Cast Away

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Q1) Explain three life lessons learnt from the movie "Cast Away" with the instances from the


1. To use our resources to the fullest: As we saw in the movie, Chuck Noland was
stuck in an island for more than four years but the only way he could survive was
because by using his resources right for example, how he used the unopened boxes
and utilise them for his own benefit. Similarly we in life have to know what are
resources are and do not let them go waste because we have it in our life but there are
some people who do not get to have it, but we do and we need to protect it.
2. To always have hope: We also saw in the the hope was to deliver the fifth package
that he left and opened because he saw Angel wings on the package and thought that
one day when he gets out of the island and goes to his hometown and basically
escapes the island he would go and deliver the last package and we can also see that
he wrote a thank you note on the package saying that this package saved his life. So
similarly in life we all need to have a hope so that we do things with
complete motivation.
3. To not crib: We also saw in the the hope was to deliver the fifth package that he left
and opened because he saw Angel wings on the package and thought that one day
when he gets out of the island and goes to his hometown and basically escapes the
island he would go and deliver the last package and we can also see that he wrote a
thank you note on the package saying that this package saved his life. So similarly in
life we all need to have a hope so that we do things with complete motivation.

Q2) Explain three personality traits that helped "Chuck Noland" to successfully come back
from the deserted island with the instances from the movie.

1. Fast instincts: Like we saw in the movie that even though he was stuck in an island,
he absolutely know what he had to do, and one of them was to not waste time because
if he wasted time he would not survive.
2. Adaptive: Even though he was stuck in an island all alone, he did not cry or complain
about it though he was frustrated at a point of time but eventually he excepted the fact
that he’s all alone stuck in island. He could only survive because he was adaptive, he


adapted to the change really quickly, and that is what we all should
even do in our life.
3. Does not procrastinate: He was a kind of person who was well prepared ahead of time
because we saw that he started making the boat much ahead of time so that he could
use it and escape the island and even we should not procrastinate things in man. It is
doing an assignment or studying for an exam.


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