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List of Modules


1. General Guidelines in On-the-Job Training OJT416 - 1

2 Work Ethics and Values OJT416 - 2

3 Personality Management OJT416 - 3

4 Personal Effectiveness OJT416 - 4

Bachelor of Science in Bulacan Date Developed:

Accounting Information September 2021 Page 1 of 5
Polytechnic Date Revised:
System College
Accounting Information Developed by:
Document No. Mr. Eugene A. Ruano
System Internship (On-the- Revision # 00
c/o Admin
Job Training)


Bachelor of Science in Bulacan Date Developed:

Accounting Information September 2021 Page 2 of 5
Polytechnic Date Revised:
System College
Accounting Information Developed by:
Document No. Mr. Eugene A. Ruano
System Internship (On-the- Revision # 00
c/o Admin
Job Training)

COURSE TITLE: Observation and Participation

MODULE TITLE Personality Management



At the end of this module you MUST be able to:

1. Define personality;

2. Identify the components of personality and

3. Identify the methods of assessing personality.


1. Personality definition;

2. Components of personality and

3. Methods of assessing personality.


1. Recitation

2. Quiz-T or F

The Power of Self Improvement @ 2010

Bachelor of Science in Bulacan Date Developed:

Accounting Information September 2021 Page 3 of 5
Polytechnic Date Revised:
System College
Accounting Information Developed by:
Document No. Mr. Eugene A. Ruano
System Internship (On-the- Revision # 00
c/o Admin
Job Training)
I. Define Personality

1.1 Personality (Pagkatao)

▪ It is the particular combination of emotional (feeling),

attitudinal, mental (thinking) and behavioral (behaving)
response of an individual. Different personality theorists present
their own definitions of the word based on their theoretical
▪ It is the sum total of the qualities and characteristics of a person
as shown in her manner of talking, walking, dressing, her
attitudes, interest and ways of reacting to other people.

The “big five” are broad categories of personality traits. While there is
a significant body of literature supporting this five-factor model of
personality, researchers don’t always agree on the exact labels for
each dimension. However, these five categories are usually described as

1. Openness- this trait features characteristics such as

imagination and insight and those high in this trait also tend
to have a broad range of interests.
2. Conscientiousness- common features of this dimension include
a high level of thoughtfulness, with good impulse control and
goal-directed behaviors. Those high in conscientiousness tend
to be organized and mindful of details.
3. Extraversion- this trait includes characteristics such as
excitability, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness and high
amounts of emotional expressiveness.
4. Agreeableness- this personality dimension includes attributes
such as trust, kindness, affection and other prosocial

Bachelor of Science in Bulacan Date Developed:

Accounting Information September 2021 Page 4 of 5
Polytechnic Date Revised:
System College
Accounting Information Developed by:
Document No. Mr. Eugene A. Ruano
System Internship (On-the- Revision # 00
c/o Admin
Job Training)
5. Neuroticism- individuals high in this trait tend to experience
emotional instability, anxiety, moodiness, irritability and


1. Physical- focuses on all the external attributes of an
2. Emotional- explains one’s sentiments or feelings towards
something or someone in a given situation or instance.
3. Mental- focuses on one’s mental capacity or intelligence
quotient (IQ)
4. Social- is seen primarily on the extent of a certain individual
to deal with other people around them by observing the
protocol of human relations.
5. Spiritual- is about the belief of people in worshipping a
Divine Being

Factors Affecting One’s Personality

▪ Genetics
▪ Diseases
▪ Being brought up in an unstable environment
▪ Losing a mate to death or accident at a young age
▪ Medications
▪ Comments about your personal appearance
▪ Being hurt too often in life

Agents in Developing Personality

1. Family- it is the basic unit of society and is also the basic

foundation of personality development.
2. School- it is the formalized agent of personality development.

Bachelor of Science in Bulacan Date Developed:

Accounting Information September 2021 Page 5 of 5
Polytechnic Date Revised:
System College
Accounting Information Developed by:
Document No. Mr. Eugene A. Ruano
System Internship (On-the- Revision # 00
c/o Admin
Job Training)
3. Church- is a different formalized agent of personality
formation where the rules stipulated are not made by
humans but by the divine providence within which people are
expected to abide.
4. Peer Group- is a type of agent in the formation of
personality where no specific rules are laid for the so-called
enjoyment of its members.
5. Mass Media- is another influential agent in the formation of
one’s personality through the use of some devices.


1. First Impression- a first impression gives some people a clue

to the pattern of the observed individuals
2. Pseudo-scientific Methods
2.1 Physiognomy- a method of judging personality through
the measurement of a person’s physical features, most
especially facial features
2.2 Phrenology- a method of judging personality by the
size and shape of the skull
2.3 Graphology- a method of using person’s handwriting to
know his personality. The criss-crossing of one’s hands
have an implication to one’s personality.
2.4 Astrology- it explains that the location and pattern of
heavenly bodies have significance to one’s personality.
2.5 Physiognomy- this explains that the structure and
expression of one’s physique reveals personality.
2.6 Numerology- it explains that the numbers pertaining
to one’s birth date have an implication to one’s

Bachelor of Science in Bulacan Date Developed:

Accounting Information September 2021 Page 6 of 5
Polytechnic Date Revised:
System College
Accounting Information Developed by:
Document No. Mr. Eugene A. Ruano
System Internship (On-the- Revision # 00
c/o Admin
Job Training)

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