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Romalyn N.

I. Introduction
a.) Overview about pollution due to Urbanization

II. Body
a.) Causes of Pollution due to Urbanization
b.) Effects of Pollution due to Urbanization
c.) How We can solve Pollution due to Urbanization?

III. Conclusion
a.) Best Decision on how We can solve Pollution due to Urbanization

Primarily Urbanization is one of the primary causes of pollution Nowadays.
Due to urbanization, industries and factories are bounding in different places.
The gases or air emitted from factories and vehicles contaminating our
atmosphere, and it’s leading to pollution. This essay wants to provide an
information about the urbanization and wants to answer the Question: How We
can solve Pollution due to Urbanization?
Next are the causes of Pollution due to Urbanization? There are many
causes of urbanization and the example of it are: Industrialization,
Commercialization, Modernization, Rural-Urban transformation, and etc.
Because of this effect on urbanization, it causes Pollution on our planet for the
reason of many changes. Also our daily routine like using transportation always
can cause pollution to our country.
Thirdly, there are many effects of Pollution due to Urbanization like:
Respiratory inspections, heart disease, and cancer. It can also cause poor
sanitation, or housing conditions. If many people were always causing pollution,
it can cause many problems on human life. However, this isn’t our ending yet,
we can avoid pollution or lessen it through proper education.
Fourth, How We can solve or lessen the pollution due to urbanization? We
need to avoid damaging our country; so We can lessen the pollution. By doing
simple things like: drive your car less, don’t burn your garbage, use less energy
and etc., We can help our mother earth to recover again. Provided that instead
of using non-reusable energy, we should use power efficacy like power from our
selves (Manual doing things like walking instead of having a ride) instead of using
oil or some chemical.
Lastly, we should be doing research always on how We can help each other
to lessen or avoid doing things that can might cause pollution. To avoid pollution,
we should encourage and help each other to be more educative in terms of
Pollution due to urbanization. By doing simple things like: drive your car less,
don’t burn your garbage, and etc. We can make some changes on our country.

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