part, I made those commitments when I was
loan , Darlehen pany, as it can affect social-security
younger, so I have more personal freedom,” Ives says. “It’s not obligations.
the case for everyone.” Brown adds that he rides a motorcycle mortgage [(mO:gIdZ]
, Hypothek 3. All invoices written and received
and, as a contractor, he worried that an accident could have must be kept for ten years, in case
meant weeks without an income. And while he was happy con- scary [(skeEri] ifml.
, beängstigend
the tax office has any questions.
tracting, he admits the financial package that comes with em-
short-term contract 4. Paperless registration of a new busi-
ployment, including a pension, is a real plus. ness is possible via the Mein ELSTER
, Kurzzeitvertrag
platform, meaning a tax office visit is
stable , solide
Not just a career but a lifestyle choice generally no longer necessary.
As this shows, even if the worlds of permanent and non-perma- 5. The Institut für Freie Berufe, in
nent employment are converging and “blended workforces” Nuremberg, offers a free advisory
are becoming more common, freelancing remains an individ- call to those considering self-
ual lifestyle choice. Since the pandemic, most employees can employment for the first time.
expect some more flexibility, but the rich variety of working for
affect sth. , Auswirkun- long-term contract
different clients, perhaps in different sectors, from one week to gen auf etw. haben , Langzeitvertrag
Illustrationen: Georg Lechner

the next is mostly still reserved for freelancers.

fraud [frO:d] obligations
Brown says he’s pleased with his career but hopes full-time , Betrug , Verpflichtungen;
employment won’t make him get too comfortable: “I like the hier: Pflichtbeiträge
health insurance company
way freelancing keeps you on your toes and sharpens your skills. , Krankenkasse on the side , hier: als
I still like to read up on the latest developments and keep chal- invoice Nebenerwerb

lenging myself.” , Rechnung tax office , Finanzamt

CAREERS 11/2022 Business Spotlight 37


What to do when
you have no clue
Nichts geht mehr – und nun? Anstatt viele Stunden allein nach einer Lösung zu suchen,
sollten Sie Ihr Team ins Boot holen. Denn gemeinsam geht es besser voran.


here are times for all of us when
Fotos: gremlin/iStock.com; Uwe Klössin/werdewelt/visual branding berlin

“If you work in a we just don’t have a clue what to

do. We are stuck with a problem

team, help is just and don’t see any way out. We

feel like we’re staring at a blank wall.
The great thing, if you work in a team,
in Cologne and works
as a coach with teams
and leaders, to make
around the corner” is that help is just around the corner, in
the next office or on the next screen. Your
colleagues can offer great support, and
them a successful and
happy team (again)

that’s why I’d like to present a powerful

tool that’s so simple and straightforward
it needs no preparation, and after one blank , leer, unbeschrieben;
hour, you’ll walk away with new ideas and hier: nackt
stronger solutions. It also strengthens the clue , Idee, Ahnung
trust within your team and your ability to straightforward
solve problems. , unkompliziert

CAREERS 11/2022 Business Spotlight 39

First, however, make sure that a cer- details. Tell the consultants what you
tain degree of trust already exists, as one have tried to do to solve it. In this part of
of your team members will have to admit the exercise, the consultants are just lis-
to the boss that they don’t know what to tening and taking notes.
do. Trust is also a prerequisite for being At the end of this section, the case pre-
able to come up with lots of ideas, which senter poses one clear question that he or
is essential for this exercise. she wants help with.
The first time I did this exercise for My example was: “I have a team work-
myself, I was blown away by the bene- shop, but the team is divided into two
fits it provided. I groups because of ca-
didn’t just gain lots pacity and language
of new solutions constraints. How can
to my problem, but
also felt much more
“The first time I I make them feel sol-
idarity; feel that they
confident that I’d
be able to meet the did this exercise, are one team?”

challenge. 4. The questions

The next time
you feel stuck,
I was blown away Now, it is the con-
sultants’ turn to
ask your team for
about an hour of by the benefits it speak up and ask any
questions they wish
their time, book a in order to better un-
meeting room (or
organize a video-
provided” derstand the case.
Make sure that
conference), have you don’t jump
pens, paper, sticky notes and a flip chart or straight to solutions in this phase. It’s all
pinboard ready (or an online whiteboard), about gathering and clarifying informa-
and then, follow these instructions: tion to have a solid basis for the upcoming
1. The rules
Before you start, it’s important that every- 5. Ideas
one agrees to the rules: Now comes the magic. If you’re used to
⋅⋅Be open
Treat the information shared in the
brainstorming to find solutions, this step
might surprise you. Here, make sure that
meeting as confidential the consultants cannot hear or see the
Appreciate different points of view
Be neutral
person who presented the case. Place that
person behind the pinboard or flip chart

Engage actively (or have them turn off their camera and
2. The roles Why is this important? Remember the
There is one person who is presenting rule “appreciate different points of view”.
appreciate sth. consultant , Berater(in)
their case. Everybody else acts as consul- The aim here is for the consultants to [E(pri:SieIt]
tants. It may help if one of the consultants come up with completely new perspec- engage (sb.)
, etw. schätzen,
, (jmdn.) einbinden
takes notes for everyone. tives. The case presenter’s first reaction anerkennen
jump straight to a solution
to those ideas might be skeptical. If the blown away: be ~ by sth.
, hier: vorschnell eine
3. The case consultants see or hear signs of disagree- ifml. , von etw. umge-
Lösung akzeptieren
hauen werden
Note that we’re not calling it a “prob- ment, they might stop following this path, pose (a question)
clarify sth. [(klÄrEfaI]
lem” any more, but a “case”. That doesn’t which means that potentially good ideas , etw. klären
, (eine Frage) stellen
change the situation, of course, but it does may not come to light. prerequiste
come to light
change how people see it. “Case” is neu- Most of the time, however, this is , zutage treten;
, Voraussetzung
tral, whereas “problem” has some nega- where the gold is hidden. Often, the hier: bekannt werden
tive connotations. solution can be found where you’ve speak up , sich äußern
confidential , vertraulich
If you are the one presenting the case, taken a quick, superficial look, didn’t like constraint
sticky note
, Haftnotiz, Klebezettel
make sure you provide all the essential what you saw and moved on. It’s helpful , Zwang; hier: Barriere

40 Business Spotlight 11/2022 CAREERS

when people with a fresh perspective take a second
As you might have guessed, the role of the person It’s not always easy to ask for help. At
who presented the case is passive in this phase. He or the same time, we may want to offer our
she should stay silent, listen and take notes — espe- help to someone but worry they could
cially if they hear a helpful idea or hint. feel offended. Here are some phrases that
If you need a break, it makes sense to take one now, might be useful in those situations.
after the ideas section.
Asking for help
6. Insights • I know you’re busy, but could you help
This step belongs to the case presenter again. That me with something?
person now shares the insights they’ve learned, what
• If you have a moment, could I ask for
your help with this matter?
new takeaways they have gained, how they feel now
• I could really use a hand with this file.
and what they plan to do next. Would you mind?
When I did this, I had three concrete approaches
to pursue. And even more important: I felt that I was Explaining that there’s a problem
riding a wave of new momentum. I gained confi- • I think we may have a safety issue on
dence and a sense of competence, and I had new and our hands.
varied perspectives on the challenge. The one I liked • Something’s not right with our website,
the most was that I shouldn’t see the situation as a but I can’t see what the problem is.
problem, but rather as reality or even as an opportu- • I’ve tried everything, but I can’t seem to
nity. get this to work properly.

7. Reflection Offering advice

Now that the work has been done, it’s always a good • Have you tried...?
idea to reflect on what you have achieved as a team. • If I were you, I would...
• I think your best option is to...
Asking people how they feel, what they liked most
about the experience, what surprised them or what
Showing gratitude
they would do differently next time is really helpful.
• What would I have done without you?
One of the reactions I hear almost every time is:
Thanks so much!
“I’m so grateful that I have you as my colleagues. • I really appreciate your help. Thanks.
I don’t feel alone with this situation any more.” For • You helped me out of a tight spot there.
many participants, it is the clear structure and se- I hope I can return the favour one day.
achieve sth. [E(tSi:v]
quence of steps that puts them at ease and powers , etw. erreichen
their creativity. appreciate sth. offended: feel ~
break , Pause
Although the exercise can be done in an hour, it’s [E(pri:SieIt] , sich verletzt fühlen
ensure sth. [In(SO:] , etw. (zu) schätzen
better to plan 90 minutes. Above all, the ideation , etw. sicherstellen tight spot ifml.
section should be long enough so that people don’t , Klemme
face sth. issue [(ISu:]
feel rushed. However, it’s also important that you , etw. gegenüberstehen , Problem
have clear time limits for each section to ensure that grab sb./sth. ifml. , sich
people stick to the topic and don’t go into too much jmdn./ etw. schnappen;
detail. hier: zusammentrommeln
The reason I like this exercise so much is that one hint , Hinweis
person gets concrete help and support for a prob- insight
lem they are facing. The other team members work , Einblick, Erkenntnis

together as consultants and feel needed and sup- momentum , Dynamik

portive. Usually, some of the consultants realize that pursue sth. [pE(sju:]
they’re facing a similar situation, and now they’ve got , etw. verfolgen

some great ideas about how to deal with it. How great put sb. at ease , jmdm.
is that? die Befangenheit nehmen
Now, it’s up to you. The next time you feel stuck, rushed: feel ~ [rVSt]
, sich gedrängt fühlen
grab your team for an hour or so and do some prob-
lem-solving and team-building at the same time. It’s takeaway , Kernpunkt
worth it. topic , Thema

CAREERS 11/2022 Business Spotlight 41


v w









42 Business Spotlight 11/2022 LANGUAGE

Trades today
Ohne das Handwerk funktioniert fast nichts. Also sollte man auch
die wichtigsten Vokabeln rund um den Berufsstand kennen.



1. laser distance sensor Specialists —

, Laserdistanzsensor, Distanzlaser
no Jack of all trades*
2. window fitter considerable technical knowledge
(*Alleskönner; Hans Dampf in allen Gassen)
, Fensterbauer(in), -monteur(in) (Fachkenntnisse) and expertise (Sachkom-
3. triple glazing [)trIp&l (gleIzIN] Digitalization has created lots of new petenz). Among these are roofers (Dach-
, Dreifachverglasung jobs, such as web designers. Robots do decker), plumbers (Klempner, Installateure)
4. glazer [(gleIzE] , Glaser(in) a lot of manual work, and digital tools and fitters (Monteure) of kitchens, awn-
5. electronic/digital spirit level make work processes shorter and faster. ings (Markisen), etc. As such physically de-
, elektronische/digitale Wasserwaage But this has not led to the disappearance manding work is made easier by high-tech
6. heating technician/engineer of traditional trades (traditionelle Hand- tools, technological developments have
[tek(nIS&n / )endZI(nIE] werksberufe). Rather, their job profiles an impact. This is sometimes reflected in
, Heizungsbauer(in)

(Berufsbilder) and training programmes the job title (Berufsbezeichnung): an electri-
7. energy consultant/adviser (Ausbildungsgänge) have changed. cian (Elektriker) or electronics technician
, Energieberater(in)
For example, the former chimney (Elektroniker) and a mechanic (Mechaniker)
8. system mechanic for sanitary,
sweep (Kaminkehrer) now also acts as an merged into a mechatronic technician
heating and air-conditioning systems
, Anlagenmechaniker(in) für Sanitär-, energy consultant. Other jobs once seen (Mechatroniker), who needs knowledge of
Heizungs- und Klimatechnik as low-skilled and low-value now require both fields.
9. plasterer with specialized training
in 3D printing , Stukkateur(in) mit
Weiterbildung zum 3D-Druck Don’t mix us up! Technical vs technological
10. tool and repair van Technik can be translated as follows: The adjective technical refers to
, Werkstatt- und Reparaturwagen • technique if it refers to a particular way • a particular subject: “technical terms”
of doing something: “Our company won (Fachbegriffe)
11. facility manager [fE(sIlEti]
the contract thanks to Janet’s excellent • applied sciences: “technical
, Gebäude- und Facilitymanager(in)
negotiation technique.” performance” (technische Leistung)
12. customized and serial furniture • mechanical failure: “a technical defect”
[(sIEriEl )f§:nItSE] • technology if it refers to scientific (ein technischer Fehler)
, maßgefertigte und serienmäßig knowledge that is used practically in
hergestellte Möbel
industry: “Due to recent advances in The adjective technological refers to
13. wood technician medical technology, our quality of life • technology: “technological revolution”
, Holzmechaniker(in) has been greatly enhanced.” (technische Revolution)
14. solar technician [(sEUlE] • operational improvements: “technological
, Solateur(in), Solaranlagentechniker(in) progress” (technologischer/technischer
15. free-field/land-based photovoltaic
installation [)fEUtEUvQl(teIIk]
, Photovoltaik-Freiflächenanlage

16. electronics technician Other useful vocabulary

, Elektroniker(in) manufacture sth. highly-skilled
17. smart electricity meter [(mi:tE]
Nouns Verbs [)mÄnju(fÄktSE] , hoch qualifiziert
, etw. herstellen, fertigen
, intellegenter Stromzähler further/advanced training fit / install / mount sth. obsolete [)QbsE(li:t],
, Fort-, Weiterbildung , etw. installieren, specialize in sth. outdated
18. mechatronics technician/engineer montieren [(speSElaIz] , sich in/auf , veraltet, überholt
[)mekE(trQnIks] new apprenticeship job
keep pace with sth. etw. spezialisieren
, Mechatroniker(in) , neuer Ausbildungsberuf state-of-the-art
, mit etw. Schritt halten , auf dem Stand der
Illustration: Mike Ellis

19. endoscope camera [(endEskEUp] robotics Adjectives

maintain sth. Technik, hochmodern
, Endoskopkamera , Robotertechnik
, etw. warten, instand- future-oriented / viable for the future
20. water supply engineering technician skilled worker / specialist forward-looking
halten [(vaIEb&l]
, Fachkraft für Wasserversorgungs- [(speSElIst]
, zukunftsorientiert , zukunftsfähig
technik , Facharbeiter(in)

LANGUAGE 11/2022 Business Spotlight 43


Football Word bank

Das Runde muss ins Eckige: Lernen Sie Here, we give you some essential vocabulary you’ll need
Wörter und Wendungen rund um Fußball. to talk about football.


Positions Competition
attacking midfielder cup-tie [(kVp taI]
, offensive(r) Mittelfeldspieler(in), , Pokalspiel
final [(faIn&l]
centre-back , Finale, Endspiel
, Innenverteidiger(in)
fixture [(fIkstSE]
defensive midfielder , Spielpaarung
, defensive(r) Mittelfeldspieler(in),
friendly UK
, Freundschaftsspiel
group stage
, Stürmer(in), Angreifer(in)
, Gruppenphase
(local) derby [(dA:bi] UK
, Außenverteidiger(in)
, (Lokal-)Derby
qualifier [(kwQlIfaIE]
, Torwart(in)
, Qualifikationsspiel
, Stürmer(in), Angreifer(in)
, Viertelfinale

substitute [(sVbstItju:t]
round of 16
, Ersatz-, Auswechselspieler(in)
, Achtelfinale
semi-final [)semI (faIn&l]
, Außenverteidiger(in)
, Halbfinale
, Flügel-, Außenstürmer(in)
agent’s fee
Jobs , (Spieler-)Vermittlungsgebühr
assistant referee [E)sIstEnt refE(ri:] broadcasting revenue
, Schiedsrichterassistent(in) [(brO:dkA:stIN )revEnju:]
, Einnahmen aus Rundfunk- und
backroom staff
, Betreuer(innen)
match day revenue UK
Knowledge check
chief scout
, Einnahmen am Spieltag
, Chef-, Sportscout(in)

groundsman UK merchandise [(m§:tSEndaIz]

, etwa: offizielle Fanartikel
, Platzwart(in)
Fotos: simonkr, mihailomilovanoviciStock.com; Illustration: Angelina Bambina/iStock.com

A. Can you list three different football kit manager UK season ticket
, Saison-, Dauerkarte
, Zeugwart(in)
manager UK sponsorship , Sponsoring
, Cheftrainer(in) television rights
, (Fernseh-)Übertragungsrechte
, Physio(therapeut(in)) ticket sales
B. What is the German word for “squad”?
, Ticket-, Kartenverkauf/-verkäufe
referee [)refE(ri:]
, Schiedsrichter(in) transfer fee , Ablösesumme
steward transfer window
C. “Match” and “game” are two nouns that are , Ordner(in) , Transferfenster, -phase
commonly used together with “football”.
youth team coach
Write down three more. , Trainer(in) der Jugendmannschaft

Übungen zu diesem
Thema hier kostenlos
You’ll find the answers on page 47 spotlight.de/audio-

44 Business Spotlight 11/2022 LANGUAGE

Grammar check

The passive
The passive is usually formed with “be” (is / was / has been, etc.)
+ the past participle (e.g. beaten, founded, invested):
⋅ The fee was agreed before the transfer deadline.

When we use the passive, we say what happens to a subject:

In context ⋅Both teams were knocked out in the first round.

Wendy and Stuart are talking about the takeover of We often use the passive to talk about (or emphasize) the action
Wrexham AFC. rather than focus on who or what does or did it:

Wendy: I heard your team was relegated from the

⋅ The club was relegated to the National League.

EFL at the weekend. We also use the passive when the subject is unknown or simply
Stuart: Yes, I’m gutted. not important:
Wendy: You need a couple of big investors to buy
the club, like the Hollywood actors Ryan
⋅ The match has been cancelled!

Reynolds and Rob McElhenney did with When we want to say who performed the action or caused some-
Wrexham AFC. thing to happen, we use the preposition by:
Stuart: Ha! A £2 million investment and lots of
publicity would be a big help. And we’re a
⋅ The club was bought by two Hollywood stars.

bigger club than Wrexham.

Wendy: Well, they were fan-owned. What a differ-

ence it’s made to them — they got to the fi-
nal of the FA Trophy. It’s such a shame they Exercise 1
were beaten by Bromley. In Wendy and Stuart’s dialogue, there are three examples of
Stuart: The main goal of the new owners is to passive sentences with “be”. Write them below.
get their club back into the EFL, and I
think they’re going about it the right way. A.
Wrexham’s squad has been completely
overhauled, with a lot of new signings, like
striker Ollie Palmer. The club broke their C.
record transfer fee to sign him.
You’ll find the answers on page 47
Wendy: They’ve also invested a lot in the women’s
Stuart: Quite right! Women’s football is the world’s
fastest-growing female sport. And Wrex- Exercise 2
ham isn’t short of cash. They’ve got a spon- Complete each sentence using the correct form of the correct
sorship deal with TikTok, and shirt sales and verb below.
season-ticket sales have gone through the
roof. beat | broadcast | crown | relegate | sign
Wendy: I bet they’ll get promoted next season.
Stuart: I didn’t know you cared so much about A. The first live televised football match
football. in 1946.
Wendy: I love an underdog story.
B. In the 1990s, the team from the Premier
League twice.
bet sth. promoted: be/get ~ , aufsteigen
, etw. wetten C. The ball by every member of the win-
publicity , Werbung, öffentliche
go through the roof ifml. Aufmerksamkeit ning team.
, durch die Decke gehen
relegated: be/get ~ from sth.
gutted: be ~ [(gVtId] UK ifml. [(relIgeItId]
D. Rangers in the Europa League final.
, am Boden zerstört sein , aus etw. absteigen
E. Manchester United champions 20
new signing sign sb. , jmdn. verpflichten, times.
, Neuzugang unter Vertrag nehmen
overhaul sth. [)EUvE(hO:l] underdog story You’ll find the answers on page 47
, etw. überarbeiten; , David gegen Goliath
hier: neu ordnen

LANGUAGE 11/2022 Business Spotlight 45

Common collocations table football
Here, we look at some key word partnerships with “football”.

“football” + noun
football business football league football pitch UK
, Fußball-Business, das , Fußballliga , Fußballplatz,- spielfeld
Geschäft mit dem Fußball
football management football player
football club , Fußballmanagement , Fußballspieler(in)
, Fußballverein
football match UK football team
football expertise , Fußballspiel , Fußballmannschaft
[)eksp§:(ti:z] kicker
, Fußballsachverstand

s Course
Football Busines

False friends
Many words in German and English seem similar

but have very different meanings.

What’s Kicker in English?

Fotos: PhotoStock10/Shutterstock.com; nikkytok, razihusin/iStock.com; Cartoon: Leo Cullum/Cartoonstock.com; Illustration: Angelina Bambina/iStock.com
Kicker = table football (US foosball)

Foot ba ll is a dy na mi c
al modules of this on
reds of millions of
business worth hund course will help you
pounds. The practic skills and football expertise you’ll need
⋅ A few of my colleagues like to play
table football after lunch.
e ma na geme nt
gain th
re of the football
is co ur se , yo u wi ll investigate the natu ring the business It’s not “kicker”!
In th explo
g case studies and d kicker = Fußballspieler(in);
business by analysin . Interviews with football players an Kicker(in) (American football!)
ll clu bs in a

models of fo ot ba namics of wo rk ing
to understand the dy ccessful career in the In American football, the top athletes
managers are used a su
will prepare you for
football team. This ll m an ag em ent.
are often the best kickers.
ot ba
exciting world of fo exciting [Ik(saItIN]
iere nd
, spannend, faszin

“We lost. Someone leveled the playing field.”

In discussions about inequality, sports metaphors are

sometimes transferred to economics. A level playing
field refers to a state of equality and equal opportuni-
ty. The government is expected to tackle the problem
of inequality, perhaps after marathon talks to decide
how to do it. Politicians may call their strategy a game-
changer, but if it’s no good, people will say the govern-
ment has dropped the ball on inequality.

drop the ball ifml. level playing field tackle (a problem)

, Mist bauen , Chancengleichheit, , (ein Problem)
gleiche Wettbewerbs- angehen
, bahnbrechende
Neuerung, Wende

46 Business Spotlight 11/2022 LANGUAGE


Sprachkurse und Sprachferien

Typical Learn English in Cornwall

Can you correct the common NOW AVAILABLE
error(s) in the following sentence?
Julie Tamblin MA - 0044 (0) 1208 871 184
“I don’t interest me
for football.”

You’ll find the answer below

Lernen Sie Italienisch,

wo Italien zu Hause ist!

UK / US differences Möchten Sie Italienisch lernen

und das Piemont mit seiner Kultur,

“Football” or “soccer”? der vorzüglichen Küche und den

Hallo! Wir sind Daniela und Judit, von der ausgezeichneten Weinen entdecken?
Zunsún Academy aus Gran Canaria
The “beautiful game” is played all over the world. In Brit- Dann kommen Sie zu uns!
Mit 10 Jahren rfahrung haben wir einzigartige,
ain, people usually say football, although “soccer” is also personalisierte Methoden entwickelt, um
Hier wohnen Sie in gemütlichen
Spanisch online oder persönlich auf Gran
used. In North America, soccer is much more common, Canaria zu lernen. Appartements und lernen die
Wenn Sie also schnell
as “football” generally means American football. Most und mit viel Spaß
Sprache – individuell abgestimmt
Spanisch lernen
people in Australia and New Zealand also say “soccer”. wollen, dann ist
auf Ihre Wünsche und Vorkenntnisse.
Zunsún die richtige
Wahl für Sie! in 360º- La Cascina dei Banditi
Abenteuer im

Progress check +34 654 71 12 50


el . +39 331 6525424
Replace each German word (in italics) in the sen-
tences below with the correct English word.
A. The striker came on as a
(Ersatzspieler(in), Auswechselspieler(in)) in extra
time. Ausgabe Anzeigenschluss
B. The (Schiedsrichter(in)) gave 01/2023 09.11.2022
a penalty. 02/2023 07.12.2022
C. England will play Italy in a 03/2023 18.01.2023
(Freundschaftsspiel) tomorrow.

You’ll find the answers below

Kontakt für Anzeigenkunden

ANSWERS Exercise 2
Knowledge check: A. was broadcast +49-89/85681-131
A. For example: goalkeeper, striker, B. was relegated
winger C. has been signed
Spotlight Verlag GmbH – Ihr Ansprechpartner
B. Kader D. were beaten für Beratung und Verkauf
C. For example: football club, foot- E. have been crowned
ball player, football team
Typical mistake
Grammar check: “I’m not interested in football.” /
Exercise 1 “Football doesn’t interest me.”
A. ...your team was relegated from
the EFL... Progress check:
B. ...they were beaten by Bromley. A. substitute
C. Wrexham’s squad has been B. referee
completely overhauled... C. friendly


Test your
language skills!
Testen Sie nun Ihre sprachlichen Kompetenzen.
Die Übungen auf diesen zwei Seiten basieren
auf Artikeln dieser Ausgabe.



1. What does it mean? M 2. On track A

The profile on Gary Vaynerchuk, “The trendspotter” In “All aboard” (pp. 22–24), you can read
(pp. 12–13), contains many useful words. Decide whether the about Japan’s office train carriages. Match
following statements are correct or incorrect. the verbs from the article (A–E) to their
definitions (1–5).
Correct Incorrect
A. Annual revenue is the income that a A. designate something
government or company receives every year. B. replicate something
C. enhance something
B. An ingredient is the ability to do D. mingle
something well. E. thrive on something

C. A subsidiary is money given as part of 1. to choose or name something for a particular

the cost of something, to help or encourage job or function
it to happen.
2. to increase or further improve the quality
D. A wire service is an organization that or value of something
supplies news to newspapers, radio and
television stations, etc., using an electrical 3. to enjoy something or be successful because
communication system. of something

E. A non-fungible token is a unique unit of data 4. to copy something exactly

Fotos: eyetoeyePIX/Stock.com

linked to a particular piece of digital art, music,

video, etc., and that can be bought and sold. 5. to move among people and talk to them,
especially at a social event
F. A take on something is a disagreement,
or the process of disagreeing. A– B– C– D– E–

48 Business Spotlight 11/2022 LANGUAGE

3. Trades today E 5. Shondaland A

In the English for... section (pp. 42–43), we In “Building a media empire” (pp. 14–15),
present useful expressions on the topic of you can read about American TV producer
trades. Complete this dialogue with the Shonda Rhimes. Choose the correct option
English translation of the German words in to complete each statement.
A. Shonda Rhimes was the first Black woman
Yasin: Although digitalization has created lots of to create and produce a global top-ten se-
new jobs, (A) (traditio- ries (Grey’s Anatomy), which is now in its 19th
nelle Handwerksberufe) haven’t disappeared. .
1. season 2. session
Alexia: No, of course not, but in many cases, their
(B) (Berufsbilder) have
B. The 52-year- old TV producer and
has created many of the most
Yasin: Yes, that’s right. For example, the (C)
popular and memorable TV series.
(Kaminkehrer(in)) is now
1. screenwriter 2. script editor
also an energy consultant.
Alexia: True! Many jobs that were once consid- C. Rhimes has shaped and reshaped American
ered low-skilled now require extensive television for the past 20 years with complex
(D) (Fachkenntnisse) and and diverse characters.
(E) (Sachkompetenz). 1. storybooks 2. storylines
Yasin: Yes, you’re right. Even though some phys-

ically demanding work has been made D. In 2015, Rhimes published a ,
easier with high-tech tools, people such called Year of Yes.
as (F) (Dachdecker) and 1. memoir 2. memory
(G) (Klempner, Installa-
teure) need to know how to use these and E. Rhimes studied English and film studies at
keep up with technological developments. the Dartmouth College, in the
US state of New Hampshire.
1. presidential 2. prestigious

4. Freelancing A

In “Is freelancing the future of work?” ANSWERS

Test your language skills!
(pp. 34–37), you can read about the flexibil-
ity of freelancing. Complete the sentences 1. What does it mean? 3. Trades today
A. Correct (annual revenue A. traditional trades
below using the adjectives from the list. = Jahresumsatz) B. job profiles
B. Incorrect. An “ingredient” is C. chimney sweep
competitive | disruptive | fulfilling | scary | stable one of the parts of something D. technical knowledge
successful. (ingredient = Zutat) E. expertise
C. Incorrect. A “subsidiary” is a F. roofers
A. Although Suzanne Ives found midwifery company that is owned by a G. plumbers
, giving something to the next larger company. (subsidiary
= Tochtergesellschaft)
generation was her end goal. D. Correct (wire service 4. Freelancing
B. Since the pandemic, the marketplace has = Nachrichtendienst) A. fulfilling = erfüllend
become very , and many com- E. Correct (non-fungible token B. competitive = umkämpft
= nicht austauschbares C. disruptive = störend; hier:
panies have seen staff leave for more flexible kryptographisches Token) durchschlagend
roles. F. Incorrect. A “take on something” D. scary ifml. = beängstigend
is the particular opinion or E. stable = solide
C. Tax legislation in the UK’s private sector has idea that somebody has
had a impact on the IT industry, about something. (take = hier:
Einstellung, Herangehensweise)
making it attractive to be an employee again. 5. Shondaland
D. With greater freedom comes greater risk, 2. On track A–1 (season US = hier: Staffel)
which can be . A–1 (ausweisen) B–1 (screenwriter
B–4 (reproduzieren) = Drehbuchautor(in))
E. People need a income for various C–2 (steigern) C–2 (storyline = Handlung)
reasons, including loan repayments or sup- D–5 (sich (unter die Leute) mischen; D–1 (memoir = Memoir (literarischer
hier: soziale Kontakte haben) Bericht mit Erinnerungen aus
porting their children through university. E–3 (etw. genießen; durch etw. dem eigenen Leben))
erfolgreich sein) E–2 (prestigious = renommiert)

LANGUAGE 11/2022 Business Spotlight 49

h i n k

y ou a s
An boss h
yo u r its ?! y

h ab v

ba d V

Auch Manager sind nicht perfekt – und x

benehmen sich daneben. Testen Sie Ihr
Wissen über die begangenen Fauxpas.

he world’s top managers have
worked hard to get to where W
they are, but they are not all per-
fect role models — like the rest
of us, they also have some bad habits:
1. Elon Musk admits to sending at least u
half of his tweets from ______.
a) bed b) the toilet c) the beach
6. Twitter boss Jack Dorsey
2. What did former Yahoo! CEO Marissa practises extreme inter
Mayer do at a Cannes Lions dinner? mittent fasting, but the
a) She slept through the dinner. first time he tried it,
b) She was the only guest to order the w he ______.
tasting menu. a) fainted
c) She ignored the dress code. b) felt like he was hallucinating
c) cried
3. What does US investor Warren Buf-
fett say is one of his weaknesses? 7. Apple CEO Tim Cook was surprised at how much time he
F os: ddp; A. Ivanov, Kathy Hutchins, Tinseltown, s _bukley, Frederic Legrand - COMEO, mark reinstein, u. salters /Shutterstock.com
a) Junk food: he eats ice cream for breakfast spends ______.
and has three cans of Coke before work. a) sleeping b) watching reality TV c) using his iPhone
b) Musicals: he’s a big fan of Cats. ANSWERS:
c) Train sets: he has 17 of them at home. 1. b) He once tweeted: 8. It’s been reported that Jeff Bezos regularly ______.
“At least 50% of my
tweets were made on a) orders caviar for his cat
4. US entrepreneur and cooking icon a porcelain throne.” b) makes cruel comments to employees
Martha Stewart has some hard and fast 2. a) Mayer says she c) starts meetings at 6 p.m.
needs just four hours’
rules. Which of these is one of them? sleep a night. This
a) Any food brought to the office must be caught up with her in
Cannes. anger [(ÄNgE] hard and fast rules role model , Vorbild
from a Martha Stewart recipe. 3. a) He has said he
, Wut(anfall) , feste Regeln
b) Employees mustn’t socialize with has “the diet of a six- soak sth. , etw. durch-
year-old”. caught up: sth. ~ with sb. ink , Tinte nässen; hier: baden
each other. 4. c) , etw. hat jmdn. eingeholt
c) Only black or red ink may be used in 5. c) So says the intermittent fasting socialize [(sEUSElaIz]
authorized biography CEO (chief executive , Intervallfasten , private Kontakte
her offices. officer) , Geschäfts- unterhalten
by Walter Isaacson. lash out at sb.
6. b) Dorsey eats just führer(in), Firmenchef(in)
, über jmdn. herfallen, tasting menu [(menju:]
5. In his early days at Apple, Steve Jobs one meal a day and
nothing at weekends. entrepreneur jmdn. heftig kritisieren , Degustationsmenü
used what unusual method to relax? 7. c) [)QntrEprE(n§:]
porcelain throne ifml. train set , (Modell-)
, Unternehmer(in)
a) He drank water while upside down. 8. b) Amazon boss Jeff , Toilette Eisenbahn
Bezos is known for faint , ohnmächtig
b) He did some barefoot tree climbing. his anger and lashing recipe [(resEpi] upside down
c) He soaked his feet in toilet water. out at employees. , Rezept , auf dem Kopf stehend

50 Business Spotlight 11/2022 FREESTYLE

ISSUE 12/2022

Quiet quitting
Remote and hybrid workers
under 35 are driving this glo-
bal trend. Is it due to manage-
ment weakness, poor commu-
nication, work-life balance?
Experts explain and advise.

Giving it all away

Yvon Chouinard. MacKen-
zie Scott. These are just two
of many billionaires who are
giving their wealth to chari-
ty. What’s their motivation?
What do they gain by parting
with so much?

Politics at work
Gossip, rivalry and deceit are
great to watch on TV, but bad
Die n n if you have to deal with them
be vo
Ausga tlight
at work. We give you concrete
siness Spo tips to navigate office politics
Bu heint
and come out on top.
ersc 2
er 202
23. No What happens when billionaires
give all their money to charity?

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