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Asim Malik

OGL: 482

November 3rd, 2023

Inspiration: Book Project

I was previously recommended Atomic Habits but never got around to reading it. After

finishing it I can confidently say that it is a must read for anyone that is looking for a comprehen-

sive guide on how to utilize the power of small, yet mighty, actions for personal and professional

growth. I now see the potential of creating atomic habits. It starts with consistent small behaviors

that build up to positive results (Clear, 2022). One of the most important aspects of creating

"Atomic Habits" is being more mindful of the environment you place yourself in. The book

states specifically that making small adjustments to one's surroundings will likely lead to

changes in behaviors (Clear, 2022). It reinforces the importance of being mindful of the environ-

ments you put yourself in.

The book highlights the Four Laws of Behavioral Change: Cue, Craving, Response, and

Reward (Clear, 2022). Going into depth of each of these laws showed me how habits are formed

as well as how they can be reshaped. Learning more about the science behind habit formation

also helped make the concept of creating “Atomic Habits” feel more actionable and achievable.

The text states that lasting changes happen when individuals view themselves as someone who

embodies the desired habit (Clear, 2022). Which makes complete sense to me.

I find the practicality of creating “atomic habits” to be the strongest selling point to rec-

ommend to others. As it offers a step-by-step guide to initiate change, with the help of real-world

examples and exercises. It is a roadmap that if used correctly can help build good habits and

break bad ones. James Clear created an exceptional piece of work that is capable of helping oth-

ers with creating practical strategies for lasting changes. As a leader this book resonates with
me because not only are the tools capable of improving myself, but it also applies to making de-

sirable behaviors simple and appealing for team members to adopt too. By encouraging a sense

of satisfaction through rewards and recognition. I would definitely recommend this book to my

colleagues and other students in the organizational leadership degree path. It can help you en-

hance personal growth and your organizations effectiveness by extension. It provides leaders

valuable insights needed to build a work environment that is focused on continual improvement

and success.

The three key lessons that stood out the most to me were the power of small changes, en-

vironment matters and continuous improvement. When it comes to the power of making

changes, I have often struggled to maintain drastic changes that I try to suddenly make. Breaking

down tiny changes for big results seems like it would work much better for me. The same con-

cept applies to leadership, making small incremental improvements that build up to substantial

advancements over time. Staying consistent and adjusting along the journey. My environment

has always played a major role in forming my habits. That is why I see the value in surrounding

myself in an environment that is going to bring out the best in me. Organizations want leaders

who see the importance of establishing a well-designed atmosphere that promotes positive be-

havior formation. That is one of the many reasons why I strive to do so. Last but certainly not

least, one of the most important lessons that I related to was there is always room for improve-

ment in life and leadership. Becoming complacent happens when challenge and stimulation lev-

els are low. Reflection and self-analysis have drastically helped me in my personal life and lead-

ership roles to evaluate areas I can improve in.

There are many connections between this book and the perspectives discussed in many of

my organizational leadership courses. OGL 300: Theory and Practice of Leadership is a great ex-

ample because it dove into the theoretical perspectives as well as practical applications. Both of

these learning experiences helped me bridge the gap between theory and practice. The concepts

covered in the Atomic Habits book also align with the frames introduced in OGL 481: Pro-Semi-

nar I, especially the Human Resource frame, as it emphasizes personal and organizational devel-

opment. The human resource frame highlights the significance of personal and organizational de-

velopment just as the Atomic Habits text does. Both the human resource frame and Atomic

Habits focus on the idea that leaders are not only responsible for their own growth but also for

promoting the growth of their teams or organization. The importance of personal development

and the subsequent impact it has on team dynamics in addition to organizational success, is at the

core of both the organizational leadership degree path as well as Atomic Habits. All of the con-

nections that I have made reaffirm that the Organizational Leadership courses are not just theo-

retical but highly applicable to the real world of leadership.

Despite the very valuable knowledge I have gained throughout my journey to earn my

degree in organizational leadership, "Atomic Habits" showed me a fresh perspective when it

came to personal development and leadership. For the most part my academic journey primarily

focused on leadership principles, while this book purely offered practical insights into habit

formation and personal growth. That is the biggest difference between the organizational
leadership degree path and the knowledge I gained in "Atomic Habits”. I have no complaints

about my experience as an Organizational Leadership major student. However, I do believe that

the degree path focused most of its attention on the importance of effective leadership practices.

Which is very important but there were only a few classes that touched on self-improvement in

order to become a better leader. Classes such as OGL 340: The Aikido Way and OGL 355:

Leading Org Innovation were the two courses that I specifically remember honing my individual

skills in. Atomic Habits is all about practical implementation into daily life. Building new

positive habits, erasing bad and maintaining good habits, which I believe is essential for

leadership development. I now have a much broader view on what it takes to be a successful

leader after finishing this book.

The aspect of the book that has helped me the most in my professional life was The Four

Laws of Behavior Change. Having a proper understanding how to utilize the Four Laws of

Behavior Change was how I was able to revolutionize the way I approach making changes. The

concept of making good habits easy, obvious, and attractive, has been very beneficial addition to

my leadership approach. Having the ability to create environments where the right behaviors are

not only evident but become appealing has brought my team out of a brief period of stagnancy.

Establishing a culture of continuous improvement that also rewards and recognizes desired

positive behaviors has instilled a deeper commitment to sustaining lasting change within the

organization. I have seen firsthand how encouraging the development of desirable habits, and the

eradication of counterproductive ones is extremely beneficial for organizations. The principle of

habit stacking from the book influenced my approach to leadership by highlighting the value of
integrating new behaviors into an existing routine (Clear, 2022). This principal helped me easily

incorporate positive changes into my everyday life and leadership style too.

I identify the most with the principal of continuous improvement that is referenced

throughout the book. I have always believed that making positive changes and furthering growth

is one of the biggest keys of success at anything in life. "Atomic Habits" reinforced these beliefs,

that I had, and it has become one of the bigger cornerstones of my leadership style now. I have

historically struggled with taking incremental steps that lead to significant transformations.

Being too eager and not having enough patience has led to my downfall many times throughout

my life. I now feel confident setting clear, achievable goals and breaking them down into

manageable daily tasks to reach them. Another concept that I identify with from the book is

identity-based habits. This was something the I had not explicitly heard or thought about before,

but it seemed familiar. From a leadership point of view this helped me look at myself as someone

who embodies the habits and values that I believe are valuable. I have seen how this can be a

powerful catalyst for self-growth. I feel like I am more aligned with my desired leadership

identity by doing this.

If I could ask the author one question it would be: “What are the biggest challenges and

potential pitfalls leaders might face when attempting to transform their organizations through

positive habit formation?" I think that having his insight into the potential obstacles in this

scenario would help me better navigate the complex task of creating culture change within my

organization. The success of an organization is intertwined with the habits and behaviors of all
its employees. The habits of Individuals have a large effect on reaching organizational goals.

Getting the perspective of the author on maintaining a long-lasting environment for positive

habit development at the organizational level is valuable information to have as a leader looking

to achieve sustainable changes within their team and organization.

The book "Atomic Habits" had a very profound impact on me as an individual and a

leader. I know I am better equipped to lead by example. I feel very capable of assisting my team

at work with developing positive habits. It has expanded my leadership abilities by developing

my personal skillset which is a big aspect of being an effective leader. I now strive to create a

culture that focuses on continuous improvement that will have a lasting impact within the

organization I work for. This book was able to successfully persuade me into refining my own

atomic habits. I now firmly believe that focusing on personal growth is an essential aspect of

forming effective leaders. My newfound perspective has reshaped my leadership style and my

approach to helping my team reach their full potential.

To be honest I was not expecting this book to be as beneficial as it was. This is not just

another self-help book. It is a professional guide to personal and professional growth. I would

highly recommend anyone in a leadership position or in the field of organizational leadership to

read “Atomic Habits”. It offers a path to achieve the transformative benefits of habit formation

using practical strategies. While also promoting the development an environment of

improvement, not only for yourself but your team and organization. The book challenges
outdated notions of creating change, offering a fresh, science-backed perspective on how to

create sustainable improvements in our lives and organizations.

Work Cited

Clear, J. (2022). Atomic habits: Tiny changes, remarkable results: An easy and proven way to

build good habits and break bad ones. Cornerstone press.

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