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A o~::: 901/~01011 ~il3.(V)5fl.5!A11R.

ml fly 0
& way

mm eart h
m voice

B get

B thick

mm knock
• down
llim fight

mm fast

mm ride
em grow

mm pocket

• sweet
& hit

mm mountain
• 1oudly
• easily
• make fun of
tmJ put on



11 j' ~E'~ I 1it: --····---' ,
f!! 1
-~;;: ·-. .,_
~.......,.-..-.-- -r---..-.. .,__~--.. ·-'...

m fly (flew-flown) 1 (AH • ~ol) ~ct 2 1::11~ 5lct nt2.f

[flai] Chickens can't fly well. 'it~g ~XI ~ti-Cl-.
We are flying from Seoul to BoStO n,
~2.\e Ai~OIIAi ~t!~ 1:11~ ~Olct.
That fly is really big! i1 nt2.\e ~W 3.Q!

um way (W 1 2
[wei] I know the way to the supermarket
Lt-e 71-e Vet.
a way of life {IJ-i!' 'Af~

mm earth [@11 Xl=i1 2 '8, XI~

[a:r0] The earth is round. Xl,1l= 3~Q.
The earth began to shake. igo1 ~~2.171 Al~~Q.

mm voice [@~~2.1.~
[v:Jis] He speaks in a small voice . .:ie ~g ~±2.\£!. Wti-ct.
voice mail §{1 an~

mn get (got-got) 1 ~tt. ~q 2 3 £~<5tQ

I got a book from my fnend.
· Lt-e ~,1£!.¥CJ ttfotct
G d ~, *H.2.
"'ie! CM .

o an . get your bag. 7fAi Lil 7f~~ 7fX12.t2.J-.

What time did you
get home? '-=le AIOII ~Oii .!r:~J-~LI?

s thick lW it-@, 9 7}!~ ®thin

She wore thick socks .J.1.: '--
. =h= ~JJfff ,:;;;;:
Al71 010iq
L.!......_MM •

mm knock 00 (@~)9C:2.ltt
[nak] ~ '-'lL::,

Dad kn
ocked on the d
oor. 0tllllfJL co
r ir1sa ~s.2.1~q-
mi down
@l Oti!lli., ~Q. ~o
._ -.-$. ® up
The boy came
down from th
e rock
54 · .J. ±t!g l:lf~IOIIAi Llt2'1~'1-
rm fight (fought-fought) .ut~Q lW
Don't fight with your friends. 1:11 ~Fi'-~:i!I Mf-lf-J:I Df2.i.
They had a fight at school. :i~g ~.ii!.OIIA1 M~Q.

mm fast [W (~~ol) 1111-e @slow '!f2.I @slowly

That car is really fast. J:1 ~f'e ~'M 111fg_q_
She can run fast . :LL.s/e ~2./ '@~ * ~Q.
mo ride (rode-ridden) (W · •~B! ~ ) EJ-Q lW (W · ~B! ~otl) EJ-.71
He rode a horse. :re 'M~ ~Q.
Mom gives us a ride to school. .lf-2./~ ~.ii!.77tJ:I Elt.\',IQ '?-t!Q.

1m1 grow (grew-grown) 1 X~i!.tQ, ~~fq 2 .71.~q ® raise

She grew 8 centimeters in two years. :LL9e 2\:'llt 8cm7f J:t~Q.
I grow potatoes. 4e :i;r;,;~ 7/eQ.
ill growth [W ~;g.

1m1 pocket
He put the pen in his pocket. :re :i 't!!~ '?DlLJOII ~\1.tQ.
a jacket pocket .xtt~ '?DlLJ

m sweet [W H,
This chocolate is very sweet. 01 ~~',:!g '@Q.

E hit !ID (hit-hit) lllt2.lct, ;:1q

She hit the ball with her hand. :LL9e :i ~Q.

rn mountain lW tt; (-s) ttqq

I saw a bear on this mountain . 4e 01 t!OIIA1 .s!~Q.
the Taebaek M ountains Elt""1t!'ll/

Gm loudly
-e, Al.ll~PII ®! quietly
We can't talk loudly in the theater.
.lf-2./e ~'&OIIA1 e .±2./£ 'M~ '? filQ.
ill loud [W e .±2./£1, AITI2.i~

rmJ easily -aJfl, *113tJfl
[f:zali] Food can easily go sour in summer. o:i'§otl-e .g.~ t
GJ easy *'g 111

mm make fun of ~~2.1q

They make fun of my name . .:::z.~:: Llf 01'§~ 7~Xii! ~flt.t.

mm put on ~Q[t!Q, ~q] ® take off

He put on his new shoes . .:::z.:: Aff ~~Q.

Check- Up • -

1 fight
2 knock
8 -e ±2.1£, .A.Ill ~Pfl
9 (-§~~01) UH~:::; ~2.I
3 fly
10 ITfli:!.lq, ~lq

4 down
11 ~o c::l}jo

5 grow LC

12 XI~;~. XI~
6 voice

7 way 13 -aJII, -9-~o~Jll
14 t!; t!rut

[IS-18) ~2.l'~OII WJfl 'tl{!-otl Wa ~£A11R.

15 What time did you _ _ _ _ home? (Li::: AIOJI ~OJI £~~LI?)

16 He
17 ---- his new shoes. (.:r::: AH -t)~~ -t)~q.)
18 Mom gives us a(n) to school. (',J !.: -\'-2j ~ii!»fAl Ell~ q -':'tl cf.) I
They my name.(::!~::'. Lff 01;,:;::; 7fAIJ1 ,;f!CI


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