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Extent of Passion Justifying Expression of Anger: Although passion can be a good

quality in the job, it shouldn't be a justification for angry or hostile remarks directed at
coworkers. Ashley's outbursts and use of derogatory language are obviously
unprofessional and detrimental to the workplace. Understanding that passion should be
directed constructively—that is, toward solving problems and getting things done rather
than criticizing coworkers—is vital.

2.Resolving the conflict with Ashley stands as a critical necessity to preserve a

harmonious work environment. Ignoring her behavior may escalate tension and
compromise team morale. To address this, Ashley's manager and colleagues should
adopt a structured approach. Initially, engaging in open, direct, and empathetic
communication becomes pivotal. A candid conversation needs to be facilitated,
expressing genuine concerns regarding Ashley's behavior while highlighting its impact
on team dynamics and the company's reputation. Moreover, setting explicit
expectations around acceptable workplace behavior and professionalism is crucial. It's
imperative to ensure Ashley comprehends her responsibilities in fostering a positive
work atmosphere. Additionally, offering support and guidance proves beneficial. Ashley
might benefit from guidance on how to channel her passion constructively and express
concerns more diplomatically. Providing her with resources, like anger management or
communication training, could aid in her development. Subsequently, monitoring
Ashley's progress becomes essential. Regular follow-ups will help gauge her
improvement, enabling the provision of constructive feedback and acknowledgment for
any positive changes observed.

3.There are a number of suggestions and areas for improvement that can help Ashley
advance professionally and reduce any threats to her career inside the organization.
First and foremost, developing self-awareness is an essential first step. It's critical to
support Ashley in considering how her actions have affected her reputation and
professional relationships. This self-examination may act as a spur to transformation.
Furthermore, it is imperative to underscore the importance of emotional intelligence.
Encouraging her to acquire competencies pertaining to emotion regulation and
proficient communication with peers might have a substantial positive impact on her
career advancement. It also becomes essential to promote ongoing professional
development. Motivating Ashley to proactively pursue workshops or courses that
concentrate on conflict resolution, communication techniques, and leadership abilities
could provide her with the essential resources to address professional challenges.

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