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Discord Video Guide Usability Test Report

Jonathan Hsin

Table of Contents
Executive Summary 2
Goals 2
Methodology 2
Participant Profiles 2
Tasks Tested 2
Post-Test Questions 3
Results 3
Key Findings and Recommendations 4

Executive Summary
In this report, I will talk about how the usability test on the video instruction was conducted, the
demographics of who it was conducted on, as well as key findings and steps to take from here to
improve the video instruction usability. The test was done in person with a script and a series of
scenarios and tasks requiring the participants to create a Discord server, invite and kick
members, and change the server information. From the test, I was able to extract key findings
such as the video being too quiet, the potential for more in-depth information, and unclear
transitions, all of which led to recommendations for changes that should be made.

The main objective of this test is to gauge the usability of the video user guide for creating a
Discord server, inviting and removing users, and editing server information. From this test, I
hope to find points of improvement that will fix the video so that users can complete their tasks
efficiently while having an easy time finding the information they seek. Additionally, I would
like to see if any of the features the video included were helpful and are things to keep and be
added to future iterations.

For this test, only one participant was used. This test was conducted in person using the
participant’s laptop and an external monitor so that both the video and the application could be
presented to the participant simultaneously. Also, to prevent any anxiousness from the participant
this test was conducted within the room of the participant, which should also provide a maximum
amount of comfort. In order to guide the usability test, a script was also developed, which
included demographic questions, scenarios for the test, and follow-up questions. When
conducting the test, I avoided intervening, although there were times that I had to remind the
participants to follow the instructions as opposed to simply following the embedded instructions
included in Discord.

Participant Profiles
Participant 1
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Computer expertise out of 10: 6
Phone expertise out of 10: 4
Classification of living area (urban, suburban, rural): Urban
Occupation: College Student
Major: Accounting

Tasks Tested
The test consists of one scenario and three related tasks.

The scenario first asks the participant to create a server for a game that is meant for everyone
who plays the game. Then after the server is created, the participant is asked to change the name
of the server, invite the test proctor(me), and remove the test proctor(me).

Post-Test Questions
Two questions were asked as a follow-up to the test:
1. How would you rate the difficulty of completing the task with the instructional video on a
scale of 1 to 10? Why did you rate it that way?
The participant rated the difficulty of completing the tasks as being either 1 or 2 as the video was
straightforward and showed the user interface of the application itself so it was easy to follow.

2. Do you have any suggestions to improve the instructional video?

The participant first complained that the sound of the video was too low as they had to turn the
volume of both their speakers and the video itself to max. Then they stated that the video
provided the fundamentals of making a server, modifying its name, and inviting members
“outstandedly”, and that in the future, the video may also elaborate on additional settings for the
server such as those for the text and voice channels.

The instruction video is shown to be rather useful based on the test, however, there are some
areas where improvement is possible and should be implemented. The clearest results come from
the follow-up questions as they are directly stated by the test participant. The two big parts are
that the volume was too low and that the direction could have gone more in-depth on the features
that the server offers.

▲This picture shows the participant having a hard time hearing the video and having to lean
down near the speaker of their computer to hear it.

There are also some important results from the test itself. First, the video does not make a clear
cut between creating the server and inviting members, which caused the participant to watch
more of the video than needed to complete specific tasks. The video also did not place the
information on how to change the server name or kick members from the server in a very clear
location as they are just in the “FAQ” section, which led to slight confusion for the participant as
he moused over the progress bar of the video, trying to find the information needed to complete
the tasks.

While all of the results mentioned were negative, there were also some positive results, in
particular when the instruction required a server image to be added. The participant saw that the
file explorer came up when an image was uploaded as the server icon and was able to draw the
connection that he needed to download an image to add a fitting icon. Using this connection, the
participant navigated to Google Images and downloaded an image for the server icon, which
shows that enough information was shown for the video during that step of server creation.

Key Findings and Recommendations

Based on the results, here are some key findings and corresponding recommended
improvements, which are organized based on the degree to which it is necessary to change.

Key Findings Recommendations

The volume of the video was too low for the Rerecord the video so that the volume is at an
participant to hear the instructions clearly. acceptable volume or re-edit the video so that
the volume is enhanced.

The instructions for changing the server Create a clear divide with slides that
information and kicking server members are specifically say “Change Server Name” and
hidden in the FAQ sections, which is “Kicking Members” so users can easily find
confusing for the participant. them.

Key Findings Recommendations

The transition between making the server and Make a clear cut between creating the server
inviting members was unclear so the user and inviting members with a slide that labels
would spend more time watching the video the next section.
than necessary.

Key Findings Recommendations

The participant wished to learn more about Make a second video instruction that goes
the server such as different settings involved more in-depth on the server settings.
with text and voice channels.

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