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HISTORY become) and aims to interpret as

well as describe it.

 Aristotle – systematic account of  A historical context could only be
a set of natural phenomena given to them only if they can be
whether or not chronological in placed in a human setting
nature  The past having happened has
 “the past of mankind” perished forever with only
 Geshehen(to happen) -> occasional traces
geschichte(that which has  The whole history of the
happened) past(history-as-actuality) can be
 History cannot be reconstructed known him only through the
 Fortiori – the experience of a surviving record of it(history-as-
record) and most of history-as-
generation long dead
record is only surviving part of the
 Reconstruction of the total past of recorded part of the remembered
mankind is a goal that is part of the observed part of the
unattainable whole
 Testimonies may be  History can be told only from
representative of something that history-as-record and history as
was once real but have no told(spoken-or-written-history) is
objective reality of their own; exist only the historian’s expressed
only in the observer’s or part of the understood part of the
historian’s mind credible part of the discovered
 To be studied objectively, a thing part of history-as-record
must be an object; must have an  The “object” that the historian
independent existence outside studies is not only incomplete; it
the human mind is markedly variable as records
 Recollections does not have are lost or rediscovered
existence outside the human  The historian’s aim is
mind; this is the basis for most of verisimilitude with regard to a
history perished past, a subjective
 Artifacts(results of events); process, rather than experimental
written documents( results or certainty with regard to an
records of events) objective reality
 Artifacts and documents are raw  Historical method(process of
materials from which history may critically examining and analyzing
be written the records and survivals of the
 Historians deals with the dynamic past)
or genetic(the becoming) as well  Historiography(imaginative
as the static(the being or the recontruction of the past from the
data derived from historical
 Historian is not permitted to
imagine things that could not
reasonable have happened
 Methods of historical analysis:
- The selection of a subject for
- The collection of probable
sources of information on that
- The examination of those
sources for genuineness
- The extraction of credible
particulars from the sources
proved genuine
 Primary source(testimony of an
 Secondary source(testimony of
anyone who is not an
 Original
- Contain fresh and creative
- Because it was not translated
from the language in which it
was first written
- Because it is in its earliest or
unpolished stage
- Because its text is the
approved text(untampered)
- Because it is the earliest
available source of
information it provides

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