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This manual is compiled of the following three textbooks such as
Career Paths: Information Technology (2014) Virginia Evans, Jenny
Dooley, Stanley Wright, and English for Information Technology (2016) V.
I. Yurievna, L. O. Alexandrovna, S. N. Viktorovna and English Guide for
Computer Science Students (2017) D.M. Yolkina, O.V. Polyanskaya.
The proposed textbook has been prepared in accordance with the
requirements of the standard program in foreign languages for higher
educational institutions and the curricula of the above specialties.
The purpose of the manual is to systematize students' knowledge on
the proposed topics, enrich their vocabulary, as well as the formation of
students' speech skills and the development of skills of professionally
oriented foreign language communication in oral and written form in the
expected situations of professional activity.
The manual consists of 15 units covering the main thematic areas
related to the field of computer technology and information technology.
Each section has a single structure, including the following key elements:
Switch on (introduction to the topic in the form of problem questions),
Vocabulary (lexical tasks for systematization and activation of the thematic
dictionary), Reading (authentic texts with tasks for various types of reading
and control of reading comprehension), Language Focus (grammar
reference material with a number of exercises aimed at systematizing
grammatical knowledge and improving grammatical skills), Speaking
(exercises for developing oral speech skills in situations of professionally
oriented communication), Writing (tasks for summarizing texts in the
specialty). Each section includes exercises of different difficulty levels. The
manual can be used both for the organization of the main classroom and
extracurricular work.



1. Read the text and write down all the words related to the word
mining, ex: mining industry, oil, minerals, open-pit mining, extraction

2. Using keywords, ask your partner to define the following terms:

Mining is …, ore body is …., open pit mining is … , core drill …. ,
assays, wells, caprock, fault trap, mining formations.

3. Answer the following questions:

1. What minerals did ancient people use for tools and weapons?
2. What forms of the land are there? Give the names of some of them?
3. What method is used to mine minerals found near the surface of the Earth?
4. How do miners extract halite, trona and potash?
5. Why do geologists drill holes in the Earth?
6. What are assays made for?
7. Is mining of oil and gas equal to mining of minerals?
8. How many types of traps can you name? What are they?
9. Where can formations of oil and gas be located?
10. Outline the stages of oil and gas mining.

Contribution of Mining to Civilization

Mining have been the second of humankind’s earliest endeavors —
granted that agriculture was the first. The two industries ranked together as
the primary or basic industries of early civilization. Little has changed in the
importance of these industries since the beginning of civilization. If we
consider fishing and lumbering as part of agriculture and oil and gas
production as part of mining, then agriculture and mining continue to supply
all the basic resources used by modern civilization.
From prehistoric times to the present, mining has played an important
part in human existence. Mining is an extraction of any naturally occurring
mineral substances — solid, liquid, and gas — from the earth or other
heavenly bodies for utilitarian purposes. The most prominent of these uses
for minerals are given below.
The history of mining is fascinating. It parallels the history of
civilization, with many important cultural eras associated with and identified
by various minerals or their derivatives: the Stone Age (prior to 4000 B.C.E),
the Bronze Age (4000 to 5000 B.C.E), the Iron Age (1500 B.C.E to 1780
C.E), the Steel Age (1780 to 1945), and the Nuclear Age (1945 to the
Many milestones in human history — Marco Polo’s journey to
China, Vasco da Gama’s voyages to Africa and India, Columbus’s discovery
of the New World, and the modern gold rushes that led to the settlement of
California, Alaska, South Africa, Australia, and the Canadian Klondike —
were achieved with minerals providing a major incentive.
Humans’ Uses of Minerals
Need of Use Purpose Age
Tools and utensils Food, shelter Prehistoric
Weapons Hunting, defense, warfare Prehistoric
Ornaments and decoration Jewelry, cosmetics, dye Ancient
Currency Monetary exchange Early
Structures and devices Shelter, transport Early
Energy Heat, power Medieval
Machinery Industry Modern
Electronics Computers, communications Modern
Nuclear engineering Power, warfare Modern
Ancient people used minerals that came from the Earth. They used
chert, flint, jasper, obsidian and quartzite for tools and weapons which they
shaped by using deer antlers (which are shed every year) or other hard-
pointed sticks or rocks. Ancient people used clay to make pots for cooking
and jars to hold water or store food. Some minerals and gems, such as agate,
jade, opal, and turquoise, were prized possessions and were often used for
trading and bartering.
Ancient people learned how to mix soil and water to make mud.
Straw and grass were added to the mud to make it stronger. This mixture was
then formed into brick-like shapes and dried. The bricks, called adobe, could
be stacked and stuck together with more mud. Today, bricks are made of
Even ancient people experienced the violent actions of earthquakes or
volcanoes that change Earth’s form. The land we live on has many forms and
is always changing. In some places there are mountains. In other places there
are canyons and valleys. Each type of land form has a name. In the San Luis
Valley of Colorado you will find sand dunes. The wind action keeps the
dunes in one area but their shapes are constantly changing. In Utah there is a
land form called Arches National Monument. The wind, rain, and snow have
actually worn huge holes all the way through limestone outcrops. Forms that
look like rock bridges are called arches. There are many odd shapes formed
by the erosion of wind and water. Some even look like people. Modern
people have an easier way of life than the ancient people because of
advances in science and technology. All of the products we use today also
come from the Earth. The raw materials used to make the products we need
have to be mined.
Mining for minerals is done in many ways. Some minerals are found
near the surface of the Earth. They can be mined by the open pit or strip
mining method. Minerals that are hidden deep in the Earth are extracted by
digging a deep shaft straight down. Horizontal drifts are mined off certain
levels of the shaft. All mining depends on where economic concentration of
minerals (ore) are found.
When economic amounts of a mineral are found it is called an ore
body. As an example, halite (salt) is found in almost pure form in the state of
Kansas. Halite is usually mined underground by the room-and-pillar mining
method. This method is also used to mine trona and potash. Potash is used as
a fertilizer. Marble (the metamorphic form of limestone) is mined by the
quarry method. It is taken out of the ground in big blocks and is used for
buildings, flooring, and for art works such as statues.
An ore body may contain a combination of metals such as tin,
titanium, lead, zinc, tungsten, gold, and silver. When more than one mineral
is found in an ore body a scientist (metallurgist) has to decide which
processes will be needed to recover each mineral. Processing several
metals/minerals can be expensive.
To determine the size and value of an ore body, geologists drill holes
in the Earth. The drill they use is called a core drill. The entire core is
brought to the surface where the geologist inspects its mineral content.
Geologists call this core «drill core». The logging (recording) of the drill
core is very important. The geologist records the depth at which the core was
taken and the amount of mineral present. Assays by a chemist are made to
determine the quantity and quality of the mineral or metals present.
Sometimes many holes have to be drilled to show the outline of the ore body.
After the drilling data is plotted on a map the geologist can determine
whether the ore body is large enough to mine at a profit.
Oil and gas are also mined, but in a different way than metals and
minerals. Holes (called wells) are drilled into the ground until they hit rocks
containing economic amounts of oil or gas. Oil and gas fill the tiny spaces
between the grains of porous rocks, usually sandstone. Oil and gas move
upward in these porous rocks until they are trapped by nonporous rocks,
usually a shale called caprock. There are three types of traps. An upward
bulge of rock layers is called an anticline trap. Where caprock is moved by
faulting on top of oil and gas-bearing beds, the trap is called a fault trap. The
hardest place to find oil is in a stratigraphic trap. A stratigraphic trap is
where a body of sandstone (like a sandbar or river channel) is enclosed by
nonporous rock. Formations containing oil and gas, coal, as well as minerals
and metals may lie under mountains, deserts, marshes, or seas. They may be
two or three miles below the surface. Some are deeper.
Natural resources are a gift to Earth’s people. We should use and
conserve them wisely. The quest for a better life-style has brought untold
benefits to the human beings who inhabit our Earth—none of which would
exist but for the ingenuity and thought processes of the human mind.

4. Read the text and write down all the facts and provisions that
emphasize the importance of the mining industry in the life of mankind.

5. Read the text and find paragraphs in it that talk about methods of
mining. Give a short message.

6. Using the information in the text, make a guess about what types of
traps for separating gas or oil from a liquid are presented in the
illustrations using the phrases: as I think, as far as I know, to my mind, in
my opinion and etc. Based on the keywords of the text, try to justify your
point of view using the phrases: as is known, in accordance with, I can say
that, according to the text.

7. Insert the words from the list (1–5) in the text below:
1) processing, 2) information technology, 3) mining engineers, 4) in demand,
5) career progression.
Mining Engineering is one of the most interesting careers, offering a good
salary and a) … … for both women and men, who can work in technical,
management, financial, and government fields. In general, mining
engineering is safe, economic recovery, b) … , marketing and financial
management of mineral resources. To undertake these tasks, c) … … should
have a broad education that includes many disciplines. These disciplines are
geology, civil and mechanical engineering, metallurgy, commerce,
economics, management, law and d) … … . Knowledge of these disciplines
helps with problem solving, team work and leadership. It is the combination
of these qualities that distinguishes mining engineers and results in them
being versatile and e) … … by other business sectors.

1. Listen and read the pamphlet about mining. Answer following
1 What are some substances that come from mines? 2 Why is mining so
important? 3 What is the most important thing that mining provides?
Jackson Mining co.
Employee Manual
Section 1: Introduction
Welcome to Jackson Mining Col You are part of an important team.
Together, we improve lives and industries. For example, we supply power
plants with fossil fuels. We mine coal that generates electricity for homes
and businesses, and we mine for metals, as well. They become steel for
manufacturing and construction. But that's not all. We also improve
agriculture. Many minerals make excellent fertilizers. So Jackson Mining
even helps farmers. Finally, we improve people's lives. We mine for many
precious stones and precious metals. Those products become valued gifts and
important components of electrical circuits. So remember, you're not just
mining. You're improving the world.

2. Listen to a conversation between a miner and an interviewer. Listen

again and complete the conversation.
Interviewer (F): Thanks for 1 ____________________ today.
Miner (M): My pleasure. I'm very interested in 2 ___________________.
Interviewer: Now, you worked at Jackson 3 ___________________ before?
Miner: I did. My group mined 4 _______________________________.
Interviewer: I see. But this company mines 5 _______________. We need
someone with that experience.
Miner: Yes, of course. I mined coal at my first job.
Interviewer: 6 _____________________ hear it. When was that?
Miner: It was about five years ago. But I remember the process very well.

Active and passive voice

1. Change the verbs which are in the Active Voice into the Passive Voice.
1. Mining engineers will have to solve various problems.
2. We can divide rocks into igneous and sedimentary.

3. Mining engineers must study geological conditions in the mines.
4. We can carry survey measurements of mine workings by simple methods.
5. They call all underground openings which follow the dip shafts or in-
6. The development workings will divide the deposit into suitable blocks.
7. Pick out the words that connect clauses in the sentences of the text
“Mining” and translate them.

2. Translate following sentences.

1. It was coal which made it possible for industries to thrive and for transport
to evolve rapidly.
2. It is on these factors that the size of the proposed mining enterprise
3. It is these facts that drew our attention.
4. The problem of safety does exist, whatever you think about it.
5. Not only does the government support the mining industry, but it also
subsidizes it.
6. Related to the reforms in the mining industry are the issues of privatization
and investments.
7. Nor should there be distortions in social policies.
8. Included in the final report are the latest figures of production.

Class discussion. Discuss these questions:

1. What are advantages and disadvantages of being a miner?
2. Has the role of women changed dramatically over the past 100 years?

1. Look through the short article
below describing the
requirements needed to become
an engineering specialist. What
qualities are prioritized? What skills
does a modern engineer need? What
do you have to do to develop the
required qualities?

The Engineer should be a critical thinker and have a sound subject

knowledge of mathematics and physics to identify and solve engineering
problems. You must also possess a certain level of creativity to present
innovative solutions and improvements to technical processes. The
successful candidate will be able to effectively communicate ideas, make
recommendations, and negotiate project details with their team,
subcontractors, and clients.

2. Study the list of responsibilities of a modern mining engineer. Think

about the qualification and expertise he should possess. Discuss in
groups and present your opinion.
Responsibilities and skills of a mining engineer
 undertaking feasibility studies problem-solving
 preparing plans for mines analytical skills
 overseeing major construction projects teamwork skills
 ensuring that operations run smoothly interpersonal skills
 overseeing the health and safety of the site strong technical skills
 providing consultancy and advice on mining and
 mineral extraction projects
 confidence
 monitoring activities underground IT skills
 undertaking feasibility studies independent study

1. Study the words given below and make sure you know their meaning.

to manage intricacy unrusted
open pit to expand humming
consequences blasting mill
drilling schedule to face
purchase facility essence

2. Read the text and answer the questions after the text.
Mining engineers spend most of their time in meetings, listening to
consultants and staff and making hard decisions about the mine they work
for or manage.
When they are not in meetings, the mining engineers drive around the
open pit or descend the underground workings where they walk around to
see if things are going as they should. And if things are not going as they
should, they talk to the people who are supposed to be making things go
properly. The mining engineers remind them of their duty and the
consequences of failing to live up to their commitments.
Sometimes the mining engineers leave the mine and go to the office
building in some distant city where the head office is located. There they
meet with even more senior mining engineers, accountants, and lawyers to
discuss the legal and financial operation of the mine they manage. Then they
go to a fine restaurant for supper and a night in an expensive hotel to fly
back, first-class, to the mine the next day.
The variety of challenges lie in the diversity of topics and issues the
mining engineer will face each day in those meetings and round-the-mine
travels. Today the mining engineer will be faced with a decision to purchase
or not to purchase land next to the mine where there may or may not be
additional ore to expand the mine. The next day the mining engineer will be
asked by the chief exploration geologist for an increase in budget to enable
more drilling to be undertaken on the land that was purchased the day before.
To check if the mill superintendent really does need new equipment,
the mining engineer takes a trip to the mill. He has never really understood
the intricacies of this mill and he knows the mill super is smarter than he is
and has been around a lot longer. They banter good-naturedly for a while.
They walk around the equipment which all seems unrusted and humming.
The mining engineers that I write of here, may have studied, like most
engineers, basic maths, physics, chemistry, and calculus. Then a few courses
in basic mining theory: what makes an underground mine; the essence of
open pits; basic blasting theory; and maybe a bit of finance and accounting.
Maybe a short course on environmental studies, social policy, sustainable
propaganda, and community relations.
The mining engineer, however, is the boss, the mine manager, the
chief mine planner, the executive officer, the primary decision-maker. The
mining engineer aim is to leave the management of the mine to a younger
soul and move up the ladder to head office. There he will face new
challenges: buying and selling mines, negotiating deals, and setting budgets
and schedules.
Some mining engineering graduates go on to do a master degree—
and then go into consulting. Their work is critical to mine safety, and their
publications (which I read avidly) are impeccable and impressive. These are
a small part of the mining engineering fraternity. They prove the immense
diversity of mining engineering pursuits and endeavours. They demonstrate
that if you choose to study mining engineering that is only the beginning.
Once graduated, there is an infinite variety of opportunities just waiting for
you to choose a lifestyle that suits your instincts, interests, abilities, and
lifestyle choices.
Keep in mind that you do not have to study mining engineering to
enter the mining industry. You could become a civil engineer and develop
mining infrastructure: the roads, bridges, shafts, structures, and tailings
facilities that are key to mining. You could become a mechanical engineer:
manage the shovels, the trucks, the crushers, and spreaders, and the pipes and
pumps of the mine. You could become a chemical, process, or metallurgical
engineer and oversee the extraction of minerals from the ore. Or become an
environmental engineer and take care of air quality, surface water and
groundwater quality and all the other potential impacts of a mine on its
Mining and geological engineers typically do the following:
 Design open-pit and underground mines;
 Supervise the construction of mine shafts and tunnels;
 Devise methods for transporting minerals to processing plants;
 Prepare technical reports for miners, engineers, and managers;
 Monitor mine production to assess the effectiveness of operations;
 Provide solutions to problems related to land reclamation, water

and air pollution, and sustainability;
 Ensure that mines operate in safe and environmentally sound ways.
Geological engineers search for mineral deposits and evaluate possible sites.
Once a site is identified, they plan how to extract metals or minerals in
environmentally sound ways. Mining engineers often specialize in one
particular mineral or metal, such as coal or gold. They typically design and
develop mines and determine the best way to extract metal or minerals to get
the most out of deposits.
Some mining engineers work with geoscientists and metallurgical
engineers to find and evaluate ore deposits. Other mining engineers develop
new equipment or direct mineral-processing operations to separate minerals
from dirt, rock, and other materials.
Mining safety engineers use best practices and their knowledge of
mine design to ensure workers’ safety and to maintain compliance with state
and federal safety regulations. They inspect the walls and roofs of mines,
monitor the air quality, and examine mining equipment for possible hazards.
Engineers who hold a master’s or a doctoral degree may teach engineering at
colleges and universities. Adapted from
1. Who is a mining engineer?
2. What are the responsibilities of mining engineers?
3. With what problems are mining engineers faced with today?
4. What courses do mining engineers study?
5. What are the duties of a mining engineer?

1. Match the synonyms.

1) to remind a) to come after
2) to locate b) diversity
3) to purchase c) to bring to mind
4) impressive d) to select
5) to pursuit e) effective
6) to demonstrate f) to acquire
7) to choose g) to designate
8) variety h) to show

2. Match the words with their definitions.

1) staff a) be in charge of a company
2) to manage b) a person who practices or studies law
3) consequences c) a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do
4) accountant d) an engineer who designs and maintains
roads, bridges etc.
5) lawyer e) a result of an action
6) humming f) make a low, continuous sound like that of a bee
7) opportunity g) space or equipment necessary for doing
8) lifestyle h) how a person or group lives
9) civil engineer i) all the people employed by a particular organization
10) facilities j) a person whose job is to keep or inspect financial

3. Finish the sentences about the work and duties of a mining engineer.
1. When they are not in meetings, the mining engineers drive around the
open pit or descend the underground sites where ________.
2. The duties of a mining engineer are _________.
3. The work of a mining engineer is critical to ________.
4. The mining engineers aim is _______.
5. A mining engineer’ duty is to ensure the safety of ______ .

4. Match and explain.

1) open pit 2) mining engineer 3) underground mining
4) blasting theory 5) shovel 6) big bang
7) crusher 8) spreaders 9) pipe
a) a person which may manage any phase of mining operations;
b) a device used for spreading or scattering a substance over a wide area;
c) cosmological theory about the early stage of the evolution of the universe;
d) a tool used for moving coal, earth, snow or other material;
e) a tube of metal, plastic, or other material used to convey water, gas, oil, or
other fluid substances;
f) a surface mining technique of extracting rock or minerals from the earth
by their removal from an open pit or borrow;
g) used to extract ore from below the surface of the earth;
h) a machine designed to reduce large rocks into smaller rocks, gravel, or
rock dust;
i) he controlled use of explosives and other methods to break rock for

1. Listen and read the webpage, answer these questions.
1 What are some different jobs in mining? 2 How does a worker advance in
mining? 3 How can workers advance in mining?

Better jobs in mining

Gain Experience
To get a better mining job, you need experience. Red hats can work as
apprentices. They learn from equipment operators with more experience.
After a year, red hats become black hats.
Do you want a better mining job? Follow the advice below to get a top
Get Certification
Certification programs teach you many skills. With certification, you can
become shift foreman or shift supervisor. Medics need to take a medical
training course. These courses are typically between two to four weeks long.
If you are a maintenance worker, you can advance to be a mechanic. You
may qualify for higher-paying positions if you get certification.

2. Listen to a conversation between two miners and complete the

Miner 1 (F): I saw you talking to Sam earlier. What were you 1
Miner 2 (M): I wanted to know about 2 ______________________.
Miner 1: Oh ... do you want to be 3 __________________ like Sam?
Miner 2: No. I'm thinking about 4 __________________________.
Miner 1: Wow, that's really great. What do you have to do?
Miner 2: I need to take 5 _____________________________.
Miner 1: Does it take very long?
Miner 2: One of them is only 6 ___________________________. The other
is four weeks.


1. Find and correct the mistakes in the following conditional sentences.

Two sentences have no mistakes.
1. If we were to increase the salaries that we paid our police force, the level

of protection would not necessarily have improved. ______
2. Stricter discipline in schools is only a viable proposition if parents will be
prepared to reinforce it in the home. ______
3. Had these measures been taken ten years ago, when they were first
suggested, we would be seeing the benefits now. _______
4. If it was not the intervention of social workers, many more domestic
disputes would occur. ______
5. Even if children had a stricter upbringing, some of them will still turn to
crime. ______
6. Should the government go ahead with its plans to lower the school-leaving
age, there would be a massive rise in the number of unemployed
7. If children will be more severely punished for the first offense, then the
situation might improve. _______
8. If they are not being prepared to do anything about it, then they must face
the consequences of their negligence. ______
9. If the current trend for automation continues, then factory workers
throughout the country could lose their jobs. _______
10. Only if action is taken now we will avoid a catastrophe. ______

2. Put the phrases in correct order to make if-sentences.

1. do some reading difficult to understand will find them before
lectures you if don't
2. on your fees now, you get a discount if you enroll the
second semester and pay for
3. if you go get a chance content with other students to tutorials, you
to discuss course
4. to your lecture, he’ll if you talk whether you can let you know
on other assignment have an extension
5. learning style is if a student’s not that important motivation is
strong, their

3. Now read the passages and for questions (1-18) decide which answer
(a, b, c or d) fits in each gap.
The Most Loving Job in the World
For somebody who has never experienced the dubious 1)______ of
working in a factory, it is nearly impossible to explain the boredom and
monotony that such toil 2)_____. For stretches of eight hours at a time, one
stands in a particular spot and does 3) _____ the same thing over and over
again. Perhaps it is your assigned job to tighten a bolt, or maybe it 4) ______
to you to ensure that the label is on straight on one of the infinite numbers of
bottles that pass by your station on the way to the packaging room. Whatever
the case maybe, such 5) _____ are little more than plain drudgery. The noise
level is such that it is pointless attempting to engage your fellow 6) ______
in any type of conversation.
1 a) fun b) pleasure c) glee d) happiness
2 a) invokes b) incurs c) ensues d) entails
3 a) exactly b) precise c) accurate d) perfect
4 a) comes b) seems c) brings d) falls
5 a) deeds b) works c) tasks d) errands
6 a) associates b) partners c) counterparts d) workers

Highly Recommended
Scott Smith worked for me at Atmos Technologies for three years as
a 7) ____ technical instructor. I am writing this letter to confirm that his
recent 8) _____ from Atmos was not in any way 9) _____ to his
performance, and to highly recommend him as an employee with your
organization. Scott is a 10) _____highly-skilled technical instructor, worthy
of at least a senior or management position. He has 11) _____ insight into
the learning process, and is an expert in needs analysis, project management
and course development. Scott’s in-depth product knowledge, unique
instructional techniques, and excellent interpersonal 12) ____ have made him
consistently popular with both his students and colleagues. Should
conditions change, I would not hesitate to hire him back.
7 a) major b) senior c) superior d) higher
8 a) expulsion b) exclusion c) departure d) dislodgement
9 a) tied b) attached c) coupled d) joined
10 a) conscious b) conscientious c) consistent d) consigned
11 a) sharp b) keen c) jagged d) ardent
12 a) abilities b) skills c) capabilities d) talents

3. Fill in the gaps with the words given below.

1. The manager was unable to attend the meeting, so the assistant manager
acted as the ______.
A. head B. chair C. director D. chief
2. The _____ of police has refused to comment on the matter of increased
violence in schools.
A. master B. captain C. head D. chief
3. For advice concerning their dissertation, students should consult their ___.
A. supervisor B. governor C. dean D. foreman
4. To arrange your holiday leave you need to see the ___ of your department.
A. chief B. head C. leader D. boss
5. The ______ of the Liberal party has resigned due to ill health.
A. chief B. manager C. director D. leader
6. The _____ decided not to film the scene that morning because the sky was
too cloudy.
A. foreman B. director C. manager D. chief
7. You will have to be more punctual if you want to continue working in this
factory, said the ______.
A. foreman B. principal C. curator D. warden
8. Rawlinson was obviously not pleased when the ______ substituted him in
the 67th minute of the match.
A. director B. manager C. supervisor D. commander

Do you know what the mind map is? Who can
create a mind map, what information should
be included into it? Study the mind map given
below. Give the title to it. What does it

Imagine that you are a HR manager in a transnational company and you are
to submit a profile of a mining engineer that is suitable to take the position in
your company. Draw a mind map of mining engineer qualities and describe
it. Write an essay (200-220 words).

Mining activities include prospecting and exploration for a mineral
deposit through finding, proving, developing, extracting and processing the
ore. That is why it is possible to divide the mining activity into three major
phases: 1) before mining which involves prospecting and exploration
required to locate, characterize and prove a potential ore body; 2) mining
which refers to actual coal or ore extraction. Extraction processes include
underground or surface mining and dredging; 3) after mining which involves
processing and preparing the raw ore for the end product.
As has already been said, before a mineral deposit can be worked,
that is, before it can be extracted from the Earth for use by man, it must first
be found. The search for economically useful mineral deposits is called
prospecting. To establish the quality and quantity of a mineral deposit, the
type of country rock, etc. means to prove it and this process is called
proving. Prospecting and proving are only two different stages of mining
geological exploration, the latter includes drilling and driving of openings.
Last century prospectors looked for visible evidence of
mineralization on the surface of the Earth. To recognize valuable minerals it
was necessary to know their various distinctive physical properties. For
example, gold occurs in nature as a heavy malleable yellow metal. Galena,
the most important mineral containing lead, is dark grey, heavy and lustrous.
The first ores of iron to be mined were deposits of magnetite, a black heavy
mineral capable of attracting a piece of iron.
As the deposits of mineral that cropped out at the surface were
mined, the search for additional supplies of minerals took place. The science
of geology was used to explain the occurrence of ore deposits.
The aim of geological prospecting is to provide information on a
preliminary estimation of the deposit and the costs of the geological
investigations to be made. It also indicates whether it is available to continue
the exploration or not.
Prospecting work includes three stages: 1) finding signs of the
mineral; 2) finding the deposit; 3) exploring the deposit.
General indications of the possibility of exposing this or that mineral in a
locality can be obtained by studying its general topographical relief, the type
of ground and its general natural conditions. Thus, in mountainous regions
where fissures were formed during the process of mountain formation, ore
minerals could be expected in the fissure fillings. In hilly regions,
sedimentary deposits would be expected.
Certain deposits are found only in a particular type of ground. Coal
seams, for example, are found in sedimentary formations mainly consisting
of sandstones and shales. Veins, on the other hand, are found in crystalline
(igneous) rocks, and the type of country rock usually determines the type of
At present, prospecting methods to be used are as follows:
1. Surface geological and mineralogical prospecting such as panning.
2. Geophysical, geochemical, geobotanical prospecting.
3. Aerial photography with geological interpretation of the data to be
obtained is highly effective from aircraft or helicopter.
Besides, successful development of space research has made it possible to
explore the Earth’s resources from space by satellites.
In modern prospecting the methods mentioned above are used together with
the study of geological maps.

1. Read the following combinations of words. Translate them.

 aerial survey  ground methods of prospecting
 mode of occurrence  visible evidence of mineral deposits
 exploratory workings  search for valuable minerals
 lustrous coal  a preliminary estimation of the deposit
 to solve a problem  to touch upon a problem
 geological exploration  accurate data
 exploration equipment  certain ore deposits
 gold dredging  a particular type of ground
 space research  to crop out at the surface
 to cope with a problem  to deal with a problem

2. Determine the meanings of the highlighted words by the similarity in

the English language.
the problems of searching for economically useful mineral deposits; visible
evidence of mineralization; various distinctive physical properties of
valuable minerals; topographical relief; geochemical methods of
prospecting; areas of increased concentration of particular elements; the
biological (hydrochemical, geobotanical) methods of prospecting; aerial
magnetic and gamma surveys; geological interpretation of the data; the
type of country rock; the process of mountain formation; aerial photography

3. Indicate which sentences correspond to the content of the text.

Support your answers with evidence from the text.
1. The search for economically useful mineral deposits is called proving.
2. Last century prospectors looked for visible evidence of mineral deposits.
3. The first ores of iron to be mined were deposits of galena.
4. The science of geology can explain the mode of occurrence of ore
5. As a rule, prospecting includes four stages.
6. The study of general topographical relief and the type of ground makes it
possible to expose this or that deposit.
7. Geologists know that certain deposits are only found in a particular type of
8. As is known, veins are found in metamorphic rocks.

4. Answer the following questions.

1. What is prospecting?
2. What is proving?
3. How did prospectors find mineral deposits in the 19th century?
4. Does gold occur in nature as a heavy malleable yellow metal or as a heavy
dark-grey one?
5. What metal is capable of attracting a piece of iron?
6. What does prospecting work provide?
7. What are the three main stages of prospecting?
8. Is it enough to know only the topographical relief of a locality for
exposing this or that mineral?
9. What methods of prospecting do you know?
10. What are the most effective aerial methods of prospecting now?

5. Find Mongolian equivalents of the following words and word

combinations in the right column:
1. country rock а) үндсэн чулуулаг
2. panning б) гялалзсан металл
3. the search for commercially useful в) хүдрийн ордуудын илрэл
4. geological exploration г) өвөрмөц шинж чанарууд
5. to look for evidence of mineralization д) геологи хайгуул
6. distinctive properties е) алтны элс угаах
7. lustrous metal ж) ордын нотлох баримт хайх
8. capable of attracting a piece of iron з) ашигт малтмалын нэмэлт
9. additional supplies of minerals и) эдийн засгийн ашигтай
ордуудыг хайж олох
10. the occurrence of ore deposit к) металлын хэсгийг татах

6. Translate the sentences using the following words and word

prospecting from aircraft and helicopters; the choice of the method; both
… and; the search for new mineral deposits; ground and aerial methods of
prospecting; to be recognized easily; to depend on the type of the deposit;
to be widely used; natural conditions; to crop out.

1. One of the main tasks of geological exploration is the search for new
mineral deposits.
2. Currently, both ground-based (geological) reconnaissance methods and
aerial reconnaissance are used.
3. The choice of development method depends on the type of deposit that
will be developed. It also depends on natural conditions.
4. Since the deposit comes to the surface, it was easily discovered by
5. Reconnaissance from an airplane or helicopter is now widely used.




Exploration is known to include a whole complex of investigations
carried out for determining the industrial importance of a deposit. The main

task is to determine the quality and quantity of minerals and the natural and
economic conditions in which they occur. The exploration of the deposit is
divided into three stages, namely preliminary exploration, detailed
exploration and exploitation exploration.
The aim of preliminary exploration is to establish the general size of
a deposit and to obtain an approximate idea of its shape, dimensions and
quality. At this stage the geological map of the deposit is corrected and a
detailed survey of its surface is completed.
The information on the preliminary exploration is expected to give an
all-around description of the deposit which will enable the cost of its detailed
exploration to be estimated.
The following points should be taken into consideration:
1) the shape and area of the deposit; 2) its depth and angles of dip and strike;
3) its thickness; 4) the properties of the surrounding rock and overburden; 5)
the degree of uniformity of distribution of the mineral within the deposit and
the country rock, etc.
Preliminary explorations can make use of exploratory openings such
as trenches, prospecting pits, adits, crosscuts and boreholes. They are
planned according to a definite system, and some are driven to a great depth.
All the exploratory workings are plotted on the plan. These data
allow the geologist to establish the vertical section of the deposit.
The quality of the mineral deposit is determined on the basis of
analyses and tests of samples taken from exploratory workings.
The method of exploration to be chosen in any particular case
depends on the thickness of overburden, the angle of dip, the surface relief,
the ground water conditions and the shape of the mineral deposit.
The task of the detailed exploration is to obtain reliable information
on the mineral reserves, their grades and distribution in the different sectors
of the deposit. Detailed exploration data provide a much more exact estimate
of the mineral reserves.
Mine or exploitation exploration is known to begin as soon as mining
operations start. It provides data for detailed estimates of the ore reserves of
individual sections. It facilitates the planning of current production and
calculating the balance of reserves and ore mined.
The searching and discovering of new mineralized areas are based on
geological survey and regional geophysical prospecting. The results of these
investigations provide data on iron-bearing formations and new deposits for
commercial extraction.
In detailed exploration both underground workings and borehole
survey are used. Core drilling with diamond and car-bide bits is widely used.
Non-core drilling is also used in loose rocks in combination with borehole
geophysical survey.
One of the main methods to explore coal deposits is also core-
drilling. Modern drilling equipment makes it possible to accurately measure
bed thickness and determine structure of beds, faults and folds. Recording
control instruments are attached to drilling rigs which allow the geologists to
get reliable samples good for nearly all parameters of coal quality to be

1. а) Form adverbs with the suffix -fy from the following adjectives and
translate them.
accurate, chief, ulfferont, easy, exact, geological, main, particular, practical,
proper, slight.

b) Determine by word-forming elements (suffixes and prefixes) what

part of speech the following words are. Translate them.
known – unknown; differ – different – difference; found – founder –
foundation; mean – meaning – means; difficult – difficulty; extract –
extractive – extraction; improve – improvement.

2. Read the following combinations of words. Translate them.

 preliminary exploration shape  dimensions and quality of a deposit
 properties of the surrounding rock and overburden
 analyses and tests of samples  core drilling
 drilling rigs  to measure bed thickness
 to facilitate  the planning of current production
 general size of a deposit  to make use of exploratory openings
 exact estimation of ore  reserves exploratory pits
 crosscut and boreholes  reliable information
 to determine the industrial importance of a deposit
 on the angle of dip  to take into consideration
 of individual sections  detailed estimates of the ore reserves

3. Determine the meanings of the highlighted words by the similarity.

the whole complex of investigations; industrial importance of a deposit;
natural and economic conditions of the deposit; three stages of exploration;
geological map of the deposit; detailed survey; information on the
preliminary exploration; methods of exploration to be chosen in any
particular case; surface relief; shape of the mineral deposit; vertical pits and
crosscuts; special features in the search for veins; on the basis of analyses
and tests of samples; reliable information on mineral reserves; different
sectors of the deposit; exploitation exploration; mining operations; planning
of current production and calculating the balance of reserves and ore mined.

4. Indicate which sentences correspond to the content of the text.

Support your answers with facts from text B.
1. The purpose of preliminary exploration is to determine the mineral
reserves and their distribution in the different sectors of the deposit.
2. The properties of the surrounding rock and overburden should be taken
into consideration during the preliminary exploration.
3. The purpose of the detailed exploration is to find out the quantity
(reserves) of the deposit.
4. Exploitation exploration facilitates the planning of current production.
5. Both core drilling and non-core drilling are widely used.
6. Recording control instruments allow geologists to get reliable ore samples.

5. Answer the following questions.

1. What stages does exploration include?
2. What is the main purpose of preliminary exploration?
3. What should be taken into consideration by geologists during preliminary
4. What exploratory openings do you know?
5. Do you know how the quality of the mineral deposit is determined?
6. What is the aim of a detailed exploration?
7. Is core drilling used in prospecting for loose rocks?
8. What is drilling equipment used for?

6. a) Find in the right column the Mongolian equivalents of the following

combinations of words.
1. bedded deposits а) тунадасны багтаамж
2. core drilling б) шинээр боловсруулах
газрын тосны талбайнууд
3. the angle of dip of the seam в) нүх, хөндлөн огтлол
4. the thickness of overburden г) усан сангийн ордууд
5. exploratory workings д) дээжийг турших (сонгох).
6. composition of minerals е) үүсэх уналтын өнцөг
7. pits and crosscuts ж) геологийн хэсэг (чулуу)
8. to exploit new oil deposits з) үндсэн өрөмдлөг
9. sampling и) ашигт малтмалын найрлага
10. geological section к) хайгуулын ажил

b) Find in the right column the English equivalents of the following

combinations of words.
1. цооног а) ground water conditions
2. формацийн цохилтын дагуу б) detailed exploration
3. орд дахь ашигт малтмалын в) along the strike of the bed (seam)
жигд тархалт
4. чулуулгийн усны агууламж г) boreholes
5. карбид ба алмазан битүүд д) carbide and diamond bits
6. нарийвчилсан хайгуул е) to penetrate into the deposit
7. хайлтын шинэ аргыг ашиглах ж) the properties of surrounding rocks
8. орд руу нэвтрэх з) to make use of new prospecting
9. үндсэн чулуулаг и) country rock
10. эргэн тойрон дахь чулуулгийн к) the uniformity of mineral
шинж чанар distribution in the deposit

Gerunds and infinitives – complex forms

1. Fill in the
gaps in the sentences using the given words.
а) bed, bedded, bedding
1. Exploration of gently dipping … deposits is performed by vertical pits.
2. The principal indicator of the economic importance of combustibles hales
is the persistence of the …s in thickness and grade.
3. As is known, any change in the normal … of a seam is called a
b) work, workable, working
1. The term “prospecting” covers the whole range of geological … aimed at
discovering … deposits.
2. Naturally, the prospector also finds non-… mineral concentrations more
often than economic ones.
3. Many countries have their own classification system of … deposits.
4. The type of exploratory …s needed depends on the thickness of
overburden and the angle of dip.
5. The thickness of the seam considerably influences the choice of the
method of …

2. Determine the meaning of combinations of verbs with postpositions.

 to look at the geological map  to look for a mineral deposit
 to find out all about  to work out a new plan (program)
 to work on a difficult problem  to be made up of partings
 to crop out at the surface  the mode of occurrence of a mineral
 to search for ores  to touch upon
 the methods of  prospecting for

3. Match the verbs from list A with nouns from list B. Translate the
resulting combinations of words into Mongolian.
1. to discover а) oil and gas
2. to drive b) valuable minerals
3. to extract c) a proper method
4. to estimate d) new coal-fields
5. to choose e) crosscut (adit, drift)
6. to determine f) the cost of the project
7. to sink j) holes
8. to search (for) i) lead and copper
9. to take k) reserves
10. to smelt l) samples
11. to drill m) iron ore

4. Name the numbers of sentences in which the pronoun it: 1) is a formal

subject, 2) replaces a previously mentioned noun.
1. Coal is used as a fuel. It is also important as the source of coke for the
steel industry.
2. It is possible to explore very gently sloping seams by boreholes.
3. It is due to Karpinsky’s work that we know the origin of the coal in the
Donets Basin.
4. It should be noted that there exist surface (ground) and aerial prospecting
5. Oil occurred at great depths and it was difficult to search for it.

5. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the translation of the

infinitive phrase “complex subject”.
1. Oil is known to be one of the most important sources of energy.
2. Petroleum is believed to have been formed from decaying vegetable and
animal remains.
3. Drilling is considered to be the principal exploration method and it is
widely used when deposits are of large dimensions.
4. Until recently a depth of 50-ft overburden was considered to be the
5. Coal is still the most important fuel and is likely to remain the main source
of energy for years to come.
6. Neighboring coal beds seemed to be sloping gently.
7. The computerized systems of planning and control proved to be reliable.

Use the conversation from Task 2 to complete the ore deposit report.


There is a deposit of _______________________________ in the area.
The shape is a _______________________________.
There is a _______________________________ in the area. However, it
does not contain _______________________________.
The _______________________________ does/does not have

As has already been said mining is a branch of industry

which deals with the recovery of valuable minerals from the interior of the
When minerals occur so that they can be worked at a profit,
they are called ore deposits. Economic minerals are those which
are of economic importance and include both metallic (ore minerals) and
non-metallic minerals such as building materials
(sand, stone, etc.).
In choosing the methods of working ore deposits one must
take into consideration the following main factors: 1) The shape
of the deposit; 2) The dimensions of the deposit in thickness,
along the strike and down the dip; 3) The type of ore and the
distribution of metal in the ore body.
The shape of the ore deposit affects the mining method. Besides, the contact
of the deposit with the country rock is of importance.
According to their angle of dip the deposits are divided into
gently sloping (up to 25°), inclined (25–45°) and steep deposits
(45–90°). The thickness of ore deposits also varies. They may
be very thin (from 0.7–0.8 m to 20 m) and extremely thick (more
than 20 m).
One must say that a rational method of mining ensures the
following: 1) safety; 2) minimum cost of production; 3) minimum losses of
ore; 4) rate of extraction.
In metal mining as well as in mining bedded deposits preliminary activities
(before mining) involve prospecting and exploration
required to locate. Characterize and prove a potential ore body.
After exploration has provided information on the shape and
size of a deposit and its general geological characteristics, site
development for mining begins. Mine development depends
largely upon the kind of ore body and the mining method to be
applied. As a rule mine development work involves development drilling,
access road construction; clearing and grubbing;
adit, slope or shaft development; overburden removal, construction of
facilities such as concentration (dressing, processing)
plants, etc. The different type of equipment required range from
small, simple units such as backhoes and dump trucks to earthmovers, drag
lines and power shovels.
Mining operations begin with excavation work (blasting or
separating portions of rock from the solid mass), loading, hauling and
hoisting of the rock to the surface and supporting mine
Generally speaking, the working of an ore deposit involves
opening up, development, blocking out and stoping operations,
the basic stoping methods in use now being open stoping, room
and pillar mining shrinkage stoping, block caving and others.
After ores are mined or dredged, they are usually processed
(crushed, concentrated or dried).
Extraction processes can be done by underground or opencast mining. The
main trend has been toward low-cost open-cast
1. Прочитайте следующие слова и сочетания слов 1-2
раза про себя, затем вслух и постарайтесь запомнить их.
backhoe обратная лопата
blast взрыв; vвзрывать;
дуть; продувать; blasting
взрывание; взрывные работы;
взрывная отбойка
blockout нарезать залежь
на блоки; нарезать столбы
clearing выравнивание
почвы; планировка грунта
crush дробить; разрушать;
earth-mover землеройное
оборудование; syn excavator
excavator экскаватор;
bucket-wheel ~ роторный экскаватор; multi-bucket ~ много-
черпаковый экскаватор; single-bucket ~ одночерпаковый
grab грейфер, ковш, черпак, экскаватор; захватывать;
grabbing погрузка грейфером;
hoist подъемное установка
(машина); подъемник; лебедка;
поднимать; hoisting шахтный
plough струг
power shovel механическая
лопата; экскаватор типа механической лопаты
range колебание в определенных пределах
rate норма; скорость; темп;
коэффициент; степень; разрез;
сорт; мощность; расход (воды)
remote отдаленный; ~ control дистанционное управление
result (in) приводить (к);
иметь своим результатом;
(from) следовать (из), происходить в результате
safety безопасность; техника безопасности
stope забой, сплошной забой, очистной забой; очищать
забой, вынимать породу,
уголь: syn face; stoping очистные работы; очистная выемка;
open stoping выемка с открытым забоем; shrinkage stoping
выемка системой с магазинированием (руды)
support крепить; поддерживать; стойка; опора; поддержание; крепление;
syn timbering; powered roof механизированная крепь; self-advancing
powered roof передвижная механизированная крепь
2. а) Переведите глаголы с префиксом re-:
to reconstruct, to re-equip, to reassemble, to remove, to retool.
б) Заполните пропуски глаголами с префиксом re-,
образованными от выделенных глаголов:
1. After the Great Patriotic War the people constructed and
… collieries, plants and factories.
2. They equipped and … all the collieries with hoisting and
ventilation machines.
3. Mining machines function in special conditions and under these conditions
it is difficult to assemble and … them.
в) Определите по словообразовательным элементам
(суффиксам и префиксам), какой частью речи являются
следующие слова. Переведите их:
 slow – slowly
 exist – pre-existing
 sediment – sedimentary
 small – smaller
 volcano – volcanic
 common – commonly
 occur – occurrence
 form – deform – deformation
 thick – thickness
 rapid – rapidly
 important – importance
 solidify – solidification –
solidified – unsolidified
3. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов и переведите их:
 the recovery of valuable
 along the strike and down
the dip
 country rock
 rate of extraction
 development drilling
 processing (dressing) plants
 earth-movers and power
 open stoping
 shrinkage stoping
 low-cost open-cast mining
 annual iron ore output
 to ensure safety
 to result in increasing output
 the shape of the deposit
 bedded deposit
 inclined and steep deposits
 site development
 overburden removal
 backhoes and dump trucks
 loading, hauling and hoisting
of the rock
 block caving
 the capacity of mining
 to affect mining methods
 to support mining workings
4. Определите значения выделенных слов по сходству
их корней с корнями соответствующих слов в русском
metallic and non-metallic ore minerals; types of ore; the
contact of the deposit with the country rock; rational methods
of opening up a deposit; minimum cost of production; rate of
extraction; potential ore body; general geological characteristics of an ore
body; mining methods to be applied; draglines
and earth-movers; blasting or separating portions of rock; millions of tons of
iron ore per each mining enterprise.
5. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста.
Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из
1. Ore deposit may be called economically workable natural
concentrations of minerals.
2. It is quite enough to take into consideration the shape of
the deposit for choosing its method of working.
3. The thickness of ore deposits is a constant value.
4. As a rule exploration provides information for mining.
5. Equipment of various types and capacities is readily
available for rock excavation and it includes power shovels,
backhoes, draglines, bucket wheel excavators, etc.
6. After mining or dredging ores era usually processed,
crushed or dried.
6. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What minerals do we usually call economic?
2. Is the type of ore the only factor which the engineer takes
into consideration in choosing the methods of working ore deposit?
3. What does a rational method of mining guarantee?
4. What does before mining activity include?
5. What processes does development work involve?
6. What basic stoping methods are in use now?
7. What are the main methods of working bedded deposits?
8. Is underground or open-cast mining preferable now? Why?
9. Can you give a few examples of the largest enterprises
producing ores in the country?
7. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты
следующих слов и сочетании слов:
1. block caving а) механическая лопата
2. crushing and drying б) погрузка грейформ
3. power shovel в) дробление и сушка
4. grabbing г) блоковое (этажное оборудование)
5. to range (from … to) д) врубо-погрузочная машина
горный комбайн
6. remote control е) колебаться (в определенных
7. shrinkage stoping ж) открытые горные работы,
8. waste heap з) дистанционное управление
9. cutter-loader и) выемка системой
с магазинированием
10. overcasting
and sidecasting
к) перелопачивание и внешнее
11. stripping operations л) породный отвал, терриконик
8. Подберите из списка А и Б близкие по значению
1. lorry
2. stope
3. waste heap
4. consumer
5. dumping
6. earth-mover
7. surface mining
8. limit
9. power shovel
10. roof support
а) spoil heap
б) user
в) excavator
г) truck
д) restrict
е) excavator
з) open-cast mining (strip mining)
и) roof timbering
к) face
9. Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова.
Переведите предложения:
1. There exist various types of electric drills which are in
use in rocks of different hardness.
2. To increase drilling speed, modern drill bits (коронка)
are covered with hard alloy (сплав).
3. Using electric rotative drills it is possible to drill holes
into coal and soft rock such as soft shales.
4. The Donbas cutter-loader wins and loads coal of low-to
medium hardness and anthracites in gently sloping seams under
a roof of average strength.
5. Scraper conveyers can convey great loads per hour.
6. As a measure of safety the shields the shields protect face
personnel and equipment from falling rock.
7. For the measurement of the pressure and speed of air
there are special barometers which measure the absolute pressure of air.
8. The drills for making holes have handles.
9. It is rather difficult to handle the equipment underground.
10. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя
следующие предлоги:
instead of, because of, by means of, due to,
according to (in accordance with)
1. The rapid and much more accurate identification of new
reserves and the ability to establish their quality, faulting, folding, mode of
occurrence, etc. have become possible … the reliability of new geological
2. In the most promising coal-producing areas the rail and
road transport system are used … the complicated geological
3. Steel supports are widely used now … timber supports.
4. Wheel scrapers are earth-moving units which are pulled
… a drawbar (тяговый крюк) on the tractor, and its digging is
controlled by the factor.
5. Scrapers find wide application … their high degree of
mobility, high production rates, and their limited requirements
for auxiliary support equipment.
11. Употребите данные в скобках глаголы в соответствующей форме:
to carry out, to continue, to work, to develop, to create,
to apply, to plan, to perform, to calculate, to work out
1. The mechanization and automation of underground processes (будет
проводиться) on the basis of a wider use of winning complex, powered roof
supports, remote and automatic
control and other modern equipment.
2. For this very purpose different cutter-loader, winning
complex, loaders, pumps, fans, equipment for setting supports,
etc. (создаются).
3. Now a wider use of conveyer belts for level and inclined
workings and other means of automation (планируется).
4. Ore deposits (разрабатываются) by the underground and
open-cast methods.
5. Automated system of planning and control (применяются) in the mining
6. Automated system of planning and control (подсчитывают) other
engineering calculations.
12. Переведите предложения, используя следующие
разговорные формулы:
to take part in; to solve important problems;
to keep in close touch with; to make a contribution (to);
to take into consideration (to take into account);
to design; reliable winning complex
1. Научно-исследовательские институты поддерживают
тесную связь с шахтами и карьерами.
2. Ученные и инженеры принимают активное участие в
проектировании и создании надежных добычных комплексов, мощных
экскаваторов и драглайнов, различных насосов и бурового
3. Кроме того, они решают важные проблемы, связанные с
современными способами транспортировки полезного ископаемого на
поверхности, принимая во внимание
геологические условия месторождения.
4. Русские ученные внесли большой вклад в разработку
методов добычи полезных ископаемых.
13. Суммируйте содержание текста B по следующему плану:
1. The importance of working economic minerals.
2. The main factors to be considered in choosing the methods of working ore
3. Mine development work.
4. Different types of equipment used in working ore deposits.

As has been said, mining refers to actual ore extraction. Broadly
speaking, mining is the industrial process of removing a mineral-bearing
substance from the place of its natural occurrence in the Earth’s crust. The
term “mining” includes the recovery of oil and gas from wells; metal, non-
metallic minerals, coal, peat, oil shale and other hydrocarbons from the earth.
In other words, the work done to extract mineral, or to prepare for its
extraction is called mining.
The tendency in mining has been towards the increased use of mining
machinery so that modern mines are characterized by tremendous capacities.
This has contributed to: 1) improving working conditions and raising labor
productivity; 2) the exploitation of lower-grade metal-bearing substances and
3) the building of mines of great dimensions.
Mining can be done either as a surface operation (quarries, opencasts
or open pits) or by an underground method. The mode of occurrence of the
sought-for metallic substance governs to a large degree the type of mining
that is practiced. The problem of depth also affects the mining method. If the
rock containing the metallic substance is at a shallow site and is massive, it
may be economically excavated by a pit or quarry-like opening on the
surface. If the metal-bearing mass is tabular, as a bed or vein, and goes to a
great distance beneath the surface, then it will be worked by some method of
underground mining.
Working or exploiting the deposit means the extraction of mineral.
With this point in view a number of underground workings is driven in
barren (waste) rock and in mineral. Mine workings vary in shape,
dimensions, location and function.
Depending on their function mine workings are described as
exploratory, if they are driven with a view to finding or proving mineral, and
as productive if they are used for the immediate extraction of useful mineral.
Productive mining can be divided into capital investment work, development
work, and face or production work. Investment work aims at ensuring access
to the deposit from the surface. Development work prepares for the face
work, and mineral is extracted (or produced) in bulk.
The rock surfaces at the sides of workings are called the sides, or hi
coal, the ribs. The surface above the workings is the roof in coal mining
while in metal mining it is called the back. The surface below is called the
floor. The factors such as function, direct access to the surface, driving in
mineral or in barren rock can be used for classifying mine workings:
I. Underground workings: a) Long or deep by comparison with their
cross-section may be: 1) vertical (shaft, blind pit); 2) sloping (slopes, sloping
drifts, inclines); 3) horizontal (drifts, levels, drives, gate roads, adits,
crosscuts). b) Large openings having cross dimensions comparable with their
length. c) Production faces, whose dimensions depend on the thickness of the
deposit being worked, and on the method of mining it.
II. Opencasts.

1. Determine by word-forming elements (suffixes and prefixes) what

part of speech the following words are. Translate them.
research – researcher – researching consider – consideration – considerable
observe – observation require – requirement fame – famous ferrous – non-
ferrous incline – inclined – inclination

2. Read the following combinations of words and translate them.

 weak roof  bad roof  gently sloping deposit
 roof control  roof fall  direct access to the deposit
 hard floor  barren sand  test wells
 gas wells  slope conveyer  dust removal
 metallic substance  oil shale  ensuring access to the deposit
 loose roof  roof conditions  roof exposure
 the floor of a seam  floor sampling  barren rock
 barren ore  exploratory wells  oil wells
 slope working  removing a mineral-bearing substance
 overburden removal  the immediate extraction of useful
 the floor of a working  mineral recovery steeply inclined seams from the

3. Define the meaning of the word drive in context.

1. Sloping exploratory shafts are usually driven in the mineral. They produce
mineral during driving and it can be sampled and tested.
2. One of the main parts of a mining machine is the drive which can work
either on compressed air or electricity.
3. Many miners can drive combines which are widely used underground
now. They are called combine drivers.

4. Indicate which sentences correspond to the content of the text.

Support your answers with evidence from the text.
1. As a rule, the term “mining” includes the recovery of oil and gas from
wells as well as coal, iron ores and other useful minerals from the earth.
2. The increased use of mining machinery has greatly contributed to raising
labour productivity and improving working conditions.
3. It is quite obvious that the problem of depth is not always taken into
consideration in choosing the mining method.
4. Productive workings are usually used for the immediate extraction of
useful mineral.
5. Underground workings are driven in barren rock or in mineral.
6. A shaft is a vertical underground working which is long and deep in
comparison with its cross-section.
7. The surface above the mine working is usually called the floor.
8. The rock surfaces at the sides of mine workings arc called the ribs.

5. Answer the following questions.
1. What is mining?
2. What has contributed to the better working conditions of the miners?
3. What factors influence the choice of the mining method?
4. In what case is useful mineral worked by open pits?
5. Are exploratory workings driven with a view to finding and proving
mineral or are they driven for immediate extraction of mineral?
6. What is the difference between development and production work?
7. What main factors are used for classifying mine workings?
8. What do the dimensions of production faces depend on?

6. Find Mongolian equivalents of the following words and word

combinations in the right column:
1. direct access to the surface а) газрын тосны худаг
2. open-cast mining b) уурхайн тааз
3. tabular (or bedded) deposits c) очистной забой
4. oil well d) ил уурхай
5. underground workings e) нөөцийн ордууд
6. cross-section of a working f) далд уурхай
7. production face j) ажлын хөндлөн огтлол
8. the roof of the mine working i) гадаргуу руу шууд нэвтрэх
9. to affect the mining method k) олборлох аргад нөлөөлөх
10. to drive mine workings in barren l) хаягдал чулуугаар дамжин өнгөрөх

7. Select words that are similar in meaning from lists A and B.

List A
1. improve 2. rank 3. ensure 4. use
5. tabular 6. crop out (outcrop) 7. barren rock 8. quarry
9. influence 10. rib 11. size 12. broadly speaking
13. take into consideration
List B
а) bedded б) take into account в) make better г) waste (country) rock
д) expose е) affect ж) generally speaking
з) apply и) open pit к) dimension
л) side м) grade н) guarantee
1. Listen and read the course announcement. And talk about these
questions. 1 Why are specific directions important in a mine? 2 What do
mines use tunnels and passages for? 3 What key parts of a mine does the
author mention?


Instructor: Roger Harris
Meets: Mon, Wed, Fri 6:30 to 7:15PM

Safety is a top concern in any mining operation. The goal of this course is to
teach mine safety. We will focus on safety in subsurface mines. In the first
part of the course, we will learn safety regulations for key parts of
underground mines. This includes adits, stopes and rooms. You will learn
minimum widths. This is important for inspecting main levels, raises, and
ramps. In addition, we will discuss common problems in crosscuts, drifts,
and sublevels. We will also learn how to identify problems with tunnels,
shafts and slopes. For more information about the course, contact Melissa
Jameson at Ms. Jameson is also accepting
registration forms for the course. Please note that enrollment is limited to ten
students, so sign up early.

2. Listen to a conversation between two employees. Listen again and

complete the conversation.
Employee 1 (F): Excuse me, can you help me with 1 ______________? I'm
just starting out today.
Employee 2 (M): Sure. What are you looking for?
Employee 1: Um, I'm supposed to be working in section 4 today.
Employee 2: Section 4 ... Okay. You need to enter from the 2
Employee 1: The south adit? How do I get there?
Employee 2: Oh, it's easy to find. It’s about 3 ______________ of the
change house. That's the building next to the administration building.
Employee 1: Okay, I know where that is. Then what should I do?
Employee 2: Once you enter the south adit, walk past the first 4
______________. Section 4 is the second crosscut on the left.
Employee 1: So, I'll walk straight, then turn right into the 5
Employee 2: No, you need to turn left.
Employee 1: Oh, okay. Thanks for the directions.
Employee 2: No problem.


1. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the translation of

conditional clauses and conjunctions.
1. If the geological and prospecting indications are known, it is possible,
even before prospecting proper begins, to forecast not only the type of
economic deposit that may be found in the given conditions but also the
associated elements and the whole complex of forecasting minerals. 2.
Provided the geologists make use of proper prospecting methods, they will
get necessary results. 3. On condition that different types of ores are to be
tested separately each sample should represent a definite type of ore. 4.
Unless the face is directly connected to the upper level, the combine does not
cut the face for its whole length.

2. Combine main clauses with subordinate clauses.
1. It is possible to use trenches for exploration …
2. Mine workings are considered to be productive …
3. Rock will not easily cleave …
а) provided at some distance from the floor there is a waste bed which must
be separated from mineral.
b) if the latter is blended with bituminous coal.
c) on condition that the thickness of overburden is small.
3. Complete the sentences with suitable words from text A.
1. Generally speaking mining is a branch of industry. It deals with … 2.
Mechanization and automation have come into use underground. The miners
realize that the increased use of mining machinery will … 3. Many factors
affect the choice of the mining method. In case the deposit … 4. It should be
noticed that mine workings may have different functions. Let us consider, for
example, productive workings which … 5. As for the classification of mine
workings one should take into consideration the factors … 6. If we have to
describe underground workings, we shall divide them into …

Use the conversation from Task 2 to fill out the note to the new

Dear ________________ _
Welcome to our team. You will be working in section
___________________. To get there, you need to enter from
______________________ . It is located
That's the ________________________________
Once you are in the mine, __________________________
Section ____________ is the ________
Please let me know if you need more detailed directions.


1. Read and translate the text

Open-pit mining, also known as open cast mining, open-cut mining,
and strip mining, means a process of digging out rock or minerals from the
earth by their elimination from an open pit or borrow.
The word is used to distinguish this type of mining from extractive
methods that need tunneling into the earth. Open-pit mines are used when
deposits of commercially helpful minerals or rock are found close to the
surface; that is, where the overburden (layer material covering the valuable
deposit) is comparatively thin or the material of interest is structurally
inappropriate for tunneling. For minerals that happen deep underneath the
surface - where overstrain is solid or the mineral happens as veins in hard
rock - underground mining methods take out the precious material.
Open-pit mines that manufacture building materials and dimension
stone are usually referred to as quarries. People in few of the English-
speaking countries are not likely to make a difference among an open-pit
mine and other kinds of open-cast mines, like quarries, borrows, placers, and
strip mines.
Open-pit mines are characteristically engorged until either the
mineral resource is exhausted, or a mounting ratio of overburden to ore
makes more mining uneconomic. When this occurs, the exhausted mines are
at times converted to landfills for disposal of solid wastes.
Nevertheless, some form of water control is normally required to
keep the mine pit from becoming a lake.
Open cut mines are dug on benches, which portray vertical levels of
the hole. These benches are normally on four meter to sixty meter intervals,
relying on the size of the machinery that is being utilized. A lot of quarries
do not use benches, as they are normally shallow.
Most walls of the pit are normally dug on an angle less than vertical,
to avert and lessen damage and hazard from rock falls. This relies on how
weathered the rocks are, and the kind of rock, and also how a lot of structural
weaknesses happen within the rocks, like a fault, shears, joints or foliations.
The walls are stepped. The inclined part of the wall is called the
batter, and the flat part of the step is called as the bench or perm. The steps in
the walls help avert rock falls continuing down the entire face of the wall. In
some instances additional ground support is needed and rock bolts, cable
bolts and concrete are utilized. De-watering bores might be used to ease
water pressure by drilling horizontally into the wall, which is frequently
sufficient to cause failures in the wall by itself.
A haul road is located at the side of the pit, forming a ramp up which
trucks may drive, taking ore and waste rock.
Waste rock is piled up at the surface, near the edge of the open cut. This is
known as the waste dump. The waste dump is also tiered and stepped, to
lessen degradation.
Ore which has been processed is called as tailings, and is normally
slurry. This is pumped to a tailings dam or settling pond, where the water
fades away. Tailings dams may frequently be toxic due to the presence of
unextracted sulfide minerals, few types of toxic minerals in the gangue, and
frequently cyanide which is utilized to treat gold ore via the cyanide leach

1. Use the dictionary and write down translations of the words given
open-cast mining, elimination, deposit, dimension, quarry, drilling,
exhausted mines, foliation

2. Match the definitions 1-5 to A-E.

1. Open-pit mining is ….
2. Open-pit mines are usually ….
3. Open-cast mining may include …
4. The exhausted mines are containers …
5. Ore which has been processed is …
A. … borrows, placers, quarries and strip mines;
B. … quarries;
C. … of solid wastes;
D. … normally slurry;
E. ... a process of digging out rock or minerals from the earth by their
elimination from an open pit or borrow.

3. Fill in the blanks with the proper words. Change the form if
1. ______ is profitable and perspective nowadays.
2. Open-cast ______ means a process of digging out rock or minerals from
the earth by their elimination from an open pit or borrow.
3. Open-pit ______ may be referred to quarries.
1. ______ bores might be used to ease water pressure by drilling horizontally
into the wall.
2. Violets need ______.
3. To have a rich harvest you should keep your kale yard ______.
1. The job of a surgeon is extremely _____.
2. ______ mines are at times converted to landfills for disposal of solid
3. After a hectic day Andrew was completely ______.

4. Match the synonyms.

open-cast mining to concern
to distinguish to prevent
to avert dehydration
to eliminate to discern
de-watering mining
extractive open-pit mining
to refer to remove

5. Control points.
1. The peculiarities of open-cast mining.
2. The difference between open-pit mines and quarries, borrows, placers, and
strip mines.
3. Find the information about open-cast mining in Ukraine.
6. Match left (1–7) and right (a–g).
1. Strip mining is the practice of a) requiring special and
expensive mining a seam production procedures.
2. Open-pit mining is also known as b) in terms of cost-per-unit
3. Surface mining provides c) of machines used in surface
4. Quarrying is an operation d) wheeled scrapers are widely used.
5. Surface mining is cheaper e) by removing a strip of overlaying
soil and rock.
6. In open-cast mining f) open-cast mining and open-
cut mining.
7. Excavators are the main type g) safe working conditions.

1. Before you listen to the passage, talk about these questions. 1 What are
some types of surface mining? 2 What are the advantages of surface mining?

2. Listen and read the webpage again. Which methods does the company
use at its various mines?
Preston Mining Company
The Preston Mining Company has a number of mines. Each site uses the best
mining methods available. We operate an open-pit mine in central Montana.
This open-cast mine produces copper. We also maintain several coal mines.
Our miners use mountain top removal (MTR) and highwall mining methods.
Our MTR sites are in Tennessee. In Colorado, we have several granite
quarries. We also run three gold placer mines in the same region, primarily
relying on dredging (in accordance with environmental regulations, we no
longer use hydraulicking). Finally, we own a dozen salt mines. For these, we
mostly extract the materials with borehole mining and leaching methods.

3. Listen to a conversation between a mining advisor and an executive.

Listen again and complete the conversation.
Executive (M): I want some advice. We want to mine a 1

Advisor (F): Okay. I'm guessing this will be a 2 ___________________.
Executive: Yes, but we're not sure which type of surface mine.
Advisor: Which types are you thinking about using?
Executive: We're not sure yet. Would 3 ___________________ work?
Advisor: For a granite deposit? That's not the best option.
Executive: 4 ___________________ do companies usually use to mine
Advisor: It depends. But 5 ___________________ could be good.


1. Translate following sentences in the first language.
1. An opencast is long, shallow, narrow exploratory working. 2. Explosive

are used for excavating hard rocks. 3. Monitors, different types of pumps and
other handling equipment are the basic units used in open-cast operations. 4.
Waste rock is always removed to a spoil heap outside the deposit. 5. Large
near-surface, usually low-grade deposits are extracted by the open-cast
method. 6. Open-cast mining has all the advantage of low-cost production.

2. Answer following questions.

1. What deposits can be extracted by the open-cast method?
2. What is called an opencast?
3. What is the difference between a trench and an opencast?
4. Is the removal of overburden the first operation in open-cast mining?
5. In what case is it necessary to use explosives to break mineral?
6. Is hydraulic king used only in open-cast mining?
7. What equipment is used in hydraulic king?
8. What transport systems are used in opencast?
9. Where is waste rock dumped?
10. What is the main advantage of open-cast mining?

3. Choose appropriate definitions for the following words.

trench, underground mining, open-cast mining, bench,
1. The extraction of coal or ore from the seam or vein without the removal of
overlying strata.
2. A long, wide, comparatively shallow working.
3. A thickness of rock which is separately broken and excavated.
4. A long, narrow, comparatively shallow exploratory working.
5. The extraction of minerals from the exposed area after the removal of

4. Insert the given words in the following sentences below.

a) requirements, b) including, c) create, d) recoveries, e) using, f) offering,
g) required, h) recoverable, i) include, j) creates, k) provide, l) creates,
m) recovered, n) removing
1. Strip mining is the practice of mining a seam of mineral by first … a long
strip of overlying soil and rock.
2. Mining is damaging to the environment. Mining … problems for the

human’s health: gases, dust, noises and vibrations form the machines and
explosions that can … lung or nervous diseases. Of course mining provides
jobs. But what mining really … is profit.
3. If the ore body lies near the surface, it may be developed by an open- pit
excavation, … power shovels and large trucks.
4. Modern prospecting methods … regional geological studies to define
areas where mineralization is likely to have occurred.
5. Mining engineers are … to have a broad education that incorporates
aspects of many disciplines.
6. Surface mining is subject to state and local ….
7. Mining Engineering is a gateway to one of the most diverse range of
graduate carrier paths, … good position and interesting work.
8. Mineral technology and mineral processing, … biotechnology could
… major breakthrough technologies for improving extraction, … and waste
9. The opening where the mineral is … is called a face.
10. The majority of the world’s coal reserves are … by underground mining.

5. Translate, paying attention to participles.

1. The draglines produced by our plant are exported to many countries.
2. Resembling one another in their general chemical behaviour, the metals
differ markedly in activity.
3. The scientists dealing with the reduction of ores are metallurgists.
4. Burning with an almost invisible flame, hydrogen does not support
5. When rubbing a piece of amber, the ancient people made it attract light
6. If told in detail, the principle of operation of this conveyor is rather
7. While doing mechanical work, steam loses heat energy.
8. When extracted coal is transported to the surface.
9. Being the cheapest material used in the mines, timber is of great
importance to the mining industry.

Use the conversation from Task 3 to complete the email below.
Dear ________
Today I spoke to our mining advisor. She suggested that we do not ______ _
because _____________ ___ She suggested that ______ ___ _ is a better
idea. I recommend we go along with her suggestions. Regards, Anna

1. Use the dictionary and write down transcriptions and translations of
the words given below.
underground mining, feasible way, coal deposits, shaft mining, retreat
mining, excavation, shale, precious stones, drilling.

2. Read and translate the text.

Underground mining is carried out when the rocks, minerals, or
precious stones are located at a distance far beneath the ground to be
extracted with surface mining. To facilitate the minerals to be taken out of
the mine, the miners construct underground rooms to work in.
The mining company selects the best feasible way to get the minerals
extracted out. Most mining is carried out using continuous mining that
employs a continuous mining mechanism to cut the coal deposits from the
walls. This means there is less of blasting and drilling and utilizes fewer
miners down in the mines. It is safer than the yester year techniques of
This kind of mining is done when the rock or mineral is on the side of
a mountain. This makes it an easy, cheaper way to mine.
Minerals that are mined with draft mining are gold, coal etc. with slope
mining, the coal or mineral bed is located very deep and parallel to the
ground. It is called a slope mine because the shafts are slanted.
Shaft mining has a vertical man shaft, a tunnel where men travel up
and down in an elevator. Shrinkage stoping is a flexible mining method for
narrow ore bodies that need no backfill during stoping.
Long wall mining consists of multiple coal shearers mounted on a
series of self-advancing hydraulic ceiling supports. Retreat mining is the last
phase of a common type of coal mining technique referred to as room and
pillar mining. Retreat mining is a process that recovers the supporting coal
pillars, working from the back of the mine towards the entrance, hence the
word retreat. Room and pillar mining advances inward, away from the
entrance of the mine. Other underground mining methods include Hard rock
mining, bore hole mining, drift and fill mining, long hole slope mining, sub
level caving and block caving.
Two prominent ways through which underground mining is done are:
Underground mining (hard rock)
Underground hard rock mining refers to various underground mining
techniques used to excavate hard minerals, mainly those containing metals
such as ore containing gold, silver, iron, copper, zinc, nickel, tin and lead,
but also involves using the same techniques for excavating ores of gems such
as diamonds. In contrast soft rock mining refers to excavation of softer
minerals such as salt, coal, or oil sands.
Underground mining (soft rock)
Underground mining (soft rock) refers to a group of underground
mining techniques used to extract coal, oil, shale and other minerals or
geological materials from sedimentary ("soft") rocks. Because deposits in
sedimentary rocks are commonly layered and relatively less hard, the mining
methods used differ from those used to mine deposits in igneous or
metamorphic rocks. Underground mining techniques also differ greatly from
those of surface mining.

3. Match the definitions.

1. Underground mining methods are…
2. Underground mining (soft rock) is …
3. Retreat mining is …
4. Underground mining (hard rock) means …
5. Shrinkage stoping is…
A. … a group of underground mining techniques used to extract coal, oil
shale and other minerals or geological materials from sedimentary ("soft")
B. … a flexible mining method for narrow ore bodies that need no backfill
during stoping.
C. … a process that recovers the supporting coal pillars, working from the
back of the mine towards the entrance, hence the word retreat.
D. … hard rock mining, bore hole mining, drift and fill mining, long hole
slope mining, sub level caving and block caving.
E. … various underground mining techniques used to excavate hard
minerals, mainly those containing metals such as ore containing gold, silver,
iron, copper, zinc, nickel, tin and lead, but also involves using the same
techniques for excavating ores of gems such as diamonds.

4. Match the synonyms.

drilling to dig out
sedimentation valuable
to excavate deposition
precious to improve, to help
slope boring
to facilitate accessible
feasible declivity

5. Fill in the blanks with the proper words. Change the form if
1. Deposits in _____ rocks are commonly layered.
2. Sand and clay originated by ______.
3. Such ______ as gypsum, rock salt and chalk have great practical value.
1. His ______ from pleurisy for such a short time was a real wonder.
2. Retreat mining is a process that ______ the supporting coal pillars,
working from the back of the mine towards the entrance, hence the word
3. People in Los Angeles will never ______ from the last earthquake.
1. ______ company selects the best feasible way to get the minerals
extracted out.
2. Underground ______ techniques also differ greatly from those of surface
3. Granite, gabbro and basalt are ______ in Zhytomyr Region.

6. Insert the missing words into the text below. Choose from the given
list (1–7). There are two extra words that do not fit:
1) forward, 2) inclined, 3) size, 4) back, 5) horizontal, 6) roof, 7) deep.
In underground, or a) … mining, the coal seam is reached through vertical or
b) … shafts. If the deposit is located in a mountain through level tunnels, the
coal deposit is usually marked out in “rooms”, which vary in c) … according
to local conditions. The coal is cut and blasted away, with pillars of coal left
to support the d) …. In the longwall system of working, a machine with steel
teeth moves along the face, and the broken coal drops onto a conveyor belt.
As the machine moves e) …, steel supports are advanced to support the d) …
over the working face. The d) … behind the coal face is allowed to collapse.
6. Control points:
1. Fundamentals of underground mining.
2. Compare the methods of soft rock and hard rock underground mining.
3. Other underground mining methods.

1. Before you listen to the passage, talk about these questions.
1 What are some different types of subsurface mining? 2 Why do mining
companies need to use different subsurface mining methods?

2. Listen and read the poster again. What are subsurface mining
Mining Consultants
Subsurface Mining Methods
Every subsurface mining method has advantages. But there is no method that
is right for every mine. Learn about the advantages of each method. Then
you can choose the right one.
Unsupported Methods
The room-and-pillar method does not require a large workforce. For small
mines, shrinkage stoping is a good option. Do you need to keep mining costs
low? Then try sublevel stoping.
Supported Methods
Cut-and-fill stoping is one of the safest mining methods. For ores of various
shapes and depths, square-set stoping is a good choice. Stull stoping is
possible without too many expensive machines.
Caving Methods
Longwall mining is good for mining very deep seams. Meanwhile, with
block caving, it's possible to recover up to 90% of ore.

3. Listen to a conversation between an investor and a consultant. Listen

again and complete the conversation.
Investor (F): What do you know about 1 ________________ mining?
Consultant (M): It's a fairly popular 2 ______________________.
Investor: What's so great about it?
Consultant: Well, it doesn't require a 3 ______________________.
Investor: I see. Is it any good for mining coal?
Consultant: Yes. Many companies use the method for 4
_____________________. Investor: What are some 5
___________________ with this method?
Consultant: Well, it can be dangerous. You have to be very careful when 6

Modals are special verbs which behave irregularly in English. They give
additional information about the function of the main verb that follows it.
 They never change their form. You can't add "s", "ed", "ing".
 They are always followed by an infinitive without "to" (the bare
 They serve to show modality: express certainty, possibility, willingness,
obligation, necessity, ability.

1. Fill in the gap with an appropriate modal verb given below.
Can, might, must, have to.
1. A TBM ….....have been used in the construction site if the sponsors had
invested more money.
2. Modern drilling equipment ….....easily be used for boring through hard
rock and sand.
3. A TBM … used as an alternative method to drilling and blasting.
4. Companies using modern construction technologies ….... solve the
problems with noise and sustainability.
5. You …......not neglect personal protective equipment while working at the
industrial area.
6. Operators ….......use shielded hard rock TBMs in the fractured rocks.
7. All the employers …......follow the safety instructions to avoid industrial

2. Fill in the gaps with suitable modal verbs.

1. Mary has trained as possible pilot and so she can fly small planes. (ability)
2. It looks like it ……….../…………../…………… rain. We’d better take

our umbrellas. (possibility)
3. When I was little, I …………. Stand on my head. (ability in the past)
4. ……….../…………../…………… I borrow some sugar? (asking
5. You ………………………………. Pay the rent on the first working day
of each month. (obligation)
6. You ……….../………….. see a doctor about those headaches. (advice)
7. You ……….../…………../…………… eat or drink in this room.
8. She ………………… be only 15 — she’s a university student.
9. We ………………… have started earlier — we`re running very late.
(criticism for past actions)
10. I …………………. Give you a lift, if you want. (offer)

You are a young mining engineer with a great concern in ecology. Suggest
the main points of the governmental program for mining regions protection.
Write a short essay (200 – 220 words).

Work in pairs or small groups and discuss problems and hazards in the
mining industry. Use information on the problems and violations from
the pie chart below.
How to describe a pie chart
The pie chart is used to illustrate how different parts make up a whole. The
best way to present your data in a pie chart is to compare the categories with
each other. The following comparison words can be used interchangeably:
 to compare
 compared to
 as opposed to
 versus
 more than
 the majority of
 only a small monitory
 greater than
 less than
Underground Coal Mine
Citations, 2009
Ventilation problems, fire
and coal-dust hazards and
electrical problems each
made up about a quarter of
the violations federal
regulators found in
underground coal mines last

Pie chart showing

distribution of violation
citations at underground coal mines, 2009

them into …
The method of working (or method of mining) includes a
definite sequence and organization of development work of a
deposit, its openings and its face work in certain geological conditions. It
depends on the mining plan and machines and develops with their
A rational method of working should satisfy the following
requirements in any particular conditions: 1) safety of the man;
2) maximum output of mineral; 3) minimum development work
(per 1,000 tons output); 4) minimum production cost and 5) minimum losses
of mineral.
Notwithstanding the considerable number of mining methods in existence,
they can be reduced to the following main
types: 1) Methods of working with long faces (continuous mining); 2)
Methods of working with short faces (room-and-pillar).
The characteristic feature of the continuous mining (Figs. 1
and 2) is the absence of any development openings made in advance of
production faces. The main advantage of long continuous faces is that they
yield more mineral. Besides, they allow the
maximum use of combines (shearers), cutting machines, powered supports
and conveyers. The longwall method permits an
almost 100 per cent recovery of mineral instead of 50 to 80 per
cent obtainable in room-and-pillar methods.
Fig. 1. Longwall advancing
The basic principle of room-and-pillar method (Fig. 3) is
that rooms from 4 to 12 metres wide (usually 6–7) are driven
from the entries, each room is separated from each other by a rib
pillar. Rib pillars are recovered or robbed after the rooms are
excavated. The main disadvantage of shortwall work is a considerable loss of
mineral and the difficulty of ventilation. In
working bedded deposits methods of mining mentioned above
may be used either with stowing or with caving.
In Russia, Germany (the Ruhr coal-field), France and Belgium nearly all the
faces are now long ones. In Britain longwall
faces predominate.
The USA, Canada, Australia and to some extent India are
developing shortwall faces and creating the machines for them.
In these countries shortwall faces are widely used.
In Russia the thick seams are taken out to full thickness up
to 4.5 m thick if they are steep, and up to 3.5 m thick if they are
gently sloping or inclined. In the Kuznetsk coal-field long faces
are worked to the dip with a shield protection, using a method
proposed by N. Chinakal. In shield mining coal is delivered to
the lower working by gravity so that additional haulage is not
required (Fig. 4).
It should also be noted that in Russia hydraulic mining is
widely used as it is one of the most economic and advantageous
methods of coal getting. New hydraulic mines are coming into
use in a number of coal-fields. Hydraulic mining is developing
in other countries as well.
Fig. 2. Longwall retreating by long panels
The aim of hydraulic mining is to remove coal by the monitors (or giants)
which win coal and transport it hydraulically
from the place of work right to the surface.
It is quite obvious that the choice of the method of mining
will primarily depend on the depth and the shape and the general
type of the deposit.
Fig. 3. Room-and-pillar method for working
a gently sloping seam
Fig. 4. Shield method of working
13. Прочитайте следующие слова про себя, затем
вслух и постарайтесь запомнить их.
advantage преимущество;
превосходство; выгода; польза;
advantageous выгодный; благоприятный, полезный; to take
advantage of smth воспользоваться чем-л.
caving обрушение (кровли);
разработка с обрушением
deliver доставлять, подавать; питать; нагнетать; произносить (речь);
читать (лекцию)
entry штрек; выработка горизонтальная; подготовительные выработки;
нарезные выработки; штреки
giant гидромонитор
gravity сила тяжести; вес,
тяжесть; by ~ самотеком, под
действием собственного веса
haul доставлять; откатывать;
подкатывать; перевозить; haulage откатка; доставка; транспортировка
(по горизонтали)
longwall лава; выемка лавами; сплошной забой, сплошная или
столбовая система разработки; syn continuous mining;
~ advancing on the strike выемка лавами прямым ходом по
простиранию; сплошная система разработки по простиранию; ~
advancing to the rise
сплошная система разработки с
выемкой по восстанию; ~ to the
dip сплошная система разработки с выемкой по падению;
~ retreating выемка лавами обратным ходом; столбовая система
разработки лавами
lose терять; loss потеря,
notwithstanding несмотря
на; вопреки
рillаr целик; столб; shaft ~
околоствольный целик;
~ method столбовая система
разработки; ~ mining выемка
predominate преобладать,
превалировать; превосходить;
господствовать, доминировать
protect охранять, защищать
14. Переведите следующие слова с префиксом dis-:
disable, disadvantage, disagree, disapprove, disclose, disconnect, discover.
15. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов и переведите их:
 methods of working
 considerable number
of mining
 development work
 methods
 minimum losses of mineral
 production faces
 gently sloping seams
 to take advantage of (smth)
 to be rich in (smth)
 to satisfy the requirements
 main advantages and disadvantages of (smth)
 ore caving
 mechanized stowing
 in any particular conditions
 continuous mining
 room-and-pillar mining
 additional haulage
 coal getting (coal winning)
 the choice of the method
of mining
 the sequence of operations
16. Определите значения выделенных слов по сходству их корней с
корнями соответствующих слов в русском языке:
mining machines; maximum production cost; minimum
losses of mineral; characteristic features of continuous mining;
the use of combines and conveyers; the difficulty of ventilation;
hydraulic mining; the most economic and advantageous methods of coal
getting; to win coal by monitors; a rational method
of working.
17. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста.
Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из
текста Б.
1. A definite sequence and organization of development
work is called mining.
2. Mining methods in existence can be reduced to the two
main types.
3. The depth and the shape of the deposit influence the
choice of the method of working.
4. As is known, in Belgium all the faces are short now, in
Great Britain they amount to 84 per cent.
5. In Australian collieries shortwall faces are widely used.
6. The room-and-pillar method is characterized by the absence of any
development openings.
7. N. Chinakal worked out the shield method of mining
which is used in Kuzbass.
8. High-capacity monitors win coal and transport it hydraulically right to the
18. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What factors does mining depend on?
2. What is mining?
3. What are the most important factors which affect the
choice of the method of working?
4. Do short faces or long faces predominate in Russia? What
can you say about the Ruhr coal-field?
5. Is Canada developing shortwall faces or longwall faces?
What can you say about the USA?
6. What are the main disadvantages of shortwall faces?
7. What are the two main methods of working?
8. What is the main advantage of long continuous faces?
9. What methods of mining long faces do you know?
10. What method of mining is characterized by the absence
of development openings?
19. а) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующих слов
и сочетаний слов:
1. development face а) сплошная система
2. great losses б) выемка целиков
3. shield method of mining в) подготовительный забой
4. continuous mining г) большие потери
5. longwall advancing
to the dip
д) удовлетворять
6. the room-and-pillar method
of mining
е) зависеть от геологических
7. to open up a deposit ж) выемка лавами прямым
ходом по падению
8. pillar mining з) щитовая система
9. to satisfy the requirements и) вскрывать месторождение
10. to depend upon
the geological conditions
к) камерно-столбовая
система разработки
б) Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты следующих слов
и сочетаний слов:
1. включать (в себя) а) safety
2. выемка лавами
обратным ходом б) annual output
3. достигать 50 % в) to exceed 60 percent
4. превышать 60 % г) sublevel
5. безопасность д) long wall retreating
6. годовая добыча е) in connection with difficulties
7. основной недостаток
системы разработки ж) to involve
8. подэтаж з) notwithstanding (in spite of)
9. круто падающий пласт и) to reach 50 per cent
10. щитовая система
к) the main disadvantage
of the method of mining
11. предложить новый
способ разработки
л) to propose a new method
of mining
12. в связи с трудностями м) the shield method of mining
13. несмотря на н) open up a deposit
14. вскрывать
о) steep seam
20. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя
следующие слова:
advantage, disadvantage, advantageous
1. As is known, the … of long continuous faces is that they
permit an almost 100 per cent of recovery of mineral.
2. Hydraulic mining is practised extensively at a number of
collieries. It is one of the … methods of mining.
3. As for the room-and-pillar method one must say that this
method of mining is seldom practised in Russia because it has
some …s.
4. One of these …s is that the pillars between the rooms are
partly extracted.
21. Переведите на английский язык сочетания с
предлогами per (в, на) и instead (of) (взамен, вместо):
в сутки; в месяц; на тонну; вместо угля; вместо камерностолбовой
системы разработки.
22. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на
разные значения и функции глаголов to be и to have:
1. The various methods of mining involve production faces
which are either long (longwall) or short (shortwall) or roomand-pillar.
2. Until mining machines were developed, short faces predominated.
3. The aim was to reduce the volume of development work
by using the longwall method.
4. Some disadvantages of shortwall work are a considerable
loss of mineral which may reach and exceed 40 per cent, and the
difficulty of ventilation.
5. In gassy mines each face with its development workings
has to be ventilated with its own air current.
6. Cutter-loaders are being widely applied underground now
because these machines are the most progressive means for
mechanising coal winning.
7. It is necessary to study all the factors which influence the
choice of the mining method.
8. There are special methods of extracting seams which are
close together (сближенные).
9. The shield method of mining has to be introduced in thick
seams, dipping at an angle of not less than 55–60”, with regular
occurrence and hard coal.
10. They have to introduce new mining equipment as soon
as possible.
23. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на
разные способы выражения отрицания:
1. As the longwall method permits an almost 100 per cent
recovery of coal, all the seam is extracted and there is no coal
left in the form of pillars, except the shaft pillar.
2. No fissures were found.
3. We do not use the room-and-pillar method on a wide
scale because it is characterized by high losses of coal.
4. Nothing was said about special ways of extracting thick
5. In manless faces no men operate the machines, you can
see nobody in such faces as all the processes are fully automated.
6. A level is a horizontal road with no direct access to the
24. Выразите несогласие и подтвердите свою точку
зрения фактами из текста Б, используя следующие разговорные
on the contrary; to my mind; in my opinion;
as far as I know; as is known; I’d like to stress that;
I’d like to say that; let us consider.
1. We say that the method of mining is rational if it guarantees only safety of
the men and maximum output of mineral.
2. It is rather difficult to define which method of mining
(longwall or shortwall) is more often used in Russia.
3. The shield method of mining is used where short faces
are worked. It is used in all the coal-fields of Russia.
4. The problem of extracting thick seams is not difficult. As
a rule, such seams are not extracted to full thickness.
5. In applying hydraulic mining powerful cutter-loaders win
coal and transport it to the surface.
25. Суммируйте содержание текста Б. При этом ответьте на следующие
1. What does the method of mining mineral deposits underground involve?
2. What main requirements should mining methods satisfy?
3. What types of production faces do the methods of mining
4. What can you say about their application in different coalproducing
5. What methods of mining are practised in the Kuznetsk
coal field?
26. Расскажите вашим друзьям о посещении шахты
по следующему плану, используя слова в скобках:
1. The Location of the Mine, Its Geological Conditions
(folds, faults, disturbances, depth, seams, thick, sloping, steep,
inclined). Try to explain why underground mining is used there.
2. The Type of the Deposit (tabular, bedded, vein).
3. The Method of Mining (longwall, room-and-pillar).
4. Mine Workings, Their Functions (vertical, horizontal, inclined).
5. Average Output (annual, daily).


Before the new lesson talk with your partner about the following
1. Have you already thought about your future job? What companies would
you like to work?


1. Before reading the text discuss the role of automation technologies in
modern society.
- What problems can the intensive application of automation
technologies cause?
- Name the most influential and crucial inventions in the engineering
field. How did these inventions change everything around them?

2. Study the following words and make sure you know them.
requirements unemployment workforce
strive machinery devalue
precision replacement handicapped
accuracy range weaving loom
destroy application curse

3. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions.

Automation, robotization or industrial automation or numerical
control is the use of control systems such as computers to control industrial
machinery and processes, replacing human operators. In the scope of
industrialization, it is a step beyond mechanization. Whereas mechanization
provided human operators with machinery to assist them with the physical
requirements of work, automation greatly reduces the need for human
sensory and mental requirements as well. Automation plays an increasingly
important role in the global economy and daily experience.
Engineers strive to combine automated devices with mathematical
and organizational tools to create complex systems for a rapidly expanding
range of applications and human activities.
There are still many jobs which are in no immediate danger of
automation. No device has been invented which can match the human eye
for accuracy and precision in many tasks; nor the human ear. Even the
admittedly handicapped human is able to identify and distinguish among far
more scents than any automated device. Human pattern recognition,
language recognition, and language production ability are well beyond
anything currently envisioned by automation engineers. Specialized
hardened computers, referred to as programmable logic controllers (PLCs),
are frequently used to synchronize the flow of inputs from physical sensors
and events with the flow of outputs to actuators and events. This leads to
precisely controlled actions that permit a tight control of almost any
industrial process.
Social issues of automation
Automation raises several important social issues. Among them is
automation's impact on employment. Indeed, the Luddites were a social
movement of English textile workers in the early 1800s who protested
against Jacquard's automated weaving looms — often by destroying such
textile machines— that they felt threatened their jobs. Since then, the term
Luddite has come to be applied freely to anyone who is against any advance
of technology.
Some argue automation leads to higher employment. When
automation was first introduced, it caused widespread fear. It was thought
that the displacement of human workers by computerized systems would
lead to severe unemployment. In fact, the opposite has often been true, e.g.,
the freeing up of the labour force allowed more people to enter higher-skilled
jobs, which are typically higher-paying. One odd side effect of this shift is
that "unskilled labour" now benefits in many "first-world" nations because
fewer people are available to fill such jobs. Some argue the reverse, at least
in the long term. They argue that automation has only just begun and short-
term conditions might partially obscure its long-term impact.
It appears that automation does devalue labour through its
replacement with less-expensive machines; however, the overall effect of
this on the workforce as a whole remains unclear. Today automation of the
workforce is quite advanced, and continues to advance increasingly more
rapidly throughout the world and is encroaching on ever more skilled jobs,
yet during the same period, the general well-being of most people in the
world (where political factors have not muddied the picture) has increased
dramatically. What role automation has played in these changes has not been
well studied. One irony is that in recent years, outsourcing has been blamed
for the loss of jobs in which automation is the more likely culprit.
Millions of human telephone operators and answerers, throughout the
world, have been replaced wholly (or almost wholly) by automated
telephone switchboards and answering machines (not by Indian or Chinese
workers). Thousands of medical researchers have been replaced in many
medical tasks from 'primary' screeners in electrocardiography or
radiography, to laboratory analyses of human genes, sera, cells, and tissues
by automated systems. Even physicians have been partly replaced by remote,
automated robots and by highly sophisticated surgical robots that allow them
to perform remotely and at levels of accuracy and precision otherwise not
normally possible for the average physician.
4. Answer the following questions.
1. Why is automation so important in industry?
2. Can the use of automation technologies pose a danger for society?
3. What ethical dilemma does the use of automation rise?

4. What jobs are mostly subjected to the automation process?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages the automation

5. Explain the meaning of the following expressions.

Social issues
Human sensory and mental requirements
Computerized systems
Unskilled job
Sensory and mental requirements
Automation is a culprit of outsourcing

6. Find synonyms in the text to the following words.

Entire to try to recognize to initiate
Advanced endanger to benefit to diminish

7. Choose the word or word combination to fill in the gaps.

1. Automation greatly ______ the need for human sensory and mental
a reduces b produces c benefits
2. No device ___________ which can match the human eye for accuracy and
precision in many tasks;
a is inventing b has been invented c has been inventing
3. Programmable logic controllers are frequently used to synchronize the
_________ from physical sensors and events with the flow of outputs to
actuators and events.
a flow of inputs b flow of charts c synchronized data
4. Since then, the term luddite has come to be applied freely to anyone who
is against any __________.
a usage of computers b economic progress c advance of technology
5. Today automation of the workforce continues to advance increasingly
more rapidly throughout the world and __________ on ever more skilled
a is benefiting b is encroaching c is assailing
6. One irony is that in recent years, ________ has been blamed for the loss of
jobs in which automation is the more likely culprit .
a outsourcing b mechanization c luddites
8. You are given an extract from a speech made by a careers advisor to a
group of students choosing their future courses of study at university.
Complete the extract with the words from the box.
machines develop mechanical electrical civil
chemical highway production physics electronic
Every engineering student should have an understanding of maths, (a)
_______and chemistry. His task is to work with pharmaceuticals, food,
mineral processing and chemical manufacturing, so (b) ________ engineer is
trained to understand, design, control, and investigate material flows. If you
are happy with problem-solving and find projects such as the Tunnel
Building and the Dam building interesting, (c)________engineering may be
for you. You will be able to produce creative designs while paying a due
concern to the environment. If you are interested in road building, then you
may decide to follow a specialized course in (d)_______ engineering. By
studying (e)___________ and (f) ____________engineering you learn about
the design of complete systems, such as computers, controllers, power and
transport systems. (g) ________engineers plan, design and (h)___________
a wide range of things: washing machines, heat pumps, tools, cars and
spacecraft. Engineers cooperate with mechanical engineers to create new
products at the right price, on time and in the correct quantity. As well as
designing and selecting (i) ___________and materials, their task is to
organize people and finance.

1. Explain the meaning of the following terms. Basing on this
vocabulary, try to predict what this video will be about.
Expose to risks, energy cost, maintenance system, preserve air quality,
energy consumption, remote mines.


( and say about
challenges in mining.

3. Choose appropriate words from the box and fill in the gaps. Watch
the video again and check yourself.
Interfaces, production areas, overview, ore bodies control room,
1. Mines are digging deeper and deeper to find ________.
2. Working safety must be improved, especially in underground
3. Independent equipment and systems on the mining site has its own
information and _______________.
4. Islands of automation are separate pieces of information at screens, no
5. Modern ___________________ allows people with different roles work
together in the same place.
6. There mines where ventilation accounts for almost 50 % of energy

4. Find the following information in the video.

1. Why is it difficult to find mine operators?
2. What are the challenges mining industries facing today?
3. What is the “islands of automation”?


1. Combine the sentences using a relative clause. Choose the correct
relative pronoun from the table.
Subject Object Possessive
who who/whom whose
which which whose
that that -
1. There are many jobs. These jobs are not subjected to the automation
2. We require good engineers. Even they can be partly replaced by the

3. Industrial automation can easily replace low-skilled workers. These
workers are engaged in different branches of industry.
4. Use of an industrial automation caused worldwide changes. These changes
are not studied well.
5. Automation makes people look for more skilled jobs. These jobs are
usually highly paid.

2. Complete the sentences by filling in the gaps with

however whatever whenever
whichever whoever whether
1. I’m going to buy this new game release ________ may cost.
2. A mobile phone is useful because you can make calls ________ you are.
3. This diet bread is very special, because ______ you eat, you’ll never get
4. ________see my colleague, we can speak for hours.
5. I really don’t care _______you leave or not; it’s the same to me.
6. You can get to work by bus, by train or by car, _________transport you
choose, it will take you about an hour.

Imagine that you have to make a short presentation to the examination board
on the most influential 20th century invention. Study the issue and present.
You can include the following items in your presentation:
 picture
 history of the invention
 application
 benefits.

You work for the company producing home automation devices. Advertise
the production goods of your company to the wholesaler. Suggest some
practical applications of home automation technologies and how they can
benefit our lives. Write a short essay (200 - 220 words).


1. Think of the safety regulations while working with industrial

What are they? Explain your partner the importance of following these safety

2. Do you know what these safety signs mean?

3. What/ Who is the main culprit of industrial accidents? Think about

safety regulations applicable in the mining industry. Discuss with your
partner. Complete the table.
The Health and Safety at Work

Personal Protective Equipment at

Work Regulations
Provision and Use of Work
Equipment Regulations


1. Read the subtitles of the text. How do you understand them? Predict
the main idea of the text basing on them.
Minimizing human error
A long way to zero?
Small things count.

2. Study the following words in the box and make sure you know their
denominator worksite circumstances
hazardous injury safety interlock
loader accident protrude
drilling downtime mine truck
occur loss vehicle

3. Now read the text and check if your predictions are correct.
Human error is a common denominator in many accidents and
incidents. But errors can be reduced with thoughtful design innovations on
rigs, trucks and loaders.
The most hazardous situations occur whenever heavy equipment is in
operation, i.e. when a mine truck or loader is in motion or when a drill rig is
in the process of drilling. The danger zones differ but the message is the
same: if you have to be there, the operator’s cabin is the safest place to be.
Whenever an accident occurs in the mining and construction industry, human
error is almost always a major contributing factor. In fact, the vast majority
of accidents in the industry nowadays occur because someone “screwed up”.
Interestingly, it is also a fact that most incidents do not occur while people
are busy operating equipment, but while they are just moving around the
worksite or simply getting from one place to another. Many of these
incidents could have been so easily avoided. We can see everything from
broken ankles caused by jumping from a drill rig in the dark and fingers
caught in doors, to serious injuries and even fatalities caused by a disregard
for safety procedures.
It’s the same story when it comes to personal protection such as the
wearing of helmets with chin straps and safety glasses. These are excellent,
yet when someone gets hurt, more often than not we find that the victim was
not wearing the recommended protective equipment at the time. Every case
has its own set of circumstances, but whether they be major or minor
incidents, they all have consequences in terms of human suffering, downtime
and loss of production for our customers. Over the years, technological
advances have done a great deal to reduce the number of accidents and
injuries. The suppliers have consistently contributed with a steady stream of
innovations designed to keep operators out of harm’s way, as well as
providing extensive training programs using equipment simulators,
comprehensive operator instructions and safety interlocks.
A long way to zero
Happily, we can see that this work has been very effective. Despite
these achievements, however, we still have a long way to go to eliminate the
risk of human error. In the mining industry, the obvious way to do this is to
try and make all operations as autonomous as possible. In other words, to
remove as many people as we can from the mining area and make sure that
those who are left are equipped with the very best tools. But even with the
best autonomous operation, there will still be a need for people to perform
preventive maintenance and service. That implies that we need to intensify
our efforts to deal with issues such as incorrect handling, electric shocks,
fluid leakage, accidental dropping of heavy items, and so on.
For drillers and drivers, the safest place to be is the cabin of the drill
rig, loader or truck. Our equipment has many built-in features that help to
increase operator safety. Moreover, today’s cabins are all designed with
smooth edges and without protruding components that could conceivably
injure an operator who omits to wear a helmet. But the fact is, the moment
the operator steps outside, he or she is immediately exposed to danger. With
a drill rig, it is mainly the area in front of the booms during drilling that
poses a threat along with falling rock, but what about the ground below the
steps where broken rock or other debris might cause an operator to trip and
fall? With loaders or mine trucks, it is when these vehicles are on the move
that the danger is greatest.
Small things count
In the quest for total safety, it is often the small things that count. On
our Boomer rigs, a light that illuminates the ground below the steps has been
installed. On both Boomer and underground trucks, warning signals on the
ignition switch alert people who may be nearby when an operator is about to
start the engine. All rigs being used in the automatic mode have light curtains
on both sides that will detect anyone walking into the danger zone and will
automatically shut the machine down. Key service points on the rigs as well
as the underground loaders and trucks are placed on the engines’ cool side
and these are also accessible from the ground, removing the need for the
operator to climb or stand on a ladder.
On our underground trucks, the low, flat hood design increases
visibility. We have spring-applied hydraulic release brakes and automatic
brake testing, a safety barrier if there is a need to access components on top
of the vehicle, and much more.
These are just a few examples and by no means a comprehensive
review of all the safety features we offer. Nonetheless, they represent
important steps along the road to minimizing and ultimately eliminating
equipment downtime.

4. Answer the questions to the text.

1. Who creates the most hazardous situations at the working place?
2. How can we avoid industrial accidents?
3. What personal safety equipment should be worn?
4. Where is the safest place for a worker in the industry?
5. What are safety measures for working on the Boomer rig?

5. How do you understand the meaning of the following expressions?

Danger zone Equipment downtime
Safety procedures Training program Screwed up

6. Find synonyms in the text to the following words.

trauma mistake to do away with happen
care to reduce all-inclusive to motivate
clarity extending out

7. Choose the word or word combination to fill in the gaps.

1. Human error is a common _________ in many accidents and incidents.
a denominator b factor c incentive
2. All the accidents and incidents have consequences ________ human
suffering, downtime and loss of production for our customers.
a considering b in terms of c dealing with
3. But even with the best autonomous operation there will still be a need for

people to _______ preventive maintenance and service.
a perform b maintain c organize
4. Today’s cabins are all designed with smooth edges and without ________
that could conceivably injure an operator who omits to wear a helmet.
a spare components b luxurious components
c protruding components
5. On both Boomer and underground trucks, _________ on the ignition
switch alert people who may be nearby when an operator is about to start the
a warning signals b intruder alarm c fire alarm

8. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words
in brackets
1. Don't pour used chemicals into the drains as they will cause _
2. While they repair the roof, we will close this department as a ______
measure (precaution).
3. These chemicals must be kept in a locked cupboard because they are
_____ (harm).
4. When working in this area, please wear ________clothing (protect).
________health is one part of Health and Safety (occupation).
5. Petrol and oil are _________chemicals (flame).
6. Working in a noisy factory without ear protectors is a ____activity
7. Make sure the container s are _________closed (tight).
8. Make sure you are wearing breathing equipment before starting ___
9. Heating this liquid may cause an _______ (explode).

1. Find the meaning of the following words and expressions.
Oxygen, methane, to capture, rocket propellant, NASA rover, to flip over, to
reduce gravity, attraction, to tranche, modification, to reach out into.

2. Watch the video NASA Developing Mining Robot for Moon, Mars
( and be ready to answer
the following questions.
1. Why do astronauts need to mine materials along the way?
2. What is the part of rocket propellant in the rocket?
3. What is the Razor?
4. What are the main characteristics of the Razor?
5. What are the new designs and modifications of the Razor?

3. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the video.
Methane, chemicals, propellant, to come up, digging wheels.
1) The Moon is full of oxygen and __________ in the soil.
2) Processing the Moon dirt into the substance such as rocket fuel and
breathing air could give ______ astronauts need to travel to asteroids or
3) The rocket ___________ makes up 90% of a rocket mass.
4) Razor is a robotic miner which is meant to move fast, avoid troubles and
solve any problems that ___________ along the way by itself.
5) Razor has two barrel-shaped _______ that can rotate in opposite

Conjunctive adverbs can be divided into three categories: addition, contrast,
and result.

1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate conjunction or adverb. More
than one variant is possible.
But, in fact, happily, although, interestingly, moreover, as well as
1. _______ human error cause many accidents, _______ these errors
can be reduced with thoughtful design innovations.
2. _______, it’s human error that usually contributes an accident in
3. _______, it is a fact that many industrial incidents could have been
easily avoided.
4. It can be done lot to protect workers at their jobs by the equipment
suppliers _______ by the workers.
5. _______ extensive training programs can reduce a lot of number of
industrial accidents.
6. _______ today’s equipment has many built-in features increasing
operator’s safety.

2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate conjunction or adverb.

1. You need to put more effort into your work; __________ you won’t get a
passing grade.

a) moreover b) otherwise c) unless d) instead
2. We wanted to spend the day at the beach; ______________________, it
rained so we stayed home.
a) moreover b) unless c) however d) additionally
3. She is a very smart girl; ______, it’s not at all surprising that she gets such
good grades.
a) again b) besides c) contrarily d) therefore
4. Jared is a millionaire; __________________, his brother Jeremy is always
flat broke.
a) in contrast b) accordingly c) again d) likewise
5. He felt he couldn’t tell the truth about what happened;
___________________, he lied.
a) in contrast b) likewise c) undoubtedly d) instead
6. I love to eat toffees; _____________, people often give them to me at
a) nevertheless b) accordingly c) however d) also
7. The tree has developed a large crack over the years; ____________, it will
have to be cut down for safety’s sake.
a) for example b) eventually c) likewise d) however
8. It would be nice to spend our vacation on the beach in Jamaica:
________________, it would be fun to hike the Swiss Alps.
a) on the other hand b) as a result c) indeed d) therefore

3. Render the meaning of the excerpt into Mongolian.

The Thames Tunnel was the world's very first tunnel that was built
underneath a river and it was described as the eighth Wonder of the World.
You could say that the Tube was born with the construction of the world's
first under-river tunnel – the Thames Tunnel. It was built by an engineer
called Sir Marc Brunel and his son Isambard to allow cargo to be transported
underneath the busy river Thames. It was opened on 9 January 1843. They
ran out of money though, so to begin with it just opened as an attraction for
On the first day, 50,000 people walked through the tunnel. By the end
of the first three months, a million people - that was half of the population of
London at the time - passed through, making it the most successful visitor
attraction in the world.
On 10 January 1863, the Metropolitan Railway opened the world's
first underground railway. The railway was built between Paddington (which
was called Bishop's Road back then) and Farringdon Street. Many more lines
would be added to the Underground railway network over the years, but
most of it was developed over the next 50 years.
Taken from

Work in pairs or groups. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
machines and automation. What threat do they present to mankind?
Do you believe machines will ever outsmart people and take over the planet?
Share your ideas with the class.

Write an essay on the topic (200 – 220 words): What would happen to the
world’s economy if robots began replacing people in workforce?


1. In small groups or as a class discuss.

1) What do mine surveyors do?
2) Do they also work inside the mine, underground?

2. Study the dictionary definitions of “surveying”. Look for similarities.

Write down your own fine-tuned definition and compare it with other
students’ versions:
“The work of measuring and mapping out the position, size, etc. of an area of
land, a country, coast, etc. “
(Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English)
“The operation of making a survey of a portion of the earth’s surface by
means of measurements and calculations.”
(New Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language)
“Collection of data for mapping.”
(Chambers Concise 20th Century Dictionary)
“The measuring and recording of the details of an area of land.”

(Cambridge International Dictionary of English)

3. Guess the meaning of the following words taken from the text. Think
of some words and phrases related to the topic “surveying” to
supplement the given list. Use the dictionary.
Activity, exploration, processing, location, characterize, potential, product,
indicate, contain, formation, distribution, observation, anomaly, prospecting.

4. Read the text “Surveying” and give sub-headings to the extracts (A–
It is quite probable that surveying had its origin in ancient Egypt. Nearly
perfect north-south orientation of the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza (2700
BC) show that ancient Egyptians had a good command of surveying. There
is representation of land measurement on the wall of a tomb at Thebes (1400
BC). Archaeological excavations proved that the ancients had been well
versed in the simplest methods of underground surveying.
The discovery of properties of a magnetic needle opened the way for the use
of a magnetic compass as far back as the first century AD for orientation
purposes and later — for underground survey. The magnetic compass was
brought to the west by Arab traders in the XII century AD. In laying out their
great road system, the Romans are said to have used the plane table. Later
adaptations of the plane table had magnetic compasses attached. Plane tables
were in use in Europe in the XVI century, and the principle of graphic
triangulation and intersection was practiced by surveyors.
The study of astronomy resulted in the development of angle-reading
devices. The publication of logarithmic table in 1620, portable angle-
measurement instruments came into use. They were celled topographic
instruments, or theodolites. They could be used for measuring both
horizontal and vertical angles.
Mine surveying, is carried out for the purpose of:
1) graphic representation (plans) of: underground workings, the mode of
occurrence and geometric distribution of mineral properties; the surface

above mineral bodies; existing structure and natural features on the surface.
2) solution of various problems in geometry brought about by the
exploration, construction and mining.
Underground surveying is based on the same principle as land surveying.
Mine surveys are made to establish the direction of workings. They are also
used to determine the amount of material taken from the mine and the
probable amount of available mineral. Measures for protection of structures
are also the responsibility of the mine surveyor. Thus, surveys cover all
phases of the mine development.
Various instruments are employed to facilitate the surveyor’s work. Many
improvements and refinements have been incorporated in all the basic
surveying instruments. These resulted in increased accuracy and speed of
operations: photogrammetry (mapping from aerial photographs), use of laser
(for electronic distance measurement), use of satellites (for geodetic
surveys), electronic computers (to speed the process and recording of survey
data) and others.
5. Match the definitions.
1. surveying
2. GPS
3. mapping
4. plot
5. stakeout
6. EDM
7. plane surveying
8. geodetic surveying
A. The surveying of areas of limited size, making no corrections for the
earth’s curvature;
B. A radio system that uses signals from satellites to tell you where you are
and to give you directions to other places;
C. A branch of applied mathematics that is concerned with determining the
area of any portion of the earth's surface, the lengths and directions of the
bounding lines, and the contour of the surface and with accurately
delineating the whole on paper;
D. The surveying of the earth's surface, making allowance for its curvature
and giving an accurate framework for smaller-scale surveys;
E. An area of land that has been measured and is considered as a unit;
F. To mark the location or limits of with stake;
G. Can be used to place objects or points in three dimensions in relation to
the unit;
H. The act or operation of making maps.

6. Give definition for given terms.

Surveyor Pillar Drilling rig
Bed Face Backhoe
Basket Bit Mine car
Cage Ore cleaning Hard coal
Heading Open-pit Pusher
Slot Shaft Skip
Crawler trailer Track Winder
Dumper Vein Working


7. Pair–Work. Ask and answer questions to find the missing information

in the following sentences.
1. Coal produces … % of the world’s electricity and around … % of the
world’s steel.
2. Over the past 50 years, there has been a … in European coal mining
3. Demand for coal has grown by 62% over the past thirty years.
5. To obtain a higher rate of output per man shift it is necessary to develop
more powerful monitors, pumps, and centrifuges.
5. Siding and sorting are usually performed on …
6. A gas detector is ….
7. The word “ISO” is an abbreviation of International Standardization
8. DWT (Deadweight Tonnes) refers to …
9. Long wall mining involves the full extraction of coal from a section
of the seam using mechanical shears.
10. Continuous miners such as Joy’s 12HM36 offer high level of

productivity, even in areas less conductive to mining.

2. Fill in the blanks with the proper words. Change the form if
1. Administration of the organization must ______ the workers with
2. A large number of ______ are active in the international coal market.
3. America has a 300-year ______ of coal.
4. The brain requires a constant ______ of oxygen.
1. Geological Survey is a document reporting the results of a ______.
2. The teacher is doing a ______ of the literature on the subject.
3. Geological experts were commissioned ______ the land.
4. ______ is a person whose job is to survey buildings or land.
5. The land ______ worked by triangulating the plot.
1. Surveyors are working ______ the boundaries of the property.
2. These popular apartments are centrally ______.
3. These explored fragments of cultural entities are not clearly
geographically ______.
4. Deposits of oil, gas, coal, phosphate, sodium, potassium, and oil shale on
the land cannot be staked, that is why they are not ______.
5. A surveyor should determine the exact ______ of the site.
6. This is a lovely ______ for a house.
7. A person who determines or establishes the boundaries of land or a mining
claim is called ______.s discussion. Try to answer the following questions.

Think with your classmates where to get information if you do not know
how to answer these questions.
1. What is photogrammetry?
2. When does a surveyor use electronic distance measurement?
3. What is used for geodetic survey?
4. What helps to speed the process and recording of survey data?

Control points:
1. Give the definition of the term surveying. Speak on the functions of surveying.
The role of surveying in engineering and modern industry.
2. What is the main difference between plain surveying and geodetic surveying?
3. What are the functions of surveyors? What does the work of surveyor implies?
4. New technological developments in surveying.


4. Name some words and phrases you can come across in the text about
mine surveying.

5. Look through the text “Prospecting and Exploration” to complete the

following statements.
This text is devoted to …
It describes …
It specifies …


Before coal can be extracted from the Earth, it must first be found.

The search for economically useful mineral deposits is called prospecting.
Mining activities include prospecting and exploration for a mineral deposit
finding — proving — developing –extracting — and processing the ore.
The mining activities can be divided into three major phases:
1. Before mining — prospecting and exploration required to locate,
characterize and prove a potential ore body
2. Mining — coal or ore extraction: underground or surface mining
3. After mining — processing and preparing the raw ore for the end product.
The aim of geological prospecting is to provide information on a preliminary
estimation of the deposit and the costs of the geological investigations to be
made. It also indicates whether it is available to continue the exploration or
Prospecting work includes three stages:
finding signs of the mineral — finding the deposit — exploring the deposit.
Last century prospectors looked for visible evidence of
mineralization on the surface of the Earth. To recognize valuable minerals it
was necessary to know their various distinctive physical properties. For
example, gold occurs in nature as a heavy yellow metal. Galena, the most
important mineral containing lead, is dark grey, heavy and lustrous. Certain
deposits are found only in a particular type of ground. Coal seams are found
in sedimentary formations mainly consisting of sandstones and shales.
Studying and exploring deep deposits, it is of great importance to establish
sequences controlling their localization. Geophysical methods make it
possible to determine the thickness of deposits, and under favourable
conditions to establish the composition of the ore as well, thereby decreasing
the number of exploratory openings to a minimum.
Once a discovery is made, the property is explored to determine the
most important characteristics of the deposit: its size, shape, orientation in
space, and location with respect to the surface, as well as mineral quality and
quantity distribution, and the quantities of these different qualities.
Although in searching for valuable minerals direct observation is still widely
practiced, the modern prospector employs a combination of geologic,
geophysical, and geometrical tools to provide indirect indications for
reducing the search radius. When making the geological maps, the geologists
study all the data of ground aerial geological surveys.
The object of modern techniques is anomalies — differences between what
is observed and what would normally be expected. Aerial and satellite
images help to identify mineralizations that may be indicated by differences
in geologic structure or in rock, soil, and vegetation type.
In geophysical prospecting, gravity, magnetic, electrical, radio- metric
methods will distinguish such rock properties as density, electrical
conductivity, radioactive decay, etc.
In geochemical prospecting the search for anomalies is based on the
measurement of trace elements or chemically influenced properties. Samples
of soil, sediments, water, rocks, vegetation and humus, animal tissues, gases
and air are collected and tested so that unusual concentrations can be
identified. Based on these studies a number of prospects are identified. The
most promising of these becomes the focus of a field exploration program.
Several exploration techniques are used, depending on the type of
deposit and its proximity to the surface. Trenching, for example, provides
accurate near-surface data. Sometimes special drifts are driven in order to
explore a deposit. The most widely used exploration technique is the drilling
of probe holes. In this practice, a drill with a diamond-tipped bit cuts a
narrow kerf of rock, extracting a cylindrical core of rock in the centre. Cores
are often split lengthwise, with one-half being sent to a laboratory so that the
grade, or content of mineralization can be determined.

6. Mark the sentences True (T) or False (F) according to the information
in the text:
1. The search for economically useful mineral deposits is called prospecting.
2. Trenching does not provide accurate near-surface data.
3. Modern prospectors employ a combination of geologic, geophysical, and
geometrical tools.
4. Prospecting work includes two stages: finding the deposit and exploring
the deposit.
5. The mining activities can be divided into two phases: 1) before mining —
prospecting and exploration required to locate, characterize and prove a
potential ore body 2) mining — coal or ore extraction: underground or
surface mining.
6. To recognize valuable minerals it was necessary to know their various
distinctive physical properties.
7. Gold occurs in nature as a soft yellow metal.
8. Coal seams are found in sedimentary formations mainly consisting of
sandstones and marble.
9. Last century prospectors looked for visible evidence of mineralization on
the surface of the Earth.
10. Galena, the most important mineral containing lead, is dark grey and

7. Match left (1—7) and right (a–g).

1. The search for economically pre-useful mineral deposit
2. Geological methods make it
3. The aim of geological prospecting
4. Trenching provides
5. Sometimes special drills
6. Certain deposits are
7. Gold occurs in nature

a) is to provide information on a liminary estimation of the deposit.

b) accurate near-surface data.
c) found only in a particular type of ground.
d) is called prospecting.
e) as a heavy yellow metal.
f) are driven to explore a deposit.
g) possible to determine the thickness of deposits.

8. Find answers in the text to the following questions.

1. What is the aim of geological prospecting?
2. Where are coal seams found?
3. What do the geologists study, when making the geological maps?
4. What provides accurate near-surface data?
5. Why are sometimes special drifts driven?


1. Translate the following extracts in written form. Consult a dictionary
if necessary. Compare your translations with other students’ work.
1. …Minerals surveyors manage the site, value its assets and deal with
ownership rights. Once a site is exhausted, mineral surveyors would work
closely with mining engineers, development surveyors and planners to work
out the best way to restore the land.
This may mean trying to recreate the original habitat or turning over the area
to leisure, industry or commercial use. It could also involve decontaminating
affected areas before restoration.
2. …The copper-nickel-Platinum Group Metal (PGM) deposits at
Norilsk lie at a depth of between 500 m and 1,500 m beneath a series of
flood basalts and sediments. Ores can be high-nickel or high-copper in grade,
some of the direct-smelting copper ores containing up to 32% copper. PGMs
include platinum, palladium and rhodium. The recent reserve estimates show
proven and probable ore reserves totaling 478.7 Mt. Reserves are reportedly
sufficient to support 50 years’ output at current rates.

2. Translate the Mongolian words in brackets in the text below.

Surveying is a (1- харьцангуй) … accurate measurement of Earth (2 —
гадаргуу). Surveying has two similar but opposite functions: 1) the (3 —
тодорхойлолт) … of existing relative horizontal and vertical position, and
2) the establishment of marks to control construction or to (4 —
томилох) … land boundaries.
There are two main types of surveys. Plane surveying is used when the
earth’s curvature is neglected. The effect of curvature is (5 — харгалзан
үзнэ) … with the geodetic surveying which is used in the survey of a state or
a country. Surveys are made for many (6 — зорилго) … such as boundary
lines, and the plotting of maps.
Mine surveying is a branch of the mining science and engineering dealing
mostly with linear and dimensional measurements. On the same (7 —
зарчим) as land surveying мine surveys are always made to establish the
direction of workings. They are also used to determine the amount of
material taken from the mine and the (8 — боломжтой) … amount of
available mineral.

1. Career Paths: Natural Resources II Mining - Student's Book (with
Digibooks Application) Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Kenneth
Rodgers, 2014, ISBN978-1-4715-6286-0
2. English for Mining Engineers: Handbook for students of the Faculty
of Energy and Ecology / school. : S.V. Sukhovetska, S.G. Kur'yata,
N.I. Krushinska, O.S. Larina, L.L. Otdelnova. – Zhytomyr: ZhDTU,
3. Grigorieva N.V. English for mining engineers (dual training):
Textbook. Prokopyevsk, 2015.
4. N. Saienko, O. Semyda Professional English for Future Mining
Engineers Kyiv, 2020
Perm State Technical University, 2009
Published by USGU Ekaterinburg, 2009


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