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Unidad Apodaca

“How to improve teamwork”

Nombre del alumno: Paola Yassari Valadez Luna

Materia: Inglés IV

Nombre del maestro: Mtro. Daniel Quintero Martínez

Modalidad: Presencial

Apodaca, N.L. a 16/11/23



Introduction.................................................................................................................... 3
Structure and clarity...................................................................................................... 4


Teamwork is a fundamental skill in today’s society, both professionally and

personally. The ability to collaborate effectively and productively with other individuals

has become an essential requirement for success in a variety of contexts. However,

successful teamwork does not occur spontaneously, but requires proper structure and

constant attention to the quality of interactions among team members.

The purpose of this essay is to explore and analyze the importance of structure

and quality in improving teamwork. Key aspects related to team organization and

coordination will be addressed, as well as the way in which healthy and efficient

relationships among team members can be fostered.


Structure and clarity

Structure and clarity are key elements for successful teamwork. Both aspects

help establish a common frame of reference, facilitate communication and promote

efficient collaboration among team members. Below are some key points on the

importance structure and clarity in teamwork:

1. Organization: a clear structure provides an organizational framework that

defines the roles and responsibilities of each team member. This avoids

confusion and overlapping of tasks, allowing each individual to know exactly

what is expected of him and how he fits into the team as a whole.

2. Shared objectives: Structure and clarity in teamwork help to establish clear,

shared objectives. All members should understand what the purpose of the

team is, what the goals are and how to contribute individually to achieve

them. This fosters alignment and collective focus in the desired results.

3. Effective communication: A well-defined structure facilitates communication

among team members. By establishing clear communication channels and

information sharing processes, misunderstandings are minimized and more

effective communication is promoted. This includes communication about

assigned tasks, deadlines, progress and challenges that may arise.

4. Decision-making: Structure and clarity in teamwork are also crucial to

decision making. When each member understands his or her role and

responsibility within the team, decision-making is facilitated based on relevant


information and shared objectives. This avoids indecision or lack of direction

and promotes agile problem solving.

5. Efficiency and productivity: Clear structure and effective communication

enable teams to work more efficiently. Clear roles and responsibilities avoid

duplication of effort and optimize resource allocation. In addition, clarity on

objectives and tasks helps keep all members focused and engaged, which

increases overall team productivity.

In summary, structure and clarity in teamwork are essential to establish a solid

foundation that promotes effective collaboration, clear communication and the

achievement of shared goals. By facilitating organization, decision-making and

efficiency, these aspects contribute to team success and productivity.



In conclusion, structure and clarity are crucial elements in teamwork. They

provide an organizational framework that defines roles and responsibilities, establishes

shared objectives and facilitates effective communication. In addition, they promote

informed decision making and efficiency in the use of resources. By implementing a

clear structure and fostering clarity on tasks and goals, teams can work more

cohesively, achieve better results and increase their productivity. Therefore, investing

time and effort in establishing proper structure and clarity in teamwork is critical to

achieving collaborative success.



Méndez, N. (2018, 29 noviembre). 5 oportunidades para mejorar el trabajo en

equipo según Google |. Fundación Internacional ORP.


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